Thm OREGON STATESMAN. Scdem. Oregon, rridorr Morning. August 18. 1948 PACT SEVLft -i- Cattle Decline (lited in Falling; Grain Futures CHICAGO. Aunt 15 -il'l- Corn and nat futuie weakened today t n rec ipt of good moisture over w iHe e turn of the Kriun belt and a irxil by the dcpaitmcnt f agin ultnif that cattle in mid weleiii feed lots on August 1 irr down 45 per cent from last )fr Corn .howed the v idet de- rlnir. f-Il.i.K itfpidly nt ne time fieri - i-Id. nriier were un- (1 Mdi h dropped 4 1 leiil. in m rri.uket tfiie the 4 hi e halted ami a mall ir- n vrn developed Moth Jimaiy o1 M.i.ih cmn teached new e." r .i i :.!.- A! !tc ('.n-e coin w.. S'k-S'j lvn: J..i.u.ity $1 3.Tj-'!, and were iff '.-I1., AuKUt US,-3! B .! II ' M.ld i,t $1 l'H'. ff '4 Wti.l n taunted Me.idy 111 thf (.i t: rrnkit (ii.iin men ;nd !r:ke f trie CIO n.'iliotial m.iii tirr.e un on n tr:e (livol 1-aki- m- v re4 .i ' t 1 hi 1 k ti e nio e rr. r ! f wheat to etet 11 lake Portland IVotlurr MiHTl AM) Ote An IS iAI'i BhitV - fl Trnl.l ivf .il.irtl tn Irii- rfiertte. itiai.ri llivt o ) t V maxi mum f 6 if 1 per rent acidity. ! llv.-rrl - :n If!ljiu1 7 7 - "i Re lit. fire-rTnj-Tj rj it ii x iitium if 35 rif I ir ir' !.'. . 7o Hi -i.inl UI 7!. t .;i-v route, ami rourtlr pi -r ! ? r- tti.n fir.t or TO'i-Tlo i I -.e,e Vi.nK pi irr In , lottlani Tl..i;"t' iirrtfi-n nr-le. 4.V47c lr: Orrerm lr.t 4t-47c Ih. triplet.. 45- 44r :i-. Mjttrr - Wholesale FOB hulk M It. c-..f.e. A A H3 wiilr 7D-71r lr A 3 xtur M,-. lb. H Vi unit 6. M jr ib m urr 7r lfK I'u i ! .a-i . finm farmer. Curtetit rrvriptji 46-4Hc. Iun imv 1 rln tn-lnvi hnlej iitinta- ( tw-r. en giade4 la (or tier! heneiy Fr(i - To wholesaler A I I il r Uitr Sl'.-WjC. mrdium 48'.-5)lr, rr.all pullrt ',- I '.,-. R trade lare. 4 j lrr''l rt.ickenn SlliriB to re tail' )r ing liiiilrr .1 ir up 52i ctilorrd 'iriiv 37 I-jMi.i n lot I. 32c, old ItMMtrri arid tk' I it il Kliriii No 1 qualltv t.r.ui 1,-2 lb TiXli- lrr 2-3 4-3Vr Ih 3 4 lt 3A-3- lr imnlril 4 t rd itef 37-3JU Ib n-lorrd hens, j M int ?4 27r lehrrn hern, all I U II 2Nr lr. iooter arid alair. 13-17c up rUM( i Avriitr n rrtailen; 45-.V)e H dr.wl pi iiei to priKlucrim. 40-45c. frier. li frer. Htittt? 4-0 lb . 4-?7r rnn.n Oirgiin irrrrt No 1. IWI- do I .in tiM Orix.rn W ali dry No 1. 1 1 35 f ib aaikt Calif trllou. laigr rrrT.rt.4.ri fmti 1 .15-1 V) f'r.t a)i ii e .r Uiok whit No I ar. n1or li.n wlntr No 1 (3 ()- Id N 2 Mic (I Mi lb a k Vral AA 2-2nc. A 24-Sftc; B K7 24- I' 2i-2?i- c-ull IB 2iH- I'lor fiir I'liKk 34I-32C rut AA 2', A 2 2c: B 4 'NT M.iin.n 10 14c arcordmf to qual ity a"d nrlfhl IW ! A A 2 -.Vc A 2-2lc. B 23 JS C 21 -i2r canner anrl culler 7 tBr r.rrirr and vitrer bull 24 -25c (win balk -Crrn. S'.c. iry. ' Wool V:lrv iiiinr and iriediuiri I t tdn 4 V h MoTian 4H Ib on I? i' oiith (iimlh H - W hnl.l. tmpiiierit , Alfalfa Kr. 2 til belter. 