Registration Rises in Most Mid-Valley Schools; Building Improvements Completed SILVERTON Silvnton rhJ Hosed their first wek Friday isith a(ruiTTilly o rmtr tuerit than re rrgUtered the first e-k er si srxi rn.t hun !5 under the peak year, 1942. Til recistratfcm Thursday wan 989 and more students are ex isted Monday. Supt. A. H. Anderson said, bringing it very close to the peak regiMration in Silver ton school. Wmte r-m at bctn filled Mtd Tve i jutmn t may be nece ary. particularly in the ix grades, thete v.m no crowding yet, M. II ford, principal f the grade srrMxil, efMrtrd. DALLAS Total enrollment for the Dalian public uhnili the fretting clay 'it school wti lu?l two lea than !t year. While a much larger rnruilmtnt wm i.n tiripated, it U espertrd that the number will av ell with the regis tration of those who hie .ttilt in the harvest fields. Enrollment in the firt'four graties was 384. fifth to eighth inclusive 305 and the high school 333 Maay at Swegle ntaegte The hwl. now in the ae"wl week of the new trim, has ee .f the laigrtt eiuollirtems the Mhool has ever had. There were 10 enrolled the first day and several others intend to come in as soon as the late crops are harvested There were 26 in the two upper grades; 17 in the fifth and pisth; 32 in the third and fourth room. and 31 In the primary fedre The high and grade rhooH began Sept. 23. Homer Dodds of Monmouth is starting hia second year as high school prin cipal. Mrs. Homer Dodds is start ing her third yar as teacher in tlie high school. There are 20 en ro'led and more to enter later. Mrs. Gordon Murphy of Kings Valley is tem-hing the four upper grades for her fifth year and has 23 pupils enrolled. Mrs. Earl Cre Mn of Independence has the lower grades for her second year and has 32 pupils of which 11 are be ginners. J. W. McCormack is school Janitor. Mrs. Creson lives In the district for the school year and the others travel from home daily. Middle Grave G rid school f enrollment opening day was 72, and several more are expected later. Last year's enrollment was 67. Twenty-seven arc enrolled thus far in the first three grades. which Mabell Drorbaugh teaches. j ... .j , i Classes Elect j Jeffersea Enrollment at Jef ferson high school has reached 138 students. New student enrolled in Uie high school are as follows: Sophomore class, Maxine Arm strong, formerly of Pittsburg, Cal if.; junior high school; Dick Cay ser, Benson high, Portland; Janet Corbit. Albany Central Junior high; Frits Lonsway,' Snowflake union high. Pine top, Ariz.; Rob ert McVein.' Oakland. XTalif,; Thomas llardwick. Independence high school. Juniors, Lora Tiger, Wilson, Ok lahoma; Mary DeVaney, Wolf Point, Montana, James llardwick, Independence. Senior, Lucfle Corbit, Albany high school. l Classes have elected officers as follows: Freshman, Jim Prpkop, president; . Leroy Looney, vice president; 7 Joyce Baxter, secre tary; Jim Schwab, treasurer; Nan cy Beal, reporter; class advisor, Edna Stull. Sophomores, Teddy. McKee, president; Leigh ton Weddle, vice president; Donna Bruce, secretary; Katherine Specht, treasurer; Mrs. Eiva LaRowe, advisor. Juniors, Vemita- Struckmeier, president; Charlie Freitag, vice president;. June Zeller, secretary; Joy Zeller, treasurer; Dixie Pas chall, reporter; Mrs. Nellie Cor nell, advisor. Seniors, Ramon Pruiett, presi dent; Dean Abney, vice president; Paul Spccht, secretary; Betty Jo Herrington, treasurer; Leon Hampton, clas reporter; Bill Barnes, Interclass rivalry chair man; Miss Josephine Getchell, advisor. Gervals Schools opened Mon day with a record enrollment in all three schools. In the high school there were 94 registered: 27 Freshmen; 28 Sophomores; 14 Juniors and 25 Seniors. P. W. Seely is again caretaker of the buildings and grounds. During va cation Seely painted the outside of the building with two, coats of paint and completely re-decorated the inside. Two buses are running this year driven by Don Redne baugh and Gael Cutsforth. - At the grade school on opening day there were 80 pupil: 18 in the primary department taught by Marjorle Neisen; the intermediate taught by' Mrs. Marguerite Bur ton; and 30 in the upper grades taught by Mrs. Genevieve Wag oneg. Fred Manning is caretaker. In Sacred' Heart school there were 83: 17 in the first grade; 12 in the second; seven in the third; 10 in the fourth; eight in the fifth; 10 in the sixth; 11 in the seventh and eight in the eighth grade. Teachers are Sister Mary Raphaael, Sister Mary Bea trice and Sister Mary Germain. All were here last year. Chief Pilot ForGI Flight Program Set SILVERTON William R. Wal dren, ex-army contract flight in structor will be chief pilot and instructor at the government GI flight training program to be brought to Silverton by the Sil verton Flying Service. Classes will be conducted at the new airport situated at the former port on the Silverton-Mt. Angel highway. All former service men and wo men whose eligibility has been approved by the Veterans admin istration may enroll and all charg es connected with the flight train- The Statesman, Salem. OtM Sunday. September 23. 1348 3 ing will be borre by .the adminis tration. Opening date of the cours es has been set for October 10. Two new Piper Cubs will be used in training and Waldren will bring three larger shios here, in chiding two Portefield planes acd a Waco, to be used in oeei-pu.g a commercial service. PERIIAIIEIIT POSITIOII Arailable to lady who wants to do general office work In Independence. Oregon. Experience) not necessary. Typing preferable. Steady work under excellent condi tions. APPLY Hounlain Stales Power Company Independence, Oregea COUPON Genuine f Holland Bulbs 'now ready- for distribution. Send this coupon with 25c for sam ples and price list. This money deductible from cost of your first order. Beaverten Belli Gardens, Beaver tea. Ore. - AND tfARDS It AVE tNV((l JUST THE CHENILLE A iVW V RODE YOU WANT W ?l'Xh llYV j i l ' ' PWf,V Pd Cuddly worm ' K Jn'n ' tjS 1 f-r-nSey're reioxinfl os o stretch l( tit INV II' I f f I I ondobigyown.Soveryprty J fA i ( 13 U I Mp f 'n blue, white, oqua, cherry or J V I llU'r ' lift ' ! f 0 very wotliobe. 1 V 'fill IH U I Itoolinsiies U to 20.38 to '44. 1 ! I j Ju,f $l Down nofd, your " AW 1 AffSciSxQ ' ' IllilHil ' November 15 while m m i' Mm . : Quality Felts In All The Popular Styles Here and waiting for you your felt hat -for the new fall season. Com in today; and pick from our stock of winners. Each hat one of top qualify felt designed to give the maximum In llattery. Wide, nar row and medium brims. Many styles. 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