4 The Stcrt mrm. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. October 10. 1948 . PgQlJoil'S CDreflonilatcsraau "Ap Favor Sway U$. No Ftat Shall Aw" ; Frees First Statesman, March tt. 1151 TIIE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY CHARLES A. SPRAGUE. Editor and Publisher Member of the Associate) BEHIND THE NEWS i . (Dtstrtootieo Se a loss rttiirM Srn Strste. tc Rfrn4ifitoa la wael ef in part sirwtly prhlbHS, WASHINGTON. Oct. 9.' Th Steelman report laid down talis tics Knowing in to m living In Just about the best possible of all economies but the stock market T-v- iliui treaa la exclusively eaUUea U the ef all news dispatches credited U It or eot eUarwIae credited la . . ., does not believe It or peviceM Th YMnnvnlr newspaper SBBBBBB' --tyA " rs iaii Concerning this phenomenon, Mr, bteeiman a ays only, "the severe decline in the stock market indicates Uncer tainties in the minds of business men." But about this. Mr. Steel I "Nmsn has no un LkJcert a I n t t. He raal NtttM predicts "net in come of proprie- The reconversion office' director John Steelman told the president in mi quarterly report that busi ness profits are "at the highest ,1:.,- f Art in USSR Pln n history." farm Income has mw.n - - . . . nccn is ner- to n all-time high,' pro- Thc lightening of communist discipline in the USIvK is per- duction u ,t ,u top pacctime rec hmu urft evident in the renewal of cultural purges. These take ord national income is unpreced- .u... t n..v,i.n rebuke which is humiliating to the artist, ently the highest," and unera- w.. --.lin- down Ployment is a measly 2 million- It may be mat reproo. s " : -yet the market in cw.4n&ation Russia (has pnaea useu on mc iiuri.i, it,. P.r for artists. Ira anv event the disciplining of indi-i vidua! poets, jourtiatists, playwrights serves the purpose of the central authority in controlling the thinking of the people of r.v, Janan's nolice hunted out those with "dangerous thoughts." In Russia dangerous thoughts are averted by control of prMf;&nda and restraint on expression even of those whose medium is literature or the arts. The H!rtatorhiD centered in the Kremlin regards the press-, i aiio. the screen, the theatre as tools of propaganda, to be ut! to indoctrinate the people in the Marxist-Lenin-Stalin ideokry. In late years, however, writers of books and playi not held in such "tight .refrain,; requiring each product of their brain, to be I SlJYlTriS- TiS SSSSilSSTS a fcOf iilit-t tract. This moderation has recently been altered, th face of this official promise of the ' fontv line" eoverns m the field ol the arts. i greater earnings the stock mar- ... t.,.i. r:.hM.l nerved Hitler as minister of "prop ti rtrrm nf Prnnivinda of I Stalemate 1st AlUtadea Sanaa ar.a eniigrn-inn-iii m- - ------ i c ,,,. f-r ut. t h- mmmimUt nartv dictates the lineL.,.TL ct.pcMUar: .eon.fV," con' inr- mitii t.w.......v -- . . , ., i uinui tium arisen in wnicn no one for journalism, literature and the arts in me service o aenies the steelman report yet no Rjau diiUtorsliin The vehicle for the discipline Is the new one pays much attention to It a tr.nc.thly publication. ' Culture and Life." which t. .. police- "" S; mn awl monitor for Russian men of Letters and artists. to change his mind. The business Its lint blast came against two literary magazines, "Star people ; assert behind thetr hands ard "U-ningrad" They were accused of opening their columns he report should have been Issued to who- work, were "alien and hostile to the soviet .7. Ztl spirH " Seme of the writers Vere condemned because their r m campaign document. The ad works aped the "contemporary bourgeous culture of the west." ministration Is taking the best Recently the official newspaper. "Ixvestui" was criticized for flg fling to report adequately on "the vief democratic