The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 06, 1946, Page 13, Image 13

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    SaikrlJTm Fi,lfc Ilrvlcal
35-Round Boxfag Card
Set Wednesday, Armory
Professional boxing, the town' in-agin-otit-again cport. ii In
cam this nk. Tor Veterans of I" orei en Var Matchmaker Tex Sal
krkt. enrt more back in th local pugilistic saddle, presents his long
ewatted revival show Wednesday night at the armory, a 35-rouod
party boasting a ! top-seeded re-
snata-h natural as Its main attrac
tWm. I ! -
The rematch, featherweight
scramble between Portland's
iXiane (The Durable) Hoag and
Tacoma'a Jackie Paul, is booked as
bring for no leas hrnn the North
wmt's feather rhampionshlp. It is
ri(tri for the' championship 1 S-
round route, which will be the
first time in went bos ins; history
a title brawl has 1 been produced
In S-lrm. Capabilities of the two
lethaNfuted gladiators are well
krvw it by Markm and FVlk roun-
tr futic faithful, j for Hoag and
Paul slammed i off i a terrific here
lt spring, Hoag won that one
on a technicality a greenhorn
aertand tasted in a towel . from
Paul rorner-i-but not until he
Had taken a hanth-rsttling punch
tng from tha Tacoman. The fact
that there La no love lost between
the two fighters leant Injurious to
Wednesday expectations either,
Two sis-rounders and pair of
four-rounders flu up Wednesday's
fare. -Sugar Eddie Wharton.
flashy Poruand welter tangles
with Lou Ballard. Dots. Idaho.
In one six -master, and Undefeated
Chuck ( Kid ) Brown, who has
fought her before, mixes with
Irtth Johnny walker. Klamath
rails, in the other Both are light
weights. .!;.
Salem's Southpaw Bud Abney
leads the ffmr-round parade In his
welterweight argument with
Bomber" Daniels. Portland. An
other four-rounder, yet to bo
named, start the show at t:30
p-m. . ; !
right tickets go on sale at Maple
as Iteene s Monday.
WSC Outclasses
Vandals, 32-0
PULLMAN, Wash.. Oct. 5 -OP)
Halfback Jerry j Williams raced
around end for two touchdowns
and punched through center for
another today as Washington
State college trounced the Uni
versity of Idaho football team
3: to 0 before 14.000 fans.
The Cougars played most of
the game deep In Idaho territory.
Idaho shoved back several threats
but rould not get sustained of
fensive boiling.
For Tlsrcsgli
IlcliaBb; Ado Dcdy
Fender Work '
V eaa depend apea ear body
to tor out work on year
ear that yea can bo presd of.
MS Crater St - Ph. slU-Un
ltth Year la Sales
BncUeyes Belt
Trojans, 21-0
f ea ther-f oo ted. he da -up band of
uuckeys from Ohio state, i paced
by a hard-charging line, drubbed
the Southern California Trolans.
11-0, today In a Intersectlonal
grid battle before 80.047 In Mean
rial , Coliseum. Bouncing back
from a 13-13 tie with Missouri in
their opener last week, the Buck
eyes uncorked a fine one-two of
fensive punch In Fleet Halfback
Tom James and Bruising Fullback
Joe Shtsler, the latter scoring all
threw touchdowns.
An unrelenting, fast forward
watt, headed by Capt. Warren
Amling at tackle. End Jim Cram
and Center Tony Adam'e. so com
pletely dominated the Trojan lino
that It was no contest most of the
' asasissBBBsSBjpasBeawasSBBSSBBswasaBBSBBssm
f Jack9, Moylan
Enter Finals
I" ' J:
Jack Kramer of Los Angeles and
Eddie Moylan of Trenton, N. J,
cam from behind today to fight
their way to tho finals of tho
Pacific coast tennis champlon-
snips. Both men dropped the
opening sets. 'Kramer, national
champion, defeated Julius 1 eld
man, Berkeley. -. 11-B, 6-1.'
6-2. Moyland won from I Larry
Li has, San Francisco. 2-8, 6-2,
6-3, 6-4.
Wolves Wallop
Pacific, 18-0
MONMOUTH. Oct. $(Special)
Tho Oregon College of Education
Wolves opened their 1046 football
season here Friday with an 18-0
victory over Pacific college of
Newbrrg. Monmouth scored In
tho second quarter when Tom
Jones passed to Bob Crook on a
50-yard play. The Wolves tallied
twiro la tho third period, on a
pass from Jones to Allenbaugh
for 20 yards, and on a pass Inter
ception and 45-yard run by Da
via. (
Scio high toppled Monmouth Jn
a 6-man football preliminary, 39
to 1.
