The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 18, 1946, Page 12, Image 12

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Hichligbted br the addition
fif still another new face to the
muscle, parade. Matchmaker
l.lton Owen lant nljht complet
ed hi, crapplinc card. et for
ihe Ferry Street Carden Tues
day startinc at S:30 p.m. The
brand new ie. no stranxer In the
northwest, although he has not
appeared In Salem. Is Dr. John
Bonica. a real honest-to-l osh
member of the medical profes
sion who during the war was
light and junior heavyweight
champion of Fort Lewi. Bonica
f rlaaned a a cleanle and will
meet Joe Wolfe, the likeable
who teamed with Karl Gray
here lat week, in Tuesday'
kdiIw indup special miUh, a
twe-of-thref-faller limited to 39
The S:3 o'clock curtalnralser
Senators Split Pair With Caps;
Locals Break
Losing streak
Giillinnen round Out
14-1--Win in 2ml Game
VANCOUVER. Aug. IT-rTF,-Ss'icmj
.inking Senator, after
j.r.w rl.inK fnur "'rasght defeats at
"re 'rr,';s f the Varioni ver Capi
.r. n s wpfk including it 6 to
? .--!. k :r: the first game of to
r.iphff d .ubiehearier came U
life n verge;. nee in 1he sec-
nri firr,f to piaster Ihe Cap?. 14
1c 4 The split dropped the Sa
"!ms ( r e-ind-hlf games back of
ir.e seor.d place Bremerton Tars
v. r.o
j ;: (
vn ; single game ionium
t- gm s b;. k of the top
Vei.atihee Chiefs.
Porter, recent addition to
n' pit'hine
, f i r -1 st.
n the Ui
staff and
lit. was the
tilt as the
r'.akir.g ,
, ( t ; m :
(";j- n,(
the e r
: .: tv. e
him f r seven nits
K m h.s irst loss of
Citilli'meti (ould Ret
( If the acs hny-
The torv of the second nil
t.;d iti tu ui,r(is-Sena-
i..r r,,i ki i v The Solon.
inn- Yiiou er huilers for 16
. r.ishliKl.t of their at-
t..(k iei-.g h eight-! un
ir u.t.e Bill St hubie waf
c r edited
v. the .tlory. t.i
jeenth of
i r e ear.
2-o IKil ft 3 8 1
(120 112 0 " 0
Saln.ofi. Snder nl
t !
i mo K!2 M
(M l U2I 4
ir i .. e:
Sr-i.Mt. KtM
1 Hf(!fCotk
and Salmon
KriK i 7.
Kemper Holds
Batting Lead
Dick Kemper i f Tacoma ranked
as the Western International
league batting leader in the latett
Hwe burea compilation, but it
vas h blanket race with only a
bate 001 penentage point sepa
latiiig the top trio Kemper had
in average of 36-) thiough August
11. while Glenn Stetter of Wenat-
bee and Dan Amai.d of Bremer
ton each had .364
Du;j;c Ciawfoid. Salem, was
fourth with 357, ami Ray Orteig,
Vari(ouer. and Spencer Harris,
Yakima, weie tied for fifth with
251 M 1 Wu'.sey. Wenatrhee. led
in total hits with 157. and Dick
Adam-. t. ,, inmate, led in runs
batted in. 119
Pitt hn.g honors were shared by
M:l; Cod. oh. i. Spokane, and CJene
Babbitt. Wenatchee. Kach had
wr: 14 arid 'ioM 4.
AH H 2Fi MR BI Pet
K- ' Tc IMH lit. 1H 7 W 36.'.
MH MS ?.b 15 79 :4
-'-! B.e- . 21 5 17 13 72 34
kl- t..i :ht 71 in m :!.
