t The Slotee-mon, golem. OrtKfon, fSanderf. Octottw 9. 13S Flower Show Feature of Meeting A flower show will be th fea ture of the Salera Wimwn'i club meeting Saturday afternoon at the tiubhouMf at 2 30 o'clock. A board meeting will precede at 1:45 wtfr Mrs. Walter Spaulding presiding. Mti Charles A. Cole. Mrs. L. O. Arms. Mrs. Dm Maxwell and Mrs Frank Dneriler arc arrang ing tTMf flowfr show. A panel duruwian of amend ments to be voted im In the com ing election will be held with Mr. Winifred Petty )hn in rhjrcr. Mr. Karrtaon W. Elgin. k.r. was welcomed a new mem ler at the last meeting, and 12 ap plications far new members have been received by the club. A tea hour v. ill follow with Mr. William Netmeyer in charge of the. directorate. Assisting are Mes itimn Claude M. John. r, W. F. Fargo. S. I. Lev me. Mervin Fid-li-r. Idward Gerlinger, Henry tn?en. 2. C. Perry, Jame II. Jennuig. K. L. Farmer and W. E. HuUherts. YWCA Comer The cabinet of the Y-Teen di vUrnn of Salem YWCA will enter tain at an all-girls' party, next Thursday. Oct 10. in the Salem high school gymnasium, honoring II new member. The parly will t from ? until o'clock and the gut are to wear Jean. Delia Saabye, aortal chairman f.w the cabinet. I in charge of the party. Vmna Liudahl is presi dent Effort la being made by Mra. 'Arthur A. Llnerode, Y-Tren pro gram director, to recruit more young women to serve aa leaders for both high and junior high group. The Y-Teen committee of the YW headed by Mra. ii. A. Ree t.er, member of the association tard. met Friday to outline plans I f He year and to assist in secur ing new leaders All women who hate haul esperienre In the work an t are interested are asked to rail Mrs. UnercMle Haleres te Entertain Member of Kaioie flub, young iinri women group of the Sa lem YWCA, are to entertain Mnn day night at an Informal reception honoring new teacher in the city. The party will be at 8 o'clock in the Salem YW Mim K.lmor Oan U ivt is grneral chairman and nlber tienmittee member-include Kosalie Datke. Eileen Van Dvike and Hetty I).tsn. The Oregon area IradrHhlp woihtM.p for young business women in Eugene. t. 12, ariirt1l3. wtr attract several from the Sa We club, the fvrnL to open ru-xt ta turrtay attrrnii. Members af the Kalem YWCA b-.ar l will meetirnr thrir October eo n Toewlay f morning at P'4S oVIiM-k in the YW. Various report win ie it i veti. tfit lulling rule on pldit f.r the at bonie to be given iktoiwr 15 at the home t,f Mrs. A A Schramm for all members arwl aaiattori friend. tr. Helen rVarre and MW llmr- ethy I 'ear re wilt be hostesses for the Halern ZonU club meeting eest Thursday night. 7:30 o'clock. i mer rtume.. deswert to be served Misa Genevieve Morgan and Miss Lena Belle, Tartar are in charge m ine au-riuo program. Zf.S A Mrs. trasava n II.. r. president of the Spring Valley It-rne Misatunary society, will pm her home on Shipping street f"C the meeting. Wednesday, (V to ber at 2 p. m Mrs. Roy E. Bar ker and Mrs. James A. French will be ro-hostesses. Mesa bees ef the eseeaUra Ward sf Salem branch. AAUW will meet Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Firgsl Golden, vice-president. 2Bf 5 Ijth Commercial st at 7 JO re lock. CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Unttee Spanish War Veterans and auxiliary. Vrw hail. 3 supper and wiwm SmliiMl Oawanters 4 Nile alt day sawing. tunrtMnm II II p.n... Masonic temple. Aalem Garden elub, YMCA. t p.m. Wealeyan teenrtee Guild. Jason Law rhuren. wtta Mrs. C. W. MeCaae. tars n. nut .. s p.m. W emir ran Seretee Guild, with Mrs, Edna Turhet. 21 a How lb CTiurcti street. 9 m. Tt'KSDAY St. Paul's Episcopal Junior Guild ne Knt luncheon, perish heuaa 1 p.m. Alpha Xi Delta alumnae wttn Mrs. A. C. Newell. 