8 That StaWamqrn. SaUm, Ore.. Saiurday. Spinlt 14, 1948 TRADEMARK NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Th Kosto Co. City of -Chicago. County of Cook and Stat of Illinois, having made application for registra tion of a certain trad mark in the Slate of Oregon, hereby publuhes a cnrTipiwn ii Mid trad mark, pur suant to th laws of tli Stat of Ore run The trad mark consists of the word ' Kosto ' which t used In eon rwctsnn with a Preparation for mak ing Desserts and Puddings. A 31 S 7-14. Livestock and Poultry A BLACK Pert-heron mart romini 4 years old Broke Mnglc. double and i to Also a vmm( mi'k row. milking r w Dare Wallace. 3 mile eat of Turner on. Aumsville road . N HAMP frys Paul Gilmer. 145 Beech Ave. 1st, St N. of Underpass. 5 KfW " 7-eaIand White don and buck. 3 hutches. Ph. 8033. Call aflr 5 or all dav Saturday and Sunday. ' 7 hd Hereford heifers and 3 calves.' fajO -750 So High Prion KiO. rOR SAU: Milk cow;10 mo. old heifer. E. A. Miller. Rt. 2. Box 204. Salem. " " 3-YR -OLD raddl hor Gent I Green broke Inquire 94 S 13th. , HIGHEST Price paid for rabbit s ns West srte fur Co, West Salem, WANTtD " All kind, of fat' llve etork Vaiiev Hack nf Co. Phon 533 W ANTED fat ana eafnei tut beef Dair rows j heifer hull ( fat hff tow Hart oars Market pne f C MrCandltsh r S no 373 ph 4147 aero fromjfralf park S 2Sth "TT'l IJM oreeine"ef riWni an ymtwr Prumtl Mrm lr d Oowt try ahAtrMl aui soecva It r Phon t 7 I Lee's Hiirhff FOR SALE Christ N H bnby chtcka every Wed Bov melons 371 Matet iyr 4969 or 63 ft VAN I IB "beef" and ranpei cows tulk and aia Will call at farm E I netbn 155 Lancaster Drive p st45 Mnrni or eves BABY CHICKS: weekly natehe iw Hampshire other varieties Ph XZMl L4 Hatchery Help t anted WANTED: Experienced Mechanical Draftaman. Permanent position with t'l established company. Box 900 Statesman ) J , W ANTED- - Men "and Women to work on hop picking machine'. U and tl 00 per hour ; Pn 2-274 or be at W W firanam tinrli eact im!fiin b 1 am.. l,nraied mi. North of Salem by Clear Lake . ' SALESLADIES and suxkroom help wanted Applv f J- will worth o. DINNER CCX5hT ar.tedTCoinet "Cat . 2o4 Unite J REGISTER iow for prune pick in About Sept li ml out Orchard lieights Rd Ed Myers. Rt. 4, Box 431 A Hop Picker Wantetl Hop Pickers JOHN J. ROBERTS & CO. Bus Schedule TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES LEAVING EACH MORNING COM MENCING SEPTEMBER 3. 14 AM from Capitola Bone-steele Carafe Fairgiounds Road St Myrtle Avenu Hifhland School Larmer Warehou Commercial and Cenler ' Ladd St Bufh Bank Miller and Commercial Capitol and D Cap'tol and Garden Road Carden Road and lift T and 31t P and 17th 17th and Center 1 11 and Center 34th and 5tate 9tn and tate 12th and State retry and Cotta farm Eniployment Office Ml Chemeketa le" and lunwr Road 12th and Munon Hijth and M wn l!ie School t onjmercial and Hot Jef tenon Hy and Hansen Av. Salem HeiRTits St-hotil Tard 4 mile out on South-River Road For further information phon ftt23 HOP PICKERS wanted, flow- in. 4 ml Eat nn-Certer Rt. to Fruitland. K mi C A Yergen Ph 22IW. HOP PICKERS WANTED t mi east of Salem on Market St r Garden rcuMt Good la! hops 10 minute "drive .rar t Sept. R - Do tart Phone 2-2S44 Rt . Box . HOP PICKERS W ANTED For our vard. about 4 mi leu w of Salem. 250 acre of choice river bot tom hopa Picking begins about Sep tember I Fine shady camp ground. Eire cabins Stoves wood, electric lichta. mnower baths, tables stools and traw for beds furnished with cabins Store butcher shop and restaurant on (rounds Bu tramportation Please writ JOHN J ROBERTS & CO. Sa lem. Oregon, stating number, of adult p-ckers and enclo tl for registration nd use of cabin, which will b refund d at close of season " HOP PICKERS Will start Sept 10 at B F. Shepperd yard. Kt. . Box(3W. Salem. Ph. 22074 Help Wanted Male YOl'NC Man about 14 years or evrr to work after school and Sat urdays for grneral work around Drug Store . Sonic one that reallv would lik to learn the drug business. SCHAF.rEHS DHVU S1UKE "GROCERY or VegeUbl clerk. Stat tt MM TST5T1 WASHER" Machine woik PM-1 AM Thurs off Top wages. JVtm Noh'rren s Retaurant " VTANTilj - aTTsiClAN Your chance to Join a real band doing rad'o 4 dance work, led by ttame band exp man leader. Should be able to read, or have good ear tor western saving tvp music. Not hillbilly All instruments Write band leader W rite Box IM Statesman. "GROCERY Clerk, top" pay." Saving Centr. Portland Road ' WANf"servce station aftendant. Ex perience desirabl but not necesarv. Good starting pay and opportunity for advancement Apply Firestone Store Center ft Libeity. Mr. Kingan or Mr VanV'leck. ClOORMAN Stead miptovmrnl 0rK for advarM-ement. Apply In renmn at Grand Theatre - GROCERY Clerk" for West SaU-tn Saving enter. Apply Portland Rd. Saving Center. Ile)p Wanted Female Help Wanted Female MILLER'S Department Store OFFERS GOOD OPPORTUNIST TO Saleslajji les FOR THE FOLtOWINC DEPARTMENTS - Lingerie - Apparel - Osmetic - Linens - Notions - Gifts - Small Wares APPLY MAIN OFFICE HELP WANTED FEMALE SECRETARY STENOGRAPHER 1. Salary Good Increases scheduled fre quently . 2. Pleasant Attractive. Best of w'orklng condition. 3. Vacation With pay. See Mr. Collins District Manager THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 740 STATE ST. Portland General Electric Co. needs J clerks for general office dut ies. Closed Sat. Sun. 40 hr. wk. Ad vancement rapid. Se Mr. Croaaland at 237 N. Liberty. . " BOOKKEEPER: Experience necea sary. Excellent salary and working conditions Lady 20 to 33 preferred. See Mr. Swrnson at 10 Court St. LADY for lee cream counter serv c. Hours 10 30 A M. to P M. Steady. Refe'rencs. The Pike. 130 S.Llbrty. WAITRESS WANTED Hour 0 to 4-30 p m. Sat. afternoons. Stmdays and all holidavs off. Apply Mrs. Frank Krauger. Slat Office Bldf .. Court and 12th Sla. ; E3C P ERllTNCt r5CH6CSEATTC dipper wanted. Burst s Candies, Corvallis, Ore. , t- WANTED-Experienced waitress. VV cloae at Op m. and Sundays. The Meadows. 