The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 02, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    Dm..l f"1ll 1
(Dttr1batta by Klact restates Sya-I
irate. Me Keraacua la arbaU at
ut part strictly prailattfS).
H a n n e fan campa ign strategy
seems well designed to die Mr.
Truman out of the Wallace hole
through the bottom.
Or to put It this? way: having
t4 lreee to esrlaslvelr eanuea e mm mam see i nZ 7; 'tTii..Lr -tit u li w sat etherwtae re4Jte4 ta this approved tn right of Mr. Wallace
dispatches credits ta II se set euerwiee erecuteai ui J to apeak ClOishly In New York
in the campaign.
I Mr. Truman then
- jf 1 red him for
J having done so,
; whereupon Mr.
illannegan hired
him back (with
v Florida's- Senator!
1 Pepper) to make
m o r e speeches
elsewhere r for
J 'foreign policy
Jwith which the
. .administration is
.Jnot In sympathy.
No doubt to car-
el Th Statoeanan. Salem, Oraw Wednesday. October 1. 191S
"No Favor Sway V$. No Fear Shall Awm
Frees First Suteaeaaa.' March tt. 1151
CHARLES A. SPRAGUE. Editor and Publisher
Member mt the Aasarlatesl Preae
Tae Aseeeieteal frees to eaelaslvet eatlUea tm IM mmm fee Howa
mi all eewt
a wt pa per.
Ctiilly l Nurriihrrg f
Xuernberc is a historic Cierman city, unct iimro as a cenier
for the manufacture of toys, Hitler brought the modern city into
nrnminence as the seat of his great party rallies. Another unique
chapter was added to its, long history when the international
. "i aajawie. aaaaakaavsra aw a in at em hbti aa w-t r mi iiia i-v
military trmunav neia mrc us ! "
leaders. The trial occupied 1 1 months. The tribunal has handed I -
.. . - J - . i-.! .,rn 11 f thai',
down its veraicx. tnc anin aniiuvra unw r
convicted conspirators will be carried ovit within IS days unless
sentences' are modified, as seems improbable. Eight of the de
fendants were sentenced to imprisonment and three, Iljalmar
Schacht. Hans Fritsche and the elusive fox, Franz von Fspen, am mauom ry this consist-
were acquitted. to Its Illogical conclusion, Mr.
History was made in bringing men to the bar ot interna- "TpT" '""T
t tonal lusuce on cnarges oi waging BKKm"? - thim o hnia .a r..
crimes against humanity. ine tnounai conjirmeu mt iwwnn "fht is hardly visible, democrati-
of Ha charter that the nations by agreement had outlawed ag- cally speaking, now, at the top
gressive war. and held that the gross crimes against humanity '
such as revealed in the stark tragedies of mass slaughters at 5 "
concentration camps were punishable. i , 1 scheme of extrication by imbed-
The tribunal blazed a new trail in the field of justice. The ment or what might be -Simply
offenses of which the convicted were found guilty were heinous folnr uP?"r
in the estreme. But never before had men who waged wtrZZiZLJZZt7.Jm&Z
... . . t t 1 1 . . . .
been convictea ana semencea 10 punimmcni -. 1 whisper in tne darkness of side-
Admittedly there is danger that the precedent may be used I corridors that if Mr. Byrnes will
1 1;,- r.M.iir.. t K nolltical aruf militarv leaders wind Up the Paris meeting by Oc-
w r n 77"""" " .ih "i 11 tober 45 with something sa eable
who lose their wars. But if the Judicial process is adhered to ,n way of . peace, and then
as completely and sciupulously as in the Nuernberg trial such come uproariously with, this into
danger may not be realized. the United Nations organization
On trial was the nazi system and Adolf Hitler its exponent, Un next October 2i (Just on
qmte as much as his collaborators. The ponderous record of f.XlIl!
testimony, of pictures and other evidence preserves for all time I atmosphere will be created be-
the extent of the nazi crime against numanity. it can never tween Russia and the United I set. t v
k rr.,Mi tktnh f fort ma v htm made ta ernUln it iwir bv I States. : I
. ...1 l. .1 1 a v.i uiii.. nmmta Mm in bciict rwura
some iresn revisionism wnu n. iu wwu.uci Thn th rfmlniMti
. ...;. -!!- TV.. . U-l k I. -
ana me mira men. inn iw 1 iorwsra into election dav In a
When Goering and Keitel and the despicable Streicher and! cloud of glory, with Wallace not
Rosenberg stretch hemp in the prison courtyards the ends of I J? ot the administration as I
justice and of personal vengeance will have been served on AS'lSiZ
thee gangsters. But the woe they helped to precipitate will The only trouble with this is It
bathe the world in tears for generations.
