' Th -OREGON STATESMAN.' Satem. Ufqon. Thursday Morning. Adgust shf. 1946 PAOrTHttTtDf Far Sale Heal Estate LEE OHMART & CO., REALT01f!T" AVX.NUE . $4 1:- nsrsVate i 1 aai mi in ef this 3 bed- I Older style S room home, has living T'.mr nif entire in i f r In excellent ; room, 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath cans la Ued ktUSaesi and batii. ' down. 2 bedrooms up. garage. Imme-la:- feaaced :n back; yaral. wired for j diate possession. S fruit trees.' ' 4 water aaeote and circ. , down. Located on Cherry Avt. ln" .oed ruy 1 Mocwa from bus ! JUST SOUTH OF TOWN 8l"' A good room home with app. 1 rv,LIWOOD DISTRICT acre of land, cherries, walnuts, pears A mxern 7 room tiaar r. Irving room and apples, small chicken house. This r' fireplace duuW rocni. 1 bed- home has 3 bedrooms, basement with roo-n katrsveri and bat 8en. 3 bed- tw". . aaaa) ta th earare. tmU basement, rtordarood floors, tor nur. mi ejixetleiit condi tior :r?xt and out. ge9 neighborhood sr KEI7KJ1 DISTRICT klDdtra 5 room taoasse, basement . 1 1 m ahiat furnace. swsfuiUhed up- tau s eiM n.ce aseiesi with nook, tu.'l batav 2 bedrsKjawji. laving room fm aWr and aSsf Sired, dining rao'- aiaestwood floors, V blind 4. nice , Over 5 acre-, of land, nearly all in si,-" b nrhT a acre ot land a nice cherries, beautiful landscaped grounds. p Silo! ' 'ant shade trees, $17,500. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS m COCRT ST PHONE 9580 OR 403 Crea aV Sun Ph 2-3431 or 305 lu tijuh property with us sellinc bil ustate is our business HOMU sTVaf. M. m unfinished 4 bedroom ho-e nef Hn Srswsol Large lot. full Umrnt far age Immediate posaes- "s'srsv 9 bra.-oon him', well located H heat, eaesrtrac cooking Pric ed Se I LSv sat.mediata Ptnaminn C i.m peiv furrua'.ed Ins-todarag gat range ard water heater Two lots Tina la a g..d rty S Kr.r.ewood Distract 2 bed r,K)u trvang room, dm nag room. kiU-n-eti Mix basemen, garage. alo Bed roiT an Bei-r.eU 4 Bedroom ho well located on tart Not, H.ll. 94000 lwn will h.n-d- 4 bsorki to Grade Sch'xil. elec tric : rihtrt Immediate PussestKin I.: Wfc-lIwonl IKatru-t. hard-x- ' I.rrulacr. Krortun hlinda. J :daeomr rice bauaeaiK-n'. electric c'-Ktr.a 2 car gera.fr. rse to grade mr.i Hi Is A lrvely hnmc 1? tr.r cookir.g r.d water Iwatirg. fire- Owner win carry e"J on ist 1 HurtavAiv i' Ac:e located Ea-;' with 2 b 3 om I. en completely Iurnihed. c- eril truncation, fir fl.n- lmmed- $:2.54 5 A rea beat of Soil with ? nl 3 bear 00m honw. hardwjd ' w-Tt rwt.an blinds, rlei ti ic hot a-er beatang oil heat. 2 r,- garage. swro t rncken. lanuly orchard. 1 a--e fiMwrt? and berries, elecinc ai r vtei tk3 green bovine Bt?mNr:SS OPeORTUNITIES Sfrv Station well lcated. 5 year leaae. 9171 t(r lnenl.M y and equip nrt :i ifa. - Fx-er Fountain and intaur arr ' NettinaT a ound 918ua oer n.ontn. m'-.m -rm r &3 M mr ltSve with or""" W ir,f, tivu( quiivn for o- - te4Xi ill toandie. baUme on t - V-Tffi- (.4 M Lmrr.rdate Piafi-ir,, well Unrtxra er. Mf r w ar to I'ji'.Ui. I Thjrt h tar re r. ta moume Growing $113 rrt-tn lt. Crmpie4ty fui nisned fj rrw-re hjuM t !) Cffr .tore and Service aS . h g qru-n, well loca'ed in avr a. tewn rioe ta .Salewi . a'f r j kltrT apartment, bet of lo- a-ai' or wtlh 23 rentals and 5 room bri' all aparTrienta ceipeel fur- MrKillop Kil Estate Apcncy fas mar. ' r"snr evernngs 993 - Phnne S131 l - 713 4 BR NDMI rJMK TN (M'1H 9OMI tna ' 1173 H 14th S Nice s.a.u-rre J bH taO. combined I. a L Ranai jU:,er. aMU-iii.. garage 9i.e trevs . eavay tern. a LarMfi Htrnc 5 Ian Co. tur'uan i Ltftinga - feesMeial Service m M Mjn . St PH UN F.ve '40 ? iJtm UiintomS -. l Dtst $800. J M Beat Ph 918 tar 8m t0. SALE BY OWNER "'" j w ear aaraade for Saiem iwirx-i it I tlsWSIt DIATE POiSSION AJSCi. sth-rnam. all puwtered house an In aaaysiisi C Jll t. PurtUiid Full 2 rnmemm aaaniajiy sasi smk: ana iuii ba.-arw m -with tewat r-mnrn au.ike rw mmm aownaur njniaee r vr pitip 1 ii: m wviviw rwimi' i hwji i v" tSSi uiailaua Jail oak flnort SI -1-4 ramcaanas reeeptMm hall, Z, tT-LZ oT ; av-aktaaai aax-m and kJtctfn with ade S,.ae aacih-un large ataub' mk al rr 1 T r,eavy mlatd llnolcurTi on k ' fe f loot . draint-er 4 arrt coun-te- w! for el-cac ri,jr and tr rr BhaSe art ail viindM- aistlparer dowrwtair lat ar Oaaxare ar wo aa4 wuWn, in. av ieJ --ncvd e anew in back vaid , iu-a frr bu tine Wtll show p mr aaay Ui from II a art., t'j 2 p rn . o' aaoaies bv at rai 1 1 1 1 1 ' n ' Plone TZ.'l w-cn Bos LS Stalewti.an TWO fP unfiaiilifSl Su-, (iHd b' avt I nail: ri-h S ice C rrr .astered house. 9550. La ' ae Vt g: ST arable f m ifisc court. u) - l! - 1 1 Li e rit.ted 4t A cultl valr-4. ana! Lawrence Real Estate .t & 1 9; Hr iura4-e Phone 75f) BR h !. S lrl p - tug If 11 mw piare fvill !mt large . . , (imt Joer Ikirt Picha, Realtors F 3fe 3JTTN Hijjh $150 tZh. Bal. 10 Mo. ty st'ty St acreaizr Ph me 7WCI BCMiS FOR SALE Phone 94S 9 ? New 2 IVfriu horr.e. ' ae . c.:y bus aervace. hear store tVv3iC 1 aSsarrr- plastered hotrie 4 ; artarrved arge . utility rv. teaa.ee yd . fruit. omiiw-i 'jl Vtev? cr.v Ua bus and I'nr $y"() ? htirrrjt . I acrr. liv. rtn . din. rtm . f rjt . bsmt . wtr nt: Well 9"e Htm! Sew t aViraa, rrne. un- s.asrfc upaiain if "v. rni . , avssrtte. ven bl.n l. uNl.f apace. mri ua,a Ige r e . e!er wtr TL."' J" Trmn. 9 $aaaT honr S mj aid. Ir liv rm iec fiepiace. elec fieat. , idrr ut sttac jrd lawn Trtri 9eJ8 PSew ' Pfirm modernistic home, vew r iinda. hv rm . din rn. . fcaW f .dry trsvs. Ige 65 x 3O0 9e?rr home. 8 yrs old. at- grge Mtabtv rr-i . oak fja !mrH yd. Idi . travs, le wtr htr . 