340 State St. TELEPHONE Operators wanted. No experience necessary. Ulrh pay right at the atari for o 40-hour week while learning.. Frequent scheduled In creases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . . . vacations w-ith pay A real opportunity for young Women who are looking to the future who want a )ob that to pleasant, in teresting and profitable,. Do not delay Inquire NOW I Experienced Operators Let us tell you how much you can Telephone A Telegraph Co 740 Stat St. WAITRESS wanted The Spa " POl'LTRY Px-kers wanted Northwest Poultrv 1SOS N. Front " WAITRESS wanted Dav shift. Couit Ct. Dairy Lunch. 947 Court. IN CA FETERI A. 'Short shlfL t A M -9 PM. No exp. .nec. T5c per hour. Nohlgren s Restaurant , 'WANTED Someone to stav nttes with children, or all time with room, board A wages. 2040 Maple Ave. GIRLS' wanted for hoaierv7 mending'. Will train you Apply Mending Dept. Millers Drpt Store. i " W AITREJiS "lor part iTm dav wort. No Sat. or Sun Capitol Coffee Shop. ' WAITRESS wanted. Black A White Coffee Shop. 1M N Capitol ELDER LYTjsdv for housekeeper r X gifts 12 A IS rs old. Call eve after 4-3ir?3 CherryAve " EXPERiENeED female steam table operator. Permanent poettton. Good shift AppHv in person Blue Bird Cafe " EXPERIENCED Waitress. Perma nent positions Good shift. Apply In person Ellue Bird Cafe. T WANTED A neatj girl attending school or otherwise : employed, or bright young woman with small child can have good horn A liberal pay tor light he. hold duties. Prefer student or someone interested in woi Id econom ics, aoctologv. pvcholoe.v or rop:ra tive activities. Write Box Ptl2 States man WAlTRESSfor banouet work. Mar lon Hote COOK with eapertence. Call 3141 for apuoilntment ; DOMESTIC help. Woman to car for 2 children are 43. Dav. Little bse. work.. Call Mil after P.M. WATstDnCt'eRlENCTCD waitress. day shift. Sundays off. Pede's Coffee Shop. I2H State S "GOOD Opening for dress buyer, permanent position. Valley town. Boa t4 Statesman. BOOKKEEPER with typing exper lence. for half days, soma knowledge of shorthand helpful but not neces sary. Apply In perron. 26M Port. Rd. or Phone 5404 . WANTED." WOMEN: I3-40. Full or rart time. ' work In your own bom, or Information write or come for Interview between A.M. to P At. CAMP'S TACKLJE CO, IBS first St, Sjay ton. Oregon. WANTED: Saleswoman, age 20-35. for Jewelry store. Modern air condi tioned store, permanent position with advancement. Top Salary. Writ Bog 7t Statwtiao. , EXPERIENCED "Stenographer. Must take shorthand. Excellent pay and hours. Willamette Grocery Co.. 3uS S CottageSt. WOMAN FOR housework. Modern home in country, plain cooking, no washing. t7S plus room and board. Can be past middle aed;CallJ0J Jefferson VOUNOLaY to help package 1c cream Good par tor right person See Barney at Saving Center. Port land Rd. 1 . " P A RT-TI ME candv clerk. Apply in person.- Grand Sweet Shop. WAltKESS "WANTED. Good start Ing pay. No nigtit or Sunday work. Uniform furnished. Apply T. W. Wool worth Co. i ! Situations Wanted REFINED elderly lady. Good cook wants housekeeping in mod. home for gentleman. Write Box 803 Statesman. MAN wltH"2l years oncranlcal and shop operation experience wishes job aa aervico manager. Would accept service salesmen with right party. Writhe Statesman Box 004. . PIANO Instruction by exp. teacher. Beginners A advanced. Ph. 4454. 1111 2nd St.. VASalem. : SEWING, altering. 1334 Marlon. ""WILL CAlll'for elderly lady or bed patient In my home.Ph. 7l3. "WINDOW"" door frame made lo order. S ml N. Independence. Abe Terteson At Son Route I. "MELJVOCRiEXJ1 Laundry': ITti Berry. Ph. -T77 PAINTING Paparhanging W Q Crow jy, 137 Shipping Phone 0313 HEAVY And light hauling. Any time, any place, any where. Call 3422 PteScnoui "Piayn.. 1341 State Aim 3-4 Part or all day Ph 0430 &PRAY painting vour paint or ours Phots 4344 Everlv At Cot ten here "ALE WtJRk guaranteed Windows walls, woodwork cleaned rioors wax ed Insured - workmen Professional Cleaning Servsfo. Pboo 4437. .Salesmen Wanted REAL Estate salesman wanted. Good opp. for: veteran. Must b aggressive nave car. rn. ia. AUTOMOTIVE lines. Call on deal ers. Good territory open for producer. Small stock Investment,, Ph. 8-4105. . Charles' Delfel Company will ; train a limited number of salesmen at lh Salem branch. Better than average opportunity. Charles Delfel Company. IS N. Capitol Street, Salem. Oregon. For Sale Miscellaneous 37" LADIES' m Genta" wrist pocket watches. All makes, auaranteed. A-l rond. Salem Watch i Shop, new address 2381 State. Ph. 21837. . , ELECTRIC Toasters. 12 10 and $3 85. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. SWEET Com fori canning. 25c doc. Ph. 23T3 or call 2245 N. Front. 'TWO-Burner kerosene heater. 1743 Church. Phone 4062. IXUORESCENT" Peak " Lamp, ideal for student or office. f Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 253 N. Liberty St. 72 Univrsal trailer 30l5"7Knn"- GOOD-pi-war rrian'g bicycle. 713 Ferry St. OUTDOORPortabi Light for your yard or driveway. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. ElsTfllcXBlNET radlorUl rnodl. Excellent cond. Ph. 6l9 or 3434. PEACHES-TN0W" PICKING?. ' Im- Keved Elbertaa. George Maurer. RL 4. x 150. Phone 3-2081 j PLAST1-KOTE tbei dursbli'palnt with the eetlofha,nL lib (inah " Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. 4.llbetty St. T!nnrLESfroii 'r'rUaenlST'rrririlt Tillamook. 2x4s. : shiplap. flooring A other items Lumber kiln dried or freen on Hll priorities Ted Multer rucka Ph. Salem 21134 KITC1IEN and Bathroom ' light fix- wUsTCtK Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. i255 N. Liberty St. 1 73 ' MODEL Winchester 44-40 at 1 33 cat. Iver Johnson revolver, both for 340 1587 Lee St.. Salem. Ore. "BRASS fireplace screen and wood holder, andirons. 1310 Pearl. ; HOUSE Trailer. 