The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1946, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Tho Slaloaman. Salem. Oregon. Friday, Octobet II. Ui6
WU, LimfielcQ Vie
In Sweeftllainifril EMix
" ToKMip Scramble for Conference
lxnl Sel for U p.m. Kickoff
Pipped knee-deep In tradition, and Methodist victories, the
long and colorful Willamette-Llnfleld football rivalry Is resumed
tonight on Sweetland field when Wait Ericsson's Bearcats make
thnr 194A home debut with Wayne Horn's apparently potent Wild
cat in an eight o clock fame
Tonifcht'i mis. espected to draw
around 3tHK) customer, will le
the 2 1 t gridiron meeting of the
tCi school. And probably never
-tefcie in the long hitory of the
'Cat eH.n ha ariy game meant
a muih to either aid. The Wild
cat, following victories over
Humboldt State and highly-rated
College of Idaho are undefeated
and loaded with hoes of going
through to a Ntnthwet confer
true championship. The Bearcat,
although toppled- by San Jose
Hate, rame bat k to wallop U of
British Columbia Ut week and
ie equipped vuth a league rec
Cut Jut a pure Lmfield s. To
rmhl't winner and the crucial
tattle looms a stricitly a tossup
Stands a gnod chance of intching
the NW bunting, a mantle-piece
ri.g bartered by the Willamette.
In ftt. Willamette has won the
conference tf.imn in etght Of the
lat rune yer. Whether ahe ia
to nuke It nine of ten could be
derided quite eaily In tonight!
(;enerally a pushover for Wil
lamette team, the Wildrata are
anything but a memlter of that
Iride this fi rat year of full re
ference tomhdowning since the
war The lat and only time the
Lnfield nicked the WU'i came
In 1125 when a field goal dumped
the Methodist S Jo 0
Kiukumi clan will boast a
weight advantage of eight pounds
In the line, tonight, but give It
t.k In the bark field Willamette'
line ltl start at 197 jxumd er
iillar Linfield's UI do 189. The
liearcat Imtki will heft an aver
age i f 170 pound. Linfield'a 180.
. Itoth sides are Mocked with pre
war veteians. Of WUi starting
eleven of Marv CJadman and
Bill Keder. end; Garrell (Truck)
Iltinrr and Ken J-obcn. tackles;
ltob I.noan and Paul Cooklng
fm. guard.; Tat White, center;
Johnny Slaiichik, Howie lorenz.
ln y M. Keel and At Wlchert,
!... Slanchik and Ireni
ate rx't prewar standouts. Hut
th of the freshmen have
locked g-d in Be-uat gamea to
The Bearcat tUkh, although on
a ar with Ijnfield's tor the game,
i upped a notch during the
week when It wu learned that
U o b b y Douglas, triple-threater
from Honolulu who haa mied
the firt two gurnet because of an
Injury, will likely be ready for
action. -
The Wildcat will line up as
folio . the team listing many
veteran: Al CI rove and Chuck
ptl.p. end; Jac k Front and Tom
I nekton, ta. kle. Clarence Gil
mer and Hill Currier, guard;
( taierue Mellbye. center; John
Feelev. Merrill .. le. Arnold
Huntley and Keith Marshvll.
tc k.
- - ' 'is''"'''--
ViEmgs Face IBeimdl
Dim Big-G CirycSaB
Salems Plan Relurn to Win Side
In Tilt With Favored Lava Bexir
Faced with taking this one or talking of other than Big-6 loop
pennanta and the like, Salem high'a Viklnga tonight tangle with
the respected and favored Bend Lava Bears f in a league grid
crucial at Bend. The jBenders, coached this year by Hank Hilsen and
equipped wiin a pair or; galloping
bucks in Dick. Maudlin and Bill
Sheffold, arc! unbeaten in two
league outings thus far. The Vik
ings dropped the duke, 13-6, to
Albany in their only Big-6 excur
sion to date. Another Ions for SHS
practicalfy eliminates them from
all titular contention.
