The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1946, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Tho Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. Octobor 10. 194
Fatal Pitch Half Speed Curve9; Bosox Happy Bunch
! KOKTON. Oct. 9.-iPV"Il waa
half speed curve ball I threw
to Rady Yrk. said Murray
DkkMM, ttnw little 159-pounder
mm he ttiM lnt the St. Lam Is
Cardinal stressing room after loa
Ing today's third world serte
game, 4-9 to the Boston Red Sex.
"nut I far frm ready
when I Uk the mound." he add -ed.
"There wasn't room enough
fe me to irn p with the
photographer running bark and
farth Just 'before the game. 1
couldn't threw because I wu
afraid of hitting them. Dteh
son. barely able to, bald back
tear, acknowledged the faet that
Ferris was m tough pitcher.
"An van wb wing the aunt
ber af game ha baa should be
tough." aald pitcher Ilarrjr Br
ebeen, who feela that Dyer wilt
pitch Haw la rallet la the fifth;
game bere Friday. i
When ameane asked about tha
"Dyer shift." the Eed Bird lead
er amlled as though to aay "have
n't we beard enough af Will
lama? , 1
-111 be using my T (Ted) for
nation and alngle wing all th
way. he aald with another smile.
Ho then dacked Into the shower
and aald: -Well oven It up to
morrow." V
Jaat aa daring the regular sea
son. Don DIMagglo, the Ked
Sox' ear-splitting -little profes
sor," la tho team's spokesman.
-Only two morr, boys, the be
spectacled Dora shrieked as he
and hit victorious teammate
stormed Into their clubhouse af
ter today's win. I
-That's It, Dent. HtUe Johnny
Pesky yelled. "Only two more
and well get them bere. We're
not going back to St. Louts thl
year." j '
After letting off their steam In
their own Individual ways, most
af the Socker centered their at
tention upon Rudy York, who
homered them Into their first and
second world aeries win. and
-Boo" Ferris, who was at hit
pitching; best throughout. Man
ager Joe Cronln raced from lock
er to locker yelling his thanks
and congratulations.
That Dickson pitched a swell
game,' a visiting writer remark
ed. -And what about my Fer
rlss? was Cronln't reply.
Lin fields Have Capable Club
Time waa when a VVIIIamett
IJnfleld football party waa
trW-tlr all Willamette. The Lin
field usually went along Juat
for tho ride, and gat It. Bat
time have changed.
Although Coarh Wayne Harn'a
Wildcats barely so. tier ted by tho
reputedly potent College of Ida
ho eleven last week. 14-12. and
by tho big and bruising Hum
boldt maters of California tho
week before, the same Wildcat
beat two good oalflU In those
Itmn. Clem Parberry'a Idaho
ana have what's termed their
best rlab la hUtory, for Instance,
ho It would seem that Harn'a
dU are anything bat on tho
anemic aide this autumn.
The Bearcats, realising their
days of to pa id ed supremacy over
Northwest conference elevens
are now being hotly contested,
have thl week been working
overtime to bo ready for the
Unfield visit to Sweetland Fri
day night The Ericksen clan will
probably be In top shape for the
battle, which will belp. Even
Bobby Douglas, tho trlple
threaler who has seen no action
this season because of a sprained
ankle, la expected to bo act for
this one.' And for the first time
la many Unfield va. Willamette
years, the Friday nlghter finds
tho two clubs arguing aver
which one shall lead tho eonfer
enco standings. . -I
Koltin 'Along
IJv Jkhry Stone
.. "Ml
Jae Gra
We ran onto IUI Macabee, the former Willamette moundsman.
