2 The Statoimon. Salom. Oregon, frlday. October II, 1948 .... . -f r f I li psssjsjsjsjsjBsjBj ,:: flBjBjBjpjBjBJHBJBjBjBJHS '''"'"-,r ggMMgjjjMwii BMWB I f.riWocM bmitn, t-coM 1 KiTCmCn II L ? 'i-lriiiy)j-T "jj HikiiW mm i T. bbbb1 Pobch I i t$fv In Floor Plan il'Un HJ Iirl Aihini aii Hmhdn. 109 Wt Adams Kt . 1'htcaf.o J) lUnkt ir wind In lit In room and front bedroom, full sited dlnlnc room land, while outer wall rentraatlng with green asphalt shlntle help tke IhU Iioum appealing. tlsUmalrd rosi of $7,009 for mot LM-alij.iesarluive of land make II suitable for moderate Inromea. Toil.rV H I'alteril I More Conservation NmI'I oil Marion Oniiity Farm, Tale Better car of Marion county's agricultural resources, which thia year are producing mot than $10,000,1)00 worth of food and fen! crop. Is viewed aa "an ab solute necessity by W. M. Tat, chaiiman of the county agricul t til mI conservation association. "If we are to continue to pro duce ii thin scale- we muit take step now to check soil er onion and depletion that la still taking place on too many Marion county act e." Tate declared. "Despite the conservation accomplishment and better farming methods of the pant few' years, we still are on the red iU of the conservation ledger." Funds are available through the agricultural conservation program to umiM with additional conserva tion work on county farms and the county ACA committee is encour aging farmers to apply for ap proval of extra conservation work this fall. Fall practices include liming, application of super phos phate, tiling, and seeding of per manent pastures. Well. well, this little cherub ?ure 1 m .K pioud about something. Jet it that tute button-fronter Sties wearing' Pattern 4612 has a yarty 'dress, too. i'iili included. Thia pattern. eajr to ue. sim ile to sew, i tented for fit. In clude complete llluttatcjl in atrut tioni. I'attcrn 4612 comes in sizes 2, t. 6. 8. Size 6 takes l's yards 35 llth, ' Yti(l contraM. nd lr?-IV cent tn coins gi r Una pattarn to The Orrron Matrs foan. Aim Adait'i. IS ul at. Kan lnnriMo S. Calif Print plainly NAMR, SUOIItl. OSK. SI. AND STtl-g i nri . , Jut out ! tliv naw Anne Adtml f AI I. and) Wl.MtR IS4S-47 Pa It in M.k Stiitf fif!ert carila thort for Imii p nv 1 It will bttng you laktiuitt tor ln IW famllv . . . I m a I K paitvin t.t git l's hat and ba pi intrd tight In book. 8 pm KSLII -13C3 Extra Rich! COM) LABEL ! VANILLA AND CHOCOLATE Fine Flavor! log loll Kolled In Nuts Culd Seal Vanilla 'and Vanilla with ItUck Walnut Ice Cream OT FIFTH AVKNTK ICE CKEAM AftMirted FUtorn 100'.' Pasteurized Parked Free In Frosttalre to Hold 1 to 3 Hours WE Are Happy to Fill QUANTITY OKDEILH for ICE CHE AM MM N. Liberty Hops Gleaner r Yield Smaller Says Walker The 1946 hop yield was- sur passed by the crop of a year ago, although growers were successful In their drive to get cleaner hops this year. The set of hops thia year was at Jeast 15 to 20 per cent below that of a year ago, R. M. Walker, chairman of the Inde pendence hop growers association was a shortage of pickers through estifnates. Another contributing factor In the shortened yield. Walker says, out most of the season which pro longed picking and resulted in lower grade hops with some mold and mildew damage. Walker sets the loss of hops in the Independ ence area as a result of the dearth of pickers at 7 to 10 per cent of the total yield. Most of the yards in the Wil lamette valley started picking with full crews in August, but pickers became dissatisfied with picking conditions generally and left in large numbers. Growers never did pick again with full crews despite a wage advance of one-half cent per pound. Most