8 The Of. Skrtman, Salem. Qrsw Thursday. SpL 19. 1946 Vikings Taper Drills For Friday's Opener Handed a rock inf. sacking; final scrimmage last evening by Headman Harold Hank. Salem high's Vikings will today breeae lightly threat h their final workout prior to opening the 14 season at Lebanon Friday night. The aspirants were battling yes terday for starting positions Friday, and following the scram Hank announced his charges would likely . line Dp against Bod rage's Warriors as follows: Ends Carlos Hourk and Bill llilL Tackle Don Gettis and Bob Wiper. Guards Wayne Houser and George Zurlinden. Center Bob Goffiier. Backs Charles Kobin. Tom Bartlett. Dick Allison and Roger Daseb. The Viking forward wall will boast an average of nearly It pounds and the - backfleld IS. Gettis and . his 220 pounds will anchor the line. Nary a single report on the Warriors has roroe from Lebanon, although it Is a virtual cinch Pago will field anvthlng but an impotent team. Last year .the surprising Warriors dumped Salem -. -.L. iar r ''jf-Vfh --iti' m ill, ir n-' .in .lii jarttini.iissV-- - - - Bv I Jkrry Stone ; miv mi-, ) ' ww'i ' n -' ' WX j i w. j.-'i-'Biirtw i M ALT C I IS: We're not taking sides either pro or eon la the controversy as U whether negroes should be permitted to play ball la th major lcagu.es but we can't help marvelling at the backbone of Jackie Robinson, the Montreal second sacker and first negro to get his - chance In organised ball. Jackie's been sort of a ' trial balloon In the controversy and the reaction of players Is debatable, the reaction of the ' fans I more apparent. The flashy negro has drawn 'em. That is to be expected since the public has always expected of the colored performer that he be a show man or very good at his trade. And Jackie Is very good at his trade, as witness the fact that the Brooklyn Dodgers are counting on him-to fill a spot In their infield next year. Robin son won; the batting championship of the Inter national league this year with a .34 1 average but In achieving that feat swatting at curves and faat balls wasn't the former UCLA athlete's only worry. There were complication like dusters and filing spikes all during the campaign and they weren't the usual quota of such things that can be expected during a season by the average player they came thick and fast because Jackie was a marked man. One International skipper told his pitchers he would give them a new suit every time they "knocked down" the negro. And being a second baseman, Robinson was a target for many a pair of spike. And the guy won the league batting title Branch Rickey, in calling the key -s toner up to the Bums next year, has other plans for him than second base, even though Jackie was acclaimed by many as the top middle-bagger In the minors. Rickey figures that if he places Robinson at third or short the colored boy will be less subject to spiking. Feller, Ocertrorking? Bob Feller is working like a demon, to smash the major league strikeout record of 249 held by Rube Waddell but wo wonder If be Isn't overworking. Right bow "Rapid Robert" Is Zt short of the mark and has an outside chance of doing It before the season winds p. He's starting every four games and doing relief chorea In be tween. And as a consequence he's been belted rather freely of late. The old arm ran stand only so much even Feller's and we wonder bow many winning games he's removed from his system with this strenuous and frequent tossing of late. Dirot Drops Calling all ye lefthanders, southpaws, w rong-sldcrs. portaldera or whatever you may term yourself. Jim Russel out at Salem Golf club l anxious to get as many of you as possible entered In the City Lefthanders open to start on the local course Oct. S In conjunction with the club championships. Yeah, you guys and If you happen to