Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Saturday Morning. August 31. 1946 PAGE SIX Sorties: Roundup of Local Sports Brieh Bv Al IJghtner Should Kotlon Red Sox' John- v rek m In the total hits till f the American league this year a ad it a good bet he'll do Just thai it will be thing nf for the former Sll serton semipro. reskjr fias led .i.ri Inrur he bas plat ed in r sooner or later tm the matter of total binglrs oser a season . . . The 54th annual state r n v ention of the Oregon Di- llon. link Walton League svf America will RuMjr Colman be held right here la Salem Sep tember 20-21. The division ha a set a membership slogan for the occasion: "3006 In 1946." ... No pheasant hunting In the valley next fall, but things should be popping a year hence. With the settlor of all the pheasant egga needed for this, year s produc tion at the four game commis sion farms, approximately C500 adult birds have been released In both Western and Eastern Oregon. The goal for this year's total production of pheasants ha been set at 60,000 . . . Although they're through play ing here for the season the Sen ators should make sure they rome back to town at the sea son's close. Loquacious and sportsminded Rusty Colman. wowing 'em again at Leonard's nlghtery, and this time as gen eral mgr., wants to put on a first rate shindig for the boys as a farewell present . . . The Snell strom Braves, Cascade league winners want to tangle with the ISolons In a Monday night. Sep tember 9 dUh at Waters also, net proceeds to go to the Senator players in entirety. Marty natives would like ot see the Senators as recipients In such a game and the Snellstroms are willing. Such players as Bill Hanauska. John ny Linde, "Red" Miller. Arland Schwab. Gale (Basher) Smith. Cnrly Leininger, Chuck DeAu- tremcnt, George Walker and Guess Q. Who are with the Snellstroms . . . The newsies from Medforri say Bob (fullback) WaUon may go to either Stanford or I'C'LA next fall. Previously. Watson was strictly Stanford minded. The Reds had therefore best get busy else they wind up losing another Norm Standlee . . . . Enoch A 1 e x s o n. effervescent owner of the Tacoma Tiges is so wrapped up in his new hobby venture that he not only built a new. ball park, bought out the entire ball club and established himself as president, but is also the team's business manager. Mr. A. is certainly not a mem ber of the idle rich. . . . Sad Tidinjj! Solons Bow To 2-1; Chances Fading EKLMKKTON. Aui?. 30-( Special ) -The Bremerton Tars downed D e Sm Ser.;,t. i 2 t.. 1 hei e tonight to climb within a game of the i i.air S.!.,r.s -r.i ' the same lime dropped the Salems nine ..... . . ii' . i i : Tl c . 1 .- giime k o! 'Me II, Jeaaing eiiaiinee iruei. a in ouiuii.- the first i.nlv run in 1-iMif g -n l!.il Summers 12th ) on.i i of th- e;i' i:i-1 from then (n weir f rr. i erl hy Bt-.ik" f'ed tmu: r. .il.r.g r.Mttr !.rt'i !'.r The Senators but was ju'inl f..r jituh hitter in the -ei!-h Biii Si huhle finished and ..'..'! v.iTh hi. .e.enth loss tf i'.e injiiiiii Tin- Tars mck- I art r;.m the i Inn long run in the'.n i-n tr.iee Mr gies. ,.,.., 010 CM 1 I . i: . t ..! 