foreign i "nfTutnc.0' tnTcoml policy, for material exposing the Instigators of slanderous voters. No one has taken the re- arti-MfViet DroDaeanda abroad, and maneuvers of international port apart to ascertain where It rLLi -otrvi the neare" wrong, whfle conflicting Claims rearuon d:rected against the peace. . fill the air and bewilder the judg- IWhaps the greatest surprise is the blast given the latest mnt. yrr.4.r.yi by the famous composer, 'Dmitri Shostakovich. His The 'fault behind theewhoJe re- Lt-nms-rao " symphony, composed during the siege of that City, port Is basic. You ran see this breathing the -pint of Russian resistance, brought Shostakovich jcCh!rJH.C!!2!idrr: dLisratiann at horn and -broad. The ma.ter. of communist J luiFJ ih.uk hh may have relented his fame. At least his new work. They re. Staelrhan's figures cal- hi i..t h tymprKMiy, gets severe panning in the usual com- cuiate them at above $10 billions -riah which is intelligible only to the blind faithful. whij. "thjtag bickf Atkinson was correct when he reported on his re- )9 bUllons. But Steelman has ab- turn fiom an asstKciuienl in Moscow that cultural life in Russia solutely forgotten to measure this is r.een. How wild it be otherwise if the invisible thought police increase against the price hikes ..1 .ver the creative geniu- aaj he works at typewriter, e.nil "V,. u7uZj 7uZ "freedom like that? hM RMaiured the dollar volume of profits without considering how the dollar has shrunk. He has 4 i - .. v- irumruiiy compared figures which Alaska olr I m I k. Alka bid for statehood, now approved by popular vote, I unsound result. po.t a r.ew problem for the American mainland, the vote com- CaotlaiUu Ceadesaneal Ing sj it does on the heels of ever-increasing pressure for slml-l Thus, his figures condemn his iK- Hawaiian i.lsnds. ow" conclusions, lie says national a BJ I 'B 1111 SWI v a - " " - - - - - mm 4. -riiM. . A 1 Ljr - ' f - v -v At t Wednesdar was an Isspertaat day la Salesa area Elkaosn.' Vlsltlag the ledce was the graad exslted raier. unaries e. Breagatea (feerta fresa left abeveX, Shebeygaa. Wis pabllsher. whe spake at a special laacheea la his honor where' he was greeted by Gey. Earl Hnell. Left U right are J. K. Mas ters. Chic age. graad ledge secretary; Secretary ef State Robert S. Farrell. Jr., chairman grand lodte jnaiciarj eemmuiee; rraaa Lnergaa, rortiand, past grand exalted raler; Breaghton; fleveraor Haell; Joaa E. Draauaey, SeatUe, chalrmaa ef graad lodre trastaes: George Hall. Now York City, grand trastee; P. T. G arose ho, rortiand. grand esqalre; Clifton Madd. member of grand lodge activities com mittee. Salem. laset Is Fred Phillips, exalted raler ef Salem lodge SIC. Also a visitor was Roy llela lela. West Vlrfclala, secretary to Breaghton. National Elks' Ruler Visits Public Records CIRCUIT COURT Gladys I. Parker v Thomaa V. Par ker : Pvcrea of Slvorc aranw ruatody at minor child to plalnUf and S30 per nionln support monty. United State ridality and Guar anty Co. va W. T. Morrlaon: Amended complaint Ll f ford Floyd Wriht v Irda Mary SGQODQS frpmrnra (Continued from psge 1) Salem Ixdne Charles E. Broughlon, Sheboy an, vris., grana exauea ruier or Wrlahl: Suit for divorce charging the Elks, and Official party were Bd Innuman traatmenl: married . , . i . i i.j' . I at Wenatcnee. Wash.. May IS. 1943. uie oaicm iuuii r canes- v..k..-n . a r.h i. m-. day, continuing on to Albany. Cor- Kiilop and Haien McKliiop: Motion to I V'i anrMthT Eufn ,Mtfht; 3.n.rU", "rU ' cm,pU,nl mor comp.ratlv.ly little attention In The officials were greeted at cover Mayne vs wilUrd V. Hay nea: th Dr, J otherwise I think a receotion In the rtk temnle fol- Suit im rh.r. uwrii 1 m Pre or omerwiso. 