2Tha Statesman SaUm. Ott Sunday, Stptombf 1 1848 T Ijile to Garni fv t J.k. tut kfl III a. Hm 4s Kl Irr pUt I MM N W at DMiMWi. '-'diflX Banters Deadline November 1 for Cities, Colleges to Apply for Housing Orrftoh cities nl collage seeking housing facilities from surplus givetnment property are to apply to the federal public housing ati th wity in Seattle by November 1. Regional FPIIA Director Jesse lutein announced to The Statesman yesterday. F.ptein said the deadline applies to applications made under the Lnhm art, with the understanding that FPIIA provides the buildings b-it the ritjr r college mMt pay f .r moving and alterations. ' Presumably the deadkne does ivM yet affect the disposition of Cimp Adair buildings, for all Ali r property is at presaot held br the ar awets administration. FPHA officials indicated in Sa m Friday, however, that the h Kiting authcrity is seeking to obtain the Acar properties from WAA and tren to be in a posk ti n to diitnbute them to cities or cot !. 4 The League of Severn Cities, whirh includes Salem acid other communities cf the Adair region, tentatively had considered ob taining Adair buildings foe vet erans' hsing. Epsteins announcement Satur dty slated that only Oregm allo cation already made by FPIIA wmt to the University of Oregon nj the army engineers at Eu-g-ne. Reed eel lege m Portland, aril Eattern Oregon College of F.tiratKin in La Grande. His FPHA oitrct includes, besides Oregon, Alaa. Idaho, Montana, Wshingtn and Wyoming. Newsmen Claim Kansas City Ballot Fraud KANSAS CITY, Sept' 26 -(P) The Kansas City Star aaid to night that evidence of voting frauds In the August primary had been uncovered in an inves tigation conducted by two of its reporters and the information had been turned over to Sam Wear, United States district ' attorney, who forwarded them to the at torney general for his analysis. The alleged frauds were not city-wide, and represented only a fraction of the ballot corruption which came to a heed ten years ago with convictions of 239 per sons on vote fraud charges, the Star said. The paper added that "only the opening of the ballot boxes will reveal whether the frauds changed the results of any of the primary contests." In the torrid primary battle. Fifth district Congressman Roger C. Slaughter was defeated for re nomination by Enos Axtell who had the active support of Presi dent Truman and the James 11. Pendergast machine. on Display at Pad, F. Parker i Repair and Service l!s Math BL. West ftaleaa J Pfcone 5231 W WILL VCPAtm All Makes off FarrcII Returns From Convention Secretary of State Robert S. FarrelU Jr.. returned here Satur day1 from Los Angeles where he attended the national convention of secretaries of state. En route home he stopped at Sacramento and Carson City, Nev., where he conferred with state motor ve hicle administrative officials. Far rell was elected president of the secretaries of state association, He was accompanied by Mrs. Farrell. a 46 Slate Street WaaaJag MsrMass Sale Service Supplies ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Aatbarfsea Agents F. A. Rupp . P. E. S toner m s. uiga st. r, cm Hcro'o ccnoatlcnal now ivay to clchn cUvcr In 10 ccccnial AtMLUTUT SATS, FC STCtUNQ OM PIATTD la lQiirsass.wkaaeaisss;aarH jne iblrh n fe fffver. 3 I , ZaesOvertaOippo IOi . . . . wiv. aw mm TTri wilt be agdeea as the day you got InV'cff silver for tmmrt turn tswasV 4m MfmV riWtp.ff.m OeCDirpo today. Miller's 1 ifSbei i ftisyrsifiaM REMEMBER WHEN a r was truly powst and you oot 11 at the) livery stable? On Sun day afternoons you took your girl riding in ahilty rubber -tired buggy. Tha trafAc wasn't so hoary than, and you were never aakod to show your drl yac's licenaa. Bemember? W. T. Rigdon Co. faaerml Dtreetera ' ' tttt N. CeUage , Ttu till "I , "5"' I iiii .v k. a. m 1 Plan Vote Defeats to End " i 1 Power Strike -11 . i ; -n By The Associated Press , Pittsburgh's striking power un ion workers voted more than two to one Saturday night against a management proposal to end the five-day-old strike which has crippled steel output, transporta tion and the water supply of sev eral suburban communities. On the west coast, new violence marked a-' state of emergency in the Hollywood movie strike, but a i conditional AFX. offer- uf post pone a threatened maritime strike after the Monday midnight dead- line brightened the nations labor picture. Pittsburgh's Mayor David L. Lawrence said he would ask the power union to remove its pickets from the street car barns and bus garages. Transportation workers earlier had refused to cross the lines, bringing the city's transit system to a complete shutdown. French Solons iWeNew itution PARIS.k Sundar. Sept. 29 -fJP) The French legislature adopted a new constitution for the fourth republic early today by the over whelming vote of 440 to 108. The balloting, at 4 a.m. (10 p.m. Saturday, -eastern standard time), came only a few. hours before Gen. Charles 'de' Gaulle wis to make his tensely-awaited statement concerning his opinion of the new basic law of the na tion.. . De Gaulle, his friends have said, will ; speak directly to the French people and urge them to reject the charter In the referen dum on the constitution to be held October 13. This unpredictable factor placed the ultimate fate of the assembly's new constitution in doubt, for it was not clear how much strength De Gaulle could muster in his opposition ' if he flatly denounces it: and urges