PAGE SIXTEEN Thm OREGON STATESMAN. Soldm. Oregon. Sunday Morning. August 11, 1946 Additional Classified Ads on Page 15 For Sale- Miscellaneous A KiMHI nr acetylene welding ful fil including hardwood cabinet and t.nt rart iS tM Center I'h . HOI J .Y(K)D Bee Also chair of e'l kinds dirf ri single beds, spring. .attresaes day teds wicker chail. . od tables All suitable tor hop yards . r i,it Reasonable Niittunn llo--l 4 SW lltti Poitlalid. OtrloB :ir' , r V. Eurnituie liv dinette and t-cl rm st 2M3 l-ee it DrK TAHLE and pin-lt-un Urn pa YEATFR API'l IANIE CO. 235 N Liberty NEW A I" A HTM TNT Si gas rang 1 S43 Maple Avt GOOD stroller IS Piewar small col- p.ble buggy 17 M JujMn t rircTRIf ROOM heater. (an. fleam and reflector type YEATER A I'Pl I A S( I CO 2iS N Liberty Bargains! New fhim-f dinette set New le ro. New lamps New beds. prii'g !-,attree I --ed ditrno At chau Ued . ine-ite Uel lawnmnwer Ued itl top dea l'-ed ikm1 ndiot Used dfria- r woodty Auctn-n Furniture Mat . IStiS N 5mnir -Al.AV a ig an)ry Eurnituie Mat Pn II 10 : f AT your h me n u wall v Itfs ,,vrnirrl rln. economical See lis lor free MlimtlM VrAflN A I'PLI A M E CO 2iS N Liberty j VILL BCY for re.h aril or trade. una pistols immunllion, boats Or lailers Don Madison l No High DAiRV m we have coconut meal again Nortlhwest Poultry and Dairy I h 7l7 I '4iS N front FIGURINES ASt) matl ftft llm VfAlfH APP1 IANC tO 235 N Liberty G M Si OA I. ION Mol 5f St ' RfAD C ommunity Auction for Fur niture River Silt I MASON SAND rni. DIHT PIT RUN CHAVIL KFJZER SAM) & CRUEL CO. f-hone 2-174 ELECTRIC PANTS pint nd cuiliri iron water APPLIANCE CO 253 N Liberty PEASE PIANO, beautiful tone, fin rneid I1W don. IIS a mo No 'ise in price al Tallman's 313 S 13th. A mile from high price LIMITED quantity 5 tuoe electric table nlel radioa with wooden ca VEATfH APPLIANCE CO 2M N Liberty CHICKEWINO piano II7S A baiaaln 135 down. Ill X a mo Shop Tallman a , nd avr 3V3 H lltfi MIRHA PIANOS from $395 See the reautiful tinet ityled pianoa with the Ion of a Iiaby til arid Tallman'l. 3W RADIO. 1 are pr.cla. a table 1444 frnv . INDIRECT rt-OOR larnpa it torch arra YEATER APPLIANCE CO JS1 N Liberty DEI TXr -hand, "dtah wP Janitor' nupplie J. M Boone Chemical Co l-h lltl 170 Eairgrounda Rd KITCHEN AND Industrial eahaual fan VIATflt APPLIANCE CO 2S5 N Liberty River Silt MASON SAVD CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIHT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Comnirrrial Sam! and (Jravrl Co. PM - 1 3100 C.tfU T ed piano 12M Htoily. I lx.r .V KITCHEN AND tatlnowrn llft flu lure Y f AT TH APPLIANCE CO 234 N Libel t Al'TOMATli f;A elt arut ide-arm .mttmr lirtr fi limn delivery M1X1.N BKOTIIKRS Fl'RNITV'RE Jl N LIBERTY SEE A ' Bl'Y New Pacific home 1-ailer lrt p loui pi tne S- at xe Tiailri Para north of Saving I enter Portland Hit . Salem ICE HOX 73 lt . ee al firtt giavel id. N f Kriei Irul he on right rawl nte T J Kurwlnt I PR M Plymouth mill tpringm. I la a'il in.ili I J l 7 it I'll SJW FARMERS ATTEJSTION - Weatina' rmue automatic rlr( milk cooler. ! IMK-lty o fal YE AT f H APPI IANCE CO. 2ji N Librily ( ROME tUN.smr. et " Chrome i haim NELSON P.ROTHK.RS FURNITURE . .113 N I.IHKHTV RfVFRE MOVIE Projector.' mm. itt yi7 ,Cliflt) fAT I4MKI, lrt ft l ib Si ''HUfMiTllirs FUR ne'fect ice cream Y EAT F R APPLIANCE CO. 214 N Liberty EASTMAN WCXJD Funuaca with tpe. fine cor.d . Ph 2IM4 GOOD I? Winchester pump yyTtn ae r t box helU. 140 1410 12th i.patair PREW AR SANITARY t ouch, double lead awe. I cotton tt 1 wool pad. IIS JJ7J Edeater St . Wet Salem. Ore ELECT RON l ' v olt meter? RCP model 4. up to loon volt D C. St A C. iTocticallv neir. MS 1110 Court St ityone 710 FARMERS ATTENTION - Portable lsctrir milking machine Y EATER APPLIANC E CO 235 N liberty AhYl.Mf rel ...nd Ph 47 1 JN El E THIC " war-pat a Ph : l2T I COO!") RfrVrLES". r iaie quariTr .inch elecuic drill Rl .3 Box4V42 COMPLETE SAWbt'Sf or wood Tur race for 5 or room Alao water - eater Frank rR Pikr. 1393 N II. fK.n ALUMINUM aUC. pan. ell and tiee platter. ltng pana. cuokl "eta EATER APPLIANCE ( 211 N Litwrty MAS s file Yl LE (mhJ toi.d 110 . ah Ua.1 X I itHritr t'SEIi fFI I f) ' Had.o ConoW N1.SCN HHOTHRs FURNITURE 111 N LIMERI Y Ell I D RUN Ph 24324 MSE TRAILER lp 4 gKxi iond :20 J3th st v1M1th Salem KENTUC KY Wonder baan. cucurn- t era and c'rn 1. S C I o. Rt 2. Ho 171 GOLF I'll' Its ball led et comp . ith bag 1 13, 171 Academy St GOOTi .at and vetch hay for ale ml F and S of Salem. Rt . Il III I. A Ivnl Cf CTMBERS 1,h pickling " Anvo leache Ph 4423 Uoi i itum Fruit ' tand COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC, automa tic four burner range Ideal for rea taurant cluh or farm urae YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 213 N. Liberty I.ARCE Sie baby rrlb. like new 1445 S 131h THAI! EH Hon. furnhiheW. II foot :-a Taylor t End of North th at W1M. Sell new bath tub ami fitting t et to umiront wtvo will aelj ua i aawk of planter Ph 0tMi3 LAWN AND garden tool" YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 213 N Llfrty WE buy and ell lurnilurt, tool diarte imitori. radioa. Electric ipllanc- houaenold gooda KLICi 'AN'S T5 N Commercial Ph M5 UVSTA1RS Antique Shop 4.T Court WALL TYI'E ran opener. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 233 N Liberty STFFI Waaon wheel l and 24 In pital flarfalri Hnuae, 143 C enter t COAT HANGERS. teel or wood i .gniar. . 