. Miss Bentley Weds Erwin Bahlburg , A numlr of St!-m jle wnr if) Klamath -lnt v.rek end for the trMrriaflf of Mi flitihi'ra HentJcy. dauthlrr of Mr.'ind Mrit. t'.rvan L. Bentley of Tulelake, Calif: and F.rwin C. Ilahlburg. .n .f Mr and Mr ..Carl C. Hahl burg i'f Salcm.l hi h t k place -n September I at the Fir?t - Methodist church in Klamath' . ru. , The 4 o'rh k' nuptials wrie per ffrmifd by the'. Hv. Htiiih Hmi xn Mr " Klue Wrhr ter of TuV lake va the xali t. and Mr ieorg Mi Intyre the r f 1 1. t White gladioluses arid aMris were ued t the altar. and the ew were markrj with while ' aters tied with vatin bows. Mr. Ilentley gave hi only daughter in marriage, and her f!aMC eshell satin gown wa rlesigried with a full train. - tcal l.pm around the neckline and ruffii of the lotijf teeve. Her tram lrtigth" etl of bridal illu- wei waf enhanced w ith a t nine I it old lae down the renter and cascaded from a nircnfl i'f while stcfihanntis. She ramed'a txtuquet of stephanotM (entered with white and gimi orchids Miss lri Tra-k of Maui. Ha waii, wa the rnaid of honor, and . kridemaii ei Mirs Florence W(Mitl of Oakland. Calif , and tMr. Shirley Sohrt of San Fran cisco. The honor attendant wore a patl blue net govtn and car ried a pink noeegay of carnations and wet pa Her headdre was of pink carnationa with a abort cirrular eil of net The bridesmaids, wore similar frock of pink net and their floer and: headdre? -were of blue. Ific ard Cooi-y of Salem wa best man and ufhr were Wil liam White and Gordon King of Salem and Albert Mejiee of Dal las Mr lientley those a royal blue "gown ith black .accessories and rontgr of pink rosebud for her daughter wedding Mr. Haht burg attended' her son's, marriage in a mint blue gown with cerise feather hat and corsage of rap ture rM-s A wedding reception followed In the church parlor. Among lh'-e a.i.ting were Mr. I O. Aren of Selem. aunt of the bride, and Mr. Wayne J. Page of Dal las, sister of the groom, who cut the cake. When the newlywed left on their honeymoon trip to Cahfor nia. the bride donned a chocolate brown gabardine suit with pastel green top coat., Her rose-beige hat wa embellished with feather and her accessories were brown. The couple will be at home in Sa lem after September 15 at 955 South High street. Cermony at Church The marriage of Mir Farline Gleaon. daughter of Mr and Mrs. F-. F, Gleaon. to Melvm 1.. Gil aon. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin J Gflson. all of Salem, took place on Friday night at the First Bap tist ci.urch with the Ilns Lloyd Anderson officiating. Mis Char lotte Jones of Dallas sang, and lighting the tapers were Miss Ro sella THiebert a"d Mis Betty Boyd-Ion of Dallas. Thei bride, j who wa given in marriage by ,her father, chose a white gown with satin bodice and full marquisette skirt with train Her veil cascaded from a halo of aeed i-carN She carried a whitie Testarjhent marked with a while orchic t .! Miv IVmm Gammnn wa heir cousin A maid of honor, and wore blue fr.aruui.Nr tie Bridesmain were J.1W Crtrotine Strohrnaier of Salem andiMe-a Margaret Pember ton of DalUs. They Wore mar quisette frocks in shal of pink. The girj all rarrifd colonial r.oe gays Allan Richardurv stood with the. groom a test man. and ush ers were Hr4e Beldon. James ?ficho of I-tuix.ii Raymond Gil ifert and Jme Iurdy A reception- was held In the church paiilor., and assisting were Me-rtame Rovd White. C. H. Mc Cullah. Floyd McCellan. Johr Goffrier. Stanley Morris. Thoma Stern of Portland. Miwe Svlvia Arnold. Alice Rne. Jeanette Gra bjr. Mary Copley. Klien MorleNy and Florence Wallace ' For going a wav the bride cho a green sift with brown acres one. The couple will live in Dallas. n Were they teach music jn the nigh school. The elean Service GalM f the Jaon Iee church will meet Monday at the home of Mis Max Jne Clark. 1495 N C mmcrcial st . at It p m. Mrs Joe Broka and Mrs John Arnmg are co-hoate-e. Worship 'leader will be Mm. Marion Wilbur and Mr. George Knapp. A A n Society Music ... I ' t i MAXXNE BUBQf I Woman's Editor ri : Clubs Tlie Home JERYME ENGLISH Sociry Edltof 4 i . a Guests Herd For Fair i nr jrrjmtm raiinn The state fair will draw many iitor in the capital overt th ! week end and the horse ahdw is being held over for Sunday night, Mn. Roy H. Simmons, who?e hubcnd is manager of the horse show, presided at a luncheon on Thursday afternoon at the. Marion hotel, in compliment to m group of cotiestrienne who are showing jand riding their horse in. the j nightly showf . Cover were. placed for seventeen guesl. j i j Among thie In Salem Thurst dayv for the fair and horse ahovw were Bishop and Mrs. Bruce Jt. Baxter and Mis June Brasted of Portland. Mrs. Baxter was smart ly diessed in a three-piece forest green wool suit and matching hat and accessories. Miss Brsstad, who has been In Portland for the summer, will return in another week to Oakland, Calif., where she is on the physical education staff at Mills college. Miss Brasted is m Willamette university radu ate. , i j Mr. and Mrs. Kdwfr McWain (IUrtara llollingworthj) of Portt land iwere down for ttjie shcrw on Thursday night and visited! with the Ralph Nohlgrens and his par-, ents, the Homer McWajins. i Judge and Mr. Jame T. Bran) have a their week end house guests for the fair Mr, and? Mrs; Albert H. Powers and children, Diane, Albert. Jr., and Quun-y, of Com Bay, who arrived Friday. Guests of the Brands on Wednef day for the fair were Miss! Mary MattJey and Miss Esther Hettin ger of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. L, B. Gilberton had as their fair guests during the week her sister and brother-in-law. Colonel and Mr. 1 B. Wash- burne of Blue River. I i t i. Newlywed s Arrive j Captain and Mrs. Edgar S. Fortner, Jr.. have arrived in the capital and have been visiting at the home of his parents. Dr. and Mr. Edgar S. Fortner. Mrs. Fort ner i the former Joyce Wankel e-f Plentywood. Mont. The cou ple's marriage took place in Mon terey, Calif '., on June 22, after which they left fof an extended wedding trip through the parks, Lake Tahoe. southern and north ern California, Yellowstone and Montana. 1 The couple arrived In Salem In August and are temporarily re tiding at 150 Ewald avenue. Cap tain Fortner is on terminal leave and expects to enter toe Univer sity of Oregon medical school. ' 1 Another son of the senior Fort- ners, Ben Hall Fortner, I leaving today for Cambridge Mass- to enter pre-medics school at Har- vard. He will enroll as a Junior. During his service in the navy be attended Princeton and Purdue. He ha been here with his parents tnm summer. Hearing Aid Exhibit, at "rair Jame Taft A Associates. Ore gn distributors, tor the one unit Beltone Hearing Aid. an nounce that one of the latent Harmny Beltone Monopacs will be demonstrated at the State Fair.- AH hard of hear ing are inxited to visit the Bel tone exhibit The exclusive hearing aid exhibit is in the Agriculture Bldg. of the fair. - Mr. J. H. Nrtlry, Salens dealer far Beltane la In charge Present Salem office for the one unit easiicr to wear Bel tone is in the Rreymn Bldg. Effective Sept. 20th they will be In the Oregon Building. Shower Fetes Mrs. Davis; Mrit. Fred A. Davis, was hon ored at a shower Wednesday night when Mrs. Stewart Popp,s Jr., of Seattle was hostess at the; Wood- burn home of her l mother. , Mrs Louise Pfaf finger. ;The evening was spent informally and: a late supper was served by the hostess Honoring Mrs. Davis were Mrs Daryl Mason. Mrs. Robert Lind- strom. Mr. John Diet. Mrs. T. W. Lindstrom, Mrs, J. ?G. Brad ford. Mrs. George Sennett, Mrs Max Smith, Mrs Jerry Lyons, Miss Lucille Bushnell and Miss Muriel Lindstrom. f ( Former Salem! Girl Engaged1 ! ' Mr. and Mrs. William C.' Smith of Portland, formerly of Salem, announce the engagement of their daughter Jean Marie to Robert E. Reiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Reiman of Corvallis. Miss Smith and Mr. Reiman are both students at Oregon State col lege. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta and he ts a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. No date has been set for the wedding. U omen IVanied for i .Cannery Work r ; ! -. Eelley Farquhar and Col ! 1460 Tile Road ; Phone 2-41.13 j j. j - Willanelle CheTry Growers Smith Street Phone 6044 Air. mt Salem Can ners' Ca mm It tee CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY , ' ' I. Msrlon auslliary Ml Vrw, VTVt hall, p.m. i Weslryan fiervtce Guild at the Jason I-e rhurch. wilh Mtna iMaslna Clark. 1499 N, Commercial ., p.m. ' Salam .Junior Woman's club.' elub hoUKe, p.m. Board meeting at 7 JO American Legion auxiliary, legion home, p.m.. executive meeting for ehairirten and officer, I p.m. ' Wesleyan SWrvkca Guild of h rirmt Methodlut churcri. with Mrs. Donald Darby. 403 Cottage t.. S p.m. ! Draconesa Hospitat auxiliary, "toe la I room of hospital, t JO. j ' TUESDAY i Rainbow Girt. Masonic Temple. 7:15. ' Alpha Xi Delta, with Mr. John H. M.nn. IM . 33rd St.; p.m. atUNKIDAT .' Woman' Rocirty of Christian Slerv ice of the' Islla Methomsf church, with Mrs. T. O. Adams, foa a. Liberty !.. t p.m. THL'KSDAT ' North Salem WCTIT. Calvary chapel. 1171 N. Church St.. 1 p.m. Parties Fete: Couples l High-lighting the social calen dar this yveek end ' are several bridal parties being arranged to follow and precede wedding re hearsals, t Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. $hinn will be hosts for a buffet dinner party Monday night at their i'orth Summer horn in compliment to thirir son. William Robert Stiinn, and Miss Miriam Jean Becke. who -ill bV married on Tuesday night; at St. Paul'a Episcopal church. The affair will follow the wedding rehearsal ,and cover will lie placed for members of the two families and the bridal party. Mr. and Mr. Victor II. Collin, sr., are entertaining with a 7:30 o'clock dinner party Sunday night at the Salem hotel Tor the plea sure ; of their i daughter. Evelyn, and her fiance, James R. Smith, whose wedding will be an event of Monday night at the First Con gregational church. The dinner will precede the rehearsal J-with the bridal party and the Imme diate family making up the guest list i1 Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Weeks were hosts for a dessert supper party Friday night at their country home in honor of their daughter. Miss Corabelle Weeks, and her fiance. Captain Leslie Bruce Kills, Jr., whose marriage is slated for Sunday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church. The affair honored members of the bridal party and followed the rehearsal. A special guest was the groom's mother. Mrs. L B, Hills of Osage, Ijnwa, who arrived in the middle df the week for the ceremony. She will return east September 13. Ji ' f ' Whistlers on Day's Program I The Oregon Federation of Mu sic Clubs-sponsored program for today in the art building of the fair, will be partly by Salem musi cians, The Journal Juniors i will appear atl o'clock, followed by Pat Cray, a whistler from Rosse burg.' accompanied by Georgena Shanklin. j At -2 a piano program will be given by Bruce Goldblatt, j fol lowed by Salem children in orig inal compositions. Included twill be Loraine Sand, Sandra Nor dyke and Jody Bush.' At 3 o'clock Marilyn Powell, soprano, Robert Ervin, whistler, and Opal Martin Johnson, accompanist, will per form i ; ', i The Friendly Neighbor Gar den club resumed its meetings on Thursday night at' the ' home of Mrs. i Carl Gustafson. president. Two rtoor prizes were awarded to Mrs. V. Thomas and Mrs R. M. Toleri The hostess served refresh- menta after talks were given on gardening. j The Wealeyan Kerrlee Gaild ef the First Methodist 1 church i will meet Monday at the home of yMrs. Donald Darby. 463 N. Cottage at.. at S p m. Miss Florence Mason and Mrs. LajcijIc Wardle are the cn-. hostesses. Miss' Elva Bone 1 the devotion chairman and Miss Phe be McAdams is in charge of the progrgm. . i The piasters wilj meet Mon day at 8 p.m. at the Pi Beta Phi house on State; street. Miss Mary Jean Muston will be hostess; f i i ; ; Mr. Elmer O. Berg and, son. Jerry, will be in Portland this af ternoon for the matinee ; perflorm ance of "Carmen." ' Rites Read ' On: Friday' Afternoon Blonde Dorothy Vandeneynde, daughter of Mr and Mrs.. Gene Vandeneynde, became John F. Steelhammer's bride Friday after noon at a 3 o'clock ceremony at St. Vincent dePaul Catholic church. The groom I the sort of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Steelham mer, sr., of Salem. Father Alcuin Hiebel of Port land performeS the nuptials be fore a gathering Of relatives and friends of the couple. The .altar waa banked with an arrangement of all white flowers. Mr. Vandeneynde gave his youngest daughter in marriage. For her. wedding she chose a be coming sand grey dressmaker suit with which she wore a dark brown felt hat with brown satin ribbon -bows and brown accesso ries. For "something .old she carr ried her great grandfather's pearl inlaid prayer book, which was marked with green cynbidium or chids. Miss Patricia Vandeneynde was her sister's only attendant. She wore a brown suit with matching velvet hat and brown accessories. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow cynbidium orchids. Carl Steelhammer was hi brother' best man. Seating the guests were Rodney Vandeneyn de, brother of the bride, and John Ryan of Portland. For her daughter's nuptials, Mrs. Vandeneynde selected a spice brown suit with brown felt hat enhanced with veiling. To her suit she pinned a corsage of Tal isman roses. Mrs. Steelhammer wore a blue gown with black ac cessories and an orchid corsage tor-ner sons marriage. The Vandeneynde home on E street was the scene of the wed ding reception. The newly weds received their guests before the fireplace, the mantle of which was decorated with all. white flowers. Bouquets of white stock, asters, dahlias,! gladioluses and. tuberous begonias were arranged about the rooms. Assisting in -"(the dining room were Mrs. Frank Healy, Mrs. George L. A r buckle, Mrs. T. J. Brabec, Mrs. Charles E. Wag ner and Mrs. Richard Graben horsL ; ' After! a wedding trip, the cou ple will be at home on Bellevue street. . Couple Will Live Here Miss Joyce Elinor Thornton daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kellogg of Portland became the bride of Leonard Eugene Skin ner, sore of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo L. Skinner of this city, at a double ring ceremony performed Sun day afternoon. August 23, at the Englewood Christian church in Portland by the Rev. James Earl Ladd. The bride wore a wedding dress of white marquisette. Her finger tip length veil was edged with lace and fell from a headdress of seed pearls. She carried a bou quet fashioned of white roses and stephanotis. Miss Anna Lee Thornton was her sister's only attendant. She wore aj blue marquisette dress and carried a nosegay of deep blue asters. Gaylord. Skinner of Vancouver, Wash., was best man for his brother. A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, with Mrt. Gaylord Skinner, Mrs. W. B. Moore and: Miss Wanda Skinner assisting. I Mr. and. Mrs. Skinner have re turned from a short honeymoon and are now at home in Salem. Army Gquple to Be Honored Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chambers will -be hosts for an Informal par ty Monday nigit at the G. Fred erick Chambers home in compli ment to Captain and Mrs. Ros well L. Beach. Captain Beach is just home from Okinawa. Guests have been invited to dessert supper with an evening of con tract following. Honoring Captain and Mrs. Beach will be Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sie wert, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Quack en bush, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chambers and the hosts. The Statesman, Salem, Or., Saturday, SepWmber 7i 194S 3 V T fTTTrair TniatlilfiT ir i imhis rir l t a -sj mas sua v i -1 I'm i 1 Fair h 1 a. . f ' tit kw. .: Week Sp scialsl n Keiq Beauty Rain nmg oats f. Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Smith and daughters, Nancy and Jean, are home from a fishing and camping trip in the Thompson valley. They went south a week ago to attend the Bahl burg-Bent- ley rites in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Stegner are leaving by plane today for De troit. Mich., where they will visit in Minneapolis and Detroit for the remainder of the month. mi Cannery -iiime Workers deeded Eu On hlfttrom 7:00 I. M. till 11:00 P. M. commenc ing; Friday, September 6th. Cannery bus. will pick up : workers without charge at Pioneer Trust Bldg. at 630 and along route to cannery each evening. Workers s i t r will he returned home. Phone 22036. Uniicd Growers, Inc 4 Miles South of Salem at Liberty la Coeperatioa with Salem Canners' Committee ii O.P.A. Priip $5S WHITK HHOWiN i S - 'i I WINK For Medium and Small M'omen llfrs your leotherweivM luin ccit wilh tho lirca rqglan cor vfliMe collar and adjuslarp culin for all aroi nd eormy wfcjthlrj ar.d com ior table wear. Weighing only n few ouncaa theyv coma in .aJtKrigil carrying envelope to placw conveniently in your putBv ! See L-.U in the pasemenl apparel eeciiOnp laJay and eave hall on your.Curcaasei It's a lucky buy! . r i . . BASEMENT Boys Like " ' ! . Famous. Brands ! Most boys have a distinct liking for good brands of wearing apparel. They like clothes that stand the hardest kind of wear . . . they also like clothes ' that have permanent built-in style. Try Miller's for your school togs and know the satisfaction of wearing the best. "White Stag "Mates? "Manhattan" "Paris" , "Holeproof "Munsirlg" Etc. Whito Stag . . school Jackets are rain r proof. Come bright red, bright blue, reseda green. Parkas j to match. Zipper fronts. Slash pockets. Slickers j . black, orange and white rain slickers with detachable parkas. You'll be rainptoof in one of taese! Coat Sweaters . . made of pure wool in excellent quality and style throughout. In maroon and dark green. Sizes to 36. j Ski Sweaters . boys' light weight ski style sweat ers in navy blue with white rein deer figures. $6.50 $5.95 $5.95 $4.95 Socks . . . Underwear;. . . Jackets ... Sweat Shirts ... Other School Needs. ! '.J " ' : ! " " . I. New! SAMSON CARD TABLES A .1 .a: jre ou on me nt ior a new damson table? A few doen caniW toIay . antl w ilat'ed oni fiale tliiH niort ing at 9:301 . choice of jtliffereiit path-niH anilcolor Linations.i TIiih carpi talIf is noted for il eturdy htiilil. card II he Your com- verv Sale! Printed ; ; Drapery ST7 40 inches wide ?rw -i. ' i- Ii Now Is the time ,lo select draper them at a good savingl . . . CAVT SHOP Fabrics These floral trype repps are ruiidkle for many ligJs be sides window dtapes es when ybu oaA buy LAUNDRY IJA(;S . . . . SMOCKS . . RUNNERS . . SUP COV . . CARD . . . . BEACH HOME DRA HOE HAGS . ERS . . : -J TABLE TABLE COVERS ; i - - ES. Miller. yMih'aiiii.iMcia'tii J t ' i t 4 I i k 4 i i