Tor 3a le Kcal Cytale Tor 3alc Ileal Estate LEE Oil MART & C0 REALTORS Nrw HOME . ,a a bxireow Hswae Wacated at trie a-dire of Iwn, has living-room, dinette B fti Minia. complete mm. ar- mi-rt ri. garage an whim- i v . laed'aaa tmmX, etec aratn heater and wired irtr range. 8030 $3008 down, f SUBURBAN HOME . ' I A 8 aamv r twite oiUa I ac nt land. less than one mil from the City limits, ti 'mm da living-- aura, dining, room. 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bath, base pi ,.-f irnaoe Hh4 lw fa water heater, city water. Variety of fruit wafcaot tm. -aw si i cmc ki-n huutf, bua at door, only X block from school w at.c. i I tiMo pown I A roaofer table furniaiied ham with a a mall down payment, ha livlng--fo-n $ atiiM". kitrneaa and haln. btitmral with lurnact, gat water heater. ,aM tMriklfir frai"1 lu at door, tot 50 1U6 $7000. , COMrtXTILY FURNIHD i i A weii fcu.Tt home campletely furnished including radio, tools, drapes and rj"aii, t. Thi. t-jae li. in. room, dining-room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and r.a- twvavr.t with sawdust furnace. ' garage. aU in good condition. Lot ta l:S A 4 BEDROOM HOME 1 o !- on Soutn roaainr.rrctsl Street, haa living-room, dining-room. S bed inrMi and not -". 1 bedrooma tap. piped for gam. water heater. ga Vnatuaie ml rw; wn outdoor drum, (at range, water heater and other tti c iWwa s"ra d rp I at. rwm aervtre at comer, newly painted inside $8300. " $ViM ri RMSHKD 1 Mc aa a modern I taeoixaom hotne furniahed. located In an excellent resi drr'.ai adartncT !outh Tlas Home has living room with fireplace. 2 bedrooms, k, ea wrtn nook and tt.. part hardwood floors, full baaement. furnace. aU e V biinds. eute vale- heater, bua at door, pace yard with 4 fruit and put trees " SILVERTON HIWAY i 0 irn of tax -h il a"d modern 8 room home, lovely setting, lots of ar-e limi mtuba an J Home ha 3 bedrooms, no upstairs, fireplace. . hordwood floors. eota gas heat and water heater. Good barn and chicken .-, entire property vn evrellrnt condition, bus at door, close In we know ijj 'iH ' piutn'r HSOwO. p win a. - rV(rRv Nrw MODERN HOME i i j.i.nniffl ri m ns -room. 1 bedroom, kitchen with nook and bath n 3 beatiuorr. an bstti up. fireplace In living-room. V. blinds, elec. water .'r. ta r'r insr, !.-. ----- r fvrry hjcv y mt 3 . mrrvfr un iauiii in iirrpwr, nrw aawn aiiu aiirauai is M lS. aprinklin system, only 's block to bus Sls.00. i LEE 0IIMART & CO., REALTORS 4T1COCRT5T . , PHONE OK 403$ Eve Sun Ph 1-3431 or SMS LI 4 1 YDUN PROPERTY VITH V9 SEIXiNO REAL aTATI IS OCR BUSINESS I4W0 r f n I r f urn tnet. small home on ird t Toss, in a lew days 341) - .,w 4 rorrs on Si A Ready for oc-ia-ia - H .-e on p-4 at Part of it rented t i pre monn u antra t;t.rg n vacant lot. . south of td- mra Ave. on Meael. ta?io or .iel. Hrae anaett t once. C. B. Jolinon EL Bvrkit, Realtor M N Hiti Phone SMI tre phone t-4fff sjApO- ll.,AC'BXs imia nce room ue, at. smait Bto n. very f Sullivan Rralty Co. klHS p-tir.d Rd PH WM. Eves T-447 Fry omk ' r -e. a br. Ijv rm, siji- rm. kitcrten, bath and lit Wued fa rsweje Truit and Imru wees Lot IWalM I Mis. from . n .ins bus lico $7210 -33 f . , , Hoilrvrooil Nrw ss-dern I fsaw basn Cai fur 4'afe Move right taa WeatHerstnpped tjnth la MM Bl. Bvrkit. Realtor dl N High t-none saa. VEW"HOfc(e? tpi4w siill euy tins wear hoaae with rt. ditaaa uvtng rm. div4 room. an. kat-tn. Dffaia ,. r,e. Hrr heat V i-a' '' MT, gaeaae. lot saae SOaett Oate blocs, par of .mits aat Sullivan Rraltv l. EnlrKootl Home Naw 3 troom Ham atrictlv mod- paiUr f.raiMd ataaiSaars. tni ur- W30 VERY NEAT S BR. home, hardwood firs, paved street E. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS t7 S. COMX. Ph 37SI3 Ph. 2-5200 Eve. NEW B B7home. fiiit bamt. cen tral heat. hdw. floors throughout. Well located for bus. schools, stores and ail impvts. In. Priced right at 3S2M. Sullivan Realty Co. 3M Port land Rd. Ph. 3? S3: Eves. -MT9 Buv A Lot. SALE NINE BIG LOTS OR 3d X 200 . GOOD VIEW. CITY WATER AND SEWERAGE See Tavlor 3S W. Rural Phone 3221 r a. ttt it. Only !. Jtr L. Bourne. ICealtor H A Forkner. Relor jw Spurlork. t.sSaaman one ul l3 N.ftfirapitol 3.iws ftbuVs unftn 3 A full prare fSaue Cait Wtut Huf( Real Estate Co. pr ai Trs ST t IOM U. L. ttS Ph -l eve LMH-l'rfrlKTOitlsee, rms Siitr attached garage, raiarui. -kat to complete eve'iable. Cail Nttieig . S (- 3 Mrm. hawse aaj pavea sa. t aaae to BMas as ocaaa. tv-i Sot treasw Good aa- at ion It a worsti seeing. Ask Im Jehaaaw tt - Hw 3 rm. 3 a-dras Mm wiui aasajer. ease asos waer L :ixll4. reody so move in. aniars out. CaU HpreadOorough $S SAO IWntJwS 33 pee mm owners aft on ranora ituwwwi- lawtered. ga ad location, m Snl Saiem Nki hat on alley f alt i Johneoaa. it Me- 3 Nsraomt. modern ban ana l auSofjrn. Uage aseaced tn lot. painted, paved street, taaaari to bus avnd arhools. Cail twttims. Uv ran. modem sllrh- evi. ILTlijr. nare jara. laiai. 4 al IRuberg g na! tiririel. atoutate constructed aaaetr). Mmaa: saianieiii. aju anf tr. luraara paoaa In. r. latil kacaUon. aHacned ga- ace, Call predoruagU. fs Son J K4r-riS. furnace wol. run Sup baaswaeaal. neeuitiua vww fiann kitchen wind-, on ' a at a ground, neor arlial aV bus. ii i f ci. tall Johnson , iff J arllixm. iaasern aV clean. I (iMtrird. paeed street, close to Ha V Scraoois. aouth. Cail I JlrT.K.O. f tft334 an rr.s ,-Plaatered walls larre aiu built -un t-are uti iT encrete found stion. Like a Veu d better soe this. It wwr. : at luog Ask for John-Ma? T50fr-a hdWrs. cor lot. fruit trees. sua fenced mi yard, rvior lur -rr-e. t.dwd floors CaU Jotin- S10JS0Q It's a Beauty Corner lot. new lawn. S bedrooma down, unf mashed up, modem bath J kitchen, large, front room, nice fire place, also connecting dining room, full basement, pipe furnace, aawdust fuel, close to bus tt schools. Call Johnson. Reimann Real Estate -Listings SkUlfuUv Handled" 201 So. Hien Ph.3723 or 7833 BY OWNTRS: a BR home-Taxes, insuraneo. Price galSd. Paid 32 1 M. BaL 3ts per mo. Nice anode. Some fruit. 