S ThV Skit man, Salem. Ow, Saturday. Spf mPT T, ITTO Mr. Tout a Busy Guy at Lone Oat This Week THe tat. the ml' nasty. U skirt lag srertlme this wrt k at ! Oak and he's getting by s llh it nmlftlrd. ThU smooth ekie. actually a learn In men's clothing, works thusly. be rr: I sually a talkative en sHh e es as aharp a tongue. keH up to you and announce telly, but In It. SOS ward, that be has the winner of the next raee. Hell pull out a roll of fold green the likes .of which Henry rord Mould carry, and iwurf you It belong to the orke themselves, and that he. lucky fellow, ha been assigned to bet It all a certain horse for them. Does he tell you the name of the nag? Oh. no. He Instead pulls you toward the Sit window, takes yonr money from you and makes the bet himself with your money, not his. If he's talked Impressively enough, you might give him forty or fifty bucks to plank 'on this "sure thing. But do you get all the mutuel tickets, after he's bet your dough? No lrv you don't. He plucks out two or three for the jockeys" and you (el w bat's left. Then If the boss doe win. which Isn't at all likely, he collects on the! tickets you bought for: him. and ho hasn't Invested a dime. If the boss loses, and that's Just about what happens every trip, you're out. not him. He's lost nothing. : '' M ' Smooth operator? You said It. lie tries to cover every horse In every race this - way, and can't help but collect accordingly. The alibi when the bangtail loses? "The poor thing pulled up Uroe half-way around you saw It but boy, have I got a hot one In the next race!" How do we know this? We spent most of one afternoon fol lowing one of the characters around at Lone Oak this week and watched his every move. Being- of the species Who is, con tent to bet but two bucks now and then, we aren't bothered by Mr. Tout and his tricks. But w know of at least one of the louts . who will leave the Lone : Oak meeting a lot richer than when he came. Linksnien in 4World' Battle ( III! .-. Sept. 4"-Bron Nelson steps Into George R. Mj Sia.vae "World t hamplenship" golf tourney as a substitute; with the miseries, but statistics rast him a slight favorite In the unique four-man showdwon at Tarn O'Shantcr course tomorrow and Sunday. The 36-hole. w inner'take-aU battle brings together Nelson: I S. open champion l.loyd Mangrura: British open tltllst Vammv Hnead: andd Herman Barron, winner of the year's biggest iaakpot. the SIS.5S All-American purse, also contributed by pro moter Ma. Mit'i "world'' content originally had the winner, of the PGA nseet booked to appear., but the newly -crow ned titlist. money grabbing Ren llogan. declined the bid because of a Jammed sched ule. Nelson, the ISIS PGA king, agreed to emerge from the tran quility of his Ienlon Tex., farm and weary, aching back and all take a shot at the Sit. SO plum as Hogan's substitute. The medal play caper-fer-eash will open tomorrow at noon with IS holes, the four professional hotshots teeing off In two somes. The final IS will be played Sunday afternoon. In the event of a tie. another It-hole session will be played Monday. Solons Defeat Tacoma ! For 2nd Place Clincher I Ixrals Triumph 11-9; Chiefs Drop Tars; ; I Harisoff Cracks Triple Mark; Yaks Win ! i-TACOMA. Sept. 6(Specia))-Salem's Senators clinched the sec ohd place pr in the WIL standings here tonight as they trimmed the Tacoma Tifcers, It Jo 9. Two five-run innings the second and e$hth