YEa 6R&20N STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Thunday Morning. August IS. 1946 'pace jEXxvni The Nation's Top Comics ( IT'S BECAUSE ive to Y -'OSS SimCE ON A BLOND IE LOOK MCPi:, LOVER BOX yOURE MOT OONOTO MAPPED IN THAT j PAIN'S A-COMING, SUffE AS W CASS GROWS GREEKi - Mr -MCOMATtSM IS Lrrnx aknie hooney Ifl i- - Icnnc svz aom win onti oh.. J 1 BUZZ SAWYER f vwTw 1 ttia Pcml him wrro a . MICKY MOUSE 1 NUNv) GET J I 311 Did TRACY f mm , II A PiAGUiKG ME-J'T-Ow - v 11 T5 JLC. OU Cvi CAEru. M GASOLINE ALLEY BARNZY QOOCLE WVC1COME TO lOTJUt NCW VORK. &MITM llfXjXJ J IT 6 MV MONOP TO I PQESSNT VOU TH6 KV tfj-v TO THE CITV WV'XP J CHOce of a scENoeR iPRtTABLE WIFE OR A FAT JOU.V ONE VOULDNtBEA mite SURPRISED F IT5 TO BE A LONG, MAQD PAIN-CLOUDS LOOK i WET AND ANGQV v r x a 1 U4TIM, ; THEM MOVING THROUGH TW -7ANO HERE'S A fUR OF (SWEAR ST X WANT YOU TO V CUT OFF THAT X v JNte- , VP I I '.tin; t ; fc I ThO. CHiPPE. VOU fciVi MUSTN'T TOUCH ANV I OF THE ICE THNCSJ Ky.NUFfy!! X TIME S , C0nc back J A WASTIN 1! HMJJ Tl HERE THEY CCWE.I I LET IM I 4 COME! I TREES,! WEIL J OVER ON THE, r- GET A SLOPE! r-rS PEW OF 1A yipMT OOGEt -gSiSgffL3 Ml 0m WOMAN. WEDOtNG PLANS CAN . CO T60 FUR? I AINT- I CUTTINO NO PEAPO OFf f, MOWNEVERg TRIM THE TO GEE. ZERO- AiNT If SWELL WATCH THE KAJN KAINlr SPECIALLY WHEN IT f AJN'r FALUN 'ON J VUZZY, X IMpCCOt AMD r 1 MMwnn ouv.- AMD OV, IW ttMUlAD, XOU Ai nBVUI V 1 TO UK (TIIUM4 0UMJTW$ MA (M0UM Of XXm A00CIM- XOOd CAPIO RlM M J Of UAOCRSM. AH TO VOUtWftMTOM iMaNOMfOrMM TVIUMtMWOL0r T WKT AMfMl THAT lAMOfR.AWT TMAMTMf MlinAMT fW J UMK M fBiVPlHT 0 as tRAaMur HARJUJOI. TUA.T "VI BACK OF US'. THEY MUSTVE SNEAKED APACHE AROUND AN0 KNOW 61GNAL . a mm DAILY AND SUNDAY 3 in Your Home NHiar ij'i CAN I HAVE A FEW CVWS TO THINK IT OVER? -i a-r '" 1 " 1 5 rTVtEN FOR HEAVEKfe SAKE IT A LITTLE. WHEN PREACHER SAYS "MAN ANO WIFE" 1, TO BE ABLE FIMO VtXJR I f M 2v, MUUIH IO m. m m es..eai 10 VM4AT TO Mr IMT CMU.I MV LAA AMO vonitorA. V- LP TH LOCK DON T BULGE WY A ECNCH ! Or -5- If ! i tit 1 Vi rft5ln INI M I CiT I I . ( He CANT L' 11 lb I f rWM u OH, THANK HCAVENk THE IT'S THE MASKED APACHES MAN ANO DOCTOR J ARE MOVftt MASON AND rf IN WEVEGOT STEVE ! jm-S A FIGHT ON pJMOUR HANDS! "THE YOUNG IDEA" 1 -I didn't have Mm urv U Lrgal Notice noTire or wtk ntiom to im- rOVIl THAT trTAIN AIJ.CV IN RUKK . ALJCM. rmOM TH NORTH UNI Or MARION ITIKKT TO THR IOITH I.IN or HNHN STKEKT IN TMI C ITT Of IALCM (MtrtiON NOTICE IS HERMIT CIVEN Ul IK rommM Cunrll of tK City of Sakrfm. Oion. d wiih II iwmwrr and rPHllrnl. and hrrby aVrlarara IU ptir kM and Intanllna la Improva thai certain allvy to Blnrk IS. Kalvm. hnm I ha North Una of Marlon Street lo tl South Una of Union Street In the Cltv of aailetn. Marion Countr. Orecon. at tho npenw of the aouttirMf and ad laoent property ownera. by brinxlnc said alley lo the established grade and pavtnf aald Hry with Blx-lnrh Port land Cement alateeej and one-half feel In width. In aerordanre wllh the plan were adopted by the Common Coufiril on the ath day of Auguat. 