i I IMiaWiUametle VdlleyNews. ypiu iy I V si -iit ,y fr. ts ir1' Silvertea) The SAM Truck line. tdjerating a fleet of trucks from Jsere to Salem and Portland was soUi trns week to Jarow Kutz and Arncid Zollner of Tillamook. Detail t.f the disposition ia await ing tuial approval of -the public utaliUaa eommiaaion. but the? new owner ex per ted to take over within a week. The retirirv own ers are Herman Schwab and A. O. aVurbenaMi. who have operated the truck line for 22 years. SUvertM Wayne Weeks was fined $7.eQ and rosU by Police STir TAKES VACATION TW Siateaaaaa baa beea a week ahead ef the release dates fee GaaaUne Alley dsie appar eatly ta aa errer la ahlpeaents ta aa. Therefare. there will be aa Gaealiae AUey eaanie -atrip this week bat tt will be re- Mated seat Sunday. Nething wUl be skipped. Judge Arthur Dahl Thursday on a charge of failing to top at the scene of an I accident. 3n the acci dent a small dog belonging to William White was killed. Jefrenani-Del Looney, who has been living on Mrs. David H. Looney' farm the past year, has bought the Keith Allen farm five mites northwest of Jefferson, and will move October 1. Mr. and Mrs'. Keith Allen will move to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Doty's farm. Mrs. Al len is a daughter of the Doty's. Staytea Stayton grange will meet for an all-day session at the hall Saturday, October S, starting at 10 aon: . Mrs. John Steinberger will be in charge of the program instead of Mrs. Clara Steward who is out of town. Middle Grave Mrs. Frank Beutler will open her noma to the "Auntie" club, October 8, t p.m. Measnovla A daughter, Su zanne Ruth, was born Sept 21 to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Spicer at Rock Springs. Mo. Mrs. Spicer was Beverly Morlan of Monmouth. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W Morlan are leaving this weekend for, Rock Springs greet their; first granddaughter, and after a visit there will go to Morlan's boy hood home in Iowa; and to Mrs. Morlan's t native state, : Michigan; then south to New Orleans, and on to Mexico City before returning to their home here. They expect to be traveling until Christmas. Labkrit Oeater Guests at the home of the Harvey Aker's are Mr. and Mrs. Howard i Light and Mrs. Minnie Light from Montana. KlrerdaJe Vern Klein had a bad accident Thursday while he was using ithe ax. The ax bumped and cut him between his left thumb and hand. Eleven stitches had to be taken. An artery waa cut and first aid training helped check thi bleeding. Aarera Mrs. N. E. Manock of Canby was hostess at a shower Thursday afternoon at her home honor of Mrs. George Kraut, bride of Sept 11 The guests were members of the Presbyterian Ladies of Aurora. SUverten I The Silver Falls district Court of Honor, Boy Scouts, will be held Tuesday night at the Eugene Field building. In cluded in the district are Wood burn, ML Angel, Scotts Mills. Gervais, St Paul, Eldridge and Silverton. Menmoath Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stockholm are home from a month's visit with relatives at Montrose, Pennsylvania. They went east by the Omaha and Chi cago route, and returned via Tor onto, Banff and Vancouver, B. C. Stockholm's old home in Pennsyl vania was the scene of a family reunion while they were there. !er horn of Salem will -succeed the Ttev. O. R. Baker -at Silverton as pastor of the. Church of God. C leghorn has just returned from three weeks at the international conclave of Church of God work ers at Birmingham, Ala. Mr, and Mrs. Baker will go to Missouri where they will engage in evan gelistic work. " I! rrs so LONgsOMe AROUra!? MERE WlTM