the other day and the guy la unit enthused about his Job out at
the state deaf school. Hal waa la. tho marine daring the war, and
be waa la the leathernecka tho bard way ho saw more action than
ball plating. Which can not be said of some of the "Dig
boys. -Mac Is In charge .of athle
tics out at the Cherry street Instl
tatlon and never think the kids
out there dent go In for sports In
a big way. Hal baa a aix-man In
tramarat football leagae rannlng
fall blast at present, and bla
charges love It. Some XS kids
participate In the modified ver
sion of tho grid game, and the
former Bearcat aporster baa lined
ap eon testa with various oatftts
over the town. Macabee aaya hla
youngster, with their handicap,
area to learn even quicker than
the normal athletic aspirant.
ioof Seinn Eyed
Macabee la also full of ambitions far the basketball season. In
year post the aUte school has fielded some pretty fair hoop squads,
Tata year Hal plans to enter a team l the TMCA league. We re
member a hoopster named Moxley who performed for the deaf
achool a few years back and he waa a dead eye If there ever wag
one. m of the boy who played against him will attest to that I
Incidentally, equipment la one of tho Item aadly needed by
-Mac's kids. Klnce any appropriation for tho school come front
the sUte. the coming legislature la going to bo approach on tb
problem. - ' 1
Here's mors power to yoa. Hal. In year ffrU to give the
northenders well-rounded athletic program!
Trn$ ferment Tt 1
If one Mr. Ted William tenda toward tho temperamental aide at
all be should certainly have a graad blow-off before th world
aerie la over, what with all these cock-eyed defense being threw
ot Mm and achieving Just what they are Intended to do rob him
of base hit. Maybe Mr. William will do Just what he threatened
to do once drop baseball a ad take ap a fireman duties. (II. ha,
at the dough he's making.) On the day thl comes Into print It
happens every time like aa Bet therell be a story right aloagsld
telling of Thumprn' Theodore's rapping aa Inside homer to left (He
did It once before.) I
'Coane. at a time tike thl. Just a prevalent as tho pumpkins
tn the patches are th Serle pool you know what w mean. Tea
pot la dough In thl one and that one a ad nary a return do you get
K'foauy thing about pool. Inevitably the winner is gonna bo little
Suate, the stenographer, who doesn't know be ae ball from bananas,
while the know-alls, the boys who pride themeclve on their diamond
aawy why,' they're Just gonna stand around and do the eon
gratulatlng. 1 .
My, my tho wild rumors that have rippled acre the sport
page slae the regular ball season closed. William to the Yankees
DIMagglo U Boston Newhouser to Beaton for William. W a
consider the -reliable reports " very dead duck. Hawever, oa fair
to middling ball gamer Jo Gordon I on tho block for sare. That
tho Oregon Flash I through with th Yaakee Is a dead eerUlaty.
Where he'll go a ono know yet Despite hi bad year, Jo I still
regarded as one of tho better performers In tho American leagae. ;
tlmmier arm! Itrurkrr ?
Coming as e-mngers f th Beveaa trup which shows her
Sunday are tarle Brurker aad George Jasper Castor. Xemember
Its battery Caster aad Brucher which functioned ao magnificently
foe Portland's Beavers In th greet lt3 pennant year. How thee
gay worked together. The combination af Caster's right arm and
-Brack's- big bat pulled th Bevos ahead af the pack aad right
through U victory la th playoffs. Both men had pecallaritles. A
good portion of tho time George used no wind up. Brucker had a
sort of knock-kneed, pigeon toed stane at th plate. Bat what
a pair they were! .
Clayton Foreman rolled high
oertee. of tho season last night
tn Major leagae competition at
Forfeetlon Alley with a whop
ping CIS. Wheeling for Chuck
Tavern. Foreman chalked up
pome of tl. IM. and Ul.
Murdoch, trundling for Colonial
llouo. bad a Ml aad Coolldge
of Valley Motor rolled a MS.
Majou i.parit a
s itm UJsrsf Co. l
V ISS 114 ISS-111
NlMn . IMS 111 11 M
)imiM IM III Ul-444
Wgsrlsn IS IM 11414
)t smart
! I 1 1
i ! tno
1U lit 111 I7(
I Ml 111 a-4SJ
! l7
ill lie
la 4is
t i-ail
H .MS mtmwm Cm.
