Th OREGON STATESMAN. Scdam. C4wjotx Friday Morning, August 23, 1946 PAGE THUtimi' The Nation's Top Comics BUMSTEAD V S WANTED 1 C"N Tmc PhOmE ILONDIE THUS EMCED WCCCMNC RXHTY fCOACL CCST1. LSWVCAE tNTtsK MAI r3 CACffwL. ZEOO-OONT TOUCH ANtm N, - ALL TMEM LITTLE ?'..ES that loo like GSA5S as kAvS A0 flALLV 1 MEDICINE- UTTLX ANNIE HOONTT OHC WCi 0 CAVTIOM KFOS MOU HiM OU NCV JO WITM FROMIIft jh.. euz: vou xem to mave a Y BUZZ SAWYEH MJCXTT MOUSE GASOLINE ALLEY BARNEY GOOGLE TME TMEVRSVI or a.O. II TWVING U AMD If TO CAM H HMAPPtNESS I At --I'M 1 DICI TRACT f 7 voim bctm usm- f iT" I IHfi TO CMIll ft fJ-ml r f HAJtSOtOM.MIXfVE LiM1LI I V ' TV,.. iNIN' MY C ACEL ,MLiiyu I HE AA YOU 7 Vt-- H TtOCR LIL" 0Xi NIGH CfVKZViED mAO OUITt A TV PUNHIf' HAlO 6ATTLE LP6T WIP TH TKSCR TftIL Ntli , SNOffy ( SH WEARS ON THAT v-AT-WkAT HAJfEHCOJlCAT HEAR .-A4 CAUSED THAT W THE APACMES LONE RANGES OV3WCOQ THIS 13 DO XXI LP jjucj t uic an Diuc COUSiH CAQQE PlCk'CM. rMooonr tmey was some UITLc LfcAVfcS YOU VUT rl INTO SOUP- jS VCSk VIS. I KMOM. CWM OUTS A K1PPCR. TUA, YOU MAM A SAO SIMttWITM INTffRNATtONN, V CTTIM IMVOVVf D M THE PC ATM Of THAT WINTER GtRL. TW T E WE rjN T . ThOUCh Twg Tm BA?AST B(.L . . , i( WV4ATTR COOSS 06 1 OON'T GC HOW I A TIGER TAIL COULD LEAVE A J LUMP LIKE THAT ? lHOP6O,BaTU6CCNnN0 OUT COME ON UP! 7 BLONDiE N LOVE M ? -j. V Si PERHAPS mS BESTf VVWAT S THAT VUWV yqpccAn4( PERHAPS IP HE MUM8UMG H S HAD A MCW ASOUT? II 7 1 1 S 7 Jl 1 .jl i THATS AU I WANT TO KhOM NOU CAN GO BACK TOVOU3 VJORK BUT TMEY AlnjT- TMEVfeE ALL MEDiawE. TD CUfiE SICK PEOPLE -WWEM GPOWIN," TMEV SMELL LIKE FLOWERS AMD WVT P95 KCV? PLATES. TM-5 STACK IS SO. I PONT SJCWNAT I RlCHrr VOU V TOO HCM! TILL I found oar i love YES, BOSS, IU fVT up mereVJ TILL HC COMES BACK TO J 1 MET I-IM GOMG TO MAKE3 HW SOME COOKIES ANDJ TVTAKE THEM TO i t ! II By "7 omTHUH RAMG..AJ I DNT ( EITHER . tJH IT VJUZ LOAOEO WIF 2 POUNDS ) O' BUCK SHOT! lrMn TMC CaBJN! X EVlOENTUf (TS BEN WHAT HAPPENED BLOWN COMPlETBj TOfT?-rn TO PIECES. AND "WE HOPE DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Homo iNVKupt?r I jliP SORRY TD HOLD UP 1 H THE MEETING. BUT rT ( WAS VERY IMPORTANT) i r how 15 LcEirnEV aLibchi SKS- m. 1 aairVVOU r MACVPHOM I I'M WORRIED IS MY J ABOUT. NOW A rfilllT a 1 VH 8UT WHEN THE SUN DPlS v-C I 'EM OUT THEY SMELL JUST I THEykII LIKE THE BACK ROOM IN S I T III LA DCUGSTOBE-J 1 IB 1 BXBSsBSassaBsBSSSBS-- M JUST LOT A IMO00 PLAME IM 6REENUXHO B CAUSE OF AMOTHM SOCL. HOW 6ET TVUS, SAWYER: XXL MOT STAMP FOTt YOU MtXIMS IMOMEM WTTU SUStMCSA WHEN IOVC MTCRT-ERIS WITM MtOKK, YOVO BETTER PKO TMC STUFF Z IS THAT CLEAR f 1711, WILLI AMD DOES WRIGHT KNOW lli ABOUT CHRISTY JAMEJOMf I I iC-..ON THUH I2A..-I) C77 ltpTHEYiSOT FEEL. LETTNC BAKE CONCEALED WEftPONS f A BLACK JACK I WITH STRIPES HAM WE CAN sue teiefMrSR-. Inr , 1 KNOrV HOW HE D IT Th FLASW FROM THE GUN SET OFF GAS WE AVSOE FROM THE ADO ON THE ZINC PLATES! WTHE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier The nifbt's fairly teeming- MUST be kidding Horses Race On Fair Track In Practice Racing hores were on the Lone Oak track at the state fairgrounds Sunday for the first time since 1941. Four stables loosened up their trotters and pacers Sunday morning, stopping en route to the Southweitt Washington fair this week in Chehalis. The horsemen, who are swing ing north after successful meets at Santa Anita and Santa Rosa, will return hre for the trotting competition of Ihe state fair, Sept. 2 to 8. All expressed their satis faction with the track and maut it would be in ideal shape for the fair competition. The trotting races will be held daily during the fair's six day racing meet in addition to seven or eight running