be sauntering by Maple-Keene one of these afternoons take a glance In the window and you'll see a fine gleaming southpaw trophy. Yeah. this, trophy pictures a guy swinging a wood. Only trouble is the club he's swinging Is strictly a la righthanders unless we're cock-eyed. Whether Walt Cline, Jr.. defends his club championship or not is still a matter for conjecture but In anyevent there are going to be a let of guys out this year trying their durndest to walk off with the title. Jack Russell shot a 71 In the rain to eop opening medalist honors in the qualifying rfcunds and establish himself as one of the top threats. And Its been rumored that some fanatics nave been seen out on the Salem layout along, about the time the birdies begin singing in the mornings, grimly working on those Irons and those woods. The old golf course Its a place where a guy will gladly put in an 18-hour day and without overtime! Incidentally. Wall Cline has scarcely touched his clubs all summer. Been too busy dispensing food. But maybe golf would actually be monotonous If a feller whaled his score down to rock bottom every time out. Now us duffers our scores have a long way to fall. T'r Bearcats Work Against f First Arc Drill Set Tonight Willamette university grid skippers Walt Erickson, Elmer Schaake and Bunny Bennett yesterday sent their Bearcat charges through another Motion of dummy scrimmaging and defense against i if wizardry oi tne moon i, ana will tonight hold the Jirft arc workout of the season at eight o'clock on Sweetland field. The 'Catj open at San Jose a week from Friday night, and the Spar tans are a "T"-toting aggregation, according to reports from Califor nia. Bennett's Fronh have been flaying the "T" roles and on a few occasions have given the var sity some bad momenta. A lengthy scrimmage under game conditions will occupy Fri day' workout, probably the last of the week. Although the squad has been improving in general with every workout,. Erickson opines the ball handling in his double wing of fence is still far below the level he'd like. The team suffered its first casualties this week also when Triple-threat Bob Douglas received a bad ankle sprain and Prewar End Vet Marshall Bar bour checked in his practice togs. Douglas may mis the San Jose opener. Barbour .blamed inability 1o become enthuseji over playing football for hi move. Back fielder Darrell Lewis also checked out. NL Ump Stricken NEW YORK. Sept. 18.- (A) -George Barr. veteran national league umpire, was forced to leave the baseball game between the New York Giants and Chicago Cubs in the sixth inning today and was sent to a hospital suf fering from what Dr. Francis J. Sweeney described as a heart attack. Table of Coastal Tides Times computed for Tsft. Ore- by the V S Coaft and Geodetic Survey for the Oregon Statesman. September High Low Time . Water Time Watet ) 117 im. 4 1 20 a.m. 0 1 55 pm. S3 12 55 p.m. 3 4 20 S 27 a m in 2 31 a.m. 0 0 S 13 pm. 4 4 2 22 p.m. 3 JS 21 10 20 a m. S3 3.32 a m. -0 3 22 pm. 45 3J1 p.m. 21 HERMAN riLOT? PITTSBURG. Sept 18-0F-The Pitt burg Post-Gazette said to night it had learned from an authoritative source that Billy Herman, veteran Boston Braves infielder, will be next manager of the Pittsburg Pirates, succeed ing Frank ie Frisch. JL : f i ,v . : (if s ' '' f , S -, V L BEAVER MIGHTY: Center Bill Gray (above) who during the war made All-American recognition; at Southern California, Is 'this fall back at Oregon State where he Is expected to be a mainstay ' In Lea S liner's Orange line. The 1 Beavers open the coast conference slate at UCLA September ZS.I BERTELLI ON HAND LOS ANGELES. Sept. 18.