X Tlx State OroC Saturday. SptombT 23. lfleS Christian Education Week to Be Marked by Missionaries, Rally Days in Salem Churches The week of September 29-Oc-Vtbvr 6 i et asulc by the Federal C' Ktiuil c.1 the Churches of Christ in America a ( htitin Educatin W'rrk thrrtaftiout the nation.. Prot estant churches five special em phaiis to the inauguration, devel opment, and promotion oC Christ ian education for the coming ear during this week. Many of the churrhes of Salem he made plans tr the u of motion picture. h1r, and film atrip, m church school and young lp!e s programs, durin( the canning year. This procram will be in Une with the Kederal Coun cil tuccestKins in the uae of via- now! SHt ON A set, p' I ws MAKMO MATTOJ I WOtSf... nit Ne, t!! The Deeble-Creea "Strange Triangle-1 ' with Prestea Faster Extra! Mairh af Tlas "AUhk Power- h m, mis! TODAY at 1:00 lM. JmT I T vL . BUGS JgL BUIIHY 3i3 snou tniii I . 1 BIG STAGE snou t. bt nsLii l.-tt U US 2 nic Color Cartoons RIG SERIAL Chapter X 3 with Lyle Talbot Jail BUhaa Eddie Araff 1 Big reatare Alan Ladd - Verenlea Lake ia -THE BLUE DAHLIA" Alsa The Ketarn mt Eaaty" ual aid in the 1046-47 program, emphauing Biblical, social, edu cational and religious ideas. Rally day ia being observed by moat Salem churrhes either Sep tember 29, or on World-wide Com munion Sunday, October ft. Ral ly day officially launches th new program for the year in many of the church schools of the city. Vet Counsel Aides Needed i ; I Need for additional trained Veterans' service officers to han dle claims and ether problems facing Oregon's Increasing load pf ex-servicemen was etresed Friday at the regular quarterly meeting of the advisory commit tee of the state department of Veterans' affairs, held in the de partment offices, i i The advisory committee offi cially approved tha efforts of Di rector George E. Sandy to seek an increase In the ceilings placed by congress on incomes permitted veterans In Job training under the GI bill to $250 and $300, to concur with recommendations of the Oregon state apprenticeship council. i Announcements were made of the resignation of Secretary Frank Hoi brook of Med ford, and of Floyd IC Dover, Portland. Dover resigned to become field repre sentative of the department. Ap pointments will be made to fill these vacancies later by Gov. Earl Snell. 'Carl Fre 11 inter. Portland mem ber, was elected to fill Holbrook's position of secretary to the com mittee. , Owl Shaw Afler Ilidniglil! , m Mat. Dally f raaa 1 P. M. How Showing! rr r Liz? Ml rPaBet4a' , 1 ThrUl Ce-Bl(! (Wr&WcWf tedJ OTT I0ta fads Ends Today! ' Fred MacMurray -Murder He Says" Trail testnaUhr TOMORROW! fT 1 M osteal Ca-Hlt Alfred Drake -TAR8 AND SPARS' Work Schedule At Silverton Churches Full SILVERTON" With autumn at hand Silverton churches are plan ning fuller schedules of work. Choir practices, canceled for the busy summer, have been resumed. At St Paul's Catholic church the week-day masses have been moved back from 7:30 to 8:15 to conform with the school pro gram. ! ! Lutheran churches ere begin ning their autumn teachers' train ing course with the first one scheduled for Monday night at Wood burn. Sunday school teach era from both Immanue! and Trin ity churches will attend. At Trinity church the Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation will meet Tuesday night at tha home of Jeanell Gottenberg. Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday at. the church with Mrs. M. Mosengiand Mrs. John Demas as hostesses. The evening group of Dorcas will meet Friday, Ocotber 4, with Mrs. Russell Nelson at Scotts Mills. Iinmamiel church council meets Tuesday night at the Carl Moen home. The senior guild i meet Wednesday night at the Arthur Da hi home with Mrs. Sam Bailer as co-hostess. Mrs. Kenneth Ifen- Jum ia hostess Tuesday night to the Junior Guild members at her home. The Ladies Aid will meet Thursda yat S pJa at the church with Bessie Raugland and Julia Moen as hostesses. May! Imparl 2V" i Ann J ' J," MAN IJ-itW t tjr w..7 i I 0 .. llilass geadla V J f :Jj CaHit! A Story Delightfully Different "The Return of floaty" I ' with Ted Daldaan John Lytel Extra! Pete Smith Specialty -BUS PESTS CoraFiiures Drop 2 Cents CHICAGO. Sept. 27.-;P-Corn led a downturn of grain futures today, falling as much as 3 cents on favorable crop weather, lower prices for grain In the spot mar ket and action of President Tru man In ruling against removal of price ceilings from cattle and hogs. Wheat showed an easier trend throughout the session, closing at about the day's lows. Wheat: finished 1-14 lower, January $3.01, corn was off 1 to Z cents. January fl.39T4-l.40, and oats were Unchanged to i lower, November gOVi-tt. Profit-taking following the re cent upturn waa the major factor in wheat, where the market Is still thin and highly responsive to a hmall number of orders, traders noted that the CCC has bought very little grain this week, ap parently i believing that current prices are too high. In the spot market. No. 2 red wheat sold at $3.10 a bushel, up 14 from' yesterday and another new high on this advance. 