PAGE EIGHT OREGON STATESMAN. SoUm, Oregon, Saturday Morning. Auaust 10. 1946 Lecal Noliee Hop Pickers Wanted Help Wanted Female Help Wanted Female For Sale Miscellaneous Money to loan For Sale Ural Fslate For Sale Real italale moTirr. or intention to im- OVI THAT CERTAIN IN HUH K v Mi r.M. ro the MII1H 1.INK or MARION 8TRr.T TO THE MXTH -LINK OF I'NION KTRltT IN THF. CITY Or OALr.M (IKMidN NOTICE IS HEF.EBY GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, dffmi It necessary and i lprOitnt. and hereby declares iti pur pot and intention to improve that certain alley in Block 25. Salem, from the North line of Marlon Street to the South hoe of t'nlon Street In the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at in riprntt of the bultil and ad taccnt property owners, by bringing taid alley lo the established iradr and paving said altrv with six -inch I'oit !and Cement nxlrrn and nne-half feet in width, in accordance with the plan were adopted by In Common Council ,n the 5tn dv of August. 1040. now on file in the Office of the City Record er. and which are hereby referred to nd made a part hereof The Common Council hereby de clare Us purpose and Intention to matte tti abnve-decr ted improv-i-i bv and through the Street De partment of tie City ff Salem. Oregon H order of the Common Council of the Cit of Salem. Oregon. thl 6th aa of August. 1146 Al.rRED MUNDT City Recorder. Salem. Oregon. A 7-8-0-10-13-14-15-10-17-20 At 21 NOTICE Or INTENTION TO IM MOVE THAT rilRllON Of KIKA1 AVIMI rOM THE WEST LINE Of ( OMMUI IAI. 8TRFET TO THE FAO-T IINE Or JOHN UTRttT IN THE UTl HE SAI.EM. OHEUON. NOTICE IS IIEHEBY GIVEN Uiat 4h Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deem It necesaary and expedient, and hereby declares ita pur p)i and intention to Improve that portion of Rural Avenue from the Wet line of Commercial Street to the Fat hrx of John Slieet In the City of Saien . Marion County. Oregon, by bringing (aid portion of (aid street to the established grade. constructing Portland lenient ruitss. and paving said poition of aid street with I'ort land ement concrete pavement thirty feet in width, m accordance with lb plana and specif nation therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council cn trie Stn dv ot Auguat. 1040. now on fi ir Ue Office of th City Recorder, and which ate heieby referred to and made a pan hereof Tli Common Council hereby de clare Ita purpose and Intention to make the abovc-decribed Improve ment by and through the Street De of the City of Salem. Oregon Bt order of the Common Council of the Citv of Salem. Oregon, thla Sth day of August lM Al l HID MI'NDT Ciiy Recorder. Salem, fregon A 7 -10-13-141J-16-n-20 St 21 kOTII r. OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE THAT CERTAIN ALLEY IN BIIHH I?. lilllRda' H. JIINfl A II KITION. a ROM THE NORTH LINK lir Mlllrlt STMEKT TO 1HE KOl'TH llVF or WILSON N-TRKKT IN THE ( itt or iai rM. onr.noN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Common Count il of the City of Salem Oregon deema it necessary and expediert. and hereby declares ita pur poe and inteiition to Improve that certain all v in Hlnr-k 12. George M Jrr Addit.on. from the North line of Mers Stieet to th South line of Wilson Street. In the City of Saletn. Marion ('otinh Oregon, at the expense of the shutting and adlacent property rrr t v bringing alley to tlie establi.r.ed grade and paving id al ley with in-:nc'i Portland Cement concrete ruvteen feet in width. In ac cordance with the plans and specifica tior.s therefor, which were adopted by the Common Council on the Sth day of Auf-unt. 1M. now on file In the offue of tue City Recorder, and which are hereb referred to and made a part here Tiie Common Cosinrll hereby de ciaiea ita porpote and Intention to make the above-desci ibed Improve ment bv and through the Street De p'tni I of the City of Salem, Oregon. Bv order of the Common Council of the Citv of Salem. Oregon, thla Sth dav of Augutt l4 MI'NDT Citv Recorder. Salem, Oregon A 7---lt-i:i-l-13-16-l7-20 A 21 IXK1TRIX NOTICE Of A PPOLN' TMKNT Notice i hereby given that th un it rlgr,ed hk been appointed by the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon for the Countv of Marlon. In probate, a enccutrix of the estate pf Martin 01on deeaed and that she has duly qualified a nuch enecutnx. all per son hating ilainii again! the relate cf said decedent are hereby notified to present t'.e uti e. duly verified as required bv law. to me at 203 Oregon Buildir:- Saletn. Oregon, within m ii month of the dale of this notice Dated t Salem Oirgon. this loth Oil of Auiul 1 4fl MATTIE F BEATTY. Executrix cf t.e e'.ate of Mai tin Olson. Det ead fu.tiaid Clover. Attornev for Exerutiix. Tof Orrnn Bmldir.g. Salem. Orefon A 10-17-24 .'U S 7 LivratfM'k and Poultry TOR SALE Well matched team of ... one 7 and -other arnoothed mouth bright I7(X) each Price 92UO H A R . H m J ml S. of Pen 4 1 corner PluKie aSFS. Salem. WANTED All" Kinds "of iVvestotli V a I lev Packing Co Phone 3B39 '.FOR" SALE Saddle hora. well broke Rig'it price right aire, right color. AIm- Chcpeake Ha v retriever pupa 2 month old I'nir right Jiee' R A Whit at Ramp ft Whit