featured J he Solon attack,' with Pitcher Earl Porter and Ieituelder Hal Summers doing '1 ,4 'i Kollm' Along Jkkrv Stone itt ill Ulltlll I I I I I ft - u I A W I I - - -'; has grown. And I ': ius who maybe !;-! et - l isrsUrt iu foot- I . ' kO As one fellow to another Hi I la man. the bowline lm,pressario opines that this Is going to be one of Salem's biggest pin seasons ever, TVe I94C-47 campaign will boast a record number of leagues, with most everyone but the Old People's home signing for play In one loop or another. One circuit that ought to provide plenty of competition sjd rllr is a projected Civic club left-goe. It hasn't rrystallscd let but. oh bo, can't too Just see the Klwanls and the Lions and the Reparians anlting It up. Ill says that five or sis teams are definitely , planning on competing In . the NBC championships at Los Angeles la February something that was Impossible because of travel conditions in the war years. "Any team can enter the MM", savs llama, "llie only condition Is expenses: each outfit has to foot Its own. Data from I -os Angeles reveals that ItM teams have at- , read signed for the kegling event which foes to . show that bowling has got something. U ilmmi Deadly It Is surprising how this sport has It's been a boon foe some of the g were too undersiaedd to ever get an boll or so arte of the rougher sports. Take this guy Joe Milnsan. for instance. Joe's national match nlay Hi MAM AN champ. Hi had the privilege (Here's the army again) while at FtJ Lewis to be on hand when Joe whiled away some of his army time trundling. Now Joe Is a guy that you'd take on visual Impression as some nice quiet little guy. maybe an accoortsnt. who spent all his off boors buried la a book. Well. Joe Is nice enough, and he's not overly talkative but then and there any kinship with Mr. Milquetoast ends. a a , a s a. o S as a - S a 1M guy s as ueaaiy ss a rsiiiesnaae once no wneeis na ngni mrm bock and runs for the foul line. Being a spot pinman. he rivets his eye with cold intensity on that imaginary X and let's r go. As you would call Byron Nelson a machine, you would also apply the term to Hitman. " ij iloml eir, J.ejtie Hell, hip-hip hooray! Ethan Grant ran now enjoy the sweet com posure of a man whose aim is accomplished. Jim Kusscll. the local pro. says he's considering a club lefthanders' tournament In con junction with the regular club championship at the Salem golf club . the latter part of the month. So. Kthan and Joe Feiton and the rest f m had better practice like mad for the glory that can be 'theirs. Short Shot ''' Kenny Hyatt, finishing up the season with If wins for the Kena toes would quite possibly hate been In the magic 2 victory class it he bad been with the locals from scratch. Kenny didn't report to the valors until amonlh of the campaign had passed. .... Scouts are eool on H'andefl Mosser. Portland southpaw, because they say he can't handle bunt Karl Harrlll. the f air meet's racing secretary. Is now in the King Crosby org anitatlon. Harrlll says Crosby's purso strings are always open as far as the turf sort goes. Blng now eon trols the Iitsdow ne track in Vancouver B. C. and dished out fZSt.SOf foe "The Willows" on Victoria island. Hot (I rid Year The grid campaigns this year ought to be rip-roarers from start to finish. Note the huge turn-outs at all the coast schools, add the un usually high percentage of letlcrmen. ml in the fact that