It Tb Slot man. Salsm. Ort- Sunday. Spteabw 29. 1948 WOOL bsodsauar and patterns of fin rayon, for heady glamour. t 1 FEATHERS swooping, swirling or nodding from bate of rich toxtursd fslL HAND PAINTING on gos samsr rayon scarfs, to tuck Insldo suits or coats. H .3 1 1.49 LACE or sxquisite snv broidsry dglng handksf chWfs of fins firm tevturs. 19 ..-49 1.98 39cJ j. SCULPTURE, making your & l V I r nanaoag ox piaut puivm w L. V 1 sxtra. roomy and hand- X " (V t M ' X v r -n " 4.98 4sA ? V J0 SWiyr flyV$ II BOWS prchd on ihoi J pr ' """ Mall fr V of suppU suds ... to y L C V Ajll f " illl " C mokoyouillookjlny. 1 a ii l i. 'i i t ' n 2 ' r 5 EMBROIDERPY on fin ; fabric glorss fo mako your STsry ghirs lasd I noting. FRILLS cascading from ' shr rayon dlckoys AJ (wrap-around styU for so- ' I euro fitX I n Vl a.98.49 yzy . S (I 'rffm M. : RIPPLING FURS handlsd with JL satuvoftnss?on lino wool coats J warn buimii wwiiiwii imi I r . - I ii It's the new loolc, the right look. ItV YOU, lieatitiful as a woman ran he only when he'a clothe.l in woman's rightful adornment the grace of artful drapery . . . the flatery of feathers . . . the glow of jewels . the allure of color ... the daintiness of fine needlework. Designers have outdone theniM-lve this season in creating fashions of feminine elegance for you. And Penny's hrings them to you in endless variety ... at rice which permit you to economize, with feminine guile. GRACEFUL SLEEVES to push up or down, on sculptured coats of purs wools, for mlssss. woman. 49.75 67.75 34.75 it SMOOTH FITTING SUITS, a natural look artfully achisTsd, on Btw suaro suits for missss and 39.75 if DRESSPY ACCENTS on drop d or swathsd drsssM of rayon crpo for miiMt, woman. Juniors. 7 90 12.75 it SOFT NECKLINES, srn on casual suits Ilk this on of fins Pacific Mills wool in missss' six. 16.80 it LITTLE WAISTLINES achlsvsd by ohJy bsllsd skirts with trill y blouses. Skirls of j wools. 24 to 30. 6.90 Blousss of fins rayons. 32 to 40. 2:70 f i r 4 ( r 1