A Society - . .-Clubs Music .... The Home MAXINE BUREN Womo'i Editor JERYME ENGLISH Society Editor Mrs. Smith To Honor A Bride Mr. Homer" Smith, jr. will be a lunchron 'ho! Saturday after noon at her new South High ureei resmence in cumpiunrni 10 j Mr, Wayne Henry, supreme dep- Jnt ,ndS' L ' .PT" 5 iu,y ' Eune. Mrs. Miller a lUhlburg (Barbara Bentley) who Iaydcn ,uprerne banner escort, ha come here to make her home. Laverne Kantner. tupreme The couple marriage took place ' and Williaam Neimeyer, su- in Klamath Falls or, September e ki Guests will be seated at unal! mnt committee was Mr. Vivian taoies ana nouque s 01 eariy u-i Hoeni. Mr. Winifred Jones, Willi Brown, Mrs. Albert Smith. ilton. Harry II. Wei rvtein, Charles Chigkett, Homer L. Goulet, Har old Husick. Wlntanley Jenks, Carl G. Collin, and Talbot Ben nett. Mian Margaret Wagner and Miw Alphild Wahl. Willamette Shrine White Shrine of Jerusalem met at Masonic Tem ple Monday. Miss La Verne Kant ner worthy high priestess, Will iam Neimeyer watchman of shep- I herd presided. , Introduced were tumn flower will provide the decorative note. Contract bridge will be in play during the after noon. Bidden to honor Mr. Bahlburg ate Mewtame Carl Bahlburg. George Stafford and Mildred Boyuigtoti of Oregon City. Wayne Page. Donald Page and William Out of Dallas. Homer Smith, sr., L O. Arens, F. Ivan Brown, Ar thur G. Upston. Walter Kirk, William Hi Hammond, Richard L. Cooley. Charles Wood, Harold Olinger. Reynolds Allen. Wheeler R. English. Charles Pomeroy, Robert Ramsden, Clarence Hani- Hostesses to! Fete Mrs. South I., j Mrs.! William Whitmore land Mrs. Dean TrUmbo will be host esses for an informal party Thurs day night at the former's home on North Cottage in compliment to Mrs. Orville South. Bridge will be in play during the evening with a desert sup per following. A shower will hon or Mrt. South. I Bidden by the hostesses are Mesdames Orville Smith, Charles Mussef, Clyde Major, Alan Sie, west, Jr.. Tom Pickett of Long Is land. N.Y.. Kenneth Hanson, Roy Ottrin, Milton PSrker, James Henery, Jess Pascb, Miss Beth Siewert and Miss Ruth Skinner. Past Noble Grands of theKe bekth lodge will meet with Mrs. Roy- Ptrarce, 275 South 13th street tonight. Assisting hostesses swill be Mesdames Thomas McLeod, Roy McFarlane, L. A. Scheeleriand tlerliu Ready. The Rebekahs met londay; under the4 direction of Mrs. Albert Beckman for the reg ular session. . u.i... y lljm ' Soft as a Cloud '7 j ...WARM, FLUFFY. LUXURIOUS &MM4HV Leaksville 100 Woo Loy owoy some 100 o II wool fine CANNON LEAKSVILLE BLANKETS for nest winter. They come in lovely new colors: Rose Dust. Blue, .White. Cedar, Canary and Green. Th 72"s?0" and Satin B ! n d i n q s. W e i q h I 4 pounds. 14.95 WV ... TXoeJ isBaavssBBBBsBBBBBssBiBissBBaaaBBBBBBaBBsass essisBBBseaBMSMMMsnBBSHMss'MssBssW' m ms iwsasBHHBsBH The 305-315 Couil St. From Ear to Ear I BSaSHBMBWHBBBSSlBSSBMSSSMSSSSBaSSBBBSSBBBBSBSSBS Experts Prefer Corn off I Cob for Freezing: Housewives Agree Br MaxJne Berea -.Women's Editor, Tb Ststtesmai While corn on the cob is one of the year's most popular vegetables. officials of the federal agricultural department reluctantly admit it is one of the least successful vegetables tdi freeze. The commercial pack is smaller than that of 15 other vegetables they tell us, and is even below past years. It just isn't what most people want when served at the table, say the experts, and further more it takes up lots of room in a crowded locker. However, people still pack St and many seem to like it So the scientists have conducted some ex periments to give the public j the very best information on freezing corn oil the cpbi Doughtiness seems to be the result of jncorrect Ma turity of the: ears, they say. Too young I corn tends !toj be watery and over-ripe corn becomes doughy when cooked. The corn is only at its prime a very short time. Golden! Bantam they say is one of the best varieties for freez ing. 1 Directions I are: scald husked, cleaned