a lot of the bos have fhe leg conditioning that only climbing In and out of fo holes and over all types of terrsin can bring and you're going to have a concoction that spells MAY II KM In the pigskin arenas. And. as Hlllametle s Hall l.rickson mentioned, there's going to be a changed attitude noticeable among the lads. You might call It less a rah-rah and snore an adultish viewpoint. Olm liulldou Hopped lit Hon nit Fair IS raid The old Klondike Kid him self ves none other than Bulldog Jaekson found; to bis chagrin Thursday night 'that the area between the ropes Isn't the only spot when a guy can get an unsuspecting rabbit punch or a knee under the Jaw. The veferan wrestler, at present member of a side-show unit at the fairgrounds, was knocked cold when involved in a frre-for-ail with several other unidentified men at the fair., police reported. Jackson's Injuries were minor. tri:ngtii wins SPOKANK. Wh . Srpt (Pi J V. Kmth" .nir.e - vra r-M. Mr-r g:i. t'-ijiy won tke $'00 fJt'j(' ! ' P!.ifair lt;uk in a !rc-A (iiti fnuih with Se attle rftit'i I.ihiiii(HII. Tliur!silas Hox: Docusen Victor NEW YORK. Sept. HflVBeri me Dtien, the flashy New Or leans welterweight who made his Malion Square Garden debut i week ago "as a fancy-Dan bocri showed he can do jut as well vhen he has to slug it out by out-t turuhiiti( the Albany. N.Y., bull dog. Noi man Rubin, for an eight-! round decision tonight. Senalor Swal: the .heavy stick work. Potter dtlir fg the evening - battcxl in; three runs with a double and single; in addition to chalking up his third mourtd triumph of the season. Summers collected a pair of dou bles and!; two singles. The Tigers nicked Porter for 14 blows, among them being two home runs by Bob Joratz, while the Senators1 were touching three Tacoma hurlers for 13. ; ! ' ( ? Other WIL games of the eve ning saw the Champion Wenat chee Chiefs take the Bremerton Tars, 6 to 3, in a contest marked by the issuance of 19 bases (on balls. Bill Barisoff, the league home run record smasher, also set a new triple 'mark when he bashed his lAth of the season. At Yakima the Stars beat the Victoria Ath letics,. 9 to 1, on the tteady ins of Strait f Salom i 0.r0 100 0M TaccMna .230 001 OQ3 S 1 I Porter and Kerr; Greenlaw, Oppelt (Si, I'olointoo it) and Kupvr. Victoria . 000 IHiO 010 t Iff 4 Yakima .. 211 So-1 tj f Oliver. Hlankenship (71 and Pakil son: Htrait and McSonnell. Wenatche 110 001 0000 $ 2 Bremerton . . , 000 010 1013 2 - Orphan and Sady. Pesuit ' (); Ahearn and Leovlchy Votpi 4). .-j . m Brown Wallop s iie Parker na Atn dy huH- D-ll 13, Septi 6 San TOREST VlILLS. N.V., r (JPy T,om Brown, jr., of Ftancisco carried his meteoric ca reer a long step forward today when he : trounced Frankie Par ker, the two-time I; defending champion, 6-3, "6-4. 6-8, 3-6, 6j-l, in a gruelling match in the na tional championships. i The triumph catapulted the 23-year-old coast star into the semi finals, where tomorrow he will clash with Gardnar Mulloy, vet eran star from Miami. Fla., who beat Pant ho Segura, the Jkuadr rean, by scores of 4-6, 6-4. 