-P-Angelo Bertelli, former Notre Dame passing star, arrived by plane today and agreed to play professional football for the Los Angeles Dons of the All-american conference. Portland Slams! Seals in Pair I : V 1 . i i PORTLAND, Sept 18-iip-Th suddenly 1 formindable Portland Beavers walloped the San ! Fran cisco Seats twice here tonight, 15 to 0 and 2 to I to shave the Seals' PCL lead to two games over the Oakland Oaks who drop ped a single game to Sacramento, The double win also gave the Bevos undisDuted : possession of seventh place. Jake Mooty held the O Doulmen to one nit In tne seven-inning opener and Roy Helser came back with a three- hitter In the nightcap. I It was HeUer's 20th win of the year. San FranciMso 000 000 0 0 1 1 Portland 400 470 " 18 14 3 Romo, Malton (1). StuU (h Janaeil fS and Ivy. Sprins t); Mooty and. Balllnger. ) San Francisco 000 010 0001 S i Portland 000 001 101 Jt Lien. Mathewson () and Ogrodowskl; Hiaer and Holm. Daggett t)rills ; Dallas Eleven ; . ! r nAt.TJtS. Sent, i 18-fSoeciaD- New Coach Bob Daggett greeted by some 40 aspirants when he called out : the 1946 Dallas high football Dragons, has been drill-? ing the team the past week for Us October 4: opener at Estacada. Daggett hopes to line up a Sep tember 27 nicht same here with Sacred Heart Academy of Salem; as an opener, however.' Only seyen lettermen reported from last year's important team, and most of the current aspirants are on the light and green side, Daggett will employ a variation of the single wing offensive sys tem this feason. - f Poor Tami Sure Hail - Reason for Weeping NEW YORK, Sept l.-(JF)-Taml Manriello cried like a baby In his dressing room under the .Yankee stadium tonight a few minutes after he came with in an Inch of knocking out Joe Louis for what would have been tne biggest sports upset In de cades. "I thought I had him with that first .right." blubbered Tami. aa tears flowed down his cheeks. "I was so sure I had him and I guess I went crasy. I forgot to weave and duck like I planned and Instead stood straight up." Oaks 2 Games From Leaders By the Associated Press The Oakland Oaks backed within two games of the PCL leading San Francisco Seals here tonight as they dropped a game to the Sacramento Solons 8 to 4, while the Seals were losing two to Portland. The Seattle Ra in ters were lone occupants of the loop cellar after bowing twice to the Hollywood Stars, 3 to 2 and. 1 1 to 2. Los Angeles beat San Diego 6 to 2 and then lost 2 to 1. San Diego 100 000 010-2 5 1 Los Angeles 320 010 00 1 Kennedy. Dumler (IK Chappie (?) and McDonnell; Flemln and Splndel. San Diego 0O0 000 lOI 2 S 0 lo Ansele . . 0O0 OUO 1001 0 Vitalirh and Rice; Lynn and Steph enaon, Splndel 44). Hollywood 000 120 13 I 3 Seattle WW 200 0 - 2 0 0 Daaao and Uiutr; KJIiott. Anderson (7) and Staff. Sacramento 002 000 051 0 S 1 Oakland ... 110 020 000 4 S 1 Fletcher. Beaaley tSl and Xitrgerald: Speer, Mayes (), Bearden ) and Kearse. Hollywood 204 140 00011 13 t Seattle 0O9 002 0O0 , 2 S I F.rautt and Unaer; Soriano, Snyder (3), Stumpf (6 and Surme. FSANCIUSE GRANTED SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 18-(7P) Commissioners of the American Basketball league, meeting here fora three-day session, announc ed tonight the granting of a fran chise to Continental Air Lines of Oklahoma City, bringing ; the league membership to 12. Wilson Counts 50 at Molalla MOLALLA. Sept 18.-(Speciaiy Coach Don Wilson counted 50 as pirants for his Molalla high foot ball team as he called first prac tice this week. A number of let termen were in the turnout but absent were such stars as Howard Smith, Darrell Walker and Jim Bond, who have either joined thj armed forces or tranifered to oth-. er acboolsy- Retuming lettermen include Joe Brock, Deryl Sandgren and Duane Owens, backs (Owens may be out for the season because of a back injury, howeyer), and John Welli, I Elmer Lucnt Bin cnaries, waiiy Zielinski, Dick Davenport Bob Bennett Paul Sheets, Alan South well and Bob Sandgren, linesmen,; Track whiz Bill Kraxberger has alsd turned out and may . develop into a fair halfback. Crow, Ore., transfer Pete Goodbrod has been looking good 'at halfback in Wil son's single wing and T forma-' tion practice maneuvers. Molalla opens here Saturday af ternoon against Tigard at 2:30. MAJOR LEAGUE ropooard Cafe (2) Valdez IM 13 Henderson 1S2 1SS McCurdy i 223 1S7 Coe ....,. . 