that It be turned down. . The constitution received the votes of France's three largest parties the communists, the so cialiits ttbd President Georges Bldault's popular- republican movement (MRP), which together represent about 90 per cent of the French electorate. APP Restaurant Men To Attend Meeting : , i" Several local restaurant own ers expect to attend the Pacific coast regional : convention of the National Restaurant association, October 7, 8 and 9, at the. Bilt more hotel in Los Angeles. Na tionally' known speakers will high light -the event. Salem members of the national association - a r e Ralph Nohlgren, Joseph Randall, Jack Putnam and Robert Lehman. Danube Ruling Delayed, Reds Bar Traffic LAKE SUCCESS, N. YJ Sept 28. W-The United Nations eco nomic and social council post poned a decision today on the con troversial issue of Danubian free dom of navigation after Russia had implied that she had no im mediate intention of opening the Danube to free navigation be tween the Soviet and American occupation zones. In closing a two-day debate. Chairman Andrija Stamparr-of Yu'goslovia announced ."thai sr de cision would be postponed until next week. This . action was -interpreted as. a move .designed to give some delegates an opportun ity to obtain new Instructions from their governments. ' A few minutes earlier Peru sub mitted a proposal to toss out" of the council the bitter Xight between the United States' and Russia which saw the Soviet acuse the U. S. of direct Interference in the internal affairs of countries in volved In traffic on the Danube. Previously the Soviet servfed no- tic orf the U. ; S.' that military measures In the DanubianC area were of primary importance and asserted that changes of . mea'sures. taken by Soviet military author-, ties in the Russian occupation zone are not possible. Police Plagued By Bad Checks I P. McCracken, who lives at the YMCA. pleaded guilty in Jus tice court , Saturday to. writing- a check with Insufficient funds and the case was continued until Mon day for sentence. He was arrested Friday on a warrant signed by E. V. Gwaltney. who .operates sT grocery store at 1190 Center st. Two fraudulent checks were re ported to; police In the last few days. A man signing the name Jack Wilks wrote a check with out funds for $2.75 to Walter Zo sel company, 311 N. High sL, and another signed Mrs. George R. liam - with Alice Johnstead as payee, was accepted by Star Transfer Co, 122 N. Liberty st. Neither ' were payable at their respective: banks. Philatelists Offered First Flight Covers Stamp and souvenir collectors may obtain specially stamped first-flight covers when air mall service begins for Bend-Redmond and The Dalles on Tuesday,- ac cording to post office department information to United Air Lines. Collectors are to enclose their covers In a letter authorizing the postmaster at either point to hold covers for the initial flights. A space 21 by 2Vi Inches to the left of the address should be left for the special cachets. Reds Rap U. Si Arctic Training LONDON, Sept. 22-fVPravda, communist party organ, said in a Moscow broadcast today that such "Arctic expeditions" as that of the U. S. aircraft carrier Midway and the Canadian operation Musk Ox were "not likely to help the con solidation Of peace." The newspaper article said there was propaganda in the Unit ed States "to convince naive peo ple that America is completely de fenseless from the side of the Arc Uc," although a "certain secrecy surrounded these Operations "it became widely known that both expeditions had7 purely military strategic aims and, moreover, not so much a defensive as an of fen- Democrats, GOP Complete Election Views Br D. Harold Oliver Associated Press Political Reporter WASHINGTON, Sept, 2S-0P)-The democrats, who concede they have a fight on their hands to retain control of the house,, will start off with a 60-seat pre-election head start; Over the republi cans. ; ' . An Associated Press survey to day showed 67 democrats running for the house either have no op position in the Nov. 8 elections or have both major party nomina tions. J-, ;" Only seven republics ni tore as sured of election In advance of the voting. 17 tlrtaally 1a Another 37 democratic candi dates are virtually "in" before the. balloting. They are' running against republicans in the demo cratic south. This would give the 1 party in power a total of 104 seats, with another 114 needed for a bare majority to organize the house in the 80th congress beginning Jan. 3. Need 26 Seats But the republicans are cam paigning with a confidence un equalled in the 16 years the democrats have had control of the house. They say they will capture up to 50 democratic seats while retaining their present strength. They will need only 26 overturns to swing It The present house line-up is Democrats 237 and four vacancies; republicans 192; American labor. one, and progressive, one. A ma iorityis218. v The Pacific Northwest was left entirely out of the conjecturing. with the evident implication that elections there could go either way. U. N. Scientists Say A-Bomb Can be Barred! LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Sept 28 (P) Twelve International scientists ., agreed today that technically atomic energy can be controlled for peaceful purposes and put the issue of constructive use up to the world's politicians. "We do not find any basis in the available . scientific facts for supposing that effective