2B3 N Commercial. For Sal Rllscellanebns PICKING SLAPPVS at th flrat at the week. Aug. 11. L. Towlutud, Or chard Mlaaton Bottom. . MOPilTAO enamel wood"raige. copper rolla. 8030 N. Mh.Phorl-4i4. Cannim; peaches Choice Golden Hale. Early Klap- fy. Golden Jubilee and Rochester. I SO to 3 per bu Bring boxe. North on Wallace Rd II Mile to writ ltd of Wheatland ferry. C. M. LaFollett & Son A CY6 R Y ft CICT trailer ' hoiiae. S3 ft Excellent tire Elect, brake. New butane range. See at Jefferson Auto Court. Jefferaon, Orefoti. rtrkLXSS Gaa ' heater txcelle"nl rood it Win. Fu. coat atxe 14. UNO N. 5th St. ; ; 1 "DO 7Q f-7ru"iT Ja r Alao MonUg cook atov. IW N 23rd, CfJOD Uied window and; door Alau pipe and fittings. Salesman won't be there until afternoon. 1200 High t H EAl fTl rVC ToiViol in Fine "lor orchestra, very loud. Call after I P m. 43 Tamer ack. " DAVENPORT and cnair$125" Dining t I00 Bed rm. set 40 and mKc. 597 Knapp P. N. Johnaon. t NEW BreaWfaf act. roll top desk, library table and aland STATE ST. FURNITURE lCJ M ( Ph. 7500 2 WAV"arid" Inlercomrn. telephone eet YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3S N. Llber1y " It FT Sliult trailer ha, (loud cofMf lnule and out. Perm, bed, Ino.. at S-40 llighland ave j rUI I.ra Brune 14 67api"Trias"7 STOVE repairing " part T" WrJodrr Mkt. t06 N Sumtaver St CiUARANTEED FOREVER 1 flaih llght requiring no batteries, two and three cell flashlight, railroad type lantern YEATER APPLIANCE C0. 255 N Uberty 'MODERN Auto Trailer. ModVrafeTy priced Medium aire. Cornanrtably equipped. Carl E. Millard, gcotta Mills. SlirVGt.M from Roaenberg 'mill at Tillamook. 2 x4a. shiplap. flooring A other items Lumber kiln dried or green on KM priorities Tad Mullcr Trucks Ph Salem 211'X - ; Canning Salmon and Tuna KINDRED'S SFA POODS Rout 2, Box 25 Astoria. Oregon Orders now being taken and filled when flah come In Shipped! COD DECORATIVE "AND" lighted" Kouie number YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty DIST1IJ.ED White pickling Vinegar for all pickling purposes. iKeep your pickles crisp). Alao pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem i i " EXP'CAT washing machine service and wrlnaer roll, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store 315 N LIhertv : Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unftnlihed furnl ture large assortment or made to or der Pickett Furniture 13th and State " PLASTl-KOTE the "durable-paint with ttte cellophane Ilk finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty Wan led Miscellaneous SAFE. Ph. 2-471.. GOOD USED iarpauirnllenisri or thereabouts Phone 2-2419 USED washing machine. Bob ftrown Phone 1101 "THREE Tor 1 TonurEa" 'truct with driver to haul hops an vines to stationery picking machine No handling of hop by driver. . Short haul, good pav. Inquire Graham Hop Ranch at S M las ton Bottom.: 1 miles north of Salem or Ph. 22783. " OFFICE DESK and equipment Ph. 2-47MI WANTED -- Front spring for 1037 or It.'M Dodge. Will pay new' price. Ph 22t3 WATCH for" opening dale of Tl.e Bouconler Drive-in Restaurant. 3793 State St Pen 4 Corners ; PRE-WAR 'daveno, Ph" 24413 WHY" TAKE less for your furniture? See Ruas Bright Ph. 7511. WANTED TO BUY- Larg : trunk suitable for shipping. Phone 24322. US ED"FU R N fTU R E7phone j I (d WANTED" PIANOS Will pay caah Will Music Store 432 Stat 81 PRE-WAR daveno. 50-75 1c Doi. Ph SF12 ; DISHES over 25 yr old Upataira Antique Shop 4:iCourt PIJ 3-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras' aV lenses Mt-Ewan Photo Shop 433 Stale CAbH for ysur used rumlt'uie Ph HUM Mate St Furniture l State CASH for used Ota no at ouSair mu iral iatrumnta Call 4641 days or 0537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Musle Co.. Ill S High AUTO painting ut a shade better by Ray ETTEit Call Shrock Motor Co So3 ; . Wa n I el - Fu rn i t u re USED Furniture wanted. I Turn Co. 244 Eairgrounda Rd. Mason .Miscellaneous WATER WELL drilling. Domestic or Irrigation. Duffield Bros. Rt, i. Bo SO Phone 2-1313 DRES S MA KING 1900 N , 9th, Iwn Mowers Sharpened Scot tie Smith Ftxlt Shop. Oxyscset y lene and electric welding. Tricycles and Kiddie Cars repaired. Pick up and deliver. Rt 7. Box 37. Hayesvili dial. Reiman Garden Phone 323. FOR Mire flat b"truc"and dTJver. Ph 225U i- 2 Ma ttrest es. Capital3ledCo.r40"! Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Ramel. 1143 Ith. West Salem Phone 7404 INTERIOR decorating and 'paper- hanging done. Phone 3791. ; : BEKINH NaTlonwto may serv T77J MEN4 HATS cleaned" and 'biorked tfrc LES SPRINGER 44 Court St ALs CLEARING AND" CRADlN'fl PHONE 305. SPRAT PAINTING. housH. barns, roofs or what have you. Ph 434 " SEPTIC TArVTK Service16r Elm SL. Salem. Ore Jack Boentng ' ' C If A R ! X r6UNDATfONriyTon brassieres aY girdles elastic Control Also Masonite frocks Ph MIS Mrs Frsnfc L Turner25 N4th, , "''iQHWJH&b" Phone" 9rt3I Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES ring or Mall Your Plate for Re pa If t)k HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adnloh BMg State A Com Ph 3311 'HEAVY " Hauling. Escavataun and Road Building. Land Clearing.' Doxer Work. Hitching Basement Excavation. Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock, Maeoa Sand. Concrete Mix, Cement. Sal cm Sand & Gravel Co. 1409 N rront St Salem. Oregon Phone 940! or 2124 TXsCAC transfer, hauling and" piano moving Ph 2212. C. L. Newton. CONTTS Airr" hauTing local 'ax " long distance R. L. Phillips. Rt. 9. Bon 9aK. Salem, Phone 3-3172. W EATrl tn stripi " "Pu1Iman ffTim Tree Surgery Trimming, topping, removal. Ph 3V403O Money to Loan PRIVATE MONEY to loan oh Salem Real Estate 9. See Alfred Dumheck Room 3. Ladd a Buab Bldg. Help Wauled Female WOMEN WANTED 18 TO 30 YEARS OF AGE Factory Work PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT 40 Hours Per Week Western Paper Converting Co. FRONT AND Money to Loan Extra Casli For Vacation Expense For Horn Buying Costa For any worthwhile purpoaa where "Caah la neeaVed. and convenient pay ments desired IXANS 2I TO t30 for home or business Furniture, Salary, or Business Equip ment, on auto 1500. to men or women. married or single and you may have It months to repay. Phone first for fast service. We like to say "Yes" to loan requests. Personal Finance Co. Salem. 811 Stat St Rm 12S Phone 3111 Lc. S-122, M-l5 tAKsmhrem T-oan 4'. and I Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortrsgea CAPITOL SECURrTUCH CO 101 Ploeieer Trust BUIg phone T1I2 $ $ MONEY $ $ We mske all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and csr loans, for any worth while cause. We also maka real estate loan and buy real Restate contracts For quirk and sffl clent aervloe sea or phen STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4)1X1. 153 S I ft Eh. Salem tjc 31 t-M 223 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N) ,.M J3 General Finance Corp. offers money at one on cars, trucks furniture, trailer house. livestock, farm marchlnery; eontrscta refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers General Finance la locally owned and officered; wa organized In 127 and therefort knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 134 South Commercial Its.. Salem Phone: I1M Licenses S-131 at M-XW Financial YOUR Surplus money will earn you 9 per cent interest. Buy a real estate mortgage, examine the security your self. Mortgages ava i liable in amounts of 4)400 to 17 500. We collect all In lerest and payments for the Investors. no extra charge. State Finance Co.Realtors 153 S. High St. For Rent Rooms CLOSE-IN sleeping for gentleman 87 S. Liberty. NICE BIG. furn. sleeping rm. or bus line Prefer gentleman. Ph. 1300 SINGLE Room" for gtrL JOO Ever green ave. For Rent Houses 2 SMALL house for rent. Ph 345 3 KM. KM., a iso one s rm. see Janitor at the Smoke Shop. WOULD " Like to swap" rent of "a rm modern house In West Salem for modern home In Salem. Call 42fl.. For Rent SAVE 950 By renting my portable paant spray er ideal tor maun worsi or cars, i child can opera t. Reas. Alao elec sod Iron, eoeket seta, plumb, toofar, etc. to rent, loo tfanaen ave. "rURNlSHtD "OYflrit paciTalso mall and teleohone service. 175 3. Hiert. FLOOR SANDtR for rent Mont gomery Wsrd rHAtlTERS lorreni" 9o--p-r "ai " Wondrvl Mkt 109 N Summer "fROcKs for rent. Y7"drtvtfe- Cune A In veil Phone SAO UBAIVeT- TTttJCKs 6R TktNT Blankets furn l7 S IJberty. P. MM FLOOR Sander for rent Marsh alT Well Store Phone SETT G6BU Used Plario fl "L lui Wanted to Rent GREYHOUND driver and wife sir- gently need small apt. Senator Hotel. EJit. 337, after 7 p.m. . SMALL Mouse or apartment, close In or near bus line. Phono 4901. Har old Horning. " CR BEDROW unfuwir hse." will pay 175 per mo. Mr. E. A. Collier. Phone Smj. LIGHT Ifieleepwig rcxan Tor em ployed girl. Preferably clcate in. Bits bob. stareeman. rORMtR Salem resTrJeriU desire un- furn. 2 or 3 bed rm. hse. Call 94. Local references. WANTKDTa bdrm. unfurnished house or apartment, adults. Mr. Frank Pat terson. Phone 4534. RAIL&OAD ManI permanent poi tlon wtahes small house or apt for family of 3. Call 7004. Ask for Mr Glover. If not there call, 440 WANTED. Small houe or a part merit to rent by veteran and wife. No chil dren, nd pets. Ph 2343 WIFE aV family desire 3 or" 3 "bdrm furnished or unfurntshe dhottae. Ma jor Glauyer. Ph. 6132 V tT ErtA N a 7wTw I f u7 gee. ti Foe. !7s apt. Both permanently employed. Mo children Phone 7033. . Very Desperately JVeeded By Veteran with wife and small child, furnished houae or apartment. Permanent posi tion In Salem. Phone 4447 or 3-344 For Sale Real Estate a BR. PLASTERED HOME, with sleeping porch. L.R., bain and large kitchen. 950. Terms. Sullivan Realty Co. 339 Portland Rd. Ph 3255: Eves. 3-1413 3s acres t BtAlrnrt'L HOME On Garden Road where the soil Is of the bast and the living ta a pleas ure. 30O producing filbert trees 2 bedrooms and bath: full basement: furnace heat. Best of land ac.a ping Plenty of assorted fruit, berries and grapes. Price $14Jog. SEE Leo N. Child. Tnc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 281 WCLlWCODtstrJcironr Madison a bedroom home, hardwood floors Uiruout. 14x20 LR with fireplace. DR. nice Kit. with plenty of bullt-lna Utility room, automatic heat, wired for range electric water heater. Nlee yard and shrubbery Possession by nd of the month. Price l.5oo.. Rostein & Adolpli. Inc. 110' N. Com'I. SL I'h. 3OJ0. Eves 9314 Help Wanted Female "D" STS. For Sale Real Entale i 110. SCO Beautiful new 3 bdrm honi on ' acre north. Good soil, oil fur nace, deep well. elec. pump. A real buy. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 373 70 R COHI. Ph tSJftO Fe IX) V ELY 2 BR. home, dbl garage, auto heal, air conditioning, basement playroom, beautifully landscaped with patto and outside fireplace. 