144. now on file in the Office of the City Record er and whlc-h ore hereby referred to nd made a part hereof The Common Counrfl hereby de clare Its purpose and Intention lo make the abowe-desrribed Improve sent by and throujrh the Street De. parlrnent o the City of Salem, Otegon , Hr order of the Common Council f the City of Salem. Oteaon. thla tth doe of Auaust. IM ALFRED RUNDT City Recorder. Salem. Orecon A. T-S--l-IS-l4-l-l-IT-M A tl NOTICB Or INTENTION TO IM riUVI THAT PORTION Of RIIRAI. AVKMI'R rROM TtrT WMT LINE Of COMMERCIAL STREET TO THR RAIT UNI Or JOHN STREET IN THE CITT Of AIM. OREOON NOTICE IS HEREBY C.IVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, and hereby declares Its pur pose and Intention lo Improve that portion of Rural Avenue from the West line of Commercial Street to the East line of Joha Street In the City of Salem. Marlon County. Oregon, by bringing said portion of aald street to the established grade, constructing Portland Cement curbs, and paving said portion of aald street with Port land Cement concrete pavement thirty feet In width, la accordance with the plans and sped ftcat tons therefor, which were adapted by the Common Council on the 5th day of August. IMft. now on file In the Office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the above-described Improve ment by and through the Street De partment of the City of Salem. Oregon By order of the Common Council af the City of Salem. Orecon. this tth day of August. I4 ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder. Salem. Oregon A. T-e-a-ie-is-M-lS-la-IT-M At XI NOTICR or INTENTION TO IM PROVE THAT CERTAIN ALLEY IN BLOCK It. UEORflE N. JONES AD DITION, PROM THE NORTH LINE OE MEYERS STREET TO THE IOITH LINE OE WILSON STREET IN THE CITY or SALEM. ORKGON NOTICE IS HEREBY filVEN that the Common Council of the City of Selern Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient, and hereby declares Its pur pose and Intention to improve that certain alley In Block II. CSeorge H Jones Addition, from the North line of Meyers Street lo the South line of Wilson Street. In the City of Salem. Marlon County, Oregon, al the eapense of the abutting and adjacent property owner, by bringing said alley lo the established grade and paving said al ley with six-inch Portland lenient concrete sixteen feet In width. In sr cordsnce with the plans and specrfU-s-tlona therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council on the 5th day of August. l4s, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made a part hereof The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose and Intention to make the above-described Improve ment by and through the Street De partment of the City of Salem, Oregon My order of the Common Council af the City of Salem. Oregon, this tth day of August. I PIS ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder. Salem. Oregon A. T-s-a-ia-i3-j.l-l-17-XO A, XI NOTICE Or ALLEY VACATION NOTICE la hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, by resolution duly and regu larly adopted and filed on the ISth day of July. IM6. has declared its In tention lo vacate, and has Initiated vacation procedtngs. to vacate the fol lowing described property, to-wlt: Thai certain alley r sinning through the middle of Block XS. Fair mount Addition to I he City of Salem. Mar lon County. Oregon. In a Northerly and Southerly direction from Lincoln etreet to Washington Street The lath day of August, laag. at the hour of . -OS o'clock p.m tn the Council Chambers of the City Hall and In the aid Cuy of Salem. Oregon, have been fixed aa the time and the place for the hearing of any ob)ectiona or rrmont strances thereto. Objections. If anV7 to such vacation, must be filed m writing with the undersigned prior to the time herein fixed for the hearing of the same. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder. Salem. Oregon. Jly. IS-23 -A 1-g-IS DRS. CHAN Or Y T LaaaN D . . LAM Or O Clui N it CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 North Liberty Ui stairs Portland Cienerai KlectrH Co Office open Saturday oniv- a m to I p m . f tu 1 e m Con citation Blood pressure and urim erf are free of charge Practiced mce im By IMohhIct Just tfcrw myvelf l hlmf IjTfUml Notice SALE OF HID EQI'IPMENT AND (RAP METALS The Oregon Stale Highway Commis sion has for sale an aasurtment of used equipment and scrap materials located at the Highway Department Equipment Plants at Salem. Coquille. Klamath Falls, and lfirande Partial Hals of the various kinds of equipment and scrap materials are as follows: Al Malem Nine team mowers, asphalt ket tles. I lot of gasoline pumps. scrp metals, radiator cores, bat teries, tirrs and tubes At Coquilie Scrap metals, radiator cores, bat teries, tires and 1- I ft. boat. Al Klamath rails Thife patrol graders. I team mow er. I gasoline engine. I asphalt kettle, scrap metsls. batteries and tires Al 1-at.rande One patrol grader, scrap metsls. radiator cores, batteries, tires, tubes and scrap paper Sealed bid for the purchase of all or any -one piece of the used equip ment and for all. or any one. of the several classes of scrsp mater laU will be received bv the Slate Highway Com mission In Houici n. State Office Building Salem. Ores-on, until X OH p rn . Monday. August M, !. al which time aod place the bids will he pub licly opened. Proposal forms and fuft Information for bidders may be obtained al the office of the State Highway Commis sion. State Office Building. Salem. Oregon, Separate proposal forms have been prepared for the used equipment stored at Salem, and al Klamath Falls, and fur the scrsp materials stored at each one of the four places mentioned above The bidder ahoutd specify which ones are desired wlten requesting the proposal forms ORCCiON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION By: If. B Olalsyrr. Secretary. A IS-II The m'lkntarki fn some mod ern khipa Ho not really di.M-hai moke they are itrnouflaiie and em-lime such thing an dog ken neU or ventilation shaft. Additional Classified Ads Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Young Hereford bull. X ml. West of Salem on Dallas highway. Box m ' FOR SALE. Fresh Jersey heifer Ph i-ini X-YR" OLD COW.hesh ' "week. Gives 4 gal. per day. Rl 7. Hox X0.1. I', mile east on Hondvlew Rd on p t. North 4 NICE DAIRY COWS for sale Bill's Auto paint shop IOH0 Lancaster Dr Nth Kruegers Corner T-RINCF. highly trained saddle or work middle age family horse. 1110 Alder Ave WANTED Alt: kinds of ' livestock Valley Packing Co Phone M3s FOR SALE: Saddle horse, well broke. Right price, right aire, rlghl color Also Chesapeake Hay reti lever pupa. X mon I In old Price fight See ft A White at Ramp While Store. Brooks. Ore WANTED: Eat and canoer cows for beef Dairy cows heifers bulls, veal Fat boss, sows stags, boars Market price E C McCandllsh. rt . boa S73 Ph 1147 across from ball park S tSth BABY' CHICKS: weekly hatches new Hampshire other varieties. Ph tXfMI Lee't Hatchery RABBITS WANTFD: All aires 4 to Iba White X7c lb., colored X4c lb . live weight. Rabbit ktns. best prices Wire stretcher and oilier supplies Rt 4 Bos MB William Bnascrl Write, we Kick up. Rabbit Meat Co. M7 HE lark HI CUSTOM dresslug of chickens any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone 1-iMI le'a Hatcher; FOR SALE: S good milk cowsT Pti urn FOR" SAT.E: Chruile N il baby chicks every Wed Boylnetona. 