1 minx lowed by a noon luncheon in hon- married at Vaiier. Mont.. Aug . . isae. I Governor Snell would be wise to or of Broughton. The visitors and I .".LtJll.t"., .1 1 make this progr.m part of his several Oregon officials were In- human treatment; married at Van- own platform for reelection It trod u red by Clifton Mudd 1 Sa- couver. Waah.. Tab. t. IMS . i. i VJ? !.. . 5r Gladys Jone v. Wealey Jones: Suit Would be an effective answer to umuurr ui me gianu iual (or dlvoree char sine eruel and In. It-t ...... of leadership at the state house member of the Salem lodge, past for divorce ch. "g mg croVl and Tn" Hero is something to challenge at exalted ruler and past deputy human treatment; married Sept. II. tention anrt If it U eiten th. t.rn a I IS41 at Vinraunr Wli I - " " - . " Broughton reported fine prof -1 tor divor- rhinM cm.i .w mhum.n I . res In the activities of the Elks traatment; married Vancouver. Waah.. receive popular endorsement. One regarding aged members, veterans Ju7,'?' t71- , . . need not go for oil provisions of and Juveniles, and urged renewed I Uoe criooa: Decree of divorce aranU the report I do not fsvor con- activity In the subordinate lodges I plaintiff all houaehoid furniture and olidstin cam and fiah nun ... g . . j i.ii . m i ! 21SU aiinifMiv i w n wink me ssnaT unnrDriviiPVPn - . rhiMrm or kryi-rd? Ilciw vtmUi Arnrrim enduro I lr.Mma tswsaaa t Kl1llAMa. I. 1.JI ... . . a A 1 a ... a I a .I I v'ie w fl LS So) 111 IV1I Hut there sroull l no attempt to lump ine iwo terinoncai whr r)tualnma acx,uir u, 9 in the Mrne cnoe at xint. There is a maraed aissimiianty in i billions of profit, but now he says many w&. and the problems must be met separately. The de-1 nauonai income is 1B7 billions, velo,.',. of tlie pas, few years, and P-rticularly of the put f.6 ffffigSt lew nntr.s. naee jeritea issa irwn mt iuuu ui ""a cedes business is making much merely a wealthy out poet with homestead and development less profit In percentage of in potent.. It has-been slammed right into the center of the reoi y sates. mtimJ defense picture more than ever before and has a right f'r pmh recognition on par with the strategic Pacific islands. W:th an area ahoit at ac times that of Oregon, an! hardly 10 per Birtho tftta tjwtni va Harry IM-ent: De- mi salons With foieatrv in a tie 'Maine stae Uleay va Wayne ntcli- --. imiiriTiiiun, uui trie aro uiwr napiy ey airatni eny- i uiimu outline or tne urogram mer- Ing all of plalnlirr'a complaint. I u full ..,..... i. .. . i S ss Vllliovifci WW e-V W OS Sjel . - - - - - lllrwf!ho;rTbr -OBATE COURT j5i'I'JlIPnfr hP.1- Edward W. C reor their lethargy and make this for estry program a major .Item nf business in the years Just ahead. I Action must be pressed at the next legislature. This, gross defect half-Justifies the comment so frequently heard among business people, namely We have had Inflation for every - tt . .tale iwtmU its importance to the nation as a thing except profits h4e . f.r moW ..e-rl v in . DroDortion to its size than to its . NowI do not feel much confi- - ... ' . , . .. aence in government suusucs on p-ipylataon. Btst lU very position si tne crossroaas oi ine norm pri or waCM. i know wsges regtMts and its proximity to the great circle westward tran-1 have gone up only It to 27 H per scenes all other cona (derations. certain unions, but not sn s i a a .4.K.I. .. t wKeiKer the generally. The national average ...., 7" . , , ' " must be far less than ir per cent. United Matea would tienefit more by hsving Alaska a state Also I also know It costs me more than a vr te-lesw territory. The debate will be short as to to live now than the government wheilier ttatehoed wild be beneficial to the territory itself. j"de. says it f?.'"". i. . x w s i. ti t. iki. ere neyer available except In the inis wrt a vw? e-,.