The NATION'S TOP COMICS. Daflv and Sunday, fn YOUR HOME NEWSPAPER XT' OH. TMJS 3 TEPPiBLE NOW. AFTER SHEADING rrne vwoce storJ I'LL NVU? KNOW' WHO COMMITTED TV MJCOER I 1 1 " OH. DEAR, IT II L ' f VJAS PPOSABI.V ON THE OTMFff THE LETTERS PTO8ABLV STILL IN THEl MAILBOX Cm aiW Kt mmJm. . tMsW CaL. ,mtm IT WAS THE BUTLER WHO MUPOEREO THE MEJRESS I "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier ALL RlCMTN INEVErV OR OCR VOUP V THOUGHT V MEALS. BOYS, WETJ GET PCM wHii i selling pwewy OUT V MOUTHWASH. KXJP MONTH'S . r-p-rf fNTr DICX TRACT r WE'LL BE YwaX.T MILLIONAIRES IN I I LL. I LESS THAN A L PC-- WAltEff.TMAT CLASff 'OU KNOW CkACkEX r i vis r u -r- u u i i T i 7 yj .sw m - cruAi i r norco I uuat? im i YOU ANOTHER J THIS DIVE? CLASS OF MILK, MOT A CAPCLES CHAKCSr DO VDU WANT TQ POISON MEn rim nr is LawirM 1:3 ITS NO USf PfiETlMO- ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO MS MEANT WHY SHOULD WE BE? I WHAT C WANT TO KNOW IS WHO 5 GONNA PAY uOtra WA6ES ? 5 811 LITTLE ANNIE ROONFX COMIN6 TOMOB0OW YtXJit ALL GET YOOR MONEr-WKArt WILL HAPPEN i AFTER THATT 00NTKJ4OW V :4 ftA FS '.11 .ijU. I. . t V U A TM 50n TO FMO A RAMO ncc spot mtim 6oaac Y y IMC THMt tWZ wtTS SACK. I Uk t UMCM r BUZZ SAWYEX UP TO MOW THE DOCTORS SAf 6CE.2ECa MOUMTAmS) MRS. MEANT IS LOONY- MAtW Afi FUNNY- IT UOfygi BC THEY'LL CURE HER t f- UKE WE WAS CSjlL VMAYBE THEV WON'T- RI6MT NEAR THEM. BUT - ' C0fSlNCARRieSZ7Hy f.v rrJ X NCKI TMC I40RSC TV o rue siOorjta, sroCic I TS9 TOATWII 9UT- fj WMCSC lTWC HORSI V SO COULD IT BC THAT HE MAS LEFT MIS LItTIC PMXOM WMrftOTKCTtOf YES, Yf SI HEBS 0 KS FOOTPRINTS AWONI. AMD HONS Of HIS. 1 Micxrr mousz V'C APPCOACHiN' ) AM o&jecK.t - t7Z THINK IT THE MOON? T STCAN(5-tjOOIN COTTER! 1 m V V WE EE NOT I JZy-'K HAOtNG PCX? I V S THC MOON! I COsfT LXI TO KACS TWI OL CUV POft A J06 FOR US, WiLMEZ. SUPPOSE I CO TO THE BACK COOK. 3: NOTVMN' POfN'l IP HI TURNS DOWM WALLET ft S065LE -EU do rr at tm reoNT occ. co a-eap; 5 CASOLZNS ALLET OU? VOU HAVE THE CALL TO COMC AOC AFTER HAVIN PARTIES IN MV HOUSt WHILE rM ANAYT VOU SNAKE IN THE CRASS! S3 fvssi LJ JVOU AN VOUR lrf 1 " 1 ' " SUT, MR. SARROOM ISrTj HE SAlP NO.) ?A I PECT CRONIES1 CST VI OUT BE FOR ? VTtH vtJ ..IfTOSS VOU 1 w 11 f 1 ....i.l. toiyjy I M TH OUO OOCTOR , QUICK i MIS1EH GOOGLE ( OOCV. WHERE'S THE , I RIGHT THIS BABNXY GOOGLZ 1 THAI MASKED MAM 5WEDTTdONT THE TtMCCRS$0 00R j f fcELIEVE FATHER WOULD fMLr VOU INTO TNG CAN-0N-1 vj' era f AUUAII X WHfltTS WRONO v BHHHl; ) with our, IV, ' ( POOR.LITTL8 SOWEBOOyS BEEN FEEDING MUVI FRttCH FRIES. WAL ,1 DO. AN I KNOW WHYT I KNOW WHY Hfc sAnltD; 'EM! LONE RANGES i ITS eCCAUSE OF SNEAKER" HINO. HE WANTS THE CONTRACT TO RHIID THE BRIDGE ACROSS rvvr rAKiYON up wanisae TUH FAIL ON THE X,&0 HELL 1 1 IM ril LAV TWO TUH ONE T ANT SOU HE MIRED THE AAA&KVCAN LAY ED MAN TUH MAKE I THREE TROUBLE FOR ME! TO ONE r IILGJTHIM FERDOtNTT' UCLASJ PLAV Cr Th Slaimcm, Salm, Or Wdn dqy ipt. It. iS 7 "Let's ( borne, Bnford. If yn were flag i Hatc any antocrApb eekera, tber'tf" have been here by bow!" Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK,, Sept TAX Chem & Dye..l6S American Can 87 Am Pow it Lt 13 Am Tel & TeL177V4 Anaconda 39 Atchison 92 V Bendix Avia 39 Vi Beth Steel .. Boeing Air 25 V4 I Canadian Pac 144 Calif Pack 35 Caae J I 38 V Chrysler .. 88 Comwlth Sou 34 Cons Edison 28 Vi Cons Vultee'.... 23 V4 Cont Ins ... 52 Crown Zel 29 Curtiss Wr Douglas Air 8 Hi Dupont De Ne....l78 Gen Electric . 40 Vk n-ia'J-Today'a closing Gen roods 47 Gen Motors 55 V4 Goodyear Ti ! 60 Gt Nerth pfd 46 Vi Int Harvest 80 Vi Int Paper pfd....l09i J Manville 124 Kennecott 46 Long Bell A 23 Maytag 11 Miami Copper.... 12 Mont Ward 70 Vi Nash Kelvin 16 Nat Dairy. 38Vi NY Central 17 Vi North Am Co 27 Northern Pac 20 Pac Am Fish 13 Pac Ga Elec 41 P T St T 138 Pan American .... 16 Penney J C 47 quotations: ' Radio Corp 11 Rayonier 19 Rayonier pfd 36 Vi Reynolds Met 28 Safeway 26 Sears Roeb . 39 Sinclair Oil 16 So Pacific 48 Stan Brands 41 Stan Oil Cal 53 Stew-Warner 16 Studebaker 23 Sun Mining 13 Vi Union Oil 22 Un Pacific .130 Un Airlines . 33 Un Aircraft 24 US Steel 71 Warner Bros 20 West El Mfg 26 Woolworth 42 Salem Market Quotations BUTTEKPAT Premium No. 1 No. S BUTTE PKINT8 WholMl. pound Retail Half pound Pound F.GGS Extra larc Standard . Mediums Cracks, pullets POULTSY No. 1 hens . No. t hena fryer . LIVESTOCK (By Valley park) Beef t'owi . 10 00 to Dairy Cowa S 00 to Bull ; SO tv Lambs, top Veal k Ewes ., Yearling Lambs Hoi, top. iso to no lb. over 270 i Sows i ' Pia- 12.00 to Portland Produce .81 .78 .78 .88 .40 .86 34 .48 JO . J4 .M JI M 1100 IU 13 M 16.00 15 00 800 1300 16.70 1810 16.30 15.70 Hf PORTLAND. Ore.. Scot. IT ( API Butterfat- (Tentative) subject to onnwaiiH cnangei tTemtum quality maximum Of .35 Of 1 oer cent mr-iHItv delivered In Portland. 80-eic lb; flrat quality. 7-81c lb.; second quality, 77c: vaijcy routes ana country points Xc r man urn, or rc. 1 -nutter 1 Wholesale, f o b. bulk. 68-!b. tubs. A. 97 score. 76c lb: A. 93 score. w id; b, so score. 73c lb; C. SO core. 71c ll. Ctieaaa Sellins Drlce to RnMUnrl retaUers: Oregon slrurles. 48-Mc lb. I Ore. on loaf. 49-51c; trlpleU. 48-49c lb. gars Purchases from farmer- CW. eerrt recipts. S3-34c: buyers pay -3'.iC doz below wholesale quota- won; on araaea oasis for best henerv JM To wholesalers: a trade, laree S7'k-M.fcc dox. med. &4-Mi.c unall I fmilUI k 4.1! . . . h 3 " . 1 IrvT r. " raae, laree. Poultry Live chickens No. I qual ity broilers. li to 3 Iha 51.54- ik. fryer. 2 to 3 lb. 3S-3S: 3 to 4 lba' 3S-37C lb; roasters, 4 lbs and over. 3-37c lb; colored hene, all weiajhts. 3S-26C lb: Leehorn hens. 3'fc pounds vvwt. aiic; vnocr sa Ids, Zlc; rooster and stae. 13.1S. Rabbits Averaea ta r4alln dl.nn id; oreaaea price to producers, 40-4 5c; rywrm. live iryers. wniie 4-6 lbs 20-3Sc. Onions Wuh, dry. No. I. 1-1 38 90 lb. sacks: Calif, yellow, laree. tommon crade SlS-1 S3: rmn. bunched. BOo-81 00; Idaho, white. S16S. Oreeon nickine onlma lA-ik Potatoes Oralnn Ions' aikiu Mm 1 W Yakima Netted Cern. No ' e.