K iu-lv-n '
t kr
Lspaos'd Csfs I
Vl C'urdT
111 IS! It! -SO
IT III 111 Ml
1J Ul 17 41
171 IS7 17- 3
171 171 144-Mi
17V IfS 13U-I71
(kMk i Tara 111
Ci"Cr 13 17S ISStM
Perry ...
141 1S4 S3 7S
IM IfS 177 K4
la Ul 171 l
90 SO 1SS S7
MS 144 141 SOI
1st lis 148 4M
154 IM SIS Ml
. Im im iss sm
rapMal Plag C. l)
Pouim . . .. tog
rrtson - ..
I.UU ,
nine's Corf gho ill
Msrlwvll , 7 t7 11 IM
f lin. Sr. . :. IM 111 l se
Bvam ....,,., T I 1SI SIS 71
C'lino. Jr. . 170 ill ISS S33
Kl . , , SOI IM '10 M 7
Vstley Motor ()
Prc L ,
.. O0 IM 10 S49
... 14 144 111 4IS
13 IM IM B21
... ITS If 134 S
. 177 Its III 1
Cougars Warned
PULLMAN, Wash., Oct t -(ff)
Coach Phil Sorbo told his Wssh-
IngUm Stat college football team
today that it will fac "the biggest
Job of tho year" playing the Uni
versity of Washington here Sht
urday. Assistant Coach Jimmy
Rnnis. who scouted Washington's
two opening game, said th Hus
kier are stronger potentially than
the Cougars.
Hoag GOs Paul in Fifth
As Fight Game Returns
$2000 House Watches Game Tacoinan Take
Ucking from Portlaixler; Ahney Beaten
Pro fisticuffinf is back again in Salem and go's that blond
piece of Danish perpetual motion, Duane Hoag. Th "Durable," who
has never lost an outing here, capped Tex Salkeld quite successful
comeback card at th armory last night by flattening an outpunrhed
Crucial Oig-6,
Vikings at Bend,
Eugene at Albany
w L. T Pet.
S 1.000
Kalem j
Spring fl Id
gene at Albany.
i g
e l
I 1
if 'I
1 f S 1.000 IS s
.000 7
.000 14 M
rttday asmos: Sslm at Bond, Eu-
The separation o the men from
the boys in Big-6 league football
play is due Friday as two crucial
tilt arc battled off at Bend and
Albany. The Lava Beam, coasting
along with two Straight wins,
meet a tough outfit in Salem's
Vikings, one that will surely be
on the rebound after their 13-0
upset loss at Albany last week.
Bend will rate a slight edge, how
ever, ss the game is to be played
on tho Lava Bear field and in a
climate to which Coach Hank Nil
son's lads are accustomed.
An offense-filled fry Is due at
Albany when Hank Kuchera's
Axemen and Rex Hunnaker's
Bulldogs, both unbeaten in league
play, collide for at least a share
of the loop lead; Th potent and
defending champion Axemen,
who tied Med ford last week in a
19-10 thriller, will be favored.
Both Springfield And Corvallis
are idle in lesgue play this week.
Coach Harold Hauk began tap
ering the Viking workout yes
terday and announced the club
would be in top snap for th
Important Bear game.
Fresno Negro
Stars Bericlied
FRESNO, CallU Oct -OfV-
Coach Jam Bradshaw of Fres
no State said today that because
negroes generally are not roer-
mitted to participate in athletic
against whites below the Mason
Dixon line, he will not play Jack
Keliey, star right halfback, and
Millard Mitchell, regular right
tackle, both negroes, against Okla
homa City university at Okla
homa City Saturday night
There .1 no sense exposing
them to what a racially prejudiced
mob might do," Bradshaw aald,
in deciding to bench his two men
but to play the game. ,
Flag Toiirney
On SGC Slate
A Flag tourney with three-
fourths handicap Is bn the agenda
for Salem Golf clubbers tonight
at tho weekly Men' club session
at th local course, announces Jim
Russell club pro. The event will
be for nine holes. '
Divoter awing . f into second
rounds of th club championships
Saturday and Sunday,
loxca Grldden Face
Horse meat Diet Ugh
AMES, Lv, Oet f-WVTh'e
first shipment af horse mat for
Iowa State gridders a 1S
poand hind (Barter arrived In
Aaaoa today. Dieticians at Frl
ley hall whirs th training tabl
1 served aald the horse meat
probably would not bo served
ntll next week, and some af
tho eyelones who ; looked over
today's ablpenont Indicated they :
planned to aaaa It Bp when It
was served.
