The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 The Statesman. Salem, Ofaoa. Thursday. October 10, 1948
Donaugh Asks
Boys Clubs lo
Prevent Crime
i.'t oblamfd from loys
?ti-? which an pon
ervtce l'it. the
1 riaiigh' t1k mid he
,U boy. not jit Owe
v " 1; tt- ttie Iiv. vi a 'iv
c 'id 4 v C.'tl iKsnWgr-, f.nmer
I (, . : the Int-f n I,w
h. . 'i r rr.ent Offices s ik igtion
i i f..v lr:ernt-ii'l pre-id-it ot
t- tim.l tvi"" club, who
v Ht U " y Huh i,t,k! W'ed
I lit naugh i i former
I'-.iWd Mces attorney fur the
itrict and wa- mtro
ni iv Brun SpstildmK, local
7 r.r ir
r' t hi
v lv
t ! rr .f
k in ; arUcnt'sr
A'iiM..n t at Kl il"s'. Tex
v U, f from 10 I i 15 er
i 'It- : 'y rood i ted U eir
fT-rtiiijr ;n Spanish guided by the
a-t.ioe i k.b mtTlKTi but lfeter
ei;-Tlv c.itwded i'rntd to a:ieet
I tijoiyh. rational president, of
t' n-mf: ip.g grej
H K . uts present for the
rrri-tii.g iere iutrodl' d by I .ee
I'vriili "I l ey we John Hump-rev.
..t Mmit, (illy Rommnf,
p tijy mi,! tro.p; and Kichard
V-yatt air cut ml assistant pn-
t. I it iM !
Tn pint'ett, fialem high school
S'vioet.t ;4y preileiit. w intro
c -cei tr.e high achrfol Kotaiian
fit tt.r from ttie high ch(il;
tree Wick. Willamette idu-ri-?it
-ry presd-tit, was intio
ci iced fc the Roaiin of the
tnitrilh from the univetsity.
Stasscn Urges
Strike Cool-off
Period Started
SEATTLE. Oct. IWP) -Former
Oov. Harold E. Stassen of Mlnne
sola, addressing a republican cam
paign rally here tonight, advocat
ed "a negotiating period fixed by
government during which either
strike or lockout would be unlaw
ful" His suggestion came after he had
assailed the administration's labor
policy, asserting that "bungling
and ineplness in labor relations
since VJ day has caused min
imum of five billion dollar loss
in the standard of living of the
American people in 1946."
He declared the "basic stop
pages In steel, and other funda
mental Industries would never
have occurred if there had been
y" i nil early faring of basic economic
I questions. Instead we heard ex
' pounded entirely impossible eco
i nomics with the statement that
it was possible to raise wages 30
per cent without raising prices."
Stassen. wiho was Admiral Hal
sey's flag lieutenant during the
war, said he believed "the repub
lican party should make it clear
that it would give vigorous con
. Unuous support to the growth and
: development of the United Na
tions Organization."
I He conceded the organization
, was "not perfect, but it is the best
1 hope for lasting peace and prog
ress in the welfare of mankind
For Voltiiitwr Aid
A rjiil fur volunteers in the
A-Research to
Aid Medicine
.DETROIT. Oct. 9 -MP)- Four of
the top-ranking men in Ameri
can military medicine disclosed
tonight that experiments are be
ing conducted for medical use of
p iKMiition and the home service j atomic energy and forecast It
would result In great advances in
medical science In the next 23
The declaration came In a joint
statement issued at an informal
j press conference by Ma J. Gen.
riimitftw i;ts of the Marion conn
tv hspter of AtHTi"' Ked
t n ws issued Tuedy by Ked
( iim .ff. als
Triy M..d the pricf .iction de-
p i m it -will provide garments
sarnt trx iImiu Mlili rmjiieted
ly iiiittm' rvMipitU. ii well of the army; Rear Adm. W. J. C.
. Ut needy erioiis j Agnew, deputy chief of medicine
ut! Tf.e home wei it e i orps and surgery for the navy; MaJ.
yt-ar vull lncew commun- Gen. Iaul R. Hawley, surgeon
I: M-fv to vetetans, they add- general for the veterans admln-
Kxlcnxion Unit
IMiiti nH Hcin
SWir.Ij; The fn,f regular
rU-iihft meeting ot the new year
f . r !rm rxNniiiakei will
f fier ,; week FlidaV. C)to
11 f.l Salem uiii! will meet
v U1 Mi C'haileM Jytie on I -c
.tei l)i-s.e The meeting will
trtn at '.'r.30 and the leMn.
