Th OREGON STATESMAN. Solum. Oregon. Sunday Morning. August 18. 1948 FACE THIRTEEN The Nation's Top Comics ( IjO nou CanT MCVE IrVTO VOUR ( sew coGHOurse V , UNTIL I ( FKNlSM IT ' TME WEDOmC IS COMPLETED f w B O. PLENTY AND (X&SEi. GEtTTIE APE NOW MAN AND WIFE BUT DICK TRACY BUT OUR CAMPPRE 15 ALL BURNT OUT- THE ASHES ARE COLD- LITTLE ANNIE R CONEY ' s n y rP5 NO GAG, GERTIE. ,4TWE JUDGE MAS ORDEREDt?P7 J y iJT3't r i !T Ji K m ACK f ROM K(CMLANOt AMO WUAT TO 00? BUZ, AS A AftEMMR OF THC W VOUJNTttR KtSCRVg. IS PWCVIH&CP TO PLV HAVY rtANt. BUZZ SAWYER 1 31 . ( TO 5.r j- II Tw ts SELL. fT N-NA. PScSN'T L i ' t KtV VJU g CP SACK rt-tM GASOLINE ALLEY OKHV, MR. SMITH- TIG HL WILL SE VOU NOW - - ON VER RIGHT BARNEY GOOGLE I if A .BVBBi 31 AK. . . N. I MICKEY MOUSE ( j A ME IN El 21 i r m ) woulo ve J TO fAE, fcDNE RANGER r - - " I sr. s I feur WEVE T JUDGE HAYEsV JUST WED. JUOCE J DEEM NOLAN CAN- MAJZR3SD? CELED HIS V 1 i W BONO. I WAS V AFRAID THIS I 18 THEO MAY BE 5W010EB IMG ASHES UNDERNEATH - NEVER FORGET. CHTIDONE SMALL, TINY SPARK CAM 5TART A MIGHTY FOREST FIRE RMMflf R A XXAR A60. VEN(Y? WC VbtRE FLVU4A OVTK UAMkM M J" 'A ON( OP THC6S . 1' V OlO ChaP... I ASffuCE OU his COW PERSON DIALECT WILL S E VTRAOCITlN ARjlV WEIL ALL HAVE W.' AT GOOd TO GET INTO THE1 WILL THAT DO7 THEY'RE BOUNO TO CELLAR. IT'S OCR FiNO US. r 7 t (I tofef 1 O' FIRE!! J 4iTs no use M I CANT WORK WITH AU-THOSe INTERRUPTIONS H. mt4 rrf llf , ms a EFFEM THEY'RE, rroucHi DAK1KG MS away. LET'EM TAKE HZR BREAK. I '1, TOO. FROM NOW ON WE SHAKE AMD SHARSAUKBf J ' ONE PACING FOREST PRE IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN A THOUSAND RAGING TIGERS -I ALWAYS REMEMBER - KILL THE FIRE &FOQT KILLS YOU C SUNDOWN, WOLf-KlNfr HARRIAOM 081N65 ON THE etONPfS.THiRS'S FUN, AMO UJT9 OFIT . ATE.R. raof i I CAM HAROC WATT TO HtAR COACH WEO ARE AMO THE 71 litr I U mi kj ! ivd. X 90MCTIMC9 A FCILA OCTS TWSP OF ( M0TMM6 BUT B10NPC1 Pill 1 IO)Ll: ms THAT Y YES, Oh.LV 1 LXE ,OU I PlPNT TiMES.TDO' ) HAVE TO 'S- :- -r L 5 PO ' VJT THEM. GAS DAILY AM) SUNDAY in Your Home irHaMr THREE Pi P FERE NTT COUPLES ARE OUT THERE TRYING TO RENT IT FOR THEMSELVES flL REMEMBER, AN BE TERRIBLE CAREFUL TO BE SURE AN CERTAIM TO PUT EVERY CAMP FIRE Aa THE WAY OUT- EC 1 t-1 W-U no, vtxj 7 my poorX caitt go DEAR 1 along. vhusdamdtJ ocrtie. fy OONT WORRY , yM woman. ITX BE -Av ( V BACK. LOVE ' v WM-1- RND A f I FIRE Aa THE WAY OUT- J rffSl fDHEN THCRS'25 A NEW JOB TO PtCOC ON V ANO A TWMa&-EVE( GtRL IN TWt HOMC TOWN TO THtNK ABOUT. 3 VIPPE6, OLP THIN3...I 5Af.. A?EMT TVOtE A-- SUSTLCC t A Chaps ) ZLl V) FOR TVifi VA d i lcve voy MOKE THAN I PlP THEN. I CU6S5 I VS TOO HACPy HeeE um the THAT'S AO. RCmT. I WA5 JUST o-ieconc to BE SURE vJ moonuchtj rOONLOHTJ y HALP! HALP! 5 JUN6L VARMINTS !! J-s. r SOMEBODY FETCH f, X A 6HOOTIN' T BETTER HURRY. V THAT'S IT, THOSE BATTERY JARS ) STEVE! THE BATTERIES- I UkaCTlKV BENG SMASHED THE AGIO ON ZINC PLATES Tl CAN SAVl" J OUR. LIVES' FORMS HYDROGEN "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier -la fct my descriptlaa of this o trrri'ir I think I I'ortlantl I'rtKliice PORTLAND. Or. Aug. 17 AI' Bulterfat l tentative, subject to lin mediat change) first quality iitasi mum of .6 of I per cent acidity, de- livered in Portland. 