4 blks t Erigie w.a ac r.ooi iOS -ie: fstrntshed 9 Bdrm W'el t arc-iriil.d re-en- ty t ... tasmt . terraced back swed x 1 of anraooett. orna- anesstju -jreea waists ar.j cier- 1 2- - VI- " . tiMne and unfm fteerv elec f;re- ; : r. htr. liv rsi. . din rm . attached grge . near Teema Ahramn and Ellis, Inc. :: Maasonic Bldg. Phone 6135 lr 11 lain MamrtaSaf Loasna 8:28a LaRGE-Lot. Good location T: 11 wsnnut assd fruit trees. CJi Staniej Broaa n with State Finance Co.. Realtors li- S H;-h Ph 4III Eve 25581 X r S hesae asn acre, near trse Pew I cur C If yeu want a goed buy let ua 9.aP abow you this. Snllivan Realtv Co. Torrtarxl Rd Ph 3234 Eves 24478 YV aTS7r9-tl w-Sl rrr, no " C rr, Ml avis; on 5xX50 lot Own srel!, good w - e- ftosc. laundry trava and a-aae 8 E to Krueger store Uien I 8 -a kabrtb ia 4490 Karl Ave. j csnetarrs oak ur eare ns a tiinds aaaim 1 rm.. 4sa ar.d se For Sale Real Estate I wood furnace, piped for gas, uto. j water heater, bus at door and only 3 blocks to grade school, city water; s.auu oown. or can oe oougni wim 'a acre for 96800. GLEN CREEK DRIVE Very nice room home, full base ment, oil furnace, double garage. Has living room, dining room. I bedroom, kitchen and bath down. 3 bedrooms with space for one more up. newly decorated and in excellent condition. ' 9450 AUTO Court in good lo- 'cation. Olson & Reeve, Realtors iMi S Coml Ph. 4590 Eve. 21080 $14 500 BUYS This 7 rra. home east, with house am back of lot. This is (ink) income properly. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 4J S Ceml Ph 4590 Eve. 21090 $14.700 BUYS This lovely home In Englewood. Hwd. firs., fireplace, auto, oil heat, full bsmt.. with room for a party rm Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Coml Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 $12500 LARGE Home In Rich mond school dist. 2 bed rtns. down. three Could up Double plumbing, oil heat, be used as Income property. Salem la in need of ileeptng rms. Olson Reeve, Realtors 945 s Coml Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 .,, ,IW, DITW . outh llwd f lr . V. blinds, fireplace, lull bsmt . aula heat, just redec. 1mm. Ol.son & Reeve, Realtors S Coml Ph 4590- Eve. 21090 $78502 BED Rm. East furnished. Imin poss. Hwd firs. elec. water heater, elec stove. Bendlx washer. , ,tove and other furniture. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S C om l Ph 4590 Eve., 21090 $7300- 2 BED Rni. home north. Hwd. firs . oil heat. V. blinds, nice yard, 5 yrs. old. Priced for a quick sale. OLson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S Coml Ph 4590 Eve 21090 $10.580-BUYS This 2 houses on large l"t Large liv, ran., din. rm.. 2 bed m i . kitchen, with plenty of built ,nv Fireplace, hwd. firs. Isolated. Flee heat, tile bath, all in large home. small 4 rm. house on back of lot. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 45 S Com I Ph 4590 Eve 21090 c or v'allis home: 98754 2 bed rm hae. with sleeping porch large hvmg rm.. full bsmt . aw dust heat, tdry trays. Between College and business dist. ; Olson 8l Reeve. Realtors 45 S Com l St fh 490 Eve 95.19 HUH.DIN6 LOTS located N.E on . Iaiinf Ave Restricted District. Price from 9M0 to 9800. Statr Finance Co.-Realtors Call O. V. Hume with I 153 S High Phone 4121 ! 98150 - CLEXN" 3W"fsnhon7e w ithin walking distance) to state build ings, luioiedt pusiiaaitow. Call Stanley Brown with ! State Finance Co.-Realtors High Ph. 4131 Eves 25581 Immediate Possession Good family home on large lot. 3 bed rms. den. large Irr . rm and din. rm. Full bsmt. with sawdust furnace. This is an nlilar tvne home however of excellent construetton and plastered throughout W-aasnably prteed. Terms u, tn, rX,t party sand immediate pos- aeSSIon f a v. a n 1 I(. A. t OTKIKr, Realtor 1953 N Capitol St. Phone 3031 New Homes $7500 to $9000 XV r a 1 we nave several new homes to choose from. AH finished, modern and ready to move into. Harold W. Heers 30rr Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1874 Need A Place To Live? This One Is I Completely Furnished 3 Bdrms. Exc. Cor. Lot. 100x100. Fur niture includes el. Refrig. St Gas Range. Will deal without furn. Corns' lete 911.5O0. Ceneral Real Estate Co. Rm 10. Ladd Ac Bush Bldg Ph. 7770 homebargainS 9380& 3 BR. Hse. LR. DR. Kit. 9c Bath Just North of Keirer. $4-Vx West Salem. 1 BR. Bath. LR. Dinette. Kit. Garage. Irge Lot. 5250 NEW IMd. POSS. Plastered i n u.n. 1 a n ten v.Riin. at tjl)l,d (;-r rl(JW, bus & school M7iO 3 MRS. Bath. LR Kit. Nook. Firepl. lively yard. Call "Elmer" Am- undson . - lliirt 1 iciia. Kcaltorfi PH 3210 337 N. High St YOU WILL LIKE THIS ATTRACTIVE BUILDING site. South at city limits Electricity and city wat er available. About 'a acre. Price 91250. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 State t Phone 9281 BV OWNT.R Tina week only. Nice three rm. partly furn. hse shower, garage S Eawt Imm. Poss. SJ5000O B Eenwick, 845 Ferry, $ ROOMS, breakfast" nkT"bath7 full cement bsmt. sawdust furnace, wired for range E. Salem. 11 Mats, from capitol Box 8M States msvn. SMALL COTTACiE on , A. Liv. room, kitchen, bed room, bath and utility rrn , alec, svster ayst wired for elec range and water heater. City gaa available. Owner ph. 9-4115. Totlay's Bargain! Extra well loeaied a B.R. (gill first floor) Insulated home. Bast, on bus. Living, dining hwd. floors, place, abundance built-tns and closet space, base, auto sawdust burner. Nice lot MrxlSl. To close and estate. 90750. in cludes completely furnished house. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION New 2 B R strictly, mod. home, with good view. This is good. 912.000. C.H SANDERS 231 N. High 9939 MARKET STREET 990003 B. R Llv. rm.. kitchen. A good buy for the mamey. Call Omer fuff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 1717 fntar Cf lilt tiCUlfl Ol. Phone 2-1549 Eve. Ph. 2-9091 For Sale ileal Estate CRABENHORST SPECIALS FOR SUBDIVISION 104 acres directly across from Airport Excellent location for subdivision. INCOME PROPERTY On North Cottage St. Two 5 rm. apt in very well located duplex, new fur nace, extra lot 71 ft. frontage, makes room for 2 or 3 courts. Furnished. $11,500. DOUBLE HOME ON NORTH 5th Modern 3 bdrm home and also a separate 3 rm. home on same lot. Front house goes either furnished or unfurnished. An excellent home with an Income. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL Elect, heated homes. 9 rms. 11 n fin. upstatrs. hdwd. floors. Insulated. Excellent location. A real family home. Price $8850 VETERANS HOMES -New. 2 bdrm. homes, fully Insulated, elec. hest elec. h.w. heater, elec. water system, approx. acre of ground. A REAL BARGAIN AT 16800. APT. HOUSE LOTS $1400 buys this lot 95x100 ft. Pawed st. No. 2 residential zone. 92000 buys No. Z residential zone lot 110x125 on paved st. 93300 buys this good apt. house lot. Located close in on S. Commercial. UNFINISHED HOME, Located on N. 17th St. Good location. 4 bdrms. Finish a desired. Price 17350. FAIRMOUNT HILL SPECIAL Modern 2 bdrm. home, basement, auto-oil heat, fireplace, hdwd. floors, library, nice yard A REAL FAMILY HOME. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S Liberty St Phone 4131 Phone eves. 7772 2-2941 . 2-5339 - 49C2 - T97J For prompt courteous service LIST YOCR PROPERTY WITH US NELSON NEWS NEAT COTTAGE. W. SALEM On bu 8t paved at . near school. 4 rms . bath St sttic. dbl. construction. elec. water htr . separate utility house, db garage, vantey beriiea St Oowers (100 roses), alley at rear. 94500. 3 BDRM SUBURBAN. IMD. AVAIL. L.R.. D R.. Kit.. 3 bdrms . bath, all on 1st fir., piped furnace, autm. wat er htr.. bsmt.. Ideal location for busi ness, on surfaced highway. ' sc. f 10.000. NEW HOME. ACREAGE. 94500. 2.7 acre, 4 rm. house, f place, bath, elec. lights, auto, water system, small barn St chicken house, timber St pas ture. 7 mt. S.W., furniture avail. GOOD CHICKEN RANCH 7 sc.. 5 rm. house with shower, good well. etc.. fair size barn, good brooder house, chicken hou.ie. feed house, ga rage, wood shed. Amity soil. wrd. for range. 4' ac. hay. 'j ac. berries, 2 ac. pasture. 4 ml. out. $6850. VERY GOOD FARM NEAR PRATUM 34 ac , all Willm. V peat soils. 7 rm. 4 bdrm. house, good. 38 x 42 barn. dbl. garage, chicken house. 12 ac. hops. a ac. strawberries. 4 ac. new boysens, mixed patch raspberries St loganber ries, family orchard, good pasture, au to, pressure pumping system, creek.. 912,000. Easy terms. Machinery avail. If these do not meet your require ments tell us what you want. We probably have it. For additional information about farms ask for a copy of our special farm list. NELSON & NELSON CHET I NELSON - THEO G NELSON REALTORS Rm 3O0-2 Masonic Bid. 499 State St Phone 4419 or 4622. Eves 2-1350 Farms 2-5547 S7950 3 bedroom home in good location. ' block from grade school. 9 block from High. All modem, plastered, large liv ing and dining rooms. 2 garages, nicely landscaped. Worth seeing. S8400 Furnished Including Electric " range and refrigerator. Electric heat In all rooms. Attached large garage made Into large comfortable bedroom. Lot 48x100 in good location. Wes Goodrich, Salesman E1 Bvrkit, Realtor 209 North Hhj:i Street Phone 5981 Brand New Large living room, fireplace. I BR. with unfinished upstairs, gas furnace. Large lot on bus hne. If you are look. Ins for a home you should look this over. 910,000 i, acre, nice I bedroom home. South, inside city limits. 97975. Classe in near fir ant school 3 B R. Very nice living room, coved ceiling, hardwood floora. This place Is nice and clean. Possession Sept 1. 9t850. 2 B R s, hardwood floors, plastered. 9 blocks to Highland school Very at tractive place. 97300. This is a very nice place East near Krueger's store Oak and fir floors, plastered, partly furnished. Electric range, etc 97830 If sold thia week. East, near Swegle school. 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, about acre. Can be bought furnished. Tim is a nice place and will not last long 97950. Ike Bacon, Salesman Ed Bvrkit. Realtor 209 North High Street Phone 5981 $25,000 For one of the choicest. That Is Just right. $12,750 This one's got to be seen to be ap preciated. Possession in a few days. $10,000 Nice new home on lot 50x225. $8000 Close In. old style, nice lot. $5650 Ready for occupancy. On acre of garden soil, near Keizer C. B. Johnson. Salesman Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 209 North High Street Phone 5991 $5950 3 B R home. 10 years old. Plastered. fir floors, fireplace, large living room, wood for cooking, sewer, bus 3 blocks, grade school 8 blocks, garage, nice yard. Southeast. Worth the money. $13,000 Very nice 2 bedroom home, nice lo cation, shown by appointment only. $7900 acre with 3 bedroom home, nice and clean. $9000 Nice 2 bedroom home. Park Ave. Ed Lukinbeal. Salesman Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 208 North High Street Phone 9991 $7000 Full Price 2 bed rm new home, paved street. in Highland Dist. Close to school. Very easy terms. $5500 Full Price 2 bed rm new home, just outside city limits. North. Concrete founda tion, cedar siding. Elec. hot water heat er. M. 0. Humphreys & Co., Realtor 9039 Portland Road. Phone 7920 2299 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4588 Immediate Possession S bed rm house, completely furn. Large garage, garden, about one acre f ground. 95500. Better be quick on this one. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 185JN. Capitol St. Phone 3031 4 ACRE NUTS and cherry orchard with all modern 3 bedroom, bath, liv ing room, diningroom. kitchen and nook. All furnished with mostly all new furniture including new elec. range and refrig. St piped furnace. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 27S State Street Phone 2-4129 For Sale Real EsUte 94.300 00 2 bed room home with lot Mf53. Ha a bath, LR. DR. K. Built-ins (Not entirely ftnirhedi BUT READY TO BE MOVED INTO. TERMS. 70x177 ft Shower bath LR DK K Built-ins Garage Some frtilt Trrma can be arranged. 95.950 00 2 bed room home located in Keizer District. One half acre. rxew nomel. Has bath. LR. DR. K. Bultt-ins. Electric water heat er. Possession Immediately. Terms. $7.350 002 bed room located on 1', acres of good soil EAST. Has bath. LR. DR. K Built-ins Venetian bunds Electric water system. Pos session Immediately. THIS PLACE IS COMPLETELY FURNISHED 99.950002 bed room home, bungalow type. Fireplace. Bath. Electric or gas cooking Cas Water heater. Bus by door. Nice clean home. Upstairs unfinished. 94.W 10.00 will handle this property. Terma on ba lance. 98.950 002 bed room home located on North 20th. Has hardwood floors. Cooking and water heater akae. trie. House only 9 years old. Has fireplace. Utility room. Bus at door. Possession at once. Terma can be arranged. $10,500 OA 3' bed' room house. Lot 90x190 ft. Well located In Keizer District, close to school. Beautiful floor. Electric cooking and water heater. Automatic oil heat. Plas tered THIS IS A BRAND NEW HOME. Garage. Better see this one. Holly wood McKillop Real Estate Agency 2075 Fairground Road. Ph 2-5234 i Ph- Eve and Sunday 7272 2-4283 9W0 NICE 2 BRM. home. West Salem. Immediate possession. See1 Mr. Good win. Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4109 Phone $71 J 4 BEDROOMS Ideal for rooming house. 2 stories Dble. plumbing On bus line. 910.000 See Mr Bishop GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO Phone 7770 No. 19. Ladd St Bush Bldg. For Sale Farms HARVEST TIM El On this 80 acre farm 4a miles out Acreage in fruit and nuts, lots of fir timber, yr. spritsg. Mod. 9 BR home, ether good building. See this! 913.000. Only 9229 per acre. 95 acres of fine loam soil, north between Pacific Hy way and Pudding River. Well improv ed and well located. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 194 So. Cotti'l. St. Ph. 9389 Eve. 7449 Farm Buyers ate fore you decide ran" a farm get a copy of our sueclal farm list, with descriptions of 93 (arms. NELSON & NELSON REALTORS Rm 900-3 Masonic Bldg.. 499 State St Ph 4418 or 4822 eves 2-9547 FARM SPECIALS $5500 18 acres, small 3 room house In fir grove 5 A. been yard, water for irrigation, bal. of tract good for berries or beans, oil pavement on 2 sides, close to school and market. $7500 31 acres. 4 room houne. elec. and water, good barn. 9 stanchions, poult ly house and shed 22 A. in cultivation, small orchard. some berries, spring and creek thru place, g mile to school. A good ranch for the part-time farmer and worth the money. $12,000 215 acre stock ranch, good 9 room hou.e. spring water. 120 A. In cul tivation, family orchard, located on good gravel road, mall and milk rt . phone line. elec. available. 1 mile to school. A good sound in vestment, potential rental will guarantee big interest on your mone . $18,000 98 acres, a dandy country home. 4 bed rooms, modern, elec. range included. 3 A. orchard. 3 A. ber ries. 8 A. pasture, small barn, large chicken house. 3 springs and stream thru 1 corner of ranch, fenced, well cared for. $25,000 18 acres, 23 cows, completely equipped retail dairy. 2 modern houses, one small, adj. to city limits of good market town, gross ing from 9I0O0 to 918O0 a month Eqiup. includes 2 unit Surge milk ers, separator St bottling machine, good delivery truck. barns. 2 poultry houses. $25,000 Would you be Interested in mint? No. we docit have one. but we do have a mint and bean ranch witn plenty of water for irrigation. 2 10" cased wells with 20 HP elec. pumps. 3000 ft pipe, sprinkler heads, etc. Medium mint still on ranch. It will pay you to inves tigate See L. V. S hater LEE OHMART & CO. REALTORS 477 Court Ph. 9880 or 4035 FARMS 975008', A. near Keizer. 3'. A. cane berries. 3'a A. spuds, family orchard. 4 rm. hse. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com l St Phone 4390 flO.fOO 91, A. orchara. i mi. out on pavement. 4 bed rm. house, full bsmt.. barn, garage. Good terms. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 94SS Com'l St. Phone 590 914.20041, A. Close in. 3 bed rrn. house, full bsmt.. oil furnace, double garage, fruit stand. This Is a stood place to make money. Good Income. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com'l St. Phone 4590 945.000150 A. finest bottom soil" 129 A. under cult. 19 A. mint. Laxac dairy barn and extra nice farm hse. All machinery and stock goes. One of the best farms In the valley. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Coml St Phone 4590 For Sale Farms This Is (ood! 110 acres. 90 under plow. 50 acres fir limber and pastute. fenced, cross-fenced, new 4 room house, wired range. 98840. With tractor and tools 995O0 C H SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 29 ACRES North, very rich wTflTam ete silt soil. 3 acres new strawber ries. 3 acres new thorn I em. blackber ries. 3 acres new thorn I ess logans. rest In wheat and garden. 3 bedroom house, plastered 919.0UO. , cash. Better see this. Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 So High Ph. 3722 or 7938 22 ACRES, best soil. 2Fiouses. one new. almost finished, family orchard. Barn, new hen houx 40 by 20. also brooder house. 3o8 Hanson pulleta 2 good cows. Alias Chalmers tractor, all new equipment. 150 bales hay, 1 't too oats. I tons barley, new lumber for second house. Phone 22479. Acreage $13,50032 acres at Labih Center. One block to school 14 acres orchard. 9 acres berries. 2 acre beaverdam 3 acres alfalla. Small home with bath, nice greenhouse, owner says the bal ance of crop to be harvested this year should bring buyer between $3500 and 9JUU0 yet this year. Sullivan Realty Co. 3383 Portland Rd Ph 3253 Eves 24479 100 ACRES cultivated farm land. Route 1. Box 285 Pi. 2-3214 9750O 12 7 ACRES with good 3 bed rm home, bsmt wired for tange. e let hot water heater, elec. water system, 20 cherry tree. 20 pi line trees., fam ily orchard, 'a acre of strawberries, barn, chicken house, brooder house,. On creek. Priced to sell. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4590; eve. 9538 V2 Acre North! Fine laaration and soil with build ings. House has 9 large rooms, fire place. Venetian blinds. Imm. possess. 12 large walnuts, plenty fruit. $8700 SH SANDERS 231 High 5838 70001 ACRE-St Good 5' Rm Hie Firepl . Oil Heat. Shade aV Fruit Trees 2 Blks. to bus. Call CRAIG. Burt Picha, Realtor PH.3319 or 5033 337 N High St 24 ACRES, 2 houses, one has 9 rooms, modern in every way. the other 4 rooms. Almost every variety of fruit and nuts. Close to school, stores and bus. Priced to sell. Leon Lambert-Real Estate At Pen t Corners Phone 24359 1'. ACRES North Nice "five room house, garage, small barn, and good garden. $i3u0. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3385 Portland Rd Ph 3255 Eves. 24479 35 A. 9 ml from SaU-m 10 A ImjI - torn land In cult Est 1 000 rd wood t.inber 4 rm. house, small ham, large hen house, cr. and springs. $oil00 Terms SO A good level land all in cult Some berries half mi from good small town Some bldgs. Bargain at $3900. Terms. A- on Vitae Springs road ' A. in cult. Neat 4 rm. house, nace view. Only 9-1850 Good terms 14 rm. fur. apt. house near state bldgs. Income 92O0 M Bargain at 911. 908 Valley Land Co 370 State St Ph. 9879 ..f al. IIs f ssatr ua uir irrni. T acres rich soil north. Ideal loca4' lion, abundance fruit, modern 5 room late built modern home, double gar Will sell furniO.ed or unfurn. If you want a nice place this Is It C H SANDERS 231 N High - 5838 98 "ACRES i MILE MILL CITY GOOD FIVE-ROOM HOUSE with bach. Spring gravity water system. Large J0x40 bam with 19 stanchions. 10 acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber. Fine y ear-around stream provides stock water. Fishing and hunting. Price $7500. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 State St. Phone 9281 VIEW PROPERTY 2 or 5 acres, 2 bedrms. liv. rm.. din. rm , kitchen, bath, pal lo, nicely land- barn, chicken house, work shop, double gsraee, nuts, fiult. Close tn. Call Bay Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 939 S. Coml. Ph. 3793;Fve 9441 10 "AtRES-AT eCLA Y Lays very wetT on the pavement Priced at only 92500. or 29 acres and unfinished house fur 98500. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3385 Port land Rd Ph. 3255 Eves. 34479 ONE ACRE at edge of city, small 2 bdrm home (not modern), nice wood ed tract, family fruit Price $45o0. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St Phone 7M0 BY OWNER retiring because of ill health Seven acres. Willamette silt, modern 5 room house, furnished com plete all new; two story double ga rage, well house and new electric jet pump; fruit and brooder house, fruit, berries, walnuts and filberts. wiH sell furnished or unfurnished 7 miles north of Sailem. Oregon. Tom WymoreL Rt. 2,Bok312, Salem. Ore 20 A square. Prunes, walnuts, fil berts No bldgs. Eat. 915O0 crop to go with place if sold before or bv time prunes are ripe. If inlereated. turn right at Liberty and come to house at second Skyline and Hosedale road intersection Rt 3, Box 790 95250 1-3 Acre and clean late built 2 BR home and smf iniaried uprtairs. Keizer dial Oiaetaen house. 10 large hut trees Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co.. Realtors 153 S High Ph. 4121 Fve 25581 SOUTHERN OREGON TAX LAND 40. 80. 80. 158. 900 acre tracts at 91-95 per acres minimum bid. Good title, immediate occupancy, ree Information Pacific Lands P.O. Box 2350-M Holly wood 28. Csllf. 4 ACRES east of town. 55 etierrv trees. ISO filberts, about last prune trees. This Is a very nice building root and very good land. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 9259 Eves. 24479 Suhnrbai , ACRE NORTH 95900 Small, neat, clean home Hwd firs . Venetian blinds. Elec. hot water. Look this one over before you buy Call Omer Huff. HU9F REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1549 Fve Ph 2-5091 rr ACRE in cilynimlts south. Small cabin, well on property. Good loca tion for small business. Only 919U0. Sullivan Realtv Co. 429 S. 12th Ph. 4955 Eves 7829 $2450 New garage house on Vt acre, close in, living rm., kitchen, wired for range, hath. All kinds of fruit and nuts. Ideal future home site. Harold W. Heers 3055 Portland Road Ph. 2-1874 Suburban DELUXE VIEW HOME OVERLOOKING A GARDEN SPOT 8 large loom. 2 fireplaces. Full Bae 8r Auto. Oil Furnace. Inaulated Dbl Garage. Wotidei (ul view A A Real Home. $11. 3 jo Call Dale r'hppo General Real Estate Co. 2 Rm. 10. Ladd V BuU Bldg. Ph 7770 SUBURBAN PROPERTY $5800 Unfinished 5 rm. house. iut out of city. Plastered. hwd. firs . enough material to finish.. 1-arce lot with fiult trees. Call us for more pat -ticulars. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Com 'I St Ph 4530 'Eve 2-1098 $14O0OWN Will handle this 1 rm home with 1 acre. 3 ml out on paved rd. Cherries, filberts, apples, peaches. 2 chicken lues. Owner leaving town. Don't miss this buy. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 945 S Com l St. PH. 4590 Eve 3-lOSO SaUOO EAST. " 3 bed rm. home all on one fir. Large lot. wired for range, l-arge living rm.. with hwd. firs. Only 4 blks from city limits. Olson & Reeve. Realtors 945 S Com l St Ph 4M0 Eve 2-IOtM $oo HOME On Kingwood Hla 2 A. ran be subdivided l.iv rm . din rm . kitchen. 1 bed 1 111 . bath, un finished attic. Olson & Reeves - Realtors 945 S. Com'! St Ph jHO Fve 3-IOM $25 0OO - BEAUTIFUL Suliuihan home, Modern In rver repect Jat(r llv. fm . with fireplace, din rm . dou ble plumbing, full basement with par -tv 1111 and bed rm Auto oil heat Air conditioned. Insulated, double ga rage. This Is a real home and nearly new. Shown by appointment only. Olson and Reeve, Realtors 945 S Com l St. Ph. 4590 Eve 2-1090 BY OWNERTN 2 bed rm. house. large lot. elec. water system, wired for range. 410 ml W. Keirer School NEW 2 B. R. Suburban home, din rm . liv. raj., fireplace, insulated, elect, heat. Large lot 154x189 on pavement This Is a very nice place and priced right. $12 000. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3385 Portland Rd Ph 3255 Fve- 21413 SUBURBAN HOME CI-OSEHN GOOD TWO BEDROOM home on one aire, plastered, fireplace, unfinished upotaiis which could be made Into tlin-e bedrooms Garage, chicken houa and electric water sstrm. Price 90000. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 State St. Phone '9291 Wantel Real Estate WILL PAY up to 88000 to owner for five or six room house Nortli part of Salem within IS block of business dis trict, near bus. Must be worth the price. Statesman box 843 SMALL RriK'rrv store E R. Nuss. 114 Nebraska Ave Ph 3817. WE Are urgently tn need of listings on city homes if your house Is for sale call us Prompt, courteous serv ice "Four salesmen to serve you" SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N High St Phone T88O WANTED Listings. Homes and bus inesa properties JOE HUTC HISON REAL ESTATE 455 Curt Ph 878 Eve 24789 TO BUY or sell your pioperty see D. L Bishop, now with General Real Estate Co. .add St Bush Bldg. Room "S Phone 7770 NOTICE. It ruatr proswrty ta tot sale rent or exchange, list it wltn ate Ws have all kinds rash buyers STATE FINANCE CO . REALTORS 193 S High Si Business Opportunities Cas Station 94000 full price One of the busiest spots North on highway. Gold mine for live wire operator. M. O. Humphreys & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Road 2788 Fairgrounds Rd Phosse 7820 pSawve 1-4 vaS $6200 Grocery with living quaitera 9541 rent, leaae to run until Isoo Gross 940O9 per month Busy stieet $20,000 Groaery store ran butt street tn Sa lem l-aige stock Net profit last year over ( 1 i OoO $35,000 7 year old building witi net Income r lose to 935U0 per year, ran be Increas ed. A good investment Ed Lukinlieal. Salesman Ed Byrkit. Realtor 208 North High Street Phone 5981 BUY THIS 7 ACRES now ami get an estimated crop of TtMHI bushels ot choice apples Nice building location. 4 acres In 01 chard. 