The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 07, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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    XDntty News nBtrneffs.
Tw men miui rrd foot injuries
-id ' third was dismissed fol--...
,ng treatment at Salem Dea-cm-
hpital Friday after a
x-ifnM brtlce and caused them
i t fall' to the ground when work
It t i.n a barn at the farm of Cjilenn
liiey. inute 7. "hospital authori
tn report. Ixxjney and Walter
Ilnne. who lives with Looney.
were confined to the hospital, and j
th'rd man. h.inf name was not;
learned at the hospital, as only ",
l.gMly hurt.
IaiTi riower Shoppe, 127 N. Lib
erty. prww 9592.
Discharge service lapel buttons
row available at Brown's Jewel
ers and Opticians. Bring dis
. charts certificates.
Dante t'-nite Crystal Gardens.
Four building permit for al
teration of etmated costs les
than $400 were i.ued by the city
erf meer's office Thursday to Mrs.
J Sirnn, 714 S lth st : Lorence
Kl-mke. 143 N 17th t : Grace
Wi'k:nun. 755 UniMi st . and O.
E S.o't. 105 E Miller st.
F-if round parking space 1 block
tx of Fsircroun-U oi Hifhway
99 F- I
-' " i
New shipment Choice sirf :nf ca
rrie. K nfland i Pet Shop, 463
lerrr street. ' I
Peaihes St W bu and up Can- ;
nirf c.m Imlah Fruit farm, 1
ir. on Wallace rd Ph. 22326. .
Jorune Wilbur Neal. Irwin City.
I a ... J ' a .1 m s-aai
mill . )i irsiru vj , nt$wr
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clatftlt,
route 7, Salem, leave today to
visit a month with their daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Keeney. at 2 Clara Court,
Oakland 3. Calif. Mr. Keeney is
engaged in the real estate busi
ness there. Both he and Mrs. Kee
ney are former Salem residents.
Mr. atid Mrs. Cladek will also
visit other relatives and friends
in Oakland.
Dance lonite Crystal Gardens.
I t.
Free mothproofing tor your fur
coat. Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price's, MS f.
Liberty St Phone t!2L !
j '
. Fresh horse meat, 20c lb. Ring
land's Pet Shop, 463 Ferry street
An order by the Marion county
court Friday directs that $1023 be
taken from the Marion county
emergency fund and allocated to
the district attorney's office for
expenses accrued in moving from
the county court house to the Pa
cific building.
f . -
Man and wife for hotel work,
steady, room and salary. Grand
Closed Sept. to 19. McAlvin Top
Shop. On vacation.
The Health House will be closed
Sept. S to 15. On vacation. ;
The Muffins' Market was the
name filed for a store at 1073 S.
Commercial st. by James R. Hug
fins and Eatella p. Huggins with
the Marion county clerk's office
yeer.ia tm a drunk driving , .-. -- i -
i.i. , tK- ! Dance tonite Crytal Gardens.
rhrif. ar.d booked at the sher-
I'l t .f f t e. w ill appear In justice
(: t th . morninfi
WeJd'ng pictures taken at the
ehuuh. 521 State. Ph. 5722.
River silt top soil & fill dirt j
CnT Sand & GraveL Ph. 21966 j
Par.ce t.nife Crystal Gardens.
t C I.tbby-filed an aumed
rarr.e crtifitate of Self Service
laundry with the Marion county
cie:k" offue yesterday. The new
!. ndi y -a :!! be located at 1127
Iig. Aa'er st . West Salem.
Lawn sprinkling systems by C. S.
Whitcomb Co. For Information
call 21619.
Piano for sale A .splendid Har
vard. Call 5959 or see it at 1695
State street '
R. L. Green. 1331 Sixth st. West
Salem, reported to Salem police
yesterday that a radio was taken
from his auto August 24 while it
was parked on a storage lot here.
See the new "Hendryx! H metal
bird cages. Ringland's Pet Shop.