ears for 4 to 8 minuses. Cool quickly,! drain, wrap individ ually and freeze at zero or lower. Thaw before cooking. Corn' off the cob has a different story, for it is easy to freeze jand results in a product which has tice flavor. ( Scald ears from 8 to 10 minutes, coot and Cut from cob. Dry pack, with a little salt. Corn can be canned with a pres sure cooker, i scald, ; cool and cut corn from cola. Pack into Jan not larger than pints and process! in the pressure cooker i for 105 min utes (1 hour! and 45 minutes! at 10 pounds pressure Bureris Will Be Honored Dr. and Mrs. Wolcott E. Biiren will be honor guests at an in formal at home Thursday night when Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Lance field. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pow er, Dr. and Mrs. Vern Miller and Dr. and Mrsl A. Terrence King entertain at the Lancefield's Fair mount Hill residence. ( Dr. and Mrs. Buren and their children, Nancy and Dick, recent ly returned from a six months stay in Philadelphia, where he took special work. I Over a hundred and t w e n; t y guests have been invited to call between 7:30 land 930 o'clock i ! i 1 Mr. and Mrs. Goat Stoltenberg of Salina. Kansas are visiting in the capital for several weeks with their daughters and! families, Mr. and Mrs. Deryl Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Harra. j Robert Aiken, sen of the George Alkens.1 and Jack Barsch, son of Mrs. Walter parsrh left Monday to attend the, University of Ore gon. Aiken will beta senior and Barsch a freshman, i i - i ' ! Mrs, j Richard Olson and son. Mark, left by plane Monday for their home in Chicago after a six weeks stay in the capital with her father, Dr. 'C A. Downs. At the reg alar ladles day play at the Salem: Golf club Tuesday winnerg . for ! lowest amount f of putts were . Mrs. John Heltzel, class A; Mrs.; Brazier Small, class B; and Mrs; George Schwarz, class C ',...! ; . ! Reyat Neighbors Semi snenthly til blankets on titro length hove 6' wide Rayoi Mod: erne Phone 3808 l soral Neunbors semi znoninir .J I meeting will j be held at 8 pirn. I tonight at Veteran hall. THE OREGON BOB It's Smart It's New It's MadeFor You You can't miss when you have lh Bob of a hundred ddlighlful styles. Ycu can comb It brush it., change its look to suit your Indir vidual taste with one of our beatitlul permanent. I 'i 6.50 aml 10.00 ronBob 1.50 ) NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY j if k m, TM veil f noom , iuumr dujq. mow Elevator Serrice Court Street Entrance MILLER i BEAUTY SHOP i IB ! ' -I laaananswassssaBasBasajs i i ' I CLUB CALENDAR WrONIIDAT Knifht Memorial church Women FrMowahlp mrrtlnn at church. 2 p.nv Barbara Frlrtchie Tent No. 2. Uauh lr rt the Union Veterann of Civil war with Mr. Dorothy Handle, 230 C. Washington itreet. Dm. Pythian Sicters. p.m. at 248 N. Commercial st. Izaak Walton Lnriw auxiliary. May flower Dairy Coop. S p.m. Women's Catholic Order of Forea-' tera with Mr. Margaret Simon, 310 -snipping at . S p.m. i THtHMUAY ! Women's Council of Flrat ChrUtlan church at church. IS o'clock dessert luncheon, meet Ins 1 O.m I AAl'W Thursday Literary group, 4:30 ir. r.. a. tarieion, cwaid av. rmuAY Sixma Tau Mothers clubl with Mr Roy C Barker, rt. 1, Box 269. 1:30 deasert luncheon. ; Pat Matrons. OES. -dinner at Gol den Pheasant. :30 p.m. ! St. i Mark's Lutheran church -guild. one a clock luncheon, church parlors. BPW executive board with Mrs. Car. meuta ' Wcddle, 1303 Broadway. T:30 p.m. 1 i ATIIRDAT AA17W luncheon. 