t :!.. :1 !-! 22 63 357
U-: k Va-. 245 K ! M Ml 351
)ii ,s ;.k I'll 74 22 7 52 351
va r- 71 14 8 48 350
lu-w Jf h .'! 1H 17 118 348
i!k, sp.. 5 27 44 !5 3 21 346
(,i:t.. -VK 423 14. :-.5 13 107 345
Ar--- - Wrr 421 143 .) 25 119 334
t f;t.-ter-.0 Ue 8 15 13 46 332
;.,;. S; 22 76 1H 4 42 332
W . 1 I .!9 5 1 16 331
V.-.,-. e V.t 285 94 19 24 92 330
i y.k 341 1 10 27 17 95 323
,U -. W.r 487 157 .'II 5 75 322
W...r- I".' 447 144 22 4 43 .322
V; ., T.,o :5 :24 18 S 56 .322
)U: i , I... 248 7K !5 5 315
K..t S..: 3C1 :i3 14 2 57 313
i k- r V-. 341 il '. 17 7 31
(.n .... 1;-. ' -"5 !-4 21 11 68 :
M. . f..f." V . 2 VI 77 16 4 49 38
'.U , , r . . -S.. ?14 6(. 14 4 41 3t8
C, V 1. BB SO
K. ' ; V-t- a 5 3 0 22 18
... ...... . 5 3 0 10 14
f. , ... ? 3 10 21 10
C7.,'o' . . r , 4 1 li 13 7
..-! - 41011 4
I ..;.. 22 14 4 74 141
.,: -114 4 65 7 1
W.r.'i't.- 19 9 3 84 125
C7... f.. W 22 Id 4 103 144
M l. m: H . 2' 7 3 42 43
.ait W. '. i. 30 17 8 85 114
. i f. 'I ... ' a 23 12 6 86 72
i' - ji. ! .. : .". 3 33 34
- i. ' . . .. : 3 4 2 59 25
Dallrs Man
C,V A)'. .T A
, The
Spi e v.
dav the
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Card Set for Tuesday Mat Bee
pita Jack (Tlrer) Klser against
the veteran old campaifner and
crunch clown. Bulldog (One 'n
Only) Jackson. This one will be
a one-faller.
Club Here Tuesday Might
Beef dept.
Why. we'd like to knew, do not papers ther than this give
Yankee Bill Sevens his doe? Here's a guy who. has won 13 ball
games for the New York Yankees. He's lost two 1-t games, one of
these to the great Red Sox and the
Hiss fW"
if iVw' I
dons. Petkys and Ooerrs. True.
he coached by Howard Hoboon. But surely a guy reared right
around the state capital one who got his start pitching for Hubbard
high and the old semi pro Salem Senators, and then began the long
and tedious climb up the Yankee chain links. Is deserving of more
than the nothing the other newsies are giving him.
What's the matter, men, doesn't our Willi belong to the union?
VIA', to Gro$ Around - Million for Seaton
I jiff of the week, provided by Bob Woods, Wenatchee Daily
World: "The Tacoma series should have convinced even the firmest
home run advocate of one thing the outfield fences in Recreation
park should be moved back. Of the four home runs Tacoma hit In
the opener, which accounted for all of their scoring, only one might
have gone out or a normal sized park." . . . Hold on, Robert. How do
you suppose Wenatchee get most of her winning runs at home? And
aren't your Chiefies leading the league?
Attendance marks In most WI parks win fall this year and. all
told, the league will likely do around 900.000 for the ea.mpa.icn.
Which ain't hay for a Claaa B setup. But look at what our Coast
league neighbors will have for ammunition at their next we-wanna-be-a-big-league
gathering a seasonal attendance of nearly 4.000.000!
By way of comparison, f the American loop drew 3,(96,569 In 1943
and the National barely 4.000.000. Through last week's series. San
Francisco was the PCL's 1946 Mr. Big with 505.041 admission,
breaking the alltime minor league attendance record of 517,000
established by Seattle In 1939.
WIL All-Star More Clntn A Than B
Minor League Cxar Bramharn's office hap asked our Impression
of a WIL, all-star team for the season. We have sent same as follows,
using patriotism and hitting power as chief Ingredients (first and
second teams as named):
f irst base Bill Garbe. Yaka. and Dick Adams, Chiefs. (The
league Is loaded with good first Backers this year.) Second base
Glenn Stetter, Chiefs, and Eddie Wheeler. Salem. Third base Ray
Ortclg. Caps, and Harlond Cllft, Yaks. Shortstop Wally Flager.
Solon, and Joe Gedzlus. Brems. Outfield Duane Crawford and
Dick Wenner, Solons. Bill Barlsoff and Danny Amaral, Brems.
Reggy Clarkson, Vans, and Pete Hughes, Vies. Catcher Woodv Sal
mon. Solons, and Ed Fitzgerald, Chiefs, (Dtek Kemper of Tacoma
no slouch). Right handed pitcher Hugh Orphan, Chiefs, and Bob
Jensen, Vies. Left handed pitcher Cy Greenlaw. Tiges. and Kenny
Wyatt, Solons .Utility Who eke but Salem's Ted Gullic, who can
play any position well? And since we know how Charley Petersen
can also play 'em all, the Yak-man gets second place. Manager
Buddy Ryan. Chiefs. (Yearling Gullic not mentioned because of
his newness at the Job.)