JEFFERSON Winners vir
Sweet Home's Be team last jwek,
03-0, Coach Pat Bcal's Jefferson
Lions Journey to St Paul Fridav
night tor a Marion county B
leagu football gam.
Table of Coastal Tides
Time eontputod for Tart, Or by
tho V. . Coast and GeodU Burvcy
tor mo union ptsissmsn.
11 OS a.m.
J3 a.m.
1:M pm.
1:11 m.
l :07 D.m.
I 11 a.m.
4:11 a.m.
S OS p.m.
S 22 a m.
4:03 p.m.
f 43 a m.
14 p.m.
7 M am.
6:33 p.m.
60 a m.
g.01 pjn.
o :
Tim Water
SI a.m. 0 7
20 p.m. 01
0:M s.m.
72 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
7.47 p.m. 3
1-M ajn. 10
S:M p.m.
:1S a.m.
S:2 p.m.
S:03 a.m.
10:31 p.m. -0 3
10:04 a.m. 14
11:3 p.m.
1123 a.m.
0 5
0:82 a.m.
1 :02 p.m.
t in) a.m.
t Xt p.m.
but dead gam Jackie Paul of Ta
coma in 2:08 of the fifth round.
The bout, a 15-rounder, was book
ed for th Northwest feather
weight title. And until someone
else lays official claim to it, blond
and wee Mr. Hoag is certainly
champion enough for the $2000
worth of customers who took in
last night's brawl. Tho two-thousand,
incidentally, amounts to the
highest gross paid for a village
boxing party in many years.
Paul was more than holding hi
own with the Portlander th first
three heats and, after both had
uncorked plenty of leather In
those rounds, had slightly the
better of the going But In the
fourth it was a wild Hoag right
which went astray, caught Paul
slightly below the danger line and
started the Tacoman on his way
out. Paul, who certainly wasn t
absent when Intestinal fortitude
was passed out, went down twice
before the fourth was over snd
was Just getting up at the bell.
But the fifth found him easy
prey for the hard-swinging Hoag.
The Portlander greeted his foe at
the bell with a terrific right to
tho mid-section and down went
Paul again, this time for "nine."
But that was only the beginning.
Hoag kept boring in and throw
ing punches all over the stricken
Paul, knocking him flat five times
In all. But each time Paul brought
the big crowd more and more to
his side by getting up. That is,
all but the fifth time. He was a
badly beaten 123-pounder at the
end but left with few enemies in
the place. Hoag weighed 125 '4.
! 1
Portlander Eddie (usr) Wharton
was too much swift and class for Lou
Ballard. Bols. Idaho. Indian In th
Mmlwlndup and knocked Ballard out
with a rlfht smash In 1:15 of th third.
Wharton weighed 145, Ballard 151.
Undefeated Chuck (Kid) Brown.
134',!. Portland, la sUII unbeaten after
his sis-round date with Irish Johnny
Walker, 137. Klamath Falls. Knockln
Walker down at least once evory
round with a vicious body attack.
Brown finally convinced !lfre Packy
Mcf artand he was too much for Walk
er tn 1:60 of the third.
Salem's Vie Abney. 15 '4. lost his
argument with a much heavier ''Bomb
er" Daniels. Portland negro. In their
four-rounder, but take his place along
with Paul as a gnt with ring courts
aplenty. Daniels slugged out a clear
cut decision, but Abnev hung on
through three rounds with a broken
rlsht hand and managed to avoid a
kayo. Denials was wounded also a
cut tongu requiring six stitch.