Store. Brook Ore PCI -LETS. Christie. New Himp 10 and 12 ki old Dillon Jones. Cor den Rd near Swegle school WANT ED Fat and canner cows for beef Datrv cows heifers bulls veal Fat hogs sows stags, boars Market price t. C McCandlish rt 3. doi 373 Pn 9147 act o frjrrnball oark S 23th " FOR SALE Christie n".H RBy chicks every Wed Boylngtons 1710 Jtate St Phne469orfieF4 BABY CHICKS weekly hatrhea new Hampthire other vsrtetles Ph. 22ei Lees Hatchery RABBITS WANTED: All sizes Ttb 0 lb White 27c lb. colored 24c lb., live weight Rabbit skins, best prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies Rt. 4 Box MB William Bosaert Write, w pick up Rabbit Meat Co 9917 SE Stark St CX'SIOM dressing of chickens, sny cumber Prompt servire Dreed poul try wroleal our specialty Phon r;2!I lee Hatchery WANTED Beef and canner cows Bulls and veals Will call at farm E I Snethen 1330 Lancaster Drlv Pn 2134. Morn oe eve 'QUALITY NFW-Hamp chick Col lege tube tested No reactors Phon Hlark 193 Cehrny Hatchery Sllverton Oregon Hop l'irkcrs Wanted WANTED H"P pickers Register rw oi rail Red 172 Sllverton Kchar. 9tFrT-,an and llvrr aid 1 mile SE of (! Ilo'x I! s Ii.m.I on Switei mrti roatl HOI' PICKEKS WANTED Heav f-rrp of t-aity At late hops ("tjl iliin hadv camp grourid" C ab in. Ufutt A vioikI fuinilied More on ground I'irkrr.' lilt to Salem. Or kCG'ISlf'H NOW Write or call WH.-HART HOP FARM WARD l.l'NDV. Supt , C.EHVA1S, ORE PHONF SALEM 2-26HI or W223 HOI' I'ICKFRS wanted starting Wed Au 14. good hops grid long picknsr Aln.on Winn. HI 1. Box W2. Jeffer,.r i n SjIrfTi llvjena Villa road neiir VHlrtr !i'hrol HOP P.-cker wanlco arlv and late tMf Vmg wn, gixl picking. S r--. North on Hiver road I'lr (irovc Farm f'h 222HU HOP T'li KKHS mi.ii-r now Hrown Island Hop Yrl 5 mile S" W of RaLfT on Willamette River Early and late it't Store on ground. Cabins, v. tHw! nat. r liKht and straw fur ruswd Picking legin about Augut lOtrr I'tn.iir 2-.!l7 or 7!i'i I'nt ! nitntiy it tix.k ticrnly 25 f i.!ets ti rn.ikr n tiiigU' urn e f the naturiil nil for per 'umr TtttUiv tin vnltt xlir i. ' rxatiurevl nthrtically. HOP PICKERS wanted: Early and late hops, good picking. Cabin, wood, lightr Si trt.w furnished. Store on ground Hhon 3-I7M Ory Hop Ranch, Rt 2. Box 197, Salem. nnop pick ers-Vanted Eor our yard, about 43 mllea a w. of Salem, 250 acres of chotca river bot tom hop. Picking beglnf about Sep tember 1. Eln shady cams) ground, fin cabins. Stoves, wood, electric llghta. shower baths, tables, stools and straw for beds furnished with cabins. Store, butcher shop and restaurant on grounds. Bus transportation i Pleas writ JOHN J. ROBEHTS at CO. Sa lem, Oregon, stating number! Of adult pickers and endow II for registration and use of cabin, which will b refund ed at clone of season. i HOP PICKERS "WANTED " 400 acres early V late hops. Heavy crop. long season. 'Clean, coot, shady camp ground Nursery for children . . Store A restaurant on grounds. Buses tn Dallas, Monmouth. Independence. REGISTER NOW. Writ or rail C A. McI.AUGHI.IN HOP RANCH Route No. I. Independence, Ore. T A. Bell. SupC i Phone Independence, Ore., T7-E-1 " HOf Pickers wanted tor the Mis sion Bottom Hop Co. 12 mile north of Salem. Picking begins about Aug. IS PKnne 29347 or write Gervats. Ore run. Box S3. S00 HOP PICKERS: Early August Clean camp, lights, wood, water fur nished free. Register now. i Ml torn a Hop Farm. Independence. Ore Rt. 1. Box 360. Help Wanted LIMITED number men. women er young men and girla to work on stationery hop picking machine and dry kiltia Day work, mostly Inside. Top hourly pay. Inquire at Graham Hop ranch at S. Mission Bottom. 7 mile north of Salemprcall263r. TRAINED Nurse." niaintnarsce man. laundry supervisor, h o u s e m o ther. bookkeeper and stenographer-receptionist Ph 23022 for appointment. . HARVEST- HEU-T Check boe. Wiremen. Raw bucks. Dryernjen. Eiremen and Truck Help ers. Heavy crop, long season. Top wages. Close to Palem. Bus daily. WILXJAMS a. TH ACKER tO LA HOP YARD SAl-EM. ORE. ASK FOR "CHRIS- " PHONE 223. 24-251 after ! IJPJl. "WANTED T" 1000 HOP PICKERS i Harvest starts th later part Of Aug ust. 337 acres of, high trelllg hops, cool, shady camp with llghta, wood, shower baths and day nursery for children, furnished f re t pickers. Grocery store, meat market and rest aurant on grounds. Register In person at ranch office or write us for full particulars E OI KMENT HORST CO, . INDEPENDENCE. ORE, .. Help Wanted Male CARRIER-MECHANIC qualified to maintain assemble lumber carriers and other gas motors. Must be experienced. References desirable. Lumber Division. Oregon Pulp At Paper Co. ' . "INSTROCTIONT MaTe. AWttTGEtiTC TION AND AIR-CONDITIONING of fer opportunities to alert, mechanic ally m4nded men. Since 1927 UEI spare time training has helped thousands prepare for Jobs, repair shop ! owner ship. Get FREE opportunity facts to day. Write Utilities Inst.. Box HO. cO Stateaanan, . I WANTED"! journeyman meat cut tor. Broadway Grocery. 