1WI ISO Glodt - , 1 137 149 IM 203 140 16S IM 160 177 ltS 214 No Naana (1) OUnser Foreman - Perry Adolph Young v Keltk Brown Co. (1) Kitchen 139 181 Simorii . 190 164 Walters 149 15S Scales - 164 1SS King :. 164 190 Salem Hardware Ce. (2) Thede West Nelooti . . McF'arlane Haman 175 194 171 1SS 14S 1SW ISO 140 182 196 210 337 1S4 B32 197 57 111857 19S-5M 201 636 154 905 191659 168 505 180692 170540 140 460 150 457 172324 224679 14 511 204533 IMS 'J4 1 76 496 234613 Poultn rrlc-cn luta . Karr ., Larson Valley Motors (1) Nuber Strode Price Welch ... Coolidge i-ago - CaloaUI Henae (1) Murdoch Garbartno . Bone Mtrich , . Boyea CUae'i Ceffee Sbap jHartwell .... Cline. Sr. Evans Cline, Jr. Keel ! 193 310 235636 2413 150 195548 193 170 203 560 165 192 141 504 146 169 173611 193 195 166556 177 170 182521) 166 .... 20S 309 . . 174 133307 212 159 . 371 191 195 236622 180 234 192 60S 184 168 166 51ft 186 166 170522 145 215 150610 131 176 164491 178 188 170536 190 146 190506 197 177 222596 212 206 211629 13 171 180 4 Roodles Eveiit Slated Tonight On the links menu for Salem Golf clubbers tonight will be one of the ever popular Roodles events' over the nine hole route, an nounces Club Manager John Var ley. Wth favorable weather again on hand numerous swingers are expected to have their opening 18 holes of qualifying play for the club championships turned in by the end of the weekend. Varley stated last night that it was as yet problematical whether De fending Champ Walt Cline, 'Jr. would be present to defend the club title. Idea of Moguls As 'Pinch Pennys9 Ditchcd-Maybc NEW YORK, Rept 18-(P)-The manner In which the major league magnates agreed to con tract reforms suggested by the players Indicates that maybe the picture of a typical club owner as a pennyplnching Kimon Le gree has been a little out of focus. .Nobody realised the great warm hearts which beat In the breasts of . the moguls or the anguish caused by the sad plight of the ball players. Why didn't the owners do something a boot It before? WAy, nobody asked them. That might have been the rea son, although there are some skeptical citisens who might suggest that the Mexican league trouble and the threat of a play er's union might have something to do with It Perish the thought Anyway, the most interesting in novation at the joint meeting of the club owners of both leagues from our standpoint did not con cern contract . reforms. It was the formation of an advUory council consisting of Commis sioner Happy Chandler, the pres ident of each major league, a club owner from each league, a player from each league, and minor leaguer. The Interesting part of the new council Is Just what affect It might have on the powers of the commissioner. It is assumed that any problems coming be fore the council will be settled by vote, which means that Illxle Walker or Joe IMMagglo or any player who might be rhosen to represent the players as a'group would have Just as much to say about such questions a the rem -mlaloner. That seems , to be quite a far cry; from the days when the Iste CemmUslener K. M. Landis rrarked the whip sad everybody Jumped, Landis wao more or less a law unto hianaelf, and his decisions, resrhed alter going Into conference with him self, were as final a death. The readiness with which the. magnates agreed to the player demands probably came as m surprise to the players them selves, who now probably are booting