30-f3l V) ion oat. and vetc r ii i ed liav. vailrv inmin a-.k Inr purr 2 1-424 clover lilt itncerti--, lied 71 :; 'n balei on No limuUit falein l)t.on or Waah jnr'or: (.Ml 50 32 (Ml I'orlliiml UrlM'k FfiKTI AND Ore Aug I lAPl Ca"ie iliblf IIMi laKr. 25 lien eially lr.dv on (II la.'e few lilyli n.ed .. leer. I5 5) iniMI Med lr if 145o n V) (,ik1 cow. I.IKI-14M) n rd I0(r-'7i cutler -com 7 Ml-U 55 can rw i M-75 Heef bull I4'M V' nun fried ullT IO0O-I2 5O liml riolce Vt.rr IHIKi 17 CM) coin 'Tied 17(1(1 15 )(-. 7 " salable, active ail rl.wl s f.oatfl -choice 1WI-220 lb barro ar.d M Vi few 1 411- 1 70 II.. 23 25 flu'k Mm 1 do 2(1 no few l.eavie. over i, 'K Ml pkf fiMxl 7 'I ll feeder i- 22 li Vi ei Vl .alal.le m t-an.l.. .Iradv. run .Iradv (iiaal ilii. ir 113 I CI II. apt I..K l.i. I.. 14(111 VI It.rd UK' I5IK) fr Kli clioice ") Ih lipped I" 15 im Vi fin! t""! vt 7 3 lit Portlaml (.rain I'llHll AM) Oit Au( 15 iAI'i A t.eal futuie iiniuole1 I ..I. l.rl t.Ml i ..ft wlille t ia. at.rt i..'r r 4 luitit'K iriii t si. w le i uli I SI. vrtrtti ted I SI. M.'1 ied miiilei I SI. l pet tent 1 SO'.. 11 p I tent 12 per ent 1 14 I iMI. Hard white Haatt 10 per cent ! Ml 11 jer cent 2 CO 12 per t ent 2 02 lui.i . in receipt. wheat no bar lev 2 f.o .. 4 oiin 1. iat 3 hay 2. r ' ' f i-rd T i Salem Market Quotations HI TTISf AT I'lrtTilUfi 7S Ni. 1 77 N. 2 74 ni ttir rsiT Ai.leaie p.i.nd - 72 Keia 1 QLiartri pound .. 2" Half fiou'id 3"i !., t..f 77 t l.i.s Fltil i.'l . 4S Med'un il.i.llillla 44 r I LIRt No 1. hrri 2 No 2 rn. . . 22 r t i 3 IMIktlKK (By alley Pat k Iveef item ... IS to 17 Krf eov. 10 to 13 Da r row. (Ml to 10 ftu.i OS to l :i 1 , 1 aralM. lop 13 54) I e. 4 IMI Va- lir t la ' t . 1 1 i H r top 1BO-770 lt 72 Vi Over 2n 21 75 - . to IS Vi T-. 'o 14 0(1 to IS IN) Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless (lights TWtxea aav mrkUtwr axulu 1 BalV ef whoa keta to purify Um .in4 aa1 kee) fceahhr. t Kea iker e4 tir4 and 1. a t work riht la Ika aiartian. snary t. ale h. to ret up aiekta. t reiurnt eacmivlv I rr. w It h nartinff . mi bur tunc oanrtimra tJvrre la aomethina; ftm wiu. yvur ki ne - or Uadder. lon t Bratavt tlia. a4it.m . rv4 loaeealuabky. raatuJ .fcrep. A hew a.rrier of kwlney f uoetoa permit. ffrtaru matter tn i.maia In yavir biood. It r r alao .te hair.r( Utrkaehe, iKeuioalia ". lna. !.. of pep liwl rwrary. rwellirvr pviffiaeaa aaikr Ua . y... keatarWa ai a. i. iMi i tl Aab roar 4ncrll ffr Poaa'a T O., a atiaai.laat aiur.llr. uaa4 .ureafuny to aiillaaa f.r ever 40 aara. s.'i . topy rlM4' a4 win klm tat talk ut kHtitev ImIiii fliMfcj an. eimnma waava tmmm New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. Aug. lS-iVD-Today'i Al Chem & Dyr American Can 101 ! Am Tow & Lt 18!4: Am Tel A Tel 1974 Anaconda . 4l Atchinon . 112 Bendix A via . 4.Ji Beth Steel HOT, noeing Air . 29 1 C anadian Ful .... 18 i Calif Pack 40il Case J I 48 ,V Chrysler 1174! Comwlth Sou ... 4S4J Con, fklison .. . 30 Cons Vultee 24 Cont Ina . 