Tulanc Coach's
Son Is Injured
TULSA. Okie.. Oct. S -VP)
Husky young Henry Frnka. Jr.,
son of football, famous Henry
Frnka. Tulane university coach,
suffered a dangerous braia In
Jury last night In the waning
moments of his Tulsa Will Rog
ers high school team's gridiron
batUe with Tulsa Central. Tho
IT-yeer-old backfield star was
reported by physicians to havo a
50-30 chance to live after: under
going an operation by an Okla
homa City specialist j
Tho sportsman is a favorite vic
tim of rheumatism. It is one of
Tho oldest diseases known to man
kind. ; i
1 i ii ii i i
SEVENS FOET Jahnay Vsader
.- Maer (above),, ace- Cincinnati
Keda southpaw who la 1S3S
: barled two ao-raav bo-bitters la
. a row. la they UsUUva pitching
choteo for tho Natl anal Warners
:' next Saaday ailoraaoa la their
eahlMUeea gaaao with tho A
: leaai leagwara at Water park.
' Salcnvi BiU Beveos. who won
16 games far the New York
Yankees this year, will too the
: rVasars sUav far the Assert
Fazio Snatches
Lead, Open Go
FORT WORTH, 4 Tex, Oct
W)- George Fazio of Los Angeles
wrested leadership in: the Fort
Worth $10,000 open golf tourna
ment today from amateur Frank
Stranahan of Toledo after an up
hill battle which found Fazio
shooting a six-under-par 65 for
a 54-hotel total of 201. Stranahan
needed a : three-under-par 66 to
remain ahead of the Cilaornian
and he came in with 70 for a
202 total at the end of the third
round. This left the. youthful To
ledoan in a tie for the- rutmer-up
spot with Jim Ferrier of Chi
caro, who raced around the
150-yard Glen Garden course In
66 today.'
Byron Nelson, the Denton. Tex-
farmer playing out of Toledo
snoi ms dosc round oc the tour
nament a three-under-par 66. to
give him a 209.
YMiftew Ready
The YMCA'a welgkt liftlag
classes are aehedaled to start
Taeaday. October a. at I:1S and
7:1$ S--BS. Classes will be ander
the direction of Frank Ward aad
Don Dmneaa, local weight liftlag
eathaslaata. Classes win meet
Tuesdays. Tbaradays aad Frl
days, with lastraetieaal esapba
sU mm body aad amacalar de
velop meat . j r-
(Conilaaed from page 12)
' Leftflelder Dark r Med wick led
off that sixth with a long drive
to eeater. Jeje White retrieved
tho ball trass under the score
board, relayed It to Goose Goe
Ua. who rifled It to Marv Owen
at third. Marv straddled tho bsg
aad took the throw. Bat Med
wick, who was already la there,
oversiid tho bag and apaet Marv,
who. In regaining ; bis balance.
stepped est Bled wick's hsnd.
Dmcky, lying en his back,
s track at Msrvs face with Ma
apikesLi Whem tho .Tiger faas
saw this, they outdid themselves
baalagi Ducky.. i
It waa aa omlnoas sign, for
when the aide was retired and
Medwiek took bis ; paaltUw tn
f rent of the temporary bteaeacrs,
1766 faas promptly began yeU
tng. Take him. oat! Take him
oatt l Take him out! And : It
spread over the park like
dowa-wlad fire la a ripe wheat
t field. :
Madwlck stood there facing the
angry ssab with his hands aa
. bis hips. , ismssne threw - an
oraage over the - 16-Coot wire
fence. Madwlck eaagfat It in his
giove aad laagbedw Aad that was
bad. far soddenly there was m
hawrr of frahV vegeUbles. ther
mae bottleav ssllaT aad pea bot
tles, lsaseh backets, eashlons. hats
everythlaaT that erasy mob
eoeid get lta hands esw
er tonltaaad for 26 mlsmteo
: laager, aad when1 It sabslded
early half an- boor was re
emired far s erew to clean ap
the-mesa. The game was then
re earned, bat the minate Dacky
retained to his pestUoa. the
shower started all: ever agala.
Ty Tyson, at the mike la the
press box. appealed to the mob,
bat to no avait They wanted
Med wick eat ef there and now
they were i thresieniag so tear
down the feace and go after him.