seems hardly possible. A miracle
might 'work affairs around that
way In the next two weeks or so.
but nothing short of It would do I
the job. Miracles had a way of I
happening for the late Mr. Roose-
(Continued from page 1)
Trn-Alljintir Linen
Back from the wars come the great ocean linens, the U.S.S
America and the British Queen Elizabeth. They! have been j vit. hut vn mm av.nt. h.v.
refurbished aa passenger carriers and resume their trans-At-1 unanimously turned against Mr. P1!0" whlch P- Tim
Mnti.ns Uus month. . I TVa
Wu. 'T','" 7"'' T ' rr V "V over at the state department any- nse, noiaoiy "dot reunions, ine
They successfully dodged the subs and the planef and trans- one can ascertain that expectations f01 WJJ1 goods, they want
ported thousands of men, with their battle gear fo and from for the peace treaties are some- JcZ:,tZill fJ?
port, of the Utile theatres. V iJ"?Wf ... SS tnnison!
V, tWm lo.urv linora mint tnt th eotnntitiAn Of I " muotw -rwi WK K.w I.
" I mii.t ari-mu K. 1....I.-1 " t"i" ......
transport plartes wfcich shuttle back and forth across the ocean wamV &c,UM, the meeting was & $i&tllJ?
with routine regularity. They will have patronage, however, arranged that way, but there has r .SatiSns act and fresh plaj
from those who still are timid about air travel and from the j"J? 'ndiB"2? ?tJ?e7 wlU ter castj of government controls
irart number who una tonic in iravei or iieimsniD for L. , " ' :.r "7' ina reiuuuoni ina iretn inru-
the landlubbet a voyage by ship U a rare experience, and Intro- gTJ'buV U cannorKax'ted S tSuT'
d.uctton to a different world. It Is also a restful event, which be popular. Perhaps some, degree in the field' of foreign affairs
la quite in contrast with the quick hop by air from Ireland J popuUrity may be whooped up, the Chicago convention Is letWng
to Newfoundland. V I IT m ViJ
....j j lhal tHm will K tK I , - wmiuuTO m uw uon mr Henry vvsiuct and its
Already predictions are made mat tnese win De tne last I treaties and enouch ouectiAtia wtn i ..tim. kJ
.l- . i :i i I I , .... -i; Zr" -Y "1 w "
oi ui srtai iuui j tuicra iu u uum. iimuucw iuvnut mnn unaeiuea 10 nun use re I rontinuallv froth at Mi mnuUi
before the war, which was before flying was so competitive. u,t 1 than a success. when Russia is mentioned. They
However, the great increase in travel may give them enough ltaUe EmtMUTaaalag fail to sea that Uie tactics of Rua-
anJli. irntit th .t- Now the trouble with this does " different from those
"Z -T . .... not lie In Mr. Hannegan or In of Hitler, that neutral minds find
enough to show what their postwar business will be, no new Mr. Truman. They are In an em- " hard to believe that what was
keels for such was Is will be laid down. It is altogether Drobable barraaslna- situation. bM-tnu th wicked appeasement! in 1938 is
that the international rivalry for bigger and bigger and faster itaelf U embarrassing "I t.?..C:
and faster passenger vessels, as evemplified In the iUlian 1 2?:.S?L.i7i? QJ Xfll nSt wnT war. It aJmnlv dnea not
the German Bremen and Europe, the British Queen Elizabeth I vision the complete Inner etno-1 helieve that Wallace's policy is the
and Queen Mary and the United States' America, is at an end, I tional conflict between domestic I W4y f Pnnanent world
at least for size. The.newer ships will be smaller, but fast, more PQ' mca and foreign affairs. Inter- f T?' m rmmt .nath
lik. the'Cr Santa ship, or the new Alcoa ship, for tla. Jaf'JS
M.fM i Z.tiJ.Ii I t the evidences of bund reaction
rnesUcaUy It wants to for political qult ; vUIW w repubUc,n.