55 Crown 7.el 34 4 Curtias Wr. 7 DotiKtas Air off Dvjpont De Ne ' On !trir 46 ' Gen. Foodi Gen. Motors .. Good jear Tl .. Gt North pfd .. Int Harvest .... Int. Paper pfd .. J. Manville : Keruwott .4 ... Iconic ' Bell A .. Maytag Miami Copper Mont Ward .. Nash Kelvin .. Nat Dairy NY Central North Am Co .. Northern Pac .. Pac A mFIh .. Par C" Elec . P. T AT.. Pan American Penny J C iMiirket Feels Lakes Strike NEW YORK. Aug 15-(vStok Kenerily tKik the buck track in today market, although felling luisMjre wax exceptionally fliglit thi 'UKhout . Uiokers attributed the retreat mainly to the cloudier labor' out look, rr lulling the (jn-at Lakes slnppiitg rtnke. many noaller walkmits and apprehension ' over ihipwiiI vvaife demand in the iiutomotive and other industi ies. (Jood dividends aided a few issue knit failed to impress others; con cerned. Stocks and Bonds Cry nl'ed by Tne A.tmcialed Pre August IS . STOCK AVIHAI.KI Ml IS IS 4W Tburadav 103 I 43 7 52 7 74 S I I'rruuiK day 104 o 40 33 0- 77 5 1 Week ago 103 0 40 3 S3ft 77 S Month ao 103 1 47 0 92 J 77 2 Year ago 13 7 38 9 46.0 64 6 BONO AVERAGI "' 20 10 10 . 10 Rail Irvdu L'tll Forn Thursday 101 4 10341 107 6 78 3 I'revtou day 1017 103 0 107 6 76 2 Week kK 1015 103 107 8 713 Month ago 102 1 103 107 7 77 6 Year ago . S 103,4 107.) 72 6 RELATIVES VISIT MILL CITY Guests Sunday of Mr. and Mr. Leland Kaplinger were her father. Fred Mark of Marion, her brother, Victor 'Hack of San Erancisca, Calif., her un- 12 ft. Cedar Inloard Boat ,.,. 10-Ft. Cedar Boat Sleel Casting Bods Slep-on Cans White Metal . I'lelal Bread Boxes Galvanized Pails Haml Saw 52, 8, and 10 Point; Miller Falls Hrarr, 10 & .2 inch Sweep; Stanley Planes; Large AMrtrrieiit Irwin Auger Hit; Tinnert Snip, Aborted Sizen; Metal Machinist Tool C.hohtr.; Yankee Katrhet Screw Drivers; l-QT. UNIVERSAL Pressure Cookers 12.50 ALUMINUM RED & WHITE Enamel IQlchen Slools 3.95 KEDTIKl nai. f ' '' ' ' mm t im smassjs " fck-jtfcsj"' uQJl ii fU l Jsl l Court & Front G0 BROOKILVU DODGEQS vs. CHICAGO ROCCIETS S the nation's outtntling pUyars in a wida-open. hr ill-pat kd gam. Th only ppeararx of big laagu Pio(iorval teams ia Portland this linos. Tickets on salt at J.K. Gill Co.. S W. Sth and Stark. Logcs IJ60. Grandstand I? SO; General Admis sion $1 60. fas includtd. m ei y9 LaJULTI10f.lfl3 UsIUIC STnCSJT.1 Sunday closing quotations: 32 Vi Radio Corp 67'sl Rayonier 69 Rayonier PFO . 59 Reynolds Met . 93 4 1 Safeway 128 I Sear Roeb 136 Sinclair Oil .... 57i So. Pacific 31 "t Stan Brands . 144! Stan Oil Cal . 14 V Stew-Warner . 79'slStOdebaker 13 i -i 27 37 4 . MS - 29 4 4 18 'a 604 - 454 ... 59' . .. 31 S, - 32 ... 18 .. 25,4 ...150 - 42'4 28 8814 4i, ... 30S. . 54 4 20'i'Suri. Mining 404 23 34 27 Union Oil Un. Pacific Un. Airlines . Tin. Aircraft t44lU. S. Steel 44i Warner bron 152 I West El mfg . . 