It was then that Commissioner
Landls took a hand. He exiled
Medwiek aad Owes to his box.
between boose aad first. They
stead facing- bias with their bats
off. like a pair of bad boys, while
be eaesUoned them, lie decided
that simply to sppeaae the f
Dacky should be banished.
the park. Tho faats then per
mitted the game to eentiaae.
Bat the Great Dis waa , too
snaeh fee their team. lie aUowed
them six hiU aad the final score f
was 11 to 6s The Cards had come
to Detroit by bus. It was aar
roaaded by pellcemea while they
got aboard, and It left ander
heavy "police escort the mutate
the last man (who wasn't Dacky
Medwiek!) climbed la.
It was the asset exciting series
I ever saw and one of the worst
displays of bad sportiaiiMhtp la
baeeball histsry.
Observing the laws of fire bre-
Vention in the forests as vou do
tn your own home can help keep
our forests green. i f
itea or
The Shoveller duck has a spe
cialized bill to sift mud and wa
ter throurh a sieve In the bill
and still retain ail the edlWe food
stuffs. . ' J
. 1(
-. It's ao secret tbst mora
and more physiciaas are
directinr patients to this
-Reliable' Pharmacy.
Tbef know that we cam
aJwartbecoaoted on for
carefsi cooapoaadios;.
I Wl!IeUaj
; Capilal Dxxg Slcre
Car. State A Ubertr Paeae tilt
- V. i
Yopir IHloirric-5 i?oir
bgajca caTagt
SATTLE Oct S-ifl-Rcom-
mendattons that teachers mini
mum salaries in this state be
raised from 61,800 to $2,400 was
approved today by the Wash
ton Education association's com
mittee on school finance and tax
ation.. (-.
Legal. Notice
atateawt mt tfce wwiiaato.
IWWU cMrciilstlon, ill, tequired by ttt
acta onusraas of Ausuai 24. 1S1Z. and
ataeca S, ISM. mt The Oreae; lUNi
publtasad OaUr aiMI ansSar. es
atowday at Seiem. Oreeon. lor
Octoaar 1. 1S4S, State ot Oregon, Ceun
ty mt stsrtnnu
Dmtowm me, a oetary puotte .la and
tor tn State - and coexnty aSareaatat.
paraonatly ep pes red Charles A.
Sprarua. whe having been duly sworn
according to law. dapeaaa and says that
h Utm- pvbUahar mt Th Oregoa
fclat iw. nd that Um foUowtns ta,
U ua baa mt turn knewUdu sad bo
na. tru atatatnvst a the owner
aOip, asmseewwt (sad It s daily pa
per, tho circulation), ate., mt the afore
said publication toe the date shown In
tho abovo caption, required by the
Act of Aagsot M. iSlS. aa amoadod by
Uo Act ol March S. isaa. omsettiod tn
itlua U7. Pootai Laws and Jtagula
tlona. prtnled on the reverse of Una
form, to wttt
t. That the aames aad addresses mt
too pMbllaajor. editor, managms edi
tor, and buainess manasara are: Pub
liaher end -editor. Charlos A. aorarue.
Saient. Orogos: Maaae tne Editor, Won
sou woo, aaiom. troson: bimMwm
Manager, Wendell wuitnarth, aalem,
1. That the ewnor la (It owned by s
cor poi at! on. ita name and addxaaa must
bo atsted aad aiao tomodiataiy Uioro
ander tho. asaias and addreaaoa of
atoefchoidara owning er holding one per
rent or warm of total eanount of stock.
U aot owned by a corporaUoa. the
Ml a foot a anuot bo glvon. If owned
by a Urm. company, or ether antn
corpora tod cone at n. Ms asms and address.-
aa well e l hoae oc. each indl
vtdaal Boambor. mini bo glven.1 States
man Publtahina Co.. SIS a. Com! St
Salem, Oregon. Charles A. Sprsgue,
Saiatn. Ore Bobort Spraguo, Salem,
Ore,. Martha Spraguo Hurley. Rich
mond. Califs Wallace A. Sprague.
Cast Orange, N. J.
3. That the knowa bondholders,
ntortgagoea, aad other sorurlty bold,
era owning or holding 1 par cent or
more of total smount of bond, mort
gagee, ae ether aecuntUe aret (It there
are none, so stato.1 None.
