flxm OREGON STATESMAN. 8cda. Oregon. Vfmdnday Morning. August 14. 1946 PJCE SEVEI r.,, IV, SA : .1 ;;: ' .DAlilY-AND SUNDAY , I he Nation s lop Comics m I; . Your Home isacr A UOL LAW 19 TOO sS- VOuR AGE A DOLL AW FO MY SMCXJCDNT ASK K MORE THANi A ff-lvUNV AT A TIME It se MOW MAMV PENNIES IN A DOUA. MAMA : T" 1 - -t t ii 1 1 1 1 1 M'i'l imTT KJNCX3ED BLONDIE "I t T.MATS BETTER HEkES a PENNV cvooy will. nou Gve VES, BUT t HAVE TO GO CXJT AND COME BACK A MUNDREO TIMES J fci ' EFT MXVt CMTVHALlrN TWE Tt. WET) 1 BC MAPPV LIKE TO WAVE NTO vou COME over Icrr-i'.mfn AND MABRVUSjnJ' 111m H should live to V well, as 1 KMOW iSOMETMIMC I FEB ME. I IA80UT VOO BOTH, (WAS ONE OF SO THAT WHEN IB BOYS. MV I START THE HftPPV TOOK CEREMONY US WEST INH DICI TRACY toav trv'.e uvr wu"wa. TO HEAR HQ PLENTY TRIAL, SINKING FASX HI NOT EXPECTED alO J rYE COOS? tF HAVES DlES.K IjUOGE NOLAN WILL PROBABLY 1 TAKE HIS PLACE ANOjp- 0 SX MOS WHIMPER s : f mink oua tmc r J pioole -ACT EST aomam fJsncKS m twf whole rcfjTTy-, LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY NO FOOLIM-THEffE AIN'T ANT ROAOS OR ANV STSEXT SI6NS, BUT VOO ALWAY, KNOW WMECfc YOU Rt COtH' AN NEVEO Gfci LOST ST! 1 LLJI I ' I . A . AV. . . ,..(eSJS.V AN TUU AIM I ANY CLOCKS OS WATCMES. BUT 1 YOU ALWAYS KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS SEEMS uke MAGIC - i -1 magic n -non sense! &Z'J ' If ANY FOOL CAN TELL EAST FODM WEST AN NORFH FDOM SOUTH BY LOCVIN AT THF SUN aM'STARsI -AN' THEY ALSO TELL YOU TUE A caoaecr timf Oav,. ., J I - a , OR NIGMT-. r n t i. ii a i r j v JUST If t. WMCRf AffT TMOUTI MttXJNO COOL MOl V fSITTV MAlTtNS MU I . I i f to, m tk sommcv m!7 I j ITIY1N4 HI HCRE.ARS VOO TO IMPLY THAT IVS KIN CttAtmfi MOMtN ALL 9LMMARf u BUZZ SAWYER rcnH TME. TMOUCUT, i OLD FALLOW YOU 0ONT ! HAW TO CHA9C IM.TWY ; SVOCK TO YOU UKI FLKft f TO MONEY LISTEN. CHOMP! MR. VWO&UT UAPPfNSTO OC MY BOSS. STOP CAOMC HIM TXC WKONC IMTKE53I0H. , LOOK THAT NOSt! tuai KAtmnx PUSTIO eCCTERi WHAT A FATAL COMBINATION, BUtZO A OYISM ftlMU A NO A CAYf -MAM MOAC: NOW YOU'LL KIAUY MAY TMC WOMEN. -J ONTCQ MO 1 An ON TWJH WHO OO tOU UPPvt 11 I " 1 1 1 n TMOSC 4 II W M1CEEY MOUSE nil. T , I i i ' "'Ml AAfT KJLPS O. ca pPxe l thc :e uCT IN TWO Wf f 5 GASOLINE ALLEY vOU CAN 5CE tX ACCOMTUViNC PdNC THIS ( tSOOPY' TtXniE A PUftUC 1 I 11 (. w YEAH.. V ON MY rlD Sdt KIN- QLMTd feO PUBLIC! M. VOUNC FELLEff! VOaE CUTTIN J ON MY jOff f 5EE2ori i tTiNCTLV REMiEveEK TELUNC VOU TO KEEP AN EVE ON ChiPPEK' s - - BARNEY GOOGLE I NCEO SOME. OON T FORGET AIR, ANNA ) ( VOtrUE ON IN GET MV WAA( IO MINUTES, T SAVS MCRE m tfir V TIGER' ThC BOOKC BULLETIN L rj . thai blue Blades 19 a Vj Xri 20 -TO-ONE SHOT TO BEAT IX "tl V j YOUR CCNTtPCOE. fc fl (Ts. Jf 7 rSSjor fos.Y A FEW M4NUTLS ' HLm SlIT " SH. TwN THE. APACHES) TWiNWC A-t UH TO ATTACK f -f AAA4KED amai can weoq? rr man 7 -x-NMl f Miy COME NO, NOT ThANO AAf M1 GOK NOW J SIS. WG WON'T GIVEN UP LET EM TAKE ANV HOPE 7 U9 WITHOUT A OP - - ft RGHT! - LOOK-THE SUN GOO SMILES. WE WILL BURN TME MAQlC HOUSE OF THE TALKING WIRE THE WHITE ACN WITHIN MUST DIE! WEIL THERE TIME! NEVER GET IN WILL. C0M SILVER'. - r "THE YOUNG IDEA? By iMosslcr Brr4, wmi14 ir yleM stp talking aboal yr pratloa Mpecially aurh mlnr n as silver rrwrir New York Stock Quotations NKW YORK. Auf. 13 TatUy' rloNiiif qnotatlii: Al C'hrm & Dye 196 jOen. FKKi. . S3 Radio ,coi p ., .. 