-ri;ir..r - m... ndk:ef while noo-ceilinged Items t say alout Alaska its population is more proportionately cost much more than the govern - akin to -ru inland American, in peoplea and language, than the Jrit 'culstesfor me). ParilH- meJUng pot of Hawaii. Determining which is the more 7J yTvenT'r'Im wiUIng to entileat to stat4md will rest on which factors are deemed accept Steel man's conclusion that more Mnrortant i the natKn at large. Alaska has made its real wages (after Uses) are ac- a'tiUde kr.ows IU champums In congress will see -that lU r 'T 1 i f,p;w" ; , B. days when measured against ac- intertStB are furthered tual nrieo Inr-reaaea I knnw me own wage 1 considerably. ' In the face of this eriaa-crnual BiMain oners an interesting feature for Its children on economic situation, you can well i1!e we k ends and variations of the plan might well be con- understand why the market goes s.Jenert ,n formation of much-needed juvenile-training pro- StiT Lot oJeVaUng" grams in the United States. Each Saturday morning nearly at a profit today. Investors fear 1 000 i'0 British boys and girls swarm into 400 movie houses the unions hsve squeezed much for weekly meeting of the Saturday morning club. Child- TJ.PVl L1?1 . . , . . ; . . t j sympsthetlc administration in ren s fiim are featured, anes are limited jrom 7 to 14 and no power, will continue Ho aqueeee UI i- Mimitted unlets accompanied by a chifd. The clubs the golden goose until all profits a:o clli r! other Saturday ac tivities, such as football cricket, are gone, and the hazards of con-1 ..... s .4. i aaminiiirsiiun anti ov imiijiu- immi - JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. human treatment: married at Miaeoula. lea and DlivalO orsaniationa over nooen jonnaon, oo s. capiioi si., i . "- si. iaaa. tne state The stste forester printed the ....... . report of the special committee so av.nwa .. . i w I w- " .. w. man I .. ...... . . . - i mr. ana ivira wsa-I art tine Meveenber it for final hetriM III IS BVBIiaOlO in priniecl Torm on ward Stone. Mill City, s dauah-1 M J en ine ahanfes: Order id- I reo ueat at the atale fnrealer R. tor, Wednesday, xnorer s, a I rta- "T'"J lZL71r" "... 'T?' . ietn. " . . I ting November IS- for final heerln. r-einueno neea hi anaae oir nnnatrr. to wr. mu mm. I noaa m. aieorea eaiete: Amended pe Carroll Shame. 1S2S Loo at. a I Ml Ion te vacate hnal order Am. Wr.Mrf.v rwilvr a . "weeiaae r. vueuain oetaie: rU- . - j. , llon rw upon funds of estate. at Salem Deaconess hospital. I Mini To Mr. and Mrs. Her- MARRIAGE UCENSK bert V. Smith. Monmouth, a son. APPLJCATIONS Wednesday. October B at Kalem I Allen Key Ntvranwr. U. watchanak General hospiUI. I tL.lZ' mn" Mr,r' e-ok aai m m a sss m a m m mm r,"-" w se. naii us in Mr. ana airs, nar-i vimi .ir auir,.b a ..ih lan amiin. independence, a son, owner, and J una Ha Barbara Freres, IS WsdnMdav. Ortobar B at Kalem I vpi. oent ef a lay ion. rieneral hmnlll I ""mm M. ateo manager. imTtr - I m. iiw Lveoy . weir, is, clerk. vnnt mnn w mr. aiHj iwira. I aionree. Wia. I C. Chapman, 1011 Elm st West If- C.ln m Ufn1. rv.- MUNICIPAL COURT tobor r at Salem General hos- w"- r..u Wl '"T"""c. "Ussl Pll . I Charles Morse, 10OS M. Summer at MINER To Mr. and Mrs. Don- violation of baeie rule, fined 17 M aid Miner. 1140 Lee st.. a son. I "LmM..w.fr ove.. Wednesday. October f. at Sslem ""T!! JJSJl'Zlt9i Conersl hospital. rial at., violation or basic rule, fined DECATUR To Mr. and Mrs. 7, w K. S. Decatur, route I. Salem, s I Z !'