12-iO, 63. In the opposite semi-final, Jack Kramer of Los Angeles, tournament favorite, will meet Bob Falkenburg. J In the day's only Women's match. Doris Hart of Miami s-ovd a! onc-sidwl victory over Mfs. Mary Aniold Pientiss of Los An geles, 6-3, 6-2, to reach the finajs. Beavers Wallop Angels, 9 to 3 PORTLAND, Sept. -(JP)- The suddenly surprising Portland Bea vers dropped the Los' Angeles Angels again here tonight, 9 to 3, to take a 4-2 edge -in their cur rent series. Portland Angeles Los B Trdway.m 4 Schuster J 4 Sauer.r Chrstphr.l S.MartinJ Otera.l Mallory.2 Stphnsn.c On born. p Dobrnic.p Tyack H 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 14 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O A 2 0 Bucher.2 6 Crawfrd.r 0 Escobar, m 0 Storey J 3 Vico.l 1 Reich .1 S Dobbin. s 0 llolm.c 2 Salveaon.p 1 Uska.p 0, d A 2 2 Total 33 9 24 10 Totals 32 II 27 T Batted for Maltory InOtit. , I ami Angeles 000 300 001-3 ' PottlanJ: .. 1P2 042 00'- Errors iSauer, Mallory. Dobbins. Runs batted in Storey, Escobar 2. Schuster. Reich. Holm 3. Crawford 2, Christopher. Two base hit Schuster. Three base hit Holm. Homo runs Escobar. Crawford. Christopher. Dou ble plays S. Martin to Mallory to Otera. Mallory to Schuster to Otera. Schuster to Mallory to Otera. Ieft on bases- Los Angeles 9 Portland 9. Bases on balls Salveson 2.- Qsborn 4, Dober nlc 3. Strikeouts Salveson 8. Earned runs Selveson 2. On born 7. Dobernlc 2. Hits off Osborn 8 in 4'a: Selveson 9 in S: Dobermc 2 in 3'3: LUka 0 hi I. Winning pitcher Salveson. Loving Bltcher Osborn. Umpires Summers, lazr.io and Sears. Time 1:41. Atten dance 1S&S. Table of Coastal Tides . . Times computed for Taft. Ore., toy the U. S. Coast nd Geodetic Survey (or the Oregon Statesman. September Time 10 .30 a.m. 9 3 p.m. J 1:32. a m. 10:26 p.m. 11:50 a.m. 11 09 p.m. 12:20 p.m. 11:52 p rn. 6 G AH R II Prt Muaial. Cardinals I S3 S2 103 J93 .3S Hopp. Braves 110 382 SS 143 3SI Vernon. Senators 127 49 73 170 J41 M lie. Giants 100 37 9 70 127 . Pesky. Red Sox .. 137 MS 113 191' Xt Williams. Red Sox 3S 472 133 lis .3.15 i Runs batted in i National leaeue: Slaughter, Cardinals. 110; Walker. Dodgers. 9. Musial. Cardinal. SS. American league: Williams, Red Sox. 115; Doerr. Red Sox. 114; York. Red Sox. 110. I Home runs National league? Miate. Giant. 27; Ktner. Pirate. IS; Norihev. Phtlikes. 19. AmetUan league: WUIiam. Red Sox, 34; Greenberg, Tigers. 31; Keller, Yankees, 23. ' OreganUns in the majors what they did Friday: : B H O A E RBI Gordon. Yankees 3 0 3 3 0 0 Pesky, Red Sox S 3 3 3 1 0 Poerr. Red Sox .. .;. 4 1 4 3 0 I t 10 It 13 13 14 19 IS 17 19 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 27 29 29 30 12:51 0:37 1:19 1:20 1:50 2:09 2 21 3:04 . 2 59 4 :0 3:42 5:17 4:32 6 51 5:3s 5 17 S:55 9 27 13 10:20 9:22 10:59 10:23 11 .14 11:14 12.07 0 01 J 2:37 0:47 1:00 1:31 1 33 2:13 2:01 2 59 2:30 3 48 3:05 p.m. a.m. P.m. a.m. p.m. am. p m. a.m. p in. a.m. p m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p in. a.m. p.m. am. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. am. p in. p.m. m. P,m. am. p in. am. p.m. a.m. p;m. a.m. p,m. a.m. pm. Hig Water 50 II 5.2 64 5.4 It 56 6.7, 5'9 66 6 1 64 6.4 60 65 IS 66 5 0 6 6 4 7 6 5 4 5. 6 4 - 4 6 6.3 50; 6 4 5 3 6 5 5 6 6 59 II 6.2 : 6 3 6 4 6 2 65 59 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 2 6S 4 9 6 1 Time 4:05 3:51 4:47 4.33 5:23 5:13 5:57 5:53 6:29 6:33 71 7:15 7:33 7:59 I 08 8 50 8 43 9:45 9:27 10:51 10:21 0:03 11:28 1 20 12:55 2'31 2:22 3:32 ' 3:31 4:23 4:28 5:08 5:16 5 47 6:01 6:20 6:41 6:53 7:21- p.m. 7:23 a nr. 9:00 p.m. 7:54 a.m. 8:40 p m. 9:27 a m. 9:25 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:11 p.m. Low Water a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. am. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p in. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. 0.2 3 0 -0.1 27 -0.3 2.3 -0 3 19 -0.2 M 0.1' 1.1 0 5 0.7 10 0 5 1 6 03 2.1 03 2.7 0.2 3 2 0.1 3.4 .0.0 0 J 0.2 2.9 -0.2 23 0 2 1 8 0 1 1.3 0 4 1 0 0 8 0.7 ! lJ 06 1.1 o e 2 3 07 27 0.9 --'Long- Shot Victor in Featyre s f i Horse Wins Afler Plioto Finish; Belting Figures Hit 237,569 Turkish Brand, a 10-to-l long shot, nosed Jitterbug at the wire to win the Veterans' Handicap, feature .race fof yesterday's fifth day of the State Fair meet. Running on a track still somewhat muggy from the prevjpus day's rain, the "Turk" with Ken Coppernole up, unisnea in a pnoxo nnisn wun Cards Up Rilargloi; Jitterbug and the outcome-was in doubt until' the Judges had rendered a decision. Turkish Brand's time for the mile run was 1:52 25. He paid $23.50 on the nose. The large crowd" on hand push ed $51,586 through the pari-mu-tuel 'windows, second largest han dle of the week and of history for that matter. C7n Friday of the 1941 fair but $23,328 was taken in by the betting booths. Total betting amount for the full five days stands at $237,569 as com pared to ' $138,526 for the full fair week in 1941. Jockey B. Simonis was at the head of the field Friday with two .firsts and a pair of seconds. Feature event of today's climax : an eight race program will be the au revoir handicap, -a mile and 116 run with a purse of $500. Results: First race, harnes. i mile: Won by L. B. Woollen (Low. en I S5. 3 20. 2.70; second, Bengal lancer (Mille son I 92 90. 2.50: third. Lanspere Baldwin) 93 30. Quiniela $10 40. Time 1:25 25, Seccfnd rare, harness. 1 mile: Won by Henry Royce Worthy (Junquist) 910.90, 4 80. 3.30: second. Ahtanum Belle iParcheri SS.20. 3.20: third. Max ine King Wharton) 52.90. Quiniela 943.70. Time 2:32 25. Third race. 5 furlongs: Won bv Crystal Lover Simon ml $4 00. 2JW. 3 30: second. Bulletin Board (Chet wood) S0. 4 90: third, Gllroy iFra aier) S8.50. Quiniela 914.30. Time 1:07 35. Fourth race. S furlongs: Won by Peggy Byrd (Walker) 93 60. 2.50, 2 50 second, Rabdol tSimonis) 52 60, 2.60 third. Charles E iShaw) $2 80. Quin iela $5.10. Time 1:06. Fifth race. 5 furlongs: Won bv Idaho Gold Simon is) 910.70. 2.70. 2.30; sec ond. Setforth (Walker) $2 40. 2 30 thud. Winapan (Gtndry) $3 00. Quin iela 93.90. Time 1:07. Sixth race. 5 furlongs: Won by Miss Noyes ICoppcrnoil) 96 SO. 4 SO. 3 60; second. My wood (Simonis) 94 60. 3 70 third. Penehey (Perry) 84.00. Quiniela 913 10. Time 1:08. Seventh lace. 6i furlongs: Won by Guatavia dPrather) $42 40. 13 30, 5 40; se-ord. Rough Creek (Guidryl 93 20 2 60; third. Miss Showers (Walker) 94 0. Quiniela 922.90. Time 1:30 15. Eighth race. 6', furlongs: Won by Vegas Jughead (Walker) 613 10. 4.90 2 80: second. Hastings Girl (Guidry) 92.90. 2 40; third. Irish Pan (Copper noh) 83 00. -Quiniela $19 90. Time Nlnlh race. Veteran' handicap. 1 mile: Won by Turkish Brand "Copper noil) $23 50. 9 10. 4 60; second. Jitter bug (Conleyi 92.50. 2 40: third. Su preme Boy , iGuldry) 94 60. Quiniela $24 30. Time 1 52 25. Tenth racev I mile and 70 vards: Won by War Jig (Prather $13,20. i 5S0. 3 60: second. Holster (Walker) 83.20. 