Sure, we've missed some gosh-awful good ballgamers In the
picks. But have you stopped to realize just how many really good
ballgamers there are in the league this year? It's called Class B
but ever since the owners started going for the wins Instead of the
development of young hopefuls, the caliber la certainly closer to
C'las A.
IViootrys Top Albany
In 1st Game, 10-3!
The rollicking Mootry kids,
(if ball that carried them through
Albany in i .1 in the Hub city
Kime en ine district, series. ec-
ind conest of the two-out-of- '
thu-e series will be played on j
1-slie field Monday night at 8 I
o'clock. !
The Druggists accomplished the
wiii on a combination of the five
hit flinging of Jim Rawlins, the1
lusty hitting of Riridy Gentzkow
and some of the others and 12
errors on the part of the Al- 1
banyites. :
The Albanys started the scor- j
irig with u single tally in the i
first inning but were soon swal-!
lowed up in an avalance of Mootry '
tuns which trickled in an un
broken stit-am across the plate
li(.m the third frame through the
ushth. Highlight of the locals'
attack was a three-run eighth,
accomplished w hen Riddy Gent- '
kuw uncoikcd a homer with two
mates aboard. '
"Bull" Willis. former Salem
lummaiy. started on the mound1
It. i the I.mri county club and
w hided 11 Diuggists but wild
ness tempered his effectiveness.
Gcutkow lapped a pair of dou
bles and a single, besides his (
hi mer . to pace the winner at bat.
Monday ninht it will probably
t Bob Lindsttom taking up the
pitching (hoies for the Salem
1o.,tr 001 122 1.KV 10 9 5
Alt-iinv 1 Oil 1 Hi OOO 3 612
HaWlrW nx1 Witkail. Willis. J
S, hl..j.'fl it) and D'Any, I.. Sthiafiel
i i
jlmHm m a a
The malner Is the taf team
natural featuring- nasties Bob
Kennaston and Mike Naaerian
opposite the heroic "big squeete"
twins. Georges Dnsette and Karl
Gray.. The latter, after losing
with Wolfe to the burlles last
week, issued a challenge for a
rematch with Dusette as his
partner. A 250 side bet has
been placed by the Gray-Du-sette
combine, which should be
additional incentive for even
more thrill-filled action than
was present; last Tuesday night.
That one wound up in a near
Both Graf and Dnsette call on
the neck-stretching full nelson
hold as chief persuader not
such good news to the Kcnna-ston-Naxerian
daet George Pop
penbelmer Will referee.
other to th greater Bob Feller.
He'll have one of the very finest
earned run Averages In the major
leagues this year. He's one of
the most likeable and modest
guys you'll find. He's the father
of two fin boys. He owns a
home in Salem. He works In a
cannery here in the winter time.
He has folks over In Independ
ence. He's Oreron all over and
he's maklnf a umr for himself
with the most fabulous club In
And still we have to use our
bifocals to find his name on Ore
son sports sheets after he's pitch
ed another Victory. The "Oregon
tans In the Majors" festure
doesn't even bother with him.
and BUI Is probably more Oregon
than any of the Whitmans. Gor
Bitl didn't so to Ortfon l'. nor was
continuing the
the city league
wide open brand
playoffs, swamDed
last night
in the ail-important first
Senaior Swal:
(Through August 161
B H Pet.
Salmon 2U 76 J60 Kowakl
Craw fid 373 130 J49 Gunnarsn
Gullic 226 75 .332 Kchuble
B H Pet
65 15 .231
70 IS 214
40 8 24K!
19 4 211
wneeier 1Z 42 .328 Soaeter
JJH 11 Z7 Bartolnil 253 48
Rev nlds
4Z3 121 2fi Soderbure 45 8
45 271 Wvatt 46 7
42 .261 Faliin 32 3
74 2l Hess 1 0
49 .251 Porter 0 0
. O
Pet Wa S O Sn
1 OOO 17 7 0
Hess ..;
Soderbui jj
Scriuble .