14 American Can 101 On. Motor . . 63 Ravonier 26 Am PW & I.t 19 !C;MMiyear Tl .... 70 JRayomef .IKD Am Tel Ac Tel I9KTR Clt North fd . ! KeynoM Met 3fl',. AiiMMtilM 47i Int Harvest 93 ISafewari . 304 AUhison 1134 Int l'aT pM 125 Sears H-h 44'a Fiend I x Aiva .... 434'J. Manville 139 !Sinrlair U)il .... I8'j Beth Steel 113 Kennecott . 58 S. Tarlfu- 14 Boeing Air ... 294 Ixtnx Bell A .... 31 Stan Brwnd 45 Canadian Pac 174' Maytag . I44 Stan Oil Cal .. . 59, Cslif Pack. . . 41 "i'Miami oper .... 15 Stew-Wrner .... 21', Caae J I 47 Mont Waid HO VSturiettater . S3 Chrysler 120 INa-.li Kelvin .... 2l Sun. Mining .. 18 Comwlth Sm . 5 I Nat Dan v . 40 Union !ll ... 25'4 CNmis. Kdison .. 31 H NY Central . 23' Un. Pac-jfic 151 i Con. Vultee 2ln Njrth Am Co . . 54', Un Airline 43 1 Cont Ids 544; Northern Par . . 2H' lln. Airfraft 28, ! Crown Zel 34', Pac Am Fish 144 V. S Seel 91'4 Curtis Wr. 7'i'Pac Gas F.lec . 44' Warner bro 4i DougKas Air . 88', P. T. & T. . 158 :Wet El: mfg . 37'i Dupont De Ne 215 Pan American .. 18 Wool worth 53 ! Gen Electric .... 4i, Penny J C . 1 I Table of Coastal Tides Times computed for Tart. Ots, by the U S Coast and Cvodtte Survey for . ths Orecosj Statesman August High Tim Water Tims Water 14 0 41 a.m. If 7 a nv. -0 7 2 03 p m. S3 7 M p m. 2 1 Additional Classified Ads A art ion COMMUNITY AUCTION Wed . Am. 14. IS a m. sharp Beds, coil prtnxs. dreer. rtieol of drawer, chairs, rocker. tove. dtvtte. rnoking utensil, radio, lawn mower, garden tool! Farm machinery, rabbit hutrhe. sack C hlrkena A rabblU. duc-k Heveral gnnd lot of feeder A weaiter host rive good sow ranging from Jl rslf helfei to 4 tw old. All due to freshen from Oct. to Feb. S are milking 4 (al now I Bond Guernsey bull IS mo. old. well marked Also beef type csllle A good lot of veal A day old calve. 1 team of horse. Iane Sudtetl's Community Auction ! ml from Stale Fairgrounds on Sllverton Rd . Salem. Ore Livestock an f'oullry Livestock anI Poultry t-YR. OL.t COW. fresh 3 weeks. Give 4 gal per day. Rt. 7 , Bo 103. I . mile east on lloodvlew Rd. on SS t North 4 NICE DAIRY COWS for sale Bill's Auto paint shop. 1000 Lancaster Or. Nth Krueger Corner. 'PRINCE highly trained saddle or work middle ags fajnlly horse. 1110 Alder Av BlO. LITTtr7ri"l. roasting, frying, white ducks for sake. Ph. 2-I20S. 3410 Sunnyvtew Ave " WAN TRET Alt Kinds mi liveatocfc Valle Packins Co Phone SOSt FOR SALE: Saddle horse, well broke. Right prtce. right size, right color. Also Chesapeake Bay retrtever pups. 3 month old. Price light. See ft A. WhJl at Ramp A Whits Store. Brooks. CVs WANTED Fat and cenner ni tor be4 ,' Daxre cows heifer bulls, veal Fal bogs. sow, (tag, boars Market eric C C McCandltah. rt . bos 373 Ph 01 47 serosa from bslt srk lnth ABYJHICKS: weekly hatches new Hampshire other eartettes. Ph t3M1 tree's fiatcherv RABBITS VTANTTO All sizes 4 to 0 lb Whits 37c lb., colored 34c lb live weight. Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies Rt 4 Bos soB William Bosaert Write, we pick up. Rabbit Meat Co. 001 7 HX Stark St. CttSTOM dressing ot chicsem. any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty Phone t-2fMI Lee's Hatchery BETTER HEALTH! feoasswrfcoJd gSctof mmd Ceisi Allaseaf ,4Vrrlg Ulcer Trsttsd wttho.it Hospital Oper.'ios Write or csll for FCEg daempus Booklet AleeeWr rerassjt tmUi: Im A M. tm . M. Hi MesMsWy. sTaeWseUt. f nutey 7 9 Dr. C. I. DEAU CLIinC PbyeiciaMi eosf SeTf see M. X. Corner 1. g'lrrwlde and Grand Aeau TeUpkone LAet 3918. rorttaod M. Orsvo DRS. CHAN LAM sir V T La.N l ! O Ckaa H II CHINESE HKRRALIHTS 241 North liberty Ul stairs Portland tienerai elect rK Co Office open Saturday only .0am to I o m . to 7 o m Con uitatKtn Blood measure and urim ets sre free of charge Free tired tree 1017 FOR SALE: 3 good -milk cows. Ph. 0SF0. FOR SALE: Christie N.H baby chicks every Wed Boylnglons. 3710 StateSt Phimr 4flO .ot 0gF4. WANT FD Beef "and" canner cows bulla and veals. Wilt call at (arm E 1 Snethen. I So Lancaster Drivs Ph SI34a Morns or eves QUALITY NF.W-ftsrt.ps chicks Cor lege tube tested No reactors Phone Black 13 Gehrny Hatchery. Sllverton. Oregon-. Hop I'irkers iWanteil PICKING STARTS AUG. 10 Ruses start Wet Salem bridge 0 am YEL LOW BUS North on : Commercial to Highland. Highland trt Capitol. Cap itol to Center, tenter- to W. Salem BLUE A- WHITE HU Kouth Comnter -rial to Rural. Rural to S I3tli. S 1 21 ti to Court. Capitol to Center. Center to W Salem Stops at Puritan and Walt White Crsr. ICola Hopi ant Williams & Thacker i HOP PICKERS wanted, st'rtltig Aug II Call SV4 Clyde Carpenter. Kt. No. I I, Boa I0ZE. Salem HOP PICKERS WANTED Hesvy crop of early at late hops. Cool clean shadv camp: grounds. Cab ins, lights at wood furnished - Store on grounds Pu-sters" bus to Ss Urn. Or REGISTER NOW Write or rall- WIL-II ART HOP FARM WARD LUNDY. Supt , CTOVAlS. ORE PHONE SALEM 1-31 or 0235 ' HOP PICKERS wanted, "starting Wed , Aug 14, good hops and long Sticking Almon Winn. Ht I Boa S2. efferaon. on Silrm-Burm vista road near Sidney school HOP Pickers wanted; eat ly and late hone, long season, good picking. 0 mile North on River road, fir Grov Farm Ph. 22209. HOP PICKERS register now Brown Island Hop Yards, ft miles S W. of Kalem on Willamette River Early and la I hops. Store on grounds j Cabins, wood, water, lights and straw fur nished Picking begins : about August I0U Phone 2-3107 or 7$ HOP PICKERS 'wanted: Early and late hops, good picking. Cabins, wood. Iighir atrt-w furnished Store on grounds Phone 2-2704 Orey Hop Ranch. Rt 1. Ho 107. Salem. SLEEPING ROOM Prefer emp. per son 7U Union HOP PICKERS WANTED For our yard, about 4 mile w. of Salem. 