Coach, Harold Hauk, after a
strenuous week of practice ses
sions to bolster the locals follow
ing their upset at Albany, an
nounced last night he would like
ly start the following eleven for
Salem, same eleven now carefully
versed in ways and means of stop
ping Bend's T-formatlon, the same
system Albany used to rip through
the locals lat week:
Ends --Hill Hill and Carlos
Houck. Tackles - - Don Gettis and
either Chuck Baker or Bob Wiper.
Cluurds -- Wayne II outer and
George Zurlinden. Center - - Bob
Gof frier. Quarterback - - Chuck
Robins. Halfbacks Dick Alli
son and either Met Boggs or Bud
Michaels. Fullback- - Roger
Exaete4 back la Bearcat II neap tonight.
Willamette-Linf ield Lineups:
reach-- Walt Erlckao'n
Ne. Kama Wt.
41 DONOVAN ...........
42 r. WHITE
ftt RF.DER ..
7 HIJtNC'HIK ..........
it Mr K F.F.I
Ceach - - Wayne Ham
Tea. Wt. Name N.
1 C 17t MELLBYE 34
... LTR ..125 ERICKSO.V . IS
Ur.. LER 17$ BISHOP i.i 14
15 IQ ... 105' 8EELEY t
1SS ... I.I1R ....I8 BOYLE 2
183 . .... i F ... 20S MARSHALL It
uil.fjiM fTTE RESERVES: 2t Hardr. b. 21. Lakle, b. 22 Bohn-
Vnkamp. g. 23 Ranran. e. 24 Gabaer. g. 23 Burleigh, b. 24 Dong las, b.
28 Beb White, e. 2t Wlnthers. b. St Maey, b. SI C. Johnson, e. 32 C.
ratUraon. e. 34 B. Patterson, eJ SS Fie t hall, b. SS Jobnarvd, g. 40
Bryant b. 41 Nnaa. g. 44 Fnrne, b. 45 Connor, b. II Ereollnl. t. 12 B.
I1UI. e. S3 Yeager. b.
UNFIELD REKERVESi 12 Ralph, g. IS Phlppe, o. 11 Natter, e.
1 Ramp. . 17 Gilbert. . IS DeJong, L 21 Balcb. o. 22 Coeper. b. 23
Loieelle. b. 2S Brown, t. 2t Scofleld. b. St Carpenter, g. S2 Ar
laa4er, e. ;
PORTLAND. Oct. lt-VTho
bow and arrow beys didn't do
so well at deer bantlag In the
Dearhotea refnge. A bnndreif
an4 forty arehers. got Juat eight
4eer In the apecUl aeaaon that
ended Snntiay.
Kertiem: Netko who pitched the
-.. V
mil i. HQ 4'
P I. Ih. WIU AHhongh Al w V f
be barn in inee parw
be oolf. for a !. ,
place to sleep regalarlr In nan
I rancKco. ao there la to bo bla
aiaUr addreaa. natarally. . .
Odd that Lefty O'Donra Seala
SU win the playoffs at that I
ally the antat mortema are won
by any dab other than the one
wbleh ropped the regular pen
nant. ... All Mlverten and eape-!
tally the Inhabitants who arf
roond MriitnaU field will likely
be down on er neek for this,
bn I da aged If wo ran see light In
Jahnny reby'e writing on tho f ,."f '
aeeondS gaaae of the world series. I
anaybe Ifs the hardneaa of thla I ?
t lU field which haa na np- I f
set" Jahnny should have thought I I mat y
that oyer before he wrote It for I d -
.w- k .1... m.m ttim AL LIEN
nportaman's park pasture ma ay times thla year. . . . Speaking of
playing field. BU Boos (ieorge lnlgh says the Waters arena. brrlng
n beay rain, will be In fine feltle for tho snajor leagvera' eshlblUon
game Hunday. Keeping a ball yard In shape after the season eloaeu
la uwoally a slseable tah. but tieorge and bla groundkoeper, "Tn
Baron," have been preparing for tho vlU by Bill Beyens d Co.