themselves for not mak ing additional demands, sock as lime and a half for estra inning games and percentage of IKo ate. Brief Interlude! Tami Rayoed in 2:09 After Hurting Bomber YANKEE STADIUM, NEW YORK. Sept. 18-(P)-Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis kept his promise tonight to make his scrap with Tami Mauriello "a quick one" but he kept the promise so well probably even he was surprised. He caved the roof in on the tubby Bronx barkeeper so com pletely and so, rapidly with a fan cy display of all his gaudy artil lery, that he chalked up the sec ond fastest knockout in heavy weight! championship history.' It took him just 2 minutes and 9 seconds to turn the trick to beat the round man from uptown into a helpless hulk. But for two right hand "crunchers" he missed by a shade a few seconds eariler, he might even have equalled his own world rcord the 2:04 it took him to stiffen Max Schmcl ing in their return bout back in 1838 in this same ball yard. The crowd was 38,494 and the gate $335,063. At 211s poliosis Tami scaled 198 Joe was heavier than ever before in his 12 year career in the ring. Tami walked out as he'd been expected to,.with his fists flailing. And one of the very first flails the first punch of the fight, in fact - caught Joe flush on the mouth, and for m r"-r--t tr"" was a possibility that the taproom tender might no the impo. sioie. Joe staggered halfway across the ring: There is no doubt he was hurt by this right-hand ham mer that tore into his face. He bounced into the ropes. He blink ed. He came out slowly. He knew now he had to go to work, and right now. And that's exactly what he did. No-Hitter Hurled CLEVELAND. Sept. 18 -fT)-Jim Chambers, 24-year-old strike out sensation, pitched a no-hitter tonight as the Chicago Match Corp. of America eliminated the New York City Grummans 3 to 0 in the quarter-finals of the 14th Amateur Softball association tournament. Sands Are Honored At Victory Pinner The Halem Hand V Gravels, Junior "B" league baseball champs this summer, were honored at a "Victory" dinner last night at the Hollywood Lions Den. Stearns Cushlng, manager of the Hands, was In charge of the affair and pre sented the Individual members of the team with ribbons as recognition of their successful title quest Also honored was Fred Anunsen, sponsor of the club. STC4 itr T) Won't be long now. Cougar Picks Army PULLMAN. Wash.. Sept. 18 iA1) Two Washington State linemen returned to Cougar football drills today from the injured list but Coach Phil Sorboe lost a letter man halfback to Uncle Sam. Joe Mahoki. an 18-year old Tacoma high school product, told Sorboe today that he was, leaving schl toen!it in the army. He had been working with the varsity squad in early drills and Sorboe , said Mahoski was slated to see "a lot of action" this fall. mm 7n ti oO G B R H Pc. Musial. Cardinals .145 580 116 213 Ml Vernon. Senators .139 547 S3 194 JSS Wlillimi. Red Sox 143 4BO 140 170 .343 Hopp. Braves 122 422 - 72 144 Ml Pesky, Bed Sox 146 992 11J 300 J38 Mite. Giants 101 377 70 127 .337 Runs batted In National: Slaugh ter. Cardinal 125. Walker. Dodsera 109. Muatal. Cardinals 90. American: Williams. Red Sox 119. York. Red Sox lis, Doerr, Red Sox 115. Home runs National: Mize. Giants 23. Klner. Pirates 21. Slaughter. Car dinals 18. American: Greenberg. Tigers 38. Williams, Red Sox 36, Kel ler. Yankees 29. ' OresanUna la tae aaalara what Cfeey did Wednesday: 0 tl J A E DDI Gordon, Yankees (1)3 0 I 4 0 0 (2) .4 S 3 3 0 1 NATIONAL I.EAGl'B W L Pet. W.Ti Prt St. Louis 91 54 428 Phlladelph 66 80 .452 Brooklyn 89 55 .61OnclnnaM SO S3 .420 Chicago 77 65 .542 Plttaburgh 69 S3 .415 Braton 77 67 536 New York 57 89 JfcO Wednesday's Result: At New York 3. Chicago 4; At Philadelphia 2-8, Cin cinnati 1-5; At Brooklyn 2-3. Pilt bursh 3-0. At