1 fXT 1M5 model, eastern factory made, complete with built-lnt. Exceptionally nice. Reason able price. Capp'a Used Car Lot, 2S3 Union, j GOOD baby buggy 7"plav pert. 111 take both. 607N. 10th St. TAB I JK and pin-4tu lamps Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 25i N. Liberty St. "ENAMELED Wood ran re with cop. per roil. Wood or coal circulating heater, td Beech Ave. Phone 14V57. MONTGOMERY WARD ' all" enamel wood stove. Cooper coll A hot water tank Ilk new MO. "J7 Indian motor cycle. '34 overhauled Plymouth motor man's bicycle 310. '35 Chev. radiator. Ph. 24373. "WHITE Enimef traf rTburner. plastic and chrome breakfast set. maple di nette set with maching corner cup board. 2 linoleum rugs 7x4, 1 occa sional chair. I daveno and - chair. Phi loo cabinet radio, single bed and spring, double bed, spring and mat tress, small dresser, t chests of draw ers, antique mis Ion clock. 3 German made beer steins. Ph, 403X Call after 5 or all .day Saturday and Sunday. S-PCX. dining rni suite. Good conS. Walnut dinette set. Child's metal push cart. 133 Saginaw. 2-V7AY and- Intercomm. Telephone seta. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. - 255 N. Liberty St. FUULER" Brushei7l745 GrarHTp 3357 HNSULATlON arid weather strip ping Rock wool pneumaticly Installed. Price, material and workmanship guar anteed.: i . Salem Rockwool Co. Phone 374 2223 N Liberty ALUMINUM Sauce Pans. Well and tree platters. frying pans, cookies sheets. clothes hampers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 255 N. Liberty St. NOW available, concrete hollow building tile for 4 at 4" walls, steam cured, uniform strength A sire. ORE CON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N Front. Ph 3417. ' Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished fuml ture large assortment or made to or der Picket ts Fumitur 13th and Stat "ALWAYS a big ttoci Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph M ELECTRIC Room Heaters4 fan. steam and reflector types. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N, Liberty St. River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand anil Gravel Co. : PH. 2-lftgg. 3-3100 FARiTERS7"Attention Electric A battery fence controllers. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. j 233 N. Liberty St. "TJlRft-A" Pianos from $396. Se thea beautiful sptnnet styled pianos wath th tone of a baby grand. Tallman s. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high prices. rLURESCENT'TK lichen fixtures and aingl tub brackets for us near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N- Liberty St. ,. , 172 . !. 2oo . i. 223 J2US TALLMAN PIANOS Pease upright ...........--..$ 123 Kroeger upright Pease upright Beck w ith upright Knab'UD. Baldwins grand. ft.. 3 In. , 14O0 Mlrr-A pianos I spinet stylet . 3S Large selection to choose from. Tall man's, 393 s. 12th. A mil from high prices, open eves. -' LIMITED Quantity S-tubc' lctrlc table modH radios with wood case. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 ft. Liberty St. LARGE No. 1 Italian prunes tl So per bu. box. Bring boxes. Box 254. Rt. 7. 14 ml. east of Totem pole It FT. Use. : trailer. Streamlined. $1150. May b seen after 1:30 eve. Riverside Auto Court. FARMERS. Attention IWesting houae automatic elee. milk cooler, ca pacity 40 pal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. ! "TlVaTTUBE srnall Uble" model radio: Elmo Radio Service. 2341 State St. AUTOMATIC sewing machine, first class condition. Msddlebury electric mixer, elec. sandwich toaster. 1335 N. 14th St. i - - .. I " ELECTRljranUPetenC"curling and soldering Iron. i YEATER' APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LibertySt. t CANNING "CORN. Phone 24202. ANTlQUEKbnlaIl organ walnut. Good condition. Ph. 7365. ' 2 BOATS." 11 iTL" and 13Tlt. Equip ped for outboard. A-l cond. Ph. &3i0. MOUNTED Collection of unused and Hawaiian stamps. Singles and block. Phone 2-1244. " CUATGvNTETOrorever. la.hlighu requiring no batteries: two and three cell flashlirhts, railroad tvpe lanterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty St. ; ENS. Metal frames! Bronze wire. Assorted sizes from 13x24 to 30x50. IPTsfJ N. , Church, Ph. 7344. 'DAIRYMEN: V hav mUlrun 'for sale iriin. SCRE1 NORTHWEST POULTRY A DAIRY 1505 N. Front t-PTSCE sectional sofa, bleached ma hogany coffee table, nest f tables, end table, 2 commodes, chest desk, mahogany book case and liquor cabi net, electrical Eaay table top ironer, elee. fan. sun' lamp. Hamilton Beach mixer, Prtllco cabinet model radio, other miscellaneous Items. Ph. 7981. AlX"Metal ToolChits. YEATER APPLIANCE I CO. 255 N Liberty St. i'tRe.UlittDlTri;r?uples. som champion and International champion. Rt, 2. Box 91 t Ml. W. of Kizr Schl. MRS. F. MULKEY '41 SHULT "Traiier" Hse, 22 ftTlnq. at office IM N. Coral. KITCIiEN and" Industrial" Ex haT't fans. YEATER APPLIANCE : CO. 255 N. Libert ySt . " COPPER CoiledT"trash burner. 1580 Pearl SL Ph. $374. . i For Salo Miscellaneous PLASTIC Clothes Line, ironing board pads and Covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N.LlbertySt PAIR walnut lamp tables, excellent cond.rn. kmi. TRAILER House: i bed. all built ins. good tires, good condition, 4350.00. II 44Centr. CANARYingr $5.00. 1750 N. Church LARGE, well built dog house. Re volvincclothe line. 1325 N. .21st. HAND water pump and 40 ft. of pipe. 25 10 Cherry. . ROYAL , vactium cleaner, just over hauled. Ph. 53u. AUTOMATIC, Electric Sidearm Wat er Heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. "GRAPES, melons, peppers, squash", pumpkins and tomatoes. 1 ' t ml. North on Wallace Road, turn right 1 mi. toward river on gravel road. Louck's VlneyardA gardans. Rt, I, Box 11. WOOD Circulator "$15." Call after "5 P.M 065 N.5th. Ph. 4066. j BEDwith inner "spring mattress 130. Eureka vacuum cleaner $35. 2 -room wood heater $5. Sectional book case $12 4-plece modern dining rm. suite tI2S. Movable laundry trays 44. Drop leaf kitchen tab I- 17. Library table f 10. Commodes ti Ph. 2-4354. 