Bevena. InrtdenUlly. haa been conquering the Nationals handily In
their iaaml aeroao eounUy. Ills pitching opponent for Sunday tan t
n del kntto rb.le yet but he U apt U be either Johnny Vander Meey
or easily renteenbered Charlie Schans. . . .
Mnuhnc Strip Due for lleautijicalion Job
IIm racing, poalwar apeeteo. Un't a big big business? Ron
Geanmelt Up sleuth al the Portland Meadowa oval, was telling na
the other day that the 45-day meeting at HaaU Anita (Arcadia, Cal.)
laal m Inter showed a net profit or cool eight million dollars! Eight
million In 45 days la making It almost aa fast as L'ncle P am net
make hi. . . . Speaking of the already beautiful Portland atrip.
Director Bill Kyne plana even more grandeur for It next year. Two
lake, bedgr. tree, shrubs and other beautifleatlon are to be added
to make It "the moat eye-catching track In America." Chances art
It will estch other than merely the eyea of tho betting faithful tod.
m4 mebbo even mom of thoao flamingos which dress np one of
tho florid ovals. One of tho Portland Meadows lakes has already
attracted atrsy geese and ducka. Now If they'd only devise mm lm
provesnent which would tell yon what nag to bet on . . . .Add
gents with a thousand Jobs. Bob Knot. Monmouth Norma I'a new
roach. The former Portland prep mentor at Franklin high la no
le than roach, athletic dlrrrtor. athletic manager, trainer, doctor,
water boy and port-time Janitor at OCR aa tho school Is caught
In maneuvers to main prewar status. Tho Kasi rrew plays Malty
Mathews' 1-ewU and Markers at Monmouth Saturday. Incidentally.
. . . hheeld Ralph Coleman come np with nulla pitching prospect
at OHC In one Joe Conner neat spring, he ean thank W. 11. (BUI)
Parker, the former Ontario man who Js now operating his gnto
specialties company here In town at 103S North 18th. An enthus
taU aporUter of long standing, and an Oregon State man to boot,
Parker pegs young Conner aa n whale of a pitching find. Parker
blmaelf has been around baseball ejulte a spell 24 years with tho
Ontario semlpro nine to be esart . .
Stan, Spartan Tie
KAN JOSE, Calif. Oct. 10
Tho Hawaiian All-St.n and the
Fn Jo Mate Spttttuns fought
to a thilll-oaikvU, 1.-10 Uo lure
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 10 -A-William
Kenny. 17. St. John's
high school football tackle, died
today In Temple university hos
pital of head Injuries suffertHl
duxuig; practice gciimrrmgg. ;
WVL Feature
At Silvcrtpii
SILVERTON, Oct.? J0.-(Speclal)
Coach Ray Doe's SUverton Silver
Foxes face rugged task here Fri
day" f t e r n o o n when they go
against the bandy high team in
tho week's top WUlmette Valley
league football game. Tho tilt is
set for 2:30 o'clock on McGinnis
field and finds both teams un
defeated in league play.
Meanwhile, the powerful Molal
la Indians face an easy afternoon
at Efctacada, Woodbuxn goes to
Canby to meet the potent and fav
ored Cougars and Dallas seeks
second straight win at Mt. Angel
with the winles I'rc-ps.
. 'f - . ..
County Leaguers
Busy on Friday
GERVAIS. Oct 1 - (Special) -The
Jefferson Lions play the St,
Paul Saints in an 8 o'clock game
at St Paul and the Mill City Tim
berwolves tangle with the Hub
bard Rockets at Hubbard In an
afternoon game Friday as the
Marlon county, football loop plays
off Its second round. Chemawa
has already won from Aumavllle
Vila default and Gervais draws
bye Friday.