2M acre of choice river bot tom hops. Picking begins about Sep tember I Fine shady ramp ground, fine cabin. Stoves, wood, electric light, shower baths, tables, stool and straw for beds furnished with cabins Store, butcher shop and: restaurant on ground. Bus transportation : Please write JOHN J ROBERTS gt CO. Sa lem. Oregon, stating number ot adult slrkrrs and rnrlin tl for registration and ue of cabin, which s) 111 be refund ed at rlose of season HOP PICKERS WlANTED 4O0 acres early St rate hops.., Heavy crop Long season Clese. cool, shady ramp ground Nursery fof children Store A: restaurant on grounds,; Buses to Dallas. Monmouth. Indr pehdenc REGISTER NOW Write: or call c a. Mclaughlin Hop ranch Route No. 1. Independence. Or T A Hell blip! Phone Independence. Ore . 27-F-2 500 HOP PICKERS: Early August Clean camp, list It t a. svuod. water fur nished free Register, now Mitmria Hop Farm. Independence. Ore Rt I Box 2fifl Gas on Stomach Relieve! ia S salaries str feeble yoir snowy back wsaa Mssssrk lit .ss salntul. sMOsret sas. est sMssHi ssst snnsski. Mt Mils SMrrlke ke lwl sHirim kim 'mr Sne at la rsttoT antlw IIS. ttmm SWtl aau Tskloss K ImiIm KVSI mm kees nslun ta a Hr er eissi. wit m-mrr bar ae na f saaul. as IV at all Wessists Help Wanted LIMITED number men.' women nr young men & girls to work on sta tionary hop picking machine and dry kiln. Day work, mostly inside. Top hourly pay. Inquire at Graham Hop ranch at S. Mission Hnttom. 7 miles' north or Salrin. or call 2-27S3 DKIVFR FOR Invalid woman's car -tM a month, I'M an?, Jeflnson, Ore DISMWASHEKS The Spa HARVEST HELP Check boates. Wirrrnen. Sawltuck. Di vet men. Firetnen and Truck Help er. Heavy crop, long season Tup wages. Close to Salem Bus daily WILLIAMS THACKEK XLA HOP YARD SAI.EM. ORE ASK TOR CHRIS PHONE 9225. 34-251 after g P M. Help Wanlcl Male WANTED EXPERIENCKD Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS MUST BE FAMILIAR i WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS ' W. L. ANDERSON. INC.! DeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH ; Ph. 7703, ?f0 Marion St.j RETREAD and section man. Must he thoroughly eaperlenced in passenger and truck tire work. Permanent em ployment Gil Ward, 3S N ftlgh. TWO saw mill worker st mill near 1 Slayton. Call Vet ween 30 A 7 30. or 340 N Church St. Apt. 0. Gnldle Kchultt Sis torlal wk. Apply Hogg liios , 2ti0 State. WANT TWO men to cut 10 in old fir wood, good thither, cabin and tools rttrnixhed, $S IM) cord. Arnold Phillips. Has 201. Turner rd HEl.tAIII.E err ami hoy' with butcle for aeversl weeks Sdo S Church WANTED" I union carpenters Ph I IIS evenings, or contact Kelly James on (t. mam Pacific hlKlxs-ar Soutli of 12th St Junction BUS" BOY wanted The Spa PAINTERS WANTED 2M3 Portland Rd 10 BRUSH PAINTERS, one spray painter wanted at once, not less than 3 yrs asp. Ph 4703 F O Reptne Co. Help Wanted Stala ! i.i 'i .. CARRIER-MECHANIC i qualified to maintain assemble lurtioet1 rarrters arug other (! motors. Must he espertanced. Reference dealrsble. Lunbrr DtvMUon, Oregon Pulp Or Pa pert C, j MECHANIC" for lcsdUhgutoSn4 Truck dealer Must bf A'l and famtl. tar with Chrysler prjodprta- See Mr. Elliott, service manager! 