The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1946, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The Stoteaman. SaUm. Ofqon. Ttiday. October 11, 1946
'v . v r. v
-' " '
- -s
Lt. and Mrs. Henry H. Frye (Delight Heath) pictured
leaving for the reception at the St. Frar&s hotel which fol
lowed thesr marriage' ori September 27 at Grao Cathedral
T .i.rropa! church 1ri S-rn Francisco. The bride is the daugh
ter at Mr. ax.d Mrs. T'harles Ellsworth Heath of Salem. The
rouple vil i live in the hay city. (duOiarme photo).
Mr. and Mrs. Ray' Eradshaw (Ruby Kimball) whose
r-.arriage tock place September 23 in the Carrier room ol
the Fir! M:hods! church with Dr. Joreph Adams offjdalinqi
r:1 the ! 1" o'clock me:?. Attending the couple were Miss Lor
ia;:ie M. - re and Kfnr'.eth Luktri, brother of the bride. (Ken-
i :-
FALI-S CITY Mr and Mr. Milllam Estelle, above, who were
rmrnrd m Vestaburgj Mich, Sept. 29. 1888. celebrated their I0th
MMKiing'mu.ivfrNary Sunday at their home in Fall City. The ucca
f,n xhf birihdjy f ttieir youriKet daughter. Ila.
Thr Mi'f KJoiem-r ispdy nd 11m Kj telle mraiiKed the fmily
rmurt i-..l Mt-eption whuh followed nd were asMsted by Mr.
Vrmon Ktel of Mytle Point ttl Mi. Kverett Kstelle of GianU
Memtifn cf both Mr .nd Mr. - E telle' families were preaent,
thir -iuh and d.nliKliU r Mini frnihr About 50 f i ienda Mild the
1ny the K.fellrji rut m v dding t uke At thii time Mr Everett
)fili.iind .f Koieiiiifj ii toufin of Mi Ktelle'. presented ful
1! d li to the Kkteiii-N hit h wji uJveu to Mr and Ml. Hille
i.rnd for vedlinK clft 48 . mo by ttie parents of Mr. Kstelle.
Mr i 1 Mi . Kkteile he lived in Fulls City for the past 36years
, (.uoiiv Mr F.s t lie, left for ttieir home plae ifi Michigan
VTe'ineid-y fot a i-it his brother in Iiiing and other members
f th-ir He 11 making ihe tup by air ami expert to return
.ri M'Otheiii ifintf ai.d mI tsj olher bndhers en rMJte. (Abel Photo,
lii:a )
A- W- A I ' I 4 A
S"joiii"r:er were entei t.inetl
Tu!Tdy afteinoi; at the Wn-rr-aii'j;
c)ubhotie. A deeit lumh
on u v fiillci by an i i tri iiimim
f rns. Winning pi ie in hi idjif
v.ere Mrs. Alien B John and
?:(, Jerry Wmg, asid in pmixhle
7.1 v Delbeit llinklcy.
(J jests veie Mi.s.'Al' Head. Mr.
)et.y Johnson. Mr. V. S Kas-
hko kin! ,Mr. llarxey Ronne.
Ill-tee were Mis Kenneth
Carl. Mr K..iph DeMetz, Mr
L H. !;iMi;e a? d Mis. John
Wilbur Daily.
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Roenehen
of HcxmIimi Bowl have been visit
iiiK lieie with his mother, Mr.
Mary Boeschen. The Boesehens
hae gone north on trip to Vic
toria, B C. and their children
rem. uned here with their grand
mother. '
p..t .v
r un ie
Robert K. Barnett and sen
are leaving Sittnd.o for
t;y m lotI.-ind with
and a.tnit, Mr. Mis.
GurtU the pal week at the i
htme of Mr. and Mr- A. W.
Cameron, 1050 Elm id,. West Sa
lem, aie her parents, Mr.- and
Mrs. E. P. Brinton of Didsbury.
Alberta. Over tbe xveekend they
isited coast points and Mr. Brin-i
ton landed a good sized fish. They
will le leaving for home Sunday.,
Mr. and Mr. David Wright are
motoiing to Klamath Falls today
to sp rul the weekend with their
daughter nd family. Mr. arid
Mis. John Willi Uanfoith.
3one China
Cups. Saucers and Demi-tasses
Shipment Direct from England
Helen lJn" k.-
Women Editor
The Home
i :
Sodety Editor
Bidden to
Mrf. John Fred Hagemahn will
pteside at dseit luheheoli
this afteriWHin at her Stat street
apartment in compliment to a
groupj of friends.