2 40: third. Gold Shadow (Cop- rrno)li 92 90. Quiniela 9)8 20. Time 56 45. Tourney Plans Ready at SGC Plans for the annual club cham pionship tournament at. Salem golf club were announced yester day by Pro Jim Russell. The two week end 36 - hole qualifying rounds will start Saturday and Sunday, September 14-15. They will be completed the following week end, September 21-22. The tournament's first round will com mence the following week end. All entries must complete their 36-hole qualifying rounds not lat er' than the 22nd, according to Russell. , The Men's club week end tour nament starting today includes an 18-hole Roodles outing. Darkliorse Wins Rifle Honors COLONELS CIIAMF.S TOLEDO, O., Sept. 8 -(P)- The Louisville Cdlonels clinched the 1946 American Association pen nant here tqnight gaining a 7 to 6 conquest over Toledo's Mudhens in 10 innings. I Includes B Salmon 2i8 4'rafd it Guitu- 391 Wheelr 229 Spaeter 38 Sumrrs 42L Wetiner 51 Kei r 2:iS Renld SSS Luriieii 18 Pttchers Hess wvjit Schuble OiKjrrburg Gunnarson Porter Kowabki . . Tallin . . Thursd H Pet. SO 349 157 .347 I Ml .1.1 74 J23 12 31S 127 .302 149 2S.1 S4 21 102 .268 4 2J y game)! i n Flaeer 25 Kowalski 75 Wyatt 61 Gunnarsn 77 Schuble 60 Bartolmi 254 Soderburg 49 rallin 35 Porter 10 Hess 1 H Pet si .2S S 18 J4 13 .231 13 .195 11 .183 46 .181 9 .163 4 .114 0 .000 0 .000 G W I. Pet. SO WA SH 6 1 32 13 27 11 7 22 7 5 30 12 9 " 6 2 2 31 It 14 26 3 7 0 1 0O0 4 13 8 .643 1M 113 7 611 54 0 5 383 63 50 9 .571 99 56 2 J00 9 II .433 ISO 106 J00 66 90 HHOA. RHOA iirM- i 0 3 IDnj 3 6 11 ri.i r t 2 t.iii J 2 4 4 j t-..e till 2 iVt.r.en.l 4 3 t ftvftd I lit Gaitie I 3 2 10 0 r.ul . r SIS Marti r 5 $ 1 S I Her- c 1 4 1 C hit 3 4 1 6 3, Yn--ri 4 2 2 Vtri oiinl c 5-6 5 1! aii n I 4 1 4 Mome m 3 2 J . r jt. j p 6 a Valianp 4.6 6 I Tot-. 111 13 t. Tolals 39 12 27 10 ' s-a '. t73 M 002 - 8 n I 3 l a Mil lm is3- 6 13 3 lin.- N. i.i. Id. 1 i jv.liiid 2, Daw-; r- J m 11.! t s. S. aik 4 Pv l.ari aril 3 I OK S.ltm 1. y mm i' a tlofte r jn wrurirr !.i- e - . ' . n i; .'lu- NB1 - i iafoii1 2. ti.ilhe 4 W-mi i 2 t'et- r,a-re l!irn 2. t'lift Uouhle $ .a v 1 ! a r i 1 . I Show-Dryer Will start drying: prunes Saturday, Sept. 7th Will buy prune or dry for growers account. Will also buy and dry walnuts and filberts. H. II. Jones Phone 2.1153 iviieev v s m m smx We will liavc a tlbplay of Rock wool Home Insulation and Metal Interlock j rng Weatliergtripping at our booth in the Agriculture lluihling, and we are ; lookjog forward to meeting our : many old friends and making the , acquaintance of new ones during Fair I reek-Sept. 2 to 8 CAMPBELL ROCKWOOL CO 1132 Broadway! Phone 8196 CAMP PERRY, O , Spt6 -(A) Thirty-nine year old G. Wyne Moore of Washington, Pa a daikhorse entrant uing a bor rowed gun, today outshot a fielrfi or 400 to win the national small bore rifle championship at the Camp Perry range. -Moore's score was 3184 out of 3200 for a five point margin over William P. Schweitzer of Hillside, N. J. Nats Nose Bos liQtiu Dyermeii Top Pilts; Bums Idle; Tiges, A's Win; 31 for 'Hank' ST. LOUIS, Sept. 6-tT)-The St. Louis Cardinal "stretched theft- National league lead to 2 li games here tonight as they topped the last-place" Pittsburgh Pirates, 7 to 6, while the runner-up BrootcJ-rdi Dodgers were idle. - The. two teams sprayed 31. hits around the dai mond as five hurlers toiled in effectively for both clubf Onlf other National loop contest saf the New York Giants wallop the PhiUdelphia Phil. 16 to 2. w.:S Ernii? Lombardi belting a grandi- iiS..'V.J l"-. . . ;-sas - .1 T a miT 1st Its, fe JL.MV, VIC i BACK IS ACTION: Stanford Coaeh Marchmont Schwartz (holding football), flanked by