-w-.a: ao ids. na. at i I"" white, 83.00; No. 1 Geims. SI 10 ID. Pressed Meats New ceiling prices Veal AA. 22-22' ic lb.; A. 21-21', c lb.; B. 19'.-lc; C. H'i-lSc; Cull, is lamic. Hogs Block butchers, packer style. 153-21 lbs, 22'. c; over 213 lbs. 22c; shipper style. 175-235 lbs. 21 l-4c: over 23S lbs, 21c: sows, all weights. 21c tb. Lambs A A. 32V, c: A. 31 .,c: B. 17 '.,c: Mutton 24 Uc. according to quality and weight. Beef A. 23 8c; A. rS'ic: B. 19'ic: C. 17',c; canner and cutter, 14.3c; bologna bulls. 15' ic lb. Cascara bark Green. 8-8' be: - dry. 20c. Wool Valley coarse and medium grades, 49c lb. Monair 40c id on 13-monui growin. Ha y-r Wholesale slilpments: Alfalfa. No. 2 or better. S3-33 ton: No. 1 timothy, $30.50-32 ton; Oats and vetch. mixed hay, valley growers asking price. $21-24 ton; clover hay, uncertified, 321 23.50 baled on farms. Wed. KSLM KOIN KCW KEX RADIO ; (139 ke) ' & ke ; (Itl U) (IIN.i) 8:S ; INtwi a Pappy Smith Dave West I Bugler "X" : : Music Wetem Stars jlave West I 4:38 Orchestra JKoin Klock iNews, Kneaas I 8-4 ' Wfwt ' ' Old Songs 1 : News , Earm Time IRaandup Br Bte and Shine (leadline News iM A grams y : jfitm M Uarred JSam Hayes (iaote Attoe Orchestra iNelson PriNgle ' Roundup (Stock Market I 8 M jDr falbot .User News IPred Waring (Bfast 0 8:18. tDr Talbot 'Aunt Jenny I I :4 Harrington I Helen Trent (Ore Caravan) t . U H. Undlahr Gal Sunday I Abbe. -Observes) Art Baker ig S4ster iSkelches (GlaaAour : M Uvwney Ma Perkina INews.. Kneaaa I :M ; traitor Call IDr M alone Il-ine Journey I Breakfast 8:4 , Keepsake . iHoad of Ufa rietcher I-- IS:M i Newa .Kate Smith -Guiding Light 1 Home Bditae S:IS ; Bine Sings Perry Mason IChUdren lied Mnm 18:M Queen Today (Art Baker I In While . (True Story ! ' Sing Along (Masquerade I 11:80 Walts Time ICtnderella Life Beautiful t Bank ha go It :IS Orchestra I Ma Perkins Etnet a Albert (1:30 Pay Dreams IB Wheeler Young Family I lOstmtng Peel 11:43 Orchestra B. Wheeler Happiness I Melody Wee llvmna News (News. Kneass I Kemaaaay I3-.IS News iCet It Stella Dallas 1 3tr i - lt:M Serenade E ' Winters ttoren Jone 1 Leaves 12:48 i Rhrork's Show Rosemary iWldder Brown! l:6t ' News (House Party IGlrl Marries IBerrti 1:1 i Orchestra ITops Today Portia (find Ma 1:36 j Marine Band (Meet the Missus PUin Bill Drake 1:4 ! Marine Band I rront Page 'Hymns :80 , Neighbor lArt Godfrey I Road of Life I What's Dotal 3:18 J J Anthony (Country Word IDavid Herura j 8:30 Bill Gwlnn lAir Newspaper' Aunt Mary (Kay West t:4 ! . IDr Paul . ; Say With Music Art Ktrkham Woman a Secrst Bride. Crooea 3:18 : (Same 2d Mrs. BurtonlNews - . 