control is not. technologically feasible," they said in a 6,800-word report prepared for the United Nations atomic energy commission. "Whether or not it is politically feasible is not discussed or im plied in this report nor is there any recommendation of the par ticular ' system ; or systems by which effective I control can be achieved." r The scientists reperesenting every nation of the 11 -member U.N, security council and. Canada said, however, that control can be done step by step. In their report . which was agreed upon unanimously when Russia signed it Thursday In a dramatic climax to six weeks hard work,' the scientists ex plained the production of atomic energy stage by stage. They said there must, be safe guards at every stage from ,mines to factory. , 4 CdlpnelLuper j Visits Salem ... i CoL James - R. Luper, former Salem resident who will go by plane Tuesday from San Fran cisco to China, where he will be a member of i the military advis ory group in: China, was In Sa lem' Friday and Saturday. -Appointed from the ranks of the regular army in 1938 by the late Senator Frederick Steiwer io attend- West Point! Col. Luper commanded a B-l? Flying Fort ress group In England during the war. He was a prisoner of the Germans for more than six months. Col. Luper recently graduated from the command and staff col lege at Fort Leavenworth, Kan$.t after 10 months study in prepa ration for his new assignment- His wife and child plan to sail for China from Seattle next month. i . . j I Salem Acts in Water Rights Suit A motion to make more defi nite and certain was filed Satur day by the city of Salem and the Salem water commission in the suit initiated by Gardner Ben nett of Stayton seeking to restrain the cityfrom taking more than 22 cubic feet per second of water from the Santiarn river. Plaintiff Bennett is asked by the motion to be more specific in his description of the land in volved, of the alleged threat to his own water requirements and of the alleged excess of water used by Salem, j The motion also asks that certain portions of the complaint be stricken. ( Oa illl IlaliM j) HEIDER- AO War 41S Ceort Si. Call 7323 Are Arriving- in Larger Quantities Daily at LODED BROS. We specialize io repair of all General Motors makes ind jnoels -particularly ; Oldsmobilo For .f ast. Competent, Friendly Service Bring Your Car to Loder Bros. 465 Center St Ph. 8467-6133 18th Year In Salem . 8130 Taken in! 2 Night Thefts Burglars took a p p r ox innately $130 from Bud's Place, 180 8. High st. and II. A. Hazel's ad Joining barber shop Friday night, investigating police report. Of the loot, about $80 was taken from Bud's and $50 from Hazel's shop. ' Entrance was gained by cutting a hole in the skylight and lower ing rope, knotted for climbing. The door to Hazel's shop was then pried open. I Two or three men reportedly were seen loitering in a nearby alley shortly after midnight police said. Hicswa Back lit Tokyo Jail ! TOKYO, Sunday. Sept 2&WP)- Joseph E. Hicswa, army private once spared from a death sentence by presidential intervention, Was recaptured Saturday in Yokohama after II days of liberty.. The U. S. Eighth army's pro vost marshal announced the cap ture of the Wellington, N. J., sol dier who escaped from an army hospital while- awaiting transpor tat ion back to the Uaited States. Hicswa was sentenced to death for the slaying of two Japanese but the .sentence was commuted to 30 years imprisonment by Pres ident Truman. Hicswa escaped from the 361st station hospital here September 17. PHILIPPINE REVOLT MANILA, Sunday, Sept Open rebellion broke out today; in Laguna province south of Manila where a small group of Filipinos issued a manifesto for the over throw of President Roxas and jhl government. Records Hewes! Releases Here First! . year Yeas .favorite band favorite vocalist est recordings are awaiting year selection here. Stop la to morrow and pick up aew rec ords for year library. HEIDER'S S 428 Court St Call 7522 liuaiity if For Woolen I Try The Thos. Kay Woolen - rviiniLiL - -Blankels- -Ilaierials- Wool Shiris 260 South 12th Street, Salem . Out State to 12th, 2 Blocks South of&tefo a &itntnctt& fiotn rn m . - . ii 1 II XL B euro to follow his new radio odrenturM rnr Sunday on your Mutual station I It's no trick for Nick... to untanglo tho most baffling clue, crack tho most daring of crimes, or outshoot & most desperate- of desperadoes I So be In on the exdtsmenJ... si Hic!s Got San at ' --) Sponsored by one of America's most famous household products OLD DUTCH CLEANSER IIuiual-Dcn Lea 1390 on Your Dial Laundry (Pickup or Office Dandles) : , Dim! FURTHER NOTICE Due to acute shortage of help we are forced to discontinue taking laundry until we can complete that already in our plant. - There u enough equipment in Salem to give weekly laun dry service to entire city - shortage of help has caused one of our modernly equipped plants to stand idle for past three months. , .- You can help relieve the laundry prohlem in Salem, by re ferring any person you know who is looking for work to either the Salem Laundry or the Hollywood Laundry steady em ployment for women workers at a minimum wage, of 70c per hour. 1 Your cooperation will be appreciated. COIIPAIIY VEIDEKS) TMc To Uomesi Laundry Uomers Best of working conditions modern equipment Year around steady employment MINIMUM WAGES 700 PER nOUR Apply at nr? Tin x ft OTTO North Capitol St., ASK FOR MR. BAXTER 4 1 f 1 i f it I 4 ( r