1190 I Broad WANTED EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS. MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. L. ANDERSON, INC. DeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703, 360 Marion St. PAINTERS WANTED 10 BRUSH PAINTERS, one spray painter-wanted at once: not lesa than 2 yrs exp Ph 4713 F O. Repine Co.. 259 Portland Rd. l MECHANIC for leading Auto and Truck dealer. Must be A-l and famil iar with Chrysler producta. See Mr; Elliott, service manager Stan. Baker Motors, Dodge-Plymouth distributor 529 Chernekela. Phone 4119. Help Wanted Female LADY COOK and waitress wanted. Hop yard restaurant. See Mrs. j Plant. Lake Hrook EXPERIENCED typist for pirrnaneni employment. See Mr. Frltr, Room 121 State Capitol Building. EXPERIENCED Typist tor typing and general office work. Wm. G, Stac ry ft Co, Ph. 24141. , LADY To care for balsy glrrda vs your home Near 1000 Fir St. Call 0665 eves. " ALTERATIONS! 10 "yrs. experience Will pick up and deliver. Calf 22472. WAITRESS wanted. Hop yard res taurant SeeM rs . Klant, ux e firoox . CJIHI. Or woman 3 to 4 hours, 3 or 4 days a week ln launrPlv-542L EXPERIENCED lady grocery clerk, too pay. Ph. 6171 days: 2-1830 eves. EXP WAITRESS, night shift; The Spa EXPERIENCED Maid, steady work, Grand Hotel. Phone J7S7. i OFricE" GirL Tvolng and some Knowledge or bookkeeping needed, rn 21874 W 6 MAIf to car for 8 mot. old baby In my home. References required. Ph. 7188 EXPXftlE N CXB ialesTady wanUd between 29 40. references rewired Ph. SOftO for Interview. HIGH SCHOOL or preferably Junior high school girl to live in nice home. Room and board and pay. Reference exchanged would Ilk girl By Kept 1st Write Box 794. The Statesman. Exp. Alteration Women. Steady work best salary in town no home talent. Bernartlty Tailor. Firft Natl. Kank Bit!-. "WAITR ESS wantedTHoursr'to 4Tso prn. Sat. afternoon. Sundays and holi days off. Apply to Mrs Erank Krau ger. State Offic Bldg , 12th 4V Court. YOUNG lady with some bookkeeping and typing exp . good appearance, and who enjoys meeting the public. Excel, houi. 40 hr. wk. 934. time and ' for overtime. Write Statesman Box 7M today for appointment. ' WANTED " Fast typist Yor a""per manent gnnd paying position with a future CaM 4138 WOMEN NEEDED at Salem-Laun-dry Co 263 S High. Situations Wanted WF. Do painting. Ph. 6750. 'MIDDLE AGED LDYTYoodFpiar ance. ilkes to meet public, likes to woik with figures, can type some, would like position where dependa bility is appreciated. Write Box 909 Statesman. j W El I ; Df IV 1SJO' w in t e"d . will "Jr ive for 4S. Write Dean Grim. Box 21S. Turner . JUVENILE SEWING. Phone59iI. 'TO STAY with "children "or elderly lady while family on .vacation. Ph. 9479. PAPER Hanging. Phone 44007 ; ' PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush or Spray DICK OREY Phone 20444 11(1 Flf It. WOMEN WANTED 18 tO 30 YEARS OF AGE Factory Work PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT 40 Hours Per Week Western Paper Converting Co. FRONT AND Situations Wanted HOUSE Moving, heavy trucking, trees pulled. No Job to big. No Job to small. D and D heavy trucking service. Rt. X. Boa SAO, Salem or Spray Painting Houses, barns, roofs or what have you. Phone I-1514. VENETIA! BUNBSTaUn3ereorrre- palred, ret sped. -hr. erV.rh -' 2 VETS wlin 3-ton iruca. svaa oeu tar hliw Phone 9307. "STRAYpalnting your paint or ours Phone 4Z4jli:veriy at oonenoerg PraSTnool PlaySchooL 1391 State Ages Parjorall day, Ph 9430 A t J. uJOBK suaranteed Windows, m,miim wroodwork cleaned Floors was" mA Insured workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 94S7. For Sale Miscellaneous FLUORESCENT KITCHEN fixture and single tube bracket tor use near your mirror VEATER APPLIANCE CO., J39 W, Liberty- T ANC. E as h less wood range, very good condition. 900. 4O80 Sute. Phone 2-IZ09 Twrt-WlfKEt. tralUr "Brlu tiirough; out. Inc. floor. 10" stel wheels. OO0 tires, ball V socket hitcb. i ll' ed with flar boards, Quickly detachable l aeldes 0129! without ext. sides fllJSO. Phone2-19S9, ""ALLMETAL ffthlnf tsckle boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 15 S N. Llhertj YXirrGn' BU ILT "V.oua trailer. S5 brakes and dolly.- priced to sell 91973 Out Center St. to Norman Ave., block north. SUCHTLYrTrSTO"Eriux modelRoy al portable typewriter with carrying ease. IU write as. J one, m. i. r 222. Stayton. 1 COMP. BEDROOM Set 915: drape 90.M or: ail-wool rug. 12x11. 9110 Congoleum rug, 9x11. 99. I chair 923 Davenport 9179. Phone I-JJZ7. PLASTIC CLOTHES line, ironing board pads and covers YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 950 N. Liberty nCRAVENSTEIN Apples. JCFrDough- erty. Rt. 7. Box 91. N. Pac. H wy., Claxter Rd. . ' OAT HAY in field 633 Terry. DAVENO. 93Snas range. WetTge" wood table top 1123. Inq, Ringlands Pet Shop, 43Ferry St. m "iFACT5RV BUtLT"traller haes. On 19 ft. and on 30 ft., both sleep 4. 2 rms.. 2 drs. Priced to selL 1 camping trailer, sips. 2. Ice box. stove, sink and water tank. 3205 : Portland Rd. Open Sunday. 'm y "COAL ORbrTquet circuUitor. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 2SS Nj, Libert jri nClGHTtght VaughnTdTag saw 1 299 S. High. Phone 2-440. ORAVENSTEIN spples 91.25 a"-b"u Crab apples 6c a lb. Phone: 3374. Furniture Savings Coil spring davenoa 999.50. Swing rockers 934 83. Unfinished chests 910 95. Table lamps 910.95. Asst. aluminum ware sz S3. Elec. heater liu u. tiec. irons 90 65. Elc. heating pads 90 65 Dinettes 934 95. Chrome dinette 919 50 Andirons 95 90. Steel kitchen ladders 94,95. Clothes baskets 93 99. We also have Countless Items of used furniture at prices you'll be glad to pay. Woodry Auction St Furniture Mkt. 1905 N. Summer. ""CWCSiPlONI " Outboard motor 9 One large safe 40x30x29. Make offer 270 N. Church. GOOTL ost and "vetch hay for sale B ml. E. and S of Salem. Rt. 9 Rax 117 I. A Evert CUCUMBERS for pitting. AFso peachea. Ph, 4423. Morrisons Fruit Stand. River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN 43RAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phon 2-1740 ""COMMERCIAL ELECTRlC7"aLtomT tic four burner range. Ideal for res taurant club or farm use. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ; 25jSN. rLlberty, LARGE 'Size baBy crib. Ilk new. 1445 S. 13th. , '. tftA'lTJER House," furnished. 19 foot. 390 Tayjpr stEndof North 4th sL TWILL Self new bathlub and fittings at cost to someone who will sell us 40 sacks of plastef. Ph. 9903. " LAWN"AND garden tools." YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty PURE Apple"iulce made daily from selected ripe Gravenstetn apples. Pur itan Cider Works. West Salem. :ELcTRlf2 ROOM Heaters. Ian", team and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. t 259 N. Liberty : WE buy and - sell "iurmutre, tools ttovea, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIO MAN'S 285 NCommercurPh 9885 T UPSfXlRS" Antique Shop. JU9Coui rWALL TYPE can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "Tnerrrcn a wlers. 2433tatrisr" COAT-!! ANGERS, steel r wootl K;ilgmsn's, 285 N, fjommercial. : SINGLE A Nt5 two burner hotplates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty River Silt : MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. . PH J-1900 - f-1100 riafi5AKKS A4orsT"shJlowwn pump. hors. 1 small Ulckersori ic. grill. 1 old Wood range. Cheap. Phon 2-2047. STEMCT Wagon wheels. 19 and J4ir7. Ca p 1 1 a I Bar g a In House. 145 Cent er s t. DRESS UP your awnings -and out door furniture with SETFAST canvas paint YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty CANNING Peaches now ready. Im- lah Fruit Farm, , ml. on Wallace rd. I'M. ZZ.1Z0 3 IN. suction Yioa "now a v 1 1 j, h m Capital Rargain Hoti. 145 Center st. s IJ and 4 In." pipe fittings now available. Capital Bargain House. 149 Center st. Sleeping Rags Army surplus down filled Arctic dbl. bags. On sale now at 925 Mail orders accepted. Foster Cycle St Sporting Goods. 114 8. E. Foster S. Port. Ph. Sunset 7298. HARVEST Sacks" for sal. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. I505 N. Front. Sa lem. Phone 7007. "D" STS. For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTRIC CHIMES, long and abort tubes, mechanical chime. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N, Liberty WIRE Fox Terrier puppies from champion and Int. champion stock. Mrs. Florence Mulkey. Rt. 2. Box 92. ig mile West Keller School. FIRST Quality Gravenstaln apples. Packed for shipping to all parts of th U. S. leave your order now Puritan Cider Works. Wt Salem Ph. 943a, AUTOMATIC. ELECTRIC sidearm water heaters YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N,,. Liberty SUEZ SAW 3 horse Fairbanks Morse gas en gine. Burz saw aaaenimv on wheels. Capital Bargain House, ACnter St. TENNIS COURT fence cont. app 2000 bd. ft. dimension and 720 tin. ft. 2" wire netting. Buyer to wreck. Call at 2515 N. Front Sunday. , "COILED TRASH burner: YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LUMBER. Post, timbers suitable for foundations. Sheeting, fuel. etc. SARAH MINZENMIER 1010 Academy Street . BA'BY'S Baacinet and mattreaa" good condition. Call OS65 evnings. BASSINET, play pen and pad. "New nursery scat. 0 tube Kteinlta radio, guitar and case. Phone j423 L 1 NEW CotUge sash 7x4 ftTHPh. J-1507. ONEnBuitding 28x19' fn fair shape, one building 24x10 good shape. Rt. 0. Call 73F31. ELECTRIC DESkf. mantel and wall clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty HOLLYWOOD Beds. Also chairs of all kinds, dressers, single beds, springs mattresses, day beds, wicker chairs and table. All aultabl for hop yards or resorts. Reasonable. Norton ia Ho tel. 4O0 S W. Uth. Portland. Oregon Br. 1181 NEW Furniture. Tlv. dinette and bed rm. set. 2595 lee st. DESK. TABLE and pin-lt-up lamps YEATEK APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty NEW APARTMENT Size gas range IMS Ma Die Ave. "ALUMINUM SAUCE pans, well and tree platters. frying pans, cookie sheets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ttH515it roller 95 Prewar small CoT laoslbl bucsy 97. 905 Judaon St. " NO. 2500 Holland wood furnac with lots of heating pipe. In excel, cond at a bargain price. See BRIGHT FURN ITU RE 453 Court Bargains! New chrome dinette set. New elec iron. New lamps. New beds, spring V mattresses. Used daveno St chair. Used dinette. Used lawnmower. Used roll top desk. Used good radios. Used dress ers. Woodry Auction Furniture Mkt. 18Q5 in, au mmer -ALWAYS a big stovic Woodrr's Furniture Mkt Ph 9110 HEAT yoiiFhoms electrically. TFs convenient, clean, economical See us for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 25S N Liberty "WnlTEM 7orcaah. sell or trade guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison. 800 No. High DAIRY--Menw. hav coconut ma again. Northwest - Poultry and Dairy Ph. 7007. isua im. rront. m ElG URINES ""A Nb small gift itemsT" YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 1-15 N. Liberty M 517lALrONllolat 505 Center Sf DRESSED Pork, M, or whole. El- ton WatU. Rt t. Sllverton. 