events. Approx imately $3600 in purses will be of fered for the harness races. Horses and owners on the track Sunday included Bengal Lancer and Ima Woollen, owned by Dr. C. F. Millison of Portland; Gailey Woollen, owned by W. M. Turner of Portland; Donnie Woollen, owned by Joe Postel of Portland, and Gay Woollen, owned by George Ramp of Brooks. Scout Leaders To Attend Meet Lyle Leighton, Martin Mock- ford and Harry Mickelaon, Salem scout executives of the Cascade area council, will -attend a Boy ; Scount region 11 conference at Glacier Park, Mont., September 2 to 9. More than 82 executives, four regional executives and several national executives will be pres ent at the meet. Twenty-five councils from Oregon, Idaho. Montana, Washington and Alaska will be represented. Leighton is scheduled to be a discussion leader at the sessions and Mickelson is in charge of the Cascade council's display ma terial. Mockford and Leighton are now on vacation and will return to the Salem office August 27. Vacations Slow Lumber Output Production of Douglas fir and other lumber made by members of the West Coast Lumbermen's association was down in July to 84.3 per cent of the weekly aver age for the period 1942 to 1945, it was disclosed Wednesday by the association. The decline, how ever, was ascribed to the annual vacation period given lumber em ployes during July. Production for the five July weeks was shown at 93,080,000 board feet. Lord Inverchael To Visit Oregon Soon WASHINGTON. Aug. 22 -OP) Lord InverchaDel. British ambas sador to Washington, will leave Sunday for a one-month tour of the western part of the United States. It was announced Wed nesday. He plans to meet Governor Earl Snell and Mayor Earl Riley in Portland SepL 9. Additional Classified Ads Livestock and Poultry GENTLE Jersey-Guernsey with heif er calf. Call 5219 HEAVY Springer heifer. One week M. Part Hereford heifer SC. Ph. 2137S. Mot Comioti Wearing FALSE TEETH Here is a pleasant way to overcome ooae plate discomfort FASTEETH an unprovec powdei sprtnfcleo on uDPer 1 tnd tower plates holds them firmer so that they feel more comfortable No lummy gooey, pasty taste of teeling it's aJkaMae tnon-acidl Does not sour Checks plate odor" tdenture breath i Grt FASTEETH today at any dru toie with nauuiec, Buferd r with that fishpele!" Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE: Saddle horse, well broke. Right priee. right size, right eolor. AIo Chesapeake Bay retriever pups. I months old. Prior right. See R A White at Ramp 4 White Store. Brooks. Ore. WANTED All kmos ot livestock ValKT Packing Co Phone 293 WANTED; Fat" and ranaer rwws cot beef Datrv cows, heifers, bulls, veal Fat hogs, sows, stags, boars Market price t C McCandlish. rt . bos 371 . Ph SI 47 across from ball oark S 23th BABY CHICKS: weekly hatches new j Hampshire other varieties. Ph. i Z28SI Lee's Hatchery j CUSTOM dressing of rhirsens. any ' number Prompt service Dressed poul ! try wholesale our specialty. Phone ; -26J"s Hatchery j FOk SALE: Christie N H Ttabv i chicks every Wed Boytnrtnns. 7I0 1 SateSt Phone or MM. i WANTED: Beef and ca finer cows bulls and veals Will call at farm E 1 Snethen. 1550 Lancaiter Drive 1 Ph Z134S Morns or eves v I QUALITY NEW Ramps chicks Col I lege fuhe lekted So reactor Ptwne BUk 13 Geluny Hatchery. Silver lun , Oi eif on Aurliona Groesbeck Community AUCTION SALS Everv Sattinlay, 1 1 A.M. 1 Mile North of Albany Airport, on 99 E (Moved from Sutltell Bld;. in Albany ) Listed for the sale are over 60 head at Whiteface & Durham eattel. includ ing Reg. Hereford bull. 3 yrt. old. with paperi. 