3710 State St Phone 49f or Mr4. WANfRD: Beef " and " cisnner cows bulls and veals Will, call at farm E I Snethen laM Lancaster Drive Ph XI3I5 Morns or eves "QUALITY NFAtf-Hamps fmickCoT lege tube tested No reactors Phone Black 103 Cehrny Hatchery. Bllvertoo Oregon. Auction STAYTON AUCTION MARKET Sales Every Thursday. 7 P.M. Fresh A springer rows. Irelfers, bull, calves, sows, pigs, wearier, veal. beef, horses, sheep, chickens, rabbits, fur niture, machinery. Central Oregon wheat Mt hay. Leave your orders. Will deliver. One '3 Lincoln Zephye 4 -door. Ex cellent rubber. A good car. Come buy It 100 sacks cement. Come get It. Sold In lots to suit. Don't miss these sales. Always a good crowd THE place to Buy and Sell. Anything of Value. CASTLE PEniL TJAVEDS US 1st NstkNtol Bask BNf. Phone 3SS3 MachJB trTaves a ad Rllllnc KMler Wave. IlAtliwell Coli Waves Experience! Operate- Dells - Tana - Blanch and Nor Phone Your Appointments Now N Hop Pickers Wnulrtl niiVfun v r a urv stfr: is alait Wi-ot Slem bi ilnr A a m VKI I.OW HI'S North on (.iimniri cial to Highland. Highland lo Capitol. Cap itol to l'enli-r. Centt-i to W Salrin mi t : a win i r: lies n h i m . cial to Kuril Hutal to S s ?ih to Court. Capitol to Crnlri. ( nl.-i to W Salem Slos si I'milaii aixl Wall White Oior. Ilola Iloivinl Williams & Tliackrr HOP't'lCKKItS wanlerl. stalling Au XX Call M Clyde ( aiprnter lit No I, Hox lzr.. Haleni Hop pickers wantfd Hravy crop of rally mt alr hops Cool rlesn shady ramp grounds Cab ins, IlK'ils A wood fiiinlshed Stole on grounds Pickers' bus to Salem, Ore KEfJISTFH NOW Wilte or rail - WII.-IIAII7 IIOI- FARM WARD I.UNDY. Supt . tit ItVAIt ORE PIIONK SAI.KM J-7UI nr IIOr Pickets wsnted early and late hoi. long season, good phking miles Noith on River load Fit drove Farm Ph ?HI HOP PICKERS ivftislei now Brown Island Hop Yards, ft miles S W of Salem on Willamette River Early and late haps Stole on grounds Cabin, wood, water, lights and straw fur nished. Picking leglns about August ISth Phone 3-3107 or 7IIM. HOP' PICKERS wanted Fatly and lale hops; good picking Cabins, wood. Iiahif 4 sti sv furniied Store on grounds Phone X-77M Oiey Hop Ranch. Rl i. Box l7. Salem Hop pickers wanted For pur yard, about miles w of Ssletn. X30 acres of rhrare river bot tom haps. Picking liegias about Sep tember I Fine shady k-amp ground, fine cabins. Stoves. sv-uod. electric lights, shower hatha, table stools and straw for bed fumlshed with cabins Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds Bus transportation Please write JOHN J ROBERTS A- CO. Sa lem. Oregon, staling number of adult picker and enclose II fer registration and use of cabin, which will be refund ed at rlose of season HOP PICKERS WANTED efa) acres early A isle hops Hesvv crop l-ong season Clean, cool, shady camp ground Nuisery lor children Sloie A restsurant on ground. Buses to Delias. Monmouth. Independence REfilHTER NOW Write or call C A McLAICilll.lN HOP RANCH Route No. I. Independence, Ore T A Bell Supt "Phone Independence. Ore , T7-F-X o" HOP PICKERS: Early August Clean ramp, llfTita. wood, water fur nrslied free Register now Mltoma Hop Farm. Independence. Ore RL 1 Boa Xfce. Help Wanted LIMITED number men. women or young men A girls to work on ta llunaiy hop picking machine and dty kilns Day work, mostly Inside Top hourly tey. Inquire at Oraliam Hop ranch at H. Mission Hottoru. 