UcEXAiOCP AT SCKXX A NO COOK AT KtNOeWGARTEM (OH GOOOlE HERE TMGY ICOMe MOv fU HAVE Al pgANtrr ABUTTER SANOWCW WW I 1 sbsbbbi ay. -"sp- HELLO, MOM. i. ar-? A i -ir in i fCOME OH "W r f cookwweVe) a-a WTVS TRACED TWE CALL f CW3KTMAS. HERE'S THE Jk rSraOtrasCaar aXaalTe. TUT sTss flair" Iv NUMBER. VOU CAN 4 HAMC UP r HOT DAMGf V thatwvs a DtO fTt I HAVE I WNQ-YnnCED A DATE WfTM 1 CALL.CAQCLESJ WrM "-crTjl A xar i -raj iTTVl EAULV FOR MINUTES. Did TRACY GARGLES OCX OPOCARS, I THOUGHT 1 HEARD A NOISE t K-yWQ TPPEDTHAT in i KJEE VtXJR GUN HAND WHERE JUST A VOU ARE? ATn ) I Jmm LraTr-rraJ fw'E GOTTA HURRY OP X. V rf RRIBLE FAST AM' t EAT BRFAKf ASr AS I VQUCK AS VVE KtM l LTTTUC ANNS BOOK2T YOU KMOW. YESTEROAY TEN STRIKE TD8IN HEARD ME WHEN f SAID I WISHED! SAW THIS OLD 6H0Sr TOWM BEfORE rr WAS DEAD MR.TEM-STRIKE rS TERRiBLff NiCE AM' TERRIBLE SMART AMr TERRIBLE RICH -HE SAID UEV MAKE THE TOWN COME yALl VC AoAJ N - ff w Kf rl far. Vm4 mJZ4 rSm ft t - MAYBE HE WAS ONLY FOGUM'ME-BUriF HE WASMT DULY FOOLtU! ' -v WOMT I T BE 5RAN0?J BUZZ SAWYER fiffSUI 54S5SlggAMl2 I I scram, i aaioi w (uii wELU MiCKCN.-TVZV MAN SS HAAMLASS:..BUT ThEYEE 6TIU. JO EH. . . ANO THE COVSPLAiNlf ! SO Mice! HCRa comes BOARD OP HEALTH MAM! ar- fMR1... THERE'S NO ONE HERE BUT MlNNlE ami? hek sweet ' CIC3 CLAXES V CUaVseOMSS? t3 TM WINN AH SO j 1J ltlaiJi3k ' BARNEY GOOGLX HAVi-HRVii HE iAAOE TIGER ULS 'CENTIPEDE LOOK UKc A WOOOEN INJUN. HCG-HCGf THAT ORTER TAKE HER NOSE DOWN A PEG ER TWO 1 I !. mil lac. rarWjM i -J" SNIFF PORE. V LONE RANGER I WANT ID EXAMINE THAT CABLE. J n THE CA5LE WAS FILED PaRTH LY THR0UGM1 HO WOiOER fT SNAPPED.' i ' Stay tan Mr. ! and Mrs. John Cries of Sumlimity, who left there a week ago on a motor trip to Iowa, were injured in an automo bile accident at Orchard, Neb. Tuesday, according to word re ceived here. Mrs. Cries waa hos pitalized although the full extent of her injuries has not been learned. Mr. Gries in a telephone conversation said that he was suf fering from an arm injury but did not state full particulars. ; Jeffersea Friday was fresh man initiation. Members of the class had to dress in costume and parade downtown with band mu sic. Next Tuesday a sophomore class will sponsor a skating party at the Albany Skateway, honoring the freshman class. The manual training boys are busy making benches for the girls' dressing room, and also installing goal posts on the athletic field. Middle Grave Mrs. Cleo Kep penger was hostess Tuesday for the Woman's missionary group, with nine members present. "The group will meet October 22 at the home of Mrs. Roy Scofield, when a new study book, "India at the Threshold, by Bryee, will be in troduced. Dallas Mr.' and Mrs. Lee Snowden and daughter Marilyn, who have' spent the past four months with her parents, the Will iam . Birchell's left for trair home near Albuquerque, New Mexico on Thursday, Mill City Mable Mason was hostess at her father's Mr. Mar shall Stone's home for a bir(hda party for her daughter, Lueila. Mrs. Mason wan asmsted by Mrs, RoNie Downing. Present were L.u ella, Joan and Frances Johnson Lyla Potter, Cloiinda Johnson, Dorothy Downer, Rose Kerber, Carol Ann Frisch. Lyle Fleetwood, Larry and Dickie Kanoff. Saanyside Kehne Wain at tended the national Red Poll reg istered rattle show and sale in conjunction with Nebraska state fair at Lincoln, where he entered a senior heifer calf, Ripple Hill Lass 3rd. N lay ton Three Stayton lads in cluding Joe Ricks, Verel Harold and Robert Juel joined the army air corps last week and are now taking their basic training at Ft. Lewis. Their parent are Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ricks, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harold and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Juel. The trio attended Stayton high school. Stayton The first Lions club meeting since the summer recess will be held at the Women's club house Tuesday, October 1, at 8:30 p.m. A covered dish dinner is planned at which member's wives will assist. Committee appoint ments for the year will also be made. Jeffersen Miss Lorraine Bent ley underwent. -mn appendix oper ation at the Salem Deaconess hos pital Tuesday. Mon. KSUI KOIN ! KCW KEX KADIO flltt as) m kc) j ! k) (lit k) I News i Uumpln' Jacks Busier X Z'l . . jWetrn Stars Dave Weat iBugWr X Z. ' I KOIN Kiock IKMMi. Nm I Busier X Nwi INtwi lavU) Hndp I Busier X f, . !:! News I ITarm Time (Roundup Boys Hue 'a Shin (News M. Afronahy I'M News (News (Old Sons James Abbe 1: Severla I Tact Finder ,Sm Hayes I Stock Market ! Xr. Talbot iUaer News jrrod Waring Breakfast Club i'll PT- Talbot (Godrey I Break last Club S:M Voice of Hope ; Urand Slam Jack Kerch I Breakfast Club f:l Undlahr I Rosemary IJamei Abbe Breakfast Club (Keepsake time Kate Smith !Ore. Caravan JGIamour Manor : Coke Club (Aunt Jenny Kneass. News lUlamour Manor .JPaetor'a Cail IMelen Trent Be Advteed iBreneman s ' S;4S 'Art Baker joUr Gal iMassf Wire IBrenemans Newa Bis Sister 1630 Time I Home Edition !?i!5 Bing Sines Ma Perkins Ted Ma lone letta lOrchesU'a Dr. Malone Trwe Story lt;4I Orchestra Road of Life fletcher I True Story ll:ee Walts", Time' Mr. Burton fluid Ins l.lsht 'Hynns th:IS IRomaace iPerry Mason (Today s Child. Bukliae 11:M Tor a . Day Lone Journey Women. White Music UM IFor a Pay I Art Baker I Masquerade lEUiel. Albert Ma Hymns IGllletU Kneass. News J. Kennedy !:! News ' Get It I Ma Perkins IStars Today lt:M Swrenaoa IB. Wheeler IPepper Vounf IMr. Motorist IX: I IMusic IRlcht to Hap. i Jerry aVesrs INews House Party IBackstsje Wife Octet (.am 'n Abner Tops Today Stella Dallas Try n rind 1:M (Orchestra News of Air Lorenzo Jones ICalen Drake 1:S iQrcHeatra IWldder Brown I Be Announeed , tea ITetl NaMaThbors Amer. School IGlrl Marrlea IWhafa Doln' :! Jj. Anthony Portla. IJIe What's Doln' t:M LDeslre Meet.' Missus I Just Plain Bill 'Kay West 1:U I . Terrell iKsv West S:S iSllvrton Pros. 'Art )Klrkam 'Road of Ufe IBrlde. Groom 1:1 Sllvrton Pros. II. Winters David Haium IBrlde. Groom : INews I Serenade Aunt Mary Ladee :4 laea Hound Bob Trout IPr Paul I ladies :ta Pulton LewU IDanny O NeU (Woman's Kecrt News :! Res Miller INews IN W. Today :M Johnson Open House ll.lfe Jleautlful lOtaan :4S 'Buck Rera IPlddlere IJoyee Jordan ITetan. Jed Newa IKiun Manning Stara Today I Pirates US JMuperman I Music News Dirk Tracy :M) Cap. Midnight News Voice Firestone J Armalrony SU rjom Mix I Bob Garred Serenade S:ee (O. Heat'ser ESas Theatre ITouchdwn Tlpe Deal In Crime S:l lOTrheatra j teal In Crime :M IMpot. Bands iGoodman. Stige'Kay Armen eat ; iSpot ssande I Kay Amen T4 B. Drumnvocid IScreen Guild 'Contended Hr I Lone Ranyer 1:1S iB. Drummond I I Imm Ranyer 14 Ctaco Kid jBob Hawk (Dr. I. Q. iNewsletier t:4S iCtsoo Kid I I Ranae Riders SSM IM. aMiayna II.. Thomas ! Supper Club ll.um n Abner :ls M. Shayne Jack Smith IT. Lawton ltd Sullivan :M ' lYouth Center Uoan Davis (Caved America! Pat Man S:S i Youth Center INews I Pat Man :S INews IWhutler Telephone Hr Doctors Talk iRex MUler I I Be Announced t:M Sports tin. Sanctum lOpen Houae IGood Cheer :U lllenry Taylor I I Dramas l:M Pulton Lewis IS Star Pinal IS:IS INews ISy mphonetle IS:M INews I !: Orchestra IHaners !News Plashes INews 'Golden Annlv I lUiythmn Coneert Hour I Band Wagon I Concert