Civics league reanlU at Per
fection Alleys last night were:
Klwanls No. 1 (2), 20-30 (1)1
Klwanls No. S (3) Salem Lions
No. 1 (t)t West Salem Lions
(2) Salem LI on No. S (1); Jun
ior Chamber (S) Actives (t).
rsptUI Drag lm, ;
fsn Vt
McKihanay .. ; . ... tl
Merrill .. , . . IM
Cushing 114
Mualhaupt , 13 17
Achtta's SM(irr 1
ll- 34S
lit 3ftt
farr , ..
Po lil
14S 10
.. Ill IIS
.... 144 111
I4S 371
12 41t
IMr 157 SIS
1M lie 411
!.!( riartats (S)
Ingli . ,
(Blank) " ...
Bradley -
SleUes (I)
Bow laby ......
(iraham ,
Anderson .
HharpnacM ... . ,
Smith .
104 IIS
117 III
.. 14S 13S
. . Ill
... in
. I7
117 34S
1 4- 4HI
12S 34
Vlnre's KiorUto l
llarr .. .
paleraon . .
heeva .
Beauchamp ., . ...
Olney - ....
109 III
114 12S
I OS 103
112 100 I22-3.IS
J14 13S 133-SSB
12V 3:tU
(loMen Pheaaat ( :
MrCarroll Hi 14S 1404M
Uoyd - - Hi 170 127473
McNeil 144 1S4 I2S-4M
(W 153 113375
14 103 17S 47
SrhaU rarailar l)
Snsiey . . IS 1S7 lM-Blt
Allen 11 12K 120 440
Boyd ...... .151 120 12-404)
Putnam . 115 154 153-433
Meyer 109 24 113-34
nW HaawekelBg Co. (I)
Heart ... -134 134 151 3W
JcmeS J 57 167 120443
Durrland 103 137 112-334
Albficii 114 14 117 -37
WhltWOf th . . ill 14 1U 400
Double Mainer
On Armory Mat
Satisfied that this week's dual
main event met with the favor of
the fans. Matchmaker .Elton
Owen has announced another for
his Ferry Street Garden grappling
show next Tuesday night. The
usual two prelims will accompany
the double mainer. :
Only one of the top brawls has
thus far been signed. In it the
freshly-returned and still vicious
Mr. Stonefare will toss his head
bonks against Likeable Karl Gray,
the well known who In asking for
the tussle with the masked hood
lum figures a win over him will
elevate Karl to higher prestige in
tho Northwest bleep circuit. The
second mainer will bo announced
later, along with tho prelims.
Newcomer Frank lo Hart, who was
a wow In his debut this week,
will bo seen again in one of the
prelim shots Tuesday.
Leslie Golds
Defeat Parrish
Leslie's gridders have found
tho Parrish plague to bo defi
nitely halted for the present
anyway. Harry Mohr's Leslie
Golds yesterday smacked the
1'urrit.h Cardinals 12 to 7 on
dinger field for the .second Mis
oioriary win in two night, the
lmlie Blues having tripped tho
Pioneer Grays, 19-13 on Wednes
day and all this after Purrinh
aggregations had reigned supreme
since 1938.
Mohr's lads struck swiftly
against Leonard Warren's gang,
registering two touchdowns in the
first three minutes of play. The
first counters came after Half
back Kenny Lawrence had re
turned a punt to the Pioneer 35.
Halfback Hal Porter ripped
through right tackle to the 15,
whereupon I .aw rente paSKed to
-End Clark Ecker for the touch
down. Hurt Harp's conversion try
was blocked.
After kicking off, right back
again came tho fired up Golds
as tho scintillating Lawrence
again returned a Card kick to
the 35. On the first play End Don
Brennan got behind the Parrish
secondary and took another Lawr
ence aerial for an, additional six
points. A fumble spoiled the con
version attempt.
