Th Stat man. Saltm. Ow, Wdn day. Setpt 18. 1948 Additional Classified. Ad on Page 7 Livestock and Poultry Cl'STOM CrfMlnt at (tiKitnt any utrter frrr; pi aervM- Dftwt poul tr wholesale out specialty Phone I !! Lees fUtinrrv OR SALE Ihn.t'ie N H " bhv rrcti every d Hoytneton 37 1 .'-'! Pne4Mi L AN IT B fte! and iinnti turn bull and veaie Will rail al (arm t I .ret-en 1530 UiWMtor Drtv p iims Mum eves BABY CHICKS weekly Usuries new HtRcH" t h r varieties. Fh CMI Lee Hlrhr Help l anted (, Pre-r wanted at trty ('Wan. r. Wotfcr 125 Stale SI HIKE m an opportunity to start woi am an a Stat Civil Service ) r end get iipmrntt for an exam ination to be given toon Tb State I nmpUimfnl (omutnwlion Com Rimain has a numfeff ( positions open as rmki iir'k lipiiU rterrk-afenog-uptini ! key punch per Wr tier in Aiem I orttact Jam M C'lllnton iijmk 2U5 Mirwn St Phone 9141 f.B)M KY l l rHK. r rrtrt- neees ait Mn ui iinn 1311 HI a I St. WAN TIO (tOTIIINfJ trul men farnr,irtg talesman fnr piillon In ' department Plea state ae and nnrt in firtt latter. Box MM, Mt-i n ANTFD - NiaM wetrea end night counter man Senator Eoud Snnp. Hop Pirkrm Wanted Hop Pickers JOHN J. ROBERTS & CO. Bus Schedule transportation rAriLmrs IEAVING EACH MOUSING COM MENCING SEPTEMBER S. 1946 AM from Capitela Bonleele Garage E nrfioumH Road Ai Myrtle Avenue Highland School Linr Warehouse ( omfiwrrui end Canter I-add Bu.h Bank Miller and Cnmm.trul apitnl and D f atntol and Garden Road r.arden Rred and lit! r and !! t and Utn 17th and t'eriter lUt and Cantor 4th and State 1th and State IJtrt and State Eerrv and Iwtirt Eeem Employment Off-C Ml Cherreketa lee and Turner Road 12tn and M luiufi High and M iftliofl I e-,! School Commercial and Hotl Jefferson Ht and Hansen Av. Salem Heisht Scrtool Ta'd 4 miiea out on South River Rnad fnr further information prion 923 "" HOP PICKERS WANTED for our verd. about 4 ml lea a w. of Salem 150 acre of choice river bot tom hope picking begin about Sep Wrriher I fine shady camp ground fine cabin Stove wood, electric hrMa snower bath tartlet (tools and trew lor bed furnished with rabina Store butener shop and restaurant em around Roi transportation Pteaae write JOHN J ROBERTS It CO. Se arm Orion stating number of adult airtrri and er.cloee II for registration and ue of cabin, which will fes refund d at rlnae of eaon HOP PICKERS WANTED I mi rant of Salem en Market St ae Garden road. Good lata hop. 10 snsnate drive Start Sept. R G De le rt Phone J-IM3 Rt t. Boa 4 HOP PICKERS Wilt etart Sept II at B T, Shepperd yard Rt Bua dm. Saletn. Ph. X2U74 Hrlp Wanted Ml7 ALt. Around wutrher. top vares fUl-m Meat Co . ZAtlt and Turner Rd R.eht trrwi from ball park HI-!! ROY 'Marion Hotel. " TOP SALARY AND BONUS raperierM-ed p-rchmic for feneral repair wrxk mi all makee of ear. You will like workmc rondittona her. Ask t'f Van N TTAGIE MOTOR CO JM Si. Ut-ert Ph. 7 no I W ELDER Vet preferred Muet be eepabte f hf n anarement State are eaprrierx- and aaiarv Boa PUP Siatenian A I Carpenter w anted l.leal Indiiur eit work on small prefabr waled and demount able nouaes Top waaea to man with v Mn and producer. Write Statea in Bo " SINGt E " Vn '"r dairt " and farm w or k Good wa(es Phone C7PI3 BARBER To operate union shop. Cm Hat Good opnoi tunit v fnr re liable man furnished house available t-ti Selem 424 GENERAL Saw mill help wanted f"h J-I3IS . DOORMAN' Steadv aniployrnenl. Oianre for adt ancement. Apply In person at Grand Theatre. Help Wanted Female COOK writh eapertenc. Call 3141 lor appointment. CIRLS wanted for hosiery mending. Will train you. Apply Mending Dept. M lUer's Dept. Store. WAltRrS5WANTtDlIo.ra i ""to 4 30 p m. Sat. after noons. Sunday and all holiday off Apply Mr. . Prank Kraurer. Stale Office bid , Court and llth Sta. Y6CNrtLdv to help package Ice cream Good pay for right person See Barney at Sieving Center, Port land Rd BOOKKEEPER with typing exper ience, for half day, some knowledge of shorthand helpful but not neces sary Apply In perron. 296 Port. Rd or Phone Mo4 , "WANTE&. WOMEN: 1S-40. Eull or part time work In your own home, tor information write or com for interview heween A M to ft P M CAMPS TACKLE CO 13 First St.. Stay ton. Oregon, i . WANTED: Saleswoman, are 20 Si. lor Jewelry store. Modern sir condi tioned store, permanent position with advancement. Top Salary. Writ Bon in Statesman. WOMAN ' EOR housework Modern home in coyntiry. plain cooking, no washing. S7S plus room and. board Can be past mkldle aged Call S03 Jefferson PART-TIME candy "clerk. " Apply In person, (.rand Sweet Shop. Ilelp Wanted j Female Help Wanted Female filiations Wanted BOY 14 yr want work after school and Sata Pti t-IS7. MARRIED Man with"! older chlfl dren wanta year around farmer -dairy Job Exp Phone lt after Sp m. I WIUTTsi care "of children dav while mother work or shop. Ph. 1171?. PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush or Spray. DICK OREY Phone 35444 114s Fir St. "WINDOW L door frame made to order ft ml N Independence. Abe Terieon aV Son Route I. ""PAINTlKte" aVaparhanging W C Crow ly, 117 Shipping. Phone 9513. PreSchool piaySchtjoL 1.7S1 Stale Are I-Sfart or all day Pti S430 SPftAV painting your paint or ours Phone 4144) Eyerly Cottenherg AIJJ-WOnK guaranteed Winjows walla, woodwork cleaned EVoor wax ed Insured workmen Prof Cleaning Service Phono 4497 1 For5 Sale Miscellaneous WHITE Enamel trarh burner, plastic and chrome breakfast act. mapla di nette set with inacnlng corner cup board. 2 linoleum ruga 7 xs. i occa sional rhatr. 1 daveno and chair. Philco cabinet radio, single bed and spring, double bed. spring and mat tress, small dresser. 3 chest of draw ers, antique miarton clock. 3 German mad beer ateina. Ph. BU33. Call after or all dav Saturday and Sunday. 1-WaY and "intercomm. Telephone seta. YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. 