Contract bridge will be jn play
during the afternoon and bou
quets of autumn flowers will pro
vide the decorative, note.
Covers will be placed for Mrs.
Cafl JG. Collins, Mrs. Charl
Pomeroy, Mrs. Stewart Johnson,
Mrf. Fdvvard O. SUdter, jr., Mrs.
Cliarlrs Hagemann, Mrs. 1 Glenn
Woodry, Mr. T. Harold Tomlln
nori. Mrs. George Blrrell, Mrs.
Hugh Adams, Mis Father. Baird.
Mi. Uleriin Wilbur. Mrs. Holert
Or(sc6ll, Mr. Donald Burke. Mr.
Donne 1 1 Sanders, Mrs. .Robert
Cannon and Mrs. Hiigemann.
Silverton Women
At Noon Meeting;
SIL.VKRTON Silverton Wo
men's club members will begin
their year's work Monday .with a
luncheon meeting at .1 o'clock at
the; Silverton hotel, i
lyiembers of the executive rom
mitlee. headed by the president,
Mrs. George Christenson, planned
the. proKiam for the winter.
Speaker ' Monday will be Mrs.
C. yJ4 Halyerson, who will talk
on i chrysanthemum culture. Mrs.
Hajverson is a former officer in
the'; Portland club md has taken
a number of top prizes in Port
land flower shows.'
Officers, other than the presi
dent, J who take over this autumn. .
are; vice inniriiiaii, ivn. o. n.
Gay; secretary, Mrs Robert Al
len; treasurer, Mr. P. L. Brown.
Mrt. Christenson haa rumetl
chairmen: membership, Mr. Gay;
civic,? Mrs. R. A. McClahathan;
finance, Mrs. Tom A. Anderson;
poetry and art, Mrs. A. J. Mt
Cahnel; fine arts, Mrs. Geirge
Jaeschke; budget, Mr. J. C. Mor
leyj Junior contact. Mr. Charles
Hoyt; radio, Mrs. Walter Gei en;
UNRAA, Mrs. F. B. Renwick. A
number of thee committees ale
new to the Silverton grouy, hav
ing been set up at ti e suggestion
of trie state federation.
Shower Honors
Miss Garland i ;
S ; f
Mrs. Nellie Varley was a host
ess? Tuesday night for Miss Ethel
Garland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Z. fi Martin of St. Paul, bride
eletiof Donald Mott. turn of Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Mott of Brooks.
Shower honored the bride-to-be
ani a late supper wai; served
by the hostess assisted by Mrs.
Norval Edwards. Bouquets of zin
nias provided the decorative note.
Honoring Miss Garland were
Mesdame Ray Lao don, ; W. C.
Hilh William Goode, William
Mos, L. M. Wilkerson, Leon Han
sort, poris Fuqua, R. C. Magee,
Norval Fwards, George Walker.
Charles Smith, A. L. Moes. Ray
Adiett, E. Sltton. Frances I.ang
forfi, lone DePhilllppi, Howard
Smwlley, Oscar Donaldson, W. V.
Del'ew, (ieoige Ot'ey and; Nellie
Gardeners Meet
A Allen Home
Tti Oak Grove gardeners met
Tuesday afternoon at th home
of Mis. W. B. Allen. Group dis
cussions centered around autumn
chrysanthemums. Mrs. John Glb
sorf read the "History of the
Rose." Plans were arranged for
a fall flower show to be given in
Thoe attending were Mesdames
R. W. Hogg. Frank Picha, W. B.
Allen. Nellie Ferguson, W. D. Ma
gee, Madge M a y h o o d. Frank
Faemer. Clyde Picha, Davis Allen,
Djfa Pugh, J. R. f Fa wk Clara
Biiink, John Gibson and a guest,
Mrs. Alfred Everett of Wilming
ton Delaware.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gllkey and
daughter, Betty Louise, of Los
Angeles, arrived; in; Salem Mon
day to visit at the,,, home of his
parents, Mi. ad Mrs. L. E. Gil
key, on Manbrtn drive. Mr. Gilkey
has been employed at IxK-kheed
Aircraft for the past five and a
half years and is on a three
weeks vacation.
Bound for
The Game
The Oregon State-University of
Southern California football game
in Portland Saturday will attract
many Salem people.
Making up one party will be
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Young,
Mr. ;.nd Mrs. Daniel J. Fry. Jr..
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks.