of the. labor difficulty stemmed from growers demands for cleaner hops the exclusion of stems and leaves which detract from the marketability of the hops. Walker cites an example of the prolonged season In one of the yards he operates. Thia year it took 38 days to complete picking No 1947 Leldown In Farm Acreage Seen for Oregon Continued maximum farm pro duction is in prospect for Oregon, says E. C Potter, chief of the division of agricultural economics, OSC. Pricea of most farm products are still high enough to rnmuiHgc as compared with 28 days In 1945. The shortage of pickers and the fact that workers seemed unwill ing to do a full day's win k caused the lag, he added. This pait week small acreages in many sections of the valley have been abandoned as a result of mold and mildew damages. IMK1 production even though the tfeiieral outlook is for giitdiially lower farm income. The acute labor shoituge lum !- n puificu luily relieved and while tmuhin ery will continue to he scune, Its chief effect Is expecW-d to be on hay production. The freight car hhortage may delay movement of fted grains into the state and other product out. Taking individual crops. Pot ter foreciifd m deciene in mt toes, a slight decri'tiM? in total Scieage of grain crops and u te duction in flax for fiber. InnrtiM-s are force-u in summer fallow acreage, truck crops for pUM'enhlng, and sod crops including a big in crease in alsikfl clover for seed In rei-poiise to demand. Hairy Vetch jni winter pcax aie ex pected to increase significantly. Sheep Few Dairy cuttle numbers may stay fit present levels with on Improved feed-milk pi ie latlon while leef cattle number are likely to de cline somewhat. Hheep numbers are low and m gradual upturn is considered desirable. Hog num bers probably will-not reach pre Wtir levels for some time because of less kim milk available and world demand for wheat its hu man food. An unfavorable ettg tatio is ex pected further to reduce egg out put while commercial broiler pro duction may continue its upward trend. Some recovery in tin key numbeis is espectcd from this season's drastic alurnp. TOI'HINTN KMX K TO IIAM PORTLAND, Oct. 10 !r) Hon -neville dam had marly half a million visitors in the first nine months of this year, 140,157 of them in August alone. firm ftr.ric IIOI HINO PORTLAND, OcH 10HV)-r:fty logging and lumber compfue weie negotiating today fnf 110 dwelling units offered fur ! by the federal public housing authoiity.. This was the first lime that surplus war! housing made available to pi i sir, firms. How To Hold FALSE TEETH -Moro Firmly In Place tUt yotir.falM ttaj anr.or arid rn ' hria t'Y li'l'"1S. druppifS or r Itliiii ul 1 1 n trim Ian - rtr lata ? J t.it pi lolt la little rAM t tri ll on uu plain Tlita alkalis tnnn-a.idi pjtlr , fmlda lal tarth nmi firn.iv and rr. t roinfoi lalily No suinmy. t-y . pa'r laMe r lavllng I nut tour O a aa "plat fMltn" tdantura biaht, 01 KAhirilM Umy a any d.u ttoiaj. 1 m i i n n n n GENUINE All-VIiii'e GOLD MEDEL FILLSBURY and DRIFTED SKTOW Likt old fritndi, thtM and othtr lamoui enriched flouri will grtet you at Saloray. Now ylro can baks your proudest cakes agiin ... to your heart's content. i 515. 