2S5 N. LJbertr St. SCHOOL Coats and dresaea. Size 14- 14-1 Good condition. Ph. &37 llp WanlrJ Female TELEPHONE Operator wanted No psperienre neceaar v. lltrh pav MuM at the start sS for a 4o-hour week whale learning Ereotient acheduled in ereoaea three the first tear Safe. wr.ieome surroundines vacation with pav A teal opportunity for vouna women who are banking to the future who want a Hb that pleasant, in ereatmg and prof i table. Da not delay -.Inouir KOWt Eerieiiced Operatfirs tt us te'l you Ikw much' you ran earn Call for Hit Goodwin Pacific Irlephone Telegraph to. 7 40 State St GIRL wanted for general office work. Muat be good ttptst S have . amt knowledge of bookkeeping. Ph. " TMH bnnkkeeper'4 saleslady, full alnnt )nto ZV35 Salem Hardware. IM J Cnm I Pti 4a GIRL l work in Statesmen adver tising department Do office work In mornings make out tide calls in af ternoon. Experience not necessary. ELDERLY Ladv to rare for 3 school are children IAS. Writ mr rail at fit 7. B 111. Salem ALTERATION Lady needed at City Oeamr.g Work. 1245 State St. Apply n person AT Lwnch counter, ihort shift" 10 30 , a m. to 1:90 pm N tip. ne awe per hour Bud s Place ISO So High. tj if N'T Smmeoni in Hichnumu VI riniit to aare for two children day. Cm scruMl age 2410 Sirnpson St. WOMAN Or girl for general house work g adults Slav nights. W N. J.iherty W AlTRllsH wanted -The Spa T WANTED Ticket clerk. Senator Hiitel Applym person. GIRL EOR office work lUTTnitwr edge of typing and short ra ad. Capital fress. 270 N fom l W ANTED ' EXPER tENCEfi alteration woman and fitter Permanent position for capable woman. Ideal working rond.tmn in Urge, well lighted work room Plea state experience M first letter Write Box tttl. Statesman WAITRESS wanted Dav shift Court ' St Dairy Lunch. 347 Court. POCLTRY Pickers wanted Northwest fecit rt IMiS N Eront. WAITRESS wanted Black White Coffee Sriop ine-t N Capitol. W A TTF rS lor banquet work. Mar ton tUttel rXPERIETSTTD female tramtabie nnetator Permanent potitlnn. Good shift Applv in person Blue Bird Cafe. EXPERIENCED Waitirtwt Perma nent position Good shift. Apply -In perton Blue Bird Cafe WANTED A neat girl attending school or otherwise emploted. or bright young woman with email child ran . have good horn A liberal pay for light hse, notd duties. Prefer student or enmeon interested m world econom ics aorMkgv. patchoiogy or Cooper a -ttve act iv it e. Wrrt Boa u3 Siates- 9 ACRES Green corn fodder to give away. 10 ton good loo hay SIM. L. D. Eggbert. Rt. 7. Box 413 near Mid dlegrove school ' COILED Trash Burner. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 2&S N. Liberty St. IM4) ALMA Eastern built 37' Un dent. Completely furnished with dally. 40 Fair view ave. PEARS 1 1 00 box. bring boxes Rt 3. Bos aanC. River Rd. South. Virgil Simmons near River dale tchooL TRAILER "House 14 ft. Good cond. Reasonable. Howard Enor, Turner. Pro COAL or Briquet Circulator. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 23 N. Liberty St LION A L Electric train purchased on week ago. 340. Marion Hotel! bar ber shop. i ' 351" WIN'CIIESTERtonutticTlfxreT- tent condition. Ph. t240 mornings. I NICE'Clea"n baby bed. S13I and fl Call between 1 and two,v3SV Portland Rd. OIL Drum typ garag trash burn er with Insulated tank. fl. 3 do rabbit hutch Ph. 2I30J. SMOOTHIES for perfect-"!? cream Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 354 N. Liberty St. OVER loo glass and china antique piece, asm flower containers. 140 Ewald ave Ph. 334a. Call Tue.. Wed and Thur. . USED Tires. Ill 7 00x13: 1 31 tVNrx IS. l 050x10. 340 Union. Ph. 2-10O2. MONT AG Ranee.- rood condition. A few single Laundry tray with stand. So. River Rd. Kt. X Boa SOX 3 BOATS. 13 ft. and 19'irt. Al cond Equipped for outboard. Ph. 5X10 IMPROVED Golden Bantam sweet com for canning. Excellent ouallty ic 1210 AVrter. come out Cherry ave. Et?LLER Bru.hes. 1145 drant. PS3S7 SAND.' gravel A allClU mi W. of Keixer. Meyer Bas I ey l'h 304 STRAW" f IS delivered Ph. 27S04 ner Hot plates Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. ; Libert y St. EXPERT washing, nutchin service and wringer rolls all make See Ed Cilia al Nelson Broa Furniture SHtre SI 3 N Llhertv INDIRECT Eloor Lamps and torch- Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty St. "WILL" BU Y "lor can. aell or trad, guns, pi .to Is ammunition, boat or trailers Don Madison, WO No High REGISTER NOW for Westlnchoua auto elec. water heaters. 40 i .gal mim so gal. 91033 We have avaU- abl 0 0 12 gal water heaters. Y EATER APPLIANCES 359 H Liberty , OO 07I T7 1 hi I IX. stoves, dishes, molars, radios. Eleetrtc eoptiancea. household good KLIO MAN'S 299 N Commercul Ph MM PIANO. Rern7naTon upright Good cond Pric 9179. Ph. 31751. 1 W Al.L ftp Can Openers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. ' STOVE repairing a warts Wsndrrt Mkt. lot N Summer St ELEC. fruit and vegetable deriy- drator YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 N. Liberty GOLDEN" Cross hybrid fweet corn. Ph. 3-3I74V R. W. Hogg Sons. EARNERS Attention Portable electric milking machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty St. 4ficTryil pip fittings to exchange for toilet and lavatory. Ph. B307. HEAT your horns electrical ly J It's convenient, clean, economical, are us tor free estimate YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 359 N. Liberty St. "14 TT. factory built hour trailer. electric brakes, tandem wheel, price 9I05O. Ala 10 ft. factory built house trailer, butane-, elect, brakes. Sooth at 12th A Mission St A TTRA ftl V E ""Xluminum Kitchen step ladders and step-on refuse cana. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' L Liberty TW (in n ' s suits six 30. shirts 13- 33. hat 7. topcoat, women dresses and suits sizes to II Also complete house furnihmgs Including pictures, dishes etc. Ph. 3-533. ELECTRIC Toaster. 