?dI,":V''lm- tthct, mun p,i j. crtarnicrtowsky, pottland, vlo at Salem General hoaotLsl. I laiion of baste rule, posted st ss bail m l a ti.i . . . v. . Matncwi. rsyuidf 1. Hilsim. vtaa Sen. Taylor Favors CVA , In Talk to AVC Endorsing the propoed Colum bia valley authority wijh what he termed the "lung power of conviction," Ken. Glenn Taylor of Idaho addressed a luncheon meeting sponsored by Salrm chapter, American Veterans Com mittee, yesterday In the Marion hotel. The U. S. senator predicted thst puhMc power development here and elsewhere, modeled on the Tennessee valley authority, would eventually win out to the benefit of all, deapite the "vast financial resources of Indutti lal opponents." A Columbia vsiley authority, the speaker asserted, would mean money In the pocket for all citi tens of the northwest lecause It would attrsit new Industries, serve to Improve rangelands and weed control, provide Irrigation and flood control In areas greatly In need of these and by ottrortlng Industry would provide a great new nearby market for agricul tural products of the northwest. Sen. Taylor said he had re cently Interviewed scores of busi nessmen and cltl.ens In Knnv vllle. Tenn . the heart of the Tl'A. and had found everyone there In favor of the TVA and enthusias tic about the benefits It had brought that region. Before his audience of Salem liberals the democratic senator advised "keeping the democratic party and liberal forces synorio moui" j adding that liberal candi dates now and in future politics! campaigns should keep telling the truth to the people at large snd "slmuld not give up hope even In Oregon." Sen. Taylor was Introduced by former Governor Walter Pierce. Two democratic nominees In the current campaign also introduced were Carl Dona ugh, candidate for governor, and Lyman Mmi, can didato for first district repreaen tatlve. Grant county and In 1910 Bowman moved to Salem. In 1002 he married Delia Mc Dowell in. Grant county who died a few ye4rs later. At Kugene in 101 he man led Mabel James wh survives. He was a member of the Lenti Methodist t hurrh. He Is survived "by his wife; nieci ., Alice Harold of Selem. I.Hlie Timms of I'asodena, Calif. Crystal j Henderson . of fiedmond. and neidiews. Waller Ikrwman of Sslem. Harry Ilowmsn snd Bert Ioflon of Ml. Vernon, Curtis Mul ligan and Marion Mulligan of i'ortlanif. . , . - - - - - -4 I ; ; F. Do Bownuiiio Furtner, Dies Prank David. Bowman, ret lied farmer who died heie October 1, had been a teideht of Kalem for 36 years prior to his death, liv ing at I2S4 H Mlieity at Service wore held Octotwr I Ho was born In Kpringf laid, III.. In IMS. At an early age the family moved to Kansas, and In IMS came to Oregon in a covered wagon. The family arrived In STEVEIJS FOK QUALITY DlamoMcl 'Duo fity d'amooVl t't tr 1 4k grtld nourttmlg mtcK eij :Ui.rQ bond Man's Diamond niatf BriJIiOnf d'Omood st r rugged, s'reomltrted Mk gold mounlmf IaMtrssnsi IearU Beoolifully m.ljsd o I, 1 or tUurui rv.ft. lores Of clwaer or CoS lengths lit Cenrt Street EXCLUSIVE NEW COLOR ducting a business do investment. , Furthermore hsve been throwln do Hot warrant ".T. rT. nd 'leea drtv- ' i nf- P'ed S3S ball ermoro people IjUi Parker, IISS Slath at.. West C their money Salem, violation ef basle rul. iv.i away, and as the Steelman report , Kints out, there is danger that w. uf Ji!! Tr.1nkh.n " .m mmmn ,, Y. Eolation of anu-noios or ying win not seep up at recent dmenre, posted as bail. OCE Reports simming a ltd txMting. dramatic work and concerts. Britain's! n iaj A ir n7Af? IT' two IK film ciccimU, Odeon and (iaumont, began the plan. v-IlXll lilLF 13IJ It demand levels in the face of price increases. For these reasons, seeing the most glorious business opportun ity anv natirwt ewer tmi for In- definite peak good times fadlngM0tf,riM.2oa f .Ci upon the horizon, AFL. Will Ism T UCsJllCICO lAZXV Green practically Joined Senator a a a e-a a . oyru m orminaini aoanaonmeni i r, f a ii i a . rents and some other items. Labor th 0r,", College of Education itself must be coming to the con- at Monmouth, said in Salem Wed- clusion OPA Should be raed neaday that there still were va- aiivw sviua iiiiisiuuii Ui stUJH" l - . . . ness proflU. or there will soon be c"nciM at hu tor married lees in the pot for wages. And veterans as well aa for a few Sin- Green Is coming to this conclusion gie students. Registrstlon closes after hsving led the fight for OPA Saturday. continuance. He now blames the Dr. Howard pointed out that act on congress. while the Monmouth school Dri- IIlS pressure at his AFL con- marilv was a teachers' Mtl.fs it vent ion coupled with that of,busl- was possible to take two years of ness may force the administration genera! courses there and then w arop lis canirwi ina rtoratr IU nn.i .