7 miles north Of Salem, or tall 3-773 DRIVER FOR Invalid woman's car EM a month. Ph 111. Jefferson Ore HARVEST HELP Check tMjssea. Wuemen. Hawbucks, Dryermen. Firemen and Truck Help, ers Heavy crop, long season. "Top wsses Close to Salem Bus dsily WILLIAMS A THACKKH-KOLA Hf)P YAHII salfm. onr ASK FOR "CHRIS PHONE axtA 34-111 after 0PM TliiirH. KSL.M 0:0a News (News 0:l Music 'Wcsl.-rn a:e Faim New! IKoiri Klork (News. Kneas News I loid Songs TOO News i I Farm Time I Roundup Boy a T:l Rise and Shine Headline News' M Afrsnsky T:30 New II Oarred (Sam Hares (James A one 7:40 farm. Horns IN Pi Ingle (Hldin Range Istock I Market 0:0 Haven of Rest User New 0:10 Haven of It a I Aunt Jenny 0:M Sins Away Helen Trent 0:43 V II l.indlahr flal Sunday 0:0 Singing Strings Hi Sister If M Downey M. Perkins J Psstor's Call l)i Malone 43 Keepsake Time Hoad of I. lie 10:00 10:10 IS M 10:40 News Blng Sings Queen Today Wueen Today ;Kste Smith Perry Msson I King Aloux I Tens and Mm 11:00 Organahtie JSurpriae Party ,1.11 Beautiful IRaukhaae 11:13 7eke Manner Ml Perkins j Ethel and Albert 11:30 Day Dream 'n Wheeler I Pepper Young (Listening Post 11:43 Orchestra 'Hach Children Happiness I Melody NlM 13:10 II I 1(43 Hymns News Serensde Shim k s ,D Marleod Kiel It K Winters iHosemarv 1:04 1:13 I 3 1:4 News I House Parly'n Abner ITihm TmUv I Poll Is 1 Find t'k US Navy Hand Meet the UH Nvy Haml 3 00 Once Over ! Vjlianl lady I Road of Life i i AniluHiy Light of WoildlDavid Ha rum - -- tAlr Newisici lAunt Mary 3:43 Hill Gwlnn I IDr Paul 3 3:13 3:3 3:43 What's Dom" Vacation News Sea Hound 4 M 4:13 4:30 .4:43 Fulton Lewi Rex Millar Johnson Flit Frolics Rhythm 'Clare Hay IH Flannel II Varied 3 0 News i Miss Sherlock J0 MaUnee 0:13 Superman Miss Sheilork I News 3 10 Capl. Midnight Wsilin' 0 43 Torn Mix 0:00 0 13 0:30 0:43 f! lleatter IThat's Life Plav Hasehsll Popular IVm'd Flnnegan 7:0 1:13 T:3e 7:43 News New Red Ryder Red Hfrter I News I You It ITucker I 0:0 0:13 0:3 0:43 Will's Music Hr Crime - Crime Vlu. Sad fouldn't Happn N Webster l;iil Walk t s. I News - J Crawley Sports 'Severin" a 0:13 0 10 1:43 llhck Hayne Music Hall speaking Music frugal Orch. I I You A Polio I a 10:10 13 10:43 Fultn' twls New New State Safety 3 Star I Milton f About 11:0 11:13 1 1:3 11:40 11:30 It .a Oliver OiCh. Welks Orch. News Skinny I Air-Flo torches! 1 1 Or gan )New ISllent Sign Off KOAC Tkaraay33 kc. A.M.: 10:0 New: 10 IJ For Women: It t Concert Hall: 13 00 Noon News; II II Farm Hour; 1:00 Ride "Em Cowboy; I It Variety Time; X OO Treasure Box; 3 30 Memory Music: 3:00 New; 3 IS Music of the Masters: 4 00 Ore Re porter; 4:13 Music MaUnee; 3 00 On mw DRIVE IN The Ilorro Phone S955 153 8. Liberty Ray E. Morrow V Help Wanted - Male M FN WANTED: Steads1' work start, ing salary $1 per hr. with 4c and SO differential chance for advancement. Salem Alumina Plant, Columbia Metale Corporation, Cherry Avev Ph 919 ()VN(i MAN' wanledtli"' a week as press helper. See Mr Ed wards In the press room After 10 a m. The OrrJonSlst(esman WANTED KXPEHIENCKD eA, Auto Mecnanic ONE THAT KNOWS I CHRYSLER PRflDUCTS MUST BE I FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRAjISMlaalONS W. I.. ANbKRSQN, INC. DeKOTO Distrlbutae j PLYMOUTH I'll. 7703. .360 Mlrion St. fl ETUI! At) andTaection iiianMuetbe thmoiighly experienced In psaaenger and tiuck the work, PefhiAveeH em ploymenl C;il Ward, 39i ;j.N. High TWO as w " mfll worker "at mill near Staylon. Call between 0 34 A 1 30. or 340 N Church St, A pti 0. Coldte Schultr t j! WANTfcD M"an Tor psff ImeiaoTi tonal wk Apply Hogg Bros , 3sa Srate. WANTED. 