"K-t-et" with Vitamin A-D',
t Fieiifrt r Trirvfle. home drnmn-
ntum bftnt. N'f definite boun
rry iner. '.r. thee unit meeting
tT4 mxker at e invited to
t' !' meeting iieait-vt tlieir
1-tiiHi Miiy new families have
l n.ii. '.tie neighlMi itorxl since
t e i.4ft extension niitingi in the
fc, i r.f. b.rl oidet in-ffi(ei air
B -mil Ui i I le thei mi-n to
r ipti(!ti mm all if always
V H-fT ,
l'lhtHit SiMtrrw I'litn
1 or Staff ( ttviilioii
MIAihTDN II me Temple.
I'vtt ,hn f- ters, - nt Tueday
r .pt.t w ttt ii a coverti1 dish uper
i n ni.l it 7 followed by the
r-uH4f 4 ii- r-f fneim No AiiI- j
Ij-t or S irnilxN- nieetltign weie
I ; i i. iKt TYmple of y I tnan Si tert
vil! In- t. .d in lftliid with the
Knifiili .f Pythian (Htober 13 to
IS Jc -..,r.e Hartman. past chief,
and Mit;e Eastm-tn, alternate,
v :ll, ait Helen W'tight-r?;-n.
jart supreme repiesenta
t . . Mi Hrtman i- ofi the du
t ;M;lmii . . rtimittee, Mr- Wright-.
Ijjn .rtexy cotnrn'ittet'.
Hi.tiir fUiitaoii i nw numlirr
at t- MKi.l trniple The Altruittii'
t 'ib rii-tfi tAl day Kiiilay, Ortober
11 with Mm. Cal Specht with cov
es ed uh luncheon at noon.
istiation, and Dr. James A. Crab
tree, deputy surgeon general of
the U. S. public health service.
Meat on the Hoof for Employes
f "S
' !
1 -
. 4 e-S i
7 ' ( U
, 1 h
- All
NEW YORK. Oct. t Tfcomas T. K earns (left platferm), president of the General Sleel Products
f:erp. ef Flushing, N. V checks 2S head ef Texas steers which his firm brought 4e New York City
ler slaughtering and distribution free to employes. The meat will be distributed with the weekly
psy checks of each employe according to the slse of his family, (AP Wlrephoto)
255 Enroll in
Night Classes
ii o .
Night School Director? George
Porter last night said that 255 per
sons had registered for night high
school classes at the senior high
school building, Parrish junior
high school, and the public li
brary building. Ninety-eight were
reported registered for extension
courses offered by the state sys
tem of higher education.!'
Fifty-five 18-1? year bid stu
dents, who are working during
the day and are required, by law
to attend night school until they
are US, are enrolled. Porter said,
i Vacancies still exist in typing
and I shorthand and machine shop
practice classes at the high school.
Porter said. Late registration will
be continued next week! in both
high school and extension courses.
ficers 'Appoint
Girson, Phillips
(eorr Flaim Goes
V ' J
To Seattle Meeting
Public Utilities Commissioner
George Flagg and three members
of his staff left here Wednesday
for Seattle, Wash., where they
will confer with Nevada, Wash
ington, Idaho and California offi
cials, in connection with plans for
cooperative regulatory action in
volving the Pacific Telephone it
Telegraph company.
Operations of this company are
confined to five western states.
The differential in interstate and
inlrawtate rates will be one of the
outstanding matters discussed.
Allan Carson and Robert Phil
lips: last night were appointed as
lpe program committee for the
4Rerve Officers meeting to be
held at 6: IS pm. Wednesday, Oc
tober 23, at the Golden Phea.nant
restaurant. President Ward R.
Davis also appointed i Charles
Zefian to handle publicity.
Col. William H. Sweet, CAC,
senior instructor of the Oregon
instructor group, spoke on future
plans of the Reserve Officers
group at last night's meeting.
Films were shown of the Okinawa
and Sabti landings and -,of the
German atrocities.
All Flavors. No
Limit, It. .
KaJeaa and West Kalens
Free Your
Home of Pesls
- 3 Ways -
IK - M Freon tf"0 Qr
e and DDT OL.UJ
(is Ilomb
Insert Itepellant
o I-amp
230 to 450 .
CenrrmJ Electric Ultra-
o Violet Germ Killing
I .amp ;
25? Court 81 Phone 3021
Unit Members
Receive Thanks
For Speeial Work
MT ANGEL, Mae Heggie and
Mrs. Fred I.ucht were each
thanked for their work as chair
men of the dance and the 40 and
S dinner, especially for the fi
nancial leturns to the unit treas
ury, af the auxiliary meeting. A
no ImM It 30 p m. uper for past
J4il auxiliary members October
22. i next on the unit's program.