114 N. n St, S P-m. Marton-Polk Medical auxiliary ae- d inner. Nonlcren s. S 3S p.m. Asnertran War Mother all day sew- In a. tar ton halt. C'Kadick r lie pier. OES. sVaclal Day club. Masonic temple, dessert lunctt- I IS am. Laurel leetal Hour club with Mrs. Perry DeLapp, Cien Creek drive. Owtrt hmrheon tJS am. WIONMSAV Circles of WSCS. First MethodUt ehureh. meet I p.m. TMiaiDAt Solourners dessert luncheon. Salem Woman's club. 1:11 p.m. PI Brta Phi alumnae with Mr. James T. Brand. SSI North Summer st . deasert supper. T M pan. niDAt North Salem WCTtT with Mrs. C. M. Boberts. SIS Shipping st, S P m. WOIRfi-O By MasJsM Barest Woman's Editor. The Statesman This week I received an Invita tion to attend a showing of paint ings ol and a tea for Myra Wig gins of the Argent Gallerlrs in New York. The paintings are be ing shown from Kepi. 30 to Octo ber 12. Of course I waa unable to see the show, but I did aee some of her work st Frederick and Nel son's when on vacation there late In August. Mrs. Wiggins has a gift for re producing textures -and color, and her expression la definitely real istic Her compositions of still life have interested ma since I can re member, first when she lived here as Mrs. Fred Wiggins, later when I saw her in her Seattle .studio years ago. and ever since, when Mr. Wiggins keeps me posted on Important achievements. Myra Albert Wiggins, sister of Mrs. George Rogers and of the late Joe Albert, studied In New York over 50 years ago from sujHi noted teachers as J. II. TwAchtman. Kenyon Cox, G e o r g eldtForest Brush and Frank Vincent Du Mond. TiMMigh a great grandmother, Mrs. Wiggins makes periodic trips to the east for the snowing of her work. She has a studio in Seattle where she teaches, paints and writes for magazines. Mrs. Wiggins is also an amateur photographer of no little fame. having had her work hung In sa lons of America and Europe. Among the prizes won for her photography were two trips to Eu rope, one including Egypt and Palestine. She twice exhibited in the London Salon and in the Roy al Salon. All of the work shown this time in New York, Mr. Wiggins tells me in a teller, was painted by his wire alter she became a grand mother, and they represent the best work of her life. Their daugh ter Mildred, now Mrs. Ruben J. Uenx of Yakima flew to New York to attend the opening of the ex hibit. First fall meet! a ml the Name Black Wallace alumnae club of Pi Beta Phi wilt be held Thursday night at the North Summer street home of Mr. Jarnn T. RnnH As sisting hostesses are Mesdames Marion Mulkey, Arthur Bone, Ruaaell Mefford. Wavne Dniirh. ton. Manfred Olson and Miss Lei la Johnson. A business meeting will follow the dessert supper at 730 o'clock with Mrs. Elbert W. Roberts presiding. Dr. and Mrs.' Ralph Farvta u4 aon, Billy, have been spending the weekend at their beach home at Neakowin. NEW . STOCK OF KAY 0AUMIT SHAMPOO SIOO S I I I I Wl!lett'a i m 4 Capital Dreg Slore -aar i i' V ij I d i? I Seen and Heard . . . . By lerytna English Mr. end Mrs. Herbert G. Kindy (Aiieno Olson) who wera marriod September 27 at St. Mark Lutheran , cjhurch. Tho bride is the daughter of Mrs. Emma Olson and the groom is the son ol Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rlndy of Madison, Wis. The coupfe will live in Madison. (Josten-Miller). v. Fraternity Has Pledge Dinner A pledge dinner was held by Kappa Gamma It ho. to be Install ed to Beta Theta PI. at the Gol den Pheasant on Friday night. Howard TUandlng was toaatmas ter, Ray Fsde. president gave the welcoming talk. The- men will be wearing Bats Theta Pi pledge pins on October 14, whan Dr. O. Her bert Smith, national president, conducts the pledge service. Members present- ware Dean Pollock, Dean Mclvin GeUt. Prof. Bertram. Bob Lee, Lonen i Hicks, Jon Straumfjord, Bill Dunn. Jim Wilson, Bill Cooke, Dean Barn hart, Bill Bird well. Jack Walker, Ray Fedje. Howard Blandiag. Bob Fletcher, Bill Carlson,: Leonard Matter, Winsor Acton, Earl Fed je, Bernie Phillips, Brenner Luthl, Amle Acker; Bill Edwards, Frank Newell .and Mark Hatfield. The lollowing pledges wera honor guests: Dick Paga, Don Breakey, Wes Bolllger. Fred Eg giman, BUI Gusey, Joe Brazle, Dale Cleaver, Al Fedje, Stuart Compton, At Straumfjord, Bud Holmes and Sam Huston. Serial Day elaft ef Chadwlek chapter, OES will meet for a des sert luncheon Tuesday afternoon at the Masonic temple at 1:13 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Hauser heads the luncheon committee assisted by Mesdames John Mlnto, W. S. Follis, W. L. Lewis and 1 M. Ramage. Mrs. Carl Anthony and Mrs. P. W. Cooper art arranging the entertainment. Members f the Marion-Talk county Medical auxiliary will ga ther for a no-host dinner Tuesday night at Nohlgren's at 6:30 o'clock