Th curtalnralser wss a popular
draw between Long-lessed -Spider"
Archer. 114. Portland, and Bobby Han
son, 1H',. Ch lessor
Amerk Athletes
To Argentina
BUENOS AIRES, Oct. -i&y-Two
top-ranking U. S. profes
sionals. National Open Champion
Lloyd Mangrum and Victory
Gheczl, have been Invited to come
to Argentina to compete in th
National Open; commencing Nov.
9, according to Informed golf cir
cles. -
Meanwhile, the Argentine Lawn
Tennis association officially an
nounced the United States was
sending Tom Brown, Bob Fslken
burg, Louis Brough and Margaret
Osborne here for th national
championship starting Nov. 1.
Duck. Fever Stymies .
Douglas Hunt Effort
Associate - v Jostle William O.
Dong la laid his gun sights an
a back deer i and pulled the
trigger. Nothing happened. By
the time the Justice figured out
the gun was on safety the buck
waa gone, aald Henry Hess,
U. S. district attorney, here to
day after returning from an
astern Oregon hunting trip. So
the Justice went back to Wash
lag ton without a deer, because
b missed the only 'other shot
ho sJghted at a buck. Ilea said.
York's Clout, Ferris' Murliinig Pace -
Bosox to 4-0 Win iim 3rd Series GasniQ
Rii(Iy8 -1st. Frame Homer Clincher;
V - v -FIB. 'i '
nr i. bsp -
OSTOV, Oct. f-(T)-Rudy York get a reception from his mates as
h crosses the plate after hitting hi three-run homer In the first
Inning, which propelled the Boston Red Sox to a 4-0 win over
the St. Louis .Cardinals today. (AP Wirrphoto)
Oliver to Quit Grid
Post at End of Year
EUGENE, Ore., Oct. WP)-Oerald A. "Tex" Oliver said today
he has resigned as head football coach at th University of Oregon,
effective at the end of the season.
Oliver said in a letter to Uni
versity President Harry Newburn
that he had derided to enter "oth
er fields" and has definite future
plans which at present "do not in
clude coaching." He gave no other
Oliver, who came here in 1938
from the University of Arizona,
will finish three-year contract
at the end of this fall's play. In
1943 and 1944 he was a lieuten
ant commander in th navy,
couched the St; Mary's pre-flight
team and coached a navy all-star
team which defeated an army all
star team in Hawaii after the reg
ular 1944 season. His record here
includes SI wins, 30 defeats snd
two ties.
( l.'V
, ' V I . '-.ijf .. .
. ' J - ' 1 j
' m i . " ' ' '
Tender Slgnatlon
Dads Planning
Monday Meet
Salem's growing Dad's club will
hold Its regular meeting next
Monday night at the high school.
President Spec Keeno announced
yesterday. Special entertainment,
featuring students from both th
senior and Junior high schools,
will be offered. Mothers will be
Invited guests that night also and
will be Introduced to th Viking
football players and coaches along
with th Dads. The meeting is call
ed for 8 p.m. In the meantime th
Dad will hav a special section
reserved for them at th Willamette-Llnfield
game here Friday
night. Tickets are now on sal at
Maple it Keene's.
Offense Leader
NEW YORK, Oct. 9 -V Bob
Hoornschcmoyor of th Chicago
Rockets is the individual offen
sive leader In th All-America
football conference today, with
Orban (Spec) Sanders of the
New York Yankees and Olenn
Dobbs of th Brooklyn Dodgers
clos on his heels. Hoernxchemey
r's fine play in Chicago's 21-9
loss to Los Angeles last Saturday
gave him a combined rushing and
passing mark of 060 yards for
the season, compared with 852
for Sanders and 130 for Dobbs.
All three are playing their first
season of professional football.