12 10 and SfSS YEATER APPUANCE CO. 355 N Liberty St. CENT: Waltham pocket watch. 17 Jewel 14 carat gold. Price 91U0. P.O. Bus 323L Salem. "PIECES of "sterling silver. Monti- cello patttcrn. Mongr. S. Ilk new P. O. Box 323. Salem. TABLE Saw. less, motor, alro Elr Tex. Rt, 7. Box 434M. McCain Are off Silvertoo Rd. . " WOOD CircuUtor. good cond73300 Lancaster Dr. WARDROBE Trunk, excellent con dition. Phone tXtC. 'Car radios repaired. Installed. 24 hr service so day guarantee. Elmo Radio hervic. zai a Late. m. SLEEPTNG Trailer. Good cond. 9150 S31 N. Winter. BOY'S suit and wool Jacket also. 12. 170ft N. V TYPISTS WANTED . i liJ ; Permanent orfTemporary Good Salary---Pleasant Surroundings ! Forty-One Hour Week i -.1". " iJ: Saturday Afternoons Off - . "i ' See Mr. Gaiirielnon, Room 2, State Capitol ! ' ' - 1 : ! AIO FILE CLERKS WANTED AGES 18 TO 35 For Sale Miseellaneous LUSCIOUS 7 jpc. modern bed rm suit Including Rerta box spring and inner spring mattress. Used rose mo hair frier daveno. Montag circulating heater. Orvo carpet. Biearh finish 9 pc. dinette set. Used cabinet radio. Wooriry Aut thin and Eurntfur Market. 1909 N. Summer. ,Ph. 9110. 8 . GOOD Ured pocket watches. Expert clock repairing, quick service. Clock Doctor, 1 'JC S .1 4th. j j T ICURINES and small gift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 253 N. Liberty St; SAWDUST Burner with thermostat and damper control and conveyor 945; fruit Jar 40c dor; gaa 'water heater. Cheap. 2043 N. 4th St. Ph. 4337. SO CAL. German rifle, atso 32 pistol, Mauser. 440 South 8t. I TABLE "and pln-lt-uprlamps. -YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty' St. "TDfRGt HEATING STpVE. $20. 185 S. LibeTty. ""DECORATIVE and lihted House numbers. YEATER APPUANCE CO. r ' 2S5 N. Liberty St. r ELECTRIC "Pants Prcrseril curling and soldering Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty; St, "COMPLETE House plans. Call' Ray. 079 . - j , , "DOORSTTlalls arMTnardwar or dog. ble garage. 157 Saginaw Ph. lWlt. " rJOOD 4 whnVaHrr4."rackrood tires. 130 Lana av. "OtARANTEED Forever,' rTaahlTihU requiring no batteries; two and three cell flsthllrhts. railroad typ lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; BN. LibertjiSL. DAIRYMEN: W havoi mlijrun for sal again. ! ! NORTHWEST POULTRY DAIRY - . 1309 N. ETOht TRAlEtR Hour IS foot, new and well furnished. Sleep lour. 91433.00. Call after four. 9 miles north of Brunks corner past Oak Grove school. Mrs. E. E. Sanders. Rt. 1, Box M. Rickreall. Oregon. EARMtRS.. Attention Westing- hous automatic elec. milk cooler, ca pacity so rsl. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j ; 359 N.. Liberty; SL River Silt MASON BAND. CONCRETE MTJC AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL I Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH. 3-ISM " rAKMERAttention " " Elec trie A battery fence controllers. YEATER - APPLIANCE CO. ' 355 N. Liberty St. NOW i available, concrete hollow building tile for at j walls. steam Cured,, uniform strength ic alio. ORE GON GRAVEL-CO. 1403 N. rront Ph 1 rUUL nI2gn'crib ben1, flood cond. Maurice Heater, Rt. 1. Sublimity, Or. " FLUORESCENT Kltctven" Eixturea and single tub brackets: for us near your mirror. 5 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St, BALEfiT English rye grass straw 910 per ton i at farm one mil west on grsvel mad Just aouth of Checker board Station near Cervais. Homer Davis. i C EN 0 fNE Leather covered couch. extra wide 915. 2381 Stat St. PIANO With mahogany cata In ex cellent condition.Ph. 4659. KITCHEN and Ind'ugtriaJ-Exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i ' 355 N. Liberty St. 40 GAL. Wster heater Hair pin' typ connect ion.$5. Ph. 3279 eve, or Sat. CONN "Trombone, bargain. Call af ter 9 p an. 3-4M4. 3010 N. Com I. ""WHIZZER motor blk; Motor over hauled Ph. 31I. J EOR . SALE or Trade fos camera. 3 salmon poles. 3 reel, 60O jft. braided bronze i line, all new pre war. E. E. Don la rq u. 1 53 S. Com), after 4 p.m. ALL. Metal Toot'Cherts YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty) St. . ""mtlULT'Trailer Hs, 33 ft. Inq. at of tic. 9SS N. Com'l. 1 SMALL cook stovo i3. Ph. 4781. aaniii a; - I iii i mi iiiupii - m i una iiiwi -p M Bulldozers HOLT WILDING a MACHINE SHOP Independence, Qregon VERYGood "wood cTrcu I a tofhea t er Srrr. eld. 930. 330 : Uj Liberty. Tel. LI mTTED" QuanUI ystTu b eleetrtc table model radio with wood case. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St "TDD"6rESCENT " Desk rLampf, IdVA for student or office. YEATER APPLIANCE CO- 353 N. Liberty SU 43 Universal trailer, j 3019 . N. 4th. Unfinished Furniture Salome oxciustYO unfinished furni tur large assortment or mad to or dor Pickett Eumtture 1 3th and Stat nXWAYS a big atoci ' Woodrvs Furniture Mkt Pti 9119 ELECTRIC Room Hester. fan. steam swd reflector types. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. : 355 N. Liberty St. INSULATION and weather strip plng Rock wool pneumatlcly Installed. Price, ma terial and workmamhip guar anteed , t j Salem Rockwool Co, Phoned374S 3229 H. Liberty 'ALUMINUM Sauc Pans. Well "and tree plat ten, frying pans, : cookies sheets, clothes hamper. ; YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. " LADTeS1 Genu-wrist A pocket watches. All makes, guaranteed. A-l cond. Salem Watch Shop, now address 2381 Stat. Ph, 31957. j : . " ZENITH CABfNET ratio, '41 model Excellent Cond. Ph. 4194 or 3424. PLaSTTKOTE the-OuTable paint with the cellophane like finish. , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. ! , SinNGLESfrom Rosenberg mill at Tillamook. 