1 1st North rront. , LOVrLY 1"B. fL home In' KigK ScH. Dist.. fireplace, hardwood firs.. furn elee. stove. Prigtdatro. elec. hot water, etc Priced 3sUia) for quick Bale Call 3123 for X ails , . 3BbR. Hiiae. North. Liv. Din. Kit, wired foe rsoee. Close to Sen. 4 Bus. 322M down. g3 per mo. Call Gardner, Burt I'irha. Realtors Ph 3214 307 N High Street NEwCig.m T Lovely S rm bornsr tnf Fairgrounds dwtrlct. large lot. 3 BR. pecan floors, fireplace, gaa floes- furnace, elec wtr htr. cove coalings, veaaettan blinds. Ask to see this. aoa WEST SALEM 3 rm heme, both, garage, full ment. gas furnace, aU an good dition. Terms. Uss-WrST SALEM Small hnaaae. pi .stared .1 BR. ftne bath, Venetian blinds, dot garage. wtr htr. Harrier's Real Estate M Edgewatee. West Salem. Ph ' Hollywood District rXCEPTIOflALI.Y NTCE LOT WITH LOTS Or PRUIT TREES. PAVED STREET AND-4 RM. HOUSE WITH BATH. TOTAL PRICE $3800 341 N. Olaf Tlionstatl Capitol Ph. TS03 HOMES FOR SALE t 3 isrma. lie rm. dm rm. kitch en garage, atear aui di ature, ndurtian. Cail Rwerg 34 nub 3 Horn . acre' ewreilent gar- or . nice kitenfn. utility rm C atl JoBnana. M CK 2 Hrc room modern hoafe. Lot il.;. large garage, run bae iMia laundry Uars ak furnace, riaoe to School, hua br door tseat Saiem, Call bpreadbor- iuan 1 tjC- lr- T.a. 3 blocks from center ef "ton. salts or rooms, full hat en ant. ptpe furnace. lalaar.t rondilkMa. me fight to L ail Jonnson I J 3 Mrms wiln rented t rm apt. aSacd. tfouMe gaiage. cloae to cua. achool gi at jr.. South, tali Hubert 33)300 S Korms. located m West Sa- am. completely modern, for iwi'.i or apts. pipe furnace. re full basement, close to bus ai r.ools. ready to move Into, i. all Jonnson. SOD 2 Bcrma. Uv rm. did rm. hirr.en. cove cesltngs. fire ae tasanmnt with furnace, atlacred garage. Englewood ( all Ruberg. L35d 3 Bedroom. Uv rm. din rm. hits r en. both, fireplace, plas W rad 2 bdrma up. basement, aascjat furnace, thermo con tra.! onubie garage, nice shade tia-s iarg lu. Hotljrwood. CaU hut-erg. JJrimann Real Estate SknifuHy Handled'' anij-o HigH Ph. 3722 or 7334 3r WELL CON3TKVCTED houM tr $uth kavrt of town. 3 bedrooms. V. B:i3a rirepiaco. Very comfortable. A gd oi for the monev. 3TMI 3 EFDROOMsa. large lot. weU la r 6 reaped t garagaw. t..ra living an mn.ny mom. Kitchen. Utility room. Nesly paiated and decorated In de si'afh e part af to.n. block Grade ai ' f"l A ynod place Sfo. children. '-rX'RMSHED Elect, heat. Had flora: a Elect, rtovo and ref g. A nice honte for small family la good neigh- but nooar Wes Coot! rich Eil. Bvrkit, Realtor N High Phone 3331 rv phone MIS 4CTH SALEM LOT tor sale or 133 UNtTNISHED Rm. hae . material for finishing! available. Attached fa lsa . Ige. lot. good grdn. aoti. New uburhan residential district. S32M. rVRMSItm 3 BDRM. homo, titlhty rm and fruit rm.. dole lot. 77SO. NOKTH SALEM i BDRM. homo, walking dertanee. Lge. cm not lot. dhu. i erg . utility rm.. a number of lga. cherry, apple and walnut trees. : ahfuhhery. lawn. Near school ' and bus 37NW. BRAND NEW 1 BDRM. suburban home, unfinhahed upstairs, utility space, att. grge.. vesi. blinds, Idry. Uaya. eaec. wtr. htr. acre, near bus 87o IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 4 BDRMS, lee. Irv. rm., dm. rm.. utility spacer, auto. hi,, attached grge.. Idrv. trayav f. wtr htr . mua. old. 32303 da. Full prare MM. MODERN IKTIC 8 BDRM. homo. I, acre autaurban. Liv. rm. dinette. Ige, kit., brk. nook, ven blinds, lge. alt. grace, near bars. 3on. HOME AND INCOME In Salem Heishta. 3 kdrm. weU bit. hse with half bamt. and dble. grge. Also 1 bdrm. lately built rue. now rented, woo. WEST SAIJtM t BDRM. horn, full bmt lge. kit., f rnce. ht Idry. trsvs. grge. near- bus and school, saoug NEW a BDRM. North Salem home, r ire place, hdwd. Ilrs. auto. ht Uv. rm, dm rm.. ven. blinds, elec. wtr. htr . walnut trees. Lge. lot. 314 OuS. SPAClOCS ENGLISH STYLE 4 bdrm. home. dole, plumbing, hdwd. firs, fireplace. Ige. kit, pleasant din. rm , usn deck, fall bsmt, auto. ht. This Is a luxurious home for some one who wanU ttae boat. 334.500. Abrams and Ellis. Inc. BUdc ror Saltt Itcal lEslate NELSON i NEWS 1 BDRMS. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL Eng. style with L.R.J dinette. Kit.. S bdrros.. bath, on 1st fir, hwd. firs.. I Ige. bdrm uo. sawdust beat, full basmt, f place. Insullated tt wgather stripped, en lwt 311.0W0. J j; j ; NEW 4 I BDRM. ENGLEWOOD Strictly modern home i with L.R.. z Ac to. dinettej Kit. with discharge fan. norms. ui oam on isi xir,;a wiim . bathi on 2nd fir., hwd. firs., ati oir heal, burner yet to bei installed. 3 blks I ram school ac stores, on bus lini tts eoa 1 i i f Irbrn v. Bit S. AC. NORTH. 3UOO New liouse with 2. bdrm. V bath, exceptionally nice Kit, attached ga rage wlh utility rm. i i 4 AC. WELL IMPROVED, $3SM 1 rm.l house with gravity water sys tem. 13423 garage. 20x23 43 Stan.) bairn. 3 small j chicken house. 20 Doe rabbit house, slogan St sfrawberries,. truck gardening of all kinds, walaut. apple & peacn orchard. - good well, excellent soil la-mi. to, bus, store at scliool. 