Carribean trade
........... w,.. . ..(wki, I umthipn ..natillAM In
want them comfortable like the hotels on Land, and somehow I The late Mr, Roosevelt had congress. But the wheel of politics
money will be provided for their construction and operation, I fenlus for traveling both sides of I la completing a turn. The new
though much of it may come from government treasuries. JPT !1-;!L yz7, Zl.S 1 . 1 "elIonB ? w,!fry-,Tn UJ
-w aaiaamai a mmmm ms VWIVIIW I USSK. I.AUIUI VTSB VI UVIIULI B) k7 aw lirail
always failed to get solved fori troubles which the liberalism of
WAA Conituion mis reason, he at least managed to the laws does not solve,
... . I savw nunseii personally. BUI no
A nouae invesllgatmai committee cruicizea um war Aaeets I ordinary man could do It Such f g" - rn . m
administration for sloppy and wasteful practices In disposal fantastic polities Is even more im- VrCffn AeSHlV
of war surpluses. We hardly see how it cotiM b otherwise. rJ,L At AiVlSts IfAormiv
Enormous Entities of goods have been dropped Just where GToerTwere eTbarrMsedlh: Al A,rllne flearing
w mi in j miiKt n7 (ui tiuvuii wiui nicrni. uuuwuuita jcaaurc ainrccn, oiaun was in PORTLAND Ore Oct. 1 iJP)
far sale were put on. WAA had to make inventories, warehouse precisely the same position. The Rapresentativea of the state of
goods, arrange a selling organization, meet the demands of vet- SrTt IUhL Ormgon. Portland, and the local
erans and of public bodies for preference, avoid ruin to private not reported In t$uT ZmJi,! f??i?.be ? 1
...r,f... i iM t. w. ...tit i i : ,: wormu looay vo tesuiy xor iv
s ""rLlT I k.7- 0"7' ",lcr " minutes each in Western Air lines'
treasury. Sure the job has been badly handled. But think what had been made. application for a San Francisco
it would harve been had the house committee been doing the Cr!fluSms Portland-Seattle route,
aellina instead of the lnvestieaUna. 7, -.M! .criUrl,n around to The dvil aeronautics board
- ----- rivrmnia tf,M m m v mtm vim.iiwi . -1 - i a. . . .. r .
wwu OMnn wui oe in vrasmn gion
sa v an interview I Vcl. 7
Western Lane county expressed Us protest over power eninf Russian fear of war and
Kiwanis Hears
New Education
The United Suites . must devise
the best educational system in
the . world with better schools
and better men. Dr. Paul C. Pack
er, new chancellor of the Oregon
state system of higher education
told Salem Kiwanis club mem
bers Tuesday. "We must work
Overtime to develop the spiritual
overtones which swept us up to
such heights during the war."
Expressing the opinion that
with a three weeks residence in
Oregon he hardly felt in a posi
tion to discuss state problems. Dr.
Packer talked of his observations
in England during the war, of ob
servations in India and of the
Russian peoples.
England has no black market.
relatively speaking," Dr. Packer
said fexplaining this by the En
glishman's desire to keep faith
with the government.
Wlllard Marks, president of the
state: board of higher education
Introduced the speaker. Marks
was Introduced by Douglas Mc
Kay.! Marion county member of
the state legislsture.
Public Bocords
Jury List for
County Drawn
Names of 20 new jurors drawn
from the Marion county jury list
by ! County Clerk H, A.-Judd on
an order by Circuit Judge E. M.
Page was released Tuesdsy. The
following named f persons were
drawn to fill the panel for the
October eeaeiona of the circuit
Clifton R. Mudd. Robert C. Ir
win, Mabel Lenz, Helen B. Law,
Etta M. Eyre Harris, Carl F. G lea-
son, c H. uienn, Altnea Pres
mall. Gladys J. Seamster, Ruth
Staab, Mary I. Rowland, Olive
M. Currey,, Doris Moriarty, and
Max O. Buren, all of Salem; Iva
A. Goodman, Breitenbuah; Henry
Saalfeld, East Mt. Angel;. Jewell
G. Brtnkiey, Hayeaville; Ruth
Iris Jungnickel. West Hubbard;
Earl O, Holliday, North Silverton;
and Henry Wellman, Scotts Mills.
failures by hanging in effigy BonnevUle promises. Administrator I 7,r,ZuirJX.t t 711!. I f I? f TM A IMfa DC A 19 fT
Ravr and othr funirea wkeretiaon IKa reeUnal rmrwasnlitl.. Z' " J '? VFaaJU flUU MJMm.A MM.