2x4a. shiplap, . flooring A other Items Lumber kiln dried or green oa HH priori ties Ted Mullcr Trucks Ph Salem 21194) "KITCHEN and Bathroom light fix lures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' 259N.Llberty St. CIRLSBlcycl. Rt. 3.Box 314 "after S SO. Liberty Koad. Kh. Z4Z74. WOOD Circulator and ranges. Ice boxes, breakfast sets, baby beds, dress er, lamps, unfintrhrd chest' of draw ers, unfinished knee hole desk and on .18x19 army tent, metal folding ladders for kitchen use.: Mason Furni ture. S440 Fairground Rd. OUTDOOR Portable Ughtafor your yard or driveway. ; YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ' ' - 355- N. Liberty; St, BIDS" WANTED"" "" FOR SALE o K.W. 110 volt DC. auto. Kohler elec. plant ; Slightly used. Excel, cond. Writ Gates School Dist. No. 31. C. J. Rush, clerk, Rt 1. Lyons. Ores. - . - i For Sale Miscellaneous "SKEWING supplies, i Including ma chines, dress form A pinking shear. Ph. 31870. . iTSPECfA V&i ntTW rKe w "guiTand 2 boxes shells. Rt. 2, Box 26A. 'CE ' CYeam cablneC perfect 'shape, 1474 Court. ' - . "DRESS up your Awning and out door furmtur with Setfast canvas paint. : il YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. , T7UN'IOR wardrobr 4 drawers 38x48x18, finished In whit enamel. 930. 1 small chesl 30x14x14. 3 draw, era. 98.73. 1 utility cabinet 12x15x38, fXOO. Ph. 2-11024090 Earl Ave. TOR" SALE or Trad: 13ga." ham merless and shells, for deer rifle. 873 Highland. , ; . ALL White enamel cook stove. 382(1 Monroe orPh.231 14. IV EARLY New coal wood enamel range wlthovenlndeator.Ph. 6084. EW" Daveno and chair, cort 315d, will aell for 9US. Shell Service Sta tfcpn. West Salem. I River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phong t-1743 WCDCiRCULATOR. 46rS54th7" "'EW"rTH. BATHTUBandTrttlngT. To party who will sell us 39 or more sacks of plagter. Ph. 8903. WOOD CTRCUllATINC! heater. 400 used brick. C. C. Witzel. 39 Park "ENlTH BOY'S bicycle. iSl Water streeC Please call after 3:30. WOOD RANGE, green enamel trim, good condition. V 113 CARLTON WAY CAP1TOLA DISTRICT "TTJCaAGE TRAILER, factory mad. Canopy' it side racks. Nesrly new. 374 Senate St.. West Salem. 'PIANO, 983. mile east Keizer school. Ernest Radke, Rt. 2, Box 98. "USED "SAWDUST FurnerTfcn). PT. 8318. - ELECTRIC Chimes, long and short tube, mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3 255 N. Liberty St. ""LASH! Get them'whll they last. Another large shipment of the popular 1948 Wblzzer bicycle motors. SHROCK MOTOR CO. ";H MORSE" Briggs Stratton motor. J' 12-Inch scooter wheels. Call after 4 P.M. at 1417 N. Llbrty. "WINDOWS, door frames, etc. Wreck Ing 3 buildings. Ceiling and flooring. 384 N. Church. '; "POWERFUL i tub TroplcMaster overseas dec. radio.. Ideal for out door or coastal location. i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty , "WffEPPressur boiler. 125 horse power, cod constructed for 150 pounds pressure. Written bid accept ed through September 26. Oregon Stat Sehoolfor thDaf;j "11948 ROPER gas range ured few months, 9140.00Phone 2-4168. SUN LAMPS ultravlolet" infra red Portable ex stand model with timer. 71 YEATER APPLIANCE CO. U 253 N. Liberty "ANYONE interested . In 4 months old mongrel pup Without charge call at 1615 Winona Court. VVALNUT enamel coal and wood circulating heater In . good condition 93.Call after 4 P.M. 600 N. 18th St. I ROYAL vacuum cleaner. Just overhauled. Phone ssoo. "ELECTRIC Desk, mantel and wall clocks 5 THEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Liberty St. !NEWTral!er House. 16 ft., water proof pi v wood const. with Llnco level load axle, new recap tires, lots of bullt-lns. Merl Swearlngen, Rt. 4. Box 386. JSalem.Oregon. .SMALL adding machine in good cond. Ph. 25572. m UlOMATIC. Electric Sidearm? Wat r Heaters. I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N.LibertySt. "PORTABLE 2 speed record plaver and public address amplifier 805. Mitchell Radio and Appliance, 1880 FLASH! Get t hem wh I lthciria7l . Another larg shipment of the popular 1IM6 Whlzrer bicycle motors. SHROCK MOTOR CO. ' "PCtSTlC Clothes Lin, Ironing board pgd and covers. i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty SL, ; Tl PUMP "JACKS 0ET WARD'S strst-lift pump Jacks - fully enclosed gears run In. oil bath. No backlash or wearing (wist. Orlly ... ,......:.. 959 93 MpNTGOMERY-WARD FARM STORE Ph. 79S4 Corner Trade at High iT"H 97 GAUONHoii703 Canter Si ! Trade Misccllaneoua KAILS OR mUlwork., for plaster. Phon lim. Wanted Miser llanrous OIL Circulator, preferred Duo Therm with Jan. Ph. 8103. : "YOUNG' Vet wli desperately need a " refrigerator k washing machine. 353 Madison. -;.L t -WANTED To buy a few sack of plaster or have some finish lumber, shingles and laths to trade for plas ter. Lester Harpole, Rt. 7, Box 430. Salem. Holljrwooddrlv. i TrVAN"TED: Oregon Giant - Kentucky Wonder shell beans. Call 40O5. "TV ANTED! Burlap or cotton bags. Any kind, quantity or condition. Very small lota nut wanted. Give good di rections to your place and number of bates you hav. Schuepbach Bros., P.O. Box 381. Beaverton. Ore. WHY TAKE iess for yburnrurnliurT? Se Rus Bright. Ph. 7311. TjTEDi"URNfT"7RE Phone Si 16 WANTED PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store 433 State St DISHES over 23 yrs. old Upstairs Antique Shop 433 Court Ph 3-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras wnses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for used ois'no St other mu teal instruments Call 4641 day or 9537 evenings or send description to laouith Music Co.. 191 S High- CASH for your used fumltuie. Ph T596 State St Eumitur 1300 State AUTO painting lust a ahad bettef" hy Ray - ETTER Call Shrock Motor CO 8503 ' ' - TJ5EO fURNtTURt Ph 9133 r Miseellaneous P'llELP YOURSELF Laundry. 17B5 iJF TTou want some good paint at low price, Ph. 6821 or call at 1604 m Com'l. 1$ CHARIS CtTRSETTTER '. " Guaranteed fitting, also Masonite dresaea, Mrs. Frank Turner. 