2f Afi, IlIGH PRODUCTION i KEIZER 20 ac. the best WUlm. soil, good rm. mod. house. 20x30 barn, brooder, chick, en house, new lumber for new dbl. ga rage, . 3 ac. (1st yr l straw berrtesJ 3 ac. ; ttstt yr.) thornless everxreensj 3 ac. (Utiyr) thorn leas bovaetu, 8 ac. 138 bi. 'per ac I wheat, real estate I St crops 8I3.KOO; plus complete line of new machinery Including new Clctrsc trac tor, SI7300. Plus new household furn. 320 .000. j j , ' I If these do not meet your require ments fell us what you ! want. We probably have tt. j- i ' For V additional Information - about farms ask for a copy of our special list of OJ tsrms. ; j KELSON & NELSON CHET t NELSON - THEO O NELSON 1 REALTORS Rm 3004 Masonic Bid. 493 State Phone i 4418 or 4422; Eves. 3-13M I : ! rsrms a-5347-- t- I St ni. fiall ;.T A REAL BUY! S BR, com. Dr. ft Lr,t K.. bath. Near school i and bus lirw. SjE. K;! i CLOSE IN? a BR. on one floor. iJl. DR. K. bath, built-in. Garage. Lo cated Nprth. 87S00. , ; . . Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service IM Sa. Com I. St. Ph, B-'OW. Eve 7440 THREk B RTliome In WTSaTemTf!! bsmt. Tlis Is an old homo put a v good buy at 33730. : ; i Sullivan Realty! Co 3343 Portland Rd. Ph. 3333: Eves. 2-4473 FULLY furnished 8 rm. attractifa modem Some, excellent location, largo rards. basement, fireplace, plater, ea irely redecorated. 8830, Br owner. 343 Eawk Ave. Ph. eVl. Call after i 7 p.m. weeikdsys. . ? f S&300,' S rnvhae. with 3 rm. hse. in rear. 33 ft. lot. 11133 Hall St, Holly wood. Cam he shown only after pjn. by tensnt Owner at 1123 Shipping, t teOjOUTCK ITBR. home. U v. ma, dinette, kit- On pus Una. Call OMER. i Huff Real Estate Xo. REALTORS h 878 S. COMX. Ph. Xm I Ph. t'SWI evei. 1 $2450 II New attractive garage hse. located a A. close in on rtsner M. iota of fruit tt nut trees. This Is a real bargain. See tt today, TTarnhl W. HrfM t aosJ Portland Rd. Phone 2-1374 NEAT one bdrm" noma with full airy basement, furnace : heat, kitchen rang and winter's fuel Included, nice and, clean, ssooo. r 1- SALEM REALTY CO. f Realtor 1- r 143 Nl High St. Phono 761 ' I ! f4R06MS 34850 i New! ft ready to move in. -Liv. rm, Bedma. Krt. Bath 4 Ut. rm. Bus 1 blk Call Eltpoo i General Real Estate Co. Rm. 18 Ladd St Bush Bldgi ror Sale Hfjtl Estate Tor Sale Real Estate CRABENH0RST SPECIALS ' SPECIAL South Salem, beautiful elevated lot. 101x103 ft. Nice view,' beautiful yard Ac Shrubs Sprinkling system in yarddble. garage. 8 rm. home w4th 3 lge. bed rooms 2 tile baths, oil heat knotty pine rm. finished In basement. Newly painted Close to schools SEE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU BUY. YOU WILL MKE IT. Prlca 13JXW IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Strictly modem 8 rm home with unfin. attic, auto-heat, hdwd. floors thru out. Excellent condition. Elee. range, elec. refrlg., elec water heater. Posses sion In several days SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. Prlca 314.700. I LOT BARGAINS Fairmount Park 73x130 lot. Wonderful location, many trees, landscaped. South 12th St. 50x110 Int. Business zone. A real investment. Price 82000. ! South 14th St. 30x97 lot Business zone. Store or restaurant site. Price $1300. ; Sunrise Heights Bldg. lots. Beautiful views. From $a50 up. Candalaria Heights Beautiful east St west view. From $1300 up. APT HOUSE LOTS 81400 buys this 83x110 ft. lot. Paved St. No. 3 residential zone. 82O00 buys No. a residential zone lot.. 110x123 ft on paved st. $3500 buys this good apt house Int. Located cloae In on S. Commercial. UNFINISHED HOME Located on N. 17th St. Good location, 4 bdrma. finish as desired. Price $7350, FAIRMOUNT HILL SPECIAL Modem t bdrm. home, basement, auto-oll beat, fireplace, hdwd. floor, library, nice yard. A REAL FAMILY HOME. ( GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 4131 Phone eves. 7772 . $-294$ . 3-3333 - 4M3 - 73TS For prompt' courteous service t LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US - . 3, ACRES of The Best soil. Kelzer District. All in young orcnaro., has lit Filbert trees. 41-Itallan trees. Has Peach. Cherry. Apricot - anole and Walnut trees. Has barn 24x32 FL Total price 33000. Terms 'a cash, balance terms. 4-Bed-room homo well located on South Cottage, 1-bed room down with bath, LR. DR. Kitchen. Builr- ins. 3-bed-rooms with bath up 1 Basement. Plastered. New paint. . Gas cooking. and water heater. Oil heater. Possession Immediately. Price is $8000 and terms can be ar ranged. J J- Bed-room home. Bungalow style. Only 4 years old. Concrete founda tion. Plastered. Hard-wood floors. Electric cooking and water? heater. Oil Heating. Garage, Possession 10 day, 1-block to bus. Bus to graoe and hich school. Large Lot 93x110. ft. Good . terms to buyer. Price Is '. $8700 and good terms can be ar ranged. ' . 3-Bed-room modem home. Bungalow ; type.. Good paint. Concrete foun dation. Fireplace. Basement, tiec- trie cooking, and water neater, Saw-dust furnace heat. Garage. 1 block to bus, a-blocks to Grade achool. Outside fireplace, fruit and berries in back yard, wui accept a car as part payment. Price is 887M and good terms can be ar ranged. a-Bed-room Modem home well locat ed on South Church St. 