9H30O Ed Lukinheal. Salesman Ed Bvrkit. Realtor 208 North High Street Phone 5881 LGE CORNER LOT. 89 ft on busi ness street Income now $95 per mo Pull price $M-aM rux) down. 979 per mo. This buamess corner could be used car parking or trailria F. H. Weir, Realtor 1247 S Commercial Phone 9411 VERY SPECIAL FOUNTAIN LUNCH Grossing 9I0A per dar Employs 3 petiole Can easily be increased. RENT ONLY $40 00 per month 4-vear lease SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Hollywood McKillop Real Estate Agencv 2079 Fairgrounds Road' Ph 2 5224 Reimann Real Estate 91.350 Service Station, slock St equip ment. 3 year lease on 99E In side of citv. 93250 -Srrviie Station, good business. excellent location, close In Call Spread laorough 95000 Good Cafe on well traveled highway, shack St equipmeni new including disites. etc. C all Johnson. 95300 Grocery Store, excellent loca tion, meat setup, nice stock, 935 a month, lease. Call Spread -borough 95400 Service Station. repair shoo stock tools St equipment. 40OU gsl s month. Call Ruberg 91 l.2iO Groi-ery confectioner, etc. in perfect location, long time btsi ness. never been offsred before a real moneymaker. saouO down No Phone Information. Call S preadborough . 912.009 Restaurant. Fountain St good lease at 980 per month. living quarters an gooa vaiaey town, over 91000 a month net. Call Ruberg 925.009-19 unit Apt house, all fur nished, central heating system, possible 9385 a month, large lot Call Johnson. - 935.000 Auto court, close In on 99E. Service Station aV Grocery store. Owners 3 bedroom home. 2 seres ground. 210 ft on high way, nearly 2 acres ground 91100 a monlh net. Come In or call Reinuuin Real Estate 201 So High Ph 3722 or 7838 DRIVE-IN BY OWNER Small drive-in hamburger restaur ant on 99E South of Salem, fully equipped, good location, full price $2850. rooming house Large 4 bdrm. houae. 2 stories. Dble. plumbing. On bus line. $10,000. See Mr. Bishop. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO Ph. 7770. No. 19 Ladd Bush Bldg BusisMskS Opporiunitiea BEAUTIFUL brick apartment build ing 44 modem apts with Income of 91900 per month. Best location. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Kf.AI.THRS 970 S Coml lli 3J93. Eve 9441 iail rixiuKKS and stock Reason able rent Will seat 88 eople Excel lent opportunity to light people. Pi Ice 94 750. Call O. V. Hum with State Frhance Co., Realtors 153!l Huh Phone 4121 RESTAURANT Seating rapacity 58 people. 3 year lease. 980 OU a month, nets app. 9I0O0 per month 911.000 plus stock at In ventory. 98OU0 will handle. LEE OHMART & CO. REALTORS 477. Court St Phone aM or 403J DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT Exclusive location, large seating cap . mod. equipment, long lease, low refit nice apts. Terms$7ooo. La Then Home & Loan Co. I'vtluaive Listings - Personal Service I 14 So Com I SI Ph Sins fir 7440 BEAUTY SHOP One of the city's best 93200. HE EH TAVERN Also selling Ice cream, randy, soft drinks, arid has restaurant equipment If one should wlsb lo sei ve light lunches haaipd in small liii.v town (Iiiiu sales 9.13.008 la.t v-ar I .ease 82 mo. Price $SUuo plus stock Inventory about 9700. THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Near f enter St Phone 2-4783 Evenings 8373 or 2-3952 $2500 STOCK aV Complete Equip Service Station in Excel luxation New. Clean. Good lease Cell CRAIG Burt Picha, Realtor PH 3210 or 5053 9 RM. 337 N. High SI HOUSE $5750 9U0 monthly Income assured, walk ma' distance. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. H. P. Crant 437 Court St Ph S3J0 BIAS 8744 RADIO Service shop, all new equip ment, well stocked, good bu. Statrs man Box 849 $I4M) GOOD SMALL BUSINESS INCLUDES PANEL DELIVERY TRUCK AND OTHER EQUIPMENT THE REAL ESTATE MARK El1 433 N High St . Phone 24783 near Center St Eve 2:W52 or SJJ1 BUSINESS LOCATION 2 homes on a large lot 173x185, lo cated 4 blocks from the renter of town In a business rone No, I home lias living room, dining room. 2 bed looms, kitchen and bath down. 2 lied rooms and large rumpus 1 00m u fireplace, full basement and furnace No. 2 home has living room dining umii. um, a dti room ana nam down, 3 bed rooms up. full basement end furnace We think this property as s gooaj investment lor gZI 5O0. LEE OHMART & CO. REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 9J or 4035 btlv. . , 88O0O BUYS This rrataurant in good location netting $5u9 per month Olson $ Reeve. Realtors 49 S. Com'l Ph 49 Eve 21088 Wanted Dsetl Car CASH FOR YOUR CAR ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER St CHURCH WANTED le aaacaaSel truck lis or 3 ton R L Phtlllaaa. Rl 5 Bui IMK. Xaad house past Liberty fsclaaaaal '39 CHEVIE standard ring St pinion gear. Phueae 8272 WE PAY TOPS! Gel every dime your ear Is worth Cash on the BarreMIead "C SHROCK SALEM'S oldest Independent used cat dealer N F Corner Church Ja Chem Ph 7922 CASH FOR LIGHT C A R Ph 4SM WANTED lo "Buy Late model trucks: Iar1t ups. panels, flat beds, loggers and so on. International Dealer JAMES H. MADKN COMPANY 2853 Silver Ion Road Phone 24123 Lost and Found LOST: White 8 black Bull Terrier Answers ta i J l-urk) " Reward Ph 8o48 WHITE and brow n Pointea." strayed from So. Summer. Ph 2-49IS liralid Wo43dsawinf WOOD Sawing. 305 S 19th WOOD Sawing R S. Cross pit 9179 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Twilled fabrics 3. EluVst son ot Noah 9. He gold his birthright I o Jacob (Bib.) 10 Unadulter ated 1 t . Koa m 12 I re Ian. I I poet.) 13 Fuel 14. Evergreen tree 1 Lofty noun I a in IT. Prickly envelop of a fruit 18 Cobalt (sym ) 19. A lumber man' rsat-fMok 21. Worry 23. Excavate 24 CTuahinE anake 2. Y Exclamation 27 Ofllcial rcpreaenta live of th rwp 30. Tttus .11. Enraged 32 Isthmus, KEAsia 03. To drink tof elher 38. Dart 37. Kullify 38. Platform 39. Cfrl'8 nam 40. Skin dltvorder 41. Stagger 42. Worsia n ping 17. DOWN 20 1. To sole aj;.4 n 2 Prankish adventure 3 One of th apostles 4 A.I.I up 5 A m iissi I v -sKn S Throw 7 ( lorl.lrss of ilisi or J 8 Threaten 13 Crown 14. Pure has 15 Cut. aa ' 1 1 1 f a- 1 1 . , 77 rrrm-i PP PP S '77? V7? VZ? n PP p Ti jP " p Sill iTFHi For Sale Uaa Cars 1831 fVSOTO as It 4s I29 979 S 19th. 1913 TERRAPI.ANE t dr. Excel, coavf. good rubber 171 N. IJth Eve only. 40 PLYMOUTH sedan. "Radio and heater 1353 State St. See these cars today 1834 Chev. 2 dr. " , , Ik34 Olds Sedan. 1031 Chev. 3 dr v Others le choose from ' YOUR KAISER-ERAVKR DEALER . Tea ue Motor Co. ' 35S N Liberty phone 7001 .941 Clirv n.r-bid'-Truca 5W' ' 1 928 b v ';k-i -m.s 1 o : Telephone 2483 WILLYS KnighFsedaTTTair o74V Hon. cheap 940 Union Ph 21803 WILLYS 1934 4 dr sedan" Zcon-iZT. tal transportation Under low ceiling. 540 Union Ph 218ns. - FOR SALE A IS YIr,T " Asa. 18 In. tires 4S4 JL'niversity St. 34 V-8 Coupe wilt. 37 motor344 Liberty Road evening. 491 rerry St. during days , TWO TrailerT.onboth14"7oar, one sleeps 2. other sleeps 4 rVacaid, to sell ajOS Portland Rd MODEL A tottf roadTler'for selsiV trade for another ear. Bill's Auto Paint Shop, le Iwanraser prlve . 'OR SALE rumoletalv r.-ksilt 1941 niev. motors ( ompiete motors and shott motors 318 and 1 ( a in imui Court HI Phime 9372 after 9 PM. weak days EOR SALE 1941 Studeiraker "aedaa. lo8 7lli bt . W Salem, after 9 P M.' -33 CIIEVIE Master.' differential universal transmission St axles 1 'J I he vie differential, universal, trans mission clutch, fly wheel at radiator; Phone 9272 TA !LR It7.uaeri9ft"ripl yTires. bin It -ins. partly furnished, oil rirraa lator. gas stove. $389 00. Jensens Auto limit. Indrjienderice . I98 DOIiGr ..rHPl oxKi InsedaT. good condition Wlllard Hoe timer, Rt. 4. Kox 42IH. Orchard Hgta. Rd. mile T. Pop Corn artaoral. . 1838 CHErtruek7'43 miTorB rVsvat'-le-Eaton and flat bed and gravel bed with hoist. Rt. I. Hog 292. Independ ence, Ore. I', mi N. I77 C. M C flat bed-It ucgwttK 1979 motor, good condition. See Tier Prirj, 22"" N Front Rear Apt 2Ji, FT. faataar buili trailer house.' Metsl top. refrigerator. 9 rooms, sleep 4 ml heater with fan. butane range. II prrfened. buyer ran leave trailer paikeri at 912 per mo. lights St water4 furnished f all at trailer In back ear !l"2 No Church 18 FT factory built hiuai tre.le7. butane atove. sleeps 4. elect brakes, excellent Hies. Jefferson Aute Cvurt Jeifetson, Ore Phone -491 1834 fllEV pickup. 937199 ijj arier r p m. 1 For Sale Wood WOOD for sale ml 8 of the 1-abn.h Center fsetvasnl. Vern Wllaon. Rt 7. Boa 3ue. Salem DRY 4 ft second rrowth III rU,JC Pi' 23172'" ,n,"p' "L " mKr- The followingrunriesiers of'Saient d I have agreed that beginning Kept D. . sawdust Will Iw. li U n ...it 1st . Wee.' 1 Salem Eua-l Highway Fuel fa Trl 1 city A Capital Lumber Fuel ' ' i R Alien 19 1 .i.a, sa - large block mni 449 or Stos) at 1975 M ITih Elmer Boje WOOD IS ' milt Mock and heavy slab i .... ...tv r... sawousi. oars lot edin. r :.wl . u.. a it. 94J.I 21133 South 12th St, Salem. Ore. SPECIAL 2 rd I9-Inh ala, a4 edvfnga $18 Phone alerts, - DRV slab and aaaings i-,. a CHOICE mill wood. I sn.t asstaf $13 im pi, 4444 Highway Euel CLEAN li in. mlllwood runlt'isos 812 Screened sawdust 9 units OTas). waiter Fern. Rt. I. Dallas. collect . - West Salem Fuel Co. 19-IN RED FIR SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES i SPECIAL PRICE QUANTITY LaOAOS ! Pbonea- Salem 9-431: Dallas 94 SCREENED SAWDUST rmratse" 4ss4. DRY f) fir log end Ph. 23M RONE DRV A green m(fl stood, gaweaa 18" slab for furnace Cefaiaal I luiaajas as Fuel Co Ph 7T3I 8a aeS4 19" MflJ. "WOOD and screened saw. du.l Haael Ureest Lumber la. pis. 3-1318 PR EST OtXG9awrufatured asss) sold by Caasial I sioaber Co. Cherry Ave Superior fuel for fu circulator ranee aasd Areata raasa mmediete ate M very. IVrsnnal GET-Aeotialnted Club Vox 1291. , Dehver. Colo AU.'OIIOlJCS Anonymous po bsT9i. IMolorrvrlra FOR SALE llatley Davidson' motor, ml ta l overhead Keuer, Rt. 9, H.. 53 Phone 21288 '42 Itarley 43 cm,, l-ota ot extras, ?.kk1 rood it ion bee after 8 P M. Mbosty test Trailer ParkL 15 William, Ave, HOOSIER motor bike and aasemblr,. very good rond. Ph. 83u9 Mt. 1. ats. 89. Aiitomt!iIe PIPER ( I II J3IA9 airpUne In good condition) Reasonably priced. Tx u-al trainer for fly tng rlota, $-n. I If IS rmnn I Mead Vitality AneiTfl 21. Male tie. s inilcnt 22 I'mlcr. taking 24 I .'rule -rrloped flow r r 25 Tree 26 A V R presi.lcnt 27 Seie 2S Klowrta 2 CVrral grain 31. Iciioting; niann?r tr a Vster4s's Asassf 34. Trunk of Ire 33 River (Afr 3 Confront 38. Dtp quickly into w ater a it