with a business meeting and pro gram following at the Center street home of Mrs. Kenneth Pow er at 8 o'clock. Miss Marion Bow en, administrator of the Marion county welfare commission, will be the guest speaker. Jenior Gelid members ef ' St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet on Tuesday afternoon at parish house at one o'clock. After the no host luncheon Mrs. Custer Ross will preside at the business ses sion, the first of the fall session. Committee In charge includes Mesdames Louis Lachmund, Ho mer H. Smith, r., Harry Wender oth and j John Lengrelt. i Wests fan Service Galld ef Ja son Lee Memorial church will meet Monday night with Mrs. C. W. McCabe, 137S North 17th rt,atl o'clock. Hostesses are Miss Helen! Fletcher, Mrs. Kenneth Stensland and Mrs. E. Neddleton. Mrs. Mildred Yunker is worship leader and Mrs. Joe Brooks, pro gram leader. Salem Garden dab members will hear Mike Jarvis, an author ity on chrysanthemums, Ulk Mon day afternoon at the first fall meeting at the YMCA at 2 o'clock. Mrs. R. M. Fitzmaurlce, president, and her officers will be In charge of the tea hour to follow. All gsr den enthusiasts are InvitMao at tend. Mr. sad Mrs. K. W. Carpeaaer are the parents of a daughter, born October 2 at Salem General hospital. : The child, named Bar bara Maxine, is the granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Af Carpen ter and Frank Woelk. Mrs. Car penter is the former Zelma Woelk. Spinsters will meet Monday at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. W. Vernon, Dallas highway, With Lorraijne Taylor as hostess. FRESHMEN HONORED . . . Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Smith opened University House Monday night to all new students -on the campus ... A steady line wait ing to get inside between 8 and 10 , . -. some 400 . . . Very infor mal and punch and cookies' served in the dining room . . . Smiles on the faces of Joe Collese and Bet- fty Co-ed as they met for the first time . . . Dancing in the game room with Sally Smith at the rec ord player . . . and sister, Mar gie, directing guests from dining room to basement ... A few freshmen we spied . Paulie Wallace in a chic grey belt ed coat with red felt hat . . . Viv acious Betty Lou Edwards with brunette. Avis Roberts, who hails from Astoria . . . and Lois Mul cahy, all In black . . . the quar tet wearing new Pi Beta Phi pledge ribbons . . . Travis Cross, Richard Page, Kay Huntington, and handsome Ray Fedje Congratulating each other on sor ority pledglrrg ... Mcta Woold ridge and Doris WaUer, Delta Gammas; Beverly Kenney Betty Paulsen and Cherrie Raines, Al pha Chi Omegas ... Assisting . . . Maryann Witt liff, fiance of Hugh Lovelt. chat ting with his mother, Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell . . . Hugh Is' taking his senior year at Pomona college . . . Carola Hayes, Barbara Craw ford and Beverly Briggs : . . . Charming newcomers on the fac ulty . . . Dean and Mrs. Seward Reese, who received with the oth ed deans and wives . N. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Mr. and Mrs. Homer V. Carpenter, who moved from here to Portland last January, have obtained a du plex on Willamette Heights near their son-in-lsw and daughter, the Frsnk Gilberts . . . They have had an apartment on the east side. Dr. and Mrs. Frank V, Prime, sr.. will soon be moving to their newly purchased home on the Sil vert on road, formerly owned by the Dean Trumbos, who are build ing a modernistic house on the ad joining acre ... While the.Trum boa house Is being completed they will be with her parents, the S. M. Earles. The Jack McCullough (Barbara p. 11- fa VVAftVl 488 Slate Street State and Liberty Sta. "On the Ceraer" I 4 rhene 2118 (. -a- . - -e cF?r4 M' - S ft 4 i . at Ml 7 FASHIONS FOR THE WOMAN MEN REMEMSE9 os advertised in TOWN t COUNTRY A Iitjle glitter to put glamour in your life! A strikingly simple dress with brilliant bugle beads to give if sparkle a magnificent monogram to give it drama! Every line designed to take inches off a mature figure. Created by Pauline Fields in an Anglo-American Woolen. Sizes 14' to 44 SMART SHOP 115 N. LIBERTY For Your Conveniencce We Are Open Until 8 P. M. Porter) moved to their new home at 1020 Shipping