Portlander Leads
NEW YORK, Oct. -(P)- Cecil
Henley, Jerry Ambler and Ken
Roberts continued to pile up
points in Madison Square Garden
rodeo competition when they
took first places In the bareback
bronc, saddl bronc and wild bull
riding contests, respectively. Amb
ler Is from Portland, Ore.
Ultes Have Speed, Spirit, Size
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 9 -UT)-Thos
surprisingly powerful
UCLA Bruins aw It all to tb
three s's peed, spirit and else
plus, of course, what every
good team must have solid
groundwork in the' fundamen
tals. The Bruins.' drubbing Oregon
State 10-7 and Washington S9
lt. have supplanted the USC
Trojans as Pacific Coast confer
ence favorites.' but may be In for
the acid test. Saturday when
they tackl Stanford's equally
surprising Indiana. Most obser
ver suspected the Bruins were
coming up with something pretty
good, but not quite so hot as
they're proved. "A team with
out an apparent' weakness,' Ore
gon State' Lon Stlner and
Washington's Pest Welch, rival
coaches, agreed aftor picking up
tho piecea.
Along with their other sttrt
bates, the Bruin regulars, with
but one exception, are experif n
cod ex-servicemen averaging tt
year. Th "baby" I lg-yar-old
Loft Halfbaek Gene (Skip)
Rowland. While the first string
line averages 214 pounds and the
"pereheron" backfleld which
generally starts comes In at over
tOO, there Isn't a sluggish run
ner In the bunch. But the 170
pound regular backfleld Is still
They're all out, too, for Coach
Bert LaBrucherle, who only one
year out of the high school
ranks, la showing signs of pull
ing a west coast version of Paul
Brown's bootstrap trick at Ohio
Leslie Blues
Trip Parrish!
Back in 1938 a Leslie football
team licked one from Parrish. But
since then it's been vice versa ev
ery year and every time. But yes
terday at Leslie the Bob Keuscher
Blues opened the annual Junior
High Intramural league by sur
prising Bob Metzger's Parrish
Grays, 19-13.
The Leslies, arter T-rormtion-ing
their way to a 13-13 halftime
deadlock with the Grays, put the
game away in the last two min
utes when Bill Amen intercepted
a Parrish pass and galloped 62
yards to score behind devastating
downfield blocking.
Leslie opened the scoring early
in the first period when Jim
Moore, on a deceptive T play,
rambled 48 yards to score. Later
Moore scored sgain and Bill Fry
converted. An end run for seven
yards by Richard Howard, another
end sweep for 15 by George Fred
erickson and Howard's conversion
hsd it tied at 13-13 for Parrish at
halftime. The Grays employed the
T also to make for a thrill-filled
Today at Olinger, 4 p.m., it's
Harry Mohr's Leslie Golds against
Leonard Warren's Parrish Car
Frnka Returns
After Tragedy
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 0--Toulsne's
Henry Frnka, returning
to his coaching duties this after
noon, said he felt his son who wa
fatally injured on the gridiron last
weekend would have wished him
to continue in football. Funeral
services for Henry Frnka, Jr., 17,
who died in Tula, Okla., Sunday
after injuries in a Friday night
high school football game, were
held here this morning.
Hunkles Ready
SEATTLE. Oct. 9 -4v The
University of Washington Huskies
will entrain tomorrow night on
th 14th trek to meet the Wash
ington Stat college in an cast
side football game. They will es
tablish pr-gam headquarters at
Moscow, seat of the University
of Idaho, and go into nearby
Pullman Saturday morning. The
cross-state rivalry dates back to
Saw luffs 16 feet or longer;
Will pay ceiling prices.
Stumpage with 500,000 feet
or more In a piece, on or
near graveled roads.
West Salem Lumber
West Salem. Ore. Ph. 9593
II 1 n TVT m
iiiigiiMoii, imiiger nominees lcxiay
FENWAY PARK. Boston. Oct. t-0T)-A gain today larg Eady
York laid his 210 sinewy pounds against a baseball and sent It soar-
Ing beyond the vision, and again the pride of Carters Till. GV
broke the hearts of the hard-fighting St. Louis Cardiaals.