They will be joined in Portland
by Mr. and Mr. Orris Fry and
Dr. and Mis. Mi I tori Steinrr and
later will be entertained at din
ner at the Fry home.
Also attending the game will
be Mr. and Mrs. Linn C Smith
and Mr. and Mr. Donnld C. Rob
ert. Joining them from Corvallis
will be Mr. Smith's son, John
Jerman. and his fiancee. Miss
Carol Powell.
Miss Betty Child will Join a
group of her Portland friends for
the game.
In another group ;wiil le Mrs.
Taylor Hawkins and daughter.
Harriet, who will be home Jroin
the University of Oregon, Mr
Rene Besse and sons. Jack ami
Gale, Miss Edith Moxley, Miss
Gloria Grenfell and John Mat
thews. In the evening the group
will attend the races at Portland
Nuptials. Read
Mr. Lillian Heidinger of Mc
Minnville and Vernon Trefiy of
Portland were married Septemiwrr
22 at 4 o'clock at the Presbyterian
parsonage in McMinjiville by the
Rev. C. C. Barnes. The single
ring ceremony wis ; read In the
presence of the immedadc family
and a few friends."
The bride wore a black wool
dressmaker suit trimmed in Kel-
ley green, with a black clotche
hat. Her corsage was of orchids.
Her neice, Mis Sally Neuman.
was maid of honor and she wore
a navy blue and white wool suit
and her corsage was of pink rose
buds. Jack Heidinger. son the bride.
wa-best man for Mr. Trefiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Tie fry left im
mediately following the ceremony
for their home in ?brt!and where
Mr. Trefiy Is in business.
Mr. Trefry has been employed
as a nurse at the General hos
pital in McMinnvill for the pat
three years. She was formerly a
resident of Salem and did nurs
ing for several years while living
James E. Heidinger S 2 c sta
tioned on the U. S. S. Walke. now
at San Francisco, w as in Mi Minn
ville on a 18 day leave to attend
the wedding of his motlier. He
has recently returned from Bikini
where he was stationed dniinn
the bomb tests.
Aurora Club Has
Wednesday Meet
AURORA Mrs. L. G. Giesy.
president, Mrs. Dorothy Beach.
Mrs.. Jacobs and Mr. Sherrell
Feming, program committee, were
hosteses Wednesday to the Auro
ra Woman's club it the Giesy
Mrs. Hertha Garrett resigned as
vice president and: Mrs. Beach
was elected to fill ! the vacancy.
Miss Shirley Thompson, on the
staff of the Doernbecker hospital,
was guest speaker.; Their woik
is handicapped as it hey do not
have facilities or room she said.
Mrs. Madge Stoner, teacher in
the Aurora grade school, talked
on the basic school support fund.
The next meeting will be Nov. 5
at the hefne of Mrs. P. S. Wall.
A guest speaker will talk on art.
Mi J I l W 1 V ,
(Two ions and a daughter oi Mr. .and Mrs. Joe C. Huyhen, 1740 Bioadway triet, wer
married recently. Left are Mrand Mrs. I'rank RecKi (Annabll Hixjhtis) who vddinj
.took place In Seattle at Hicjhlnnd Melhoiitt church. Tfiey are living In Katt! wlitU Mr.
Reed is attendina art school. Center are Mr. and Mrs. lee Hughes (Bern Ice Sheniutn cf
Aumsville) married in TJorlolk, Va. He is now stationed in the Maraliall Island With the
navy. At the left are Mr. and Mrs. CVuol Hucjhes (Dorothy I'.ejd) a!i niarried at tli HI jh
land Methodist church in Seattle. He Is stationed In Bremerton. Frank Read and Mrs.
Carol Hughes are son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Read of Seattle.
Mrs. Kabert Csnnan
les to inembei cf her hi I'e
rhib Thursday nigl.1 t .f..ri.
ingslde residence. A v.i'
was served, following se.fral
boms cf roiitimt.
For Immediate Delivery
1. llt120 volt A. D.,
f ; plua into any stan
l ' dard outlet.
4 2. Built-in radio arnpli
J her with separate
; . tone and v o 1 u rt; e
1 3. Permanent, highly
j polished jeweled
I ! point needle,
I ! I"
i A. Liaht-weight crystal
I pickup.
I 5. Attractive leatherette
' covered plywood
case with hinged lid.
, M Jaquith Music Co.
136 South High SL Salem, Oregon
110-120 volt A. C. -plua
into driy standard outlet.
Built -,n radio amplifier
with separate tone and
volume controls.