1 nil, S. of Central Howell Sch. READ Community Auction for Fur- nltur ELEC. Swdch. toaster and grUL Rea sonable. 09 Park Ave. ELECTRIC PANTS prrssers and curling Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "WOOTTRANGE 920." maple Faby"bed 917. high chair 90, collap. buggy 010 Phone 2-2154 . 33 tensing Ave. A-l OATS HAY 925 per ton. Phone 2-2491. Marshall Schrlstofferson. KITCHEN AND bathroom light fix tures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 255 N. Liberty COPPER COILED' trash burner and new hot water tank. Phone 2-1721. PEASE PIANO, beautiful tone, fine cond. 9199. 940 down. 919 a mo. No rise in price at Tall man s. 395 S. 13th. A mile frorn high prices LIMITED quantity S tub electric table model radio with wooden case. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty CHICK ERING piano 9175. A bargain. 939 down, 912-50 a mo. Shop Tallman's and save. 3 s. 12th. MIRRA PIANOS from tM$. Se these beautiful spinet styled pianos with the tone of a Baby Grand. Tallman's. 909 ft 12th. FARMERS ATrrltNTTON - PorUble electric milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. Liberty nratSR"S" fll Veriest "19. gas pit $3 50. end tble 92.50. 9x10 rug 99. oval wall mir 911. brk set 910. varnish 15c at.. metal bed 95. Misc. 9442 Lee BABY 5 BASSINrTTE, good condi tion. Phone 7100. 0M North 17th nt. GARDEN TRACTOR on rubber. 9'. horsepower with alequlpPht-ltt., SMOOTH I rs rOR perfect ice cream YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Libert y ELECTRONIC volt meter. RCP model 004. up to 10OO volts DC. aV AC. Prac tically new. 945. 1010 Court St. - 9x13 RUG at pad 925. 9 rose throw rugs. 98 50 each. Mahogany lamp table. Phone 0258. A BARGAIN at 900. 50 rabbit. 5 hutches. Ill Rosemont sv.. West Salem FARMERS ATTENTION Westing- house automatic elec. milk cooler, ca pacity so gal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty HKA-tloTXece pan I. St tables. 1444 Ferry st "A-NICE"!V0ODTSange with hot wai- er tank circulator and plumbing com plete zzio North tnurrn st. FARMERSATTNT!ONT Electric it battery fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SEVERAL" w'ood ranges for sal Cheap. 1001 Edgewater, West Salem. INDIRECT FLOOR lamps St torch- lers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty D El-TrX E hand, dish soaprJanitor"s supplies. J. R. Boone Chemical Co Ph 214192 17M Fairgrounds Rd GtlAVENSTEIN apples. L. A. Kil ter Ph. 2-1254 Rt. 4 KITCHEN AND Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty COOD Used piano. 1255 Broadway. Phone 3540. PICKING SLAPPY'S at the first of th week, Aug. II. L. Townsend, Or chard Mission Bottom. NEW TRASH Burner, whit enamel 354 Norway . MONTAG enameFwood range, copper colls. 2(130 N. Sth. Phon 2-4940. CANNING PEACHES Choice Golden Hale. Early Slap pvs. Golden Jubilee and Hocheaters, 91 50 to 93 per bu Bring bones. North on Wallac Rd. II Miles to west side of Wheatland ferry. C. M. LaFollett & Stn Y ACORV-BUlLT-ir'aileT -Rou43 ft. Excellent tires. Elect, brak. New butane range. See at Jefferson Auto Court. Jefferon, Oregon. " PEERLESS Gas heater. Excellent condition. Fur coat size 14. 19U0 N. 5th St. " 0TOrQrnrrun"TaTsTW"Monag rook atov l9fN 33rt. GOOD Used windows and doors Also pip and fittings. Itoleiman won t be ' there until afternoon. 12M High st. B EATfTl TV L Ton.v lofi n Fine for orchestra, very loud. Call after S p m 943 Tamerack. DAVENPORT and chair 8123" Dinine set 9100. Bed rm. set 940 and mnc 507 Knapp. P. N. Johnson. FENDER "SKIRTS For '41 Pont lac Brand new Includ ing chrome. 645 Center si. NEW Breakfast set. roll top desk, library tables and stands STATE ST. FURNITURE lf Rt. L Ph 7500 t WAY and intercomm. telephone seta. VEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 19 FT. Shult "tialler hae. Good cond In Id and out. Perm. bed. Ira. at 540Hlhlandve rui-LEH Bruihei 114k Orsnt P 9357 STOVE repairma'ar parts' Wood re's Mkt. A05 N Hummer St GUARANTEED FOREVER flash- llghas reuulring no batteries, two arid cell flashlights, railroad typ nterns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Llberty MODERN Auto Trailer. Moderately priced. Medium sire Comfortably equipped. Carl E. Millard. Scott Mills. Ore. SHINGLES from Rosenberg mill at Tillamook. 