77 -78c lb. pre- i mium quality, maximum of IS of 1 j per cent acidity. 7 g -79c lb. aecond quaW ' ity 73-79c; valley routes and country i point 2c less than fnt or 76', -77c C 1ie- Selling: price to Poitland retallen : Oregon uncles. 4S-47c In i Otrgon loaf. 44-47c lb. triplets. -4c lb Butter Wholesale FOB bulk, aa lb enjbes. A A 3 acore. T0-7lc lb. A n score, as ',-70 lb. B M score 7- . M'aC ib. C W score. 7c Eggs Purchasers from farmers: Current receipts 44-4Ac. buyers pay 1 l',C dox below wholesale quota tion, on graded basis for best liervei gtf To wholesalers: A grade large Sl'.-52'.c. mmtiuni ',M',c small pullet 40la-41llc. B grade large. as't-sti'sc. Oresaed chickens Selling to le tallers spring broilers. 3 lbs up 52c. colored liens. 37. l-eirhorn fowl. 32c. old roosters and stags 28c. Live chickens No. 1 quality broilers. l-2 lbs 28-32c. fryer. 2-3 34-3&C lb; 3-4 lb 3S-38c lb. roosteis. 4 Ib and over 37-3c Ib. colored hetts. II weights 24-27c. leghorn hens all wgts 21-?5c Ib. roosters and stags. I3-I7r up Rabbit Average to retailers. 43-Mc Ib. diessed prices to producers 4tf-4.Sc. fryers. llv fryers. white 4-6 lbs . 2227c Onions Oregon green. No 1. SO - 75c dor bunches Onions -- Wain . dry. No 1. I I 35 50 ib sack;: Calif yellow. laige. common giade 135-150 Potatoes Orewifi long white. No I Washington long white No. 1. 17 BO- 3 IO: No 2. Soc-ll V) lb sack Veal AA M-2V' A 24 2c. B 22-24c; C 20 -22c. cull IS-2oc Hogs Fancy block 3r-32c Lambs AA 28ac. A 2-2c. B 24-2: C 2C Mutton 18- 14c. according to qual ity and weight Beef - A A 2I-30C; A 2-2Hc: B 23- 25c. C 21-22c. tanner and cutter 2S 2)c rinner and ctitter bulls 24-25c ! ('trait bark Green, -'.c. di. 2o Wool- Valley eoarsa and medium grades 46c lb Marulr 40c lb on 12-month growth Hav Wholesale ihipmenU: Alfalfa No 2 ot better. SJO-SJl 5o ton. oats and vetcti. mixed hav. valley glowers' ask- mg price. S21-S24: clover liav. uncerti fied S21-f23 5o baled on farm No timothv. F-S stern Oregon or Wasii- , ington. (30 50-32 0O Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore. Aug 17 (API i USDA l - Cattle for five davs ratable 3274. total 4212: calves salable 1222. total 1287. good grade steers, heifers nd cows about stead v: lower grades II clashes 25 -VI lower, spot I 0U Off on utility cows: bulls steady to 5o lower, calves and vealers 5oc to I 0O load choice 1157 lb fed steris 22 011. all time high, four loads hotn grade grass steers 20 5O-2I 25. num- ous loads good grass steers 17 50- 9 00. few loads top medium 18 00- 7 00. low medium 14 00-13 50: com mon down to 11 oo. three mads high good grass heifers 17 OO. low good S 50. medium kinds I3O0-1S0O: com mon-medium 10 SO-1 2 . SO good light heiferish cows 15 00-15 SO: bulk good cows 13 00-14 50. medium glades 10 00-12 75. cutter-common 7 00-9 73 canners 50 or below: outstanding weighty beef bulls to 1S50. bulk MOO-IS 00. bulk good sausage hulls 12 VI-13 25. early in week mostlv 13 oo- 13 75 common - medium I0 5O-I2 25. cutters down to 9 50. bulk good-choice vealer? 