8'an. Rakee Motors. Dudtfe-Plrmeutk fdurtrtbsjtear. 323 Chemeketa. Phone lll Help Wanted Frmsle EXPERIENCED sales lad granted be. tween 25 and 4d. for rhiidrest's weasr. Reference resiuiied. Ph.jkM foe aw aflritment : i - W A 1TR ESS wanted VleJTTale714 S I4lerty - .- rL0r.RLYTs0frforliiM hse. week and care of invalid Ph 40) SOMEONE to care fr ctolLiren in ery home Phone li2 j ji I WANTED "three fypatt4 and" twsj file clerk for permanjenfj emptovmenC See Mr Hammond or 'Mr. Ktrnck. Room 110. Capitol Building" WANTED-Fast tvat.t! for a per manent good- paying poitt (on srtttt gt future Call 4130 I j; WANTED." 2 eVperiencf-J. wsiUesse. food hours, good wage iDe not appfy unless esperletvced f (f at Corfest Shtp Room 9. Capttdl Bttg "PART TIME WAITrtES. Bud sTPlaee. 0 S High SSt t EXPERIENCED WITttoS. Marton Hotel WOMEN or girC'permf Job. t73pee mo Ph 0O3 Jeffersori j ; W ANTED "at once Weiwn for work on eirher day or nlgh shijrt f 0 day see wk Applv in person! at Oregon Fla Textile Inc. 7th ex Patfrfoa St. W. Salem j GIRf. or women t'doTgeneral-has. work for 3 adutta. Of3N2 I Jberty. WANTED Girl for tealfeslato arfftc. rp unnecessary; must bst a hie to lyeaw Burt Plch. 337 N Highl Phone 3?!. WANTED -Woman to re re for a uner vise children in boarding arhao. Steady employment, gocst j wages, tai reply state age. espertence as gtvw references Bo 007 Statesman SOMEONE TO do r ashing and iron ing, v.. of Ktat lioeo . rv . 9 30 to 8 EXP WAITRESS." HIGH SCHOOL or high school girl ta tit Itoom and board in4j esrhanged WeiiM like s?rl bv 9e 1st Write Bo 794. The Statesman YOUNC lady with some beohkeesMuf anil It ping cap . good lappearanc and; who enjoy meeting the fitiblie. Esrcet. hour. 40 hr. wk. (JU t.toe and for overtime. Write iStaiesmaai Bos; 7S0 todav for appointment i woMr-N Nuuru si ssieaa dry ta 33 S High. higtt: shirt. Tbs) ! e - preferably IS rt"e ttornsr. i P WViI. KSIfM KOIN KGWr RADIO (UN kg) (St kc) (! ko) 0:00 SIS :30 0:49 iNews Music N W Fsrm ilOess News Western St IKoin Klock I Dave West West Kne Old Song Dave rs (Dave 'New. i t - Kex i tpugie ; 1 '!"" 'r-rrj 7:00 7:19 ;30 T.4S Now I- Far m Tune VKourtduo Beys Hiae and Shin Headline Netss " a Agrossake INews M Gat red Sam Haves IJame ASbo 'Vacation Pr'g'm Nelson Pi ingle I Roundup 'tock i Market 0 00 019 0:30 00 iDr lalbot .User Nrsi Ih Talbot Aunt Jenny Fuller Sinayi "lelen Trent Kinging Strings Gal Sunday I Fred Waring liB'faagj Clue) J Or Caravan (Kenny Baker 0:00 0:19 0:30 9:49 V H. Lindlahr Big Sister iS Downey Madeikns fPaslitr Call Dt Ma lone Keepsake llioed of Life fames Abbe !lGlenour INews. Knee U H Lone Journey l"Bceakoet 'i Fletcher Ij ij 10 00 10:19 10.30 10:49 tNew . Btng Sings Queen Todsy Kate Smith i Guiding Llgkt lllon-l Ed IVnr Mason UltlWtren !Ted eiaaasM I Sin Along I In While Ijrruelftary I rwim o I i im IMasajuerade 11.00 II IS nno 11:49 Wall Time 7.eke Manners Day Dreams Orchestra 4- Uf Beautiful Reukag Ma rerkin I r ireli a Winner AM I . ' H Wheeler I Young