463 Ferry street
.M.a Kl at!ii A!.c Snutleorth.
lar of 135 North IS'.li street.
to'.Titirr S at a kx-al rxxpi'at Wife
? Akxl'n ST!jttl-ortn of Sln,
iv:.' i Mr f ttiel Sundlie. Mr
j ,t t H-i'. - Mr. In Wef. Mn
! jnl M.tineil and Allen I.ofiam.
a : i f aiwt ilrr of Mn. Hun
4 f--i- of t.rji.ii Junction. Cut.
a-1 J A M.'Nc of Anllr. Colo
Ai- i . . : , 1 b wvtn rar.tfchlldirn
) sr!-t andorulflirn Service
he ':hr.(t tu:dv. S-ple:riber 7.
a- J t ',. " C lough-Barrich ctiaoel.
. . Rr i I .. White of f-t-iatms In
: e: t .n Briu et Memorial park.
lit run
1 ! . r tv or Sep'efher Ma Mae
B -f t levKlei.t of Paitland. Ore,.
-r ji. of S vearn Suivived r
) ..uii.ilj ( hrle Butler, of PrUnd
a"-l lu r Mr pl .Mae fvini
! .. : t!- iff Kir. I l.itd P erf ivon
of -s ie-' i ,1 I d and Paul Frjt li
ft ' r. .fit of liidf-fniifiicf ; lo
tf : M- Carrie Wi!!im. of Irrte
t ifiH and Mil Rf rnii Mur, of
a- i . 1 -i'f broTnetn. lui Dunn of
Sa.e'i . d fiiriri of Independence
a n A Be l) of Pnilland. and
1 r jud ii'lilifn, Ftineial evice
I be he''t MontJav. September . at
1 p rf,. a' W. T riaix-1 In-
ent it' ("itv Vi refi etery. Rev.
I) 1 f x :a.n will off tiale
It air x
M b'luw Marie Haiden. late re(-te-t
of li;j North lrt . Sepieniher
6 at a kora! hospital Survived hy fie
1 :ar,d Oritf M Hariten: a dauch
Mr ( lat e Hamttiang . to Brand,
a 1 rharie and f .eui e Hamniarif.
a t l f 'fit irandrliiltlrrn. all of
a f r. riifreral iitriitunof n.fnl ili be
r a'i la er tv Ciuut'i ftiirKk com
la v
Free mothproofing tor your fur
j coat Store your coat and get your
i coat mothproofed. Price's, 135 N.
! Liberty St Phone 912L
! Here they arel Baby turtles. Ring-
j land's Pet Shop, 463 Ferry street.
l Cars driven by Homer Karl Da
1 vU. Blodgett. and John Peterson.
; Portland, collided at Center and
' Summer streets at 1:30 p.m. on
j Thursday, police report. j
Dance tonite Crystal Gardens.
Furniture upholstered andj re-
j paired oy ex pen woramen. aic-
Alvin Top Shop. 543 N. Church St
C'atei ing, of all types at Clcjesons
Froen Food & Delicatessen. Ph.
8504 or 25379.
A jMfrmit to haul logs not longer
than 4(1 feet on designated streets
through Salem was issued to Vir
gil Barnes, Dallas. Friday, by the
city engineer's office.
Scalloped potatoes, chili, barbe
cued beans, spaghetti and meat.
Asst. salads. Gteesons Delicatessen
280 N. Front.
Order your baked hams and tur
key from Glee&otis Delcciatessen.
2H0 N. Front.
j (Mrs. James McNulty, 1434 Ruge
sj.. West Salem, and Mrs. Lyle
Dow, 230 S. 14th at, returned
home from Salem Deaconess hos
pital Fiiday with newborn sons.
Medical patients dismissed were
Carolyn Coffey, 2130 University
st.: George Harttnan. Paradise,
Calif.; Richard Nutting, Valsetz;
George jlarden, 1173 N. 4th at,
ahd Mrs. Gene Shilling, Turner.
? : I ' ,: i
Cakes, fruit pies andturkey pies,
all! homemade at Gleesons Froz
en 'Food Sc Delicatessen. 280 -N.
Front '
Dance tonite Crystal Gardens.