112.750. Sullivan Realty Co. 333 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255, Eye. 2:l 4 1 3 93.900 00. located on Prlngle Road 9 room houae, modern, w ired for range Some furniture Included. Gar den. 2'a acres. Electric pump. Garage. Phone, chicken houae. fruit trees, pig stye Close to school Inquire Mrs. Rwkman neat house west or Phone 3l5EugenetOre. ; FOH SAFE BY OWNER 3 BED ROOM HOUSE wired for range, electric, wafer tank, fireplace Venetian blind. Clean inside and out. with fruits nd nuts. 1240 15th """CORNER Lnti550. Hollywood addi tion. Call after eves. 2533 Lauitl ave. 3 BEDRM. HOME N on '. A 3 be4 rooms down snd one up Liv. rm. din ing rm. kit. Elec heat, garage a very good buy at ISOOO see Mi. Palter. Burt Picha, Realtors 2543 Portland Rd. Call 9472; re. 2-454 aBai HOME, corner 'tot and" very well located, close to St. Vincent De Paul and Highland school, store and bus at door. Clean and neat. Gas hot water heater and good range Included In sale price. Very good buy at 9000. 93000 will handle. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3.13 Portland Rd Ph. 3255." Eves. 2-1413 " 910.750 NEW modern 4 BR honie with two lota on Park Ave. Hardwood floors upstairs At down. Oil furnace, wired for range, Immediate Possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co.-Realtors 193 S. High Phone 4121 Eves? 2-551 lMMETJ!ATEPOSSeSSfolJ " 2 acres esat 2 BR home. LR. Din ette, snd Kit. Ldry trays. Englewood Sch. 97500. C all Gardner. Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 337 N. High SI liOOK'tHRSE OVEAf 14500 - W. Salem Liv. rm . kit. BR., bath. A nice small home for couple. 945O0 Kelrer Dlst. 4 rin. new ha Lge. lot. several Ige. walnut tree. 95000 Highland Sch. Dist 2 B R Lge. liv. rm.. nice kit. A nice clean home. Call Otner Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO.. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 2-154 Eve. Ph 2-501 NOT QUITE FINISHED new 2 BR home for CJ I. 15500. This horn la in the City with all utilities See Harold McMIIIln with State Finance Co., Realtor 153 S. High Phone 4121 Eve- tl-Ftl . l"OftSa!e by owner at city limits. Duplex house garage and room. Elec. preaaure system, fruit, gardens. Bus at door. Winters wood in. 9700 rash. Tel. 3115. No Sat. calls. ' HIGHWAY -FRONTAGE NORTH 6n M E. acre very clone In with nice late built I room residence. If you are Interested In Highway frontage It will be worth your time to see this one 9I3.SOO. Sullivan Realtv Co. 335 Portland Rd Ph 3255.' Eves, 2-J4I3 SEE THIS modern bungalow. 2 'it yr old. 2 br's. dn Finished attic, bath, lr . kit . nook, att . garage, auto oil furnace. Good location. N. E Only 18750. Call "Elmer" Amundion Burt Picha, Realtors. ! Ph. 3210 337 N. High St ATTrTACIVEll6MEon" Market street. Living room, I bedrooms down and 2 bedrooms upstairs, bath, gaiage. fir floors Floor covet trigs in bedrooms to. excellent built-in. Nice shrubs, awn. Close to school and bus line Priced to sell at 9M&30 00. P. H. Bell. Realtor PHIL BELL H. A. LAMMERS 910 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4fW 50xl50 FAIRMOUNT IIiTTPh. 2-1034. for Immediate "sAleaniTpos SESSION. BY OWNER. 3 BEDROOM MODERN HOUSE. CORNER LOT. 9350. PHONE 3-5O30. BY OWNER: 9 rm. home. utiuTy room AV bath. 1230 th St., West Salem. "BY OWNER:" Small hse." Ph 44f. 92500 " "' "'" 2 room house. I', A. land. S4O00 Garage houae. 1 13-100 A.' land. 91250 00 Nice building lot Faces North. 9795a ! 2 bed room house, full basement, completely furnished. Close to school. Lawrence Real Estate, j Loans Zi Ins.. Ph 730B 520 NorthJHigh SL 1 IOM EJOrOH "S A I4C 9300 2 bed rma , liv rm , din. rm, kitchen, bath, garage shrubbery. Con venient to school and shopping cenlef 952ftO 3 bed rm. home, good i a t- dential ditrM-t cherry trees. I ap ple and 1 pear. Excellent for le- modling 95500-New 3 bed rm. home '. acre City bus service, close to store. 95250 Unfinished hse. ready for plastering. Moat of material for fin ishing on Job. 8350 2 bed rm. hse S yrs. old. Good suburban residential location. Attached garage, lge. lot. 30 mm. bus 1 blk. to lee. store. 975o Englewood. 3 bed rmt din ette, utility rm. garage, Ige. lot. lawn, shrubbery. I blk tn bus and stoie. i 9700 Highland district. 1 beti rm . Ige. din. rm., Ilv. rm.. brk nk,. utility rm. full base.. Ige lot. Lsyts of shrubbery, fruit trees and grape. 1 Mi. to rxjs. store and school 9500 Well built 3 bed rm. bony just out Ida city limits north. Lie. im . din. rm . comb, kitchen, brk. nook., sleeping porch, full bsmt.. ldry. trays, auto, oil furn.. shade trees. acre. Bus to door. 914.000 Ultra modern home, lust completed. 3 bed rooms on one floor. Two fireplaces, double garage. Large spacious rooms, full basement, un finished upstairs. Good residential lo cation. Ahranis and Ellis, Inc. j 411 Masonic Bldg. Ph. 11)3 insurance Mortgage Loans $2500 Full Price '" ') 2 rm hse. located N Inside city limits. No 431. Call for Mr. Isaak. j $5250 Full Price Brand new 2 bedim hse. Irnm. post No. 34. M. (). Humphreys 22M Fairground Rd. Phone 2-454 3033 Portland Hd. Phone 782t' For Sale Real Estate $8250 New t Bedroom home. Electiic heat 95250 3 bedroom plastered home. 52M Old house close In North High St IftMK) 2 Bedroom home. 1 acre. East on Center. IflMrO 22', Acres 1 mile of Silveiton roal Building. $14 ono 134 Ariea gMMl buildings, well lo cated. til (too A fine country home close to Salem. 