1H 00-17 00. common - medium 12 00-150. medium - good feeder steers 14 90-15 50. plainer kinds OO- 13 00 Hogs, for five days, salable 814. total 2844. com pa red last Fridav bar rows and gilts 25-50 higher, sows 50 i up. top for ion 2350: bulk good- I choice 170-2SO Ib weights 23 00-2350: I Ib offerings 23 23. weights above 280 lbs mostly 21 50-22 V sows bulked 19 00-20 00: few light smooth kinds up to 21 OO: rough heavies down to 18 .SO: few early in week 17 50: small lots Salem Market Quotations Bl'TTERF AT Premium No. 1 - No 2 HI TTIR PRINTS Wholesale, pound Retail, quarter pound Half pound Pound .. r.CGl 78 77 74 72 2H 3u 77 48 .44 28 22 -18 Extra large Medium standards POULTRY No. 1. hens No 2. hens Fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Park) lleef steers 15 to 17 Beef cows 10 to 13 Dairy cows 08 to JO Bulls - 08 to .13', lambs, top 15 50 Ewes . ... 4 0O Yearling lambs It 00 Hogs. top. 180-270 lbs. 22 50 Over 278 . 21 75 Sows ... .. to 18 50 Top veal 14 00 to IS 00 Help IVanied, Day Starling Tuesday, Augui 20 RKfilSTKR NOW Paulas Bros. Pacldng Co. V y MHndi Stocks, Bonds Falter in Week NEW YORK. Aug. 17 (4',-The stink and bond market aiiain fal tered durin the Dast week yxhile . " j T i . lesNiii ted rcinrmiMlities lost rme of their I event buoyancy As in the pi feeding; week the sUK'k list mosed sluggishly with nn day hitting the million-share mark The public's upeculat I ve and insestment apathy lect-ived the print ipiil blame by brokers for the mxm shoAiiig; of .Iih k genet j ally. i Softness of numeiops leaders in , the final two sessions followed the res-nal of apprehension nvrr the j price-wane situation. with the grent lakes .shipping strike egpect- ' ed to spread to other fields as de mands for higher pay. it was thought would be based on mount ing lis ing costs good 70-120 Ib feeder pigs 21 50-22 00: steady for the per iml Mirrp fur five davs salablst 23A3 tidal jtMW. lambs 1 (HI-1 50 lower, show veatMrigs loiiteed 2.S tucher sJaulilei lmbs stead) rarlv 11 week few t holer selected spi mg lamb 17 75 IS isi with hulk good s !i e 1 7 MI 17 HI near the ilisr IH (Ml IS SO was taking lest ipi mr IsiiiIm hulk gonMl t hone shorn lamhs 1 4 mi IS VI. rn.-il-iimii id kinds 12 Ml 1.11 three lads gMd lo ctioice lo5-1 10 In shorn tearllngs No 2 pell 1 4 50 gfxxj -choice slaughter e w es ( 4 SO-5 OO : common-medium glades ' 3 IM1-4 25 few icedium - good wooled feeder lambs 12 30-13 00. common IS)-12 00 Portland Crain PORTLAND Ore. Aug 17 (API sliol futures riol quuti'd Hard while Baart 10 rr cent 7ni. II per tent 2 07. 12 per cent 2 00 Tish) i car receipts Wheat 15. bar ley IS corn I oa's 3 millleed 2 Additional Classified Ads I.ivfittock and Poultry WORK HORSES SADDLE HORSES Bar K Slock. Kamli l-aige assoi I merit on h.ntd at all tiinri at vri v atti active prices Ctedi' Kien any nni' DiMnunl for cash Otiai-anl-ed as rrriiesented Free delivery llxirv Kuehne. Carlton. Oi e Located fi 1 d miles west ot Neubelg FIVE (5i DOF.S with half grown lit ters foi sale Kosemout Ave . West Sa lem FOR SALE Rabbits, buck Also 2 hut dies 4. Box 240. Saln 2 does and a Sunn) side. Rt FAMILY t()W yi old Cuernsev 4 gal $123 00 Ph I07F24 1 ml east Sunii)idi' i I. Barr FOR SALE : Saddle horse well broke Right priiat, right size, right color ' Alsj Chesapeake Bay retriever duos i 2 months old Price rlitht See R A White Ore at Ramp A Whlta Store. Brooks WANTED: All kinds of livestock Valley Packing Co Phons 53 FOR SALE: Cow to freshen wks. Rt 3. Box V2 West Coast In 8 Pow- del Cu -r-w-n u... ...mi. ... u,ih .