, , m " -r- n uuiMiar ana ir mora DODUlir
f Bonneville reportedly called for an investigation by FBI strategy for the- democrats would
and drmanrlatfl annloev from tha nn nkit-n TS hanfna-a kat I be to face the situation as It is.
no water and light no storefronts, and the FBI la hardly a secret ixStS fLHZwin.
police yet. so neither side to the controversy earns better than and Pepper should not speak under
onions on uus wpisooe. western Laine was tne tail That went tenner democrauc or republican
with the hide when the Central Lincoln PUD bought tha whole campaign banners. Let Mr. Byrnes
country in his negotiations.!
a .a.a..Af.' w !ti J jl a m. aa 1 a. a a . "I
service dui poisrvooting uonnevuie aoes not soive tne prooiems I ana as long as ne aoes ne win nave
of finance and construction necessary before service becomes vtr- 1 Such. straightforward
' I as S aak M aul ,M m a.a I a. i
i wouio icav nm aanurusara-f
Lane rountv will vote on a aneeial Uvv for aiar mill tal . i- t
raise tor a new courthouse. Its present building is over
crowded, like. Marion's, and ugly, so the vote ought to be in
the affirmative.;
By Lichty
West Coast Power co. system that strung along the coast It tata ,nd def
hasn t relished the inclusion and has suffered wretched power this country In his negotiations.
Rule Reversed
For weeks a ship, the Mello Franco, has been tied up at B V Hiflfll CoUTt
Clctnm Rav and the harbor ntit n nrfr hnvrolt foe aailinva hacnna I "; - '
of a jurisdictional dispute between two labor unions. The, trouble
did not originate at that port, but it suffered because the Mello "versed a Multnomah coun-
. I aJaailll l'aauaaaa &a..a. a ae AAA
Franco was picked as the test ship. Government conciliators made VhV.. ril iV- 2
no headway in settling the dispute. Finally the maritime com- street j car motorman, 'who sued
mission has sold the ship to France. A French crew will board his employer, the Portland Trac
it and sail it away. Presumably the embargo on Coos Bay tlon company, for damages for
will be lifted and perhaps the dispute forgotten. But things Jzlr? .
t . i i . , . .. I utner decisions:
ronw m a mu pmtm wurn our government nas lO Mil a I Stata va Earl Arthur l inn
ahip because of its own Impotence and labor's stubbomess in I pellant. Appeal from Multnomah
a dispute of little importance. Friends of labor like Senator I county. Appeal from i conviction
Morse gag at this sample of abuse of power. ion crnarge or attempted rape ot
m -u'u siit. new um vr
iniernauonai uusmess Macnmes nas perfected a machine Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Ford.
that utilizes electronics so it can multiply six-digit numbers by j appellants, vs Clara B. White,
others equally large and produce answers at the rate of 100 1 A P p ' 1 'rom Jcson county.
j . i ... ..... . . . . i auiE xor m ' m. l n r,nr'a r i fn m i
m ua a iiiijiukt. oiAKrnuc upraiuma wouia iikp r n ram mninr i . ... i . .
. , , . contract to rxry property. Alarm-1 "aajr appaaeas is catning wUb the votera can't yea arraaae a
bwoci i wot nwnuji. ad. i atreaas they aaaaa't chaage harsea la the niUtdle mtT
Jensie H. Church vs Elmer J
Church: Decree of divorce grants
custody of minor child to nlain
tiff and $75 per month support
M. J. Helaer vs Eastman Bros.:
Suit asking judgment for ser
vices rendered defendant by
plaintiff. '
S. A. Varbel, Ruby Varbel and
Pioneer Trust Co. vs Robert C.
Fallon and Myrton Moore: Or
der that contract of real property
sale be cancelled.
Jessie Brown va Attn.
Gertrude C. Bower, snd R. I'
wruni: urder or default and
that mortgage ba fnm-inurf i
favor of plaintiff.
Henry B. Koehlr v V. r
munds, Jackson Moore, Don C.
Wilson. Clare E. OrH.r
show cause within in .. u,u
a temporary Injunction should
not be issued against defendants.