.667 84 119
.636 43 57
600 52 86
.545 38 42
.400 94 125
3(X 84 58
.000 0 0
I FA(il K
W L Pel WLPct.l
Wenai hec "3 47 Jll Yakima 64 80 .472 j
Hremi i tn 64 46 .6X3 Spnkanr 48 58 .455 ,
Salem M 51 JW5 Vancouver 47 67 .4( i
Tacoma 63 53 343 Victoria 42 7B 3o6
Saturday's Results: At Vancouver 1
6-4. Salern. 3-14; At Tacoma 7-11. Spo- I
kanr 1-7. "At Wenatchee 6. Yakima 3; I
At Bremerton 17. Victoria 4.
W L Pet W I. Pet !
San Fran JM 48 .622 Hollywood 73 8 .518
Oakland WI 54 M25 San Dit Ko 61 85 418 i
Lx Anrli 76 b5 .5. Seattle 541 UO 3i7 ;
Sacrmnto 75 fi9 .521 Portland 49 89 353;
Saturday's Hermits At San Fnmtsio
5. Portland 2, At San Uk-ko I. l.o ;
Ahk'( l s 6'. At Sacramento 8. Oakland j
2. At Hull wood 2. Seattle 3. '
Texas Against
World' Today
'Big Four' Tangle
In PGA Preliminary
PORTLAND. Ore . Aug. 17.
A teacher and two of his star pu
pils will be among the field of
120-odd professional golfers who
tee off Monday in the 28th renew
al of the national PGA golf tour
nament. Lanky, stoop-shouldered
Ted Longworth of Portland's Wav
erly club, won a place in next
week's tourney when cancelations
from other parts of the country
opened the lists for several addi
tional pros from the Pacific north
west. His two star pupils, both of
whom used to caddie for him when
he was a professional at the Glen
Gardens golf club in Fort Worth,
Tex., back in the early 30s, are
a couple of fellows whoe names
now are synonymous with cham
pionship golf Byron Nelson and
Ben Hogan.
Chiefg Brems
WIL Winners
By The Aoc1ted Pre
The top two clubs In the WIL
resumed their winning ways last
night as the top-place Wenatchee
Chiefs trimmed the Yakima Stars
6 to 3 and the runner-up Bremer
ton Tars slaughtered the lowly
Victoria Athletics 17 to 4. Hefty
Bill Barisjff. loop home run king,
paced the Bremertons with his
33rd and 34th four-masters of
the season. The Tacoma Tigers
grabbed a pair from the Spokane
Indians. 7 to 1 and 11 to 7, with
Cv Greenlaw being credited with
both wins.
Spokane 0OO 100 0-1 3 2
! Tacoma 003 301 T 1
Rumondi and Clifford; Greenlaw and
I Kuper.
I Spokane 132 001 000 7 13 4
Tacoma 200 141 30 11 13 1
i Cadinha and Vrrlmn; Junubluth.
Opplet 3i. Greenlaw and Kemper
' Yakima OOO OOO OTtfv 3 t n
' Wenarchee 33 OOO OO- 2
Yavlain. Bohnen iSI and Mcfon-
I nell Oonin and Fitrserald.
' Victoria 000 2t 020 - 4 2
Bremerton 310 115 31 -17 IS
Carpenter. Ba () and Stumpf
Lonniln and Plia
Tiresome, But
Beavers Lose
SAN FRANCICO. Aug 18 -ifr)
Ferris Fain's three-run letith
inning homer gave the San Fran
cisco Seals a 5 to 2 win over
the Portland Beavers here this
afternoon. It was the Seals' fifth
straight victory over the Beaveis
Jack Salveson went the route for
the Bevos, being nicked for
1 1
Singer Leads
Hurling Corps
Henry Singer, "rise-ball" spe
cialist with the Paper Makers,
paced the city foftball loop in
pitching for the season, according
to compilations by Len Turnblow.
league statistician. Singer won six
game and lost one and yielded
but three earned runs. Jim Raw
lins, Knights of Columbus, had a
5-1 record and seven earned runs.
Clancy Applegate, Eagles, was the
league whiff king with 60. Raw
lins wasn't far behind with 55.
The final pitching averages:
110 18 3
I 1 0 2 2 &
7 6 1 3 17 4S
5 3 1 7 11 95
4 3 1 2 10 30
3 3 1 3 1 12
7 3 3 12 3 22
7 3 4 IS 23 12
7 3 4 12 21 35
7 1 6 6 31 AO
6 0 6 1 II a
1 0 0 3 0 1
10 13 10
1 0 0 0 3 0
Miller. KC
Harvey, GP
Singer. GP
Rawlim K
I Knight. RW
Roth. RW
Cutler. Navv
Wink dr. Barb
Lindstrorn Moot.