-41" . T ..... ...V... able. Out Joan Not Ih Collet Rt 2 Box River rd Ph 22781 2o8 WANTED Fat ana canner csrwa for beef Dairy cows belters bulla, veal Fat hoes sows stags, boars Market ! sriM F C McCandlish rt 8 boa 373 Ph 8147 across from ball park th BABY CHICKS- weekly hatches new Hampshire other vaetetles. Ph 228SI le's Hatchery RABBITS WANTED All sires 4 to 8 lbs White 27c lb. colored 24c Ib live weight Rabbit skins, beat prices Wire slrrlcher and other supplies Rt 4 Hox 66B William Boasett Write we pick up Rabbit Meat Co. 8117 SE Slaik Si CUSTOM dressing ot chicaens any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specially Photic 2-JrVll Lee"s Hatchery FOR SALE' Christie m n oanv chicks every Wed Boyingtona. 3710 , State St PjTone43 or 68F4 i WANTED Beef and canner cow j nulls and veals Will call at farm I E I Snethen 1550 Lancaster Drive , Ph 21343 Morns or eves QUALITY NFW-Hanis chicks Cof lege tube tested No reactors Phone Hksck 183 Uehrny Hatchery. Sllverton Oregon Hop PirLrrfl Wanted HOP PICKERS wanted John Bush man, belier known as the Fred Vlesko vard 18 miles N. of Salem near Wheat land Ferry. Cabins and tenia furn. Women Shift blind dale I cot for II lake her myself!" Hop PirktTN Wnnlcl MOP I'll K1HS wanted stalling Au 27 r'aitv and lale limn good picking Store on K''unt TitrtMimi tatlon ftfMfi Njilein llirte 2-27IMi Oiev Hop RaiKh. Kt 2 tto Ittl Kjslem HOP PICKKRil WANTr'l 5 mi east of Salrm on Miihrt St m (iairit'li load (;n.xl Lite Imps III minute duve 1 C. DrSail I'll 2243 Hi A Hon 43(1 HOP I'lilm Aug IS Ph 7:1423 H H Pi.iifiov itl I. H 21. BriHiki S ml N Itlvel rd HOP Pickets wanted f.arlv andtla'e hof lng season, gotftdpuking. slatt ing Mon Aug 19 Six miles noitli on River rd rn l.iuvr Faun. Rl 2 llo Salem Pit 222 "HOP PICKFRS leeistri now Blown Island Hop Yard- S miles s W of Salem nn Wlllamifle fttet r'ailv and late Imps HtiM- n grounds ( ahins. wiiod. watci. Iiehls and slraw f 1 1 nished I'u king iienlns about August lth PtMitw ?-3(17 01 VliiH HOP PICK Kits WANTFO Heavv crop of early a late hops Cool clean shady camp grounds Cab ins, lights St wood furnished Store on grounds Pickers' bus to Salrm. Ore RrCISTFN NOW Wnte or call - WII.-HAHT HOP FARM WARD l.l'NDY. Supt . CRHVAIS. ORF. PHONE SAI.IM 2-2tmi or 221 "PlCKlN STARTS AtJO It Buses start West Salrm bridge am Yn. IXJW BUS North on Commercial to llihland Highland to Capitol. Cap itol to t enter. Center to W Salem BI.L'E & WHII K BUS South Commer cial to Rural. Ruial to S l?tl S 12th to C0111I. Capitol lo Center Center to W Salem Stops at Puntn and Walt White CJiik-. Kola H aril Williams & Tliarkcr HOP PICKTRS WANTFt) For our yaid alxut 4 mile s w of Salem. 7. 