Permanent, highly polish
ed jeweled point needle.
Lightweight crystal pick
up. Red jeweled indicator
Attractive two-toned lea
therette covered plywood
enre with hinged lid.
Bent spindle type automa
tic changer, holds 12 10
inch' or 10 12 inch records.
Fool proof changer.
Miss Hoffine
Adding her name to the list of
brides-elec t is Miss Bevei ly Hof
fine, dactahter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hoffine, whose engage
ment to Paul Gilmer, son of Mr.
and 'Mrs. I. Paul Gilmer, all of
.Salem, ha been announced. The
wadding is planned for next Sep
temler. Mis Hoffine and her fiance
graduated from Salem high school
and she is now with the Portland
Gas and Coke Co. Mr. Gilmer
was recently discharged from the
navy and is now a bookkeeper at
Ladd and Bush branch, United
States National bank.
Golfers Plqy
On Tuesday
Women golfers at the Salem
Golf club on Tuesday played for
prize for blind holes with Mr.
Manley Robinson high in ias A;
Mis. Edward Roth, class B, and
Mrs. J. E. Albrich. class C. Regu
lar ladies day will continue until
the end of the month.
Playing were Mesdames George
Schwa it, Frank B u r I i ngham,
Ralph Hamilton, Richard Chase.
Kenneth Pott, Leon Perry, W.
T. Waterman, Robert Joseph.
Glenn Steven. Edward Roth. J.
E. Albrich, Millard Pekar, Steve
Krause, Stephen Fouchek, Sephu
Starr. Ivan Marble, Kate Bell,
Claude Johns, James Haley. Max
KJannery, Ross Coppock, Manley
Robinson, Herbert Thomas and
v Conrad Paulson.
(Jul lMuu Hroailcuftt
Mrs Esther Utile, secretary of
the YWCA. will speak on- Out
standing Need of Our Commun
ity" over station KSLM at 10 tli
o'clock tonight In a progiwm
sponsoi ed by the Huftlnesft and
Professional Women's Inh
The broadcast I under the di
rection of Mrs. Ruth Veisteeg,
who is taking pait in the dis
cussion. Catmelite Weddle, Ma
thilda Gille and Kleoiior Robeits
complete the list of spokcis.
Veterans, Wives
At Dinner Meet
Sixty memla-r of Hal Hibbard
ramp and auxiliary of the United
Spanish War Veterans met in the
VFW hall Monday for a tuikey
dinner. At 8 o'clock they assem
bled In thHr scp. o ate meeting
The auxiliary" had a guests
Zidonia Cuick. department presi
dent. Pottland, making her offi
cial visit of Inspection; l.eti
Veach, department Junior vice
iii esident. Kueene: Addle Mae I i
Mis. Shugart, depaitment color,
number one. Other came from
Oregon City, hugene and Cali
fornia. Olils from OSC gave a
brief summary of their activities
and expiessed appreciation for
M hohn ships.
Maigaret Nelson, a granddaugh
ter of W. It. Nelson, a Spanish
war veteran, was Initialed.
Miss Mary Elisabeth KWson Is
leaving Saturday fjr Seattle to
meet her fiance. Ensign Chailesi
N. Flitton. II. USN. whose ship
is coming noi th fioin Fian
I isco.
Mr. and Mrs. C. ft. NUn are
visiting in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fted Kuhii on their way
east fioni Fail bank,, Alaska. Mis,
Stone U the daughter of Mis.
i'bMPI 1
I I I lat I
I ill
I ii ssaati.
I ) m:h:i : ..
- ,c-J
1 1 f
l ouicklv and casilv with
1 I B .
Ktnsivt dirt and grease from your outdoor
U broiler or grill without hard rubbing or scour
) ing. Wij a little 1. (1 Degrcaser on tlx surface
i. to be cleaned, wait a few minutes and wiiie off.
f I'asv, isn't ii? And it will keep your broiler or
grill sparkling clean and always ready to use.
Miller's' .
iZ. .MMasaf ae. A
li:' -m' '
?:yyr r ll A
n r n n n n n ,? n ( f f(jv
V: r r'. I R-,- f'i t?; : ! vi ; ull t
l-J .l k.j i! t... ti t.i hi li A
Trnt tli Atiicrifati uoinun for lirlf
- t lie innatr prrlYrliou of Ilaliilmakrih . . .
1 1 1 e jMial failiioiirilitii
that krnolrx lirr vital lift.
Ueg. U. S. Pat'. Off
1 ' I