Salem. Ort, Sunday, September 23. 1948 ? m ' ' t M tl ' - .? S ' I -.T ! j -If . 1 lJ I- I 'i 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Krause (Carol Pope) who marriage took place Sept mk 13 at the First Congregational church. The bride Is the daughter of Rol lm Fopes ol Dallas and the groom Is the tec cl Mrs. Lena Krause ol Hillsboro, Kansas. Trv couple will live in Salem. (Jeslen Miller). 1 1 i i 1 V7' IT Mr. and Mrs. Robert C Van Slyko (Helen Zink) whose wedding was an event of September 1 at the. Jason Lee Memorial church with the Rev. S. Ray nor Smith officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr.f and Mrs. F. L. Zink and the groom is the son of Mrs. Minnie Van Slyke. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brooks attend ed the couple. (Kennell-Dlis). Daughters Plan Open House Court Capital City. Catholic IugMr of America will hold ! I open hme at the Wom an tub en Fridsy, October 4, r -m to 10 p m All Catholic toometi f Salem arnj their friends ip tft i ted The Hev. Martin iK.i.fherty of Gervaia will be th f jrri tpeaker and muirai num-b-i m..l b given by the Cece liaris of Sacred Heart academy, X!r Ar,Lf.ony J. Becker. Mr. V A Rooakowaki, and Mr. Wayne Meusey. Mr. Jamet Mahula I chairman of Ue retrethroetit committee and Mr J A. Barry of decorations. Pi vti.r.f during the tea hour will be Mrs I) J. McLtlan and Mrs. J II Meusey. Junior Catholic lUkroers will aaatjit about the fining Km. A special welcufn It extended to newcomers In the city. Ontral WCTU to Mert Salem Centra! WCTU will meet at 2 rkk on Tuesday with Mrs. Umiw Mill. 1724 Chemeketa reel Mrs. fcd Yuun will lead the devotioiials arvj the Rev. Clay J. Pmeroy will be foest speaker. Uffuers will be Installed and oVessU-s elected U attend the a'e convention to be held In Pen 1 . October 22-23. Interested fr-enOs are invited to attend. Shover Party Of Bride-Elect A nruiwei laneous shower on Thursday nifht at the home of Mrs. H J. Coakhn. honored Miss l.i.IU Owens. brKte-eWt of Gil bert Bnrtister. Aasistina; her mo ther aa ro-hosteaa was Mrs. J. T. Ir.vitad to the party were Mist rt. her mOwr. Mrs. Rath er me Dam!. Mrs. E. H lluck a'ep and Miss rvUre Huckatep, Mis Ireste Dswea, MUa Lola Tope, M sa ta-k.res Purdum, Miss Doris r.iflehart. Miaa Wilma Sharp r. k. Mrs Carl Jenaen. Mrs E. H. I-uettery, Miaa Doktres I.uvh tty. Mm Patricia Stanle t, Mrs. C.k ftUhie, Mrs. E M Wil Lma. Miaa Naomi Brown. Mrs. W M Brnner. Miaa (VDflitu lke, Mas Virginia Kitchen, and thr htarteasea. 8TATTON Members ef Eva Rebekah lodf observed the 93th anniversary of the founding of the Rebekah degree of Odd Fellow ship Tuesday in the lodge rooms. Mrs. A. C Van Nuys. good of the order chairman, was in charge. Plans were made for the dinner to be given at the annual Marion county 1(X)F convention to be held here October 12. D. George Cole spoke on the founding of the Rebekah degree. Mrs. Byron Shuck, Mrs. Sarah Weddle and Mrs. Lane Baker served. Mrs. Lucille Carter will be initiated in October. Jaquish-Timm Wedding Held DAYTON The marriage of Misa Eunice Timm. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Timm to Charles Jaqulah. Granger, Wash., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jaqulsh of Granger, was solemnized at the home of the bride's parent Sept. 22 tt I p. m. Chaplain Carl, Black ler, of the First Baptist church. Dayton, performed the double ring service. h The bride was given in marri age by her father. Her dress was white organza and her veil was fingertip length. She carried white gladioluses and pink rose buds. The maid of honor was Miss Audrey Timm, In powder blue, and best tman was Vern Jaquish. Music was furnished by Miss Arleen Deed on. Miss Helen Wal ters and Mrs. Carl Blackler. At the reception which followed the ceremony, Mrs. Ted Koehler rut the rake, Mrs. Martha Nogos sek, grandmother of the bride poured and Misa Timm and Misa Deedon assisted. For going away the bride wore a gray suit with black accessor ies. They will live In Yakima while the grutim attends the J. M. Perry Institute of Trades and Ag riculture. Mrs. Jaqulsh graduated from Amity high school and Capital Business) college. She was em ployed at the state treasurer's of fice and lately at Ladd and Bush bank. The groom Is a graduate of Granger high school and has been 44 months In the navy. 19 of which were spent in the South Pacific. Saleea Chapter Aaaerleaa Geld Star Mothers and families have been Invited to attend 10.50 a. m. services at the First Christian church today. Exclusive "Studio Styles'1 New October Hats Are In ! :- J . e 1 I t af .v.- -.' .1 - f - v.. . ' - i - ,.. ANORCA KING Finest of Hats! Glamorous Styles! Designed in Hollywood! Ready for Your Inspection Miller's Second Floor Church Wedding For Amity Girl AMITY The Church of Christ wast he scene Sunday afternoon, September 22, of the wedding of Miss Opal Marian Glahn, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Glahn of Amity to Richard James Loren zfn. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Loren ten of Dayton. This Rev. fcle Wlllard, uncle of the groom, read the double-ring aervlpe. Mrs. Robert Shields, ac companied by Miss Rose Marie Lorenzen of Dayton, sang. Miss Lorenzen also played the wedding marches. Ths bride, given in marriage by her father, wore lace-edged fin gertip veil; and a halo of seed pearls. The bodice of her gown was fashioned of white lace, the skirt of fine net over white taf feta extending Into a train; Her bouquet of . pink rosebuds, white stephonitus and gardenias. Miss Noma Glahn in blue was maid of Honor for her sister and Mrs. El vin Asher, bride's matron, was In pink. They carried arm bouquets of gladioluses. Long lace mitts and lace headdresses were feat ures of their costumes. Thomas LeRoy Glahn was best man; Elvin Asher, Marvin Loren zen and Vernon Maxon, ushers, The brid has been employed for several years at the. bank of Amity. Mr. Lorenzen, who at tended Amity schools, has spent several years In the navy. They will live in Amity. A reception in the church par lors followed the ceremony, after which the couple left on a trip to California and Idaho, Mrs. Lor retuen wearing a black coat and black accessories over her aqua crepe dress, with a corsage of gar cent as. PEO Officers At Luncheon s Mrs. Charles! A. Sprague was hostess to past state presidents of PEO Sisterhood at her home on Friday afternoon. , A luncheon was served, after" which the group held its annual business meeting. Assisting Mrs. Sprague were Mrs. M. D. Weills 1 and Mrs. Glenn flusted of Portland. I Others here for the affair were Mrs. Wilfred Pi Jones, Mis. J. A. King, Mrs. Mattie A. BoDine, Miss Bessie Mickey, Mrs. Grace Kent ' Magruder, Mrs. Arthur Welch, Mrs. Ella. Braly, Mrs. Tim McFadden, Mrs. Paul Shaw, ajl of Portland, Mrs. Orah Harkness Buhl, Albany, j Mrs. Dorothy H. Seymour and Mrs. J. W. McCrea dy. Forest Grove, Mrs, E. W. Ka ser. Grants Pass and Mrs. Ben Whisenand, Bend. Becomes Bride Of Navy Man I AMITY Miss Merle Jean Chris tensen, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Christen sen became the bride of George Albert Sanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. San ford of McMinnville, September 14. The Rev. S. James Osborne officiated at the double-ring cer emony before the fireplace in the home of the bride's parents. : Given in marriage t by. her fa ther, the bride wore a' pale green wool suit with; brown accessor ies' and a corsage of orchids. 1 Mrs. Glenn Christensen, cousin of the bride, wss matron of honor; Gait Christensen, sister of the bride, was flower girl. Cecil E. Sanford of McMinnville Was best man for his brother. Mrs. Charles Showalter of Portland, sister of the bridegroom, plsyed the wed ding music. f For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Christensen wore a corsage of deep rose anthuriums on a fuchsia crepe gown. Mrs. Arthur Christensen, aunt of the bride, cut the Ices, and Lois and Dorothy Christensen, her cousins, served the cake, 1 I Mr, Sanford, ; a chief pharma cist's mate in the navy, served in the South Pacific, and is now sta tioned at Swan Island. 1 The' Wesnan's society ef Chris tian Service of the Leslie Metho dist church will1 meet Wednesday at 2 o'clock with Mrs. John Ber telson. 110 East Leffelle street Mrs. A. W. Metzger will conduct a devptionsl Bible study. Mrs. W. S. Ankney wllr present the concluding lesson In the year's study book on Africa. Mrs. Ma son Bishop will assist. - Vsl See Optional i pp ; 8Uytoa Mrs. Richard O'Con nor and Miss Claira Pepperling entertained for Mrs. Karl Kreit zer Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O'Connor. Present were the Misses Phyllis Freres, Phyllis Jordan, Stella Thompson, Evelyn Thompson; Mesdames Lewis Keir-jj sey, Floyd Booze, Eddie Kreitzer, the hostesses arid honor guest, Mrs. W. IL Henderson ef Mad ison street, has returned from Rochester, Minn., where she vis ited her son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Varney for six weeks. She traveled by plane. : ; AMITY Miaa Margaret Ste wart of Wellington, New Zealand, fiancee of Stanley Holloway, ar rived here last week to visit in the home of Mr. and MrS. C. S. Holloway. I 1 Miller s I ' 11 V.- ,T - ALL nWI IN TIIE LABEU ji j " : h,. Ml 2 ! VorK' GUARANTEED 1 CLUB CALENDAR TVESDAT i : Salem General hospital auxiliary, VWCA 10 tun. . Yomarco class, rirst Methodist church, with Mrs. Frank G. Myers, 302 North, Winter street. 1:19 dessert luncheon. Chadwlck chapter, OCS, Masonic temple S p.m. Salem Central WCTU with Mr. Mayma Hill. 17J Chemeketa St., t p.m. St. Helena's Guild. St. Paul's Epis copal church,- with Mrs. Ralph E, Purvine. 1144 Saginaw st B p.m. I WEDNESnAT I Salem Weavers Guild. YMCA. t D m. Woman's Cheerful club, with Mrsi A. 3 Trojan, rt. all day. i PEP Teachers' club, S p.m. dinner at Cold Arrow. Knight Memorial church : silver tea and social afternoon, church parlors 1 jp m. St. Paul's Guild and auxiliary Joint lunch co nmeetln. i Episcopal parUh house, 12 JO p.m. Pythian Sinters and families din. ner, 248 N Commercial st, 6:30 p.m; THl'RSDAT DAV auxiliary meet at Woman's clubhouse, S p.m. Mrs. Chandlee to Speak Wednesday WOODBURN Mrs. William B. Chandlee of Hillsboro, president of the Oregon Federation of Wom an's clubs, wiH be the speaker at the no-host luncheon meeting of the Wood burn Woman's club at its initial meeting of the year Wednesday. Mrs. Chandlee's sub ject will be "Know Your Federa tion. Mrs. A. G. Cowan, president, will ptspside. The first meeting will also be guest day .and each member is asked to bring a guest and to have her food at the library club rooms so that serving can begin 'prompt ly at 1 p.m. The executive board, composed of Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. P. C. Mc Laughlin, vice president; Mrs. Dsrleigh Slead, recording secre tary; Mrs. Percy Seeley, corres ponding secretary; and Mrs. Ru dolph Anderson, treasurer, will be hostesses for the day. Committees, for the 1946 47 year's work are: Mrs. 'Wsllace Jones, Mrs. O. L. Withers, Mrs. Ray Glatt. civic committee; Mrs. Walter Schuler, Mrs. Edna Lytle, Mrs. L. B. Detweller, membership committee; -Mrs. Arista Nendel, Mrs. L. C. Austin, Mrs. Ann Chap man, courtesy committee; Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. E. J. Allen, Mrs. Frank Covey, philantropic; Mrs. J. Melvin Ringo, musician; Mrs. J. J. Hall, radio chairman; Mrs. J. W. Richards, Mrs. Mabel B. Grass, reporters; Mrs. T. K. Sanderson,; Mrs. Melvin Johnson, Mrs. Her bert Hoyt, ways and means com mittee. ! Mrs. Frank G. Myers will open her North Winter street home Tuesday afternoon to members of the Yomarco class of the First Me thodist church for a 1:15 dessert luncheon. Assisting hostesses will be Mesdames E. B. Millard, Mary: Boeschen, and Grant Day, Salem Weavers Guild will held its first fall meeting Wednesday afternoon at the YMCA at 2 o'clcok. An interesting weaving program is planned and all per sons interested are Invited to at tend. St Paul's Guild and auxiliary will hold a joint luncheon meet- ; ing on Wednesday at St. Paul's; Episcopal parish house et 12:30 j o'clock with business session fol lowing. St. Helena's Guild eC St. Paul's! Episcopal church will hold its first fall meeting Tuesday night at the Saginaw street home- of Mrs. ; Ralph E. Purvine at 8 o'clock. i L-Ji 4,7, ffc i. -tn-. Miss Gloria Jean Am man n, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ammann, whose engagement to Ron--aid A. Bonney, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sim kins, all of Salem, h a s been Tevealed. No wed ding date has been set (Cronise photo). THE OIIEGOII BOB It's Smart jtfflm W. Mad. Iggm lor You! 5r You cxm't; miss twhen you have the Bob of 100 de lightful styles. You cati comb il, brush it to suit iyour individual taste, wlih one of our beautiful ;permanents. 6.50 .nd 10.00 Oregon - Bob 1.50 No Appointment necessary. Due to the many re quests for Instructions I vrllli teach Licensed Operators 'only the "OREGON BOB" and curly wave cut. For ap pointment phone even ings or Sunday morn ing 6500. Miller's Beauty Shop Km. i 7 Miller Bids. Elevator Service Court St. Entrance Fhene 7593 Sublimity Couple Wed SUBLIMITY Miss Ruth Fae Kostenborder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosterborder be came the bride of Morris John son, son of Mr. and Mrs.- Hoy Johnson at a ceremony performed in Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 26. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Reynolds. The bride wore a brown suit and matching accessories, her corsage Was gardenias. They Will reside at Union Hill. Chadwlck chapter. Order f Eastern Star will meet Tuesday night at the Masonic temple at S o'clock. Refreshments will follow the business meetingV w v " r - WEDDING announcements GIFT stationery printing. Choice pi stock and type PRINTERS Phone 7439 at 1S2 South IibartY st ferrr HARGRAVE PUPIL OF WM. H. SHERWOOD CHICAGO Accredltedd Teacher of Piano ' Intermediate - Advanced Studios 732 N. Cottage St. Phone 4S17 town sophistication: Y STETSON, 1C.95 Wonderful, Lloused-crown bonnet with hror sweeping coq iralhers. The hat for your new fall enscmMe. (Kitra charge for light colors.), At Advertised in VOGUE Smart Shop 115 N. Liberty Salem FOIl YOU It CONVKNIENCE WE ARE OPEN UNTIL 6 I. M. TM FOIST Mi ALLY NKW MAKK-U VOLOIt CttKATKO f.V YKAHMt TVAIL KNAMKLt LirSTICKt rA 4 Mi MHMWOKMMp Tnttt ar a - vs v, iV,; JO' s ' Ml evf f V- Is x-'Y r jrsr rsrsvi- vimiKT rimmm wrrm mvmtmm mmAVTiFM LT... Revlon dreams up a color like ' nothing ever known. Tremendously chic, yet young . in heart . . . And so,- so wearable! It tplurge matching lips and fingertips In splendour.! Mystic-mauve powder tramftgitrct your fa col. That ultra Kevlon "stay-on," loo! Miller's