Mrs. Cletus Butsch, community
service chairman, suggestion for
backing May Ann Toner's lending
library in downtown (ML Angel
was approved and members voted
$10 to the came.
Meadow la ik VFW post held an
open forum meeting last night.
WiUiam Kelso, chaplain, presided
in the absence of the commander.
A blue 1931 DeSoto sedan was
stolen from Tile road between 1
p m. and: 5 p.m.-yesterday, the
owner, T. F. 'Sheppard, route 2,
Kalem, reported to city police.
Diiie Dance
Floor Shows 10-12
Rusty Coleman
Carman DeLonreda
Spanish Singing & Dancing Star
Alice Hulett
The Dancing Body Beautiful
Dick Gardner
Mimicry - Magic - Ventriliqutst
Abbo Groen's Orch.
Jean Fontaine
Steaks - Chicken - Turkey
Chinese Dinners
No Cover Charge, Before f p.m.
Opea Every Night Except
I Sunday
Salem Air Scouts
Klect Bo) Hensel
z "
Bob Ifensel was elected squad
ron pilot of Salem air scout squad
ron No. 1 after a wiener roast
last, night. Melvin Kaisten Is the
new? assistant pilot; Don .Young,
communications scribe, and PhirH
Mingle and Dirk Mitchell are crew
lenders. 5
Major Blslock. army air forces
officer in charge of regional air
scouting, will speak at next Wed
nesday night's meet I rig. Two
films. Including -Land ind IJfe
audi the Desert," will be shown.
Tle regular Chemeketan trip
wilt be to Honeyman park this
wedtend, under the leadership of
Dorothy Middleton. Arrangements
to . make the trip, whicli will go
to the park and along the coast,
may be made by telephoning
number 2-1231 by Friday.
A snooper light and a gearshift
knob were stolen" frorfP his car
Tuesday night, while it was Dark
ed in the 300 block of south High
street, Robert Bartruff. route 8,
Salem, reported to police yester
day, v
Opens 1:45 r.
Tho Old
Ai Leslie Jr. High
Tonight tt
Every Nijfht Thin Week
4 P. II. & 0:15
Proudly Fresenls
t Kiwanis
Longtime Salem
Resident Dies
George Smith .Sutherland, 78,
of 140 E Bush st., a Salem resi
dent since 1910, died Wednesday.
He moved to Oregon from Oak
Grove, Wis., in 1802. Funeral ar
rangements have not yet1 been
announced by the W. T. Rigdon
company. j ;
Surviving are the I widow, Mar
garet Sutherland, of Salem; the
mother. Mrs. Dale Jackson, Mc
Minnville; two nieces, Mrs. Clin
ton Brink, Tacoma, Wash., and
Mrs. Jesse Thomas of Grand Cou
lee, Wash., and a nephew, Earl
Thomson, Portland.
3 Indicted on
Kidnap Charge
PORTLAND. Oct. 9--Three
men accused of abducting Mrs.
Margaret H a v e 1 y, 2-year-oId
Portland housewife, from a small
cafe were Indicted today on
charges of kidnapping and assault
and robbery while armed with a
dangerous weapon.
The trio were Jess W. Neal, 24;
Ernest W. Avery, 21; and Alvln
L. Dahl, 17. They were arrested
at Heppner Sunday, three days af
ter Mrs. Havely disappeared.
The woman was rescued in a
hideout cabin and said she was
WASHINGTON. Oct. . -4-Top-ranking
administration ad
visers discussed the meat shortage'
for two and a half hours Uximy but
broke up without a statement.
Ladies night, featuring enter
tainment provided by The lfamb
lens, billed as sophisticated sorc
erers, will follow ' the regular
meeting of the Salem Elks this'
evening In the Elks tempi.
25 Big Time Ads
Trained Animals,
Clowns, Acrobals &
Reserved Seat on Sale at
Mat. Dally from 1 I. M.
Here is a
lory such
as you havf
5.1 .l
if ..5
-OPENS C:4S r. M.
now s!iowin(;m
m CO-FEATURE! of .
Marauarita Chapman
OPENS :43 J. M-
I NV I.I. 1 .1 .1 4 1 M-t i -t I
Zane Grey'a -NEVADA"
Apply for Jobs
Handicapped persons in the Sa
lem area have been applying in
increasing numbers for employ
ment this week due to the publi
city for the National Employ the
Physically Handicapped week, ac
cording to William Baillie, mana
ger of the Salem USES.