Parrish got its score early in
tho third quarter when Leslie
elected to run with tho ball on
fourth down from Us own 23
and failed. The Cardinals lunged
to tho Golds' one In three pluy.
where Bacon bucked tor the tally.
Next week It will be civil war
with tho Leslie Blues and Golds
and the Parrish Grays and Cards
Ingram Snares
Flag Tourney
Salem Golf rlubbers, as a di
version from the club title play
offs, engaged In a Flag tourney
resterday afternoon with Ned
ngram coming out on top with
38-4- and a holeout on the 10th.
Second was J. A. McAllister on
a 38-3- with his ball 18 feet
from tho 10th pin.
In title play yesterday Harold
dinger topped Frank Albrich,
S and 2. in the Championship
flight. Other results: Hug beat
Waterman, S arid 2; Alley nosed
Mapes, 1 up on the 22d; Pekar
decisioned Thompson, 1 up on
tho 20th all In the second
flight. In the eighth flight Camp
bell topped Bishop, 1 up on the
Cliciuawa in Tilt
In Junction City
CHEMAWA, Oct. lO-(Special)-Tho
Chemawa Indians step from
Marion County league play Friday
to travel south for a football game
with the Junction City Tigers.
Coach Earl Hampton has named
the starting Chemawa lineup as
follows: Ends,! Captain Lawrence
Orcutt and Joe Blow; tackles, Jim
Chock toot and Glen Brown;
guards, Ken Sam and Bob Frye;
center, Dave Shellal; backs, Le
Roy Hoffer, Joe Pinkham, Dick
llillnlne and Fred KuUima. Backs
Nathaniel Baker and Levi Nclton
are out with injuries.
Rugged Going Awaits State's Prep Grid headers
By the Aociated Prens
. Oregon's 19 unbeaten prep
football teams and a handful of
once-defeated powerhouses will
trot onto the gridiron this week
end forests that will bounce at
least one squad from the un
beaten, nntled ranks. McMlnn
vllle, Tualatin - Yamhill valley
defending, champion, lays Its
unsrored-upon record on the
block today at Illllsboro against
the other unbeaten, untied team.
That'a the weekend's only un
tied, unbeaten match-up, but
stiff tests are facing most of
the rest of Oregon's unblemish
ed circle; five teams unbeaten.
unscored upon, untied; nine un
beaten, untied; five unbeaten
but tied. Hood River's flre-est-lAg
Dragons, pointing for their
fourth straight victory, trek lo
meet a Gresham squad that's
unbeaten but held to one score
lews.tle. Down in the Willam
ette, Valley league, where the
going hasn't been stiff enough
to do much tarnishing, the un
acored upon Molalla Bucks and
Dallas Dragon ought to keep
a perfect slate against, respec
tively. Estacada and Mt. Angel.
Woodburn. three-year champ
which lost one non-league game
this season, faces a stiff loop
battle against unbeaten but tied
Canby. Silverton, which has
won IU lone game, plays Sandy
In another tilt.
Others from the unbeaten,
untied circle should chalk up
another marker today: Koe'
burg over Springfield; Seaside
over Srappooae In a Imw er Co
lumbia league game, and Co
lumbia Prep of Portland over
Vernonla; Washington over Ben
son and Grant over Roosevelt
at Portland. Burns, whose per
fect record was made in a
home game against Redmond.
Central Catholic of Portland has
no tilt scheduled lo disrupt Its
unblemished slate.,
.Eugene, once tied br Med
ferd. will be a slight favorite
over Albany in a key Big 9i
conference tilt. Bend, the mo
mentary Big Sis leader, enter
tain the Salem Yikino In a
try for a. third straight confer
ence win. Medford's Black Tor
nado, whose record p-irallels
Eugene, will travel to -Enrrka,
Calif. Reedsport. the I9tS state
"R" champion which haa grown
up to an "A" school this year,
will entertain Bandon-Saturday
In an attempt to keep Its un
beaten but tied slate.