Applejiat. Eag
Carver. GP
Parton. KC
Steiger, Navy
Lewis, Barb .
Sell roeder Tops
Pancho Segura
NEWPORT. R. I , Aug. 17-JP-Ted
Schroeder of Los Angeles.
1942 national champion, today de
feated Francisco (Pancho) Segura
of Ecuador, 6-1. 6-2, 3-6, and 6-4.
to enter the finals of the 27!h
Casino lawn tennis invitation
tourney. Schroeder will meet top
seeded Gardnar Mulloy of Miami
tomorrow in the title match.
Schroeder, playing in his first
major tournament on grass this
year, will team with Jack Kramer
of Los Angeles, in the doubles
finals against Bob Falkenburg of
San Francisco, and Bill Talbeit
of Wilmington, Del.
Mexican Next
Foe for Kahut
PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 17
P)-Joe Kahut. Woodburn. Ore.,
heavyweight, and t'oslello Crui
of Mexico have been signed for
a 10-round bout here Sept. C.
Matchmaker Tex Salkeld re
ported today.
W L Pet W I. Pel
Riwton 81 64 704 Cleveland 55 1 478
New Vol k 47 584 f McaK" 447
Detroit 64 47 .577 St Kouis 47 64 427
Wa-linMn b6 59 .487 Pliilarlelph 34 80 28
Saturday's Results: Al Philadelphia
7-5. Washington 12-3. At Boston 7
New York 4. At Detroit '. St. 1-ouis 3.
At Cleveland 1. Chliiiso 4
W I. Pet W I. Pel
Brooklyn 59 43 61 Oneinnati 51 5!( 464
St. 1-ouis 65 44 596 New York 48 Ii2 436
Chuao 58 52 .527 Phlladelph 47 51 4.l.'i
Boston 54 53 5()5 I'lllsliin 1 li 44(2 4 1.'.
Saturdays Results Al (lut.i" 2
Pittshui mi 1 At St II u - .1 ( i.n in
nati 8 (UosliHi at New Yoi k. I'lul.i
delphia at Brooklyn, tain). i
Oregon. Sunday Morning. August
(.-:. fl ,4C
PENNANT BOl'ND: Hustle and dash are twa reasons whjr Brooklyn's Dodgers are heading for an
October aeries date with the Boston Red Ko. Here Pete ReUer of the Brooks U hon lav-hlng as
he slides aafely arrow the dih in a theft of home. The ratcher la Walker Cooper of Ihe (ilanU. The
ampire U Bnteh lleollnc and tn Interested bysUnder Is taUher Brnee Inwards of Ihe Brooks. AP
Pro Gridders Ready
For Portland Clash
PORTLAND. Aug. 17-iT)-A near capacity crowd
is ex pet' ted in Multnomah stadium tomorrow night
for the first meeting of teams from the new All-
America grid conference.
The practice game will pit the
Chujgd Kotket.. just uriixed
from their California training
camp, against the Brooklyn Dtxiji
ers, in training during the past
month at Bend.
The Rocket line will be an
chored by three Notre Dame men.
End Bob Dove. Guard Joe Ruetz
and Center Moose Osier man. Op
posing them for Brooklyn wail be
such players as All-America
Glenn Dobb. Tulsa university
passer, and Dom Principe. All
Eastern fullback from Kordham.
Suggs Pockets
Women's Title
other golfing great fiorn that golf
ing state Georgia carried on no
illnst 1 1IH15 tradition today when
22-year-old Louise Suggs maiked
up her seenth major tournament
triumph of the season by annex
ing the 46th annual women's
western amateur championship t
the country club. Displaying start
ling consistency, the little brunette
swinger from Lithia Springs turn
ed back the challenge of 19-year-
old Mary McMillin. A combination
of over-powering golf and crack
ing nerves was too much for the
, little GreenHay. Wis . stenogra
pher as Miss Suggs breezed
through to an 11 and 10 tiiumph.
Prelims Open
Shoot Circus
VANDALIA. O.. Aug. 17 iP)
Preliminaries of the 47th annual
grand American handicap trap
shooting tournament today saw
three shooters tied with perfect
100s In the 16-yard event, but
darkness forced postponement of
their shoot-off until Sunday, when
the open championship will be
featured. Right behind with 89s
were: Roy E. Glass. Eugene. Ore ,
and George L. Jantzer, Medford.