Hour It 11:11 11 :1S tl:M lt:M lOrgan Orchestra I Jan Garber jNews Sign Off I Serenade Air-Flo News (Silent INews Orchestra Ron Salt News I I Concert Hour I Concert Hour lOrehostrs Orchestra IX-Tra Hour X-Tra Hour Noon Farm Hour; Variety Time: 1;4$ Adventures In Research; J 00 Treasura Baa; 1:30 Memory Book Mos- 3 00 News; 3:13 Music of Masters; res On ie 440 HleThllghts of Week: :19 Treasury salute; M SUIetly Jazz; 100 On Up beat; 8 35 Spotting the Sports; S 00 United Press News: S 15 Traffic Safety; 6:30 Muaio of Czechoslovakia: 7:11 Eve ning Farm Hour; B00 OSC Pledge; 9 30 News; 045 Evening Meditations, 10:00 Sign Off. Cortland Produce PORTLAND." Ore.. Sept. X ( A P) Butte rf at (Tentative) subject ta Immediate chaase Premium quality maximum of Jl of I per cent acidity, delivered In Portland. s-93c lb.: first quality tl-sle: second quality 70-asc: valley routes and country points 2c lees than first, or fsc. Butter A A i 92 score. SOc lb: A. S3 score, 7Se lb.; B. 00 score. 77c: C. SO score. 7 Sc. Chases Belling price ta Portland retailers! Orrfon sin r lee. 4S-4SC lh. Yon Can Have The Statesman with you for ?sV7. $4.00 In the belief that many college students, now away or soon leaving for their school year, would like to take The Dai and Sunday Statesman w 1 1 n them, we are making available an eight-months subscription- at any college or university In the United States for $4.0(1. We must set a reasonable limit to the number of such subscrip tions, in view of the still-very-acute paper shortage, but we believe our young citizens are well entitled toieverv consider ation we can extend to them. The Oregon Statesman Year Heme Newspaper Oregon loaf. 40-Slc; triplets. 4S-4SC lb F-ggs Purchases from farmers: Cjr cent receipts. 54 -15c: buyers pey 3-J'jS dos below wholesale quota tlon; on graded basis for best henery Eggs-. To wholesalers: A grade, large, M'.a-M'zc: medium ftS-Mt.c; sin all pullet). 40' i-41 '.,c: B grade. Urge. 44 -4o ',c. T Poultry Live Chickens No. 1 qual ity broilers. 11, to 1 lbs. 12-Mc lb: fryers, 3 to 3 lbs. 30-36C: i to lbs. 37-30C lb: roasters, 4 lbs land over, 37-30C lb: colored hens, ail weights. 26-27c lb; Leghorn hens, 3j'i pounds and ovei. 2a-2Jc; under 3 lbs.. 22 23c: roosters and stags, 13-lsc. Rabbits Average to retailers, 44-SOc lb: dressed prices to producfrs, 40-46c; fryers, live fryers, white. 4-43 lbe 22-27C. , j Onions Wssh . dry. No l. I 1S-I 23 30 lb sacks. Calif, yellaw. large, common grade 1.13 - lS; green, medium. toc-SI 00; Idaho, white, II S Oregon picking onions 10c U. Pntatoes Oregon long wljite, No I. 33S3-33: Washington tussel 3 13-3 40; Klamath Gems. SS-IMr s 21 lb. pack. Dressed Meats New celling prices: Veal AA 22-23 ", M A 2-Il, c lb.. B. !t-l'c; C, 17,-lSc; Cull, li lic. Hugs Block butchers, packer style. 139.213 lbs. 4c: over 113 I he. 22c: shipper style. 175-333 lbs. 21 l-4c: over 33S lbs. 21c; sows, ail weights. Sir lb. Lambs A A. 32 ',C. A. Jl'.c. . 27 ',c. C. 23c. Mutton 12-ISc lb. according to qual ity and weight. . Beef A A 23 tc; A. 25", c; B. tt'.c: C, 17'c canner and cutter, 14 3c: bologna mills, IS'.o lb. Caarara bark Gra 20r Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 4Ac lb Mohair 40c lb aa It-month growth 1 lav Wholesale shipments: Alfslfs. No. 2 or better. 330-32 ton: No. I tltnothy. 330.30-32 ton: Oata and vetch. mixed hay. valley growers esklne price. 