Cards, in Amazing Batting Display,
PTwlMI SMKiAC II Irr MfS-frlh 11 O Art 3 T
Lam V WU I mV&U VV UU I Hill & gg ILH-F & U U I IUJ I V U QJr U U
..... - ' v i
.:... , i
. ' ' tf
. I
7 ' v
- i v.-
,Os- ' -' --Y "tntrr n-TTrnaii ill mil iliilinil.iilfai.Hii , , nn nfmi- ilri " -if
BOSTON. Oct. 10-04 VWIIITEY KUROWSKI, Cardinal third base
man, slides Into second base ahead of Ted Williams' throw to
Bobby' Doerr for double In the second Inning of the fourth
world series game between the St. Louis Cardinals and Boston
Red Sox. The umpire Is Cal Hubbard. (AP Wirephoto)
$76,000 Ringer9-
Ritt Iaiw Stepped in
Washington housewifo testified in
criminal court today a capital city
race horse owner told her In ad
vance last November he planned
to run a "ringer" at Pimlico track
and expected to "clean up about
$76,000." Mrs. Lottie Bowers was
a prosecution witness at the trial
of James S. O'Donnell and Ro
land B. Banner, both of Washing
ton, on charges of false pretenses
and conspiracy In connection with
the race at Pimlico last November
U12 and 27.
Hunters Asked
To Tag IJirds
PORTLAND. Oct. 0-tA1 Phea
sant hunters were Warned by the
state game commission today to
tag their birds before trekkintf
home to a cloeed area or one with
a smaller bag limit. Malheur coun
ty will have tho longest season:
Oct. 19-Nov. 3, with a limit of
four cocks a day, eight in a wttk
or in possession.
A bag limit of three a day. lx In a
week or In poiteiilon, will be efler
IJV0 In the oilier open counties of ',
Oouiclas, Josephine, J ark mm. Klamath,
Desc-hutes, Crook, Hood Klver, Wimo,
Kherman, Gilliam, Wheelar, Morrow,
Umatilla. Union. Wallowa, Halter.
Grant, Harney and I.aSe (Sumner lake
area excluded) from CXI. IS to 27. tie
cause of a pheasant shortage, the
Willamette valley has no open season
this year.
Walker Event
Set Next Year
NEW YORK, Oct. 10-MVThe
U. 8. Golf association announced
today that the International Wal
ker Cup matches between the
best amateurs of Great BriUiin
and the United States will be re
sumed at St. Andrews, Scotland,
May 18 and 17, 1947. Members of
the eight-man American team
which will attempjt to bring buck
to this country the trophy held in
Kngland since a 'British team won
it in 1938, probably will be an
nounced at tho annual USGA
meeting in January.
WehfoolH A11
l wo ijciit-riiicn
EUGENE, Oct. 10. - (71") -Two
more lettermen, Tackle Merritt
Kufferman and Halfback Ieroy
Erlckson, joined the University of
Oregon grid squad today. Jake
Leicht, triple-threat back benched-
by a knee Injury for two weeks,
was reported improving today but
not likely to start against Mon
tana university here Saturday.
Ferrier Hot
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Oct. 10
(A)- Jim Ferrier, Chicago pro,
flashed a 10-under-par 62 to set
the pace In the opening round
of Montgomery's $10,000 open
golf tournament tod.iy. He set a
new record for the Beauvoir
Country club course an he turned
in an eagle and eight birdies over
the 6350-yard Beauvoir links and
one-putted 1 1 greens.
FORT WORTH, Tex., Oct. 10.
-(TlVMrs. George (Babe) Zahur
ias of 'Denver fired a two under
par 35-3873 at Miss Grace Len
czyk of Newington. Conn., Thurs
day over muddy Colonial Coun
try club 6.463-yard course to
move Into the semifinals of the
12th annual Texas women's open
golf touniumcnt.
Mulligan Gets
Klepper Post
PORTLAND, Oct. lOWPr-Wil-Ham
Mulligan will be a Pacific
Cosst league business manager
again next season but with the
Beavers Instead of the Ralnlers.
