The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1946, Page 9, Image 9

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    T Nsrth ftaleta WCTT rll!
hrilJ its annual roll rail lea at
the home of Mrs C. M. 0berts,
IIS Shipping il , it ! o'clock Fri
day f trriMxm. Aftiiig hmtntri
will b Mrs flay Huberts and
Mn frank Uarnes. Mrs. Milton
m will be to charge of 4lPV"
lion DrVfinf Frornke will apeak
on narcotic and Mrs. Howard
Bartholomew will airul. accom
panied by Mrs. Owen Hyles.
Mr. antf Mr. IL G. Mat re
turned to the capital by plan
Tuesday from a stay in Coronado,
Calif, with their son-in-law and
daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Kelton
m J r-
Salem Folk
Will Attend
The first large grid clastic of
the year in Portland will Uke
place Saturday when Oregon State
college Plays University. of South
ern California at Multnomah Stad
ium. ' ' ' 1
The game is attracting many
Salem fans to . Portland. Having
seats In one section will be Mr.
and f Mr. Chandler Brown, Mr.
and ;Mrs. Vernon Perry, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Drager, Mr, and Mrs.
Rex Adolph, Mr. and Mrs, James
Walton. Mr. and Mrs.. Clayton
Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Werner
Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Her-"
rail and Or. and Mrs. Harold Ol
inger. Joining Mir. and Mrs. Robert. E.
Shinn for the game will be their
son land his wife. Mr. and Mrs.
William . Shinn of Corvallis, and
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Carson. Jr.
The Chamber family ; will at
tend the game Including Mr. and
Mrs; G. Frederick Chambers. Mr.
and $ Mrs. Douglas Chambers. Mr.
and; Mrs. Richard Chambers and
Miss Dorathea Steusloff. Joining
them will be Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
In another group will be Mr.
PEACE. W 11?
ALL- jj
Thos. Kay Woolen I3S11 Co.
f otvrlng THRU torvic in ntw, oir-condIliond buit
linking California, Oregon, and Washington I
CmO m poor Ulmndtf rroWoyfc90tt
H. C. Cooper. Agent
17S S. High, rbeee SflS
Is r Or i
;.; i i .
?7) Another (treat Weekly
'.- rv dr.
CeaUfttied ey peputarf demand ... Yea, yu
till- have time te eir Sears exciting Char
meee eentest. Yu may win'a S000 Purchase
Ceupon Seek er a 1MI Medel tear Celdseet
Rtfrlaerater er BOTH ... In this week's
test. i
A Char mode I Foundation j
Garment is Slenderizing I
Cemptete M tS weeds ef lea en ae f fleial entry
1 i
.. ; i ee
: V. i . ii ' i
rondWeWy Prix
gsssssisssBSsaaTaT'1'"'" J
;l S
4 8 4
Slaie SL
and Mrs. Edward rtoth, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mr. and Mrs.
William T. Waterman, Dr. and
Mrs. Robert K. Joseph and Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Perry,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur will
be among those attending the game
and with them will be her sister.
Miss Patricia Cannon ,and Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise,
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Qulsenbcrry
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hug
gins will be among : the rooters.
Among others going 'will be Mr.
and Mrs. Richard A. Meyer and
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stevens are
joining friends in Portland for the
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Man
ning and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler
R. English cwill join former Salem
residents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
E. Harvey and Mr. and Mrs.
Thorne .Hammond in Portland for
the game and in the evening will
be entertained at dinner at the
Harvey home.
Mrs. Galliger
New President
Tuesday night the Salem Credit
Women's Breakfast club held the
tenth annual installation at the
Gold Arrow, with President Dor
othy Hill presiding. Mrs. Mtdora
Hyett entertained with piano se
lections: In charge of the dec
orations and the program, - was
Mrs; Bessie Kayser.
Mrs. Louise Jones, junior past
6 resident, installed the following:
Irs. Ethel Galllnger, president;
Mrs. Lorna Lucus, vice president;
Miss Estell Smith, secretary; Miss
Etta Sutter, treasurer; and Mrs.
Dorothy Walker, historian.
The new president introduced
her new chairman; Lorna Lucus,
membership; Lillian Kayser, edu
cation; Miss Myrtle McClay, pro
gram; Mrs. Rena Skaggs, hostess;
Miss Beverljr HarUell, bulletin:
Mrs. Louise Jones, finance; and
Berniece Bennett, attendance.
Mrs. Hill presented a pearl for
the pin. of each member who had
been present at every meeting
during the year. Those receiving
these awards were: Ethel Gallin
ger, Lorna Lucus, Lillian Kayser,
Louise Jones, Estrll Smith, Bev
erly HarUell, Lena Blue, Bessie
Kayser and Alta Myers. Mrs. Jones
then presented the retiring presi
dent with a diamond for her pin.
Bessie Kayser, district treasurer
of the Pacific Northwest Council
f Credit Women and N on d us
Clark of Portland, corresponding
secretary, were special guests.
Those attending the banquet
were members from Eugene and
Hostesses Fete
Alumnae Group
Mrs. Estill Brunk and Mrs.