240 S. Lancarter Dr. " TRASH 'Burner, colled.-good condi tion. 415 00. 2140 N. 4th. ELECTRIC" Desk, mantel and wall Clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1 255 N. Liberty St. "CIRCULATOR:" Montag wood, all east fire box. good condition. S.'K) tf BROILER PLANT: Sears 3-derk Mi rhlck coop, electric, $12.00. 1740 S. Summer. Ph. 444. SUN LAMPS (ultra vlolejf" A infra red l Portable A stand model with timer. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25S N. Liberty "MODERN table "model radio, "light plastic, reasonable. 1564 N. Capital. LOVE Birds, canaries, parrot, aquar-, turns, . piano-organ. piano-accordton. saxaphone and antiques. Linoleum mg. portable typewriter and furni ture. 250 Chemeketa St.Apt. JO. -tor s tacing Dtcycie. uooa cono. Ph. 344L 2141 N. Front. BUYRIGHT WITH "BRIGHT- 4 pc bedroom suit complete I with i coil spring and mat tress t , $9.7S Dandy spring filled davenport and chair set SS7S Small davenport with Maple framework In good condition 34) 75 Coppsr colled kitchen trash burner . . 24.74 Full six bed with coil spring and mattress 2 73 New 7 drawer kneehole desk ...24.73 5 pc Oak dinette complete 22.73 Vacuum In excellent condition complete with attachments 14.73 Large chest of drawers 17 50 4 pc breakfast set 14 05 Walnut smoking cabinet - 75 Book shelves 4 $3 We hav several overstuffed chairs excellent for (lip covering at reason able prices. Bright Furniture Co. 453 Court phone 7511 ET-ECTRIC Chimes, long and" short tubes, mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 255 N. Liberty St. BOY'S Bike At girl's bike. 497 S.JSt. MUilf"rPeaches. Rollin Be a be r. up Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 47F2. SMOOTHIES for perfect ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. .255 N. Llberty St. For Sale Miscellaneous Money to Loan DOC jewels. 14 carat gold. Pi ice $100. P.O. Box 322. Salem. tt'PlECES'of sterling silver. Montf rrllo pattern. Mongr. "8." like new. LP. O. Box 322. Salem. IIsLIV B ( J 4 pi T IISXTg 4 M$ , 4 I IVII VStm. Mitchell Radio A Appliance. 1JMO SUte. ENGAGEMENT Rin. .10 nofnfTiiue white diamond. Sec at 830 Norway. -CROCKS A fruit Jars at 10c a dor. 606 S. HiThSt. MED. sized oil cir. in very good cond. Also 2 oil dnrms. 50 Mahrt. Ave. near Pen 4 Corners. - "GOOD U?ed pocket watches. Exoert clock repairing, quick service. Clock Doctor. IfcxTS. 14th. 48 BASSrplano accordion. Kerosene clrculator.1126S12thSt.. Salem. LArCE Brown velour davenporf. IfBO N Cottage, small hour In rear. After S:30 Sat., all day Sun, FEATHER : Mattress for . bed; Also oak rocker. Ph. 4523. . HOUSEHOLD "furniture. Llv. rm.". BR. A kit-hen. Call 480 between 9 A 12 A.M. BATH -Tub" $73. 827 "N.Llberty. "GOOD used bed room set, dining room set. misc. beds., dresser, daven port A chair. "New Perfection" 3 burner kerosene stove with oven. tired 3 wks. Will take car trade-in Rt. 4. Box 70D. 1','ml S. of Jly limitf on ME, back of A. A L. Garage. ICE ' Cream cabinet, perfect shape. 1674 Court. ; APT. Sire Hot Point "elec. stove; elec. washing rnachine; drop leaf din ing table; single beds complete; 8x10 CrniJrum rug: "ate leg table and 4 chairs; Iron: skillets; small kitchen sink: side arm gas wtater heater A misc. iterna. MAC'S. 145 S. Church. River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 1935 JOHNSON motor. lS-horse pow er. $163. Phone 21637. PIANO IN good cond. $100. Ph. 22501". FIGURINES and small gift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255N. Liberty St "WOOD Orculaling'heater like new. Andirons, -fireplace screen. 140 E. Bush St. wool ruit size" 14. life new. $15. 0x12 wool rug 425. White toilet seat $2.50. Phone 4364. COILED Trash Burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Ljberty St. SANDgravel A silt." li"ml W. of Kelzer. Meyer A Basley. Ph. 3044 1941 PLYMOUTH special deluTe. Good cond. 2-wheel Motor-Glide. Ranchq type trailer. Well matched bay team A harness Call after t. Rt. 5. Box 246. Ph. 38F3 COAL or briquet Circulator. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 n. LibertySt. StrXW" $13 delivered. Ph. 22504 1 944 B ICY CCEl Llg h t A carr ler a t tached, $30. 1563 Candlewood Dr. LEATHER covered couch, ideal for office or men'a den. Price $18.00. 2340 Claude St. V INDIRECT Floor Lamps and torch lers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty .St. SADDLES . Wards now has a .complete assort ment of saddles. Sturdily made of high grade leather, strongly stitched. tiniy 4U so MONTGOMERY WARD FARM STORE Ph. 7904. Comer Trade A High SINGLE and Two-Burner Hot plates. YEATER APPLIANCE , CO. : iJLN.LibertySt. EXPERT wasmng "machine servic and wringer rolls all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store 313 N Llhertv - WILL. BUY for casn. sclr or trad, guns. - pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison, MM No High REOISTER'NOW for Weatlnghous?. aufo. t elec. water heaters. 40 gal. $9650. 50 gal. (103 25 We hav avaU abl 44 A 120 gal water heaters. t YEATER APPLIANCES 255 N. Liberty "W00DnDTHTPh. 21196. WE buy and sell lurnnur. tools tuvea. dishes, motors, radios. Electric aophances. household good KLIG MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 4445 "PIANO. " Remington uptight. Good cond. Price t!75. Ph. 21731. WALL tvpe Can Openers. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253N. Liberty St. It r1TBungaiow trailer hse.. sip. 2. dbl .hot plate, elee. oven, oil heat er, $800. L G. Snider. 888 N. Com I. . STOVE repairing 4i parts Woodry's M kt, 1605 N Summer St ELEC fruit and vegetable dehy- drator. ) ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 255 NUbrty GOlLDENCroe hybrid sweet corn. Ph. 2-3174. R. W. Hogg Sons. TWO NEW tTS. 10-ply ravon cord tires, size 700x20. CLIPPER STATION. 1205 N. Ca pitol. "iWREEL trailer. It inch wheels, ft. light bed. $95.00. 