2x4. shiplap. flooring 4 other items Lumber kiln dried or green on HH priori tie Ted Mullcr Trucks. Ph. Salem 2I1D0. Canning Salmon and Tuna KINDRED'S SFA FOODS Route 3. Box 29 Astoria. Oregon Orders new being taken and filled when fish com in. Shipped COD DECORATIVE "AND lighted houae number YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty DISTILLED White pickling vinegar ror an pickling purposes. (Keep your pickles cr lap I . Also pure apple cider vinegar. Puritan Cider Works. Wi Salem. AGATE equipment. Ilk new. BOO N Winter. EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes 9e Ed Ellis at Nelson Broa Furniture Store 315 N Liberty Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furtil ture large assortment or made to or der Plcketts Furniture 13th and Stat nrLA5TI-KOTE lfie"dusbe "paint with the -cellophane like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Wanted Miscellaneous USED washing machine. Bob Brown. Phone S 1 0 1 THREE 1 or 1U ton flit bed true, with drivers to haul hops on vin to stationery picking machine No handling of hops by driver. Short haul, good pay. Inquire Graham Hop Rancti at 8.- Mission Bottom. 7 mil north of Ralem or Ph. 22703. "WANTED rrohTHiprlhgToTniOJ or l:ta Dodge, win pay new price Ph. 23083 WATCH lor opening Tale of Th Bouconler Drive-in Restaurant, 2795 iStale St. Pen 4 Corners F"'uiiiv eii i L.r"..r.."ri , r ,x . awwm ji'ut iui iiiiui v r see ttuss urignt rn. WANTED TO BUY : CaTg trunk suitable for shipping Phone 24322. 2USED"rUrNITl)RE. Phone 91 19 WANTED. PIANO Will pay cash Wills Music Store 433 State St DISHES over 25 yrs old Upstair Antique Shoo 430 Court Ph 2-1443 WANT TO Buy7Used cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 439 State CASH for your used furniture? Ph 7500 Mat St Furnltur I0O0 Stat CASH for uad olano aY" other mu- steal Instruments Call 4041 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqutth Must Co . 191 High AUTO painting lust a shad better by Say ETTER C ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 USED FURN ITUrE Ph. Wantetl Furniture USED Furnltur wanted Furn. Co. 3440 Fairgrounds Rd. Mason Miscellaneous DRESSMAKING. tOofl N. 5th. "BILL'S AUTO PAINT-ShopT First class painting and body fender work, good work, good material and good prices, loop Lancaster Dr. Lawn Mowers Sharpened Scottie Smith Fixlt Shop. Owyscset- ylene and electric welding. Tricycles and Kiddle Cars repaired. Pick up, and deliver. Rt. 7. Box 370. Hayesvill id 1st. Relman'a Gardeni Phon 3283. i FOR ltirV Elat bed Uuck and driver. Ph. 22500 " Mattrewes71CalrTBedo Septic Tanks Cleaned K. E Hamel. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 INTERIOR decorating and paper- hanging done. Phone 391. i BEKINS Nationwide mov serv7T73 "MEn'S'TTATS clesned and blocked f 5c LES SPRINGER 404 Court St AL'S CLEARING AND GRADING PHONE 0305. SPRAY" PATNTINO house, tarns. roofs or what hav you. Ph. 2-4240. "SEPTIC" TANK I"rvlcl0l7 Elm tT.. Salem, Ore. Jack Boenlng. " C HAk I 93 E 6TJN DAT ION S"I nylon brassieres aV g I rd les St elastic control Also Maeomt frocks. Ph. 9405. Mrs Frank L Turner. 205 N 4th. DRAWTNCTfiouse plans frmTBl7 Dental Plate Repair Two noua service in most CASES Bring Mall Your Plate foe Repair DR. HARRY SEMX.ER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg Stat j Com Ph 9311 HEAVY Hauling. Escavatloo and Road Building. I -and Clearing. Doser Work. Ditching. Basement Excavation. Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix, Cement. Salem Sand $ Gravel Co. 1409 N Front SL Salem, Oregon Phone 0400 or 21924 "XOCAL transfer, hauling "and"p(anb moving. Ph. 22811. C. L. Newton. CONTRACT hauling local it long distance. R. L. Phillips. RU 3. Box 988K. Salem. Phone 2-3172. W EATII E K 'P fulTmanPh 0 Tree Surgery Trimming, topping, removals. Ph 1-4030. Money to Iian FARM and CITY LOANS 4'. and 9 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortrga CAPITOL KF.11JHJTIK CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldgv Phon 1191 Extra Cash For Vacation Expense For Home Buying Coats For any worth wh II purpwa where "Cash" is needed and convenient pay ments desired. LOANS 125 TO 9300 for home or busirieas Furniture. Salary, or Business Equip ment, on auto 95O0, to men or women, married or singl and you msy hay 18 months to repay. Phon first for fat service W Ilk to say "Yes" to loan requests. Personal Finance Co. Salem. 518 State St . Rm 125 Phon 1181 Llr.S-l29t M-5 $ $ MONEY $ $ W mak all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause We slao make real estate loans and buy real tal contracts For quark and effl clent aervlo ee or phon STATE FINANCE CO, Phone 4121, 193 S High. Salem IJe S 910-M 22 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N lM 150 (General Finance Corp. offers money at one on cars, trucks furnltur. trailer houses. livestock, farm marchinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-signers Uenerel Finance Is locally owned and officered; was organised In IUI and lhrefM knows and ran help throughout Wie repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phon 130 South Commercial Sts . Salem Phon: SIM Licenses S-139 k M 3.18 Financial YOUR Surplus money will earn rou 9 per cent interest. Huy a real eslal mortgage, examine th security your elf Mortgages available in amounts of 9SO0 to 97.500 We collect all in terest and payments' for th investors. no extra cnarg. Slate Finance Co.. Realtors 159 S. High St. For Rent Rooms LARGE sleeping room for eo.p lady, laea Center Phon 621 SLEEPING room .for gentleman" 1132 Hlenz St. SINCIJII-Room !7r giif no" rTvr green ave. Room anil Hoard ELDERLY, refined ladv desires' place le slay with board Confined to wheel chair. Write Box 900 Statesman For Kent- Honors WOULD Like to swsp rent nt 9 rm. modern house In West SslenN for model n home In Salem. Call 9430. HAVE MODERN 4 rm. home In Port land. Will swap rentals In or near Sa lem. Call U. N. 9011 Portland. For Rent SAVE 950 By renting my fHirtabl paint spray er. Ideal for inside work or rats A child ran operate. Reas Also elec sad Iron, S4M ket sets, plumb t !. etc.. to rent ItM) Hansen av. TV RNISIIED Of f ice space.aio mall and telephone service. 