Robert TIernan entertained the
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae at
the latter home Tuesday night.
A dessert supper was served and
the Halloween motif was carried
out in the decorations.
Attending were Mends mes E. B.
Bnssatti, Robert Brown, John
Dickenson, Keith Flory, A. M.
Nelson, Ervin Peterson, J. Wesley
Sullivan, Stuart Thede, M. D.
Thomas, James Turnbull, Mi
Kathryn Hill, Miss Elizabeth
Odle and the hostesses.
Miss Heath
Is Married
' Of interest to her many Salem
friends is the news that at a sim
ple, but impressive candlelight
ceremony Miss Delight G. Heath,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kl Is worth Heath of Salem, be
came the bride of Lt. Henry If.
r'rye USN, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Frye of Washing
ton. D.C at Grace Cathedral
Episcopal church in San Francisco
September 27th at 7 o'clock.
Mr. Paul J. Burroughs played
the organ music and Canon
Charles Shreve officiated.
The bride was given in mar
riage by Colonel Ralph M. Bar
ry. Her bridal gown was of tra
ditional white satin fashioned with
a full skirt terminating in a long
train. The bodice was designed
with a net yoke edged with pearl
embroidery. The full length veil
of imported tulle was held in place
by a wreath of orange blossoms.
The bride carried a wlrite prayer
book on which were placed a
white otrhid, gardenias and bou
vardia with satin streamers.
Miss Genevieve Stuart of San
Francisco was maid of honor. Her
dress was of pink lace and she
wore a tiny juliet cap. She car
ried a bouquet of chrysanthe
mums. J. Henry Moylan of Ber
keley was beat man, and the ush
ers were Clark Runner and Ken
neth Rarrick, both of San Fran
cisco. For her daughter's nuptials Mrs.
Heath wore a gown of powder
blue enhanced . with silver bead
ing and a feather hat of blue and
orchid. Her corsage was of or
A dinner and reception at the
St. Francis hotel followed the cer
For going away the bride wore
a soft blue dressmaker suit with
a pale gold hat trimmed with blue
feathers and orchid veiling. Her
coat was of pale gold and she wore
a corsage of orchids. The couple
are spending their honeymoon at
The new Mrs. Frye attended
University of Oregon and gradu
ated from Willamette university.
She wan a member of the Salem's
Junior Women's rlub, AAUW and
formerly taught in the Oregon
high schools.
After October 10 Lt. and Mrs.
Frye will be at home at 1373
Sacramento street, San Fran
cisco. Rebekahs Plan
Card Party
When the Rebekahs met Mon
day night plans were made 5or
a card party for October 14 in
honor of Odd Fellows and Re
bekahs. Committee In charge in
cludes Mesdame Kmil Otjen,
Pearl Nichols, Joe Cunningham,
Lulu Wilon, Muses Laura Calli
son Hazel Price and Dessie Mc
Clay. Special guests at the meeting
were Mrs. Irene Seeley of Oma
ha, Nebraska, and Mr. and Mrs.
James Wehich of Portland. The
F.L. girls motored to the IOOF
home in Portland Thursday to
present a radio to Mrs. Anna
Ike, a member of the Salem
Reports Given
To Auxiliary
The business meeting of Capital
unit American Legion auxiliary,
was presided over Monday night
by Mrs. I. N. Bacon, new presi
dent. Mrs. Stanley Krueger,
president district No. 2, made her
official visit to the unit. Guests
were Mrs. Lena Hildebrandt and
Mrs. Anna Napravicik, Salem.
Reports were made by Mrs.
James A. O arson. Mrs. Malcolm
Cameron. Mrs. Merle Travis, Mrs.
Don Madison, Mrs. C. M. Craig.
Mrs. G. A. Gabriel, and Mrs. Stan
ley Krueger.
Mrs. Bacon and Mrs. Krueger,
delegates from the unit to the
National convention in San Fran
cisco reported on the affair. They
reported first places for Oregon
in the poppy contest and publicity
and juniors in sewing. Ties were
reported with other states in larg
est percentage of unit histories
filed. They gave credit for the
showing to Mrs. Earl Aruiresen,
local members who serv ed a& Ore
gon history department chair
man. Mrs. Travis will be hostess Oc
tober 16 to the membership com
mittee. The Marion county coun
cil will meet in Woodburn Fri
day. First fall meeting of the Merry
Time birthday club of Capitola
will meet Friday with Mrs. Carl
Carlson t. 2 o'clock and Mrs.
Dorothy Bell will be the assist
ing hostess.
Commercial and
Lighting Fixtures
For Immediate Delivery
Salem Lighting
and Appliance Co.
Temporary Location.
til N. Liberty. Sales. Ore.
rhene 1412
Ths Slat man. Salem, Orsxyon, Thursday. October 10. im 1
Vows Read
Rhyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Rhyne, and Ernest Qualey.
son of Mrs. Anna Qualey, were
married Saturday night at a home
ceremony with the ltev. M. J. K.