21.M-23.30; clover hay. uncertified, 210-230 baled on fsrms. reen kc: dry The Startaaman, Salam, Ora Sundorf. Saptambasr 13. Hit -15 "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier THE BEST in Radio Repairing Two to Three Days Service Picfi-up .and Deliver Phone 5955 MORROW RADIO CO. 153 South IJtwrtjr 7 Ce. -r U- rr- - Q.a "Trade la year flats' far same Caban heels and see ana la aaaat a manth, Melvlnr Swegle The first fall meeting of Swegle Woman's club will be held Tuesday, October 1, at the homo of Mrs. E. K. Brandt. A one o'clock luncheon will be served. Middle Or eve Dr. and Mrs. Roy Scofield, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. August Winching, visit ed with their son Gene, at Hill's Military Academy, In Portland, Sunday. Swrf It Last Salem Homo Kit tension officers are planning for the new year's won k, the meetings to begin in October. Mrs. C A. Salter, president of the Kat Salem unit attended the special training school for officers held at the YMCA In Salem on Friday when Mrs. Aelea Sager, State Denvm- Corn Prices Show Decline CHICAGO, Sept. 2 -iA'y- A breat on both csah and futures prices of corn featured trading in the grain pits today. Weakness in the yellow cereal had little In fluence on wheat or oats, which finUhed on small changes In a quiet trade. More warm weather In a ma jor partof the coin belt, vir tually assured a record -breaking crop, was a primary factor In the corn price downturns. Kroat was preriicteHl for ttmlght In rtortlieili areas ojf the belt, but tMdets felt the grain was reasonably safe from material damage. Wheat cloned j unchanged to a higher, January $201, corn was down -2s ent, January $1 37 -''. and oala weia s lower to V higher, November 80-4. i'orllarnl Uve-alck rtlRTUNO, Ore, Itept IS I A I I -IUHUAI-faille for five day salable IS7I, total 2SS4. ralves salable bill total SI3: compered week aso market cloalna tS-M rvnti lower but anme class- not tested after opening steady Monday; trade hampered late by filled quotas, weeks supplv 'mk1 eras steers largely 17 30-ISM. one lartl IS SO. rumnwn - medium II AO. 194 common - god slock era IIIKI llttl few (x! feeders IS 00-17 IM. (oorf heifers IS S0-7S. t-nnimon-niedlum lims-lfllHI. ranner and cutler cows 7 30-f&0. eatlv to 10OO. fat dairy type to m V). medium - good heef cow 1 1 50-13 SO. eaily sales to 1 4 oo aim 14 291 best beef bull liUO but very few lalxive 13 00 after early Monday; sausSse bulls SM-12&0. goori-rhoire vealers IS 30-17 30, common down to 12 "i culls down lo S oo ati uuer linn for five days, salable , to tal IA73. slaughter claae. unchanged: all Sales at celling ef 17 20, top on feeder pigs 30 . rents higher at 21 Ml. hulk of aunoly sold at 21 04, heavies down to IS 00. Sheep for five days, salable 3234. total S1S9. market clwaed slums after weak opening but hardly aa strong a late last week; good -choice wooled lambs IS 00-30. common - medium 14 00-IS30; several medium-good lots 17 00-30; good feeders 13 00-14 00. good feeders 1100-14 00, good year lings 13.00, good ewe 7 50. culls down to 3 SO or under sirs t ion leader gave the Instruc tions. Mrs. E. E. Brandt and Mrs. Charles Norton attended fha prof, ect leaders training meeting heli iri Salem at the YMCA on Tiies dsyas leaders for Kast Salem unit. The lesson given was on "Care rf the Hair", by Mrs. Oscar White. It will be the subject of the1eon for the home unit In November. Jefferson Chailes V. Johnem, who Is in charge of the. Jefferson Building and Supply company here, and Mrs. Johnson will alter 1 the national American Legion convention in San Francisco, and will visit Johnson's sister Mrs. S. A. Dale at Sacramento. William Begin of Salem will be In rhargo of the lumber yard while Johravm is away. Market Ends Rallying Week NKW YORK, Sept. 29 -ttl- For the first time In almost two months the stock market enjoyed a rallying