18 Woolwortn 504 Ncw Chrysler Line Disnlaved Featuring the ornamental wcmmK of white ash and mahogany in natural colors, Chrysler's new "Town and Country" car is on display today by C. J. Taylor of the Salem Automobile company at 435 N. Commercial. The car is declared to b out standing in distinctiveness, with individualistic styling and flow ing colors. Th unveiling: here follows a nationwide tour of the new line. Four door, six passenger re dan, a luxury brougham and a roadster now are included In the "Town and Country" class, built on the Windsor chassis and pow ered by a six cylinder engine. A convertible coupe anil custom club coupe are on;the New York er chassis with an eight cylinder engine. .The new line was begun before the war. under the plans of Da-; vid Wallace, Chrysler president. to transfer a Utility vehicle into an ultra-smart passenger car, and popular acceptance of the idea lect to further development w that a complete, proven line could be made ready immediately after materials were available. cle, Frank Hack, also of Califor nia, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bran der of Troutdale. 225.00 69.50 ... 8.95 1.93 "' '' ' ' ' ' 1 . aa ' Li ii ti t (jib p c ! Phone 9163' 9i ' ITJlghirl Grangers to Meet Today UNION HILL The subordin ate and juvenile granges will meet tonight at the grange hall. The Juvenile grangers and their matron, Mrs. Henry Hansen. en Joyed a wiener roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Darby of Victor Point Sunday. Those attending the Pomona grange picnic in Silverton on Sun- M UN I II . H a li ai - ' . .' 1 1 i. .' V ail5T t ' I ' I'l 1' te' taae wlir. Maek ( --.N. r fr:r ' ' ' . V " I I, kiiu cif luht- UMp ' You Will Love This Latest Sears' First! 6 Knivell (O) 6 Teaspoons! J mmmam 6 Tablespoons! Modern streamlined, exclusive design set with extra sharp edges ... all made of quality stainless steel with scarlet plastic handles. Tarnish-proof, rust-proof will retain lifelong brightness! A 24-pieco set for kitchen and dinette use that you will treasure! - .- a - J a;" V --imr ' .'. . m at Scout Typo Knife Ltttktr ptnch, eart- afl tlnaj hlaa. kettle "1M a e n r ana) awe W af atrDver alalia. Eagle Padlock Stool aHackie Vlth kraaa aaa and two r(4 fcays. 89c li ' I " r' '' ' ! r ' " "'V . ' '. . ' ." ' ! . ..' Heavily Constructed Compactly Made Be sure that your children's clothes look well pressed for the school days to come. A strongly made wooden board with heavy steel reinforcements at all points of strain. Made of well seasoned lumber, splinter free. Standard size. day from the Union Hill grange were. Mrs. Myra Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gilmour, Mrs. Carrie Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fox and Floyd Fox, Jr., George Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tatei, Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott, jGuy and Keith Scott, Miss Alice; Ja quet, Mrs. Jessie Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marble of Olym pia. Wash. MINNESOTANH AT MCNIC CENTRAL HOWELL A group of folk from here were at a picnic Sunday at the Qaks park. All 4-BLADE KNIFE H 39 A dandy, all-around pocket knlfa, coenpUta with Us thee punch, ooeew-drlver. can oponer, and aap ro- mtrver. Hedge Clippor 419 a w mall naalal In raat-raemt. nt fraen finish. 