George Norgan, president of
the Portland Beaver ball club,
announced Mulligan's appoint
ment today, 24 hours after he
resigned from the Seattle club
managership.. William II. Klep
per resigned the Beaver posi
tion recently.
glers were advised to try the
coast again this weekend, as the
state game commission reported
fishing In Inland areas only fair
to poor. Good fishing was re
ported to Clatsop. Coos, and
Curry counties, with many limit
ratches. Trout fishing Improved
In the Coqullle river, and salm
on fishers reported excellent
luck on the Rogue river both
on troll and casting.
The upper McKensle river In
Lane county yielded a few more
fish this last week, but the game
commission said the Lane coun
ty outlook generally was not
good. Eastern Oregon fishing
conditions are described as gen
erally unfavorable.
Orange Players
In Good Shape
CORVALLIS, Oc t. 10. (At Ore
gon State grid.Mters, readying for
their Saturday contest with South
ern California, reported today that
the sick and Injured list was prac
tically blank. Only one man - -Frosh
Tackle Ed Cat michael r -was
not in sturting shnpe. Car
michael suffered a slight Injury
in practice.
Morris, former University of
Washington biisketbnll great, has
signed a contract to play with the
Kansas City M & O Smokies of
tho Amorlcun Husketbiill league,
club officials announced tonight.
For Thorough,
Reliable Aulo Body
Fender Work
You ran depend upon our body
shop to turn out work on your
car that you ean bo proud of.
465 Center fit. - Ph. 6133-B467
18th Year In Salem
Red Bmls Belt 20 Hit Off Six
it. .a i. ...... rr:.. i?:. " i
JtCII OU.X a lit lltlR lit X IU llUL tI u
ItOSTON, Oct. 10 -!)- TiHshinR fix Boston pitcher, or r.i r.-
able fHiMinUkcs theierif, for u record-equalling total of 20 sniit
the St. I.nuittjt'iriiinal!- tUivtml out a one-nded 12 to 3 victory iver tr.e
Red Sox ' toiiiiy to . ngnin deadlock the world reries at two Tv.r.a
apiece. An nmaed nuwd of 35,i45 loyal Sox rooters, who hai been
given to understand that their own txys packed the heavy artillery,
sat for the moht pait in morose silence as the rampant RM B.ris
tied the previous record for hits set by the New York Gur.ta in
the 1921 series against the Yankees.
Every man in the Cardinal lineup, including Pitcher George
Munger. Joined In the thunderous outburst of.bingles. Three of
them, F.nos Slaughter, Whitey Kurowskl and Joe Gsrtcioii. tied
i another series mark by Uh-
Ing four safeties apiece. Calm
In the midst of the carnaae.
Munger. who only, two months
ago still was sweating it oot
with the. army of oecupotton In
Germany, mowed the So, hit
ting array down with nine
PCC Headliner
Stanford's Indians and the Uni- I
versity of California at Ios Ange
les, meeting in" a game suddenly
hoisted into a--near-championship
attraction, headline this weekend's
far western football program. Off
their two preceding performances
and with the advantage, such as
it is, of playing on their own fjeld.
the UCIA Bruins figure to rout
the Indians whose upward surge
has provided the big surprise of
the ynting season.
While these Two are trying to
knock each other out of conten
tion, other conference encounters
will bring together Southern Cali
fornia and Oregon State at Port
land; Washington and Washington
State at Pullman and Montana and
Oregon at Eugene. Southern Call- j
fornia, odds-on pie-season choice
and a disappointment in the actual j
competition, may find itseir ana
beat the heavy Oregon State elev
en, still smarting under Its first
game beating by UCLA. Washing
ton rates an edge over Washington
State, always tough on its home
grounds. Oregon should hurdle
Montana without much difficulty.
i . v I
MHrr ,ni
(Nl.) llustun
it O A
114 Mosr.r
1JS frskv.s
I S I lllMiii.m
4 & I H HlMnis.l
4 Z S York. I
4 4 S llorrr.Z
I 1 ul.utrdgr.Z
I Z I Hlrcln.J
110 H.Kaini
MrlktM h
iubrr p
1Mi Hilda
DikK rra.p
M ulbison
acattered hlta and permitted
only one earned ran aa ho
made certain the play-off would
return to SL Louis.