Fuhr officiating. Mrs. Dan Itive
ness played the wedding music
and sang "Because" and "The
Lord's Prayer."
The bride wore an egg-sell Jer
sey gown and a corsage of or
chids. Her only attendant was
Mrs. Orlando Dahl. Emil Ithytie
was best man.
For traveling the bride wore
a Nile green dressmaker suit.
maize blouse and brown
Mrs. Qualey has recently
turned from employment In Alas
ka and he was recently discharg
ed from the navy.
AH FlgTors, No
Limits, QU. JjQ
Sales sat West Sales
Withrow Hardware
Leal Bakes 1.50 2.00
All Metal Water Hose Racks 1.50
Folding Clothes Dryer - 2.49
Texolite For interior wall fiaUh QL 9Sc; GsL 2.98
Lubricating Oil . 1.50
Shop Our Houseware and Gift Dept. iY etc arui
Beautiful Merchandise Arriving Daily.
Card TahlfH -----3.19
Decorated Paper Plates & Cups rorot- 15
2-Burner Hot Plates - ---11.65
4-Piece Canniater Seta - 1.0 0
Aluminum Roasters 5.18 " 597
Shop Early for Christmas
1280 State Street Salem. Oregon
Phoae 4140 Coarsraleat Parkfaqr
Autumn Offering
rook until pa rU ally done, In the
meantime, steam the eggplant
shell until fairly soft. Fill it with
the fried pieces and the other veg
etables, season and cover with
buttered crumbs, bake for half
an hour or so until well browned.
Eggplant, Colorful Vegetable for
Recipes to Bolster Meat-Short Menus
( By Maxlne Buren
Women's Editor, Tho Statesman
Eggplant, the beautiful purple vegetable that makes Itself im
portant in the fall markets annually, is now with us in full force and
should be considered by the housewife.
There's much more In store for the eggplant than a mere frying
into a limp slice: it Is a versa
tile vegetable, with many possi
bilities. Eggplant can be merely baked
in slices after being marinated in
French dressing and drained. It
should be arranged in a bak
ing dish and baked for 13 minutes
at 400 degrees, and turned once.
Cooked encasserole is one of Its
most popular roles.
1 eggplant, pared and cut
In inch cubes
X tablespoons butter
H onion, finely chopped
4 tablespoon chopped parsley
Cook eggplant in a small Amount
of water until soft, drain. Cook
onion In hutter until yellow, add
parsley and eggplant. Put in but
tered baking dish, cover with but
tered crumbs and bake in a mod
erate oven (373) until crumbs
are brown. Serves 6. :
Stuffed eggplant makes a dandy
main dish, for it can : be made to
taste very much like meat.
Scoop out eggplant with French
ball cutter if available, dip in egg
and crumbs and fry quk-kly un
til brown. Add some onions and
green peppers to the skillet to
Arc Arriflnff in Larger
Quantities Dail? at
W Bpriaiiz in repair of
all Genera! Motors makes
and models particularly
For Fast, Competent,- Friendly
Service Bring Your Car to
Loder Bros.
ICS Ceater SL - Ph. SU7-S133
ISt Tear 1st Sales )
Might si Ilareld Clark's - CenaX
A Piste SL
All Cycle Riders Welcesne
2-Pc. Living Room Suites
Drop Leaf Kitchen
Spring support leaves casters.
Mice closed. 17x18 la.
Site open, 17x33Vs In.
Electric Steam
Radiator Heater
Safe, efficient, $10 f)Q
Circulating Heater IL.Uj
Hot Hate. 3-wpd.,
Hroiler-ToaHter ...
Full ttpring construction, sturdy
hardwood frame, tapestry covers
Davenos, wine velour fcC
Illue and wine mohair yAviSU
Jlrown & rust velour daveno
Rose & blue xtripe tapestry w
White Tottery Table I .amp FE!
Kay on tthade
Ilra.HH Bane Hurricane Iampn V
Ruby & frosted shade
16x20 Mirror Frame Pictures J
Sturdy Top Card Table J
Metal I'in-up Iamps. Ivory ....
dlssH' Vanity Iamps & Shade ,.-...$2.98
lilack GUms Top $A.95
Two Styles - 7
1121 ...
15x27 ...
1.17 South Commercial Street
1190 So. Commercial
Phone .1116
West Salem
Phone S166
. :
(g.IHIIgIgIS ct-"" gg)
Palmolive Regular for sfaeeJ yU
Palmolive Rath 2 for
Cashmere Bouquet 3 for 270
Super Suds. 260
Peels Granulated pkf. 300
Vel Pkr ;.: 260
ip-mra JIBES, ALL
Plenty of Sunshine Cookies and Krispy
Many Short and New
Prices Effective Thursday
Corn Bee! Hash
Fruit Cocktail DelMonU No. 2'i
Tomato Soup Kane ho .... ir for
Asparagus Soup Rnch 4
Tomato Sauce Hunt's
Iluhora Bleach . ..
46-oz. can
Crackers - - New White Flour Now ia Stock
Items Now in Our Stock
and Friday, Oct. 10th & 11th
. 50