Wanted Housekeeper. 2 in fahi
y.j ph. 8562 or 8417 I
I Birdie Wilson, 19. GranU Pass,
Was taken to Salem - Deaconess
hospital Friday after Injuring her
head in a fall while working at
Blue Lake Produce co-operative.
Hospital ! reports said last ' night
phe was 1 resting comfortably and
that X-rays would be made this
rnorning to determine the extent
Of Injuries.
Li ! : 1
Free mothproofing for Tour fur
coat Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price's, 135 N.
Liberty St Phone 912 L ;
i i . '
Dance tonite Crystal Gardens. 4
is. f i
Insured savings earn more than
two peri cent at Salem -Federal
Savings Association, 130 South Li
berty Street.
h Hoppalong, an ' Angora 'rabbit
born Easter Sunday, April 22, this
year, took a junior buck blue rib
bon and was adjudged best of op
posite sex Monday at the state
fair. This "Easter bunny" belongs
to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston,
Diamond J Angora farm. East Sa
lem. New location Cronlse Studio, 439
Court St, over Smith Baking CO.
Siegmund Orchard, Rt. 1, Box 173.
Phone 22137.
i ....
Old time dance tonite. 259 Court,
i Mrs. Jim Brown, Foster, re
ported to police Thursday that $4
was taken from her purse in the
grandstand at the state fair that
Dance Saturday, Silverton Arm
ory. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere.
Kugel, 7694. 735 N.-Capitol st.
Dance tonite Crystal Gardens.
I j Mrs. Bruce W. Carkin, Corvallis,
ahd Mrs, Leroy Van C've, Taft,
were dismissed from Salem Gen
fral hotpital with their infant
daughters Friday,
i j -;; i: 1 .
panning peaches.! you pick. Aspin
wall Orchards at Brooks, phone
21261. " 1 "
' t i
Save your sugar. Muir peaches
pre sweeter. Phone 47-F-2.
Mrs. Carlton llamle
Iies at Los Angeles
! SILVERTON. Sept - Mrs.
Carlton A. Hande, sr..;former Sil
yertoh resident recently of Holly
wood. Calif., died in a Los Ange
les hospital Wednesday. Her son
and daughter-in-law; Mr. and
Mrs. Carlton Hande, went down
Funeral services will be at Hills
boro September 11, where the
family lived before coming here.
The widower and sou survive.
Apply at
Court & Liberty
ZZ Court & Liberty pj
PARKER To Mr. and Mrs.
Virstii Parker. 2375 Shelton t.
a daughter, Fiiday, September 6,
at Slem Deaconess hospital.
Di m s To Mr. and Mrs.
(. K. Duffu. route 2. a son. Fri
day, at Salem General hospital.
BATES To Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert .Bates, Turner, a son, Thurs
! day, September 5, at Salem Dea
; coness hospital.
TOBIAS To Mr. and Mrs.
Hrry Tobias, Scio, a son, Thurs
j day. September 5, at Salem Dea
coness ho.spital.
r !
Freddy Ilariin
The Ilodernaires
The Ink Spots
Oregon Huildine
State at High
Phone 8632
Portland Girl
Said Missing
Jean Walker, 17, has been re
ported to city police as missing
from the home of herusister, Marie
Rambeau, Portland, since August
14, when she allegedly left and
came to Salem with another girl
and two boys in an old model car.
The two girls were reported to
have recently quit employment
here. The other girl has returned
to Portland and the two boys have
not been identified, according to
police reports.
S e
Realtors Talk
Of Convention
State realtor convention issues
were the topic of discussion at
the Salem Board of Realtors first
fall and winter luncheon meeting
at the Marion hotel Friday noon
The convention will be held at
Gearhart, (opening September 9.
The board voted approval of a
proposal that would eliminate a
second' 60-day temporary real es
tate salesman license after the
saleman had been granted a first
license but tailed .his board ex
amination. A measure to revive
the bonding of brokers and sales
men was voted Cown.
NEW YORK. Sept. 6 A) The
troopship Edmund B. Alexander
sent out an SOS tonight after an
explosion off the Weser light ves
sel near Germany, "but an hour
later radioed a message "every
thing is all right." Nature of the
explosion on the former luxury
liner which served as a transport
in two world wars, was not determined.