37 10 Iiw71e 25lb.scc$165 i0lb.cK$3w What we mean Is that it'i here now . . . in abundance! Carlot shipments assure all who have been waiting for the return of these all-white ENRICHED flours of an ample supply. But if YOU have been waiting.. . . so have many others. There fore ... a word to the wise ... get yours THIS week! i I legcfables ire pretty . . . look before yea e:t Colorful fall, produce lend itael to decoration as well aa to menus. Use the elioM-est. fruits and vegetable from your trip to the store for centerpiece for table, mantelpiece, buffet, or shelf Itefore you eat them. He sure they are Arm, but not quite ripe. Wipe off the fruits and vegetables, shine them, but do not wash. i 1 a Spaghetti with Mushrooms Conon's- O OCc Special low price pint Jor M us! roo ms in Gravy Shody Oak 10-oi.nrc brand (or Doof B. V. brand -m-z. g-yi Ico Crocm Mix Frizz brand QUAKER J-lb. OfU a A llllf W7 I - Trv thia renlrrieia of wlieat or dry grass and autumn laavee. Tle randleholders are apples hollowed out so the candle will fit, set on autuma leave. Insert tufts of wheat in with the candle. n.ff i A-i Uwi Reo.ee Quick 0 CremcfRce SSU ,Sl1, FISHER'S MOT 20-os. CCRfAL P-o. JO Cera Kh, cc!d ccred 7: 13' Afrway Coffee 1-Q. bj 30 l!:bia CoffeeS 33' 65' Edrrtrdj Ceffee i-.-'JitSt ADricotHzlyejJ' GracW A Hen TURtCEYS Buy o who Is bird or choot ths pieces you like! WHOU- Leose7TaoH Lft. 95 VrTnIs',JVe4s U. 63 iTascsrstssI Ckkksfts Colored Frybrs u.C3 Fowl Roosters FrcshOystcrs V(odium Slzss Pint 75 Fillet of Solo Dover brand FRESH lb. 45c , mmmmmmmm HALIDUT Sliced ab-49 Pure PORK Sausage Typs 1 Country Sryls lb. W-7 Moot feotures for Fridoy ond Soturdoy. Vho!e Apricots SsSa 21' CiMPninejwlS00'!' GrenefruH X29'J.J7' Town No.ZSfC t11t House con et.vv GrepefruItJuIce GrepefmltJdce'ia Bended Jute2 18 2:39 Of C44 OS Blended Juice .p.lto.2 cen 20c Orage Jdee 'g Ho. 1 an IV Out of a floppy garden list epill eaion, yellow and red, carrot, equeeh, eu I cumbers, and eggplant. I Here fruit i arranged in a apbt kubberd aquash. Ivy leave (or other gtm leave) are placed mround the arrange ment. On each side are Danish ,) candle holders. Canot iDusJlc The Ifoasemskert' IWim Am trntrm laMaay laetaVe e Maals a Shewtr fee s ties ted leeaf f Carol Drake ha prepared three new leaflet entitled GIVING A BABY SHOWEH, THEMES AND GAMES FOH HAHY HIIOW KItS, and MENUS K)It HAflY SHOWERS that will give you idea galore. Addrea your requawt to Carol Drake, The 1 1 omens k era' Bu reau, Iks 2110, Dept. 8., San Frasv . ciaco 26. Calif. ' Kemp's NUTS In tan Sslfe) TnmH 8 -ox. 27c MIxeai Nsts 7-ox. 49 Coaksws, Alawewds 7-ox. 75 MATCHES Corton of 4 bones Soslt Msec He J corton 21 25 TODACCO - Princm Albert Buy O pound con ond Sove! lb. con 77 TTUiadlanssia Rr Kris p Waieri ite. Vs-T26 Flat Bread ltoov 1 3. pk. 33c Graham Cwcktn mj2Ti lb. 22 Chicken Soup Roncho ccmfr Mushroom Soup trum m 1 5 Minced Qains Snow. 8v.oz.con33e Hamburger Reliih fig. 25 Sweet Relith ZJSSiV2- 22 Dry Cereal Hln brand Pk'-1 5 Cereal SZ" K:15 Baby Foodj o-tfgr4 tin 7 Baby Foods Oopp's stroinexi tin 7 Baby Food.00??'1 pp 8 Baby Foodl Helnx ttralnsd tin 7 e Baby Foods Hsinzchoppsd tin ge TwhitTMogT iVefw Tender Peas Tender Peas Fcncy Peas Fcicy Peas GAADCN. SIOC HIGHWAY 4-Sieve SUCAft tCLLf , 2-3-4 Sieve . LIBBY 14' 16 JO' 17 No. 2 con No 2 4t con no. 2 one con N0.2 4J7C con Ws reserve ths right to limit quontities. rsjr Flavor and freshness go hand-in-hand. Safeway guar anteed fresh fruit and vegetables, assure perfect flavor. ' Extra Fsncy snd Fsy Red Delicious 9c 43-lb. fO CQ boa at.03 APPLES JssstksMs I A. 7 Boa f2.49 Tokay Grapoi f,11'- Vic BrOCCOll Local Crop lb. Ccxuliflowor nowY wh,ii IbM.lc Salad Vegetables Mixed for solods. In sonitory cello pockoges. 8-0. 'fl kr. XLGm Cabbago Local Oop CZoTtl Golden Bantam YcXIXIS Trom the South Danish Squash Turnips aiP tp III. H! 111. lie Hi. H4 lb. V2C lb. He Crispy Celery Local crop lb. SW I'ssrsl Variety POTATOES OroMii In the Nor Urn est. 10 lbs. 1'. N. No. Is. 100-lb. sr. 12.89 Dry Onions A truly inexpensive diih l. 2V4 98V Produce leotures ore for Fridoy ond Soturdoy only. V