. That the- two paragraphs next
above, giving me names of tho own
era., stockholders, sad security bold,
era If any. contam not only tho list
of stockholders and security holders
as they appear upon tho boobs of tho
company but also, ta cases where the
stockholoet or security holder ap
pears upon the books of the comosny
aa trustee or in say other fiduciary
relation, the nam of tho noraon or
corporaUoa. for whom such trustee la
acting, la given: also that tho said
two paragrapha contain atatementa em
bracing affiant's full know lease and
belief aa to. tho circumstances and
conditions under which stockholders
and security holders who' do not ap
pear upon in boosts oc tn company aa
trustee.- baud stock and securities In
a capacity ether than that of a bona
fid owuer: aad thie affiant has no
to oeuev that any other per
lactation, or cor Dotation haa anv
Interest direct or Indirect la the said
stock, bonds, se other securiUas thaa
so stated b him. . I
H. That uva average number mt copies
of each laauo of thia publication sold
or distributed, through mo malls or
otherwise, to paid subscribers during
th tsialeo months oreoedlng th data
shows shove ta 11.BS7. (This informs-
tSns rooorsa irom amuy pubiica-
Charles A. Spraru. Publisher.
Sworn ta snd subacilbed before me
thia 4th dav of October. 1S4S. Jessie L.
Armeld. tatr cnramlsston aspUa Dee.
It. Ues.)
Report Asks
Revenue Put in
General Fund
Transfer of liquor profits and
other public assistance revenue
to the genera fund, available fo.
general appropriation. In lieu of
the existing practice of fear
marking' these funds, was favor
ed by S. J. Barrick. director of
Gov. Earl Snell'g tax study com
mission. In 4 a report completed
Saturday. . - i
The report showed that net pro
ceeds transferred by the state
liquor control ; commission during
the period July 1. 1943, through
August 1948, totaled $10,038,384.
Of this, $1,913,884 was obligated
to meet the $12,000,000 appropria
tion of, the previous biennJum,
with a balance of $8,122,500 to
spplyi on the current $12,000,000
appropriation. ; .
Barrick said 10 months are left
of thia biennlum to obtain the
remaining $3,877500 which would
require an average monthly trans
fer of $387,750.. "It Is obvious,
therefore." Barrick declared, 1'thst
If the average of the past 14
roontha of $728,885 per month
continues, there will be total re
ceipts : from this source foe the
bJennium of approximately $3.
400,000 in excess of the appro
Llqaor Profits Rise
The director said that while
liquor profits are Increasing, re
quirements for welfare expendi
tures also are on the uptrend and
that estimated needs for the 1047
48 biennlum indicate that a much
larger state appropriation will be
required. I
Another earmarked revenue for
public assistance, Barrick averred,
is the public amusement device
tax which he estimated will yield
about $225,000 a year, divided be
tween the state and counties on
the basis of 60 and 40 per Cent
There appears to be no logical
reason for earmarking of specific
revenue "for public assistance pur
poses," Barrick i said, , declaring
that it Is an obstacle to compre
hensive budget unity and lessens
legislative control.
Proposals Defeated
Seven 1 attempts previously
have: been made to place self
sustaining state boards and com
missions under legislative appro
priation but the proposals were
Derrick's report also showed
that Oregon's miscellaneous re
All Flavors, iNo 5 3
Limits, Qts, aSejg
Salem aad West Salem
4 '
A n n m n n
ef f ,VA
- - V' - aaasnaa, j t
aV -Si
' Si : -'.I-"..' ;
lately featured in leading magazines
ScicntificsJly gtopa leaks re, farepere, dampness)
inside or ootside . . . above or below ground .
on rjorous rmtsonry fmrfacea such as f
xoncheti auDiz and masonsy
. - .. i ' ! , : if.
Turns wet cellar Into pUy room, wocfahop. laon
drjrt WMarproofs walla, buJldinfretahuif veailsJ
Damp-proof foundation --to keep hoogw damp
free! Reconditions leaky swimming pools, foun
tains, cisternal
Cost is nominsl We wQ fc2jr furmsii applkau
tion estimates. - '
Now available at
Campbell Rock Wool! Co.
1132 Broadway'
Local Dielribu tor-
Phono 8498
CUumen Meet at Salem IIIrH School,
North 14th and D Street
: - " Except as .Noted
Ocfobcr 7 fo Deremhor 13
Art Bleta
Bookkeeping' .
Commercial Law.
Drafting ... ...r
Business English .
Machine Shop Practice
Practical Mathematics
Psrrish Jr. lit
Daj : Time Room
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 Shop 3
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 128
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 101
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 ' 106
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 S-22
Mon& Wed. 7:15 129
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 104
Tue. & Thur. 7:15 S-ll
Mou. & Wed. 7:15 110
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 124
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 125
Mon. & Wed. 7:15 S-ll
Apprentices On-the-Job Trainees
'Accounting i j Dry Cleaning,
Anto Mechanics Electricity '
Sf a.n i.Ft?der" tchina Shop
Cabinet Making . ...