'Bungalow style. Concrete Foundation, Plas tered. Hard-wood, floors. Base- ' ment. Fireplace, Electric cooking Saw-dust furaact. Bus 1-Block ; Close to school and High school, i This Is a nice place and rfas nice : yard. Price Is $9100 and good terms can oe arranges. Hollywood r ; ; McKillop Real Estate Agency 2073 Fairground Road i. hone 2-5224 Ph. Ttn.t - ! -I s A, af race Hae. dtst. W welL I hi ut $29501 ' walnuts In-io. with! new f a- aear sch. St store In Ketser, ireo for eiec. range, raaa goooi I arolcl W. Heers 305i Portland Rd. Jhone jt-1874 NORTH-t-Near Sch. LR. DR. Den.l Kltj-Nook. . Bath Dn. 3 Bdr. Bath Up.; Ideal Lee. $13,808. Call Craig. I Burt Picha, Realtors PH.jagf or 8Q53 337 N. High St. '" iaouSNEW LISTINCj $ -room house with bath, cloae In. 3 bed rooms, basement, corner lot. lovely shrubbery, with i larse flower garden and shade trees 1st back. See Uue before! buying. See M. D. Looney. WM XOSKS 331 's State T "i '$3350 Small bear house with plumbing. 1 extrg lot. pice set up for young cou nt. ; immediate possession. p. Looney. 331 j State. pie. I See M Ttori Bur NOW Before Prices Rise Again. $450MxlST on Vista Ave. $53080x11 out SU vert on Rd. i Builders Note 10 Lots $3000. $550-i-o0xlor Near Leslie School. 3mm-30xI23 Just off Berry SL 3UO-2xl5r on SUtaerton Rd. 3430 Up 100x200 West Salem HUlalde. J City Water. . i I aaofrMxST! West Salem View Lots. $873-40x144" 3 SL Fronts East. Cau, Burt " Elmer" i Amundaos) Picha, Realtors 337 N. High Street trs4 le fnr parkup or coupe. Inquire 17 Hansen Ave H. Hewitt. 411 Mason ie Insurance "CTJMPOrtE8335d Phone 8153 Mortgage Loans Liv. roans. Kil. ' bed room. Bath. Nicely finished. Juat So. of town. Call Flips General Real Estate Co. Ph. TT79 Rm. 18 Ladd A Bush Bldg. 1 Acre Suburban 3 Bed Roam Homo completely fur niahed, Gaad garden and fruit ground. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor R. A. Forkner, Realtor Joe Spaarlock. Salesman Phone 30S1 1863 North Capitol NCW Hauas on twolots in South Salem. Kitchen, Irving room.' bedroom, bath and large Closet. Water, lights and gas are in. Thta place Is ready to move Into and must be sold Immed iately. Inquire at Box 34A on Battle Creek Rod one mile South of Pringie School. $l.0-BZAUTnrUL sub. home. 4 b. rooms. Fir grove. 8 acres. Nice bam. Chicken boose. Should be aeea to be a p predated.! 3790O New S bedroom home. Eaat of city. Cloae tn on ta acre. Immed. Poaa. 12. 75a Extra nice 3 bed room borne, well located In city. Beautiful yard. This place la worth the money. Ed. Lukinbeal Etl. Byrkit, Realtor 20S N. High Phone 5981 Notice G. Ls i Br: owner f N. off 99 hichwar. 3 rm; mod. home. Elec. heat, hot water tank, hardwood floors, best of location. $8,450. Phone 4103 i 35500 One acre with 4 room house, t rooms, on highway 89E. Electric water system. 10O foot frontage, good for auto court j fruit trees, nice lawn. shrubberFi garage and chicken house. Partly furniahed. A ' good Investment. Terms Possession 9 days. M. D. Looney WM. MOSES 331 ' State BY".OWNER: 1 room house. 3 bed rooms. fireplace and wired for rang and water heater1. Modem wtttt Vene tian blinds. Close to bus line. 'Terms. 1248 South isth St. "lOllACKES-of land In the city limits Turner Road west of ball park will be sold to the highest bidder for rash at thei west door of the court house In Salem at 1$; ajn. Saturday, Sept. 14. Further Information may be obtained by railing Rohtn D. Pay. 5064, TrMMEDUTiTpos51SsTol' ' $8,000 nice $ rm. home, fireplace, oil pipe furnace. Call OMER. - Huff Heal Estate Co. REALTORS Ph, 3793 ; 978 S. COML. Ph. 3-5091 eves. 3 acres close In, 3 room new . bouse, plumbing, electric water system, good land, fruit : and berries, good buy for home and income. M S3. Looney, 331 is State, WM. MOSES. ' r $12,500 On Mill Creek ; S Bedrooms, glassed in steeping porch St dining -room. 150 feet by Mill Creek, i beautiful lawn, with steps for boat land lng. complete bath upstairs at downstairs, .3 bedrooma up, gor ceoue front room with fireplace, music room, automatic oil furnace. thermaF control, also cold air fans, near State St,' bus at schools, this Is a -lovelv rhome, for more-: Information call John- 4. I Reimann Real Estate 201 So Listings SkUlfuUv Handled" HlSh Ph. 3722 or 7838 MEDIATE POSSESSION $895C4-Nortk aotb SL a bedroom years old. lit borne.: StilHvan Realty Co. 33S3 Portland IRd. Ph, 3233; Eyes. 2-4479 fCWaWWELL FURNISHED 3 BED ROOM HOME. NORTH ON BUS CLOSE ' TO SCHOOL AND STORES LARGE CORNEA LOT, DOUBLE GA RAGE. ' ' . jTHE REAL ESTATE MARKET j 433 N. High lust north of Center St. Phone, 3-4793; Eve. a-3e82or 2-5593 $0350- ' Nice 3 B R. home wltb liv. rm, din. rm. Jilt . book. bath, utility, trays, elec. water beater, fireplace. CaU Ray Davis.! iHuff Real Estate Co. REALTORS . J 979 S. COM'L. PH. 3793 Ph. 9441 eves r , . 6r ftinck sale . - 5 " I i 84000 t ' 4 room house with bath, nice lawn. shrubbery, fruit trees, garage, large lot, nice grape aroor, norm on parm street near achool, one block to bus and store. Terms. 'Possession " in IS days. M. D. Loonew with WM. MOSES gStte "HaWSeo NICE 3 BTR, comp. turn, in fine location south. Call Mr. WalUrs. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 3793 879 S. COITL Ph. 8-3260 Eve. ..j: $2250 I 1 3 ROOM BARGAIN Near bus line. Needs some repair. Immediate possession. CHAS. HUDKINS 275 State Phone 2-4129 $6850. 3 bdrm home Eaat, all on one floor, fireplace, large L. rm, close . to school and bus. Imm. ' Poss. See Ralph Maddy. $10,750. 3 bdrm- borne tn Englewood Dist. bwd. firs, V. blinds,! elec, water beater. Just redec.i Full : bsmt. rm for party room. $7300. 3 bdrm home East. hwd. firs, large living room, large lot. $8000. 8 bdrm home East, fireplace. . Lv rm., D. rm, large kitchen, bsmt. oil turn. Imm. Pose. Close . to ' etiool and bua. $24,000. Buys one of the Best homes in Saiem. 