1790 Fair grounds RAad. THREE t.OO-lt used $25403 N. 19th. eve. FARMER tires A tubes Attention Portable electric milking machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 255 N. Liberty St. . OVERHEAD garage door hangers for tsrnele or dbl. doors. 4 seta only. R L. Eifstrom Co Ph. 9221. , 4-IxrCH soil pip flttings'to exchange for Hoilet andlavatory. Ph. 43Q7. HEAT your hosn electrically. It's convenient, clean, economical. See us for free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. -"VA LKUT"Ti vrm in" uble. nice cond., closes to 22 In.. $23. Ph. 7543. 15" SWING 8 fr bed. Sebastian screw cutting lathe. Power- longitudinal A cross feed. Good shape. $200. Com p. equipped. 1st rd past Rickey school to leti, ist nse. on left. m. , mir, 2a- lem. Ph. 41F13. , DTESS up your Awnings and out door furniture with Belfast canvas paint. ' T YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 NLlbertySt. "MdfsTTftCH "Electric "range. Ph. 4540. 975 N. Capitol, t LAWN mowers, ballbearing and jharp.4 rubber tired. 1 64 N. Liberty. UtLUKAiJVl and Lighted House numbers. , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty St. ITALIAN Prunes. Upick. $1.00 per apple boil, A. B.Widby.Rt.i. Box 103. 24 FT. "factory built" hou trailer. electric brakes, tandem wheel, price $1650. Also 14 ft. factory: built house trailer, butane, elect, brakes. See these at 12th A Mission St. ATTRACTIVE Aluminum Kitchen step ladders, and step-on refuse cans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty St. GOOD used baby- bed" and water proof mattress $10. Rt, 7, Box 472. Hollv wood Driv. H 57AOOrTHoist 505 Center St Trade Misecllaneous WIIX Trade three squares of white shakes and under course shingle for platter. Call after I P.M. at 1210 N, 5th. EXTRA CASH c Fot vacation expenses. For home buying costs. Fpr any worthwhile pur pose where "rash" is needed and ion. venlent payments desired. LOANS $25 to $300 for home or business On Furniture. Salary, or Business Equipment, on Auto $500. to men or women, married or single and you may have 15 moi to rrpav. Phone firrt for fast service. We Ilk to say "Yes" to loan requests. Personal Finance Co. 918 State St . Rm. 125. Phone 3191 Lie. S122 - M163 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4' r INTEREST 8 to 10 Years and NO Commisrton! Leo N. Cliilds, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. PJlon.l28J Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 For Sale Real Estate f For Sale Real Estate To Buy ir Sell See Charles Delfel For Kent Rooms PLEASANT sleeping rooms. Ph. 4327. "BACHELOR'S Cabin. Not tnodern, $J Week. 3580 So, Commercial. Room and Boarl WANTED: High school girl, room and board and rome wagr lo help with wmk. Saturdays and after school, Writ Statesman Box 8IW. For Rent Apartments 820: COZY 3 rm. furn. apt. 2252 Simpson at Ford St. For Rent Wanted Ivliseellaneous . WASrren- b.im tv. .... niif 4s-sn a .. . r. ni ' ' ONE set "tiardiop'or " BulckTferider skirts- Monte. Weddie, Box 28, Jefferson Ore. . ' - Tl3?tklC WATER heater, outside condition doesen't matter, Just so It la in good working condition otherwise. Phone 2-4ff25or 20 Salem Heights Aye; "WANTED: Burlap or : cotton bags. Any kin?, quantity or condition. Vary small lots not w anted. Give good di rections to your place and number of bags you have. Schuepbach Bros.. P.O. Box 381. Beaverton. Ore. WHY TAKE les for your furniture? See Russ Brignt Ph. 7311. . UTEDDRNITUrE Phone 3110 WANTED: PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Stor 432 State St UISHES over 23 yrs old Upstairs Antiou Shop 439 Court Ph 2-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras A senses McEwan Photo Shop 435 Stat CASH for used piano St other mu icai instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqullh Music Co.. 191 8 High CASH tor your used furnltui h tog liist. t riimiiure 1900 Stat AU1U oaifilin ust a shad better' by Rav ETTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 8M used rufcNituRt ph tits ' Mifseellaneous " CHARIS CORSETTIER Guaranteed fitting, also Mason ite dresses. Mrs. Frank Turner, 2605 N. 4th. Ph. 9493. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing Ducer Work: Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock Mason Sand., Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem Oregon -Phone 9408 or 21924 Tree Surgery Trimming, topping, removals. Phone J-40.T0. Your property Insured. TAXIDERMIST NAT KAMMLER, 2330 BROADWAY Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST A dot oh Bid State A Com - Ph 331 1 "WATER-WELL drilling Domestic or Irrigation Duf field Bros. Rt 4. Box 80 Phone2-lfl3. TaLS CLEA RING ANPCI GTRADING PHONE 6.105 J " W EAfH ER strips Pullman; Ph 5ft63 DRAWING house plans Phone 9621 ""Mattresses. Capital" BedT"Co. P. 4069" BEKINS Nstihnwloe mnv serv 7773 "HOUSE nv.vlng arKTTieavy hauling. Used' lumber for sale. Alexander Trucking Service. 428 8. Com'!. Ph. 5588. . "NEW Lawns, prun shrubs, rock patios, rock, walls, all kinds of land scape. Ph. 2-4249. ""METTSllATS cleaned and blocked 75c. LES SPRING EH.44 Court St. CONTRACT hauling locaf St long distance R L Phillips, Rt 3. Box 588 K. Salem Phon 2-3172 ORDER yourfuel oil now, stove St diesel. metered delivery. Call 2I9J7 CUt FL6WF.DS and Horal sprays. Pemberton s 1900, S. 12th. Floor Waxing Hardwood - Linoleum - Floors. Cleaned - Waxed - Polished. Satisfactory work guaranteed. Call Ray Jensen, veteran. 333 Court Salem. Ph. 8788 Septic Tanks Cleaned K. F. Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem. Phone7404 LAWN Mowers, scissors, knives, pinking shears, scythes, sickles and axes sharpened at your door by our modern equipped truck. Denter Grinding Service. Ph. 6833 or 9041. . Financial PAINTSprajrer. 100 Hansen Ave. JGOOD Used Piano H L Stiff TRAILER Space. Clean sttower and rest rooms. 