assistants, addresses ! part of his 100-odd aspirants during an early drill at Palo Alto. Stanford is returning to the pigskin sport this fall after a wartime layoff. (AP Wire Kahut Given Terrific Beating by Rival Cruz ! ' i i - - . ! PORTLAND, Ore., Sept.! 6-(iP)-Costello Cruz, Los Angeles,, gave away 12 pounds and administered a terrific beating to Joe Kahut, Woodburn, Ore., in a 10-round boxing, match tonight. Cruz weighed 168, Kahut 180. Kahut, groggy and blood-smeared,-went down for a. nine count in the tenth round after Cruz swung a lightning left hook. That was the only knockdown. From the outlet Cruiz seemed anxious to complete .the job that he left unfinished' when an earlier bout was stopped by a . cut over Kahut's left eye. He took- every round but the seventh when Ka hut managed to slug out a draw. In the earlier rounds Cruz seemed content to left jab the Woodburn farmtr at will. He put in enough right crossed and up percuts whn Kahut moved in close to keep him on top all the way. Kahut's right eye was cut in the first round and the old wound on the left eye -was opened a few minutes later' and Kahut's blood made both fighters gory. Hank Pleased With Gridders Coach Harold Hauk sent his 70-man Salem1 high grid squad through an hour's scrimmage ses sion lat night at Leslie to cap the! first week j of practice. Itauk commented aftr the scrimmage that he was "Very pleased" with the j performance of his lads. The Viking mentor; particularly cen tered ,his praise on Don Gettis, the 220 pound wrestler, with little or no football experience. "I think he's going to ,muke a pretty good tackle," Hauk offered. Next session is set for Monday night with lengthier scrimmage periods and stress on fundamen tals. And one ' of the problems facing the skipper will be what to do about three lettermen quar terbacks he has on hand. Wish I had 'em that deep in every position," Hauk said. ! Pro Season Opens CLEVELAND. Sept. 6-(flVBe-fore the largest crowd ever to see a regularly - scheduled profes sional' football game 60,135 fans the Cleveland Browns launch ed the All-America football con ference Campaign ; tonight by smothering an offenMvely impo tent Miami Seahawk club under a 44 to 0 avalanche. slaml homer. ! f- I . 1 - Inj the ' American league thj pacej- setting ; Boston Red S bowed to !the Washington Sennj tors.! 3 to 1 2 in II innings whn Stanj Spence doubled in Bud. jr IeAi- with the clincher. Diz.v Trout's - fourrhit hurling enabled the jDetrolt Tigers to step the Cleveland Indians, $ to 0. as Harjc Greeinberg his his 3 1st horr.ef. Samf Chapman hit a four-mastir and made a game-saving caUh li "the Philadelphia Athletics be-t t.e ffew York! Yankees 4 to 3. . AMERICAN LEAGUE " 1 "hilaJ-ffcnia Cue (k-O If A It 1 Marshatly Muiphv 8 ar.d fosf. snn: 8avae and Roar I Clevrland X .. : 00O 1 O- 4 1 Drtrolt -i... . . 2f w 003 S "Harder. Gassawav (7. Emr !. C-ntr (8) t and Hegan; Trout ad Swtfq . Bostoh l. noo on ww ov i ; i" Washington I 000 0S0 000 013 l Eleven Innings i j 4 Harris. Klingrr Johnson 9 and Iartee;i Nursom and Evans, i I National Liacir I Philadelphia pie B10 OisT 2 f New York J 163 1)04 10" i li Judd. Hoerst 13) land Se-r.irtick. Hi; 'Tinkle and Lombardi. PittsbUrsh .. OO0( 110 3!0 fs St. Louis . .. . 03U 4il 00 T t 1 Hemtxelman. Gerheaosr 4i ; td . Saikeld: Beazlv. Dtckjon i Sji- hardth) and Kluttz. i . ; i : f Track Work PORTLAND. Sep. 4-i-AIl construction -work Ion PortJand"s new million dollarj horse racing track! was halted today by prder of CPA. but manajgers said the eai will open Setit. 