The lone hottest tally rrwd eff
the big righthander waa knrkel
in. naturally, by Rudy Yrfc. U.o
balding pbpoooe fr-m erg,a.
who slapped a double into rjM-
Probable pitchers for today's
fifth game will be Ifowi Pallet
for the Cardinala and Mielury
Harris for tho Red Sev. ,
s s
I 0
Totals 4120 27 1 liul) 31 Z1 14
Itallrd for Hcbr tn Slh.
Itallrd for .iibrr In 7lh.
t lUtlrd for UrrlorMrrO In Slh.
SI. I.miU M.) Sll 010 1S4-1Z
Hoston (At.) W0 IM 0Z0 3
:rror Priky. HohMn. Marlon.
HlKKln. Rvba. Sum balled In
Slaughter. Walker. Marion 3: Mnial
2; fiarailola 3; Vork. Kurowtkl. Itoerr
Z. Two ba hlt - Kuroskkl Z; MiA
lal. Vork, Slamhlrr. Iiarahla. Mar
lon. Homo runt Slaughter, Uoerr.
Marrlflrr Marlon. Mnurr. Munger.
Walker. Double play. - Slaughter and
l.arailnli; Uoerr, Pehv and Vork:
Srhoendlen.l and MikUI, l'eky and
Doerr. v:arned run - hi. Iiul (Nl.)
S; Motion (All I. Hates on ball
off Munger 3, off Hagby I, off uber
I i olf Hronn 1, oil Kba I. Strikeout
bv llughton I, by Hagby I, by Zuber
I, 'by Munger Z. I'llrhing summary.
llughon S hit run In Z Inning
(none out In 3rd); Hagby S hu I run
In 3; 7-uber 3 hit 1 run In 2; Hrown
4 hit 3 run In I (none out In Bthl;
Kvba Z hlta I run In -,: HreUewerd 0
hlls 0 run la t-i. I oning pin her
Hughson. t'mulre Herrv (Al.) plate;
Hallanfanl (Nl.) lb; Hubbard (Al.) 2b;
Harllrk (Nl.) 3b. lime 2:11. Alten
danre ll.MJ.
center field In tho ffMirth mr.'r.g
after Teti Williams ha.i !mei a
single. The other two result"! 1 1 m
Bobby Docrr's hme run in tho
eighth alter Dom I;Mjgu haj
reached Lase on a flurm error
by shortstop Marty Msrmn.
from the mound In the third In
ning with a concentrated aaault
and continuing to belabor his
five honest but Inept successors,
the Birds from the banks of tho
Miiippl made it a brand new
world series.
While everyone on the ft. -
IOui team got In on the rat.
Slaughter swung tho biggeM bat.
Starting with a lead-off homer
In the second that greaaed tho
skids for Hughson tho fleet Card
rl hi fielder followed with a
double and two singles and sear
ed four of his team's hnna.
Table of Coastal Tides
Time computed for Tart. Ore. fcy
tha V. S. Coast and GeodeUo Survey
ror Ir.e Oregon Statesman.
0 XI m.
1Z :e p m.
1 21 a m.
1 1)7 pn.
2 12 a m.
I 43 p m.
3 a m -l
22 p m.
Time Wa'.r
f SS a m. 1
T 02 p m.
T i a m.
T 47 p m.
t W a m.
I Jl pm.
SI am,
20 9 m.
l s
-C 3
-4 3
-0 4
night at Harold Clark's - Com L
aV Pine St.
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