Boaton 2, St. Louia I. NATIONAL 1.IAULI WLPct. WLPrl Boa ton 99 47 .SSO Chicago SS 78 .406 Detroit 83 59 Mi Cleveland 65 SO .446 New York 82 65 St. Louis 62 80 .436 Waahngtn 71 74 .490 Phlladelph 49 96 XIS Wcdncsdsy's Results: Ar Chicago 0-9, New York 4-7: At Detroit 2. Philadel phia 1; At Cleveland 1, Waahlngton S: At St. Vovim 2. Boston 6. COAST LEAGUE W L, Pet. W L Pet. An Frsn 111 67 .623 Sacrmnto 91 90.504 Oakland 109 69 .612 Sn Dieg 79106.413 Hollywod 93 85 .523 Portland 73 105 .411 toa Angls 92 86 .317 Seattle 7) 107 J95 Wednesday's Results: At Los Angeles 6-1. Kan Diego 2-2; At Seattle 2-3. Hol lywood 3-11; At Oakland 4. Sacramen to 8; At Portland 15-2. San rranciaco 0-1. Marion League Sets Schedule Representatives of the Mario f County H league met here last night to elect officers and draw up a football schedule. Frank Smith of Mill City was elected president, Roy Hough of Aums ville vice president and Paul Reil ing of Gervais secretary. Seven schools will enter a round robin grid slate October 4. Schools to field teams are Jefferson, Ger vais, Aumsvilie, Mill City, Hub bard, Chemuwa and St. Paul. All games are to start not later than 1:30 p.m. The schedule: October 4 St. Paul al Cervaia, C'he mii at JeffPixon, Mill City at Auma vtlle, Hubbard bye. October II: Jrffer son at St Paul, Aumaville al t'lielnawa. Mill City at Hubbard, Uervaia bye. October 18: St. -Paul at Aumaville. Chfraiwi at Hubbard. f;rvai al Mill City, Je Met son bye. Octoter 25: Hub bard at St. Paul. Uervaia at t'hrinawi, jeHeraon at Mill City, Aunavllle bye. ' November I : Hubbard at Uervaia, Aumaville at Jefferson, Oivmawa at Mill City, St. Paul be. November B Uervaia at Jefferson, Hubbard at Aumaville, St. Paul at Chnu. Mill City bye. November IS: Aumaville at Gervala, Jefferoon at Hubbard, Mill City at St. Paul. Che maw a bye. Ball Carrier Back, Whitman - WALLA WALLA. Sept. lt-At A welcome package in the person of Halfback Scorchy Smith of Hoqulam returned today to Coach R, V. (Nig) Borletke of Whitman college from Washington State college, where he had been work out this fall. Smith, a light, speedy runner, starred for the Missionaries in 1943. Ruc:e TiglitriiH. Red-Birds Lose. Bums Split to Creep Nearer BROOKLYN, Sept. 18-iTIVThe Brooklyn lagers edged With in ls games of the National league leading St. Louis Cardinals to night on the rtrenglh of a Mlit doubleheader with the PiHibita; Pirates while the Cartls were dropping a single contest to the Boat' n Brave. The Bum bowed to tie Pirates, 1 In 2, in the tpeir but tame hack to gib trie t, gt t cap. 1 to 0, on the pitching ( Ralph Branca. The C'arttsrais, meanwhile tan up agint Ba ton's Johnny Sain and t.rre tut second best, 2 to 1, The II ibJ phia Phils took two frrm the Cm- Memphis Event Calls Golfers MEMPHIS. Tenn.. Sept. 18 w The nation's touting golf profe sionals open fire in the $10,000 Memphis open tomortow with rum eye on the ball and the other fixed nervously on the ever-pir-ent amateur menace. It's a lunger fcimon-pure fharinw that falU acrofs the 8516-yairl, par 72 Chickasaw course this time as ap proximately 100 hotmakers pre pare for the- 72hole grind. It was here l;it year that Link Freddie Haas, Jr., of New fir leans, an amateur wearing short pants, handed the tourney-tough pros their first r-etbar k in ten years at the same time cracking Byron Ncbon's string of 12 vic tories. Haas, who yince has turned pro. Is among thote seeking the $2000 top prize here. SI. lewis Bral a SI S4 a .ail I't is Parrish Squad Numbers Fifty Iick ef experience and less weight than we had last year." said Ceach Rob Metsger yester day of his 10-nun Parrtah jun ior high football squid In the third day ef prartiire for the coming season. The Parrish mentor Is faced with a "nucleus of but three lettermen from last year's fine team. The mono gram winners are fierold I'll man, Tom Koderman and Gor don Brown, all linemen. The backfleld will be totally Inex perienced with the departure of Frank fiarland, f rank Osborne, Bruce Barker and VA Baker, who sparkled In ball-carr Ing and passing duties last season, Mrtxger Is subjecting his squad to calisthenics and light drill this week, with first scrim mage sessions scheduled next Monday. The Pioneer skipper antici pates a few more candidates after the picking! season ends. clnnati Iteda. 