Carpentry Meal Cutting
Oock! and Painting
-Watch Repair Plumbing
Radio Repair
Retail Sales
Sheet Metal
Tab Machine
In seme of the classes listed above, there may be aa opportunity
far a small namber of stadeats to earell who do not fall la the
classifications listed. These people saay be carolled only through
contacting th Director of Adalt Education.
: Class
Publicity Methods.....
Review of Structural
Design ...:....;.
Developing Appreciation
of Literature .J
Seminar In Elementary
Education i
Seminar in. Secondary
Education ! J.
Visual Aids to !
Oregon History
Current Affsirs.
Applied Psychology
First Year Spanish..
1st CL
Oct. 9
Oct- 9
Oct. 8
Oct. 7
Oct. 7
Oct. 9
Oct. 7
Oct. 7
Oct. 8
Oct. 8
206 (7i30)
208 (7:30)
State IJsry.
127 (4:15)
127 (710)
217 (7:15)
208 (7:15)
raUe IJbry.
Public Uarr.
i (7:15)
r-abUe USry.
Per er.
! 70)0
Qaailfled veterans msy take advantage of federal er slate
for these eearses.
Register the first night of class ta tho elaasreom as listed
Phone 25172, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone 4143, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Tho Statesman. Salem, Oregon!, Sunday. October 9. 133 13
ceipts for the .1945 fiscal year
were $3,250,000 as sgainst $200.
000 in 1940. Insurance premium
taxes were 1389.000 in 1940 and
$1,075,000 in 1945.
County Ballot
Notices Mailed
r November election notices have
been ma I led out to the .830 elec
tion board officials in Markm
county's . 87 precincts. County
Cleric Harlan Judd announced
The notices concern the general
election, the courthouse construc
tion measure and the people's
utility district - bill. Each board
member will receive two notices
of esch measure, except in Sa
lem where the 330 election board
members will receive only notices
on the general and courthouse
elections. Cleric Judd said. The
proposed utility district does not
Include Salem.
Weight limitation for airmail
letters and packages when ad
dressed to members of the armed
services and civilian personnel
overseas with AFO or FTp num
bers has been Increased from two
to eight ounces, Albert . Cragg.
Salem postmaster announced. The
rate Is five cents an ounce.-
Uanlod al Ones
Glfico Girl
lTeferably with some
knowledge of hookkeeping;
typing and pouting.
Can Uc2l IzZm
Kaless. Oregest
IIo Experienca Ilcccrrry
Horlliwesl PoiiU
1561 N. Front , I
mm .-WAV
TO" ''OBTAIN Pllfl
You pay for new plate aa you wear them bft
budgeting .cost vfilh Accepted Credit
MThere need be ao delay la
arrancing with Credit far
deatai plates. Pay as yea
prefer, fas weekly or aa at li
ly amemtte, Deaiat plates
aad deatai ; service of all
Iliads oa terms to salt per
sonal ceavealenee."
Select Plates Whone
Color Harmonizes
With That of Nature
I "; ' ' ' ' !
A distinguishing feature of
plates made with the Im
proved material all dentists
recommend for faithful j re
production Is the permanent,
natural calor blended Wear
respond with that of" the
game and tissues ol the
mouth. Pistes have a grace
and scanty mt design, a, soft
aarf ace lustre, aad a tested
strength, j Their resiliency In
sores longer - wearing effi
ciency sad they will net
shrink or warp. Make yeur
owe terms, within reasea,
for plates. Psy as yea are
Realistic Effect.
Achieved by
Transparent Plate
When Teeth Are
Lost,' Have Them
Replaced with Plates
Save year expression. Miss
lag teeth result la sunken
cheeks, saegtag ' facial mas
cles and distortion of pro
To take
Car mt indivktaa!
Teetli Are Needed to
Chew Foods That 7
Produce Energy
A diet of stroag, vigor sets
feed Is eendaclve to health
aad vitality. Naiare Intend
ed that year teeth should as
sist In digesting these feeds.
Diseased teeth should be re
moved aad restersUeas
made with plates or bridge
work. Ia surveys made re
cently. It haa bea estlaaated
that : more than 29 mUUe
deatares are needed by pee- .
pts ia t t nation.-
Make Plans for Yunr
Dental Work with
;--'! I" - ;
j .
Give year teeth the atloa-
Uoa they deserve.
Other Offices In Eugene, Portland, Tacoma, Spokane, Seattle
And In All Uadlnc Pacific Coast Cltjes