3:30 - IMewa Serenade IBackst Wife A1 Peare 3:4 I Bes Hound tlsland Music H. Kaltenhom I 4:06 4:1 4:30 4:4 T. Lewis IK. Manning IRea Mitler iMedtiatlon Johnson H Plannery Hap Harrlgan IB Garred II. J art an trootUgnt Air lane Trio Nortliweet Stais of Today! Mr. Motor Lst S20 Matinee I Hop Harngast :M INews 8:1 ! (Superman 8:10 Capt. MidnlU S:4B . Tom Mix iSinatra Songs " (Music 'Dinah Shore News rDinah Shore rCliff Edward (Pirate Term. Jed Jack Armetieaia; Serenade 6:00 G Heatter (Acad. Theatre I Kay Kyser 6:18 Rhythm Maker I 6:30: (Spotlight Bands' Mus. Holiday I 6:4 Spotlight Bands Ifrankie Carte ifrankie Carte The O-Nettte The 0Netl T-.M 1:13 1:30 T:4 Ni Newa Ctsco Kid Jewell Thorns; Supper Club I Lima Ranger Ismllh Show I rieet. Lawtoa lLone ILaaeee IDr. Christian iGildersleeve -aef. Listen t IGildersleeve Range Ri t l :e ' 8:13 1 8:30 8:48 Orchestra Orchestra Serenade (Orchestra Sound Off I iThe Norths IColum. IColum. Feature McGarry Feature lUm a A iLaGuardte I Fish. Hunt tree 9:18 9:30 9:4 INews Get Story IDist. Attorney 'Miastng Heirs Rex Miller ' IMlasing, Herrs Crystal .Gardens N.W. Neighbor Two Cities Tneery SorHts Orchestra I View Draasaa 10:00 16:18 16:30 10:4 Ray Henle I rive Star Finalr New IMcCalt N News IVeteran ISports I ktiythm New IMiller Band 'toy Orchestra (Concert H Orchestra Rangers I Ties. Salute I . Knar ssa ks. a m is oo New. I0:1S For Women: 11:00 Concert Hall: 12:00 News: 12:13 Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride e.M I'll 17 - rl w Tim.- f -A 1:30 Memory Music; 3:00 News: 3 IS Music of tne Masters: :ou uregon iw Stocks and Bonds Compited be The Associated Preae September IT STOCK AVERAGES 39 (0 Indus Rail Tuesday . 87.7 36 3 Previous day ... ss.3 as s Week sgo MJ 39.S Month ago 108 2 46 0 Year ago 92.7 41.1 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Rail Indus Tuesday . 96 2 102 9 Previous day .... s.4 io- Week ago 96.9 103 9 Month ago 101.4 103.7 Year ago ... 98 4 104 1 1946 high , 106.9 108.3 1946 low 96.2 lOl.t It 86 Uttl Stock 45 64 7 43 ,61J 44 1 82 2 92 8 76.4 47.6 69.0 10 Util 106 S 106 6 106 3 107.6 107.1 109 8 106.S 19 Forn 76.3 76.0 76.3 763 730 79 0 19.6 Ijtsftal Notice . TRADEMARK NOTICE h.r.hv iwen that CON TINENTAL MILLS, INC.. Lena and Am-t sirMti fniiaaeiDnia. n. naa .;i -,nk aprtirv of State of Oregon on the 12th day of August, 1946. in accordance with the provisions of Section 43-306 O C. L A. its trademark "Zephyr Fleece" written diagonally across a label whether eeparately or t . . n. lnn with Alhr lra(imarkl of the applicant, to be applied to rolls of clotn ror men a women aim uur 1 anniMl Wlnmrim Of 1 Wool ui.ii . cotton and rayon, and the container for. the aame. S. 4-11-18 TRADEMARK NOTICE I ri i- t.,- K v (Ivmi that CON nxirxiTii un t.s inc. Imi and Armat Streets. Philadelphia. Pa., haa filed Wltn in aecreiary og atmtm ,K Amw A AutfUtt 1946. jf ,VH W I . ' - in accordance with the provisions of Section 43-306 O.C. L.A. Its trademark "Coba rieece written diagonally across a label from the lower left hand corner to the upper right hand corner, whether separately or In con- iiinnltnn .K Ath lnHIHllkl tit the applicant, to be applied to rolls of Cloth for men S women s ana tmi' HI...IM, n n I rrt miAm K wmI j w w w. .. 9. 1 ,.a,,am mnrt r w nn m nrf tHm containers for the aame. S. 4.11-18 Aaazhg aotv transportation 11:99 Hexaer'a Orch. 