25 Hereford cows with big calves at side. & spr!n-r Also good dairy cows, heifers, bulls At calves. Horses, hogs, sheep, machinery, fur niture, etc. Bring your livestock to the auction the buyers attend. Your patronace ap preciated. Commission on livestock 5. Max Groesbeck, Auctioneer Phone 12-F-31 or write for Auction Information Rt. 2, Albany Farm & Furniture Sales Conducted Any where Help Wanted RESTAURANT help wanted during fair week. Apply restaurant No. 7. (iTun Caterrr Mr. Pinkiee or Mr. ManiM-u. front Tuesday. Aug 27. on ;iRLS. Boys - 16 yrt. or older Pleas ant easy work. Cood pav. BAB Bowling Alleys. 33S N. High St BEAN Pickers- wanted. Good pick ing. The Hhtelds old bean yaid about 'i mile North of . Kelzer. Leonard Webb. Rt a. Box 32rF WORK at Stale Fail. Waitresses.' bus boys, dishwashers. Ph. 21422 or apply 425 Oregon Bldg. from 9:30 a.m. to 5J0 p m BLACKBERRY Pickers wanted. Now picking. 5c and lc bonus. Good pick ing. s mi. N. of North Howell school. Nevfl and Odin Hollln, Rt. 1. Box 105. Brooks. WANTED At once Man for truck farm work. Have good clean furnirh ed quarters with electricity for hatch ing or man and wife. Roy E. Will on Grind Island. Phone Dayton 61X9 BEAN Pickets wanted immediately Albert Lyons. 1-4 mile west of N Santiam school on Stavton Marlon highway. Good picking. Shady camp iround. tiooa water. APPIJCATIONS are being received at the school administration office I Phone 91371 for the position of Cafe teria manager A cafeteria helper Is SiL-PSf1 XL-!""- A BUILDING custodian is needed bv Salem schools. Apply at the School Administration Office. Phone 9137. 460 N. High. EXP. Silk finisher. 4flhr wk. with overtime after 4 hrs. 80-90 cents per hr. Crew work 44 hrs. Peacock Cleaners. 485 Center. HARVEST ltTTLJ Check bosKes, Wiremen. Sawbucks. Dryer men. Firemen and Truck Help ers. Heavy crop, long season. Top wages. Close to Salem. Bus daily. WILUAMS TH ACKER EOLA HOP YARD SAI.EM. ORE ASK rOR "CHRIS PHONE 9225. 24-251 after P.M. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM Or V.TJLanJs.D Dr G Cbaa.N I. CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 North Liberty Uf stairs Portland General klectrK Co Office open Saturday niy 10 a m to 1 p m . I to 1 tin Con .uitation Blood pressure and urim tests are free of eharas Practiced i nee IS 17 Help Wanted EXP WOOL, prefer SI ?S per hr Peacock Cleaners. 43 Center. Hop Pickers Wauled 500 HOP PICKERS : Early August Clean camp, tights, wood, wat-r fur nished free. Register now Mltoma Hop Farm. Independence. Ore Rt I. Box I0 4 HOP PICKERS WANTED 400 acres early & iate hops Heavy crop l-one season Clean, cool, shady camp ground' Nursery for children Store & restaurant on grounds. Buses to Dallas. Monmouth. Independence REGISTER NOW. Write or call C. A. MeLAUGf II.IN HOP RANCH Route Sin. 1, Independence. Oie. T A Bell Supt. Phone Independence. Oie. I7-F-2 HOP PICKERS wanted starting Aug. 27. Early and late hops, good picking Store on grounds Transpor tation from Salem. Phone J-27fin. Orey Hop Ranch. Rt. 2. Box 197. Salem. HOP PICKERS WANTED Heavy crop of early & late hops Cool clean shady camp grounds. Cab Ins, lights Sc wood furnished Store on grounds Pickers' bus to Salem. Ore REGISTER NOW Write or call WII.-HART HOP FARM WARD 1.UNDY, Supt. GERVAIS. ORE P HONE SALEM I -2 1 or 9225 HOP PICKERS WANTED For our yard, about 4 miles s w. of Salem. 