The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 16, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning. August 16. 1948
' The
Society Glubs
Music . . . . The Home
Woman's Editor Society Editor
; ;
Mold the place a year kgo to Mr.
r.unt' pn.enH, the Ht)oIin CotA
cys. who have the acreage in lrU.
Ijrioni bought prbpertys on
VV. C. I mi sum plan to iniif to Croi street last winter and., are
constructing a reside Ace there.
f Showers on
rCalendar For
C..rrnr.g eddi nic rt4tiiftlly in
, r linvii fot Hie lt ii Nv- - fleet
i -n the calciidai tin- wrrk
tt: fi.t rfie tt'vriii!.
lor Mia Wlenert
V,y I'tfci'r Wi'Mieit will he the
g . t i ( ii. ii a a sin v. rr givni
l. V.ij. :A. Srhifferri and Mm. Hrnc1rron, Alpha Chi
M.ronty irer. at the K.
S 'I hurt ton home in Jefferson to
ri . it M fct S r e lin k. The table deco
u: I'm ate to be dahlias, golden
r. rd a large umbrella ion
t i.i tr.e gifts.
Mi Wienert will tw honored
! Mr J V W letter t. Mis Hob
n t lioiuk. Mil. It M. Barber,
M : i (. lian.iuka. Mis Vir
K Biiber. Mini Dorothy Ken
r, Mis IVimthy Hoar, Mr.
S'Tiley Ouderkirk of lebanon,
M lied Sthifferer. Mr-. Albert
Je'i-n, Mm Pmil Meyden and
M . lie Torlft. all of Turner,
B Mi Mil. Ire MrKartane of Dtty
t..M Mir K S Thurton and Mri.
H I. ilin and th hotees of
J c : ?erjn.
Mim BarkliiiluBi Feted
M: Darleen Rurklng ham,
b : de-itt of Itichni I'orien, was
f-'-d at ihnwrr given for her
ty Mi Wanda Amen Monday.
A f!eit Kmc henn wa served.
ttitltirti to attend wei e Mr.
( f- .1 l,:l, Mrs W. Howaril Mill,
M r.r thy Mark, Mm Romona
lU- e. Mim Jewell Fimes. Mill
Mary Ar.n Leaure, Mi Dorothy
li a nvun and Mm lon Curtis.
M.k. M.irie Olott, hi ide-elect
of .rid DeSart, w honored at
a mm e!ianeou shower Thursday
g. i-n ty Mivei IJetty Steer and
Betty VnOdol at the latter'a
home Meyers street.
Te present to honor Miaa
O,on were Mrs. Alctia OUon,
M" C F IVStrt. Miv Dale
Lively. Mrs. Fred I n. Mr.
Thdmii H..bbaf.. Mis. George
li.r Mr Glen M Uikint,
M. lie Uikmi, Mi l V.
S-e-r. Mrs W. It Vjr.O.l .1. Mim
!'.- ly Meer and Miaa Betty Van
t '.i ,
Informal Supper
For Visitors
Mr ir.d Mm O If Ford of
Sttie it gneaU at the Henry
S rnrsMxei home until Welrieday
Tr.e Icrds were h.itiored at an
mforsru4 no-hewt ati(er Tuenliiy
w the heme f Mr. and Mrs.
(..enn MtC'oiTnick Also honored
'ir Mr and Mrs I.loyd Mr
( .rrrofk, Jan and Judy, visitors
f.-i-m oro (Ithers in attend
ari t were Mr aod Mis. Kilis
V.r.v.Hfi hn1 Mr arid Mjt Hob
ei ! M I if i her , jr
ML I RTON Mr. I red Jen-
t of l-!mrilm I tn Silveilon
f -r a f-w iivs' viit with her par
et , Mr and Mm K. J Adami, '
h-- urtri. Mrs MiltHi Thostrml
at d h i rrnthersr Km l J Adams
a: 1 Rfaii.h Ada not Mu, JeriMm,
a ' .rint S lverlmi km I. n a kr;d
Ute ! W illameile univeisity.
Miaa Naney Jeeai Klllott left
M irntsj by plane fw Anrhorace. i
a A ii., where atie wtll spend the f
ntee w,th her Mnrle and aunt, i
Mr. utul Mrs C. G White The i
Hh.u- formerly Wvenl in Salem.
3 ' .
(-w --;. rittif nimtiam
-e ' '
: i
Mr. and Mrs, Wendell Macklin, married on August 3 at
tha homa of Mr, and Mm. S. L Griffin. The brid it tha
former Iwana Grllfin, daughter of Mra. Evia Grifiin of Sa
lm and I. A. Grifiin of California. Mr. Macklin's paranta
aw Mr. and Mr. A. T. Macklin of Salem. Tha young coupla
will hv here. (Lillian Cummins photo).
erations were present Sunday,
August 11, to honor Mra. Flora
Mix on her 83rd birthday anni
versary at her home. All of her
children were present, Mrs. Hat
tie, J. Black of Salem, Mrs. J a me
Algernon and Mr. and Mis. Wil
liam Quartier of Portland and
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mix and daugh
ters, Marilyn acd Margaret, of
Independence. Nil . and Mr. Billy
Nye, a grandson, and daughter
Patricia of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Marcus Crowley, a granddaugh
ter, and son Dennis of - Kelso,
Wakh., and Mitt. Mix's suter and
brother, Cora Knowles and L. H.