175 S. High. FLOOR SANDER for rent " Menl enmery Ward TRAILERS lot" rent so per br' Wnewtry' Mkt iSX5N Summer tRUCkS for" rent V".i "drive"" Urn Cune aV fxvell Phone OOoq U-DrIV E TRflcKS" FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 ft Liberty. PI. MD2 FLOOR Sander "lor "rent Marshall Wells Store Phone 80T7 . GOdtT Died- Piano H ITUtir Wanted lo Rent 2 OR 3 BEDROOM unfurn hse will pay 873 tier mo. Mr. E A. Collier Phone 9P8 IJGIIT Haekeeping room for etn p toyed girl. Preferably close in Hx Boa. Statesman FORMER Salem "reeUenla desire un" furn 3 or 3 hed rm. hae Call 0Vk4 Local references. ' WILL SOMEONE please "sFiare thir home for three or four months with a Christian couple St two children By then another lious will b available Phon 1-1255 WANTED 2 Ixlrm unfuini.hed hue or apaitment. adults. Mrs. Flank Pat terson. Phone 4534 ' A MOD. Furn. hae. or apt In italarn by quart voung col. with no pet. Call Mr or Mrs E S Tartner 3435 "DESPERATELY Needed by veleiaVi". furnished house bv Sept. I Stat em ploye, wife aV child Call 4171, ex. 311. RAILROAD Man. permanent posi tion wish small hot as ear spt for family of 3 Call 7M4. Ask for Mr Glover If not ther cH 44oa WANTED. Small house or apartment to rent by veteran and wlf. No chil dren, no pets Ph. 2342 WIFE aV family desir 3 or 3 bdrsn. furnished or unfurnlsh dhous. Mi- or Glaisyr. Ph. 0132. "VETERAN and "wife urgently desTT apt. Both permanently employed. N children. Phone 7033. VETERAN needs small furnished apt. or house Working couple. Permanent. No children. No pets. Ph. 3848. United Air Lines. VET. It WIFE de.perai.ry need house. Ph. Adam Delbert at 14820 or 97 4 Very Desperately Needed By Veteran with wlf and small child, furnished house or apartment. Permanent pnarl Uon In Salem. Phon 4007 or 1-3404. For Sale Real Estate 910.500. Beautiful nw 1 bdrm. home on Ik scr north. Good soil, ell lur es, deep well. elec. pump. A real buy. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COM L. Ph. 3791 Ph 252M Eve New Home $3500 Extra lovely. 3 bed roema. large liv ing room, dinette, bath. Fine built-in kitchen, i acre. In city limits. Terms ran, .be arranged. C. E. Coville Real Estate Jurner, Ore ' Phone 11 IXIVELY 3 H H. home. dbl. garage. auto heat, air conditioning, basement playroom, beautifully landscaped with patio and outside fireplace. 112.750. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3313 Portland Rd Ph 3256. Fves -1411 BY OWNER' Lovely 3 bed rm. mud. home built 140. Recently redec . part hwd. firs, ven. blinds, utility, wired for range. Dutch kitchen, oil clrc. elec. hot water, oversize gar . garden. flowers. Ides I for children. One blk. to transportation, some furniture available Including 1941 L and H elec range and new wah. meh. 4O0S Earl Ave. one blk. N. of lunctlpn of Cen ter st. and Turned . rd. 95,800 00. I -oca led on PringI Road room houae. modern, wired for range. forn furniture inciuaeo uar den. 1U acres. Electric pump. Gsrage. Phone, chicken houae. fruit trees., nig stye. C'los to school. Inqulr Mrs. Rlckman nest nous wesi or rnone 315 Eugene. Ore FOR SALE rtV OWNER 1 RED ROOM HOUSE wired for ange. electric water tank, fireplace. Venetian blind Clean Inaid and out, with fruit a nd not 1244) S lth CORNER I.l 9-'So IIoIIvwimmI addi- lion Call after 8 eves. 2535 IjiuicI v. $1 .',()() full price 4 rm he at 2-45M. II fum t all Mr Caiey $r0() Full Vrlve 8 rm full tmnit newly redecorated large lot. Call Mr. Icaak. ph. 1-450O M. O. Humphrey s & Co., Realtors .Vl.15 Poilland ltd Phone 78:0 22M airgroiinds Hd I'hone 2-45W0 3 HEDRM HOME N, on , A 2 bed rooms down and on up l-lv. i m. din ing rm kit lee heat, garage a vei good buy at 8MMN1 ae Mi I'alei . Hurt I'iclia. Realtors 2543 Portland Nd C all 72: res I IVH 3 It R HOME, comer lot and very well located, rloee tn S,t Vincent I e I'aul and Highland 'hxi. atoi and bua at door. Clean and neat (las hnl water heater ami gxl rang Im holed In aale pi Ice Very good buy at fooorj IJOOO will harwlle Sullivan Really (!o. 3305 Portland Rd Ph 3255, Eve 2-141 J 910.750 NEW modem 4 BR horn with two lot on Paik Ave Hardwood floors upstslrs V down Oil furnace, wired for rang. Immediate Pnaaeaston Call Stanley Hrown with Stale Finance Co.