12th St. Junction. Castle Mall. WEC0MA COTTAGES, modern rea. sonable. Box 87. Wecoma. Ore. Phone pelake 2H3 HOWSfcR S RENT"-A -TOOL Veteran Owned I Paint sprayers for any Job. Skllsaws. 3 In. belt ganders, disc sunders and polishers electric drills all sizes. Latest type floor edger and pnhrlier. Pipe dies plumbing tools. Weed burn, ers. lawn mowers. Electric hedge sears; Many others 1132 Edgewater. Dia ! LIGHT trailer. 90 N. Com'l. " PLUM BINGTOOI3. 229HansenXve; "rLOOK SANDER for rent Monl gomerr Ward j ' rHAILEKh" lot rnt 4ie"prnr Wnndrv's Mkt I605 N Summer Mc- TRUCKS fot rent Vim driv Cone At Love 1 1 Phon 0B00 u-drTve Trucks for rent Blankets furn 197 S Liberty. PI. 9Q62 " I" LOOK Sander lor rent MarsfiaU Wells Store Phone 6877. Wanted to Rent BUNGALOW IN RICHMOND dis trict. 5 rrns., 3 rw-d rnis ljull basement, wired for .elect. I antie, ( lect. water htr , plasterrd, firrplate.i garnitf. Mix 100 lot. Backy ard It nerd. t'J'MO. Sal. I00X. I WALNUTS St APPLFsi-37 A , 30 A. cult., 27 A. tlinbt-r. Oljrtipir soil. ' t miles SE. Dayton, Ore. If :U0. No. 2MI NATURAL SUBDIVISION-8.6 acres, already surveyed for : ' sulxllvislon. Cross-fenced. Water 'at 19 leet; 1 well now In. Adjoining G rvais. $10,750 Sal 101. i - APT. OR COURT SITE. 9 blocks north from State Capitol door. Fares north and east on corner. 76 x177. Several trees, apples and walnuts. $6850. Sal 102X. 250 ACRES. Neaily all cultivated, bounded by Santiam River. 6 nil. hse., Ige barn, 40 slum hums, isome timber, good patttite tlrt ooti 'lenpis. I mile N hhelbouriir. Sal 102. SEMI-COLONIAL 8 toorn home 3 bed mil., full basement, furnan, wir ed for elect, range. l t sulrr lilr . fueplace. HaidwuHl lloorp Liiille ga rage, lawn and shade trees. Kxct-IU-rit location, near Parti-h Stfhool. II5.WK) Sal 103X. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME - Almnst 7 acres an a trout sfieam II.miiI wmmI ed. HMO S rm. A ltlh, iilfra-mod hnmt. Garage; maul a uli. tli.OOO: No. E73. 4 ROOM COTTAGE. 2 bril UMims, oil rlrr.. fit r place, wired lorirleti. range.. Plastered, hardwood floois, car ga rage. 50x110 lot, $5O0. On University Street, Sal I04X. 148 ACRES ALL CLUfTlVATED. 8 rm. house, barn, chicken house, hog house. Oils, barley, flax; 2 miles 8 W. Cervais. $20,000. Terms, (Sal 103. ACREAGE 30 A . 25 A. cult . 4 rm. cottage. Barn, woodshed, tool house I Willamette soil. Borders l on Pud(Jin i River. Sub-irrigated. Fenced. $IO.fM)0. no, tfos, l NEW MODERN IIOMeI 4 rm lie. I bed rm. Wired lor elect, range, oil j circ. Kir, plastrted, oak floors, garage.' nice back yaril. I walnut tree Nc-ar ; Englewuod School. V7 hal IU7X. i I PEACH ORCHARD. 9 19 Acres, all rult. peaches. 1 A. barly, 72 cherry trees. Peach stand wild living loom St kitchen comb., 1 bed rm. Electricity, 163 ft. well, press, svst. Wallace Hlver Road. $11,000. Sal 103. ! FURNITURE STORE. Monthly net Incomjr $.100 or more. Good location.! in middle of thriving farming district.! Space! for secondhand store, Kent for both. $50 mo. $4750. 36 Inc. f HI-WAY ACREAGE. 1 mile west of Sherwood. 6 25 Acres, all Vult. Willam ctte loam. On 99 W. $4200. No. 403. ! COTTAGE IN HIGHLAND district. 4 rm., 2 bedrrns. 50x100 lot. woodshed, grapes, apples, prunes prsrs, dai ries, good garden spot. $4000. Sal. 106X. DAIRY. 132 Acre, all Cult., hir. Canai y grnss. wht. 10 A ot la vr. old filberts. Well and :ect. press. syst. 6 rm. farm houe, 4 large barr.s. 3 rm. tenant hre.. silo. Grade A m.!k house; ?0 cows, equiprner.t 10 rr-iies from Salem. I28.0O0. No. 44T, MODERN P.UNGA1X3W. 7 rwnt, 3 bedrrns. Oil circ. fireplace, wired for elect range, elect water r-.tr.. plastered, fir floors, riltrr. woodshed 2 nnt trees, 4 grape vines. $7900. Sal 106X. FILBFRT ORCHARD and seed crop. 103 A . 60 A. cult. Creek bottom pas ture, family orchard, well and ci.rt, presa. syst , elect, and te! 7 rm. r se. 4 bedrms , barn, nut drier. 3 miies from Sublimity. 121. COO. Sal 111. RICHMOND DISTRICT. 4 room h.. 2 bedrms. About 80xl0 lot. p'.j'tered. walnuts, cherries, prunes, apples, pears, strawberries, young heme, rs-pl-er-nes, gotiteberrlrs. $640(i. Sa! IISX. ' DAIRY At GENERAL FARM 4" Aries, all t ulh, 23 A pfu:e. fa' .!y ort haid. 7 im, lis , 4 brlrmi , wired' for elect range, milk house, grade A, mach slied. 2 barns, chicken h. Att. lo )... irf Jerseys f.t ms'es from Haiern City limits. 25.tMio Sal 110. "8 ROOM HOUSE. Ilusri School "j. Itlct. .7 ted rms. MxlSO lftk furrar. nl. tried apples, cherries. w;m.t, fHIHMI ie,X. . Git AIM FARM, 4 Acres. 25 A cult. 5 A. timlier, 43 A. pasture, fe-i.if r rhsid. 7 rm. hse, plastered, fireptac. elec-r. ami prion, wagon sited. '.gat ag, rlnckrn house, $j , poo. J. Jil Mor.l lor. Sal JI. HFRRIFM AND FRUIT 1" Acres. 7 cult, :is large fir trees. 3 A. pe.fur. 5' well. 7 rm. hse.. firep'.are. r rd, arn. 2 sarages, chicken house. $.r,r 10 gri vine. 1 mil S. of Liberty. Sal. 113. RERHY FARM. 18 Acres. 14 A ei;!t 3 A. strawrberrle. 4' A. raooerres. 4 A. pasture, family orcharf. b.ack loam, all fenced, spring ar.4 piesa. svst. 7 rm. hse. barn and fw car ga tl. Tractor plow, f-.ar vv, n-r eouipnient Nar Pleatant ValSey. :.. X). No. 735. . DAIRY AND FARM 104 A , 44 curt. In oats and barley. 41 A lir.lxr a, pasture, family orchard, wnra w ,r fence. Ctrek, 4 rm. modern farm r . sum farm and dairy eqjjj St ttna. This Is a rood buy, li.30.' Carlton, Oi No. 371. a GERVAIS-49 Acres, plus good so.l: all cult: -oats and vetch, corn: a. I fenced: water table 6 ft. On Barnes rd. SWrOO. No. i72. J ACREAGE 9 II Acres, a ! cultivated. In Gtey.nats. family : nrer.ard. pear apples, peaches Itam osl, woven wire fencing. Near Four Corner. 83uO. aj. 106. VEGETABLE At DAIRY. 85 Acres, 40 A. cult. 4 A. New raprr'. sweet corn, alfalfa, iadino clover, alU feser.l. Modern liou.e and barn, new mac.nin shed At garage, chicken house a miles from Carlton. 