Family lljsteetng Pes) 'tvsch. ( rtiKlren llspptness I Melotf S Ps son IT IS 19:30 It 49 Hymns News Serenada IthfiM k'l fthos News lt;ef It E Wlntera Hoseniat y News, Knees Istetla DalUs flwen Jooes ' Wirt. let Br I 00 IIS I '30 1:40 Kennfgg Star i El! News - illoose Partv !iltl Mairles Nests ''lops loday 'Portia Matin Band Meet the Missus Plain Rill ! ... Front Page JHerrhi t I Find Me Mo. ;m lilrmn IN 1:19 9:30 1:49 Once Over J J Anthony Hill Gwlnn Valiant Lady I Road of Ufa lljght Woild ' Davtd Harutas I Air Newspaper' Aunt Mary - IDr Paul What' tar West 1 2.-00 1:19 3:30 1:49 g'onfesslon lArt Klrkham Woman's Secret Brldei Gr Same 2d Mrs Burton: News 4 i News Serenade iRackst. Wife Al Peers "Sea Hound 'Fart Finder 1 1I Kattenborn '1 it 4:00 F. Iwls - Khvtnm D Anderson j footlights 4:19 Re Miller iMedttatlon An lane Trio itiorthwest 4:30 Jot in son It llannrtr I Stars of Today' Mr Metrwls 49 Melodies H tiarred !S20 Matinee ' fjloa Iaer1gass 9:t9 1 9.30 I S;44 INesvs IHuperman (apt. Mtdnils Tom Ml Sad Sack 'Intt igna If irate I New tTenn ?Jed Judv Date !rk Ti 'Srenerie 3d 0:00 4:IS 0:30 0:49 G. Heatter lAcad. Theatre X-Man Mill Holiday I Romberg i Mportssj . IS ports?: I If rankle Car ifrankie Carke 7:00 7:19 1:30 1:49 New New Cisco Kid Haiarh News Supper Club ! Lyme Ranges I You A Atom j Fleet. Lsywten ;lan Ranger IDr Chtisttan I Frolics Hft. Lessen I I Igange i Riders 0:00t 0-10 4 30 :49 Main I Ins Ms in Lint Serenade Otrhestra Sound Off JEllery Queen -r- ! Ne IFied Wartng ttjim Jki At II aGuardss ish. Mus4 9:00 0:19 0:30 0:49 INews Res Miller Crystal Gardens N W 'Sevet In" I Get Storisy ,1 Iflywd. Stage Neighbor Theatre Ye.r Artec (Cheery 10:00 IStlS I0;30 10:49 Hay Henl I five Star Final, News News IVeterans ISports New tt.es Brown toy Orchestra Orrlieatra Tea as Hanger I Trees. Salute IMcCallf News 1 RhTthr U)oncert Hasse l0 11:19 IIJ4 11:44 ll:SS 12 00 Oliver Orch. Welk's Orch. 'New New Sign Off k Army Vice I Manny Strand I Air-Flo Organ J New I Silent New I Rtltmore Orrh. I Salt Orch. INVws News Sign Off ! For BETTER HEALTH f 4F Cur reel 0 HEMORRHOIDS I rties) INTI I t 4 t INNt RE 4 PROLAPSE and ot her Rectal coudltktna No ho pitallsatton Prea ds scriptlve booklet. f-srf I 1 Dr. R. Reynolds' Clinic N ATI MO - PKtK mi OGIMT gsies. Or. (IS N. Liberty St. Phone laMI IgQi lOWl Ofi 4M ICtW -c- tr a KOAC 930 ks. A M 10 DO N 10 IS For Women. II -AO Concert Hall: I20 News. 12 13 Fsrm lluur.'l M Ride 'Km Cowboy: I IS Variety Time; 1:43 Eve on the Futute: 2:00 Treasure B: 2 30 Memory Music; 3 00 News: 3 IS Music of the Masters: 4:00 Oregon He- Thy Voice; S 00 On J0 porter: 4 IS Lift the Upbeat. 9 33 Spotting Spsrta; News: 0.13 American j Pageant: Sones to Remember: 1 Tta j Fi Union: 7.13 Evening Farm Hire: 0"04 Band Concert: 0 3 Music That 0 43 JMedltAMssna. dures: 0 30 News; SEnVICE ON ALL CML IliiDIOS CoraplpM tin, nojwly purchasd .Auto Radio and Equipment Now Arcdlabls For Your ConTsnlnc4V Paris A ir TEAGUE riOTOR COriPAIIY Your Kaiser - Frazer Deafer 355 N. Liberty SL Ph. 7001 LONE RANGER