1 p.m. Marlon hotel. Mrs. Charles A. Rateliff, chair man ' of the revision of constitu tion and by-laws committee of the Salem Woman's club, entertained the group at a dessert; luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her home. Attending were Mrs. J. M. De vers, Mrs. Custer Ross. Mrs. Har ry V. Collins. Mrs. Estjll Brunk and Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, I Date Is Set For Rites Friday. September 27 has been set as the dale; for the coming marriage of Miss Arlene Olson, daughter of Mrs. Emma Olson, to Herbert G. Rindy, son of Mr. and !S A V E!!l j This coupon worth ; $5 on regular lis to $50 SlSrsOO I I Permanent sJLA j Gd UbUI OcUber 1st IIOinQUE I I I I BEAUTY SALON r at si t z so . a . m a I j Phene Cl4C i I Mm te my be IT COOLS Wmi The world wide shortage of fata and oils is desperate. Unless you and . every American housewife keep turning in your used fats, whole month's supply of soap may be lost to each one of us! ( Goodness & ) 1 lowing my imp of Mim mi Ms J( bout trr soa saotTACts get worsct Skim, scrape, and scoop every drop of used fata. Tell your neighbor, too. Use4; fats are urgently needed for, Soap and other peacetime goods I . $fT4t 90 tVgKY FOUND A Mrs. H. C. Rindy of Madison, Wisconsin The ceremony will take place -at SL Mark s! Lutheran church at 8 o'clock with the Hcv. M. A. Getzentancr officiating. Mrs. Douglas Gordcnier will be the bride's only attendant and Louis Ramus, jr. will be best man. A reception will follow la the The Statesman, Salem. Pro.. Wednesday. Sept. 1 8. 194S -3 church parlors. .1 ,t M1 O'son hn:betn with the state parks .department. Her ' fi iinre, who is miw in Wisconsin visiting with hi pim-nts, will ar rive next week. He atttnried the University of Wisconsin, The benedict is a firsts -Officer in the merchant marine, j Members of the ftatera Credit Women's fireakfast club met at NohUren's Tuesday morning. Mrs. Dorothy Hi. I conducting the bus iness session. The execjutix e bard wifi meet at her home! September 24 at 7:30" p.m. Election will be held at the next regular meet in a ("Wtrktr 1 : I -C." I : CAROL 1SCNTS WOOL OXY SLIPON j 1 3.93 IWwolly I long t and boxy to plae school p'a-fe. Ughf end dark foB ihaoVs. 34-40. " if New Fall Handbags! La VV SiAVISC 11 I 11 . mmmm 1 'N4- These savings, are only a few of the many money-saving ilems. Come in now . . and save. Semi-Ceiling; Fixture Matching fixture for the above item. Buy tfcese for the bedroom or dinir.g room. One light for wall C QTT switch control. IsO ar r -V Lovely new handbags, styled right! Made of tongh plaatle that ean "take, It." they'll see yen smartly through seasons of hard wear! Wards have the handbags you want for fall In brown, cherry coke and wonderful colors. r . ZIP FRONT COTTOII DRESSES You'll be as elated as we are. Look at this i price! Look at these features! Sturdy snetal sip . . . 4 lmgth vat dyed perealea fori washablllty four styles -each In sires U-44 ten patterns In pastel prints made te ' Wards pee If leations. r . l : I . i omkm m i tii ,, , INSULATE NOW WITH MINERAL FILL 98c For cool comfort avan in the Hot test montht, iriataN Ward Minora! PHt Inwfotion now I luy now! WARDS STURDY STEEL Coaster Wagon 1 ITS NfWI LOOCORIP PUIXSI RIDUCIDi 1.S3 A sad wkh dosea Hornt two. Jovsj leak end stay looked In eny eosMswl Aaoy stool aoU-orVodl I . Tfel ; .. , ' r I "l'.V 4-WAY FLOOR LAMP WITH REFLECTOR 1045 M09U eckot, S condlo arm adiwat HgMI IVonio-plotod bote 1 stttoSed rayon shade. - oHor baor f Pclw proof WARDS WESTtRN F1CLD . HUNTING COAT j 6.45 HoovywoigM.woter-rooalient duck materia brwah brown coi orl gioodproof gam pockorl 1 1 1 j i - - i i , 1 P., . i j '12-TON. HYDRAULIC TRUCK JACK 19.95 -. . 1 Haavy-duty ack , for offortfoM lifting, lowering. A-il boo ConrrKtionl With kondl'o. j'' iqw Exceptional Value! A cootter wagon thot'i ideal for small boyt ond girl! It's a last rolling beauty . . . bright red baked inamtl finish ond big 74" ,,e' wheels with roller bearing!. Rubber tiros that ossut a smooth, safe ride. One piece steel body Is 13" x 28Vi" long. Heavily buijf for plenty of octionl fi": battery roosters at Wards. 0.75 Koopl VOur bottory rKorgod foe lOO DOrfoniMNICol Jwtf pfcjg W komicol to operafol WATERPROOF MOUNTAIN TENTS 0.95 Sheds wotof I Strongly stitched Nyton cloth . . . sewed In ciorh floor. Reversible. Tolas Inckided. V See Our New Fall Cataloe for MerchandiMe Not in Our Store Stocks! cintgomeiry i. '" i - r -. , i ; -! 1 - ! "v " Ware!