Knowles of Greenwood, and a
rinee, Mrs. Edna Mix Lotker, of
Obetlin, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. Key lllteheoek
and sens. Lee and Billie, returned
Monday from a trip to the Ore
gon roast.
MONMOUTH Mr. ad Mrs.
Frank Roaenstock ara announc
ing the engagement of their
daughter, Lura. to James B. New
comb, son of Mrs. Lucy Newcomb
of Portland. The young man was
separated from the navy last No
vember and has since been em
ployed on .the Salem postoffire
staff. He was graduated from
Salem high and attended Oregon
State college. Miss Rosens Uxk, a
graduate of Monmouth high
school, attended OCE and a Sa
lem business college and is em
ployed by the state industrial
accident commission. Their mar
riage will occur early In Sep
tember. Reiaralng Taeeday freaa a vlail
with Miss Mary Lou McKay at
her parent summer homi at Ne
kowin were Miss Mariann Crol
san. Miss Jean Claire Swift and
Mini Helett Shepard.
Greatly Reduced
Wedding in
Albany Sunday
Miss Joyce Ochse, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ochae of
Albany, will become the bride of
L. Dale Marcy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. I Marry, Salem, at a
ceremony at the First Presby
terian church In Albany on Sun
day. Mr. Marcy Is In the U.S. navy
and I stationed near Santa Ana
t the'marine air base. They will
live In Santa Ana. He is a Salem
high School graduate and joined
Hhe navy tn June, 1941.
The bride-elect Is a graduate of
Albany high school and recently
of a beauty college In Salem.
Auxiliary Has
New Officers
Mrs, Charles Hagen was elected
and installed as treasurer of Mar
lon auxiliary 661, Veterans of For
eign Wars, on Monday night at
VFW hall. Mrs. Leon Hansen, dis
trict president. Installed.
Reports were given by Mrs.
Virgil Bolton, Mrs. Hazel Haley
and Mrs. Eva Rush at the busi
ness meeting presided , vrr by
Mrs. Genevieve Olson. Mrs. Han
son, Mrs. Ralph Harlan knd Mrs.
James Beal went to ML Angel to
complete organization there. An
open meeting will be held there
on August 19 when Marion auxil
iary rotor bey era put on the floor
Dinner Party
On Birthday
Mr. A. A. Schramm entertain
ed several friends Thursday with
a dinner party at the Chinese
Tea Garden at 6 p m. in honor of
his wife on her birthday.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
A. Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. B. K.
Sisson and Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Spending the remainder ef the
week at Delake are Mrs. Edward
Antrican and son Donald and Mrs.
George Hamann and son Johnnie.
SILVERTO.V la rempliaaeat
to Mrs. Veda Bennett, Portland
music teacher, one-time resident
of Silverton. a luncheon was giv
en Wednesday afternoon at Miss
Minnie Mascher's home. Others
present were Mrs. I. I Stewart.
Miss Rose Specht, Mrs. Harold
Roop, Mrs. Ella Wrightman. Miss
Ina Harold. Mrs. Merlin Conrad,
and Miss Emma Adamson.
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
ClayAllen are Inviting friends to
their home Sunday from 2 to 5
o'clock to visit with them on
their 25th wedding anniversary.
They are living at 1000 Pine
atreet, the old Allen home, which
they have recently remodeled.
SILVERTON lavltatiens are
in the mail to the wedding of Miss
Jean Hume, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Arthur McClanathan,
to Leslie Owen Weatherill Sun
day afternoon. August 23. at 2
p m. at St. Paul's Catholic church.
The reception will be held at the
Coolidge street home of the par
ents. Going tlrazilian
"V . V.: !
V - J )
Miss Ann Mari Doorfler who told of hor anqaqemftnl
to P. Wayne Rose to members of Beta Sigma Phi sororily
Thursday high! In boxoti of chocolatos prsnld thm at
tholr mooting. Miss Dorflr, of Mr. and Mr3.
Frank Doerfler and Mr. Ros is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S.
Parzy Rose of Canby. foirnerly of Silveilun. Jojl-n Miller).
W H C. recular mevling t pin VTW
American War Mothers, picnic with
Mrs. Maude Tallman, 1 p rn.
Koournrrt. luncheon
woman's clubhouse.
and brtdce.
Birthday Party
Is Surprise
Diane Perry and Mrs. Richard
Severin were hostesses for a sur
prise party given for Miss Pat
Severin Monday at her home on
her birthday anniversary.
Others attending the event
were Jeannie Patterson. Allle Lou
Ohlinf. Audrey Simmons, Jean
Clement, Margaret Acton. Bever
ly Krueger, Barbara Taylor of
iJsGrande and Ann Carson.