Fair Winners
Honey ants of Australia gather
sweets from the muJga tree, a
fcLyd of acacia, and choose some ;
bf their own number to be stor
age vessels. Thee storage ants
get so full of honey they cannot
walk. :
A list of tha rrA winners Thuradajf
aire as follows:
Berkahires: Sow; under months
Gene Muller. Albany. 1: Lawrence
Fisher. Silverton. 2. Sow, months to
IS months Gene Muller. Albany. 1.
Fat barrow Gene SCuller. Albany, 1.
J Junior champion Berhahlra sow '
Gene Muller. Albany t
Chester Whites: Sow, .under months
Don Logan,' Hillsboro. 1: Harold
Whitaker. Albany. 2. 3: LaVern Ad
kins. Albany. 4. Sow. months to 18
months Howard Williams. Newberg.
1; Lavem Adkins. Albany. 2; Bob
Buret). Albany, 3: Don Hood. Redmond.
4; Harold Whitaker. Albany. 5; Don
Hood. Redmond. 6. Sow. IS months or
over Richard Pedranti. Newberg. 1:
Harold Whitaker. Albany. 2: Orville
Ohlmg. Albany. 3. Fat barrow Harold
Whitaker. Albany. 1. Junior champion
sow Don Logan. Hillsboro. Senior
champion- sow Richard Pedranti.
Newberg. Champion sow Richard Ped
ranti, Newberg
Duroc Jerseys: Sow. under months
Merton Sabnow, HilUboro. 1; Herbert
Paulus. Corvallis, 2: John Koch. Al
bany. 3; Melvln Lehman, Newberg. 4;
Merton Sahnow. .Hillsboro. S: Marvin
Robertson. Newberg. S. Sow. months
to 18 months Bob Barnes. Silverton,,
1: John Koch, Albany. 2; Bob Barnes,
Silverton, 3; Gene Newton. Corvallis.
4; Elvm Goode. Silverton. 5. Sow. 18
months or over Robert Green. New
berg, i; Merton Sabnow. Hillsboro! 2;
Marvin Robertson, Newberg. 3. Fat
barrows Gene Newton. Corvallis.' 1;
Gene Muller, Albany. 2: John Koch,
Albany. 3: Marvin Robertson. New
berg. 4.. Junior champion sow Mer
ton Sahnow. HilUboro. Senior cham
pion sow Bob Barnes. Silverton.
.Hampshire: Sow. under 6 months
Gene Muller. Albany, 1. Sow, S months
to IS months Floyd Marks, i Canby, 1;
Mel vin Moore. Canby. 2.
Poland China: Sow. under months
Arthur Girod. Salem. 1. Sow S months
to 18 months Gene Muller. Albany. 1:
Bob Simi. Malalla. 2. Fat barrow: Gene
Muller. Albany ; Arthur Girod, Sa
lem. 2. Pen. 3 barrows Arthur Girod,
Salem. 1. Junior champion sow Gene
Muller. Albany. Urand champion sow
Gene Muller, Albany.
Urand champion sow, all breeds:
Richard Pedranti. Newberg. (irand
champion' harrow, all breeds: Gene
Newton.' Corvallis.
Champion FFA swine showman se
lected Thursday was Harold Whitjker.
Albany, Bob Barnes of Sijverton was
second. Gene Muller, third: Gene New
ton. Corvallis. fourth: Richard Ped
rantl. Newberg. fifth; Merton Sahnow,
Hillsboro. sixth.
Byrnes IJrges
Germans Vote
On Constitution
, ' (Story also on page 1)
STUTTGART, Sept. 6 -()- In
formulating United States future
policy toward Germany in a
much-heralded speech here today.
Secretary of State James Byrnes
emphasized the following prin
cipal points: s
- 1. The United State wants
early establishment- of a provi
sional government for Germany
"not hand picked" by other gov
ernments and charged with draft
ing a federal constitution to be
submitted to the Geirfmn people
for ratification.
In some aspects the speech was
a reply to the July 10 statement
of Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov, who called for a central
German regime but said a fed
eral government or any dismem
berment of Germany should be
projected only, after a later plebi
scite showed the people's senti
ment. 2. The United States will sup
port revision of Germany's east
ern borders jh Poland's favor but
"the? 'extent of the area to be
ceded must be determined when
the final settlement is agreed
upon." .
3. Frani-e should not be denied
the Saar "but so far as the United
Stales is aware the people of the
Ruhr and the Rhipeland desire to
remuffi united with the rent of
Gerrffany. And the United States
will not oppose their desire."
4. The1 allies should make clear
to the Germans immediately the
essential terms of the peace set
tlement they expect the Germans
to accept and observe.
5. The United .States will con
tinue to work for complete eco
nomic unification of Germany,
with 7onal barriers "completely
obliterated so, far as the eco
nomic life and activity in Ger
many are concerned."
The founder of the Australian
pearling industry was an Ameri
can sailor named Tays, who in
1861 hired aborigines to gather
pearl shell off beaches on the
northwest coast of Western Aus
tralia. -.
Overnight Entries
In Races Today
First race, maiden 3 yrs & up. 9
furlongs, purse $400: Relief Kiss. 117:
Groat Witness. 122; Brucker. 114; Lou
Madison, 117: Big Justice. 117:' King
Conrad. 117: Gladiator Jur. 122: Bon
Vill. 114: Dashing Wave. 119; Golden
Meteoric. 109; Zonabar. 100.
Second race, claiming 3 yrs up.
5 furlongs, purse 8400: Andaman, 122;
Carla Star, 117: RoselaCe. 119; Mill
lack. 119: Steohen H. 117; Cecil's
Pride. 118: Fair Beck: 119; Crystal
Bovt, 110; Charles E. 122.
Third race, allowance 3 yr Jr. up.
3 furlongs, purse 8400: Pacoima Ar
row. 110: Daintv Sue. 119; Dick Mc
Caw. 118: Old Steve. 114; War Pride.
118; Verda Copper. 122: Tommy W.
114: Bienvenue, 118; Gladiator Boy,
- :Fourth race, allowance 3 yr a tip.
5 i furlongs, purse 8400: Jimmie Gary.
1(7: "Just Susan. 117: Locksmith, 114:
Show Fleet. 112; Abba Dabba, 122:
High Grenade. 119; Cordify. 122:
Prince Bubbles. 117: Getchell. 122;
Eiegant Lad. 122: Gilroy. 117.
Fifth; race. 1 yr i up. 6' furlongs,
purse $400: Mess Wagon. 122: Prince
Royal. ' 122: Winapaii, 119: Ijtusb.-.
122; Kti Grant. ,117: Allegory. 117;
Crystal Lover. 122: Dellvill. 122: Bul
letin Board. 117: Stepmother, 119
Sixth race, claiming 3 yr a up. 6'i
furlong, purse S400: Sport Fan. 122:
War Jig. 109; Max Reb. 122: Goof.
114: Rain Shadow, 119; Hastinx Girl.
114: Ponchos ;S. 122: Gordon's Gift.
114: Penehey, 109: Miss Noyes. 114
Seventh race, au revoir handicap.
3 yr a up. one mile and 118. purse
$500: Sorority Bov. 105; Phosphorus.
108; Dark Lassie 107: Ten Cents. 107;
Ebonv Cross. 112; Jitterbug. 130
Eighth race, claiming 3 vr . I up.
one mile- 70 yd. puie.$400: John
Drtskill. 122: Bungler. 118: Veller. 113;
Outtavia. 110; The Cloud. 118. Gold
Shadow. 122.
I Saturday Morning Specials!
ji Ladies' )
IC tf(X Extra Large Size 11
White Cotton Bloomers
(( Made of Fine Grade Cotton. II
J) Ladies' ((
i Flannel HiohS (Sovn
)V j Pink and Blue Stripes ' I (
If I Regular I jfl ICS Extra Large 1 1 GsCS J
)) Sires gH, q'vS Size : JUnSJjjJ ((
y 13S N. Commercial . .j V Salem Oregon f r
Hillsboro Girl
Winner of 4-H
Style Revue
. , J -! !