59 Eugene Cooks Buy Meliama Grocery Store MEHAMA Mr. ami Mrs. Eu gene Cook recently purchased the Mehama groeeiy stole and adjoining propcily fiom Hoy Wassam of Salem. were former Minnesotans former friemis. and 5-Pc. Flashlight -98 Has an astra. remtw bl rod spotl'S" ' Heavy laH4 "44 alti Ha'. Pocket Flashlight Tiny flaaHIIM with real M1 cream plaat ta caaa. Win kat tailai and l tni. 59c Dunlop Razor Blades 6 Pkgs. of 10 89c t ' Made of Syvodloh surgical chroma stool Fit a'l popular Joublo odgo rasoro. Toots ohow average ohavor goto S shaves pr blade. Ironing Board Cover S4a4e ef extra hoavy 04etai nttaln sheet kn. Tin adjuataak dra watr Ing atjrle. 52 Household Broom 98c All corn fc r a m. otltohod 4 time. Natural aelee. hard yaa handte. - tMna.) eftsV - . to . i '. : - ax r . " . . 'Li " -y . . 1 ' ' ' - T Earl ' Wolfkiel underwent a major !- tt i m at CimmI Sanuiil tan liot-pitul in I'm Hand last wee k. New arrivals in .Mehama home lecently weie a mui limn to Mr. atiVi j Mrs. Otto Davcnpoit; a daugiiter to Mr. and Mm. Edward Keyse. and a daughter Mr. and Mrs. Walter hi. ink. Mis. Oral Gieer inleil Willi' i relative in Eugette fiver the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith anil sons. I-onaid nd Michael, Lightweight (I W IlD.ETrnSDS OuGAlTGl Underwriter h Approved A beauty to look at, built like an electric rtreptace with steel reflector that brightens up the room. Gleaming tubular steel base with metal ends finished in bronie-. color baked-on enamel. 6-ft. cord inc. 110-120 yolt A. Cj L--Ba,-" .aaT ' .am- U ELECTRIC HEATING PAD 1 10-125 Volt A. C. Tor the alt room or to uoe In . . . . OOvor mat io aaauy rtmavaon . .... . .i I cao to protect ini neoiinn tnnifiu. a pT"" Handy, Single Burner K1(2)1T IP EL AUG 2 9B Quick, Clean, Low Use It to cook at the breakfast Uoe It to cook a aulcfc lunch Mating element . . . cord and Drip Coffee Maker MaOa ef vlli !! Pt tery. crate and crach reeiatart. Ivary alr with ttealsn. -98 Salt. Pepper Set - 30c eporkllne flaea t artakae aat with Orful plastic Sep Pirn- ma 1 returned Sunday after i'a v acation at NeUci tt '- . if i-. . - Sunday dinner gueit of, the Jack Itngaas were Mr, aad Mis., Krecl Davis of Salerri and Mr. and Mrs. Jen y Lyons of Lyons. Mr. ind Mis Ft. I Sagrofty i and family, accompanied byl Mr. and Mis. Vein Coodrll aivl Clr-eiu-e, viited the Peari Creek gneiil station Sunday; Mr and Mis H. E. Sb e! It were imIoi at the Ia-t Hra.r.t home in . Mai leny last Satuiday, " f j - " ... i . . . Portable 95 4kava.df 'jae-eT, ' Nw !" Be -a - a A ' aT st ' ' ohlldronjo bods. Iad ao blanhot . . . Ui....MII..I I.... iwr mmny -. . . - a ..Jk..u mm ' Coal Cooking lnit table ... uoe tt for tho'atek room I for the school children! Protected plug are Included. Dutch Oven Haavlly made ea.t alommum Dwtrh ! n. Uaa to k ( k , reaat. or Mao oo 479 French Chef SparkJlnaj almnlwum 59 f ranch Chef frying j pan. Easy to clean. 484 Stale St. Salem, Ore. 77 m . . ! - i. - j . an,a 4ea0 1 II. 1 . . j i I 1 i t f t t I 4 1 t i at 4 4 1 4 f 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cm ! riikj.