t-Tho Statesman. Solom. Ortqon. Tpuradar. October 10. 1946 Home Rites Are Read ril riniifc . . - ---- . rtwr H1 tT 5 tat the home ef Mr ! ami Mr 1 s art (HUiiam. Mi lrv lU.l'i nti Bliss l.ebe were man ..I with !i E C. Richard ultHislirg. The brute was given in nuiitj.' t licr father. Mi I A lluV.-ii The lr1c Kotf J j.oiler blue till vsi'tr i-hri i y - w me u t t-vvrie urul ai .iiite of white ami wine l.h? it)ul. The bridesmaid. Mi lU-ne IW-ni. woie gold i. it Mark aiTforn and riiiiac i l nr.e uml fi nthe-mnv- Thr y i -n i vi.iv 'aHeinle.1 by Francis Flint of Portland. The songs "Thrtnigh tile Yfin" and "Until" were sung by Virgil Ma on. accompanied by Mn. Gladys Out et man. Out of town guests were Mrs. Maude Howard and France How ard of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Crit Huston of Newberg. Mr. and Mri. Francis Flint of Portland and Miss Cora Hlis of Portland. Alter a trip around the Willam ette valley the couple will be at home in Salem. Secretary ( Stale and Mrs. Robert 8. Farrell. Jr. are in Port land m few days and returning Vkith them Fiiday for the weekend will be their daughter, Joan a student at Annie Wright Semi nal y in Tacoma. ma Pruning Near Do our Shopping Now in Leisure Here A Truly I.arr Selection Of (iift Io.C.Iioom From I.rt-1 V-I)o-Votir-(ift-Wrapping We Wrap for Mailing Wr Our Kay I jiy-a-Way-IMan I'lenty of Parking Spare Pedersen Oren Tvenirvjs Tuesday and Friday Until 8 P. M 1345 Sin? t. Ph. 7719 r si JL a f A Society Clubs Music . . The Home ? MAZINZ BUREN I Woman's Editor JEBYMZ ENGLISH Society Editox 7 Mi'ss Rice Now Mrs. TheiCariier Room of the First Method ik t church was the scene of the wedding of Mist Ramonu Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rice, to Bert A Burr, son of Mr nd Mrs. R. O. Burr of Newport, s Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Or. Joseph Adams offici ated at the nuptials and Miss Elaine Bamre played the wedding music. i For her wedding the bride chose a white cable net afternoon dress with draped skirt and flowered hat of bouvardla. . She carried a white Bible marked with a white orchid,! It Miss Kolleen Kroner was the bride's: only attendant and wore a green dress with corsage of yel low rose. Lois Burr, niece of the groom, was Mower girl. Henry Burr stood with his brother as best man. Mrs. Rice chose a grey Jersey dress with corsage of purple baby orchids for the rites and Mrs. Burr wore a pink dress and cor sage of white baby orchids. . The wedding reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rofow. Assisting were? Men dame Raymond Rolow, j Gladys Cronrf. Maurice Heater.: Joscrjh Cathcart. Miss Ruth David, Miss Vvonne Haugen and Miss Helen Brokke. When the newlyweds' left on their honeymoon the eride wore a brown chalk stripe suit with chartreuse accessories and or chid corsage. The couple Will live in McMinnville while he Is at tending Lin field college. A Winter Coat-Land for Children i f ' : , : . ! - i ' ' V kr,ow !.cw to L-ep ycur children warm and cosy. Just bundle them f 1 ' ij 'o - there ! ;nj!y waim, ail wool coats in styles kiddies adore rugged ; i" i.::es mothers arMfciate. Bring In your children todayj I.KT I S COAT-FIT TH KM FOR WINTER. 0 1 1 -i.S. .-nfT' -rllan.1 A ' : . . ' l some Coat, Leggings ami Cap Set $8.85 Wrap-around in che- iot . . . $12.25 S WW ( lr ch,nchi,,a lt $11.95 , Y j Vl U vf I Princess Styl? 1 ! VV ' 1 y Mr)L Heavy wo1 I ! I l CJ VJ-3 'yy'A'K. Velt Seams I j V i -mp it ( THE Il v MODERNE 305-315 Court, ph. 3808 Reception Event of Tonight Highlighting the social calendar this week Is the reception for which President and Mrs. George Herbert Smith and their daugh ters. Misses Sara Louise and Mar garet Alice, will be hosts tonight at University House. Calling hours are from 8 to 10 o clock and bidden are mem bers of the board of trustees and their wives, official visitors of the state of Oregon to the university and tneir wives. Greeting guests at the door dur ing the evening will be Miss Louise Cutler and Miss Mary Ann Brady. Receiving guests in the hallway will be Mrs. Sumner Gal laher and Miss Mary Jean . Hus