21 ACRES One of the finest farm In Willam ette Valley. Morris Really Co. 10 N. Commercial St. Office jfhoii 4217: Re; ph 72: EXTRA nice lot In laurel Park loot) 00. See MM. GOODWIN with Haukiim & Roherts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 41011 Afler 8715 9500 LOVELY stucco home 3 BR', sleeping potch. Lit. Kit. Nook. Hath, Bsmt. Furnace, Garden. 1 blk to bus. Call "Elmer! Amundion, Burt Picha, Realtors Phone 3210 i - 337 N. High St 10 500 RM. DUTCH Colonial home Rami furnacie Near State -Of flee Bldg Cat Omer Huff nvrr real, estate co. realtors 1717 Center St. Phone 2-154; Eve. Ph 2-SoHI 3 H R. Home. liv. rm . din rm kitchen nooki utility R . hath ami base ment, fruits, nut tree. No. Sat. call 3.MS Maple atve. 51 1.600 I room hoie. 5 dow n A 3 up Close In A exc. far rental. Auto oil heal Call Dale Flippo Eve .K7 GENERAL REAL F-STATE CO Phon 7770 Iadd aV Bush Bldg Kin-iVvootl Heights Just off Kingwood Dr . 123x15 lot Exc view. 1 1350 Call Dale Flippo. Eves 3097 GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO Phone 7770 r . l-sld A Bush Bldg FOR SAl. by Owner: New mod ern 5 room house, lath A plaster. 2 bedroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, bath, utility, large garage. Ce ment drive A walk Law n At picket fence. Call after P M 4075 Earl Ave . 2 blocks noijh. I block east Center St. A lncailer Drive IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Englewood District Strictly modern 9 rm. home; in excellent condition. Ildwd. floors thruotit. elec water htr. auto, oil Heat. Basement ceiled In. A nice homes. Price III.SCM) Call G. II. ; Crabenhorst. Jr., with Grahenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S. IJbertyi St.JPh. 4131. Eves.2-94 3B'R. llOitE. In West Salem. Can be bought ftr very reasonable price. Dr Ive by and give us a call if Inter ested. Do noti bother tenants. 132 Elm Stieet. i Sullivan Realtv Co. 42S S 12th Sit. Ph. 455: Eve. 2-1173 ' 20 ACRE 'FARM, fair building, locked and erquiped. 1 acre of bearing filbert, good crops, variety of berite 990UOOO with 'terms. A fine room home. West of Sslem. ? rowing community, bus by the door, sere of griound with live stream IftfMMlOO with term Modern, eletctrlc heated, 2 bedroom home, upstair, large enough for 2 laige bedroortia. spacious, laige linen closet, hardwood floors throughout. See It. tWMrJO with good terms Wanted I More and more listings needed. Let us sell Ihetn for you. McFarlane & Rawling f Realtors Loans At Insurance Phone 732 2115 State St H10lMMTpSrTbvVly2 bdFm. home wttr tsnfinished attic. Lr. dr . kit , bath, furnare. gatage. Only yrs old. Cal) "Elmer" Amundsen Burt Picha, Realtors Ph.. 3210 M7NH Igh SI . Announciii"; T he opening of the real estate Market John J. Darin 433 N. High St.. Near Center If you wish to Buy or Sell real estate. ! call at our office or Telephone 2-473 ATTRACTIVE! LOW PRICED HOMES One bedroom, another possible It a plartered. has a full basement, fur nace heal srid a fireplace On bus line; paved Street Price 45oO A COZY 2 bedroom home with un usual built-lrya. A good buy In a good location,- 95250. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St j Ph ?! I3750 3 B. iR. home Liv im. din. rm . kit . bajth, f irepl . elec water heater, city Water On lllway S Call Ray Day is Huff Heal Estate Co. REALTORS 1170 S COM'L. Ph. 3793 Ph 44l eve NEW" i n tftm TTome llalsev Ave Full Bsmt. Ajr Cond. heat, fireplace, H W floors tOftMOO. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roherts, Inc., REALTORS Phone 410 After 713 IIOMEpU'lTlf "INCOME ROOMY 3 bedroom bungalow with bath. Another good sized house on rear not quits finished but materials sufficient to complete on hand. In cluding plumbing. Price 70oo. SEE Iro N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 2t NEW HomerPllver ton Road 17000 00. Terms. See MR. GOODWIN with HaHkinsj & Roherts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 410 After -713 LATE BuTlf 1 bdrm borne at edge of city. Bus. Ignod school, store near- by. large lot. sttaoo oo. Englewood drat, corner lot S3 s 1 S3 2 bdrms witlij floored attic, laige hv and din. rmt. kit. haa nook. II W. fit a. fireplace, auto otl furnace, abun dant shrubbety and large trees lew blocks from iGrade. Junior and SM High Schools 912.000. I -ate built 2 bdrm. house. N E with large floored tltc. full basement with furnace, trsys and shower, tile kit . nice fireplace!, elec. water htr. bu at door. 911.04. SALEM! REALTY CO. Realtors 1 4 N lllgh jjt, Phone 70 $5700 a hedrm. home at 44 S Cottage St. 44x11 lot Gar. Rental cottage on back of lot. )m mediate possession. II. P. Grant, Realtor 437 Court SI. Ph. 744 IIM 9330 NEW LISTING ON FURNISHED ? HOME 3 bed rsom Modern home completely furnished witjh new furniture less than I month old. Has fireplace, elec tric cooking and water heater, auto matic sawdust heat. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. S Bus by door. Garage. Clean and csywe In. Has basement. TERMS can be arranged to suit. YOU BETTER LOQK THIS UP NOW. Hollywood McKillop Real Estate Apenev 2075 Fairground Road Ph 2-S224 G I SPECIAL: Neat new 2 In. home Penn 4 corner with nice large lot A bargain at t&MMl. About cash. bal. at 933 per month. Call 2-1125 for ap- polntinciit. For Sale Real Estate JUST KaM of Salrm New 9 room house, fir floors, III (place, oil floor furnace. t5on South if Salem. large lot. house g years old. plastered, hardwood firs., 2 bed looms, vrnetlen blinds, oil dr. heat, wired for electiic lamer MI50 New hMise, (2 a're. faces rlast. Near tins line Oak floor t fnelate. plas tered, latge unfimalietl iilalts, elec tiic heat All this for lin.ottfl Fine new home on bus llrcr Ga heat. Venetian blinds, IisiiIkihhI fireplace IIOiMMi One block from bus fine Fine new home with hardwood floors, fireplace large kitchen. 2 tied looms With tn older four iihidi house in back. Near school All for 110.500 Ike Hat-on. SaleMnaii El Rvrkit, Realtor 7tm North lliirh St Ph SMI YOUR OPIDHT UNITY Partly funiished. 2 bedriKilri. liv ing, dining, kitchen, tuilt-ini, bath. I.WXiO cash. , One tielrmim, living, dining, kllch- ! rn- bulll-ins. InMde plumbing. 1mm. pfMisess. arws caifri. aic. 2 fill home, wired range, dining, bath, utility. Winter s wtHtd 14500 2 B R. home South, base , furnace, filiate. large and small lot, close schools Price 3O0 C. H SANDERS 231 N High 5H3" 3 LOTS. 52im. N. II.W5 Wooded s. blilg rite KIT 3 Terms. a. view lot. N 95i terms (My lot, n.lxllra. hi.i EnglrwHMt M-h. dn . bal eav. 2 dbl lots left I a . 3 im furnished house. II.Vsi I, a . I a piunes. fiiin lions 454HI New home, a N 7fMM a. with In Grove lioue stalled 12100. Cllv water A elrc. Call E. V Cilinrn GENERAL REAL ESTATE No 10 Lald & Hush Hldg. Phone 7770 f "" 9 MCKIM llol'SE on paved' itreef. furnlliet with high grade fxirniture including ref r igeralor, new ga range, auto gas water heater, living and din ing room furniture etc. Priced to aell complete. 94330. See Afretl Diunheck RKrn 3, l add A Buh Bldt M ACRES Near Marion No build ing. Rolling red soil, rpring., gravel road tflotro 3 acres n-ar Keler Good bulb ground or ran be subdivided I Usui 10 acre, pi line and walnuts 4 mile South lies I of ml soil No led will No buildings. .l I VI 1 1 1 Ml down, bal ance at 5 . Ft I Lukinhcal, Salesman Etl Bvrkit, Realtor 2nt Nor Hi High St. Ill 501 : NEW GOOD LOCATION - EAST Now occupied. 2 bedroom, extra large living. dining. nice kitchen, hwd floor . Strictly mod. ex. base. Mr00 New 2 B R. ready for occupancy, lot Mxl38. Puce tHOOO NORTHEAST Main paved road. hu. I acre, 2 B H home, hwd flooi. caipeted. almost new. -well built, good condition Small barn, chick house, ear', I'.OOO cash. EAST Main paved toad. bu. ' acre, mod 3 BR home with hnemn.t House about 12 yrs. old. Fine location. Pi Ice 9200. C. H SANDERS 2.H N High - 53 i llSES. on" ncatrr Drive? Priced to sell. Icon Lambert Real Estate At Pen 4 Cornets Phone 2-4350 2 bed room home. Salem Heights. Completely niodetn, Gaiage. nil clrc. goes with place A good buy at IdMXI ltrge fine iiUHlern home finished In gum wood Automatic oil furnace. fireplace, double garage Fir grove. Small "sin 2 shed. acre on paved road. mile from city limit. 911.900. Etl Lukinheal, Salesman Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 20 North High St Ph SMI GOOD LOTS, paved st , close all schools Only I4MN1 caah Good lots, paved st , well located to all school, will increase In value Price 950 rash 1 1 000 Fine lot (Mix 10 Zone 3 building lot 100x100. This lot has a future 92100 C. H SANDERS 231 N High 53 Open from 300 to n 00 p.m Aug 13 and 14. 1545 North 16th Street. 111.750 See this slmost new pre-war five room home, in excellent condition. Full banement with party room. Auto Oil Air -Conditioned fuinace. Ildwd fit Flrepalce. Beautiful front A back yard. Garage A small green house Owner out of town. Immediate posses sion Harvey Radcllff. Realtor SERV. STA on highway Intersec tion. See owner. 4I N Capitol "GARAGE HOME In rlty. NortH; "City water In house, some plumbing but not installed. City sewer II.I30 Sullivan Realtv Co. 335 Portland Rd Ph 32SS.' Fve 2-1413 Special $2200 2 rm well built, easily enlarged Large lot. riottheast. , $3500 Full Price 9 rm. lioue cement fotindal Ion. 1 year ol .loo yard from WE North. $3950 Full Price 2'. acre all In potatoes 3 rm. house Just north of Knxcr school. $1500 Full Price rms. completely renovated on acres. Just 3 mile to Salem. $5500 Full Price rma , 3 bdrm., 4 block to rspitol building. Could easily be converted Into duplex. CI Special $6500 Brand new 3 bdrm. house to, be sold to veteran. $500 Full Price Completely furnished Including elec tric range and refrigerator. S irn. house built in 14. $9950 Full Price a bdrm. home, excellent location, full baaement, hdwd. floor, pipe Wood furnace. $15,000 Full Price For a truly nice view home. See this KingwiMKl Height beauty. M. O. Humphreys & Co., Realtors 22M Fairground Rd Phone 2-43M 3035 Portland Rd. Phone 720 Open Sundsys for your convenience " 91000 " ha just been taken off the pi Ice of this 3 acre 4 B R. home, located neat door to the Auburn school house Price now 17500. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3M9 Portland Rd Ph 3355:' Eves 2-447 HOME With good income. 9 Urge modern rooms for owner: 3 furnished apartments for rental. All apartments have outside entrances. I .oca led in excellent rental district near stale buildings and university. Price 910.500. 3 bed room house with large liv. rm . din. rm and kitchen All on one floor. Full basement with extra set of plumbing. Furnare. fireplace. Good cottage on rear of the lot facing street renting for 940 per month. Price 9I2.BOO. 900 will handle. Rostein & Adolpli, Inc. 110', N ComT St Ph.3o30 Eves 3I4 LARGE BUNGAI.OW REASONABLE 3 bedroom and bath Good woik Ing man's location Pi iced to sell. Pftasesaton In about twp weeks. Price 95500. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 Slate St Ph. 26l 93150 DOWN, balance 940 monthly. Nice 2 bed loot 1 1 home South, on large lot Wired for sange. unfinished up stair. Close to school and bus, 900 full price Sullivan Realtv Co. 425 S. 12Ui St. I'h. 4j3. 'Eve. 2-1173 For Sale Real Estate LEE OHMART MOVE RIGHT IN A very neat and Clean suburban home with nearly aire of land, en tire back yard fenced in This home offers living-room,' 2 bedioniiis, tiled kitchen with small nook ami tiled both. farage with attached utility room, km y 2 blocks to bus located Just off Mlveiton lllway - It,fl30 A NEAT AND MODERN HOME Clever 5 room home, ha living- room with fireplace, dining-room, 2 I ,ml, kitcht n with k and bath. garage, base a lot 50140. nice back yard, tree and garden space Excep tionally neat and clean, nice residen tial ll!ilcl imxM) BEAUTIFUL CREEK LOCATION Tins well built laige home is not new but IS completely modern with double plumbing, full basement, oil furnace, elec. water heater, etc, Ha wall to wall raipcting in livlng-iroom and dining-room. 2 bedroom, kitchen with nook and bath down. 3 bedroom and bath up Has a corner lot 502O0 with app. 50 feel along the cieek. lovely natuial landscaping, large va riety of trees and shrubs, a bark yard jou will criioy to the fullest 912.500 LEE OHMART & 477 COURT ST rves Sj sun I'h X-3131 or 309 I IS I VhllH PROPERTY WITH US ! SELLING HEM. . I A T E 19 OUR BUSINESS ; SUMH'SK Fincht iew Ltits eer offered to the puhlic 4 Won derful irw of mis. and dential district, located Street on Iowa Ave. See meiit. CALL CRABENHORST BROS., Bealtorl 131 South Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Walt & Eveln L. Miifjirave -REALTORS CHOICE ACREAGE 4i, Acre, fine Newheig soil Prrltv homr. lots of .hlubs. full basement , furnace 3 BH Extra large I.M Close In 114.200. 40 AC Jt ES A guaranteed money maker. - Over MMKl therrv c,op '".'' care for yeai. 3 Acres in cultivation, j 7 Rm. house. 32x40 bain. A buy at 110.300 RIVER BOTTOM SPECIAL 111 Aires of Oregon finest River bottom soli S3 Acres under Cult. Bal ance easily clraied I'lentv of cedar for posts. Some stiaw tier rles ia.p berrles AV voungher i Irs. .ota of w-Ster Fine spring. Old Hldys. Less thsn half maiket pi Ice. 12o per Acre. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 Edgewaler Mr eet .PHONE 510 B Rm. home near Center ' St Full Bsmt . suto nil heat, nice )Bid 10 dav possession See MR. CJOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4IO After 713 93JMNI NEW MODERN House sll on one floor, with utility room. '$ Sere of ground, nicely ai ranged house gain ed with siding snd one mat of paint, windows tn snd loot ml, suh fliMira In, 2 rsr gstsge Immediate Possession. 7500 New miKlei n home not quite finished. 1 story, cement found, plas tered, hardwood floors in. fireplace. 2 bedroom, electiic heat. 2 car garage, rough plumbing in,, wired. Nice utility room. Possession Now. 17930- Well built 2 htdroom home with basement, plant led Interior, electric cooking snd water heating sawdust furnace, garage, nice lawn and back vard fenced I i I v ar by and aee It at 224 N. 4th St; 9500-Dr ive by and C this st 4MI S. High st, hardwood lloois, cement foundation, fireplace, room for iiioir lied rooms upstsirs. 2 bedroom down stair, full basement, electric cooking, garage. I3CMMJ down will handle (his. balance like rent. IU300- Well ar ranged 3 bedroom home with full basement very well lo cated Noitheast. bath, living riwm, dining room, kitchen. Venetian blinds, tirade School 3 blocks. High school 0 blocks. Bedroom In basement, lovely back yard and gaiden. McKillop Real Estate Agency' IK South Hlrh St Phone 5-1-3-1 Phone evenings 4S.17 - t.MU - 7IA.1 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN i ' BR home Highland di'ti Id 2 HH s Ac BmIIi. Living room, dinette, kitchen, full basement, auto sawdust Iwat.. elec Hot water, nice vaid, slisde A fruit tuv going st trHiM See lliold M.Millin with State Finance ( !o., Realtiirs 153 S. High Phone 4121 Eves II F 71 BY OWNER 2 It R mod he Liv . dinette. Kit . bath, full bsmt . film . H. W. heat. Iiee. walnut. 2 pears, shrub ;ar Fenced. ,5O0 If taken sotin. 2335 Maple St A GOOD Shady place on a paved t 2 storv houe. 3 nanus and bath above and same below. Built when clear lumber war used. Ixit 100-240. Fruit, nuts and beriles Oaiage. Beau tiful yard and only 975tr0 C. B. JohiiMin, Salesman Etl Bvrkit, Realtor 2ft North High St Ph r.!M NEAR CANNERIES 3 Mil plasteied liome. Good lot with tlee. Terms I54KMI ROSEDAI.E SPECIAL Here i lovely 2 BR home in very good Iocs Hon. Irge L. R and D R . .full carpeted. Mahogany woodwork lwd floors, fireplace, elec. heat, elec crx.k and water heat Insulated and weath er stripped, full t ssernt , lovely bark yard, lawn fumituie. Terms-13.5cJ La r sen Home & Itian Co. Exclusive Listings--Personal Service IS4 So Com I St. I'h 3l Eve 544 VIEW 1 .OT Lsdstee $ouh Ph 5.UI T,S.V) Um'ATED North r.f State-,, to room home, ideal for 2 apt, upstairs Very nice lot. I on 120 Rmii for an other house See Mr Pater BURT PICHA. HFAI.'IORS 2543 Portland Hd Call S472. eve 2 4304 IT'S A Privilege' to have uch a liortve to offer for sale at only I2IHi A well built house, vacant now. Suit able tor room, to let osit. Ha hard maple floors. bath room on each floor, located lust right, cloae to state buildings Res Ph. 24777. C. B. Johnn. Salesman Etl Bvrkit, Realtor 2o North High St Ph SMI 12 RTApt House near Slate Bhlg. 2 lota, garage. Income 9200 mo. Snap. Ill 500-half down. bal. good terms. 