8 lay tea Mr. and Mrs. John B. Van Handel will be honored at "Open house" Sunday afternoon, September 29, at the Women's clubhouse on their golden : wed ding anniversary. Friends an rel atives are being asked to call be tween the -hours of 3:30 and 4:30 pjn.L ENDS TODAY! (Sat) I Kay Mlllaad ,J WANTED WINGS' t Tun Halt COME ON DANGER" Contlnsvott from IP. M. , Tomorrow! Madeleine CarreU la Technicolor t s - - ' if Bahama Passage ; Ce-Peatare! Smiley Bdrnetta 'Sunset Carson "FIREBRANDS OF f ARIZONA 'S Spanish Club to Hear Mrs. Kuhl Mrs.' Florence Kuhl will tell of her recent trip to Mexico at the October 11 meeting of the Salem Spanish club, it was announced at the club meeting last night- Mrs Elmer Berg told of club activities with the Mexican laborers during the summer, and relayed to club members the gratitude of the Mex icans to the club for its help. t Youth Nights Are Resumed Presbyterian young people- will have charge of the 7:30 p.m. eve ning service at their church as they fesume their monthly youth nights this Sunday. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Stephen Lee, pas tor of the Molt Chinese church of Portland, who will speak on the topic "The Church and the Racial Problem." A Junior choir of Chi nese young people will accom pany Lee to Salem and will sing three special numbers. . At 6 p.m. a candlelight installs tion service will be held, for the newly-elected officers of the Jun ior and senior high school' youth groups. Special music at this serv ice will Include piano and violin prelude played by Virginia Ben ner and Phil. Blankenshlp, and a vocal selection sung by Glennis Allen accompanied by Ann Gib bons. U- : Following the evening service, a youth fellowship will be held in the social halL with Don Dour- is, youth 'director. In charge. Vo cal numbers by Ann Gibbons and violin selections by Phil Blanken ship, games and refreshments are on the program. From 0. -00 to 10:00 pjn. a col lege fireside will be held at the manse. Where Willamette univer sity students will be welcomed by Dr. and Mrs. Chester W. Hamblin. Stocks Slow, Decline Noted NEW YORK. Sept. 27.iP-The recovery sap ran out of a tired looking stock market today and leaders, with scattered exceptions. backed : Into losing territory. Dealings were the slowest of the month. Declines running to 2 points or so predominated the the c 1 o a e. Transfers of 070.000 shares com pared with 1.300.000 Thursday. Brokerage quarters said that three successive advancing ses sions attracted quick profit cash ing by In-and-out traders while accounte were trimmed elsewhere by those who were skeptical of the labor outlook, price controls and the ability of the list to negotiate other than technical comebacks. Promotion Day to be Observed on Sunday a. .. . The annual promotion aay serv ice of the Presbyterian Church School will be held Sunday morn ing. Sept 29, at 10:33. Graduates of each department In the Church School will attend the morning worship service, and each gradu ate wilH receive a certificate of promotion from the minister of the church. The church choir, un der the direction of Virginia Ward Elliot, will sing a special number. "With Happy Voices Ringing.'' RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FETED Gov. Earl Snell Friday issued a statement Indorsing Religious Edu cation week, September 29 to Oc tober e. The observance la spon sored by the international council of religious education and coope rating Protestant, Catholic and Jewish church groups. INDUSTRIAL DEATHS FILED Two fatalities, 1,004 covered ac cidents and three claims for oc cupational disease benefits were filed in the state industrial acci dent commission, here during the week ended September 20. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or- Bent. S7 (API- Cash wheat (bid) sort white 13; aoft white (excluding Rex) 1J3; white dub 13: weatern red 1X Hard red winter: ordinary I S3: ! Der ctnt 1J: 11 oar cent 11: a7ssra CSMtR - 206 - .. tiara wnrae tsaan: urararr ; i per cent a; 11 per cent 1.2S; IS per ToHn'i Mr nrclnti Wheat St' bar ley lo; corn li.oats 10: mlll'ead S. MOVEE) MEM I THC LITTLE HX5e"T7TrrHE"B!oH?TS g-irf;'hri Matinee from 1 P. M. Today! m iiespoiise to Toun IIAII7 BEQUESTS ... mm- ) L l: F p-7 II I ' 7 ! I i ii i ' Presenting: An Extended Engagement! LIFE III SALEI1 la Beaatlfnl Color! Yon Are the Slars! Salem at Werk and Play! ee. prom the Air! Schools! Clans! Industry! It's : Year Picture, About Yea! . Fun Co-Hit 1 e PRICES! (all Inc. tax) Adnlts ...... S5e Services ..... 