Dr. ajMl Mrs. Daalel Sefttalse
entertained several of their friends
Sunday at a 1 o'clock dinner on
their garden patio. Guests were
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Yungson of
Pirtland. Dr. and Mrs. Robeit
Gatke and Mrs. Roy Sedje and
daughter Ann.
Recently retained fraaa a driv
ing tour of Glacier national paik
were six Salem women. Those
who went were Mrs. Jacob Un
ruh. Mrs. Bess Steven on, Mrs.
Bertha Brownlee, Mrs. Henry R.
Piesnall. Mrs. W. I. Staley and
Mrs. B. Blatchford.
Mies Ora El I let ef Wray. CeU,
and Miss Estella Sisson of Mr
Minnville have been guests at
the R. E. Sisson home.
P !
Big Jumbo Shrimp in Fish-man's Shop
Attract Family Cook of a Friday"
By Maxlne Rare
Perhaps you've seen, and wondered atioot those greenuh gray
shrimplike things In the fish man's window, and considered buying
a few to try. Well they are well worth it, prawns or lorge ahiimp.
raw rather than boiled as the small shrimp are usually seen.
There are many ways to cook prawns, which have a similar
but not-the-same flavor as the ready-cooked shrimp. Some like to
dip them In batter arid fry in
khrimp together with htothpirk.
Dtp in batter. Fry in deep fat
heated to 3SS degrees about 4
minutes or until golden brown.
Drain on absorbent paper. Gar
nish with iomen wedges and
stuffed olives.
These make an excellent snack
to be served with coffee, and may
also be used as a not hors
Prawns are good fried In bat
ter or merely dipped In egg and
crumbs and fried In butter.
Today, August IB.
10 A. M.
Esther Foster
shallow or deep fat. Some like
to merely saute them and then
cream and serve on biscuits or
toast points, but here's a way the
Brazilians make
(Shrimps Fried in Batter)
2 pounds raw shrimp or prawns
H teaspoon salt
Few grains pepper
V rup lemon Juice
V rup salad ml
1 egg separated
1 rup sifted flour
IV cups water.
Shell shrimp. Combine salt,
pepper, lemon juice and all but
1 teaspoon oil; beat well; pour
over shrimp. Let stand about i
hour; drain. Beat yolk and white
of egg separately; add yolk to
white. Stir in flour. Add water
gradually, stirring to make a
smooth, thin batter. Add remain
ing 1 teaspoon oil. Fasten 2
Sugar Calendar
BOOK 4: Spare stamps 9 and
10 valid through October 31. i
pounds each, for home canning.
Spare- stamp 49 good for S
pounds through August 21.
New stamp will become valid
September 1 far 9 pounds.
Our Specialty
Prepared By Our Expert Chinese Che fa
The Finest Chinese Food Delicacies
with the Finest of Ingredients
Chicken and Sieak Dinners
Served freaa TM.
Floor Shew Featuring 1 1 No Ad ml salon Charge
Merry Mlnglers' rlab picnic will
be held Sunday, August 18, at
Leslie playground at I p.m.
W. ( Ini-MoiiA Moving
To Salem September 1
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Salem Septemler 1 and Mr. and
Mrs. Iairy Ktnt will ime- to
the Ianton plarc. Mis. Larson,
as Nettie Benson, came to the
residence they now occupy u a
girl nore than 50 yciirs ago. They
1 .ii i son, formerly a building run
titfi tor, ha suei vLj-erf; and done
much of the woi k himself, Mrs.
Iarori has had a piano class at
Salem for a number Of years.
rrsn a sit-a-rairw y.ijsa
Manufacturing Jewelers
"Yes. It's True"
You may visit our newly equipped
shop ernploylng oxporf Jewelry tmant
fof furors. A dopar!mnt ready to re
pair Jewelry of any description. " No
rrned to wait. j
Diamond Setting by an export of
many years' exporience. Seldct the
iiiouritlmj moot suitable for your dio
morni. Lot its glorlly th most ptoclous
t all g"Mns I
Your Diamond. Lllral Allowances for Ypur Old ounl
tng. All Work Dono in Our Own Shop, !
Now Employ Throe Returned Veterans'
nady to Grve You.
.MM. 4
Salem's Leading Credit Jeweler
t-i'iir,M iir i urn ii rua is hi 1 1 1 sun sMsTTiiirns iiirsi
Only Two Days Left!
ii :
S A L E e .
ONE LOT Values to 1193
ONE LOT Values to 22.50
EDST and 1EL01V -
r 4
ONE LOT Values to 6.95
ONE LOT Regular 1.98 to 2J49
ONE LARGE LOT Reduced to
kKMBBi s .m a e aSiA seam. vssspjpjjjgjanr
T7 29
ONE LOT ' VoIum to 31.50
ONE LOT Values to 5.95
ONE LOT Value to S-00
Full Aenortment Reduced j "
07 'l I"
ONE LOT Regular 3-tf
r All
ONE LARGE LOT Reduced to .......
ONE LOT Valuee to 45.00 U
260 North High
Phone 7741
Kramers MIDGETS II Till P-M.
4 60
Leonard's Sapper Elah
Stale Street
icaR,vi. t .'Mil'
All Sales Final
No Refunds
No Exchanges