9 A. fine land 3 M E. no bldg. 12 loo R semi-mod. house E. Salem, ga rage, out bldgs. Immediate poaseselon 94CNM 9I2M down, bl. , good teirn E. B. PERRINE. Valley lJind Co FOR SALE or trade: New 2 bdrm home In Southeast Portland for home In Salem. Phone MU STRICTLY Modern 3 BR home, full baaement. oil heat. etc. large lot beautiful yard. Close to city limits Noith Ikinl overlook this for 1500 Call Harold McMlllin with Slate Finance ( !o., Realtors 1.13 S. High Ph. 4121 Eve IIE2I "THE Best is always the heane.t 20 acre Will, silt soil. acre In new planting of berries, clean and thnftv ft room model n home, electric water system. 2 acre limber. Bla. In culti vation Only IIS.0O0 C. B. Johnson. Salesman Etl Bvrkit. Realtor 2U9 North High M. I'll. Ml For Sale Heal Estate' & CO., ltEALTORS 937501 FURNISH tO I acre of laAd. small neat 0 bedrssoeit home, newly painted Inside J elec. wat er heater, wired for range, leiee . - wat er system, double ra. . hick en hou.e. Includes new jelec. fsnge, re fer, washing machine, da vevi port and rhalr. rnrrxplee bed Snd diVsaer. t. laicated Ciul 3'. mile frotSj city cen nr. t-at. ITirao will handle, I 370! I I .oca ted North, a clean 3 room he ha living-room, dinipg -rooi. 3 riMims, kilctien and bath. Oil-.clrr. e c.l water heater, wired I for rjige. Lot 50x100. 3 apple tree rd 1 bear tree, FINE SUBURBAN HOME located on the i Nilvertofy - Miway, close in, acres of ricn jsotl. part pasture, some winter oat si chicken in.. mm sirvu wain. i n us m roorr home has a lovely Selling " of iarse tiees and lots of hrib srjtf flowers, lis living-room. dlnrg-ro4)m rrus riHim, 3 bedrooms, kitchen v irh nocsi and bath, no upstairs. flrerJace, part hardwood floors, auto water healer, wired for range. 2 auto ga beaters. garage. This entire proper! v I la tn-ex cellent condition, has bus lervics) at door. H. 000. CO., REALTORS PHONE OB 440 HEKHITS ! i vallev. Salem'sj finest resi vit of South ('omn ia! ercia this district. Alreal fnvet- 4 I ! WALT AND EVELYN L. M!l1 SGRAVE REALTORS SOUTH SALEM-40 Modern 2-ftedronin liQS.e. I5Ci DOWN I . I BH plastered hone, on(e f Trsv Id. walking distance to schSoi. ran nriirs and bus line. Full price 4U. SOUTH SALEM KUiti ' lit "Os 153 (m sloiv burgf, S year old. 2 blocks to bu Scdoot 13 biocSs. SS?JI 1 3 BR him. th i .' Welt Sam. , Nice home "with sea of fii de soli. I 91000 Excellent aub-dtviior). 4 BfA. hoT. nicely decorated. Oil r furni-. fire place, large loom. 4 isrres jturveyerl into acre lots with l-'OOO yigter JS- lem aireaoy in. Realtt West Salem Ct. 1233 EDGEWATER sr. Plume 5109! SUBDIVISION A real! MONEYMAKER On paved street south ors bus l.rve. Nesr rlty wster. Only 3:. ilies frens city center. 29 acres. 943o0. I CHAS. HUDKItNS & SON 379 State St. ' j Pj--we 2-4129) MODERN 9 rm. house trt Newport. Tiade for house In Hater. Contact Mrs F. W. Jones, 723 Hubert St,. Nsw prt. Oregon. P. O, bnr 154 4 HOME for g famllie.i 4 ttcks ffeea business dial. 90U0. i t: Sullivan Realtv Co. 425 S 12th St. 'Ph 411V 'r e NEAR CATHOLiq 'sCOOV 97100- 3 Bed rm. Basement, fcsth. automatic water heatrNir lot. well landscaped. Call Jeas TliOmison. HVtr REAL ESTATE CfO . REALTORS 1717 Center St. Ph. 2-1549 j j Eve, Ph 23501 4 BEDRM. HOME $., 2 ibedrooniS down, liv. dining rm. kl!thenr bath dbl. tilurnblng. full basm't. sawdust furrtaro. Upstairs ran be easily ; cnv4ted tnus apt Private entrance! farr.liy fruit. Can le had for 950. Call llergland. Burt Picha, Realiort 234.1 Portland Rd. pl tT2e4.43 LCJVELY FAIRMOUNT KILL A very attractive horr.e lust rtcslr aecniaieu inrougnour US so c ac span three bedl OOT arxl dem beautiful location, autp oil peat. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors ! 149 N Ilirh St Phdh Tsna $4500 i MOVE RIGHH IN a Bed rooms, living .for-,. d;nir4f loom, kitchen, bath, garage On paveal street, near achnnl and tut l:ne. (Clean. es it's really for aa!e I CHAS. IIUDKINS Sl 0. 275 Stale St I Pliine 12-4:29) 9300 for this 1 BH'home ' ffriiehed with Eirtex Hath and good ji water ! system. About 9 ml. S, of Sa!m. i . e ai.s a a .-.. iiraniiis , Ph. 3210 337 N High, St, 24793 1 the lelephfinc numbef to call want 1 . ft Eost To Buy orlSell real estate of any kind. THE I REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Near Center t OrrflonaOlatt $naa ADVCRTISfNG I Western Advertlilng Representatives f Ward-Grtfflth Coerpany. fnsv Son Francisco r I I Eaitern Advfrtijlnf Represents U vet Wsrd -Griffith Coerijany. bva. Cbicam New York, Detroit. Boston. Atlanta j Member Pacific Coast Dlvlifn Puxeau of AdvertLiIflf , tnttrtd ml the Poefofflre Ea'esw. Oeepon as gscnnd Class Mutt. Pvsw , lishett eteew moris errer at swi4u. Business ollce 113 South CummercMiL 51 r set. ! SUBSCRIPTION j RATES Mall Subscript Ion Rates) tn Advance! Within Oregon., Daily and Sunday. Mo. to cents; meat 93 00. 4 pear. MO: Eiaewhere M cenr per ir4 oe 17 3d for 1 year In sdvsrx.e Per cupy 9 cents. Be City Carrier. 79 centsi a month, I 00 a year In advance In Marlon aaal adjacent cwuulle.