The program for the week is
progressing with radio programs
and speeches before various or
ganizations and service groups.
Carlton Greider, veterans coun
selor at the local USES, attended
a meeting in Portland Monday
night at which representatives of
employers, veterans, unions, and
slate officials - presented the part
played by their particular groups
in getting the physically handi
capped back into pnxiuctive em
ployment. Afterthe meeting Grei
der participated in a radio pro
gram on a "Job For Veterans"
47 Mid-Valley
Men Recruited
By IJ. S; Army
Enlistment of 47 Salem and val
ley area men In the U.S. army
during September win announced
yesterday by the local hi my re
cruiting station.
Those enlisted are (with choice
Of service indicated for men en
listing for thice-ycih mImU):
Fiom Kalem (iunald llendri n.
IM N. Cmiimerrlal ; Motiald K
Hellemn. 23SO N. Commercial si.;
Jatne J. Wrllmin S2n4 alrborna di
vision; Daron M Lirk, route 7. Iik
fS iJiVern D ltirleit. 1070 r.ili'n
l ; Allen P. hllinsrr. 177B t ouit kl :
My mil I Mi-Call. I45 N IHiii at :
JoM-pti Mrypi.i. 2ISI N. rri.nt at . and
t'tiatlra W. frieds;r, loiile i. ro ISA.
From 'orvalli Jolin F. fiallowav.
$44 2nd at : Nolan F Williama. Mii N
Mill t : Many J Ti uninif, S?S H
Mill l . Haiold P. Weliiiwlri, Ml N.
I .Ml. t ; Julian J Wi-thri hre. 7l N.
jKlli ( . Jach Slfii. Ji . 131 N I Jill
at and Julian M IM-ey. t"l N lltli al
FroM! Allunv Mow aid ti. Uud!.
IIS3 W I llli : Kftitirtli I.. H111 ford.
Vnt S. riUwmUi l . Ilanrll " I'mIimI,
route 2; Houal W. iKh. toula I; Dar
win K. Uikn. route 1. Kichaid I.
Whltaker. route t. Salem: James C.
Ouinn. loute 3. Jainn F llombrciwakr,
427 F-. SIM t . and Willi M flullei.
S.I9 N 40i kl.
From Dalla - f'liilllp H fiats. Il
Clay t : ljten S Huther. ill Church
l , Koheit ( ('. Im 3:i X. Slanlrv
C llcnse. 910 Jrlfrison t . Awdv O
Hiarlfl. 712 Fanview l . ami John II
Hall, boa 243
Fiom Fall itv - HUl.arJ W. Wal
ton and reinond I. Ilrmr
From J-fferon - - TIhmiiii I. Pilcher.
Rotx-it U. Mason and CJurney tt. Hi
worth From I-banon James T. Beach,
Crmif F Train and Harold K. Smith
From MrMinnvllle - James 1.. Os
borne, 134 Johnson st : James H Mr
Daniel. SIS Afpine ave.. and Malcolm
F. Marsh, rout 2.
From Wood hum (toth In irmy sir
force) Byron F- I.ippert. 7H4 Harrison
at , and Marvin Rhetnholdt
From Independence -- William M
Firii Mill City Ted A. Culp ar
my air forces!.
From Lyons Van A. Cow (anny
air foicesi.
Fiom Stayton Albert H Phillips
(adjutant general's deuaitmentl.
From Blodajett Ooidon I.. Cleveland.
Multnomah Fall to
lie Illuminates! Nightly
PORTLAND, Oct. 9-fiVMult-nomah
falls will 'be illuminated
from dusk to midnight from now
on. An all-night display of light
ing, inaugurated last nighf, will
await arrival of more touiisla.
InnIlorI Group lo
Seek MeiiihcrHliii
Plans to increane the memler
ship of the Salem chapter of the
National Ilirme and Property
Owners foundation from 200 to
I.0O0 were initiated at a txard of
directors meeting last night.
A committee was appointed to
solicit membership among owners
of hotels, auto courts and apart
ments. Thomas Moleita. Flank
Doolittle and William Foien were
appointed to serve on the com
mittee. Dave O'Hara will be In
charge of advertising.
A meeting of Uie entire group
Was set for 7:30 p m. Wednesdsy,
October 18, at the chamler of
OOV. Slll'll Ti'l.M of
ToiiriHt Speinliii
G It ESI I AM. Ore.. ft. 9 -,1'i-flov.