3 bdrm, hwd flri : thru out. 2 car garage, oil heat, : Insulated, fireplace. Just redec. : See R. Maddy for appointment to see this home. Beautiful rugs. . One of the best Views in Salem. Olson and Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590. Eve 21090 By Oi wner a BR. plastered hse. Englewood Dist. Auto, oil furnace, elec. hot water beater, wired for range, fireplace, t blocks from Grade Sch. 8 blks. from High Sch, On bus line. Large loL $7500, down. Phone 5077. enGLw6od ScrtddL nfSThfcT 'New 3 Bed Rm. borne, fireplace, oil furnace. Beautiful hardwood floors. Venetian blinds, wired for range. Elec. h w. heater. Unfinished floored attic. Attached garage. Large well landscap ed lot. A REALLY ATTRACTIVE HOME $9000 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High just north of Center SL Phone 2-4783 Eve. ) BY1 OWNER: Mod. 2" R. home. Ig. liv. rm, nice din. rm... kit. A bath. .fireplace, hardwood firs, throughout. auto : gas neat, water, Dami. gizou unfurn. Will sell furn. Good location. 'mm. poss., Ph. 5193. "VERY nice building lot close to 2 acres, on pavement, 4 miles So. of Salem. All in cherries. Price $1450.00. $250 down and monthly payments. Call 22428. , Creek: Urt ' ! $8500 Mod. 3 B.R. home with unfin. attic, hardwood firs, basm't. tt furnace. Swell location. Call Ray Davis. I Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 979 S. COM'L. 3793 Ph. 9441 eves. ft 4 CORNERS DISTRICT New True. Furnished. Liv. Rm. Dinette Comb. Kit. Bdrm. Lots of built-ina. Corner lot. nearly la acre. $8300. Call Gardner ' Burt Picha, Realtors Ph., 3219 337 N. Hlgh Street LARGE older type 3 bdrm home. Clean - throughout, near State : bldgs, sawdust furnace. Immediate posses sion. Price $10,500. Very attractive home N. 18th street, lovely fireplace, tile kitchen, full basement With shower, trays, elec. water' htr, furnace heat, two bdrms with large floored attic, early posses sion. $11,500. I SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 Ni High St. . Phone 7660 VERY Good 2 bed room home. hdwd. floors.' fireplace, full basement, fur nace, laundry trays, large garage, gar den, fruit, i nuts. A berries. acre loins city on pavement Northeast. Total price $8750. ! Call Harold McMillin with State Finance Co.,Realtors 153 S -High Ph. 4121 ! ' . Eves $1F21 SEE HUDKINS FIRSTl COMPLETELY FURNISHED 4 ACRES NUTS & CHERRIES CLOSE IN Electric range and electric ref rig era lor almost new with lots of good furniture. 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook. basement, furnace heat, city water Close to bus line. Lots of : privacy Vice $15,000. BRAND NEW CAPE COD . 3 bedrooms, living rm, kitchen, nook, air conditioned automatic oil heat, at tached garage, extra large lot. located amongst all new homes. Come In and let's discuss It. You can move in soon. Price $10,000. HOME AND INCOME $ room home with 3 room apartment excellent location only 2's blocks north from cspltol buildings. 80x163 lot. This property win be increasing in vaiue tor years to come, trice ssavu. . SEE HUDKINS FIRST CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 275 State St. Phone 2-4129 VERY NICE NEW 3 bdrm. house. Hdwd. firs. Elec. hot water hesty Ldry. trays. Oil circulator heat. 3 ml, out. 'a A. Price $7850 including some furniture. $78753 bdrm. house in city. S. Oil circulator heat, trays tt 'elec. water heater. Very nice place. A. seen to be appreciated. $9850 Very nice older type home. Remodeled. Close in. 'nr. Grant . Schl. 3 bdrms. Large liv. 'rm. with coved ceilings. Oil circulator heat. This Is a swell location. Have real well-built mod. home nr. Leslie schl. Hdwd. firs. Fireplace. Full bsmt. Auto, sawdust furnace. 2 bdrms. Unfin. attic. This Is good. Price $10,000. Ike Bacon Eel Byrkit, Realtor . 208 N. High . Phone 5981 For Sale Farms $6700 7 rm. hse. with 2 baths. Could easily be made Into duplex. Good location. Harold W. Heers 3053 Portland Rd. " Phone 2-1874 ,s ACRE east of Salem, small home, chicken house, deep well. auto. elec. water system, several filbert trees, near good school. $4500. Small home West Salem, one bdrm., full bath, wired for range, elec. .water htr, on bus line. S4500. 4s Acre. 3 bdrm house (not modem 1, fine location Kelzer dist, native shade trees $4500 SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors Phone 7660 4 B. R. home, oil furnace, hardwood firs, everything it take to make your home comfortable. Located in N. Salem. Price $11,500. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1247 S. Coml Ph. 9411 For Sale Farms FARM SPECIALS $6200 10 acres, walnuts and cherries, south east slope, nice building site, offered with trace the tne following ouuamgi on adjoining property to be wrecked or moved: large haying house. 24140, brooder house. 34eo. barn 24 o, 2 story fruit dryer 2838, newly construct ed poultry buildings with wiring and plumbing these buildings will give buyer plenty -o lumber for new build ings. This will make an Ideal set up for someone wanting a chicken ranch with good income added from fruit on ranch. Located about 8 miles East , of Salem on oil pavement, buyer will have 80 days to move adjoining build ing. All of this for the very reasonable price oi 8SZU0. $7000 Nearly 31 acres, a bedroom house. lights, well water, shed barn. 14 A. under cultivation. 16 A. pasture, fenced and cross fenced, 3 springs on place, located about ,i mile from Rose dale down. ' $7500 31 acres. 4 room house. lights, water. bam with 8 stanchions, poultry house. 22 A. under cultivation, 1 A. orchard and berries, 9 A. pasture. I A. timber, spring and creek, located near the Rickey School, a good buy for $7500. . 821.000 103 acres. 7 room home, oil circ heat. lights, hot and cold water, small bam. 60 A. in cultivation, family fruit and berries. 30 A. pasture. 200.000 fir tim ber, some hardwood. 2 springs. 1 stream. 20 A. walnuts and filberts plus 8 A. filberts. 10 to 15 year old trees, nut dryer. 20 A. fescue grass. Owner will consider suburban or town property as part payment. ' see L. v. snaier Lee Olimart & Co., Realtors 477 Court St. Ph. 9680 or 4033 DAIRIES . $25,000 45 acres 2'i miles E. Very nice 3 bed room home. 40x80 bam. 20 stan chions, machine shed, poultry house, good place almost In .the city limits Grade A milk bouse. This is a very of Salem. $50,000 , 183 Acres at North Howell. Good filastered 8 room home, 36x72 . barn, wo 26x38 chicken houses. Milk houre. garage, bam as 26 stanchions. 4 horse stalls, ail buildings bum since 1937. Model 22 cat. plow, harrow, disc, bin der, drill, corn planter, mower, 1 cow, 4 heifers, 400 chickens. Farm Is well fenced. a $52,000 153 Acres near SL Paul. 100 acres tn cultivation. Three acres beaver- dam, . 23 acres tlqtber. 7 room houre . . i . t . n. mm ,j i uub an aa-iw -o wvwa, iiwucin uaiij barn, stock bam. calf shed, poultry house 18x76. 4 silos, machine shed. grade A milk house, tenant house, on paved road. Good terms. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255. Eves 24479, 24 ACRES North. 4 Bdr. Home. Mod ern. Close in. Equip. Lot of Nuts St r rutv Willamette silt sou. szo.ouu. can Gardner. Burt Picha, Realtors PH. 3210 ' 337 N. High Street HARVEST TIME! On this 40 acre farm 4' miles out. Large acreage In fruit and nuts, lots of fir timber, yr. spring. Mod. 3 BR. home; other aood buildiner. See this! 813.000. . STOCK FARM. 597 acres 14', miles South just off Dallas-Cot vallitt high way. I million feet marketable tun ber. 150 acres bottom land. 6 j spring and four creeks. Nice 6 room house with gravity water system. 20 stan- cnion barn and large machine shed 3 . mites to school. Mail, milk and phone service. Ranch 330.000.1 Stock and modern equipment, including am-ib vaierpuiar, ior saie. - 50 acres, good loam, all cult, yr rprlng. Small house, elec., new well and pump. Easy ; terms $8000. j Lqren Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 So. Com 'I. St.f Ph. B.HItf. Eve 7440 $6500 FULL PRICE ! 13 A. furn. 3 rm. hse, elec.: water syst. 40 cu. ft, built-in freezer. New barn, well hse. elec. Water heater. Milker 8c separator. Close in. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COM!. Ph:3793 i Ph. 9441 eves. 20 ACRENorthl very rich Wlllem- ette silt soil, 3 acres new strawber ries. 3 acres new : thornless I blackber ries. 3 acres new thornless legang. rest in wheat and garden. 3 bedroom house, plastered $15,000, cash, fetter see this. r i, Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled" 210 So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 DAIRY OR CASH CROP$, 100 A., excellent soil and bide., 6& A. cult., some river bottom, inig, large barn, mod. hse. wired for range, elec. water htr. Salem high school bus and Salem Portland bus at door. 825 000 a Bv own er, rt. 1, box 278. 8 miles Ino'rth on Salem-Dayton highway. 8 i Acreage s FOR SALE Beautiful home East of Salem. 2 B.Rms, full bsmt..; air: con ditioned, Elec. water system i,a acre of land with shade and frfiit trees. Immediate possession. Terms only $12,000. See Mr. LARSEN or Mr. p EM BERTON with j Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. Phone 4108 REALTORS $7,500. 1 Acre North 3 mi. ij, Hlway 99E. on pavement. rm mod. hse. just likg new. Chicken, hse. Best of soU. ! . T . Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com'l.; St. Ph. 4390. Eve 21090 l,i ACREST$7000. 3 Bdr. Home. Chick. Hse. Garage. Very Close In. Lots of fruit tt Nuts. Call Gardner. Burt Piclia, Realtors PH. 3219 337 N. High Street F5R SALE1., acre, with nice 4 room house, elec. : water system, shower, hath. $4000. Possession In 19 days; See Mr. P EMBERTON With Hawkins & Roberts. Inc. Phone 410$ ' REALTORS BEAUT. RANCH Style 4 Bdr. Home, on one Floor. Firepl. Bsmt. Dble. Ga rage. Recreation Cabin, Fine Lpnd scaping. 1 1, Acres. Call Craig. Burt Picha Realtors PH. 3210 or 5053 1 337 N. High St. 100 ACRES cultivated " farm Un3. Route 1. Box 265; Ph. 2-3214. FOR SALE New home, 3 B.Rms.. narawooa noors, eiec. heat. Insulation Venetian blinds, . electric water sys, 3 acres land, several cherry trees, won derful man u tain view. Located South of Salem. Immediate possession. $10. 00. Terms Sec Mr. LARSEN or i Mr. PEMBERTON with , Hawkins & Roberts. Inc. Phone 4108 ' i REALTORS j ust buTsibC city - ! l'i Acre tt 3 Bdr. , Home. Firepl. Bath. Patio. Lg. Chick, hse. Lots of fruit. Good Soil, i City Water. $7900. Call Craig. . i . i. Burt .Picha Realtors! ? PH. 3210 or 5063 ! 337 N. High St. ths Stat-sman, SoUm, Or$. Thursday. Utptn-f 5. 194S H Business Opportunities Reimann Real Estate $1,330 Service Station, stock St equip ment. 5 year lease on 99E In side of city. $3250 Service Station, good business. excellent locstlon, close in. Call S pread borou R h . ' $3300 Grocery Store, excellent loca tion,, meat setup, nice stock. $35 a month, lease. Call Spread borouxh. $3400 Service Station, repair shop. stock tools 8c equipment. 4000 gal' a month. Call Kuberg. $12,000 Chicken dinner restaurant, on edge of city, south, living quar ters, all. properly 8c equipment, possible gold mine. Call John son. $12,000 Restaurant. Fountain St beer, flood lease at $o0 per month, iving quarters in good valley town, over $1000. a month net. . Call Ruberg. 323.000 10 . unit Apt. house, all fur nished, central heating system, possible $:itiS a- month, large lot. Call Johnson. Reimann Real Estate 201So. High Ph. 3722 or 7836 14-UNIT Auto Court, Give. Store. Gas Pumps. Restaurant A ' Fountain. Excellent Location Money Maker for Good Opeiator. $40,000. Terms. John E. Black. Realtor, 431 Ore. Big, Sa lem. Phone 5780 or 4568 Suburban Suburban Estate 2s4 A. First time offered for sale, only 7 years old. oak and maple floors throughout. .Four large bedrooms all on one floor spacious living and din ing room, two bathrooms, basement, automatic : heat, large double garage. recreation, cabin azxz. lots of big flr trees, plenty of flowers, private tele phone line, a real first class suburban home and one of Salem's best. No phone information. Please. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor R. A. Forkner, Realtor Joe Sourlock. Salesman Phone 3031 1853 North Capitol Suburban North acre.! Modem 2 bedroom home. Close in. lots of fruit and nuts, beau tiful lawn.i nice outdoor fireplace, fine garden, two garages, you will have- to ew this to appreciate It. $8400. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor R. A. Forkner. Realtor Joe Spurlock. Salesman V Phone 3031 1833 North Capitol Wanted Real Estate WE ARE in need of listlnes on Htv A suburban property. Ph. 3793 for prompt a courteous service. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 970 S. Com! WANTED TO BUY T Three or four : bed room modern home in ' auiet 'residential district ' Space and convenience necessary. Automatic heating desired. Prefer lo cation with adjoining available vacant lot. Immediate possession if possible. Phone 3650 Salem .or 548 Mr Minn- yllle Ore. Ask for Mr. or Mrs. Worth. NUilUE: ir your property l for eate rent or exchange, list It wttb us Wa bsve all kinds cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS - 153 S High Sty . : TO BUY or sell vour nrooertv see D. L. Bishop, now with General Real Estate o, uiad a tsusii Bidg., Room 10. Phone 7770. ESTABLISHED business firm wishes to lease ground floor of downtown business, 30x60 floor space preferred. Write Box 863 Statesman. WILL PAY up to $8000 to owner for five or six room house. North part of Salem within 13 blocks of business dis trict, near bus. Must be worth the price. Statesman box 843. wanted: Listings. Homes and bus iness properties. JOE HUTCHISON REAL ESTATE 455 Court Ph. 9676 Eve. 24789 WE Are ursentlv in need of listines on city homesIf your house Is for sale call us. Prompt, courteous serv ice "Four salesmen to serve you SALEM REALTY CO: REALTORS 149 N High St Phone 7660 WANT TO BUY or rent 3 to 5 bdrm. house. Cash. Box 673 co Statesman. Business Opportunities FULLY EQUIPPED 'Neighborhood Service Station, repair shop, paint shop. Low rent, long lease. Operator leaving. Bargain. DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT. Excel lent location, large seating cap, mod. equipment; long lease, low rent, nice apt. Terms 97000. ; Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal : Service 164 So. Com'l. St. Ph. 8389. Eve 7440 SERVICE STATION. Auto. Repair. Fuel Oil Bus. All Fixtures, Tools. Bldgs. Incl. 5 Rm. Hse. 6c 1 Acre on thru road east. $24,000. Call Craig. Burt Picha, Realtor PH. 3210 or 5053 337 N. High St. BY OWNER: Cement block plant in full production. Priced for immediate sale. Box B71 statesman. CAFE for Rent, completely furnish- ed. Good, opportunity for right party. Kampstra's Service Station A Ga rage, , ml. South of 12th, St. Junction, Walt" & Evelyn Musgrave REALTORS ' Service Station & Restaurant Hl-way 99 north of town. Fine fam ily business combining cafe, gas sta tion, vending machines and ' living quarters. 710 acre of ground. Plenty of room fur expansion. A real buy at 811,500. Small Service Station West S-tem. One man can operate this station and make good money. Good lease. Terms. 32U00 puts you in .business. Downtown Hi-way Cafe Cafe and fountain doing a capacity business. 2 rm. apt. goes with the deal. Call us for information. Beach Property A real money maker. Post office, gas station, groc. atore. fountain, bus depot and 5 apts. Built, stock and alt goes at $21,000. Income Home A fine large home. Spacious rooms. 3 apts.. 2 single rooms, excellent loca tion. Cloae to' bus and schools. $18,000. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDGE WATER STREET PHONE 5108 - PLANING. REMflXiNft PLANT 1 to 1 .a cars a day. 3 room office building.' main plant Sox2tM. Employ 7 mn en 8 hr. day. doing 100 to 120 thousand dollars gtoss per year. One 6xt3 planer, 59 Inch, band rnaw, 2 rip saws. 2 cut up saw,l lumber loading machine. This plant ean pay out in one year at $27,000. ; Sullivan Realty Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; Eves. 2-4479 Vending Machine Route New 5c candy-nut mach. No exper. req Two day wk. Approx. '$400 per mo. $1496 cash. Give phone. Box 862 Statesman. i For Sale Used Cars SELL HERE We Buy all Makes and Models 1 Eisner Motors ; I 352 N. HIGH SALEM ' Phone 7802 - , . 1930 FORD roadster bug. AI shape. 320. Call after 6 P.M. 2-62 Lee. 19f 4 FORD Convertible. Corner of OakkiUAveA Hi way 99 So, f I'm STUDEBAKER 4 tit. sedar Ph J7626. - ' ; h .'29 MODEL -A sedan. 16-ml wheel. 494 University St. - GOOD '34 Chrysler or trade for pickup or later model car. E. A, Butler. Rt. 2. Box 64B. 4th house W. of Kelzer school. - TRAILER House i5Pllrrt dais Ven dition Cell evenings at trailer in rear o f 77 lSO; 2 1 r t street. t '33 PLYMOUTH sedan with '41 rr-i lor. Would like to trade , for pickup or would take '37, or '38 car A pay difference. 2237 Hyde St. CaU after S, VERY Clean '36 Dudge sedan. Pri. 4839 1696 N. Capitol r 1H33 CHEV. -Master ciuch. nay be seen at Capitol St. Texaco, Capitol A Union. t i ! "FACTORY. Built trailer houses. 16 ft. Universal. 22 ft. Schult, 24 tu Schult and camping trailer,; ail on .ood condition. . Richfield Station znu state t. -- - 1 FORD V8 coupe. Ph. 2-1 beiore 9 In morn in g St after 5 In a ftefnooa. . 1929 DESOTO roadster. Body rebuilt, 16 tires. 445 S. 16th. t " 1938 LINCOLN Zephyr con v. d. f 1000 cash. See atJ30 Norway. ; - ' I; FORDTbUCK. good engUM. plenty of power. 6 good . tires, suitable for farfn work. At Saiem Parking Services 145 S. Church. Phone 4711. ; PARTS OF '35 Austin. 960 N. ConVt. FACTORYUILT TRAIXRhoS, See us for good prices. Corner 1ZU and Mission. ; House Trailers I See these new hse. trailers. 1947 Normel 18 ft. 1946 Clider 23 ft. " ' I 1946 CXirtls Wright 18 ft i 1946 Leonard IB ft. Also many used trailers of all makes and sizes -to , choose from. p Sportsman I 5 Orders new taken on 1947 Kit Keos pers. Delivery in 10 days. These are the tear drop models, all alummumJ Sips. 2. cash or terms. We handle our awa contracts. Security Motors A i Trailer Sales. Salem's largest dealer in haa. trailers. 3385 Portland , Rd. P- 25164 1934 CHEV. pickup. $373 00' Ptmmms $033 after 7 p.m. ; t f - For Salo WomI Wrest Salem Fuel Co. .16-IN. RED FIR SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST " RURAL DELIVERIES - DIESEL i AND STOVE OIL Phone ; Salem 2-4031 Jipallas Wt Special 1 $4 per cord 18' slab wood 8c edging.. On eve, del. Im. del. Ph.6683. 4 FT. Second Growth wood. $11 per cord delPh.2-3172. R. H. Allen 16" large -lock' and slab $8 cord. Call 4863 or stop at 1975 S. 12th. Elmer Boje WOOD 16" mill block and heavy slab wood. Can be burned now. No sawdust, dirt or edgings. Good clean wood. Phone 9433. 3025 South 12th St.. Salem. Ore. SPECIAL: 2 cd. 7l6-inch slap and cd.eings. $10. Phone 6663. DRY slab and edgina. Ph. 6683. CHOICE mill wood. 2 unit load 913 00 Ph 8444 Highway Fuel ClJ-ANTiTTin.- millwood. 1 unit load tl2. Screened sawdust. 2 units $70. alter Fern. Rt. 1. Dallas, plione 304-R collect. " " DRY. O. fir Jo end. Ph. 3380. 2 BONE DRY At green mill wood, green 18 slab for furnace. Capital Lumber tt Fuel Co.Ph. 7721 aVj6024 ir" MtLL WOOD and screened aawT dust. Hazel Green Lumber - Co- Pb 3-1319. PREST -O-LOOS manufactured ana sold by Capital Lumber Co.. North Cherry Ave Superior fuel for furnace, circulator, ranee and fireplace Phone 8882. Immediate delivery. i Wanted Used Cars ' ' r- t CASH FOR YOUR CAR 1 ORVAL'S! J USED CARS f PH 4702 CENTER tt CiTCTLdk WE PAYxTOPS! Get every dime your car i srortb. I Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK ! ! SALEM'S oldest Independent used car dealer. N E Comer Church At Chem Ptt 7S23 CASH FOR LIGHT CAR. Ph. 4598. 'WASTED to Buy Late Inodel trucks: Pick upa. panels. Gat beds. loers and so on. International Dealer JAMES H. MADEN COMPANY fe 2955 Silverton Road Phone 24123 Lost - and Found WooilsatviniE 960 N.Coml.Ph.35a. JVpODSawln(.905 S. 18th. WOOD Sawing. R. B Cross. Ph. tilt. Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, po bx 724. LOST: , In ' Hollywood Diit small brown A, white dog. child's pet. An swers to ' Pepper." Call 7665. Reward LOST: Mother of pearl cameo put in plain gold mounting. Lost on fair ground!. Liberal reward. 7917 S. ZJ. Woodstock. Portland. Ore. - - t 'FOUND: Red A black Shaffer pen. on Church St. Ph. 4546 li LOST: . 0U5O-16 inch implement ' wheel A tire on Lake Labish Mt. Angel "highway. Liberal reward. Please Ph. 2297-2 or 2297-8. Glenn Looney. i Rt. 7. Box 36. Reward Salem. SMALL round Bulova ri.t match.. Reward. Ph. 7871. . . , LOST: Silver pro with Lama onl Keeyaake. Reward. Ph 24m. l LOST.: Lady's Hamilton smO w.riat r tH i ri.i k,. r--n atts ' . d r m , .ot.. , . ; . ... Lodges Pacific lodge No M, A T. St , A.M. F. C. degree. Friday. September -tti. 7:00 P-M. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS i 4. Source of 21. To excel 1. A free liht 22. Japanc ticket : ft. Flap sash ft. A tough. 6. Malt 24. Jilorael cloth-lik beverages 25. Anger paper T Ring out. .Varying (PI.) aa bells ' weight 9. Something 8. Ash I India) 43ne ' ' colored 23: Summer (Latin) 10 Wooden month 11 Stories . hammor 30l Small. 12 Porcelain- 11 Garden " raised 1 ware amrihibtan cake 13 Feti-h 1. Birds 32 Final 14 Thrice (HawaUan) 33. Beehive (mua 18. Brittle of 15 Eye-thnad-vH Passes twisted worm larva through 'straw 17 Chinning a sieve 34. The Java IS. Lumps of 20 Shinto almond earth temple 35. Aslant 20. Records DlgjAi.riSIUA'Llf aTslTitlel s4Jin.iJi m sTt cfr -lAiAlTvjjjijTiy AMI fiCtAjT a I tr?ti PiAj et I o ao-iT rllclt BJ4j-l':4iS Teaterday's AaaeaP 37 Spaxiish title 38. Wicked "' 29. Part of s bottle 4L Goddess of j dawn ; i j 43. Stake used '... in quoits 27 Custom 28 "On fire 29. Sacred buU (Egypt.) 30 A fatty substance of milk 31- Stops. as a hole 33. Mineral Aprtng 36. Father of gods (BabyL) 37 Lair 40. Hawk-like birds 42. Push 44. English novelist 45. Bracing 46. Apple seeds. 47. Thwart DOWN" 1. Agreement 2. Dull pain X. Mix i x lp n - p - w w ippf:iz"Jlii l It Hp i Tt Hi n " 55 " I - "Hfn e-A