20e ChUd (f to 12) . . 20e LIMtl lUISOH.' HtNKVi Mission Street UB Church Has Homecoming Two former pastors of the Mis sion street United Brethren church will have part in the annual home coming services . to be held to morrow. Dr. L. B. Baldwin of Ore gon State college who served the local church nearly 40 years aso returns for the second time as the homecoming ' speaker having giv en the address last year. He speaks tomorrow at 11 ajn. on the sub ject, "The Church In the Wilder ness." The Rev. A. S. Henderson. who occupied the pulpit for eigh teen years and Is widely known in Salem will preach in the eve ning service at 7:30 The Rev. C. E. Carlson. Ore gon district superintendent of the United Brethren church, who has served as superintendent of the West African mission district will give a missionary address at 1 pjn. Arlene Deedon, Bible teacher in the Salem schools, will be solo ist for the morning worship serv ice. Mrs. Kenneth Holler and Mrs. Lyle Thomas will play a piano duet In the afternoon service. The Rev. Johri K. Williams will sing in the evening service. The Sunday school is present ing a Rally and Promotion day program at 10 a.m. A basket dinner will be served at 12:30. DiplomaU Strive To Meet Deadline ; PARIS, Sept 27 -LPj- The Eur opean peace conference complet ed all but 10 clauses of the Ital ian peace treaty today as It drove hard for adjournment by the Oc tober IS deadline. The 10 clauses, however. In cluded three of a political nature on the big problem of Trieste, and there were indications that this issue might have to be shelv ed Indefinitely. The other seven are economic clauses upon which agreement must be reached be fore the treaty can be sent to the plenary session for final approval. GEN. MARTIN'S WILL READ PORTLAND, Sept. 27-0P)-The estate of MaJ. Gen. Charles H. Martin, soldier and statesman who died here Sunday, will ap proximate $50,000. his will dis closed today. Starton Tha Rantiit Youne People will sponsor a bonfire par ty on the church rrounda Satur. day, September 28 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Rev. Willard Buck ner Is in charge of arrangements. Sunnyside Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Pearson, formerly of this commu nity have returned from eastern Oregon, where they worked in the grain harvest and have purchased a home at 1263 S. High st, Salem. Saturday Sept. 28 YIICA Special Event! for all young people of the community Fall Frolic Swimming 8 to 9 Dancing 9 to 12 Pino; Plncj and Table Games Refroehmenta t Sovial and Recreational Club Cosponsored by YWCA and YMCA Nominal Charge VJP.W. Victory Club Old-Time Dancing TOIJIGHT Veterans Hall Corner need and Cnarcb Streets ; Masle by Ilarion Pox! 661 Orchestra Jlmmle Ritchie. Leader Adatasioa tt tae. tax Weleeaae HI i . . 1 Tonight i " Silverton Armory 9 lo 12; GLENN WOODRVS ORCHESTRA 13 Eatertalaera 13 Admission lie Plea Fed. Tax 14 Total I3e i, 1 -131- 1 ; M1M SEiliE i (Picknp or OUlce Dandles) UIITIL FURTHER NOTICE ! Due to acute shortage of help we are forced to discontinue taking laundry until we can complete that already in our plant. , There is enough equipment in Salem to give weekly laun dry service to entire city - shortage of help has canned one of our modernly equipped plants to stand idle for past three months. You can help relieve the laundry problem in Salem by re ferring any person you know who is looking for work to either the Salem Laundry or the Hollywood Laundry steady em ployment for women workers at a minimum wage of 70c per hour. I Your cooperation will be appreciated. COHPAIIY (WEIDKRAS) Valloy Obituaries Mrs. Anna Cooper JEFFERSON Mrs, Anna Coop er, 83. died at 9 o'clock rrlday morning at Albany General hospi tal. She had been an invalid for many years, and about two weeks ago she fell end broke both bones of her left leg below the knee. Surviving are three daughters. Mrs. Frances Husted and Mrs. Olive Manela of Jefferson and Mrs. Belle Randall of Los AngelesT Calif. Funeral arrangements In charge of , the Fisher funeral home. Old Tin Dances Tunes You Have Forjrotten Music by, PAUL WINSLOWS GANG Waltsea, Quadrilles, 2 and t Steps, etc. Every Saturday Nlcht 259 Court Street Over Western Ante t Public Welcome Admission 60c, IncT Tax ft i i ...,r mm. Women Laundry Uorkers Best of working conditions modern equipment Year around steady employment MINIMUM WAGES 700 PER HOUR Apply at j 2040 North Capitol St., , ASK FOR MR. BAXTER f .L ' m . m j-"- -e -: ' mm r m i-i f i muni i ! K I t ; f - y. , V.. ' '. V :., ft W , : . -J ' - j f : ' . i ' . 11 L . YOUTH RALLY A Program of Youthful Singing and Speaking with PALfL PETTICORD, speaker CITY ART I0HY rr!wnPT) i iiiiii r. 1 1 ii i I i i - - 4 i . ,