-ii t. 4 i .i... economic lino before election. i (,,. .. ....i now are contemplating. By Lichty lvkis B. Srhwell(bach. who was always a fair-haired t.iy 4ih organized lalor in Washington state, which helped him i tie spsKHotrri'Mit as secretary of labor, is left off the Art, w rition senkers list. Iw has been "left off and out tl ii.'M labor Irusiness since he got back to the capital. II- fully was given a whirl at the maritime strike, but fanned cut Hi friends report he greatly regrets he left the federal h-ru-si m Spokane to respond to the call of a former senate 'buddy Harry Truman, who since has forgotten their . old-time affect MMn. Editorial Comment cJieTpor'arte. N4TI F OFTEN RUDE ABOI'T JT Fiskl Marshal Jon Chrialiaan Smuts, prime minister of South Afrua one snf she few survivors of the Versailles peace makers. 1 q4t s saysng the preeent Paris pe;ce conference has made I o h a..i-!ke tsaan were perpetrated at Versailles in 1919. TW ..ri phitouprier-staterruin finds hope, however, in the very bsdns-wi the errors They re so bad. h says, -they will even- t;: nyr.r thesneHves. Nature will eventually push out what Is Wink in the losig run this principle undmrbtedly operates, the h pe offers aei'sm. not tot eiicouraginjg. The question may be of picxesa by wtix-h tiie mitkes right themselves. Smuts him-a-:f twerr.es eoiplf He cites as two fatal blunders at Versailles f ttMfcjy high reiMistions and "the impMsible Danzig corridor." Tt- two have ima- gone out the window; whether they have ! U-en "ttgrted is still a quckticm for history: but the process in- v !t- NiCer, ais reers of global war, the ruin of a large part of i l.urff' i.irri of other places scattered thrmigh the world. Nature, pjhi4 4,al thewe ucwtstural things, did it the hard way: so hard. irilert, Uiit the cst. merely in material things, to say nothing of the nee and sMfeia has been many times what the fantastic irp.ikU.i. end Ue isnimMble D; nzig rorri1or were worth. Metwtr. we ee. Is a aeveie rectifier; we shall do well not to! Iee any roots for Itet to iwmt than we cea help. (San Francisco J "Dees any aerasea harp te Bunch ea a better world. Dear? De you O rf,r ) thl.k the governaaent might feel I'm criticising themT I J I i I I V f : ) ' It ll ll Tl ' I II I II fl II ll'I T V! ,t I I i 1 1 w i iii : ra a i iiii it ii in I I rMAA' 'i If I Fanaas Oaa-tJait HsariafAis! Little I Light I Efficient I mitW by lairs ttann Com m ot phonr he astea Jay R Nedry, Consul Vanl A free audiometric test of your hearing will eliminate guess work as to your hearing loss. We sre now located in our new office and offer professions! service to the hard of hearing. MEMBER JAMES TAFT ASSOCIATES 211 Oregon Blag. Stale at High Saloon, Oreg Fhono 2-4191 Batteries for all Hearing Aids ICE CDEAII ! All Flaron. No LimUa. QU. ...... Adl SAvrnc ceuteh Sslem and West Sslem a ( fl lJliif ' ! , y' '' i r .... asaWsjtOjgP, (7 ji a Few sights stir the imagination mor0 than a beautiful Palomino horse graz ing against a western sky. Nowr-for the first time this stirring color hag been captured in fur felt... another Dobbs exclusive. Palomino la a thoronghbred hat in every way . . . thoroughly I)olbs I 15.00 Ollirr Dol.l.. $7.50 and Morr f 'ITDne Msann's SUnaDip Mosxley and Huntington THE STORE OF STYLE. QUALITY AND VALUE 41S STATE STREET J i