Ralph Colvin vs Vinita Colvin:
Decree of divorce crania niitwi
of five minor children to defend
ant and 957.50 a month support
Harold W. Butzine vs Doris C.
Butxine: Suit for divorce charg
ing ruei ana innumsn treatment;
m-rJd at Long view, Wash.,
N. f. Nidrhliitr im ir-l f
- - - . . . m V, .
Nelderhiser: Answer and cross
complaint filed.
Lenora J. Percell vs Harold E,
Percell: Reply filed by defendant.
Bert A. Burr, 22, student, Mr.
Minnvilie, and Ramon a Rice. 17,
secretary, Salem.
Earl Clark, 102 W. Miller St.,
violation of anti-noise ordinance,
fined $5.
violation of basic rule, posted $10
Edna Lukins, 115 Lancaster dr..
violation of basic mU
$7.50 bail. ' "
Clover Havnaa. InrfwiMKim..
no driver's license, posted $5 bail!
Hal C, Cline. Rainier r.i!..r.
to stop, posted $2.50 bail.
Bert Scott, Rainier, violation of
basic rule, posted $25 bail.
Calvin Hoelscher, Portland, vio
lation of basic rule, posted $25
Alva L. Phillina rniil T
lem. failure to atoo. rwMtH '- in
bail. "
Jim Tallman. B01 Edu,t.r .
West Salem, illegal reverse turn,
posted $5 bail.
Estella Lawyer: Order for la.
sua nee of citation to show catiu
if any in peUtion of Constance
Samuel C. Parker fata- Or
der appointing Frances I. rri-
aen administratrix, and A. A.
rriesen, Ted Gordon, and ft. T.
Gordon, as appraiaers.
George S. Schaefer: Ordar an.
proving annual account of guardian.
Mary A. Isham etat- Ordr
permitting sale of real property.
Esther Daughty: Order setting
October 21 for hearing petition
of guardianship.
' J. P. Feller estate: Ordor si
ting November 5 for final hearing.
Hazel E. La tore 11 PnrtlanH In.
adequate brakes, fined S3 and
John Mack and Roaia Mark-
charged with failure to send child
to hi oh school, trial DostDoned
to October 18.
Pair Celebrate
59th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, 146
Marion st., today observe their
5th wedding anniversary, with
members of their family and
friends planning to gather at the
residence for an informal celebra
tion of the event during the day.
They were married, Oct. 2, 1887,
at Woonsocket; -S.D., and came to
Oregon 20 years ago. They have
lived In Salem since 1932. Their
four children, all still living, are
J. D. White, Mrs. L. J. Davies and
Mrs. Ora Janes, all of Salem, and
Mrs. William Arntz Benton Har
bor, Mich. They have 40 grand
children and great grandchildren.
Mrs. White will ba 78 in No
vember and her husband will be
81 in December.
The heat released by fission of
a pound of uranium 235 is about
equal to that obatinabje from 8000
barrels of fuel oil. I
Distinctly Styldd arjd Mad
j by " I
Master Craftsmen
Stare Hears t:J U I:S
b 1 ( i'-
I 7 " ' I t
bbt a m -JSsss''"sV, ,?- ' x.
II . mm m .sr. - ' a
Missionary Holly
lSth a Ferry fits
Wed., 0d. 2
7:45 P. Ill
. i
Rev. L. E. Johnson o tiia
Philippines tells bt his
vork and thre years In
terment with it'i horrors
and death. j
1 i
A nlqhl you cannot miss.
lfV ' l
Two Hay Enroll at lto
Price of One!
Here's your chance to brin your
dancing up to data at Arthur
Murray's and save money! , Don't
fake the Rumba or sit it out
while others dance. Arthur) Mur
ray has discovered the secret of
the real - Cuban . Rumba his ex
perts can show It to you In your
very first lesson. -
Become a popular partner ba
proud of your skilled dancing.
Enroll today while special 2 for
the price of 1 offer lasts.
Hours 10 cun. to 10 pja.
Monday Through Friday
Saturdays 10 oun. to 4 pjxu
1S5 SesHb UmmHf
Thmma lltt
Whea Illness strikea,
take ao chances. Come
to this "Reliable" Pbar.
saacy, where we spccialica
in the careful coanpoand
log of prescriptioas;
Capital Dreg Sloro
Car. IUU a Uhmrtr rtaaavs tilt