ton. President and Mrs. Smith and daughters will receive in the drawing room. J Mineling with the cuests dur ing the evening will be Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. A. A. Lee. Mrs. Maur ice Brennen, Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Mrs. Roy Lockenour, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. M. C. Findley. Mrs. Herbert Rahc and Dr. Helen Pearce, Presiding at the coffee urns the first hour will be Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert and Mrs. Robert Fenix. Pouring the last hour will be Mrs Charles A. Sprague and Mrs. Law rence Riggs. Assisting In the din ing room will be Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mrs. Earl T. Brown, Miss Lorena Jack, Mrs. William Moel- lering, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs Robert Moulton Gatke, Mins Lois Latimer and Mrs. Leslie Sparks 1 1 : All-School Dance on Friday The fall social tpotlight swings into. focus on the Willamette uni versity campus with many dances being held by the various or ganizations. Independent men and women will sponsor an all-school sports dance, Friday night, to be held in thejchool gym after the Lin- field-Willamette football game. Honor guests at the affair will be the Linfield and WU teams and attending Linfield college stu dent body members. Chaperones at the dance will be Prof, and Mrs. James E. Simpson, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Bird and Prof, and Mrs. Ronald V. Rethke, of Uxe university faculty. Arrangement com m 1 1 e e s in clude, decorations, Berniece Hugh es chairman, and i Helen Winn chaperones, Marian McClain; mu sic, Marion Crews; refreshment Horace Muntst clean-up, Mark Crunican and publicity, Ro Jean rmley and Max Bcrgstrom. Kappa Gamma Rho fraternity will hold it's first date dance of the season Saturday night at the Mayflower dairy lounge. from 8:30 to midnight. Refreshments will be served a the Informal dance for which Bob F'letcher and William F.dward will act as general chairmen. o CLUB CALENDAR THIRSDAY Rojourner desaert luncheon, Salem Woniin'i club, 1:IS p.m. PI Brit fhl alumna Willi lln. Jamea T. Brand, 331 North Cummer t., demert supper, 7:30 p.m. Highland School Motrin club meet at M'hool auditorium, 115 p m. Kin (wood Garden club with Mr. Carl Andcnaon, 1234 Elm street. 1:30 PThunday club with Mrs. C. A. Sprague. 429 N. 14th at., 1:15 dctacrt luncheon. Utile Garden culb of Salem Height, with Mrs. Charles Sawyer. 1 o'clock dessert luncheon. Mrs., McWarn in charge. Patriarch Militant auxiliary meet at lOor halt pm. St. Joseph's Mothers club meet at St. JophTa hall 2:30 p rn. OeMolay Motheist club. no-houl luncheon at 12, business meeting. Ma sonic temple. FRIDAY Three IJnks club meet at IOOF liall club rooms. 2:30 p m. North Ralem WtTU with Mrs. C. M. Roberts. SIS Shipping St.. 2 p m. AAUW Music group with M", Frank BurltnKham. 300 N.- 14th St.. 2 p m. SATIKU4V Salem Woman's club meeting, club house, 2:30 p.m., board meeting, 1:45 p rn, Salem chanter. Order of Eastern Star meet at Masonic Temple, S p.m. MONDAY U of O mothers, business meeting 2 p.m. at YWI A. Salem Junior Woman's club meetlnr. pm, clubhouse, board meeting, 7.30 p.m. Anniversary Dinner For Kiwanians I A I' rTTl I Party Mr. and Mrs. Fxlvvard ). Stad tcr, jr. have invited a g'oup of their friends to an informal party Saturday night at their Fairmount Hill home in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams. - Mr. and Mrs. Williams and son, Amby, will be leaving later In the month for the east coast to make their home. They have sold their Fairmount Hill reftirience. Guests have teen invited to call after six o'clock to say au revuir to Mr. and Mis. William. Mrs. Hann New President Alpha XI Delta alumnae elec ted Mrs. J. H. Hann president of their group Tuesday night at a meeting at the home of Mrs. A. C. Newell. Other officers are Mrs. William Galloway, Jr., vice -president; and Mrs. M. E. Knicker backer, secretary-treasurer. Dur ing the evening Miss Klise Schtoe rier gave an interesting talk on her trip to Mexico. A late supper w as served by the hostess. Others present were Mrs. An drew Hal voi son, Mrs. R. W. Ta venner, Mrs. Bradford Humphrey of Independence, Mrs. Glenn Ste vens and Miss Verna Keppingcr. Mrs. Mason Bishop. 