30O5 N. 4tti Ph. 9493. Miscellaneoua HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Hoad Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work . Ditching Basement Excavation Sand Gravel. Crushed Ruck. Mason Sand Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon Phone 9408 or 31034 WATER" WELL drilling" DomesTicor irrirstion Duffleld Bros Rt 4. Box 80 Phone 2-1313 AL'S CLEARING AND GRADING" PHONE 8305 WEATllER stnps PullnianPJri 595F DRA WIN'G "house plans' Phone 9621 " MattreMCs CapiUI Bed77Co P 4069 BEKINS Nationwide mo serv7773 HOUSE moving and heavy hauling" Used lumber for sale. Alexander Trucking Service. 426 S. Com'! Ph. 558fl. . Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Ynut Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMT.ER. DENTIST Adnlph Ride State AV dim Ph 3311 For Sale Real Estate Tree Surgery Trimming, topping. removals. Phone 2-403O. Your property lnured. TAXIDERMIST NAT KAMMLER. 2XT0 BROADWAY MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked 75c. LPS SPRINGER. 464 Court St. r CONTRACT hauling local Tone distance R L Phillips. Rt 3. Box 58HK. Saletn Phone p-jtlt Septic Tanks Cleaned K F. Hamcl. 1143 8th.- West Salem Phone., 7404 TlAVN" Kowers. scissors, knives, pinking shears, scythes, sickle and axes sharpened at your door by our modern equipped truck. Denier Grinding Service Ph. 6833 or 9081. Monev to Loan MONEY TO LOAN WANTED REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties; loan made as small a 9300. Se us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. APPROVED city loans 4i o. I. Loans On NEW construction 4 Leo N. Cliildg, Inc. REALTORS 344 SUte Street Ph. 9291 General Finance Corp. offer money at once on ears, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchlnery; contract refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signer General Finance is locally owned and officered; was organized In IB27 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plication for loana made by phone 136 South Commercial St., Salem Phon! 9169 License S-138 & M-339 FARM and CITY LOANS 4' and 9 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 307 Pfoneer Trust Bldg Phone 7182 EXTRA CASH For vacation expenses. For home buying costs. For any worthwhile pur pose where "cash" la needed and con venient payments desired. LOANS $25 to $300 for home or "business On Furniture. Salary, or Business Equipment, oh Auto 3500. ,to men or women, married or single and you may have 15 mo to repay. Phone firrt tor fast service. We like to say "Yes" to loan requests. , ' Personal. Finance Co. SIS State St.. Rm. 123. Phone 3191 Lie. S122-MU3 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 190 For Rent Rooms SLEEPING Room, gentleman prefer red. 758 union St. , SLEEP. room. 1 or 3. Phone 7176. ' HOUSEl.EEPING7ooma for O.C.t, students. 193 S. Knox St., Monmouth. Ph. 508. For Rent Apartments 3 ROOM turn. apt. Adults, employed couple. 1935 Center St, For Rent LEASE WELDING and Repair Shop, S9E N. With or without equipment. Sullivan Realty Co. 3363 Portland Road Phone 3253 Eve. 25103 HOWSERS RENT-A-TOOL 1133 Edgewater Tools of all kinds. Call 3646 for In- formation. PAINT' Sprayer. IQ-THansen Ave. "GOOD" Used Piano H L Stiff TRAILER Space. Clean shower and rest rooms. 12th St. Junction. Castle Hall. LIGHT trailer. 960 NTCom'l. PLUMBING TOOLS? 220 Hansen Ave FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward - TKAlOMS for rent 90e par ar Woodrv' Mkt. 1 005 N Summer TRUCKSTW rent Vu drive fie Cunt ft Lovell Phone OftOO iJ-DRfVE fRUCKi Fdft " BENT BlmnH et furn 197 S. Liberty. PI. 9063 "FCOOR Sander lor rent Marsha II Wells Store Phone 6377. Wanted to Rent SMALL furnished house or apt. Man a)wlfe only. Kef. fur. Ph. 3110 daytimes URGENT:" Need 2-3 bdrm. house by 3 adults; guar, rfood care; non-smoke or drink; will do minor repairs; steady. reliable. Ph. 7936 TWO Bed room hse. to rent or lease for lyeer. s Ph.7942. VET a "wife need furn. or unurn. hse. or apt. Ph. 3191. HC5USE ofpt.. 2 bdrm. preferred? good car arsured. Writ . Statesman Box 888. . WILL Pay 4 mo. or yrs. rent in ad vance for hse-. in Salem or in country. Call Eiscus. 9521. - URGENTLY Needed by reliable wo man and children, ages 17 and 9. an unfurnished 3 bed room house or apt. Call 7806. ' G A RAGE Near Center and Cottage ts. 727 Center. Mrs. Stveen. Ph. 8518. - "SMALL Apt. or house for 3 adults. No smoking or drinking. Urgent. Ph. 329. Ruby Steward. 297'fr S. 17th. " UNFURNISHED" House, one or two bed rooms. Veteran, wife and- infant. Good care guaranteed. Phone 24458 or 4901. . VET' And , wife desire small 2 or 3 room apt. -No children, no pets, no dinking. Call 9368 between 6 and 5. YOUNG-r Couple, apt. or sleeping room. No children or pets. N6 drink ing. Ph. 24499. ENGINEER AND wife need furn. apt. No smoking or drinking. Best ref erences. Permanent. Box 908, States man. lJ "VETERAN with 6 r. old daughter needs 2-3 bdrm. unf. house conven ient to parochial school. Wilt buy if suitable. Write Box 891 Statesman. WANTED "Listings of dwellings, apartments snd board and room avail able for rent to school teachers. Phone 9137. School Administration office. SAFEWAY"7employee want 3 or 3 bedroom house In or near Salem Ph 8033 after 7 o m j ELDERLY couple must have 2 or 3 room furnished apartment by Oct. 1st. E. F. Donlanque, 1595 S. Com'l. after 4 P.M. - . - i 2 TEACHERS desire apt. with good bus connections to Highland school. Call 8878 after 6.30 P.M. or 6428 be tween 8:13 A.M. and 4 P.M. VETERAN "Permanently employed in Salem, wife now in Portland.! desire 3 room furnished apartment. No chil dren or pets. Excellent reference. Call Mr. Cortz. 