Santlies Play
'Rats' Today
The Salem Sand V Gravel
nine, champs of the Junior "H"
lea cue this year, today tancles
with the "Portland Park Rats"
in a 1 p.m. game at Waters
park. The "Rita," coached by
Rocky Benovento, Beaver
groundskeeper. and sponsored
by the Oregon Sports Service,
are made up of kids who haunt
the Vaughn street park in Port
land. They defeated a Salem
team In Portland a year axo.
Coach Stearns Cushlng of the
Sands insists today's mix ii "for
the Junior B championship of
Oregon." '
Kdiicatoii W ins
Futurity Hare
CHICAGO. Aug. 17-.?)- Educa
tions a sleek black colt owned bv
Mr Fred W. Hooper. Jackson
ville. Fla., streaked to a three and
a .quarter lengths victmy in the
$80,025 Washington Paik futurity
today to become the leading
money winning two ear old !
1 946.
Table of Coastal Tide
Time computed for Taft. Ore . t v
I the I' S I oaM and i.cootiic aunt)
lor the Ore;on Slateman
Aucust tliefi I"w
Time Wnitr Tur.e Wat i
3 47 p m. 5 9 10 (KS p m 13
18 4 (Ml a m 4 9 10 02 a m 1 3
4 27 p in. e 1 11 15 p in 1 i'
19 5 14 a m 4 10 49 a m 1 H
5 15 p in 6 3
20 6 45 am 4 1 C 31 a m 0 6
6 13 p.m. 6 4 1 I .49 p m 2 4
21 6 19 a m 4 1 1 47 a in n 1"
7 18 l, m 6 6 12 59 i m 2 K
22 i 38 .1 m 4 4 2 45 a m -II I
8 24 pin 6 7 2 II (in, 2 9
23 Hi if a m 4 8 .! .VI a m - "
9 27 p m " 0 3 22 p m 2
24 1 1 24 a ni. 4 9 4 4(i a in. -1 "
111 24 p m 7 1 4 211 p m 2 5
23 12 l'2 p mi 5 3 5 3( a rn -1 1
II 17 p m 7 J 5 15 . in 2 7
215 12 42 p m 5 6 6 11am -1 n
6 114 p ni 1 9
27 0 04 a rn 7 0 I. Ml m -I1 H
1 15 (, in 5 i (, M i ii. II.
;n ii : o . ni ( ." . "i -' 3
1 4 i in r :i p in I
.J 1 M, j ii. ( 2 H Hi . ii. ( 2
2 22 p m tO 8 21 p m 13
18. 1946
Red Sox Drop Yanks, 7-4; j
Williams Wallops No. 32
i I .
Part land aettan tonight.
Portland Rare
Inaiiiiura I Set
PORTLAND. Aug 17-SpeciaH
Oiegon takes its ( on the
horse racing m.p after 30
long yeais with the official an
nouncement from General Man
ager William P Kyne with the
good news that Poitland Mead
ows, the million dollar taiing
plant, would open Satin dav. Sep
Ifmlirr Mth, with a (aid i1 eight
1 aces.
With Portland the only major
race tiack west of Chicago ope
tating dining September fend Oc
tober, the Meadows will draw
heavy on star -studded stables
from Canada, Washington and
Sunday. Aiimist 25. the gen
eral public will be invited to in
spect the Meadows, as the day
has been set aside as -'opeii
house." Hacmg at the Meadows
will continue daily except Sun
day from September 14 for fiom
four to seven weeks.
c; R
12 374
1 1 fi I
147 U.2
152 X'.l
l :v :t4 1
1 S :i.)4
MusUl. (aidinsl
llopp li. avrs
Walkt-r. IKlvri
Vrimin Ssni4i(iis
William H( (1 N.