1 'O II) IK! I . anrt SIrr:cni: Ted II. .!! a . SGC Schedules Match Vs. Par A m-th .:y a. Par event Is n the hedi.'e for Salem Golf tluter this week-end. announce. Jim FusfeJl. iub pro - if it dfiesn't jj.jn. Kn.r.l fclo urges all mem It r pa: t .pi! rig in the Efdectic j.r f to iwh up on their play a n pihle. B-..nny Bennett nil .ear's the r Hi' i,hcr Make Meet Quarters j WICHITA. Aug 30 .,-The ! loitland. Ore. Gilbert edged the t 542 champion Boeing Bomber?. r to 4. here tonight to advance j 1 .to the quarter final of the Na- ; 1 .".al Semi-pro baeba!l tourney, i J.hnon. Portland hurler. 14 men .... - j Harla Kinmaster Mrist-r K.y S. rr.rr: f i of the , re?f n t..e 1 m-e shnw said rriflay tf a George F.d'v.rd, Palo A 1'. . (". .' of trie 1946 Tripe'. :.! vi ;i trine m Salem t ..i ! v S,n'd S mmiT" a lo , i,r:fd Rdfi . v . Saiem, 5 i,i j r.,t-Tr ("jrrft M.iiia ct y em - tad'inck manager. afcgaaWBgBaMsWBlBu rOH'-WOW: The new All-America football conference will be load ed with grid greats this season and the Clereland Browns will be no exception. Above, Coach Paul Brown, of Ohio State fame, talks it over with Otto Graham, former Northwestern All-America n. Both are now Brown. Chiefs Need 4 Wins for Flag Lavengro Early Favorite 34 Horses Nominated For Fair Opening 'Cap Racing Secretary Earl Harrill has nominated 34 horses for the featured Labor day handicap of the Oregon ftate fair here which opens Monday. Final weight assignments will be made Saturday for the mile handicap. Lavengro, Coconino stock farm's 11 year old campaigner, is rated the early favorite following his smashing six furlong win at Longacres on Thursday. Lavengro ran away from a good field to win easily in the fast time of 1:11. Modoc, a fast finishing horse at Gresham over the longer routes, is also figured as top competition. Pete Hinton's High Check and: Minedda will both come south from Gresham with distance wins this week. Harness races on the afternoon program of the fair racing meet will be started from a Jeep, Su perintendent Charles Evans said ypstertJay. Joe Cantrall. veteran starter, will pace the trotters from a jeep near the rail and wjll call their positions throughout the run down the stretch to the starting line. It will make the first time such a method has been employed in starting the harness events. Eight running races and two harness events will be presented each af ternoon during fair week. By Th Associated Press It looked more and more like the Wena tehee Chiefs for the V1L pennant last night as the Chiefs slaughtered the Tacoma Tigers. 21 to t. to stretch their margin over the second -place Nalem Senators to nine full games, with but It contests left to play. The Chiefs need win only four more fraya to clinch the flag. The league-leader wal hits In chalking up their latest triumph. At Vancouver the Capl lanos. determined to climb to the top of the second division, belted t KoUin' Nwg IK Jukky Stoe V4 1 ney. .... J tlVAf HhjB Gnnt comes strolling Into the office the other day and e that the community ought to have a left banders golf toor- Flhan. being a guy that takes His Unas gajne lainy . 