street . Since they returned from a wedding trip to San Francisco they have been painting and redecorating their house. ANNOUNCING a new model . . . The Wayne Hadleys sent clever birth announcements to friends telling of the arrival of Allan Craig . . . On the cover a picture of a new car . . . Inside . . . the chassis style, Allan . . . first introduced on September 27 . . . horsenwoer. ciuht Dounds and twelve ounces . . . wheel base 20H Inches . . . designers, Shir ley and Wayne Hadlry . ,- tech nical engineer. Dr. King . . . as sembly plant, Salem General hos pital ... On display after Octo ber 12 at 1020 Howard street. GAME NOTES . . . Salem foot ball enthusiasts turned out en masse for the first Salem high school game of the year . . . the losers Klamath Falls, represented by a large rooting section . . . . coming north in decorated cars. A few Salem high rooters . . . Mrs. Harold Hauk, enthusiastic about her husband's return to coaching after navy duties with Mrs. Arthur Kfiox and Mrs. Rus sell Bonesteele . . . the Roy Keencs, Mrs. Sari Coo Icy with the Gardner Knapps . . . Ted Cham bers with son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cham bers, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Quarkenbush ... A foursome . . . Rollie and Doris Haag and the junior Lester Pearmines . . . . The E. Burr Millers and children . . . the George Emighs with Dl- LUZIfcR'S Fine Cosmetics AND Perfumes MONIQUE BE AUTE SALON 350 Vi State St., Room 26 Phone 6146 ane . . . Mrs. Tlnanam Uitbert and four daughters . . . and to gether were the Wallace Bone steele and Merrill Ohlings. Attracting many Salem matrons last Saturday was the tea Mrs. Harry Wrinstein and her sisters gave for their younger sister. Ber nice, who became Mrs. Jerome Semler the following day . . . . The Rose Room of the Multnomah hotel was the setting and ejrquis its was the tea table . . several dozen American beauty roses tied with matching ribbon for the cen terpiece and down the table, smi lax . . . Bern ice attractive in a gown of black and portrait blue with black sequin trim and sequin hat . . . Mrs. Weinstein in black crepe with long gloves enhanced with sequin fans . . . sister. Ger trude, stunning in a champagne satin gown fashioned with shoul der cape, matching satin shoes and her chapeau of ostrich tips and veiling. Glimpsed three former Salem Em SI A n s s s I s s 5 E I SI 2 matrons now living in Portia nl . . . Mrs. Alden Adolph striking in a pearl grey suit with keiljr green hat and purse over her shoulder ... Mrs. Richard Dev era smart in a grey and white stripe suit and grey felt with pom pom feather at the side ... ar,.l Mrs. Donald Deckebach chatlir.g with Mrs. Carl Porter, who wore black and her high crowned hat enhanced with mink tails .... Met Mrs. Alfred Keller, who was in Salem often wher her husband, taught violin at Willamette uni versity, and Mrs. Henry J. Berk owitx. who accompanied her hus band to the capital many times on speaking engaeements . . . Mrs. Leonard Coldbratt in a chic plaid suit and felt hat of London mist . . . and Mrs. Ben' Winner, the two later going out to Portland Meadows for the races ... A beautiful orchid pinned to the fox collar of Mrs. Henry Simmons coat, the occasion her 26th wed ding anniversary. "Holly 99 Says: Some of the boys around town are talk ing about New Year's so 111 be a little different. 111 say a few . words, to your eager people, about Christmas. Wouldn't have mentioned It If the other fellows hadn't started this holiday talk but it reminded us of Christmas and wondered if the little wife or the sweetheart was going to get that diamond ring this year or are we going to have to pound and pound . for another year. IX you will rome in now and select a diamond out of our (now) Urge stock you will be all set for Christmas and wont have to be fretting around when things get hard to get, diamonds we mean. aon. Drop a few "greens" now and a few again and by Christmas you'll be all fixed up, and good. 11 11 11 li U Is I! H n u ti tt ti n Jackson Jewelers 225 No. Uberry Opposite Paraasoanl Market ?! r 1 4 1 ! Schlesinger & Co. 0 I I k V J3 e9 -rtr,' 'i? t it ,to ?,r rT-- -.Z r&jt'$k. ! A LAYAWAY j jjM PLAN 1 If You Wish f TERMS TO SU,TY0UR ifWi