week although optimis tic contingents were not so pleasaH with the fact thst volume dwindled appreciably on the contehatk. The Hat, with the ron fusion of September, made It four strsight losing hionths notvthatandmg the ircent lecovery lal and, from the 15-year high of May 29, in terms ff fiiioleff valuem sKw,aw4 a ' Ims of .alx.ve $ I g.0O0.0O0.fM)0 From the 17-month low of Kept IB. hnw. ever, It retrieved about $J,000,QOJ, 000. i The Associated (Yess go-sinrk average on the week enjovevl m net advance of 1,3 ptniits at 3 . "Pa last previous upturn for a similar al retch was a bare MMe-tentif a Kint In the period ended Aug t. Volume for the final September week fell lo . 41 1,740 shares rram-pai-ed with I0,67,20 tlie wee4i before and was the smallest of the month. Additional Classified Ads Tffcnl Notice Portlgml Grain PORTLAND, Ore.. Sent, 2S-IAFI -Cash wheat Ibid I: ftoft white I S3; soft white fexrluding Res) 1 B4, white club 1 34; wetern red I 34. Herd red winter: Ordinary I U': 10 per rent 1 s. It per cent 102. II per cent 2 00, Hard white Baart 10 per rent 2 3S; 11 per cent 2.2S. 12 per cent 2 30 Today's csr receipts: Wheat 30, bar ley 12. flour 3, corn I, oats 3, hay f, mlllfeed J Salom Market Quotations unTayAT Premium No. I ' No 2 HIJTTKR PRINTS WhoWsale, pound Retail . riis Rstia large standards Mediums Cracks, mi lie la POULTRY No. I hens . No. I hens . . rivets MVrSTIMK (Ry Valley lleef f 'ows , Dairy Cows Hulls Lambs, top , Yearling lambs ... Hog, top. 100 la 170 lb Over 170 Rows ,. St S7 .32 44 .. ts 24 40 Park! 10 (Ml 14 13 00 3 00 to S VI 3 30 to 13 M IS no 12 00 to IS on S oo 13 00 .... IS 70 IS 70 13 70 . 13.70 NOT H r to whom it may mucmst WltrKrA.. n-u wile, Wands Wit son has left my bed and hoard1 and Whereas, the said Wanda T. Wim now teaides In or about Salem. Ore gon; Therefore. I will nut be responsible for any Indebtedness Incurred by tn said Wanda C. Wilson after data here of. - (Signed I iAWM t. WILSON a. 32-24-23-2S-27-2S-30 Livtmlork ami I'oullry 3 rrnrR PIOS tSSO Laneaasarr Drive. I mile North Krweger Grnc. WORK HORSw"3"gADDLg llOfcfCS Bar K Stork Ham It LARGE AftKORTMPNT an haoa at all time at very attractive prime.. Cre dit given any one. Discount for s 1 . Guaranteed aa represented free tm livery. Hurry Kuehne, Carlton. e. LM-aled B's miles west of Newherg Pf)R SALE; Nice wleoer pia i trade; nice gentle saddle pnny nt y.Min milk cow. A, O. Itwery. ptti 22JS2. 70 Palrvlew Ave , Salem rOR SALE; Two Jersey cows. 3 yrs freshen soon Jersey Heifer S nsMM, Rl 3 .Bos 343, near Libety Vtnrmrf, .Canning House lane. WAN la.!; fal ana a:aenerweiaf beef Dairy rows neitera km I la. . fat hogs sows stags, aoera Mer-t rtre C C McCandiish rt 3 a rrs. Ph 1 47 across) from bs 1 1 aaark ft yn rort MALE: 3 saddle horM. saddle 4 equip Heannshle Rl S, Hit Ml fOR SALE Chrwtie Nil fcsy Chicks every Wed kVirlKf'"" n IS Male t Phone 40S0 ny sett i SVANIfD fteat and a'enaer cwwa. aulls snd vests V HI call at farass, C I tsnethen. 1330 lncaetee Drtvak mSl4S Morm av pvea " WANTED WILL Pav top price for 73 h4 nisi and rtelfei im rreaei wnnaat 41 days, for al aHisinenl, trwa a caid slating whete msi van be man. M P KepluMl, Rll vet t an. the. Rt. 3. i NrVV-7.T.,J-Vh.l.d-sen4 buck: 3 hutches, Ph auj t ail sriee 3 or all day haturday and Sunday. V Taaal sJ U INI J VWl II Li L7 .asBBBBae'-r mis in i issssgT " DRS. CHAN . LAM tr V T Jaas JS O . Or O Caea M cmsrnt nctnAUSTt j Xl Nartli Uberty U stairs Portland fXerverai glectrts Co Office open Saturday eniy 10 s m ta I e m t 0 te 1 a m Coa .ullatlon Hieod or aaaure snd urina eats sre free af eharge Practiced ince IS 1 7