4171 Ex. 368 till 5 p.m. Walt & Evelyn Musgrave REALTORS Keizer Inim. Poss. New 2 B. R. home, on 69x197 lot. 8 blk. from Keizer school. Only 94500. South Salem $5250 t acre. 3 yr. old home with elect, range, elect, water htr. Has large chicken house on bark of property. IVew $6000 3 B. R. Bungalow in West Salem. Very neatly finished. Large lot with rental on back. 3 blk. to bits. 2 blks to school. S. Hich St. 2 B. R. home In fine district. Hat full basement with gas furnace St wtr. htr. This Is one to look at at i00. North Salem 1 Yr. old 3 B. R. home with attached double ear. Has oil furnace St hwd. floors. -Situated on a nice, well rared for lot. This is a good buy at 99000. Keizer Dist. Fine 3 B. R. home with extra large lot, circulating fireplace, floor furnace, own water system, Hdw. floors throughout. One of the best. 90500. i North Cottage St. Tmm. Pnss. on this brand new mod ern home. Has 3 H. H . L. R . I). K . kitchen, large utility loom, attached garage, elect, heat. Has a nice covered patio in back. : In nice district close to bug and schools. 910,900. I $12,000 Imm JW. 3 BR. home near Leslie school. Only 9 h-io. old. Hdw floors, elect, heat, wired for range. 31000 will buy all furniture A fine home. See it to day. yet Salem Realty Co. j 1233 EDGEWATER STREET 1 PHONE 5109 For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate To Buy or Sell. See Charles Delfel Drive By 1030 Broadway and see this good location for a nice 3 Bed r m. home and business. 910.000. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High just north of Center St. Phone2-4793:Evei 2-3952 - 25595 SUBSTANTIAL HOME" ON ONE ACRE" PLASTERED; FIREPLACE: large room. Two bedrooms and bath down stairs; three possible bedroom up stair. Good level land. Chicken house. Close In. Price 96.000. SEE Ieo N. Childn, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stale St. Phone 9261 l2,f)00BUYsT"TH"IS lovely" home In best district; in Salem, hwd firs. V. Blinds, full basement, large lot. Imm. Pos. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S, ConVI. St. Ph. 4590; eye. 2-1090 NICE 2 B.Rm. HOME SouthTFull Burnt.. Auto, sawdust Furn., fireplace. Venetian blinds. Extra large lot. See Mr. GOODWIN with ' Hawkins & Roherts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 ; Eve. 8713 BEAUTIFUL! T bedrm home, double garage, double plumbing, nice yard, outside fireplace. If - it t value you want, call Bergland for appointment,. 4 I Burt Picha Realtors 2343, Portland Road Phone 9479 $150 CASH, JJAL. 10 M0. City lots ft (acreage. Eve. Ph. 7803. r BARGAINS BARGAINS r" 94750. 2 A., GOOD 2 BDRM. home. IMM. POSS. Swegle dist. 95000. 2 bedrm. home furnished, E. range St ref., on paved street. 95250. Old home, 3 apt, in business gone. ' $5300 IMM. POSS. 3 bdrm., LR. DR, kit., nook, garage, nut tree. Call "ELMER AMUNDSOS Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 r 337 N. High St. 312.6003 BDRMThOME near"St. Vin cent De Paul, large L. rm, D. rm, fireplace, hwd firs, wired for range. - full basement, Idry trays, nice back yard, double garage. Advertised for the first time. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4590; eve. 3-1090 97500 New. Living room, dining room, very nice kitchen. 3 bedrooms and bath. U. R. in garage, room for two bedroom upstairs. Shopping cen ter and school close. "C' Kilgore Real Estate 425 S. 12th St. Phone4855 94600 IS"THE"LOW PRICE 4 rm furn house. ' acre fertile soil. EXCELLENT VALUE 3 bed rm house north, plastered. Close in. Rental in rear, 'j cash 97500. SHORT TIME ONLY 3 bed house. North. 34300. Lawrence Real Estate Loans and Insurance 520 N. High Ph. 7506; Eve. 2-1478 NEW HOME JUST OUTSIDE city limits. Imme diate possession. Let us show you this now, i 275 State SL Phone 24129 Chas. Hudkins & Son B"YQWNER: 2 acre, clean 2 bed" room house, 't to Swegle school. 94750. Possession 10day.Rtz6,Box 335A. $70002 bdrrri , firepl., burnt., furnace in excel, dist. North. Call Craig. Burt Picha. Realtors Ph. 3210 or 5033 337 NHightreet BY OWNER: Tdeal 2"bed "rm. home 6 year old. Liv. rm.. din. rm kit., bath and shower. Chrome fixture, hardwood floor, full basement with furnace and laundry tray, large cor ner lot. back yard picket fenced, love ly shrubbery, garage, nice residential district. Close lo school and bus. Clean Inside and out. No repair needed. 810 N. 17th St. $5300 Part. " furn." 4 rm. suburban home. E. About A. 97400 New 2 bdrm home. Llv. rm.. dinette, kit., large lot. Hardwood floors. $11,5003 bdrms St den. Liv rm., din. rm.. kit., breakfast nk. Hdwd. fir. Fireplace. Full basmt. Sawdust pipe furn. This is a nice home. CALL OMER Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 2-1549 970 S. COM'L. Ph. 2-5091 eve. 93750 New 2 bedroom home floored attic. Oak floors, pipe less oil furnace. Venetian blinds, wired for range, elec. H. W. heater. Garage attached. New Re frigerator and elec. range can be pur chased with home. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Just North of Center St. Phone 24793 Eve. 23952 or 25595 "ATTRACTIVE-THffEE BEDROOM""" SHAKE HOUSE LIKE NEW; fireplace, Venetian blinds, plenty built-in, oil furnace, electric hot water heater; double ga rage; east front lot. Close to schools and bus line. Price 911.000. Part terms. SEE Leo N Childs, Inc. 344SUte St. Phone 9261 owner-Leaving, 4 b. r.. basmt.. auto, heat, hardwood fir., fireplace. Ph. 23501. 225 N. 24th. SOUTH SALEM LOT lor sale or trade for pickup or c up Inquire or write 173 Hansen Ave R Hewitt $47503 BDRM in good location, hwd firs, fireplace, nice back yard. Imm. Pos. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S; Com'l. St. Ph.J590; eve. 2-1090 "BY OWNER: 2 BR. hse.. hardwood fir., elec. tove. elec. water syst., laundry tray in garage. 96800. E. on Center St. to Lancaster Dr. 1 blk. N. to 4080 Earl Ave 3 BDRMS on floor, fireplace. V blind, wired for range. Only 7650. Why pay more? SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 BY OWNER: Modern 2 bed ' room home close to school, store, bus to door. 948SO. 2209 Lee St, WEIX EQUIPPED DAIRY 97 A.-, good soil; 61 A. grain, 30 A. pasture, orchard, ben Ics. 18 young milk cows, 18 heifers, rrg. bull, 3 Iiovm-s. chick ens, complete inilklng, irrlg. equip. 