818.000. No. 404. YOUR Surplus money will earn you 5 per cent interest. Buy a real eatat mortgage, examine the security your self. - Mortgage available in amounts of 850V to 67.500. We collect all In terest and payments for th Investors, no extra charge. State Finance Co.. Realtors 153 S. High SL Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offer money at one on cars, trucks furnltur. trailer houses, livestock farm marchlnery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers General Finance Is locally owned and officered, was organized In 1927 and therefore knows and can. help throughout th repaying of a loan" Ap plication for loans made by phon 138 South Commercial SU Salem Phone: 9168 License S-I38 St M-33S $ $ MONEY $ $ We make aft types of personal loans including furniture note and car loans for any worth while cauae We alao make real estate loans and buy real estata contracts For quick and ffl cient srvio se or phon STATE FINANCE CO. Phon 4131. 133 S High. Salens Lie S 21 4- M 22 ' FaITm and 7ITY LOXnS 4 and 8 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 1183 VET of World War II and wife want a 4 or 5 rm. unf. house. S P. I R R. employe. Call after 8 P.M. collect 346J Dallas. j YOUNG "Couile with no children w ant furnished apt. Box 892 Salesman, FURN. apt. or hse. No pets or drink- 1m. U.' r Riv al lslmnn "$25 REWARD for anyone giving meH information as to where I can rent a furn. house nr apt. Am Gl. and have no pets or children. Call 7743 or Q9. MIDDLEA"e couple will, give a pair of n Ions A $10 tor information leaoV ing up to us: renting a furnished or unfurnished apt. or house. No drink ers. PhKOSaisk fpr.'n8i5ecr- ; WE Have acliervf. middle age. that wants to rent or lease for one .year a comfortable apartment for he and his wife. Call, Mrs. Parmentler with Hawkins A Roberts. Inc. Ph. 4108 ; $25.00 Reward leading to and renting of 2 or 3 bed room house, or apt., fur nished or unfurnished. Good rare 'and minor repairs guatanteed. Best;, of references Phone 4261 or 6844. I VETERAN with 6 yr. old daughter needs 3-3 bdrm. unf. house conven ient to parochial school. Will buy If suitable. Writ Box Ml Statesman. WANTED: FurnTor uafurni house Good are and minor repairs guatan teed. Ph. 2-5453. j PLANTMANACER and wife wsnt clean, modern house to rent, bong of short term. No children. References. Ph. 2-5006. "GUARANTEE-good care of2-3 "bed room - unfurn. house. No smoke, or drink. Immediate nerd, reliable, Phon 7936. ; STjATE-EMPLOYED vet. and wife ,urgehtly desire room or apt. with housekeeping : facilities. Phone 9141, Ext. 1. weekday's. ,: t COUPLE'and ba'By boy desperately need small furnished "house or apart ment. Phone 8314. WlLL some one please rent me, age S mo., my mommy and daddy a fur nlfhed apt. or house? We have to leave our preoent home and I would hate sleeping on park benches. Sherry." . Box 876 Statesman. WANTED Listings of dwelUngs. apartments and board and room avail able. for rent to school teachers Phone 9137, School Admlnistrst lonoffloe. SAFEWAY-employee wants 2 or"3 bedroom ' house in or near Salem. Ph 8033 after 7 pm. For SaleReal Estate IS ACRES Ultra modern 7 room- home with fireplace. Full basement, auto, oil fur nace, elec. H. W. H. Wired for range. Dbl. garage with basement. Home freer I ng unit, walkin cooler. Dbl. ce ment driveway to garage. Cement driveway to barn. Little Pudding river runs through place. 14 acres In culti vation. 820.000. ; j Sullivan Realty Co, 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 2-4479 BEAUTIFUL 3 B R. horn on . A. This plac leaves nothing to be de sired. Oil circulator Ac table top elec. water heater. Inc. You must tins. Call Berg land. $7900. Hurt Picha, Realtors Phone 6473 2343 Portland Rd. . EXCEPTIONAL "r Immediate possession of this beau tiful modern home, in a fine residen tial district. 8 bedrooms, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds, full basement, sawdust furnace, garage. Lovely yard, lots of fruit and garden space. IT HAS EVERYTHING I PRICE 312.600. , . Call "Hbby Habernlcht Joe Hutchison Real Estate 435 COURT, Phone 7696; Res.! 2-92:14 3 Bedroom Home Good location, all on one floor. Furn. with nice new furnltur.: full basement, laundry trays, automatic sawdust furnace. Owner leaving city, asking $14,500.: Including all furlture. N. JJ Lindgren, E1 D. Potter REALTORS 2J3 8. High St. Phone 3630 MONEY TOTLOAn-on first mort gages. 4 to 67ei Call for details. Ed lKrkit,- Realtor 208 N. High " Phone 3Q8I By Owner Imm. poss. new 2 B R. small, hse.. garage, near Keler Sch. Large lot with 19 large : walnut trees. Inq. 450 Rosemont Ave., West Salem. NEW S-RM." home. "Keler district. 87500. Phon 25154. Rt. 2. Bog 11F. Evans Ave. : Notice G. Ih By owner: N. off 99 highway, new $ rm. mod. home. Elec. heat, hot water tank, hardwood floors, bett of location. $8 450 Phone 4 1 03. I A. on pavement' 3 mi. S. of Salem, about ' in cherries, pears, etc. Has over 4O0 ft. frontage with nic I bldg. place. Price $354M. $3(10 or more down and monthly payment or will - divide Ph. 22428 f CHARLES DELFEL CO. 615 N. Capitol St. - Phone 7002 -. If no answer call 5823 $7200 MODERN) new 2 BH home S E. Close to school St bus. Auto, water heater. Wired for range. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S High Phone 4121 Eves: 2-.VVS1 FOR SALE 4 rm. Hngl. howse and garage, large lot. 2 H Hms , bath room. Located lit N. Salem near school A bus .6J11XI. Terms. See Mr. PEM BERTON with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc., Realtors . , Ph. 4108 8U930 CLOSE IN 3 Bed Rm. 'Sleeping Porch. Recep tion Hall. Large Living: and Dining Room, Kitchen, wired for range. Base ment. Ol Furnace. Close ito Grade arid Hi schools. Immediate f'f - ion. f THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High Just north of Center St. l,rntiiJr?-?c?r2..,,r. -"4 NICE 2 Bed rm. home North. $ft500i Beautiful lawn and fenced In hack yard. Very desirable location. Close to grad and high school. Call Berg land. Burt Piclia. Realtors . Phone 6472 2543! PortlandsRd, "CLOSE TO BUS and schools. 