1 . g WaIi ( an ko mourns that tne souinpaw iwimrr is eight ball. "Vou know." offers the SUte street flctlonist. "I don't think the ' manufacturers even put good materials in the clubs they sell us port ider. Why I actually believe they fall for this old line that all of u lefthanders are a little screwy iidhiv and wouldn't know the difference." Ethan reflected that he was still using club of 112 vint age. "They're good ones; I swear by em." Ethan's comments do bring up the fact tna goii is pcr hap the only major sport In which southpaws don't Dlav a nrominent part. Well, for one thing. .R.NT mosi course. s rirant aaya. are trapped against he -wrong idr " stroker. At any rate, not five minutes after our frustrated lefty had vacated the office In comes publicity matter from the promoter of the National Lefthanders' tournament to be held at (irrrnboro. V ('.. Sept. 9-15.' Now. Ethan, there's your oprtunitr for retribution. ";ll Itu-" l fiiirtl InfldrnlallV it remained for t;rant to come up with an answer to that lrlou microbe "golf bug." Here It Is in hl enlightening words: 'Thi subject of whv man plays golf has been cussed and tvutwd from the day the first Scotchman teed off in the thistles and heather. The answer U anthropological: ancient man was fond f hitting things with a club: the old mental vestigial ran still assert itself in golf, because a golfer (not a duffer) can hit a golf ball with a club and make It travel farther and faster than anything Ke on earth except poibly a cat. or a wife." Now the "bug" an rest in peace. iro I la-. !oinrition (eorge ico has his work rut out for him if he Is to be the iwiroll liters starting first sarker one of these days. The post Is going to be wide open as far as Hank f'reenberg Is concerned. Re ports from the .Motor City say the big first baseman's legs are de finitely "gone' and that he Is looking around for a managerial pot or a chance to buy into one of the major clubs. Complications base set in for ico. however. In the person of one Bobby Moyer atow n Texas league war. Moyer. Itetroit property, is rapping well ser the 300 mark and has belted ? homers this year so our (.eorgie had better begin connecting with those base knocks In consistent fashion. Kalutl Athlclr Yte hur a hard time forgetting some of our old army buddies asvd one of 'era is a kid by the name of Chuck Oillander. Chuck is a I ugene lad. and a linksman of no mean ability. He and Salem's nanny Mason had many a hot duel in high school play before they i went into the service and they had lot of respect for one another.! We see that Chuck has been one of the low men In the sixth army Uiirsri whih is what we'd expect. For we've never seen a kid so bursting with enthusiasm as Oillander. At Ft. Iew Is he played: golf, tennis, basketball, softball. baseball and if there had been any tri(iur( he d been In that too. And he was good at 'em all. the Victoria Athletics again. 14 to . Manager Bill Brenner paced the Cap attaeV with two homers and a single good for seven runs. The Yakima Stars, consistent with the slugging of the Chiefs and Caps, walloped the Spokane Indians. 12 to 7. with the help of Spoke miscues. Victoria Ml IN SOS 5 S 4 Vaoceuver . Nl 234 U 17 I Ckapetta aast Paulson; Snyaer and Brconer. Taktma .. . S43 MS 12 12 11 1 Spokaaia Ml MS MS 7 Kosnpel. Strait (7). aod McConBrll; Hallkourf. Collins ) aad Varrelmaa. Tacoma . . Ml 1 22 IS 1 Waoatchec . . M 1M2 M II 21 S JuagSloUi. Gerkla (4). Jtmsnick (4). Greco (7) aad Kemper; Green and Pesat. Bosox Wallop A's in Pair IIii;iMMi, Bajxhv Nab Wins; Phil Toil NY BOSTON. Auy 3r, (,V) With Tex Htighson Jim Bagby giv ing artistic pittning performances, the Bfslon Red Sox tod.iy w pt a doubleheader with the lowly Philadelphia Athletics, 6-0 arid 8-2 Hughson limifetl the A'. tf) ftur scattered singles while 'Patty', flicker, Jameson, .. llielty (Vilake Semi-C:iinials Kerf Opposes League Standings I . ! i w t. Pi r w 1 Pt- S? Ml .'4 Yakm.a , .'! f alrii 72 iH .j!i rniu c i MM 41)0 iHif-n-ritn VI 549 Spokane MM 4-lJ T j. ...... 711 511 Virion. 4S SA 14 1 arid I rnilm't Nnult At Vaiicotixrr 14 Vutl'a Al N,kanr 7. N.kni.a 13. Al Krmlrlirf 21. llnilM k Al tJiem- r rin 2. Salr'n I gaining Cst IK.I : the shutout that marked lus 15th; w i.p. t w I p. t Th. .n.,.r. ...II.,..).,! !! Ml iail IUO .1 64.' lloll w (HKJ IJ iHimi s via i -s.t . w I P. I Riwlori "f) 4ii Mf? ! New mi k f2 Mil t ! u Dvti.,,1 5.1 SI W 1 P. V( ".(I 44f 711 44lf M 71 417 if I i ila ailelpliia V 2 Of H . .it ii if I ril it I, d l NA1ION 41 I I r W I Pi t uiin f-v. r .- i. vii unit t- i i j . . . . , . . .... ... Oaklatnl oi uieir nus agam.M iai rer uinei ! i.,., An,u a.i ,.i v vmiir Knerr before chasing him st 1 W t f. f Hacker Today SPOKANE, Aug 20 -i.r(- Tro-ft., 1'i.ttjr lleig ad I'.eM.e JrfmeMin and amatenn He tie Jean Km her arut lKt Kieftjr in Itteir way Into t' n.l-flnais tf the $ IV TOO women lial:fif l I ojen gfilf tournament today. ritty lietg, finm .M.r.rerfpe! . " " " " Mi.,. . i i. . .... f i f ) Ol SMf-fnifito ? 7 7 M1 I'm I land 5fi 9 H mnnrt a - i f K n f, ,.,,,.. llf1V H.llH At Pillt!llf1 rage in the fifth inning No other Al. games ucre sched uled. NEW YORK, Aug. 30 .!- In , the only National league game Philadelphia's Jim Tabor, Johnny! Wyrostek and Del Ennis clouted ; homers tonight to lead the Phillies ; to a 4-3 ictory over the New York Giants. AMFRK.AN I.EACl'E: Piiiladelphia W)0 (MM) (MM 0 4 1 Boston 100 060 0-6 9 0 Knerr, Fagan (Si and Oesautrlx . Hughson and H. Wacner. Philadelphia Mi2 IMMI WM 2 5 2 Boston 010 1X12 21 6 B 0 Warcliildon and Kovai . Bagby and Parlee. NATIONAL, I.EACl'K: Philadelphia 2Mi 1O0 010 4 112 New York U01 (MM) 02O 3 ,7 Schanz and Semmirk; Biidmrk. Abernathy ill. Schuinm liri iffl. Tliompsoti ill and t'oei . .1 I San D.efo 1-0 At Seattle 5 2. Iahi An gt-les 4-0 At Mnlh wuud 5. Si i Minrilii 1. At OakUnd .1. Sn r , m i. o 17 d'lilr.f u H'xtnti 747 k.m ,.e.ti m aa 444 t asily its f a ted Mit. J k I ir g .ifi.T f-r i imi. ii, u a.i v s tf fi S4 S7 Sr . . 2 V 512 P.:-1 k M .I 41 4)71 Fiida Hen. if At Na V.,, k 3 Philadelpl.ia 4 n ,rtu ed i Eagles Prevail In Donkey Go Yvon Petra Favored For National Crown NEW YORK. Aug 30-y!V Yvon IVIra. the m f..f,t af ,ro Ftiingbean fn.rn Kiaiu-e who Mtuel a MiipiiM- t inniph m the fn-t Mtw.r WimHeltn tfituney. has been given the Ii.iik.i ..f f,,v,iu op-i the i; tf-nrus. i.miii(.ii- fX : .shjps- tfrn.r i i.w at KmAl Hill I he firi in.,t,b ,.ti he tjiliimi couit will find the big fellow, top Miffed K ttie fiiyn t.n- I tiri;erit, niiitihcl with Harold IfJuriowo .f ( "h;u li.tle il!e. '.t Other olnrig K iiixl Aiti hen fill the .'Kf.w i tiiiit will pit )nn thy Hiirifiy t.f S..i,t., M.,(,,, At t'.ilif, u.iirit I)., ii, thy lied .,f Alanieii.i. Calif. Willin K Tal-i hei t i.f V iWiuiit..!!. -t . Vo;t of Phd.i.u Iptu-. Mi Sbmnifh Mf-riif. Mi giriia U olff iidfii K'. ,u t.t f'ianiif ii. and T"m Hmv. n tit San Kftluivni, v l'iel alf-rki t,f Dctii. it llotitiliilii. and 9. and M;. Jameiim of Sn Ar.toi,,o. Tea, hail art even easier time in e! ml nating KHe'r Kieser, San ttum hi, H and 6 Mis Kutker, Iflf.e not ttivvot ' i hampiorV (n m p. k.he, toiiietl her &i.krm ('oor try Iub iour tf defest Hitty link. I.iif lieaih. Cal.f., 5 and 4 And mi'i f.trg sut.. en 'a par for 17 ho!e H. Kielty of Iir a Death, Calif. ft the finite, t .f the day from her long-time fue, !fi, C'ljra (': lender Mieiman tf Paiadef M. aV m -. f :, V 1 UJ ' L i )v Jh. I alif 7 and I. Tomorrow av playt ,Mia Hi ker and rCislty ila'het l?h Pet'jr H.ll. lidl Ki v Vit- i' Ko- Donkeys don't take to ball players like ducks to water. That's the idea of a crowd -of around 2000 had la.t night after -watching an evening of festivities at Waters park in w hich were crowded m combination of polo, : "musical chairs," softball and ripj snorti ri'' -bronco bustinttwefer. the donkeys did miixtr iTfthe ' bustin'. The Salem Sands -and the Eagles of the Salem junior base- , ! ball loop were "the guinea pigs ' i last night and most of 'em j being city slickers they didrCt i have a chance with the animals. : j Getting down to cold statistics j , the Eagles made a clean sweep of j the proceedings. They downed the Sands 4 to 3 in polo, their Clancy Applegarte copped honors in "mus ical chairs" and they took a 5 ! to 4 decision in the ball game itself which might have been sT R li aa BOSS: Charles Evan-. Iabye) Kalern will' be speed ftMperln- tendenl of the Orefon stale fair's K - day raring meet, whleh epeas on the lne Oak j traek Ibor Day. Evans has1 ' lined of which will Include two har ness events and eight running No-No Hands iHudsons Title ORISON CITY. Or. Aug 30 .f)- Ion Skfnner f.f llnilvm Dun can, Poitlarxl, pi U l ed a ! no-riifi minm t. .,). f .f..i p full dallyts earda. each . Albans- A,.,.ii i-o t..r .i.- y ' gon stite Sfiftball i hmpinii.hip Hudson Ounan srattered Ita Ilojran SizzlCsS In LA Tourney IJS ANGELES, Ag 31 - f -Kavi.nte llenny llifan, fresh fr hl Utoiv In 11 e It; tiMirney. Ilated out a f . e-undaf pnr f.a tiwiay to assume a ot utrohe lead In the - f J rat round i f the $15. WfO Gfldett rotate G f tf mi namer.t at tha a louiitry rlhb I Never gcii.g over par, the ir.g 1 35-piirMl ferhey, a , pr feaaional (hiked f f tint One stroke Ijehind the r?ynrt.,'. lightweight v. Herman Keiser. Akron, (i . with a 41. . i; s,i,i SEATTLE., Aug JO f T-fi t r.lhott. leapetMac led Seattle la -nieta southpaw and former Ore. gon State college hurler, was ..!.! races. Evans tor many years thlee tallies In three innings One ' lh ll"0 Hraes Ulay In a was one of the state's foremost breeders of harness horses and pacers and during the last San ta Anita trotting meet several of his Woollen colU turned In creditable performances. Beavers Slap Padres Twice PORTLAND. Au. 30 -A- The . a version of just how the Brook- Portland Beavers took both ends i lyn Bums perform at their wack- 4-', ,1 r'ls..las of a doubleheader with the San "est. vxsicia aai- w vaa vas. Diego Padres here tonight, 3 to 1 ( and 1 to 0. Dick Barrett and Jack : T Jin ve-rlnv'sr Rnv a UU4 4UUJ fB UWA. was Ziraccio's homer In the ith. straight rash deal. A UU No-No Hand M Hudfon-Dunran (ion ll mil lit Albany pmi mm im oil Skinner anil Holiir.f . VAuin and D- Any. Salveson were the winning hurl ers. Saa Diece Portlana BHOA BHOA Criscola.1 4 0 3 0 M. Smith. m 3 0 I 0 Cyslman.3 4 0 0 3; Dobbins 3. 3 113 Lohrke 3 3 12 Reich. I 3 1 10 0 Jensen. m 3 0 10 Storey J 3 2 12 M'Donld.l 3 0 0 Mathesn.I 2 0 0 0 Garma.r 3 2 1 OCrawfrd.r 3 10 0 M Donel c 2 1 4 0 Brown. 3 0 1 4 Breard.2 3 1 0 2 Holm e 3 1 S 0 OlM-n.p 2 10 1 Barrett. p 2 112 Both in 1 0 0 0 Escobar. in 10 10 Totals 28 7 II S Totals 25 7 3111 Batted for Olsen In 7th. San Diego . . 001 000 0 I .Portland 300 000 3 Errors Brown. Runs batted in Reich. Crawford. Brown. Lohrke. Two base hits Storey. McDonnell. Three base hits Dobbins. Lohrke. Let on bases San Diego 7, Portland 5 Bae on balls Barrett 1. Olsen 1. Strike outs Barrett 5. Olsen 4. Earned runs Barrett 1. Olsen 3. Umpires- Heard and Doran. Time 1 IS. San Diego 0O0 000 000 0 3 1 Portland 000 0O0 001- 4 4 3 Salvo. Treichel it) and Rice. Sal veson and Ballinger. 1SM8 aw m a4y-Cv. 4Ks ',.. 'MM Negro Champs Due on Sunday The Oakland. Calif.. Larks, champions f the Negro Coast leag-ue baseball race this season, and the Fort Lewis Warriors, one of the strongest nines In the Northwest, meet in an exhibition rame at Waters park Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock. Classed op and down the coast as potent as many of the Coast league clubs, the Larks have won 58 games and lost 12. They claim to be the best dressed club In baseball, and during their season drew from 6000 to 14.000 per game. They recently wal loped the House of David three straight in gamea at Portland. Seattle and Spokane. Managed by Jim West, great colored first sacker. the Larks boast in "Su gar" Cain a pitcher compared with the one and only Satchel Paige. Cain won 12 straight In league plav. An added attraction with the Larks Is Sammy Workman. 22-year-old armless and legless wonder who performs amazing baseball feats. The Warriors, well known in the Northwest, have won 37 and lost 6 this season. Regular WIL . . . . ,. . admission prices will prevail.1 1 able OI l.oastal 1 HlPS for Sunday's contest. Salem (13) Bremerton ) BHOA BHOA Reynlds.2 3 2 3 4 Reese 1 4 0 7 2 Wheeler.3 3 2 1 0 Bhss.3 . 4 1 2 riager.s S 1 1 4 Baruinff.r S 2 0 Crawfid.l S 1 0 Plouf.2 4 0 3 Gullic r 4 3 1 OGedzius.s 2 1 3 Wenner.m 3 0.2 0 Volpi.c 311 Sumnin l C 4 t 0 DeVaur.m 4 152 Kerr.c 8 2 S 0 Curtm.3 Jill 1 0 rSullivati.p 0 1 Marshall, p 2 0 ,1 0 Totals 42 27 S v . Totals XI 7 27 12 ?lem T)23 013 330-13 Bremerton 002 002 020 - f Errors- Wheeler. Reese. Home runs Summers Z. Kerr. Wheeler. Gulhr. Doubles Kerir. RBI's Flatter 2. Sum- j . Pitchers mers 3. Kerr 2. Bhss. Plouf. Wheeler. ; ffess Wyatt 2. Gullic 2. Crawford. Reynolds Watt 9 I'lirli. 1 CtAl.n'V...r:.illir rv..n ! P..rl.r Hal Summers' 4-tr-B perform ance Thursday night In Bremer ton 1uked Ivis season's' batting average to the JJQ 1 mark, the firrt time this eason 41al has gorie intf the .300 bracket. Woody Salmon 2 ' still leads the Senator hit parade o ; with a .350 average. The "Sena- Y I tor Swat' i I B O ' Salmin Met ' Pin Lu,p Of fiver KepresenUUves of the Mer cantile bowling league met st Perfection alles last night and elected the following affl-' rers: .Herman Warker. presi dent: . A. Rupp. lce president; and III llaman. secretary -treasurer. Tlie Merrantllers begin Play Sept. 13. V7AI1TED HOP PICKERS miles north oa River Road. Bus from ft a lea FIR GROVE ' FAR! I Rt. t lias til PfcoM it:o Wyatt.p av erages: H Pi t - B H Pet 234 82 :.M Kerr 224 00 2tV C'rawfd 41S 145 .347 Km aUkl 73 IS 747 Gullic 2MI I! IIS Ounntiin 74 1 203 Whet-ler I Ml M lltWull Mil it Sumrii 3S 110 3111 Harlfilml 253 441 IS2 Spaeter 28 8 2H Imt.le SI I il Wi nner 478 134 .282 Soclerbukg 48 8 17 t.uchesl 183 49 268 rallin' ' 32 3 trf4 riaiief 2lS 3 2fc8 Prnter ' 0 Ofio Revnlda 344 0 262 Hm 1 0 0O0 VV 1. P. t 50 WA SH 2. Curtis .3. Stolen' base Gulhr. Dou ble plavs Salem 2. Wyatt fanned 3 walked 5. Sullivan fanned 6, walked 7 I-oser- Sullivan. I.OB Salem 10. Brem erton 6. Time 2:06. Umpires Regele and Moran. fSoderburg Gunnarson Schuble Kowalski Fallm 5 1 30 14 4 2 21 7 29 12 23 8 28 14 ?4 3 7 0 1 000 4 11 7 M7 132 105 1 SC7 S 7 b3 M 47 t 371 87 S3 .971 44 54 3S1 143 3O0 2 I k, C B 125 4MS 101 340 117 450 120 474 R H Pet ; M 184 371 ! Q 81 126 .364 , 61 155 .345 73 162 342 131 536 110 181 .338 129 450 130 152 338 American leamie: 113; Dfjerr. Hed ! Musial. Cardinals l Hopp. Braves j Walker. Dodgers ... ; Vernon. Senators . ! Peskv. Red Sox j Williams. Red Sox Runs batted in Williams. Red Sox I Sox 110 York. Red Sox 108. National league: Slaughter. Ordinate 99: Walk er. Dodgers 95; Musial. Cardinals 83- Home runs American league: Williams. Red Sox 34: Greenberg. Tigers 28: Keller. Yankees 25 Na tional league- Mie. Giants 22: Kiner. Pirates 18 Nurthrv. Pint lies 14. Hal ton. Reds 14. rnnir. Philhns 14 lre(otilan In the majors slut thev did Friday: B H O A K RBI Peskv. Red Sox il) 4 0 2 3 0 0 LB ESS MA KI T IS ID) 2 11 lo 7 Night Shift in Prunes Slariing Wednesday, Sep!. 4 n VOIEN CAIIIIERY WORKEIIS URGENTLY HEEDED At 7:30 A. M. on our day ahifl and 7:00 P.M. on our niicM a,hift tnimenf ing; Tuesday, September 3rd. Free transport a I in for nigh in idnil vf tannery. worker from Salem and UNITED GROWERS, IIIC. 4 Mi U- Sf.ulh of Salem at I.iberly . Telephone Salem 2-20 In nx.per.'ition ilh Salem Cannern Committee. Please HrKiler Now Doerr. 1 21 4 1 2 t-3 0 0 Red Sox ii) .. 0 2 5 0 1 .21 4 0 1 2 0 2 Gordon. Yankees No! Scheduled Whitman. Dodgers j'Not scheduled PCL Scores: Times computed for Taft. Ore. by the I). S. C'oaat and Geodetic Suixey tor the Oiegon Statesman Los Angeles 000 000 000- 0 3 3 , Seattle 000 001 10'- 2 6 11 Osborn. Dobernic (8) and Stephen- son; Tost and Stagg. I Los Angeles 000 002 2 4 5 2 j Seattle 001 200 2- 5 11 1 ' Chambers. Baker i7i. Adams (7) and I Spindel. Stepiienson (7); Scribner and j Beard. I Sacramento 0O0 000 100 1 6 2 j Hollywood 000 121 01 5 9 1 Fletcher. Gyrwales i8 and Titgei - j sld; Wilkie ahd L'nser San rranco-. . 210 300 051- 12 20 0 Oakland jf 001 2(MI 000 - 3 3 : Harrell. ituo 141. Weile 5 and Og rodowskl. Ardlzoia. Speer i2. Buxton I 5(. Pippen i9 and Raimondi. September High low Time Water Time Water 1 4 01 am. 4 7 9 44 am. 19 4:05 p.m. 5 8 11 02 pin. 12 3 9:07 am. 4 3 10:30 am. 2 4 4 46 p.m. 5 7 3 6:33 a m. 4 1 OMym. 12 5 38 p in. 5 6 11:23 am. 2 9 4 8:01 a in 4 1 1:16 am. 11 6:46 p m. 5 5 12:40 p rn. 3 2 3 9 18 am. 4 4 2 22 am. 0 8 7 48 p in. 5 6 1 55 p m. 3 1 6 10(10 a in. 4 7 3 16 am. 0 5 8 50 p in. 3.8 3:00 p m. 3 2 j 7 10 50 a.m. 3 0 4 05 am. 02 j 9:38 p m. 6 1 3 51 p m. 3 0 8 1 1 22 a m 5 2 4 47 a m. -0 I jw.26 p .in. 6 4 4 X1 p hi. 2 7 t 9 71:50 am. 5 4 5.23 am. -3: 11:09 p.m. 6 6 1:13 p.m. 2 3 SFauhis Bros. Pkg. Co. a In Cooperation with Salem Canners Committee D The Senators home run production has been drastically stepped a a at Bremerton this week, which causes as to wonder just bow tmans four-masters Wcnner snd Summers and some of the others ssatild hae br this lime if alers park fences nudged hame plate da the walls in the lr' lot. Na wonder Barlsoff broke the league ; Komer mark' . . . leaning house: Tad Shelton. now that the home -ail eaon is oer. Tad will have to move his stacks of smoking raiaphernalia. etc.. from the Waters pre box to the Sweetland field tjdu in readiness for the grid e2-oii. ... WAIITED HOP PICKERS LATE HOPS Heavy rrop. good picking, long season. Two busses to Salem daily. Some cabins still available. WILLIAMS & THACKEB Eola Ilopyard. Route No. 4. Salem, Ore. Phone 21-331 Fvfea - Wmfttsi Beginning Tue.-ilay inorninj aflrr I.alioP Dav, for )ira y work ni IVarhr ami Prunr $ 1 .00 per hour Plus time ami half after 40 hours per week J .v Rejnster Saturday for ork Tuestla .Morning. Plant Closeil I.ahor Day Oregon Fruit Producis Co. West Salem " Harvesting of 250 Acres Lale Hops Begins on September 2nd at the Lakebrook Mop Farm t.OOl) I'K'KINfs - I.ONti .SKASON CAIUNS AM) rAMI'INC FACII.IT1E.S Hum t ranr-porlal ion each morninjf atartLns at I A, M. from the follow ina: plarea: Fairground Road and Highland Avenue Capitol and Market Streets 17TI! AM) MAKKKT STREETS 17TII AM) I) STKKETS 17TII AM) C'KNTEIt STREETS 17TII AM) CIIEMEKETA STREETS . 17TII AM) STATE STICEETS 12TII AND STATE STREETS irril AM) MISSION STREETS J.KSMK SCIKH)E (OMMEKC IAI. AM) CENTER STREETS COMMERriAE AM) t OI.I'MlUA STREETS KEIER S( IKMII. FARM l,AIJOR OFFICE V 4