1541 SeuthJ hour. Referendum s-d iritu.:. Church M., will cntcitain tlwf . rneu ui s to appear in the South Salem Woman's ChriMi.-in TemiH'iaiM e Union ,at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Mh. Indian Conner will asi.t at the tea ember ballot will b iicul by Mrs. C. W. Stacey. leg;at. e i hau man t the Oreg'n C.r.i.I of Church Women. Vi 4 This Morning 9:30 O'CIock t Twenty-fifth anniversary cele bration of the founding of the Salem KJwania club was an event of Tuesday night at the Marion hotel. Over two hundred Klwanis members and their wives were present and- were seated in the Mirror room at long tables decora ted with bouquets of fall lowers in brilliant hues. The Rev. Charles Durden was toastmaster and the Rev. George H. Swift gave the invocation. Four old time waiters performing during the evening were : Wen dell Webb, Rusell Frost, William Braun and Ted Medford. A deco rated birthday cake was cut dur ing the evening. Visitors from ten clubs -ouulde of Salem were present for the occasion. At the speakers table were William 11. Baillie, president of Rotary, and Mrs. Baillie, Ed ward Majek, president of the Lions club, and Mrs. Majek, Lt. Gov. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and Lt. Gov. and Mrs. William H. Hammond of Oregon City. William McKinney, 25th presi dent of the Salem club, introduced the past presidents. Four charter members were present and Judge Arlie Walker of McMinnville pre sented a gift from the Salem club to Dr. Henry Morris, a charter member and past president, for his perfect attendance record during the 25 years. A clever comedy skit concerning the district con vention held in Vancouver was given by Mr. McKinney and Guy Hittok. Judge James T. Brand intro duced the speaker, Roy Shields of Portland, first president of the Sa lem club,- who reminisced about the club. Phil Schnell was chair man of the banquet. ran ma and ITOKW II mtule of Durene Mercerized Coiion "DURENE" mercerised cotton is your assurance of quality! The fmet we've had In years? EXTRA COMFORT! EXTRA STRENG TH! EXTRA SERVICE! Select thee Durene merceiized shorts and vests now and save! The shorts have full elastic waist bands. Sizes medium, lame" and small. Vests are fine Swiss ribted pre-war lengths in all sizes. RE HERE- WHEN THE STORE OPENS THIS MORNING AT 8:30! Eah Mrs. L. F. Heuperman, retiring president of the Deaconess Hos pital auxiliary, entertained her outgoing board and the newly elected officers at a 1 o'clock luncheon .at her home Monday. New officers introduced were Mrs. W. ill. Barber, president; Mrs. C .C. Edwards, secretary, and Mrs. I. W. Geer, who has been reelected as treasurer. Other board members present were Mesdames Christine Simmons, Frank Jlrak. B. F. Wiens, Nettie Roberts, John Wiens and H. P. r Limit 2 Each to Customer Miller's CASTLE PEML WAVERS SOS 1st National Bank Bide, Phone 3663 Machine Waves and Killing Kooler Waves. IlalliweU Cold Waves Experienced OpeVatora Phone Your Appointments Now I $ ai . :YSrW WAVrv;i.u WW :AU Our lovely Imper Washable Wallpapers can make a "day-and-night" difference in your home. And every one of them is guar- i anteed washable and light-resistant. . . . in wide variety available right now at our showroom 340 Court St i l Y i 11 The Most - J '; 1 Beautiful W I Fur Coat , ") S You Ever ! N- M ! Owned . ; . . u v ;! H -'h v ' " ' : i '.f lz . . . every week's express brings J I , x4 '0. ed hamilton fine furs to Mil- I , ', A lei's! An almost unlimited f - i choice of every fur coat that is i 'k heir to the new season! . - i. Lovely ermines . . . rich China ; ' i "4, minks . . . impjited Persians ft ' ; j, 1 f p ... genuine seals . . . genuine w J , ; ' .' beavers . . . Russian squirrels 4 W f - ' ... and many, many others 9 i , . 1 Vi In the famous ed hnmilton , Ml 'j tj j : J I quality! UJ . - j j I yli I 8 91. v - u j- ml ' 1 : -y y Guaranteed by , I SS"x fjjf Hamilton SI Terms . I I Available! Miller's 1 ytemzznmxx-xm