' Rudy's second mighty four-bagger of the world ser:es. deLuered
in the first inning with Johnny Prky and Ted Williams on ta. pro
vided plenty of runs as the. Red Sox boomed to a 4 to 0 irtory In
their own Fenway park and took what looked like a long 2-to-l td '
in the big play-off.
With Big Dave "Boo" Ferris. Boston righthaader. choking tho
Cards off with six widely spaced hits and not pernstttiag a batter
to reach third until the last Inning, It was of little or no importance
that th American leagner
shoved aero another uaearaed
run In th eighth inning off a
Cardinal relief fliager.
It was Rudy's clout off Right
hander Murry Dickson that d.d
the work. With two o.t and !-
The Box
St. I.eals (SI.) Btoa fAI.)
rhast J 412 Mn 1 t
Moore.m 4 I Hlicln. S I S
MasUI.I J 1 S I H.Hiisrx S S
SlausMr.r 4 I 4 S rrl. 4 S J
Karwkit.S J I DiMsccm 4 14 1
UmttMmx SIS I Prtky.s 4 t 1 1
WalkrrJ S I S S Vork.l. 4 t l
Marlon,- S I S 1 WllllamtJ 1 I
llKkui,f S I I UstrrJ 4 t S
Uliltr I
wiiks.p see i
Totals J S 14 IS Totals Tt SZ7IS
SUIrr astir for !k kon In Sh
St. Italia INI.I
Hlo AI. JO OS ls-4
Krror Mrhnlnt. Unas stt la
York S. Two hill - lllMaifla,
IMrksea, Uoerr. Thtr has ail-iMial.
Hem iss York. Ktolrn Ss Mesial.
Ssrrlflr H. Wagner. Iul plays
IMMaiil to PeM; Prtky to Iorr I
York, fcarnr runs St. Louis (M.) .
Boston ML) 3. I-tt on '-
I.OUIS NI.) 4; HMlts fAI.) S. Bases
of bslls off rrrrls I fMoslsl); lUk
son 1 (William.. HifSlns. M .
Strikeouts ay Dlrktoa 4 fUosrr. rr
ri. Ms. Williams), Ferris I
(Moor. Slaacater). Mtrhlns summary:
I Mr k son S bits, J run In 7 tnnlms;
Wllks X talis. 1 run la I. Passe bsll
(iaraglola. t'mplres Barllrb fl.)
plale; Berry (Al.) Ik! Ballenfaat (M.)
; Bukbar (AD lb. Time 1:9.4.
Tiger's Tackle
Tops Linemen
NEW YORK. Oct. 9 (7P- Wal
ter "Piggy" Barnes, 230-potind
Louisiana State tackle, fs this
week's football "lineman of the
week." Barnes' performance
against Mississippi State Saturday
night drew high praise in the first
Associated Press weekly poll of
the 1948 grid campaign to single
out the usually unsung "work
horses" of the line.
South Carolina's center, 183
pound Bryant Mecks:Xhlo State's
tackle. Warren Amling; Texas'
end, Hubert Kechtol: and the Tex
as Aggie Oriell Stautzrnberger
also were commended. Amling and
Ilechtol, both all-America last
year, led Ohio State and Texas to
outstanding triumph.. Bechtol
starred with' his hard tackling. He
spilled many Oklahoma A. and M.
plays before they got started.
Injury Ridden
Trojans Leave
LOS ANGKLES. Oct. -A')-Coach
Jeff Cravath and 43
Kouthern California players
minus Ted Tannehlll. wh suf
fered a broken collarbone In
final scrimmage departed to
night by train for Ka tarda y's
grid encounter with Oregon
State at Portland.