0 acres of choice river bot tom hops Picking begin ahoul Sep tember I Fine shady camp ground fine cabins Stoves. wood. elrctilc lights, shower baths, tables, stools and stiaw for beds furnished with iihim Stoie. hiilrhrt shop and restaurant on grounds Bus 1 1 ai-wttt ion Please wnle JOHN J HOHkHIS CO. Sa lern. Oregon, slating nunilter of adult pickers and enclose fl for 1 egist ration and use of rabtn. which will be refund ed at close of season HOP PICKERS W ANTED 400 acies early At late hops Heavv crop I-ong season Clean, cool, shady 1 r,mp """ Nursery for children 1 restaurant on grounds. Muses lo Dallas. Monmouth. Ind peodem-e KF.GISIFR NOW Write or all C A Met Al (;III.IN HOP RANCH Rout No I. Independence. Oit T A Hell Sunt Phone Independence. Ore. 27 F-2 500 HOP PICKERS Early August Clean camp, lights, wood water fur nished free Register tmw Mitoma Hop Farm. Independence. Ore Rt I Hoa 2s0 llrlp Mantrd EXP WtXII. r.le-.i tl.JS per hr PeartK-k t'lantv 4S i enlei RELIABLE voting man m lady for steady joh dai v aUn sitineone for evening and weekend Work Hums 124 S High EXP Silk fiqisher 4'l hr wk with overtime after I 1 I Im SO wi rents per hr (Yew work 44 ht IVacock Cleaners 45 Center Wan lr I ! Bran Pickrrs o Flstel Rt 3 lios is y k mile wewl or I'm Amif T1IK Pimgle aW Loot lioard is taking apfilications to fill ion if sclui laniloi ohljil I Icth Noel Adams. Hi S Bos IH4 Ph 2,I4I RFAL F.taie Salesman wanted Vlu t he a go eettei Hettei fhn ave rage opportunity liiaiuh ofr.e i,l large Portland flim 4l r'ouil Slieet LIMITEIJ numtier men vsucmeti ot voung men aV girls to work oo sla tionaiy hop picking machine and drv kilns Day work, mostly inside lop 'houilv pay. Inquire a' Giaham Hop ranch at S Mission potion-. 7 miles north of Salem, or call 2-2783 ' DRIVER FOR invalid woman's cat (50 a month. I" Ssi2. J. tier son. Ore HARVEST HELP I Chech bosses Wiremen Sawbucks Ihtatmen. theinen and Truck Help ers Heavy crop. long season Top wages Close to Salem Bus I WII-I-IAMS rn ACKER - F.Ol.A I HOP YARD 1 SALEM ORF. 1 ASK FOR "I ' II R IS" PHONE FZU 24-231 after 8PM llrlp Wanlrd Male WANTED KXPKKIKNCKI) Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS MUST BE FAMILIAR W IT H AUTOMAT. IC T HANSMISslONS w. i.. andkbson. inc. DeSOTO DUtrihulor Pl.YMOt'TH IMi. 7703, 360 Marion St. MAN with ser vi. -able car for south of Salem. OteKoruan 474 route Fer rv SI ( all in am Mondav w AN'TCn Man f,.t iuii.ii,n uni , lotlal wk Apply i k Aoolv Howe Hios 2:o State I PAIiNTKRS WANTKD J 2585 Portland Rd 10 BRUSH PAINTERS one spray painter wanted at once, not less than 3 yra exp Ph 4783 F 'O Repine Co MECHANIC for leading Auto and Truck dealer Must he A-l and famil i lar with Chrysler piodocts See Mr Klliolt. service manager Stan Baker I Motors. Dodge-Plvmouth distributor 323 Chemekela. Phone 4119 Help Wnnlrd Ft-malc i 1 I ASSISTANT In , dot-tot's office Please give full paiticulais about yourself as to age. p.iit emplnx tnrnl. .etc. in your repl Box 822 Statesman ELDERLY I.ADY for li,:hl he woi k and caie of invalid Ph 84SJI HFAUTY Opeiatoi wanted at Ruby Beaut v Shop Ph 7ti20 , TELUMIONE sw d operator Steady position, good wages