6 year old 2 BR. home, Hardwood floors, Ven. blinds, wired for lange and well located N E. $8400 Sullivan RealtV Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph.. 3238; Eves 2-3103 Imm. Posr-ession 3 story well built older home but good, plumbing up and down, oil fur nace in base. Price $9750; located near Washington school. -C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 HOUSE close to sch. A bus. Inq. eve. after 8. 1010 Wilbur St. 2 Brand New Ultra Modern Homes DONT BUY TILL YOU SFE THESE Priced at $11.01X1 and $11,400 each. Call Mr. Hishop at the GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. No10 Ladd A liii.h Ilhlg. Phone 7770 $4500 NEW Suburban, acre, on pavement. 2 bdrm.. living room, large kitchen, gas cooking. Little finishing to com plete yourself. Hi is won't last long Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 PortlandRd. Ph 3259. Eve25 103 NEW ultra modern home. "5 "mis', full bsmt -., large attached garage. 2 fireplaces, cential healing A air con ditioning unit, large Int. elec, water heater. '1 block from city limits Con tact L. i. Davles Rt. 2. Box 82. Kelrer Dlst.. or Ph. 6435 and make.appolnt ment. " BY OWNER"! Ar'eBoTiriLtSTde City limits. Highland dust. 8 rentals plus owner's home, all furn. Walking distance cltybus.Ph. 3459 NICE"App.arlng small 2 11 R7 home", mod. ex. base., nice lot. paved .St., on bur. Only $3350. furnished $3750 C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High 98.18 - 2 IOTS op South' Salem corner In new district. Ph. 9343. "BY OWNER: Vtew'li.tii IWxtM" ft. In King wood Terraces. Ph. 5fiV7. FINE IjoX 50x110, corner, paved "and walks both ways, high class six.t' Also view lot on Klngwood only $ftti0 LUSE REALTY, Oregon Bldg.. 7952 4-ROOM house ,gai age 'attached.'auto gas water heater A range, 55x111 lot Phone 24063 after S P.M. "BY "OWNER: 7 toom house. 3"lied" rooms, fireplace and wired for ranxe and water healer. Modern with Vene tian, blinds. Close to bus line. Terms 1240 South 15th St. ' MONEY TO" LOANon first morT gages. 4 to 6'.'. Call for details. Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 208 N High " ; 'Phone 36I 4 RM. HOME plus" business building located on main highway inside city limits $12,000 full pi ice. j M. 0. 'Hum purely s & Co., Realtors 3033 Portland Rd Ph 7420 226 Fairgrounds Kil I'h. 2-45IMI $3700 IMMFI). POSS. jliv. rm. kit. bdrm. Laige lot. tifXKl ln. buys this 2 A. cherry orchaid A unfin. house Full price $48fMl. $AU50 Llv. rm., dinette, kit , 1 bdrm. Unfin. Up. Close to bus A school. $12,400-1 A. N Nice 4 1. home, partly furn. Call OMfcH. Huff Real Ehtate Co. REALTORS 970 8 COWL Phone 2-154$ Ph. 2-5091 eves. I THREE HDRMS with unfinished at tic. HW. fireplace, gas for cooking At water htr,' basement, furnace moetiy furnishrd Including refrtg , rant, Wh. trmch Possession t II 44 $12 200. SALEM REALTY QO. RfALTORt : 149 N Hijjh Phone7s4) 44 ACRES In Central Howell" S r miles fiorn City center. Garni 7 ro.fn ; house with bath, garage, barn, chicken I house, family orchard, beat of s.il, j near grade m hm.l. on pavement Will exchange for house In Salem. Pr:c $1700. Sullivan Realtv Co; 3.163 Port land Rd Ph. 32 S SF vjrJ44 7 GARAGEHOUSE WelJ- built, cr.mfortahle. completely furnished Including elect, waahmg n-a-chlne, oil burning rook range, semirg machine. ' acre land. ' blfc. f-r..n city bus. North par t of town. $'.354. II. K frg..lill. Rs.4lfe PJhone ,8841 J74 SjjCatrtrna-rcial ' SPECIAL 3 Bedrooms, L H, DR. kitchen and bath, all on one floor. Basement and furnace, nice location on Elm Street, West Salem Possession nvt week. tM4 is well worth a look. $3730. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3363 Portland Rd, Ph, 3255j"Eve 3-!lf CHOICE late built t Bed room home. Nice location. Ultra-modern. Complete ly furnished. $IS,f.nn. (.all llaiold McMilhn with ( State Finance Co.,ReaItors 153 S. High Phon 1 4131 , .Eves: S1F21 , u HOME WITH INCOME i Colonial home-, nlc living quarter downstair, 'a very! pleasant 3 bdrm. apt. upstairs. Pasement Double ga rage. See by appointment. Good ii-ca-tlon. 414.000. . ) THE REAL ESTATE x MARKET 4.1.1 N High fust north r.f Center St. Phone 24793 Eve 1.19fiJ or 2W95 BY OWNfR:"3 bed rrvim home liv. rm . din. tm. kitchen and one hedrm, ,1 11 U ,1 Ulf h III. a k. . . with 'tile bath and shower, cerretiti basement has k n,t I stn. r-rw. I -, . dry rm, storage ronhnard and extra room, tjirge lot with Mc shrubbery, sprinkling system, cement petto, ferc Vd bark yard, double garage w th 4 ft. cement walks Shown by appo.nt nient only. Phone 9432. NEW 2 B R. home with unfintsr.ed upstairs, H W. fg automatic heat, hot water. . firenlaca tmnA--. Terms. New 7 room, all electrfe home, rew furniture, extra lot ait-ilnine Tr as place has 4 fj I. loan Immed po-a. Trims. See or rail Mr Gtdleg w ,th WM E. MOSES 3.11 'i Slat fit I pn, 409) NICE COUNTRY'HOME 8 rooms, newly painted, nar ren dition, own water system, garace 1' acres, located about 6 mi'.ei exit - Highway, place has a second nous) for rental I'rw $7H50 V ALFRED DUMBECK. RFAt, ESTATE with Valley lnd f, 37 j , a Si, (OrtfloribXitatesTaaa AOVSnTTSINO Western Advertlslrtf j Representatives Vard-Griffith Company. In. Sam Francises) Easfern Advertising Representatives Ward-Ortfflth Cnentssnv. Its tro New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Member Pari fir Cst Division Bureau of Advertising; . Entered af If Pnefofftc f gVrfesn,' Oreonsj as Stmmd Clasi M-trrr p fy. Ilshed et'rro morsimj errerst Mosidiv. Rneinets efflc fli Strut S Cessisaerctail. Street, . SUDSCRIITION RATES Mall fubtM:rlpllfi In Afvn-f ts6atwlssx noai ffa.ll- awsw-eS t.saat. 41. w 1 1 r 1 111 ith v s . a-asw i y mwwa bjuimisj? si 'aw 40 cents 8 mo $3 00. 1 yar. 8 OA; Kiewhr 80 rm, per mo e f7 34) for I year In advanc- Pr copy 9 cent. Bv City Carrier. 7$ cent a monthy 19 00 a year In advanc In Marlon an adlacenl countM.