Constance Jo Connell.. Hills
borio, won grand champion honors
for; -her informal party dress at
the 4-H club style revue list
night, a trip to Chicago, and the
right to represent Oregon at the
national 4-H club congress there
this fall.
Other champions, each of whom
receives $25 irom the Oregon
Bankers association, are Helen
Wrplstad. Hubbard, route j 1
(Clackamas c o u n t y ); Beverly
Bradshaw, Riverside (Linn coujn
ty)i Phyllis Herman, Orleans
(Linn county). j
Twenty-five of the 77 girls ex
hibiting won blue ribbons and a
$5 prize frm the Oregon Bank
ers, This ; group included Bonrtie
Klein. Aumsville, Marion county,
and Joan Roberts, Shedd. Linn
county. Helen Cowgill. assistant
state club leader, announced the
Winners in 4-H home econom
ics 'contests yet to be announced
include those for demonstrations
The Statesman, Salem Or.. Saturiay. SpUmWr 7, 134$ S
s whicfK this, -O I - ""' ' - T 1
45 -a w C4unty Koads
L of materials L j, . J . . ,
vl o lie Graded
Bar Warnec
and "dollar dinners!
year could- cost $1
sion to the high cos
and winners of some of -the dem
onstratjons. 'under way all week
in the department.
I Socialism Tide
roximatelr one-half of th
C i 900 (mes of Marion county gra-
.1 f 1. ! vel loatts swill be graded text
week) by six county power grad
ers. (j'oiintyCommUsioner E1 Ro
gers said Friday. i
Recent rainsfcave softened' the
EUGENK, Sept. 6 -?)- The road Jsurfaces enough to facilitate
president of the Orerf state -bar ! ff' rifX - ,f,g,rVel
. . ... t t : road4 are in "good sXape foUhwi
assertwi at the bar convention j ing ne dry season. lagers UaiJ.
today that .establishment of so- but it ill require another; bUJinx
c iali.ed .medicine hi(ght open the ; during the fall. .
door for mk ialialioii of .law and J Cojintv road 'crews " SrXrritlr
other professions. j completed the oiling of 28 rrJUes
James T. Donald tjild 200 at1r- of gijavel , roads over the 'county,
neys there was a "j ising tide of i lie slated. . In about two weks
national socialism in America." ! thesel. roads will be sealed Iri pre-
and ui xed the grotin to guard pa redness for the winter sea
against U. .
Besides United, States develop
ments, Donald ciled the British
labor government's j program as
a sign post pointing toward so-
ciausm. No one appreciates more i
than the members of the Ameri- j
can bar," he said, "how import- i
ant an English precedent can be."
Normandy Hanor
Dance, band every - night.
Admission free to all..
Steaks Available
WA i t f
L ' ' "iIIS'i' ' !
t 0 i .;. ' . ?
m . .
Yotintinifrs have tltt-ir own partirttlar way of ilrr-sinj;. Antl
if yon ar a yoiuiliiner imaiii fifing all to j;rt! litavc-ny
wool, t-oat.H. raiiKoals, hkirts. Iihts, sweaters ami maiir
other wearaliles for your school ;wartlrohe stvfeil in ju-t that
""different"' way you like them. You ran pet them here .
antl now !
100? wool . . . assented new shades. Loir? ar.J short s!e?vf3s. Coal and
slipover sytl. Kovelty n.;d plain tailored, etc. . i ; " .
!;: 3.25 to 6.90
Plaids and checks in all the newest sf yles of s!ir!s .'fdrj school. Plain or
all-nleated. ,
Smart vool tweeds for school xvAns ar-9 hero! iiolt d
Plain colors, too." Select your coat now and avoid later-
4:95 - 5.95
or I
a: back- fahior.s.
i. 2
Satin finish raincoats in bright r4i.?
and black. Other3( In aqua, ,313,
beia ... j
$6.5. $7.9, $12.. 1
to 13:95
r r
4 ' L