Snell told a meeting of the
Mount HHMi POW - Woweia to.
mxht ttic tourist trade litoiiKtit
$H.'l.000.000 to Otegou this year
and pointed out there was no ceil
ing to the possibilities of the toui
Ist industry, the stale's thud lai-
He said t'lurist.s imw remain in
the atate an Mverage of eiutd
and fcH'iid $'121 mi pi-tsou ht
day and that it is one industry will never deplete Oiegon's
scientific resources.
Senilis off to
Record Year
Hoy Scouts and S outers of Sa
lem .uid surrounding aicas an
plunging Into the fll proKim
III M UIHlllIlT uhlih point- to a
leioid year of intuitu- M.hIiii
MiM-kford, asslst.inl t "as4 ode coun
cil executive, aaol Werlnesrlay
District meetings veie held In
Dallas and WoiMibuiri Tuesday
night for the Polk and Silver
Falls divtiut
Koiindnos of all par ti iiating
ax-outs and a court of honor will
be helil in both Polk and Silver
Falls districts, the former at Dal
las tolM'i 24 and the latter at
WiMxIbtirn November III. To spur
cubs and older scouts to gi eater
activity, awards for vatlous
achievements will be made at
the roundups, mid Salem Hotaiy
club announced thai an award to
the outstanding rub or scout of
the month -a ill be made each
month of the current program,
Mockford said.
Garden Work
Planned for
Meliama CIu!
Plans for Salem's first public
auction of bulbs, plsnts, snru!st
and f lower ss and for a fall flower
and garden show were arwiooni -.
yesterday by the Salem Mens
Garden club. !
The show will often at 1 pm
Satuiday and contmoa until
p.m. that day when II. e a'irM
will be held. Itoth events are t
l at the Salem YMCA.
Prtceeds from the auction' will
help finance a ilub haridtxiok n
gardening espeneiMca and meth.
ihIs UM-d by successful lo si jar-lb-Mis,
the rluli stated Items for
the auction wilt le conti ibjtel
by club memlers
Kiitiies In the romief Hive gar
den show may be mad by all
local gardeners, Ixilh iituifur and
piofessioual. the rlub s.i1 (Te
for the roMiM-tiliii will lot hide
fliWi ilMg stir litis, trees, bulbs. n
tiuals, foliage pistils, vege!atles,
M-reruiiaU, house plsnts, ever
K'eeiis. flower arrangements, jf
den club displays, roisage,
hKi m rang(metils and educational
Itay Warren Is rhaliman of the
garden show committee aril F. D.
Unties heads the aurthwi com
mittee. ,
Hritihli I Ixiii; Na.iM
For Alrorilirw
HAMllimr., Germany, Oct. 9
(A)' Sisteen na.i found guilty of
atriM-ities against the allies have
been hanged, the British mili
tary government said tonight.
Those esecuted Included Mas
Pauley and 10 other alleged
members of the infamous Neuen
gamme concentration ramp near
Hamburg, hive nf the condemned
men were oeralors of a baby
farm in which 00 of 100 babies,
most of them Polish and Russian,
died fiom malnutrition within six
Dwlght I. Schwab and Mr
G Wilson. I with of Portland, Wed
nesday were admitted to pi Mi lli e
law In Otegon upon re-essmina-tiirti
of their pax-is by the state
supreme court. IJoth men wrote
in the bar examinations held here
last July. They feieived their
oath from Chief Justice Harry If.
Hell. ! r
CirciiH Playing .it
Lc8.1V Atitlitoriiini
Polsrk Brothers circus, spon
sored by the Klwanls club, open
ed a week-long engagement at
Islle Junior high set 100 1 Wednes
day. Matinee performances are at
4 pm. and evening shoves st g IS
p m. each day this week. Satur
day and Sunday matinees are at
Romaneo HMsoense
Carole fasadia ITsa. Osrgsa
EXTRAI "Pert Nsw Vera"
Tonighi! "Anna and lhe King of Siara"
t s: s-
mm m
I e--T L X.
I .. . rr t 1
as a Saturday Evening
Post serial and best
selling novel . .
Greater on the Screen!
lit-- 'MM'
Brian D 0 N LEVY
j 0$
lfi M'.M !
ult'hV j
... t I ' '"
X ... At w' fc-k . i, mm SBBTBssSr Af dBBBBBk
Ratricia ROC v-
-TTT7 hi niMi. .i..r..ifrrnn,nm, J
Extra I
A Scheming Trio ... a The Double Creeet
Witt YtKmn TnUt Am WimlhTtr4