8 rm. home. 2 barn, much shed. 332.500. Near GaMon. No. 323. GROCERY STORE. 3450 Month In come. Meat case. 4 pair of scales, cash register, adding machine. Z stoves, meat slicing machine, show rase, etc. City water, telephone, clecl. 37950. Sal 100 Inc. Good location! NATURAL SUBDIVISION 86 acres, already surveyed for subdivision. Crots fenced. Water at 18 fet-t; 1 well now in. Adjoining Gervais. $10,750. Sal 101. .RICHMOND DISTRICT. 4 room hse , 2' bedrm. Abt. 60x150 lot. plastered, walnuts, cherries, prune, apple, pear, strawberries, ypungberrics, raspberries, gooseberries. $6400. Sal 115X. FILBERTS 3 A.. 5 A. cult.. Olym- lc soil, partly fenced: spring. 2O0 fil ert tree. 7yrs. old. $4500. No. 321. On Mt. Hood Loop. ' .r 250 ACRES. Nearly all cultivated, bounded by Kantiam river. 6 im. hse. Ig. bai n. 40 stanch ion. Some timbci, good pasture. $I6.(NKI. Trims 1 Mile N. Shelbourne. Sal 102. APT OR COURT SITE. 9 blocks north from Stat Capitol door. Faces north and east on corner. 76'xl77. Several tree, apple and walnuts. 96850. Sal 102X. 149 ACRES ALL CULTIVATED. 3 rm. house, bam. chicken house, hog house. Oats, bailev; flax. 2 miles S.W. Gervais. $20,000. Terms. Sal 103. - v-SEMI-COLONIAL 9 room home. 3 bedrm., full basement, furnace, wired for elect, range,' elect, water htr., fire place. Hardwood floors. Double ga rage, lawn and shade tree. Excellent location, near Parrish school. $13,800. Sal 103X. SUNSET RANCH. Slock ranch, 2028 Acre. Would run 1500 sheep or- 300 cattle. Reseeded with Fescue, Clover, Lotus Major St other. 2 rm. house dble. garage, 2 barns, 7 mile Jewell. $20,000. Sal 115. A ROOM COTTAGE. 3 bedroom, oil rirc . fireplace, wired for elect, range. Plastered, hatdwood floors, I car .ga rage. 50x110. $6500. On University Street. Sgl 104X. FRUIT St DIVERSIFIED. 60 Acre. 30 A. cult. Berries and grain, loam oil. partly fenced. 3 rm. hse.. 3 bed rm., barn, garage, chicken house, hog house. 2 1 a mile from Shaw.- $6000. Sal 114. PEACH ORCHARD 9 19 Acre, alt cult. 8 peaches. 1 A. barley. 22 cherry tree. Peach stand with living room Ar kitchen comb.. 1 bedrm. Electricity. 163 ft. well. Press, syst. Wallace River Road. 311,000. Sal 105." NEW MODERN HOME. 4 rm. house. 2 bedrms. Wired for elect, range, oil circ. htr.. Plastered, oak floors, garage, nice back yard. .1 walnut tree. Near Englewood School, 33923. Sal 107X. ACREAGE 9 11 Acres, all cultivated. In Grey oats, family orchard. Pear,, apples, peaches. Loam soil, woven wir fencing. Near Four Corners. 39u0. Sal 106. - " COTTAGE IN HIGHLAND district. 4 rms, 1 bedrm.. 50x100 lot. garage, wood shed, grapes, apples, piunra. pears cherries, good garden spot. 64OO0. SaJ. 10BX. . : . MODERN BUNGALOW. 7 rooms. 3 bedrms. Oil circ.. fireplace, wired for . elect, range, elect, water plas tered, fir floors, garage, woodvied. 3 walnut trees. 4 grape tines. $700. Sal 10SX. ; FILBERT ORCHARD and seed crops. 103 A.. 60 A cult. Creek bottom pas ture, family orchard. el! and eiect. press. yt elect, and ; tel. 7 room house, 4 bedrms, bam. nut drier. 3 miles from Sublimity. $21. 0i.ll . Sal. 11 L, 6 ROOM HOUSE. Bush School dis trict. 3 bedrms.. 50x150 lot, furnace, plastered. " apples, cherrte. wamuts. $8000. Sal 116X. DAIRY OR STOCK. 283 Acres. 90 cult., 1!0 A. pasture, farruiy or.t-.ard t'ik. bottom. Melbourne soil trout stream. 5 rm. hse , 2 barns. 2 ... chit-ken he.. milk hse. 2 dairy cows. 13 heifer, tractor, hav baler and oner equip. 4 miles from NortT Plain. 3jS. 000. No. 310. . i . i - PARADISE ISLAND 44' i Acre n Cult; Lovely home, complete graae A dairy. Private park wit n going pcr.x business, No "blue sky" with Uvs or, at $23,000. Shown by appointment only. Sal 110. ,; BUNGALOW Near Four Corners. rooms. 4 bedrooms. , basement, wired for elect, range, garage. I Acre, wal-" mX pple cner, Pears. 99JSSI GRAIN FARM. 43 Acre. 23 A- cult, 3 A. timber. 13 A. pasture, family or chard, well and elect, press, syst. T rm. hse, plastered, firepiace. elect, and phone, wagon shed, garage, chick en house. $11,000. i, M;le Monitor. Sal 112. BERRIES AND FRUIT. 19 Acres. 7 o, frult.. 36 large fir tree. 2 A. pasture. 65' well, press. ytm. 7 rm. he, fire place, elect., barn. 3 garage, cnicken house. 3 or 16 grap 4 milt S. of Liberty. Sal. 113. , , BUNGALOW IN .RICHMOND dis trict. -3 rms,. 3 bedrms. Full basement, wired for elect, range, elect, water, htr., plastered, fireplace, gars. 30U4 lot. Backyard fenced. 39J-0. Sal lOuX. TIGARD FARM 23-6 A, all cult 13 A. barley. 12O0 strawberry plants. 3 A. corn: garden, family orchard, berrie; good oil. 5-rm. house, barn. e. ic ken 9lT500' NoTT' EqUlP- PU'C- Have client wanting to buy tavern or confectionary near Salem. H;way property would be considered Have party anxious to bdygrocer tore andor business. Must b going business or location that- could bat worked up. Luting wiii b cunfuten-tial. CHARLES DELFEL CO. 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 no answer call 5923 ENGLEWOOD district comb. LR St DR. Kit. 1 bedroom and bath. Wired for range. Cir. heater and trash burner Included. This place Is-neat and clean. Price 94500. : South 3 bedroo:n house In excellent condition. Full basement with ' auto matic oil furnace, wired for range. East front. Price -97500. Childs Ave. Late built, modem 9 room house with unfinished upstair. Hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, automatical floor furnace, wired for range, electric water heater, 'k acre of land. Price 910.000. j 3 bedroom plastered house. Wired for electric range, electric water- heat er. Some fruit and nut trees. About ' acre of excellent garden land. Ixicated close in near suburban bus line. Im medtlat 'posse ion. Price $ooo. Rostein & Addlph, Inc. 110' N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 9314 or 2-4908 $8500 8 rm. two tory home.- Partly furn. On large lot S. . - $7350 New 2 bdrm. home on A. E. 911.500 Lovely 3 bdrm. home, on N. Summer St . Nr. Jr. Ac Sr. HI schools. 912,900 Beautiful Eng. type home in Englewood. 2 bdrms. unfin. upstairs. Large liv. rm. Din, rm. Kit, bath, hdwe. firs, basmt. Oil furnace. CALL MR. WALTERS Huff Real Estate Co. 970 S. COM'L Ph. 2-5260 evesi REALTORS Phone 3793 OWNER Leaving. One of the most attractive home In north Salem. - 3 bed rooms, double plumbing, hard-) wood floors, fireplace, tiled , kitchen! nook, dining room, elec, -water heater, basement, furnace. Lots of shrubs! fruit, nuts. ' acre. Phone 3895. . KEIZER DIST. Fine 25-year walnui orchard, sub-divided into 7 building site. River road frontage. Owner. Ph. 2-4587. : - BY-OWNER ! 3 acre. 4 B-. R. mod. hse. except heat, part fur. Good barn, garg. hen hse, wood thed. fruit hse. Good well, auto, pressure syst. All kind frt. Walnut and filbert. On bus line. Can! be rub. dlv. 95OO0 dn. Bal. terms. 80 ; Park tve. "2 BEDROOM H6ME well located near school Bug at door. Plastered, ha basement,! sawdust furnace, elec tric cooking aiid water heater. Posses sion 13 day. Price reduced to $7,650 and good terms "on pait. I 2 BEDROOM HOME well located. East. Elec. cooking and water heater, auto oil healing Possession immedi ately. Bu 1 i block. - Large garage. Price ha been reduced on this to 9&300. You will like this home. Term can be arranged. 3 BEDROOM1 HOME well located In Hollywood district. Hardwood floor. Ha utility room. Bu by door. This is a ime home Possession 15 dav. Price is 99.000 and terms can be ar ranged, 4 BEDROOM "HOME nicely located on N 18th St. close to all schools. Bus at door. Auto, oil; heat and home is com pletely Insulated and weather striooed. Electric cooking and water heater. Fireplace, hardwood floors, garage. Lot 30x150 and hat alley. This is an op portunity to obtain a-high-class home and worth every cent asked. The price is 812.600 and we can arrange you good term. Better get busy on thl. j Hollywood McKillop Real Estate Agency 2073 FAIRGROUNDS Ph. 2-5224 Ph. Eventngs-7272 - 3-4263 - 9340 SMALL HOME on ". acre. North. Best of soil. Completely furnished, in cluding washing machine and refrig erator. Immediate possession. Call Berglund.. Burt Picha, Realtors 2543 Portland Rd. Ph. 6472 34000 CAFEfdoing very goodDul ness. Loc. on Hwy. in Sijtm. 96500 Furn. 3 r. house." Family cow. Milker, Separator, etc. On IS A. 14 A. Cleared. Immed pos. A bargain. Three new 2 bdrm. homes. Good dist. 37300 to S8750. Can be bought furnished. Immed.. posa. 39500 Nice mod 2 bdrm home on creek lot. Truly a nice home. 34500 Good 2 bdrm. home under con struction. Will be finished at this price. Possession In 6 wks. Call Ray Davis Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 3793 NEW. 979 S. COMX. Ph. 9441 eve. 3 Bdr. Home. Keizer Dist. Hwd. firs. FirepL V-blinds, full Burnt. wired for range, furnace, . large lot. 311,800. Call Gardner. Burt Picha. Realtor PH. 3210 .337 N. High Stteet. 96.003 BDRM HOME lt oft King wood drive, hwd flrs. fir pc 'C yard, only, 10 years old. Imna. Pos. Price is right. Olson & Reeve. Realtors SUITABLE FOR STUDENT RENTALS ONE bed room down, three up; fuj basement: Close to University. Irr. me diate possession. Price 9000, SEE - Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stat St Ph. 9 10. .50 Nearly new hom. N t 3 B Ft, L, R kitchen: hardwood floor In L. R. At hall. Eur! basement, good furnace. Elec, water heater. Attached fge. Immediate pots. Hurry U yosj want this It hi a dandy. Floyd Volkel Real Estatoi 474 Court - PMorse as, - $4000 4 rm. house. i acre of good oil. young filbert trees. $9000 New 3 bedroom bom. ' - 9A5O0 New 8 bedroom hom. 97500 New 3 bedroom house. See us for several other good buy. Also lota and acreage. Harold W. Heers 3053 Portland Rd Phone 21874 or 2184 $10,500 North. 3 bdrm. liv. din. kit Bath, firepL Hrw. firs, btrr.t, furnace. Imm. poss. CaH Craig. Burt Picha, Realtors Ph. 321 Oor 5053 33? N Hmh Street 96-003DR MTlOM E'wlth trrVnl. auto, gas furnace. Idry. trays. nrc back yd. on S. High' near Bush Pas ture. . Olson & Reeve. Realtors 943 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4390: eve 2-IQoa $13.50O Br and new rrutderntvu home with a view. 3 B R, Urg liv ing room, kitchen, utility roorr.. 14 bath. Insulated A, weather stripped. Elect, heat, elect, hot water.' douti garage: hrwn St some shrub in. A exceptionally fine hem. Floyd Volkel -Real Estate 474 Court Phitn 3si CLOSE to city limits Good 2 bed room home with full basement. Up stairs finished Into a fine apartment, Leo N. Child-, Inc. - REALTORS 344 State St. - p. 2Cl $1500 DbWNn 5 rm hse. N. E...-L. nr. D. rs. S bdarm. kitchen, bath. ut:Lty rm. large garage. Hurry, this won't last. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 943 S. CcnjT St. Ph. 4e eve 2-1999 5 7 ACRES NORTHEAST" ' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2 bd rooms and bath. Good bam. rine piae to keep horses. Ooa tt acttoo! ai-i bus. Bert of soU. Price 913.500. SEE Leo N. Child, Inc. REALTORS 344 State SL pw gatn 4 flon0tattsaaa ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives Ward-Crifftth Company, tna. San Francisco Eastern Advertising Representatives Ward-GrtffKh Company, fn. Chlrago New York. Detroit, Boston. Atlanta Member i Psclflr Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Entered at rfce Posrefftce mt Sa!xu Oreoon as Second Class Martee Pwb Ushed eperv mamtnp eroeot tttrmOu. Business office 219 South Catwsxrctei. Street, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subscription Rates la Advancat Within Oregon. Daily and Swnday Mow 0 cents; 6 mo 93 84k 1 year, a OOr Elsewhere 90 cen" per mo or 97.39) for 1 year In ad vane. Per copy 9 centav By City Carrier. T3 'een $9 00 a year In ad vane as adjacent count tea. .(