14 as i-che-dulei. , " I Haltetl OLYMPIC MEET ENDS I 6MiT--The international Oljrr.pic committee closed a six-day) con ference here today by electing CcL B. W. Scharbo of (The N!her landst a member of the executive committee. I FCL Scares: I Assault Ready For Vengeance NEW YORK, Sept. 6-P)-As-sault comes back to the races to morrow with his aches and pains gone and his running shoes all polished up for a chance to get even with The Dude. Tomorrow they'll be- tangling, along with nine other three-year-olds,-in the $25,000 -added, male -4 and - an eighth Discovery handicap at Aqueduct. , & League Standings ' 1 ; it Sacramento 0f! io0 1S-I S San fVanciseo . . 03O !0O OS J 13 -S Freitas. Gonzales 4ti and Cxroy ; Janseit and O(rodo k i. i San Diego . . 0O8 0O2 Oil trtO S-4 12 t SeatU . 010 000-003 SOS 1 S U 1 OUen and Rice; . Eihott. Peanssn Sr and BeSrd. - i I Oakland 004. iOO SIS 1 -T Hollywood . . 010 3XO r H S t Shea. Hayes i? and faimorKli. C'JC curullo and Unaer. i r I NATIONAL LEAGL'F. Wl LEACft'E W I Pet W L Pet w L Pct- W L Pet. c : i aa au mi rin;nn.il .T!4 ais Wenachee 8 52 30 Yakima 9 SS 04 t..'....i.i. at i (iitk,i,xJ.ini, m t Af Salem 19 60 .SS Vantpuver 2 71 rhi.... nu (UM. vii MtT mi Bremertn "I 62 .934 Spokane 54 75 ill Boot on 67 S3 .515 1'tllnbiiikh 51 70 .403 '"" V" , . ,7 . V 1- , Friday's Result: At New York 16, .TlmZ.u'lm,?,. ,V.'n"' ladelphia Z: At St. Louis 7. Pitts- '.I, n m I-. . . i . . t i. erion J. wenaicnee 9. muu.ci - a. win; Hin Kiiniuicui. , , MERICAN I.EA61E COAST I.KAgIe Phi burgh A WLPrt. Wl.Pct. WLPct. W L Pet Boston ( S 41 .701 Chicago 61 73 .455 Sn Fran lo5 59 .640 Sacrmnto S4 S4 MO New York 78 M .52 Cleveland 60 75 .444 Oakland 101 65 .008 Sn Diego 70 99 .414 Detroit 75 55 J77 St. Iuis 55 75.423 Holly wod 87 76 .534 Seattle 65 99 J96 Washngtn 64 49 .481 Philadelph 45 90.333 Los An'ght 87 78 .527 Portland 62 101 3SU Friday's Menu Its: At Detroit . Cleve- Friday's Results: At San Francisco land 0; At Philadelphia 4. New York 7. Sacramento 2; At Poitland 9. Los 3; .At Washington 3, Bosh 2. (Only Angeles 3; At Seattle 5. i San Diego 4; games scheduled). At Hollywood 5. Oakland 1. RCA-RadioJa and Sentinel I Radios . 31.50-33.50 100 Pure Rubber Kitchen Floor ) FA A AF Mats, 16x29 .OU-sii.XO Front Door Mats, link rubber type Room Heaters 9.35-24.95 5.95 Several Styles of Electric Door Chimes... 4.95 up 3.95 3.75 3.00 Lyrfc "Magic-Flo Glass Coffee Makers, .8-cup.... Aluminum .Food Choppers... "Vynaware Pastic Covered Steel Clothesline, 100 ft ? "S&ir GREEN STAMPS WITH ALL PURCHASES Investigate Our -Easy Pay" Budget Plan 10" Aluminum Skillets ...,...: "Electroline" Fence fl Q QF Controllers JL vival Cory Glass Coffee Rods... ... The New Stahly "Live" Razor... Dorm ever Electric Juicers. 2.79 28.95 500 ,- 22bi50 225 15.50 4.95 All Steel Kiddie Cars with ball bearing wheels ONE ONLY 307Gallon Rheems Elec tric Hot Water Heater 93.50 Frank Dooliille Hasler Service Center .. . i . Commercial at Center VOUU tuu THIS WEEK ONLY l; -ir -j a u hls and inspect j iimng. - j Inspect br a k c drums. "Check and t add brake Eu;d it needed, (fluid ex tra. M Adjust the shoes to iecure , full xontact drums. . V r Ca ref ullj? W. -brakes, j lure ii ,:h ! ;l te?t Firesf one. STORE I ! Cea. Liberty aV CcaUr . Streets j - I riMDe 9141 I-