'Army Voice 11:13 IMannv Strand 11:36 Jan Garber Air-rto 11:4 New . Orgkm ll: . Newa iNews 12:96 Sign Off ISUent New J : Riltmore Orch, 1 Salt Orch. INews iClub Orch. New I . Sign Off I'X tra H porter; 4:19 Lift Thy Voice: l Ot the Upbeat: 9 59 Spotting Sports. IM News; 6:11 American Paceaat; 6 J6 Songs to Remember: 7S Fs Union; 7:19 Evenings Farm Hours; Band Concert: 8 JO Music The E dure-: 9:30 News: 9:43 Meditataana. Stocks Take Another Drop NFW VflPk St 17 -ai-Th stock market averages slipped-an-i other few notches today although! selling never was oppressive and; scattered Issues put up a fairly successful resistance. Backward tendencies appeared at an active opening. Dealings then slowed but losses of 1 io J or more points were widespread by midday. A few steels, rails and industrials then attracted timid demand. Most of these, though. failed to follow through. While modest plus signs held at the close, with extreme setbacks re duced in the majority of cases, declines predominated. Transfers of 1,390.000 shares compared with 1,490,000 Monday and were the smallest since Aug. 30., The Associated Press 60 -stock composite was. off .5 of a point at 64.7. thus eliminating the advance of the preceding session. Breadth still characterized the proceedings, 1,058 issues registering. Of these. 620 fell and 257 rose. . Among gainers Allied Chemical was up 1 at $166, Great Northern at $46.25 and Bethlehem at $94.87. Ahead were Goodyear. United Aircraft, General Electric. Anaconda, Dow chemical. South ern Pacific and Johns-Manville. U. S. Stee. up at one time, end ed off at $71.75. Additional Classified Ads Auction 4 COMMUNITY AUCTION Wei!., Sept. 18th, 10 a.m. Heating stoves, eook stevee. feedkk springs, anattissas. ' chairs. tahsssw radioa, divsnoss, 6 ft. Grunow elec tric refrigerator. vegetables, frsut. Many other useful art-rtea. - Chic a, ducks rabbit. One Joh Deere eerai binder, t horse eulUvators. potato 'piew. plow. ' Many day old and veal calves Why take a 91 00 when you can get' SI a and tip for day-old caJvea at auctasss. We have a food calf maiket. A good lot of milking and spi inajar Cows, bulls, beef stock. Horse I good team about 1J00) Ebs. I-ine SuiItrlTs a Community Auction l'i ml. eaat of Fairground on ' ton Rd Salem. Ore. MUSICIAN STRIKE ENDS CHICAGO, Sept. 17-7P) -James C. Petrillo, president of the AFX. American Federation of Musi cians, said today that musicians' strike against 58 New York City hotels had been settled and that the musicians would go back to work tonight. Arkansas is known as the won der state. Livestock and Poultry I Yd Old saddle horse, gentle. broke. Inq. 95 SIIth. FOR-SALE: S young! Comath fim rooster 81 SO each. Nine heew Hams shire laying hen 8134- eaeti Baft bantams. 3 hens. I rooster. SI a eaeti. s ml. S. Pringle 3Vh,Boa 3)-A. FOR'SAI-E IS seven weeks old Henrv C. Stafford Cervata. Ore Rt L j mile west of Waconda Ph2-34aV rcORREADALE Buck sheep of eng breedmg. Maurice Heater. Rt. I. Sue lunity. Ore. - HORSE And saddle for seie rhwa. Also bridle and blanket Pti 9339 WANTED; Fat eva rainer was ear beet. Dairy cow, neifer ou Fat boea. am. ataca. price C C McCandiish. rt 8, an 3T3. Pb 9141 ecroaajtrooi eall park S 1 NEWealandUhie doaa buck: 3 hutches. Ph. SuSX Ceil arte I or all day Saturday and Sunday SMALL bred female dog and tarn chicken. Pti 2irr9 .- ; "HICHT-ST "Price paid for r kins West Side Fr Co, West S-tem. WANTED: All kinds mt stork. Valley Packing Cav. SPECAL SUA1MBR RATES -at -a - . - - : PortLasuJ Uveatstck P-fslTLAND. 0e- Sept IT-(AP rVSOA ) -Salable raUle m. total 200; SelaOle anal total ralvws ti. market active fwsly steady: Pew eotnmon-me-Oi'i-n steer 12 90-MS), -actu1ing me f im-ii ug starker et Uott-ISSO; eMimHa - anediuan .- s 10 00-14 SO: god k-taters up to I TO, cenner and iii"ri aewe 8UO-10M. atoeita down to 1 and beSow: tat r type ro f I950-IIJO: medium beef cow to 11 So; one air Icily good cow up to IVoo: cutter-good sausage bulls 9 00 11 40; geed-el-ftc vealers 16 0O-17 00; odd head llMi; light culls down to 4w. i Salable hogs 33. total ITS; market steady; few good 29S-4M9 lb. sows and 360 lb. barrow 17 M; one load choice 93 lb. feeder pies 21 00. Saiabfe and total snoep 3O0: market strong: anoatly Ml rents htgtoer for two day on all rtawe.; good-choice sprmg ibii ii i turn 14.00-16.00: medium -good ground. BO-89 lb. wetiebU 17 OO: good-choice yea rl in rs up to 1900: common-medium 10 00-14 OO; fairly good ewe 7 00; strictly good-choice quotable tq tommon 4.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. No wheat future quoted. 17 AP soft white (excluding Rex) lai; whit ol.ih t i..lf rmA tax. Hard red winter: Ordinary 1 83; 10 J per cent 11; 11 per cent 186; 12 per cent 12. . Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 2.18; .. . . . a . M i per cfm ..i, . a un .-.. w Today's car receipts: Wheat 97. bar ley 7; nour i; corn i; oau z; nay . muiicco , uaa e. WW t v MOTOR Makos your Diko a Glotor DSCiq Here's dtwdaNa. door-to-loar tranaportatioci for everyone. ! A new Whiaacr motor (eeauy m tailed on any bauoon-tired bike) will carry yow wherever you want to go. Whisser is precisioa angaaaar e d. trasjbse-free I 125 miles or mora per gallon t to 35 muos krl Poinful? Yea indeed -tkke the hiUs eoairyt Open op Skew avenuoa of aave The cactus is the state flower sna Another Large Shipment Just Arrived! simocK iiotor co. SIS N. Church St. Salem, Oreroft Phone 8502 DAPCli iGSSPKS I Here's your chance to bring your dancing up to date at Arthur Murray's and save money! Don't fake the Rumba or sit it out while others dance. Arthur Mur ray has discovered the se cret of the real Cuban Rumba his experts can show tt to you in your very first lesson. Become a popular partner be proud of your akitled ' dancing. Enroll today while special 2 for the price of 1 offer lasts. Hours 10 AJ. to 10 P.M. Mondpy Tirowji Tzidaj Saturdays 10 A-M. to 4 ?M. Si L v iv? 77 sw v s mwwjr 1U goaUt Liberty sua