P-k. Hcd Shix
Huns balled in
Ins 4i. Vi
1 rst 4.12 7n
114 ri 11 .
lln 47 :i !t
Amcl ii'hm
Williams. Hri Six K Ymk. M1 Sxm
98. rot-ir. Hcfl Sex t(7 Naliniial l( .u'U
Slauvl'tti Cardinals W alkn IXkI -
ri 87 M.lsial I'a'dinals 73
Home l un- AiiK iu .li) lik'iK
Williams Hd S.x XJ. (Iiiniliiii' lit'
ers 2t. Kllt. VhmIiit- 22 .N-li.ii-l
Irarur Mi- f;isiil 22 Kimi, I'l
lratf li. N(iith I'lullus II. Itat
lon. Kcd- 13
Ol(pm.ars m tl.e- rndjuis liil
they did Katuidav
H M O A V. hi"
Col don Vankn i I l ' '
-rki Htil SilX 4 l t 2 l (' Kt-d S,.v 4 1 2 2 0 2
Whiliiuti !Klri l'-l (m.i.j il lain
Sinkv it'll l)iall'il
SPOKANE. Aug 17 i, Pi
txsMhilitv that Frankie Sinkw
i c h .
star halfbaik of the New Y
Yarikies football team, might
ix- able In plav ttiis I. ill aiosc villi
the anni iiik (-merit (mm ttie Yan
kee training camp here tie
left today for tits YouiiKstnw n.
Ohio, home to (on-ult ,( hone e
cialist about a knee.
Ritm for(ed
f i.l I three
ttie nation,
toui n.imcnl
. . Ant IT ''i
1 1 st h uk -merit tonight
si ticdulil ' .imrt 'ii
I Mml-iiu b.isthall
Duck Pin Bowling
P. l.
lach Day
to 12 1". M.
Kiv, iirls
to Set Tim
Over 14 lears
, llihest I'ay
l-ountain and l.uneh
Open 4 to IZ V. M.
A1H ( )M)IT1 )N KI) Howling Court
Tom Wood. Owner
335 N. Iliah St. 1'bune 9U7I
!' - ! I
I i Mis M(Ci..e s.nd she did li"!, w I.,..,!, m si fc. Hf -1 4 t
I J-" Uanlb, comment I- (-e ,1 might r,. w.rte n . 1
1 I Jeopardize iter futuie AAt' st.iinl- .! van. Mam.iii1r.
1 Wlr- I '"f. "d she ad. led "I'm 11 ai ' ... , , . , .
Wmmhbw ST aWaaMMB i,.. I dun I ff that I did n........ n.i i..i mi t
' llllllln..
Stroke Star Ousted
Over Glass of Beer
SHAKAMAK STATK PARK. Ind . Aug 17 -'41
Joyce M"iae. htilder of six Amu h mi hi eatti ke
arid fieestle swimming ici.rd. t.,n.lil with the
Amateur .Athletu I'mon IihIiv
over the mattct ( n glas I ! r
til id ended up a- " ''
the ii.iliiiiial AAt' swim
ming and 1iinir i ! ! b 1 1
Her mat s of 'iMal I'hmge.
Framisiii. immei I .all I v tk Un
learn ! ailei h.p ,iv., fnrn M.ill i (lub id I '. i t l.iinl, i e , I 'i
whom Miss Mi('r..r foimeily
comeled. With 2'. p.iiit-. to
MAC's 2i
Challes S.ia. Cistal Plunge
roach, said be w ithdicw hi
breaststi ike st.,r turn fiiithii
(iimix-litiim in the ri t f t AA1'
offitials' ieiiel atlti liny I e -reived
a reit sb ili.ii.k .i
of lK-er in a 1 1. ei n - m s I. nil ant ls(
anything wrong" She did
deny she taken a dimk
Ann Cnitls, ( ilj.l I'lunge'
great freestyle swimmer, leat her
old rival from Multnomah, lln ml i
Hrlser, to keep her i hami lon-t.ip
in the 400-meter individual fiee
stvle i ace and then am bored the
winning HOO-metei fieestyle relay
Multnomah's great "buddy"
team of Nam y Meiki and Su
zanne Zimmerman, w bo s II wom
en's clothing in the '..tiir Port
land department store, puked ii
two more championship for
. Mulliii ni.ih
Miin Meikl won the 20-meter
hi eas tst i oke in '.' 1 ." i.tid Mi
Zimmeimari eaptuitd ihe UMI
metei b:i(ksti(ike in 1 f
PCL Scores:
I r Anirlra " H'l !
Sari 1 i e c i ikki Umi ikki I 4 2
1 vim and William ( l jl. t.Ma
lanlr 'Hi and Mrloiill
Oakland nln UK MX) 2 4 3
Sa tan eriln MWi IKNi W S S 0
Slf'plirn. Itatr . i t.i) Krmw. .