Marion ' Hotel' FOt'NTAIN Oul Hrs 3 to II pm Mione Cunfectmnery; liW7 N ( apitol YOt'!n LADY Foi phonograph rec ord dept Must have knowledve of music Steady employment wills Musk- Store WILLAMETTE Student wishes laun dry done Ph 73i PART TIME WAITRESS Bud s Place. $80 S High St " EXPERIENCED .WAITRESS Marlon Hotel WOMEN ot gul. -im. Job. 873 pel mo Ph 9112 Jefleison WANTED at 'once- Women for work on either day or nignt shllt 8 das per wk Appl In peison at Oregon Flas Textile Inc . 7th eV Patterson St . W Salem WOMEN NEEDED at Salem Uun- j drv Co 283 S High OPEII FOR BUSIIIESS SHOWED HOTOn & IIIPLEIIEIIT CO. Our (aaraict and Service Dept. will b open Monday, Auk. 19th in our new ligation in Stayton, Ore. Hring um your audimohile I r utiles, we will .do .our beat to, help you. Along; with our repair nervice we do ateam rleaninjr. II. J. SHOWER AND CARL SHOWED Help Wanted Frmale WANTED: Stenographers rletk-tvp. Wis Apply , Hin 32tl blate Office Slate Highway Dept. VOttN't; Isdv Willi some lMMjLkepng ml typing ep.. good appearance, arwl who en)os meeting (he poblie F.arel,j hours. tt hi wk. 134 lime and 't loi overiime Write Statesman ! 7s lodav for appointment Situation Wantrd UKAUTV COl.I.EGE grrl wsnU ta work lor room tt board School I days et-k. t In i Write Bog US ce Sta'es man MIDDLE Aged -man wants' ob si watchman or custodian ot pnva'e estate im corfip Hatching prefer ted. Write to R E (tonne. I sj rh HFAVV And light hauling Ane lime any place any where ( all 34 rj OFFICE. MANAGER Plus sales publicity, sound mrihan dising Ideas. comtelling advert tsmaj copy mall order, layout, etc gua-s, aggressive, desires change. Write Boa gn Statesman SANDING WANTED; iave mimey br having new woodwork and -ahtets sanded with the hew power occilettng method Inquire at 2220 Mission St. foe estimate Do not call Saturday KEEP f 'HTLDREM "by day or"Vei. Will give tranaportanon Rt I. Boa Mm. ' SPRAY Painting Good work. Free) estimate of your Job Lots pamt. Ph 2-2M2 PLAIN SEWING. jNllh FJCP Co.ik will take short ' sh'TfTlt ttie fair after 4pm Prefer hamburger or hoi dog stand. Write Boa S14 ce Statesman WE. Do peinting Ph r7J4 PAPER Hanging "PhtMie 44'Tfl PAINTKK AND DIvCORATOR Intet lor or Eaterlor. Brush mr tormr. DICK 0RKY ' Phone 444 ft 48 Ttf t, ALTERATION I8yi.- esper Will pit k up and deliver C a. I 22472 ' VENETIAN' BI.tNDft laundered, re. paned. retaped 48-hr. aerv. Ph J-4418.-SPRAY painting your paint or ours. , Phone 4248 Everlv 4t Gottenhery i " Preschool PlaySTtujot. I1SI Siaio. ' Ages 1-8 Part or all day Ph 84.18 AlX WORK guarantessd UindowiC walls, woodwork cleaned Floors ed Insured workmen Prolsssiawtal C leaning Service Phone 8487 , Salramrn Wanlrl I EXCELLENT rnmmisiiori to aggrs. ne salesman to sell lr-arvdsvceet a in, fluoiessent light .bulbs to rim. inner s on one year guaranteed baass. fnlv men with eaeellent ranrwrunss i may apply All Inquiries etmf iden al. 1 VSiPe bumay Servic aSaWaa, Warress, Pa HE INDEPENDf NTrRell ' fiawleum I'iimIiicIs m west central Mrion k4 Yanfiill l ountses Geod neai by locality" MM-n Wsj'e today. Rawleigrt , Uept. OHH-tVI-D Oakland, Calif ! SALESMAN INTERESTED ' In' earn, ing 870 to 850 per day. RelVrencee re quired. IV 814 Statesman, , Fr Sal !Misvccllanou SMOOTH I EH FOR perfect Ice erssaaa, Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. I5S N. Liberty ALUMINUM SAUCE Bona. weU asssl tree platters. frying pens, pan a to YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 153 N liberty j . G(ODoaii and vetch hav lor sala. 1 ml E and S of Salem. Rt 8. Bos 127 I. A Evert COMMERCIAL rXr-CTMC . "auforna. tic four burner range Ideal, lor resvs -taurant club or farm Use ' Y EATER APPt-IANC CO. 253 N Liberty! . UPSTAIHJ4 Antique hnop 4JV7WrL WE buy and sell lurntture, too.a. stoves, dishes, motors, radio. Cleetrya a npl lances household goods KI 17. MAN'S 288 N t'osmrnereial I River Silt MASON SAND CONCH FT AND EUX DIRT MIX, ALL KINDS Of GRAVEL Commercial ! Sand and Gravel Co. PH 1-IS4M t-lio WAI.I TYPE ran rtrteners ' YEATER APPLIANCE CXJ. 258 H Liberty COAT II ANGERS, steel " or Kliginsn's.Ms785 N Commercial INDIRECT FLOOR lamps as Unci' " YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N Liberty PEACHES. Slappyt and 7 ra 1-rii. now ready; Klheftaa -rid Hales Ausf. 20 Pickling cucumbers. Vrlgaerd Eotl Sland. ' ml N Keier Sch Ph 2-4JU. DESK. TABLE and pin-it-up lampsv YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N Liberty j ALL METAL fishing tack (""bosasv""" YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty I WE HAVE corn gluten' fo7oglsw3T 23". proiein N or t west Poultry and Dairy Ph 7007 1504 N Front Sl.APPY and Crawford peaches carin ing Hn t Aspmwall. Wacimda COIF Chihs. reasonable Ml M.rt; f. R A VFNSTEIN apples Vou pr k. Mrs Cernik Rt 8, Box 291. Pn. 73F22 Noon la eve CRAVENS'! FIN Apples XTTSough". -rt Rt 7 Bos 91. N. Pac, H wy. Claxter Rd KITCHEN tuiei T AND bathroomight fU- i APPT.IANCE 4TO. N Liberty ' YEATER 2153 ONE 30-30 Savage Spot Winchester rifle, i one 28 er rifle, some amrr.uni- lion I all eve 130 N 17th i T .HOf4r.SC INI K1RHI.M flS'uf snd single tube brackets (or use neag vour mirror i YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty "FACTORY Built" hse. trailer." h" d.llv and air brakes Sips. 4 81873 Out Center to Norman Ave., turn left I block ORAVENSTEIN apples f Jjbu7h". I'asil Silke Rt. 8. Box 249 Pn 3-231. HOUSE to be removed from' pi em-. Ises Phone 7928 or 3174 if Inter esresf SIN'fJFR SEWING' MACHINE CO " e have a few good uaed marhinet now available All machines guar en. terl and in very good condition. Itl S High Ph 3512 SMALL White piano 82O0 sti ttVUS VERY lovely floor length black vel vet evening coal, ermine trim, srro 12 or 14 $10 Phone 24280 i ' T.l.tWMC DESK, mantel r3wTJ cliMks YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N Liberty i 4(1 OAI. ice cream cabinet " cn pressor, good con d 1232 Center St. Apt 8 Eve only. HEAVY Duty General " Electric s. h i motor 845 A-l shape. Ph. XtiHI. 448 Hmk1 Kt 3 YR old Guernsey cow App "ftom hay Montag range with coils 8j tank. Circulating heater. Priced for qutctr sale Ph 3731 ; 8150 TUVFDO. best quaTity, wolT value sue 37 3n Ph 9488, S-1 pm. COAL OR briquet circulator YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty