The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 29, 1946, Page 7, Image 7

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XT w Willamette university faculty members and their wives are beinqr welcomed on
ir campus this week with the opening of school. Pictured (above) on the law
school steps are Dean and Mrs. Seward P. Reese and , Professor and Mrs. Kenneth
Ycrk. Colcnel Reese is the new dean of the law school and came west from Indiana
and New York. PrciessoT and Mrs. York lived in Pueblo, Colorado, before he entered
the marine corps. He will be a professor in the law school. (Kennell-Dlis).
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Leanlno over the rail at the front entrance of historic Waller Hall are d group
of new coeds on te campus. Left to right are Betty Paulsen, Beverly - Ken-;
ry, Donetta Ftre. a sof hcrnore and transfer from Indiana university, Bernice
Is ham and Betty Lou Edwards, all herb Salern. (Kennell Dlis).
President's Reception . .
By Jeryme EnclUh
Statesman Society Editor .
Firit large social function to be held this fall on the Wil- I
lamette university campus will be the annual informal retip-
tion for which President G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. Smith'
will be hosts Monday night at University House. The affair j
is being arranged as a welcome to all freshmen, new students '.
and faculty members. Calling hours are from 8 to 10 o'clock ;
with 500 expected to i attend.
Harold B. Jory will introduce to the receiving line which
will include President, and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Harold Jory,;
Oean and Mrs. Lawrence niggn, uean uiive Ai. uuni, Venn f
and Mrs. Melvin H. Geist and Dean and Mrs. Seward P. Reese. '
Presiding at the punch bowl in the dining room will be l
Mrs; Robert W. Fenix and Mrs. Chester F. Luther. Agisting!
about the rooms will be Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lantz, Dr. and:
Mrs. Daniel H. Schulze, Coach and Mrs. Walter Erickson, Dr.;
and Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, Dr. Chester Luther and Robert FenixJ
Twenty upperclass coeds will assist in the serving. Bou
quets of autumn flowers in brilliant hues will be arranged
about the rooms. C
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n the circle are Mr. and JAfs. Drr.?r
H. Schaake and four - year - old
daughter. Jo Ann, coming cut of tr.3
Willamette university gymnasium. The
haakes west this s-jT.Tr.ez
from Lcjwrence, Kansas, whare he
codchxl at the University cf Kar.scrs.
'He is assishitit footLall coach and herri
Ltisketbcill and track coach. Th
Schaakes also have an eight year old
son, Bruce, who attends Englewccd.
Talking it over cn Eaton Ha'.', stacs
above are two new liberal arts f acuity
members and their wives. Prcfssicr
and Mrs. Paul Beal and Professor ar.d
Mrs. Floyd V. Byrd. Beal will be pro
fessor of romance languages and Byrd
a professor in the science department.
The Beals came frcm Seattle and th
Byrds from CaHfcrnia. GCenneIIll.s
Society Clubs Music
. -,
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iss Olene Mehlhoff. above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
who wfiiintiii, whom riiyu jtinerii io i-yie w nue,
on of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. White, all of Salem, is be-
lng announced this weekend,
for the wedding. -
Wo plans have been made
The bride elect attended Willamette university and is
a Pi Beta Phi. She is new1 employed in the office at Cali
fornia Packing Corp. Her fiance has been in the navy
three and a half years and is now attending Willamette
university. His fraternity is Alpha Psl Delta. (Jesten-Mlller).
j Social Whirl . . .
i . Entertaining is informal these warm; In
dian summer. days with1 bridge and study
clubs beginning their first fall meetings.
The Marion street home of Mrs. John W.
- Harbison was the serene of a farewell lun-
rheon Fridsy afternoon in honor of Mrs.
R. T. Boats, who Is leaving for San Mateo,
Calif., 'today to make her home with her
son, Harland Boa Is. Cards were in play dur
ing the afternoon. t ' - "
- Guests included members of Mrs. Boals
bridge club and a few additional friends.
Covers were placed for Mesdames R. T.
Boals. W. W. Moore, Herbert Glalsyer, J. T.
WhitUg. H. G. Smith, Homer V. Carpenter,
of Portland, N. J. JJndgren, L. M. Purvine,
Max O. Buren, L. L. Laws. Walter B. Rob
inson. A. F. Marcus, John Harbison and Miss
Alta Simmons. ?!
: Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Collins will en
iterjtain at dinner Monday night at their North
14th street home in honor of their house
guests, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Tellwright of
Portland. Mr. Tellwright is vice-president of
the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. and
will be the main speaker at the Community
Chest kitfk-off breakfast Tuesday morning.
Other guests at the dinner will be Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Sprague.
Study Clubs lie gin
Mrs. William Everett Anderson will pre
side at a desert luncheon Tuesday afternoon
at her Court street home: for members of the
Modern Drama class. Mrs. Anderson and
Mrs. C. B. Spencer-are leaders. This is the
first meeting of the group this fay and Mrs.
Herbert Rahe will review the plays she saw
in New YorJc this summer. .
Mrs. Frederick Hill Thompson will en
tertain at luncheon Monday afternoon at her
country home on Sohurman road for members
of the Monday Study club. This will be the
first fall meeting and the group will study
, "Spain' this year. Mrs. Thompson I presi
dent of the club.
To Wed Today . .
At a quiet ceremony this morning at 10
o'clock a French girl. Mile. Paule Gujndol
ette, daughter of M. and Mme Georges Guin
dolette of Paris, will be married to Lloyd M.
Drayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Druyton
of Salem. 1
The couple will exchange their vows at
the Roberts studio before members of the
immediate family. Professor T. S. Roberts
will play the organ music. The improvised
- altar will be banked with bouquets ofglad
ioluses and chrysanthemums. '
, The bride, who will be given in marriage
by her father, has chosen a gold wool dress
with gold button trim for her wedding. She
will wear a brown hat and accessories and
her corsage, will be of Talisman roses, j
Mr. and Mrs. John R Pollock (Clare Mar
shall) of Portland will attend the couple.
A wedding dinner in honor of the new
lyweds will be held at the Normandy Manor.
Mr. Drayton and his bride will tour the
Canadian Rockies on their honeymoon. They
will return to Salem to reside and will be at
home at 340 North Capitol street.
The bride and her parents ur rived in the
states by plane in August and M. and Mme.
Guindolette will remain here until after the.
first of the year. The couple met at a Red
Cross dance in Paris while he was stationed
there with the army. At the time Paule was
a student and a Red jCwms hnitetis.
Mr. Drayton wuS In the army four years,
having received his discharge last February.
He is now in the lumber business with his fa
ther at Brooks.
A Bridge Luncheon .
Mrs. Clarence J. Hamilton will pielde
at luncheon Thursday afternoon at her Glen
Creek Drive home for the first fall gathering
of her 'bridge club.
Bidden are Mrs. John Heltzel, Mrs. Elbert
W. Roberts, Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrsj Ed
win Keech, Mrs. John Griffith, Mrs. Theron
Hoover, Mrs, Willium H. Hammond ' and
Mrs. Edward Sox of Albany.
J 1 v. .
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Four panhellenici house presidents discussing rushing rules one day on th
campus are left to right. Melva Williamson, Monmouth, Delta Gamma;
Barbara Crawford, Salem, Chi Omega; Elaine Cloudy, Ketchikan.- Alaska.
Alpha Clii Omega; and Lorraine. Murdock, Salem, Pi Beta Fht. Sorority rush
ing was a highlight of freshman week which opened Thursday and pledges
will be announced Monday morning. (Kennell-Dlis).
Travelers Head South; East ... 1
Early fall travelers and vacationists continue to hold the social spotlight with
trips planned east and south. j
Miss Edith Schryver is leaving by planje Monday for Kingston, New York-far a
month's visit with her father, George J. Scryver. While in the east Miss Schryver
will visit in New York City and other coast toints. While she is away Miss Elizabeth,
Lord will have as her house guest. Mrs. George L. Converse of Walla Walla, Wh,
who has often visited in the capital.
Miss Schryver was feted at a charminjiy arranged au re voir party Friday n;ht
when Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnson and her father, David W. Eyte, entertained at
their North Summer street residence for a group of, her friends.
, Mrs. B. O. Schucking is expected home this weekend by plane from New York
City, where she has been visiting with her brother-in-law, William Graf, for the
past month. . . " '
Going East
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riches entrained,, for New. York City Saturday for three
weeks business and pleasure trip. j
MrS. Raymond Walsh and Miss Lois Hamer are driving to the mid-west on Wed
nesday for a several weeks vlnit, Mrs. Walsh will be the guest bf her, cousins. Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Wells, in Sioux City, Iowa. , Mr. and Mrs. Wells formerly made their
home here. Miss Hamer will be in Waterloo, Iowa, visiting with! her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison left by car Thursday for Coronado Calif., for a two
weeks stay with their son-in-law and daughter, Lt. and Mrs. Kelton Lowery (MjUjt
Jean Maison) and their little girl, Caroline Zoe.
Convention Bound
Planning to go east on October 10 are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McCormick. Their first
stop will be in Chicago where they will attend the National Association of Broad
casters meeting and from there will go on to New York City to attend the Tele
vision convention. - t
Mrs. Stanley Krueger and Mrs. I. N. Bacon left by train Saturday for San Fran
cisco to attend the national American Legion and auxiliary convention. Mrs. Krue
ger is district president and Mrs. Bacon president of Capital Unit. -