2 to 1 ard 0 to S, while the Chicago C'uti U k a 4 to 3 win over the New Vcrsj Giant. In the Ameriran league the Bton Bed Sox tfur.e-t the M. 1ouis Browns, 0 to 2, depite te abKfrice of most of the ' Ham who are retirg fur tfo Woild .Series. The t'r.k-g. White Sox and the New Yrk Yar.- fplit a I'Uir, the Yankees taka a the opener. 4 to 0 n .Spud 0.'. dler's hurling and the six r-i-hing the aftermath, 0 t-i 7. Ihl New houser won h i 25th u t i y of the year as the Delimit T.gtis Nat the rhilariclphi-. 2 to 1, in 10 innings. Washington (dowred Cleveland. I In I. AMIMICAN 'LKAOt'C Walimrl-n U2 IM M1- 11 I Cleveland1 . Ix'i " ! I 7 I llartner and Farl MH a'-e K a uk a I a , Caaaa-S) iti a "4 san, Weieel IS I. Philadelphia set ft n l I t Delioil aa tr wi l-l s i Mart liil1n and Hue , NtvlMuMr and Kirliafda, New Voik lis IM m -4 11 a t'liKsyn t ri t t ttiadlr and fW whi Itiux, Mallit- rr iSr and Havea. Trn New Vol k . Il ei on 7 n I'hUiia Sin tJil fi'-9 II i tUiuliant. Catlel 4 . Mifti 1, 7t arid Hmhinion. f'af', CalJl 1 ft t and Tiewi. Iloalon ("1 040 . 11 a at. l-ila iai !' ! -1 i !I and Mr-Tiaf K'a,er, Mv cteif 1S1, rerena T , f rrrvi Itn and Half, t'fltults (. NATIONAL LrAGt r Cincinnati rvi (aaW-f 0 Philadelplila i - t Hlaikvell. Hri.ei and M -. I -l-r JikM and tfnir I 'iitcimiatl '.' m-J I S S t Philadelphia . . tA 0"l t"l lit I Mallv, (.unlit is, MiiiMf Of and fimajrinn; futpnf. first . T HuKites 1 a 1 and Ite'i.t.ey. ntck 1 7 if Plttburri tlrrMklv n talermueller and Sta ke d. rViiimtn S and I'ltohui trlt . . niMihln Heinlelman, er ill artd ylaid. M IHiia . t 1 liiwton no" ; rep, t t lirrttieen. Ittiihharat and Oars- fiola. Sain and Mel T- Itn.i. 'f-Jfl fi!rt M.) t I .if.i Oii nm, 1 S I H a' fat m"i tmt I0y -ft I a i0 nri an'- ll Mallet! i' (ierha. fanietii; Itranea S'.l nhinet-nes are aitifictal c.!i r less gems of high lus'er rut to Imitate diamonds.. ( Aaashg act? transportation HE Gals Tune Up For Amateur yo TULSA, Okla., Sept. I8.-(P)- Early-bird arivals of a classy field of 60 national women golf ing stars tuned up their shot-making today over Southern H i 1 1 country club, four days in ad vance of the women's national amateur championship starting next Monday,- --' - . --... aT 1 MOTOR Malcos your Bilco a Motor BMtQ Hare's dependable, door-to-door tcs-tsportataon for everyone. A sew Whiaaer motor (easily ka et ailed on any balloon-tired bike) will carry you wherever you want to go. Whitttr is precision engineered, trouble-free I 133 miles or mors per gallon I S to 3S miles per hourl Powerful ? Yea indeed takes the hills easily! Open up new avenues of adventure with your Whiaaer I Another Large Shipment Just Arrived! SHROCIt IIOTOR CO. 216 N. Church St. Salem, Oregon Phone 8502 MpTHEMS!! HERE'S GOOD NEWS!! jYour Hov Can Now Have All-ElaHic Waistban.l. DtiraMr Ki!ilr.l IBmniEIFS, you will agree that these are the finest Ilrieft that are made and a great value at this price. W3m each Rises f Years to It Years. Small. Medina and Large. Limit Pair to a C'ustosner Notice: Another shipment of better made Mens Briefs is on the tvay and should arrive any day notv. Open Saturday Night Until 9 o'Clock QUALITY OTYLC (ClIOTriXlESSKOa: GREATER 7r$7len VALUE J, Josephson. Prop. 387 Slat Street Nest to Ilartman's Jewelry More 1 ' Howard llenaaker. Manager