Smith and I
Watlle l'?l xm riO 3 6 1
MollVKood UMI I I II UMI 3 4 6
1 list and s.un. hoi ii'lm t'nsri
For "THAT"
Sport ("oat
Wool Hurl
I.riMire loal
Markinau -
W oi k Tantx
260 So. 12lh St.
... - . IF1..IIH v . w
i-il Salrin't Nw Moilrrn
Good Used Cars a Specially
lvo ( iiriins C .liurcli anl .licinckrta Streets
l.i-lrn to llir Sliroi-k arirtv SIiow
KSI.M I", to I p.iii. TtieMlay
llirotili Salurila .
(iarapr Iioih m l7i)2 anil .VJLr.
(!;ir -al'- yard phone 722.
Cards Pasted;
Feller Slopped
Frrrir Win 21t;
ItiiniM Iillr Hut Gain
HUSTON', Aug 17. -(p Th
Hosliiri IU-d So are fintKy drm-on-!i
at mglht Ir superiority on tr.
fiehl of battle with the Nf Vork
Yankees The Posox b'.J'el It
Yanks. 7 to 4. yesterday f f the;r
second straight win over te .N'cmt
Yoikern arid did it .Un the i. l
of Ted Williams 32nd h-jmfr ar.l
l)ae Feiriss' seven-hit hurlirg.
It was Keiths' 2Ut munt tri
umph. The Detroit Tigers moved,
within one game of the second
place Yanks as they trimmed the
St. Iiuis Urown. 7 to 3 jm the
strength ( f a 14-hit a" irk i ff
thiee Hrownie piUhen. A' Clee
land the Chitago Whi'e S-ja fin
ally stoped lWhby Fei'.ert. 4 to
I. but had to have the a:1 of three
Indian error to do it. TheWah
ingtfin Senators and the iPhiU-
delphia Athletic spl.t a i uhle
header. the Solotis taking the fnt
game. 1 2 to 7 and the A s ubbir.g
the night-(0p, 5 to 3. j
In the National leaf-: he t.
Imii Cardinals again tfiuMn't
take advantage of the (ead.r.g
Mrooklyn JVKlgefs' drrp.
ping (me to the Cincnn.i'1 Rei,
H to .1 The loss pushed t'jros
twn .nd .i-half garret unfr fe
Pi Mik Ordy other See ! j r lo p
(nt-t saw ttie 'hicag C'JH lat
the Pitlsbuigti Pite. 2 in 'l rr
rlsori IJahr walked home the win
n i C matkti in the tvr'-v trtrr.'.
M..,n washed out the o'.'.ef t.t.
nviionai. tAf;rr s
Pn'.iiui ih lam tH fri . I 9 I
i i i) Il l 7 I
lltiii '1 l4.pi Svt.-.r-.-t ami fj
in,toti Sli(ln ill
( iiu innatl 40 DI'i 14 l
St l.u. Ctl '.' - J I
Wallet .i,tiilt t ill aM;
r.idilr Harirlt t, t-l " f ! Ki:l
. ; lln kn.n ii mrnt
AM MM AM I rAfil r
w ii, .,,,,.." wii niu it t
'i : !' tfiH.a 4l If I - - I II t
" -un. .Mlrrin t V41 ;
Itirt-iliani O..
rttl and II
o Umii
ten iSI
I no IV i 1
It t
mm ' f
V itirl,f K irwl.r (J.
n1 Ma.(u, nentoti, Ca'. i
X k laid
Chuaru l"t M 4 t t
Cleveland BOO 0' V-1 I 1
Haver and MiM. f. er r'l
SF.ATT1.K. Aug 17- P -G!:-hue.
owned by Mr. ar.l . Jul
Staadeikei', won the lyjrig rt t
feature event t-'f a mite and or.e
sixtivrnth t(xiay In a pK.'Jt. fin.ih
with Sa(aton in 1 .4.3.
tHt Uiuttr
Athletic Uoiofl if
tbt United SUtes
So H Netteo's Owl-
taa4iat Antr
aaatMa it
ifkt 4 1 Ha raa Ussi
AUG 21-22-23
Advance Tfcktt Salt
Mad Qt4t t Srv4
Tkk4 0a4.a MoWafc Cvm "
T O Baa 10, rnmm4 1. O '.
a iaM B
r.TTM 2 00; Taa ,40. Tex 11 4
lf en f I 10; Taa .10, TeSal
6 '! HMH
61 m4 i Ta. .10; Ta( t 19
j. k. ;nx to.
t am
H a i. :