250 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begins about Sep tember I. Fine shady camp ground, fine cabins. Stoves. wood, electric lights, shower baths, tables, ttools and straw for beds furnished with rabms Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds Bus transportation Please write JOHN J. ROBERTS ic CO . Sa lem. Oregon, stating number of adult pickers and enclose tl for registration and use of cabin, which will be refund ed at close of season. HOP PICKERS wanted. John Bush man, better known as the Fred Viesko vard ! miles N of Salem near Wheat land Ferry. Cabins and tents furn HOP PICKERS WANTED 3 mi. east of Salem on Market St or Garden road. Good late hops Id minute drive R. G. DeSart. Ph. 22543 Rt. S. Box 4.10 HOP Pickets Start Aug 19. Ph 13425 R H Pomeror. Rt 1. Box 21. Brook ml. N. on River rd HOP Pickers 'wanted Early and late hops. Long season, good picking, start-, mg Mon. Aug. 19 Six milas north on River rd Fir Grove Farm. Rt. 2. Box 25. Salem. Ph. 22269. Help Wanted Male WANTED: Sawyer and a rachet setter. Ph. 21318 WANTED Man to take charge of our paint and bodv rhop JAMES O MA DEN COMPANY 255 Sivei ton Road Phone 24123 Purchase ami Heceivins Man to take over permanent job as head of purchase and receiving Dept for local branch of large food pro cessing concern, 40 hr. week with time arid a half for oveilime Phone 2-4133 for appointment WANTED EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. L. ANDERSON, INC. OeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703, 360 Marion St. "LABORERS Per m. work, with well established aggressive company. Apply i Portland Gas a) Coke Co . in Salem. 1 133 Court St. See Mr. Harvey Stan ton BARBER Wanted K T-M Barber , hop. 291 Chcmeketa Call in person ' EXPERIENCED Service station oner- ator. Good steady Jc for right man. 1092 Broadway U LIVE Wire "real "estate salesman. Good proposition. Established firm. Phone 7770 PAINTERS WANTED j 25R5 Portland Rd 10 BRUSH PA INTERS, one spray painter wanted at once: not less than j 3f rs exp Ph .4783 F O. Repine Co . , MECHANTCfor leading Auio and '. Truck dealer. Must b A-l and famil- : lar with Chrysler products See Mr ! Elliott, service manager Stan Baker ; Motors. Dodge-PI v mouth distributor 525 Chcmeketa. Phone 4119. Help Wanted Female LADY to care for 2 fatherless school boys while mother works Will offer nice home 4c 950 per month. Must lie neat. No smoker or drinker. Ph. 39U8 ! from 9:30 to J JO I H O U S E K E E P E R for elderly : lady. Room, board, plus wages. Call , 9463 i j STENOGRAPHER and General Of- , fice Work. 40 hour week. Dallas Ma- chine A Locomotive Works. Phone Dal- : las IM WANTED. Second Grade teacher" in the Madias Grade School. Mary R. Duling, clerk 1 WANTED: Coinbi nation waitress and ' fry cook. Union scale. Perfection Bowl ing Alleys CAR HOT over 18 Earnings ovrV tl no an hr Pfl. 21422 POSITION open in payroll dept of Blue Lake Prod. Coop . West Salem. : Please apply personnel office located ' In plant. DSOA APPLIANCE CO1. 419 Ferry Toasters ... 1.98 CHICKEN Fryers .... 2.98 I'NDERGROl'ND Garbage Cans 18.95 MEDICINE Cabinets . . . 6.50 Double Broiler 3.15 Coffee Ilakers 3.95 PRESS L RE Sance Pans . 13.70 32-Gallon Electric Water Heater 30-Gallon Gas Help Wanted Female Stenographer Permanent job tor experienced ste nographer. Excellent working condi tion. 40 hr. week with tune and m half for alt overtime Ph. 2-4I33. EXPf Waitress from 1-9-30 pjn Sua. off The Meadows. 340 State. STENOGRAPAER. exp tSc in working with figures, typing; perm. 5-dav wk Pleas work. cond. turei. sal . gd. future. Division General Mo tor Corp Mr. Col liver. 32 Ptttarfc Block bldg . Portland, Oregon. FRYCOOK. I2Q4 Leslie.- Switchboard Operator Girl to operate small switch boar!. Experience not necessary. 40 hour week with time and a half for ait overtime. Phone 2-4133 TELEPHONE Operators wanted-! .... . - j . May mrm at the start $29 for a 40-hour week while learning. Frequent scheduled in creases three the first year. Safe, wholesome surroundings . . . vacations wnn pay a real nppananny for yame women who are looking to the fuTurst -who want a Job that is pleasant. m. teresting and profitable. Do not delay - inquire .nuw : Experienced Operators Let us telt you how much you east earn. Call for Mrs. Goodwin. Paetfie Telephone A Telegraph Co . 