Tannehlll, 1945 all-coast half
back, may bo loat for tho re
mainder of tho season, the Tro
jans' physician reported. With
several players hsndicspped by
Injuries, the tentative starting
lineup named Include a number
of hitherto be nrh warmers.
Grizzly Speed
Pleases Coach
MISSOULA, Mont . Oct. 9 -OP)
Coach Doug Fessenden of Mon
tana university will start "the
fastest and most deceptive back
field" he ever coached at Mon
tana against the University of
Oregon at Eugene Saturday in the
Grizzlies' first Pacific Coast con
ference game' of the season.
Fessenden, pleased over his
team's 26-0 conquest of Colorado
A. & M. and 31-7 victory over
Eastern Washington College of
Education, said Oregon "might bo
Deaf School Club
Stops 4V 2U19
Coach Hal Macabee 's Deaf
school gridders defeated a
YMCA team. 14-19. In a touch
game yesterday afternoon oh
th former's field. Delbert K ea
sier paced Macabees lads with
three touchdowns, all made on
long runs.
The gsme Inaugarated outald
competition for the Deaf school
ers. A return game with Y la
set for next Wednesday.
( On All Hakes )
All Work Guaranteed
421 Court 8L Call 7523
Insert Full rule tn York Clout p
BOSTON'. Oct. 4 Contin
ued cool, crisp weather for to
morrow's f earth world ' serie
gam between the l fLooks
Cardinal and Bo ton Ked Sox
sa foreeat towlfht.
count on him threo !' and two
strikes, tho veteran Crv? barmn
caught a low pitch on th button
and sent It alroit on a Ur-e
drive over th left fie!i w'L If
anything,-It was hit with great-
fore than tho or. with whic
Another Payoff Wallop
he broke up th 10-inning open
at St. Louis' three days ao.
York's achievement waa ocJy
slightly more glittering thn t&ot
of his husky your.g t mrru to,
Ferris. In regitterir.g hi I4TA
straight triumph at Fenway" park
for tho season against no defeat,
the sophomore star frwn S.-w,
Miss., simply overpowered tho
Red Birds all the way.
The only tins bo waa even
threatened with a seor as tn
tbe ninth when, with to dossn.
Man MnaiaJ storked a line Uipto
against tb bullpen tn rlgts
field.! to the occasion.
Ferrla bore down aad sirwrtft
ut th danger En Slaugh
ter to clooe out th gam aatd
send a crowd of IgoO kirn
Th game othrwi was rut.L'e
for the fact that Tsvl Wilitng
finally laid down perfect bung
against tho In
field defens with which tho
Cards had plagued him :r. tfco
first two games, and that Soccewi
Baeman Bobby Doerr of th So
tied a world series, record by
handling eight assist.
But for that out lackleso
pitch to York, tb lSS-poand
Dickson waa en tire It effective
agalnat the American lesvgw
For th first Inniag UtroogTi
th seventh, only one other Boa
ton plsyer rear bod third off tho
frail -appear! sva; right as ader.
Tomorrow's fourth gam might
well see- tho groat pitcrurgr
streak of th series extended.
"Tex Ilughson, the towonr,j
righthander who cpooed Hos .
Pol let In tho opener at St. Louis,
was due to come bark at th
Cards with hi blazing fast bIL
and Manager Eddie Dyer nominat
ed George Munger, ", a rlghty.
SPOKANE. Wash . Oct. 9-eV
rrankie Gimbel. ISg. Spokane, to
night wmi a cloa lQ-mmd dei
slon over Lincoln Staniey. :S.
Oakland. Calif, in a si-w mala
event of a boxing card.
For Thorough,
Deliabls Anis Bcdy
Fender Wcrk
Yoa eaa depend upon our body
shop to turn out worn on your
car that you eaa bo proud of.
4S Center St. - Tn. gtSS-Stg?
19th Year ta Salens
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241 Nrth Uberty
Ut stairs Portland Gorwal gZactrar
Co. OUlc open SaturxSar or..y
10 am to 1 p n : I Is I & Cost
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