1 union . carpenter. Ph. 3-3IM evenings, or contact jKally J ames on ob. main Pacific highway Sou 11 of 13th SI Junction ;j " Bt'RBOYst'ed'Tl.e Spa " PAINTEHS L WANTED IMS Portland R1 j 10 BRUSH PAINTERSJI ana sprsy painter wanted al once: njot less than) 3 yrs exn Ph 47EI F OiRepie Co, MKCHANICT' tor leadnvg AuUs and Truck dealer. Must be A -1 and famit lar wllh Chrysler product See Mr. Elliott, service manager Stan. Bekee Motors. Dodge-Plymouth if daitrlbutae. 29 Chemekela. Phone 41 1 A - 1 ) ' ; Help Wanted FVmste EXP. WAITRESS for nw drtve-e) restaurant Apply te the Bewonetr, JT State St I WAITRESSES swrfisnWeioer. To wages IfHVt N. Capitol I WOMEN "for gen'l. hSMiseworfc. 3373 224S N Front II EXPERIENCED salesledr-Teso' Iween 33 and 40. for children's wear. Reference required. Ph. XMoO for as siHntmml j W A ITR FSS w anted" VictAi yCa ferfai S Liberty It ELDERLY I.AbV for IigM hae. wors ERLY LADY for IigM hae. wors re of Invalid Ph EOS'E lo care or children in r y Itinmr aaoj j . " JTFTj: "Three typrta arTsw and rare of Invalid Ph SO M EO S' I home WANTED file clerks for permanent employment. See Mr Hsmmond or Mr-, KerrtrS. K'im 1 10, Camlet Building WANTED - Fas! " lyplst for a " per. marten! gmd paying poaHlosj with m future t sll 4130 l WANTED, I esrUrwedl es-" good hours, good wages. Up not s-mtT t imleas per lanced C'sptoi Coffee) Shop Room t Capitol Bids PART" TIME WAITS ESS. udVPIace". ISO S High St EXPERIENCED WAITREjSS. Mar leas Hotel j WOMEN or glrTpeFrnrJofcr P-V mo Ph ant Jerfsvsost t KOIN KGW KEX (9T ke ( ke) ltt kg) Star Dsve West Bugler -X" Fled Wat lad Clua I Ore. Caravan I Kenny Baker I James Abbe (GlamaMag (News. Kneaas I l 'Lone Journey Ureakfaet Hi rietrher I lOuiding Light Children (In White I Masquerade Homdl Edt Rill Lang True Siorr I New. Kneasa IJ B M' Kenoedr (Stella Dallas Istirr " jlrenfo Jones J Indies Wldder Brawn I tl Today (lit I Mar lie I Kerch! roiiii r in m Missus Plain Bill ( Mua :J Irroni Page lllymna eaemoriea Whal'o Oein Kay Waal BfBSI Art Kirkham Woman's Secret Bride. I Croons ' Id Mrs Burton News I 'I Host Persons llckstage Wife A I Pesircsy I ICIoutler Orch. IAI Pearce y I This I F M root light lAlrlane Trio (Northwest (.stars of Today! Mr. Motortat :020 Matinee I "loo Ham te. rated fTenn Jed Clayton Sing. America JDlck fracy IE Peterson I Serenade At on roe Orch Slh Horseman I Real Story ICole Tf lo I Be- Ahnouncesl Atom Orch 'Supper CUib !F I .aw ton 'Concert l : Music Ioaf. Listen (Range Rider Photo Ptinlo Wilson Orch- ILum "l Abner The QNctll Town Meetusd Ton Meet J Cheery! Song I He Aanounced Final I New I MrCall: Newa Charles (Sports I Rhythrrw Town I Foy Orehestra tConcert ITexas Rangers ' Band Wagon I - Ehni Newt Concert I Hilt more Orch. Concert St. Francis Orch! Bran Musk Musi Bruns New I Bruns Mi Sign Off Hour Upbeat; 3:33 Sports; 0D0 Newa; 0 11 My Country Sings; 34) 'Round th Campflre: 7;13 Evening Farm Hour; 0-00 Songs to Remember: 0 13 Beyoo t Victory; 0:30 Musks That Endures; IJ4, United Press News; 43 Evening Med itation; 10 00 Sign Off. ri 7 mm GARAGE v Company LONE RANGER