744 Statsf St : WANTED: Counter firL Cherry Cite Cleaners v YOUNG Woman foe 'general efisee worn Apply it 9 N. Front. 2 GIRLS For stcnocriDtuc atnd fT m m work for full tune perm. work. Hug- gins Insurance. 129 N. Coml WAITRESS wanted The Spa " NATIONAL Concern newly located . in Salem needs typist clerk. Perm. ' position. Must hare exp. Call 41 WANTED Woman for general W fice work. Must be able to type. Call -Mr Ritchie. t722.for particulars. PLEASANT. PRO FTTA BIJC Employment For young women rpresentfw avr company m business office destlmcs with our customers. I. SALARIES . . . Start st $31 or 132 for a 40-hour week. Vependlee on Initial assignment. Frequent, sche duled increases through the first year. 2 VARIETY . . . Several different jobs to be filled, such as service reo ' resentatives i to handle business of?te , dealings with out customer! r. stenoe ' rsohrrt rterks Irniiti mlr 3 TRAINING . . . You will be paxl ' while Teaming I 4 PEASANT . . . Attractive, clean ' surroundings, likable fellow workers, and th bent of working conditions 3 FUTURE . . . Telephone service Is alwavs essential That means steads employment and room for advance ment S INTERESTING . . . You deal wwh the public in a helolul frtMHlw wv . that Is satisfying Gratp this opportunity offered you . in telephone work Come In and : talk it over with the folks in our. business office f THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND APPLY at Ahe School Administration oifice iPnwt 91371 If you are mter led in a well-paid seciefartal pmi lion The work will be yarted and tm. it-iriin and tenure permanent.. M N High WOMEN NEEDED at SaJemLeus. dry Co XO S High - VOTJNG lady with some bookkeeping and typing exp . good appearance, and who enjoy meeting the public. ExeeL hours. 40 br. wk. 934. time and ' for overtime. Write Statesman . Box 759 today for appointment. Salesmen Wanted t OMPANY representative wants to rorrpond with man interested In ood profitable Rawleitfh route Wrlut Rawleigh s Dept. 154. Oakland T. CaltL Sitiialion Wanted FOR HIRE- Flat-bed truck and drir- i er. Ihpne 2-25fi BOOKkEEPING. ofice w or kT Several yrt. exp 'j day er part time pres. ' Ph 2-5516 2 RETURNED Vets brothers t woukf like truck or tractor work together if possible Ph. 58F5 anyttmel LICENSED Journeyman steam fitter and plumber Ph. 2237. WILL. Do bookkeeping and account ing for a few small concern. Work includes necessary reports, letter writ- lngv and tax returns. Dean McWain. 9fi5 North 5th St Phone 3532 HEAVY And-llght hauling Awe lime, any place, any where Ca !1342. 1 SPRAY PaintingTCIoiod work. Free estimate of your job Lots of stmL Ph. Z 2922 WE Do Minting. Ph-750. PAPER Hanging TPhone 44 PC PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush of Sorar. DICK OREY j Phone 2S444 , 1149 Fir St, ALTERATIONS. 10 yrs. Will pick dp and deliver. Call 22 17-. SPRAY painting your paint or owis. Phone 4244 Eyerie tc Gottenberg PreSchusl Play School. 13S1 Stats. Aees 2-9 Part or all day ; Pn 9439 ALL wbRKuaranteed VTintlows, walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax- ' ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phone 44S7 ;. For Sale MisellaneofM WILL BUY for rash, seU er trade. guns, pistols, ammunition, boats oe trailers Don Madison. 50 Ne HigSv RADIO $10; Cooierator. Ph.: 10) WAY Thone 2-1565 Flal Irons . . 3.05 s - ! Balb Scales . . 5.33 Hoi Plales . . 9.10 i i . - AnloFans., 4.SS Floor Lamps . 19.95 Picnic Boxes . 5.95 t l Clocks . . . . 12X3 Radios ZSll 29.95 Water Heater t