-Rcaltors 153 High Phon 4121 Eves- 1 5.1l IMMFOIATF POHSFSION 3 acie's east 2 HH I.N. Dm- ell and Kit ltiy ti FnalewtMtd Sli 85oa Call taidner Hurt I'iclia, Realtors Phone 3310 3J7 N High SI LOOk TIIFSE OVEN t 94SOO W. Salem I Iv rm . kit . MR. bath A nice small hnnjt for couple 94.VM Kelrer In. I 4 rm new ha le lol. sexrial Ige walnut trees 9MWO Highland Ki II 1)1. t 3 H Rs Te. Ilv rm . nice kit A rile clean home Call Omer Huff HUFF REAL EHTATE CO. REALTOR" 1717 Center St. Phone 2-1540 I've Ph 3-50SI NOT QUITE FINISHED new 2 RR home for (i I t'H' 1 In horn is In th Clly with sll utilities Se Harold MrMiHin with State Finance ( o.. Realtors 153 S. High ' Phone 4121 Fves- 9I-F 2I FOR Sale hy owner a city imiis uupies nou.e garage a no Kami riec preaeui svlem. f.w.t itulrn. Mu. . w- - : www " ii'iri, immi in sarw I a. 11 Tel 21015 No Sal call nanuAin gor sale rurnisheo 3 rm 1, . IU I I U I, I . ,1 L U - I -. -1 ... I I .... w m tae. 5oal25 lol. Nice location Pi ice ') uit VIT ANGFI. LAND CO Main Office. Mt Arieel. Otegon "2 BR PLASTERED , HOME. nl. sleeping ptiich. I.N, ballt and large kitchen IMtoo Terms Siillin Realtv ('. 33A5 Portland Rd Ph :U5 Fve 2-141.7 3'j ACRES 0 BEAUTIFUL HOME On Garden Hcnit where the aoll Is of the best and the living I a pl8- lile KNI priMliicing filert tree 1 bedrooms and halh, full baaemenl fill na heat Best of landscaping Plenty of assorted fruit, berries nd grape filce 814. BOO E Ixo N. Child, Inc. REALTORS 144 Stat St Ph 0281 FNGLEWOOD Distil t. on Madison 1 bedrfMHn home. hardwood floor thruoul. l4?o .R with fireplace l)H nie Kit. with plenty .if built -in Ililllty room aula. malic beat, wired for rang alectnc water beater. Nice aid and shiubliery Possession Im end of th month Pi Ice 910 800. Rostein & Adolph. Inc. llff1, N Coml 5t Ph 303O Eve 9314 Special $2200 2 rms well built, easily enlarged Larg lot. northeast. $.ir00 Full Price 9 rm. hnuM remenl foundallon 1 year ol 3O0 ards from MltE North. $39.-0 Full Trice 2'a acres all In potalrx. 3 rm limiw Just north of Keler mIuniI. SlfiOO Full Price 9 rms completely remit aled on , arte Just 3 riulis lo S!m. $:,:()() Full Price 0 rms , 3 bdrm . 4 blocks tn rspitol building Cuuld r.Mlt be rouse 1 led Into duplex. CI Special $0.r00 Brand new I Mini house to le sold to veteian $.ri00 Full Price Conioletelv fmnl.hed lra biding lec- trie range and ref r g 1 alor ft im houe 1 butlt in 1041. j $r,0 Full Price j 3 bdrm home esiellenl lKatlon full basement, bdwd. flwn., pie .! U'nVir,.000 Full Price For a tiulv nice iw home ,e this Kingwood Heights Iwauty. M. (). Hiiinphrevs & Co., Realtors 2280 Fairgrounds Rd I'hone 2-4MMI 3U39 Portland Hd. Phon 7711 Open Sundays for your convenience ONE ACRE HOME located noith. giaud soil, 2 bedrooms oak fir., garag attached, built about 0 yrs sgo A good value for 975tMl POSSESSION SOON. See D. J Dewson with (rahenhorst Bros., REALTORS 134 S Libert M Ph 4111 or 1 5338 91 wm "" has Just been tsken off I he prlc of this 1 scr 4 B R bom, located neat door to tb Auburn house Prlc now 17500. Sullivan Realtv Co. 1309 Portland Rd Ph 3253, Eves 2-4479 " HOME With good Incorne I large modern rooms for owner. 3 furnished apartments for rental. All apartment hav oulald entrance licated In excellent rental district - near slat buildings and university P le 910 fsjsi 3 bed room biMis with larg liv rm.. din, rm and kitchen All on on floor. Full basement wllh extra set of plumbing Furnace, fireplace Good cottage on rear of th lot facing street renting for 94a per snonth. Prlc 912.000. 84MMM) will handle. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. N' ('nn, 1,1 rh "M r 9.114 TWO 40 ft. sdlolning lots on Lin coln st. Box 0n2, Malesman, GARAGE HOME in city. North. Cit water In houa, sorn plumbing but not Installed. City awr. 82330. Sullivan Realty Co. 2 345 Porilsnd Rd Ph. 1158, Evs. 1 1411 40 ACRES, 1 room older typ mod ern home. Extrs fine barn with con crete floor, steel slant h lor w large 111 milk house, mac hi 11 shed, machinery. 2 rows Close to grade sthool, on paved road. Worth the money, 'k down. 921. 000. 41 acres near Independence. Oil 7 room house, good barn 32s4e. garage, electricity. 30 acre cult. 12 acr Royal Anne cherries. 98000 crop this year. Full price 910.900 or will trade for Sa lem property. E1 Lukinheal, Salesman Ed Ilvrkit Realtor 200 North High Street Phone 901 " NEW MODERN HOME Located esst of Salem oet paved rd , 2 bed rooms, eles t. heat 4 water heater, all Insulated, private water system. READY TO OCCUPY. Prlc 9710O. Be D. 3 flswson with Crahrtilior. Hros. RF.AI.lOliS 134 S. Llbeit) Ml I n 4141 Eves 1 5.158 !l 98250 New 1 Beqroom homa). E!e trie ht. il OMso 1 ledirn plastered ilutrr.a 9M.10 Old houae : cine in. Korth Hh Ft. p 985O0 1 Pedionrrl horn. J Center, f 9500 . If, Aries'; I mil of llutlil.ngs j 9I0MH1 ocroj East on Si:vejton ri. M Are go buil r.g. !! 'Jse :etd. I 119.000 A fin rouAtiy hreri :I0 A rr c t 1 le 0m.. One of the finest fa Is tlians ell Valley. Mo v Co. rris Real t-aiiis ' 180 H Cnmr Office .lione 4217. Res pf' "74 LARt.K Ht'N(iAIX)W kriiNHl a reniKKmi (nil hair i lit wore. ing mans Mtslmn f irl il sell. -oaeaM.n In about two s. fries) w air. a. I.eo S ChiliH, (nc.V REALTORS I ,j j h. 029 ifcre lot in I n-H Park. 344 Stat St EXTRA Park. 1 1 (MM) Ml fW 4R GOOD w L' wjtn HaHkins Rohertfj Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 j AfH 0-8TH tVM0 I tlVFtY stucco sleeping MHrh, IK. Kit llsnit I uiriMfxLsirl.n. i an Elmer" aVrfeundauei. Hurt Piclia, RfalCors ph.. ana 377 18 500- 0 RM, DUTCH C.e l he. nmi. rurnax near aia Call Omer Huff HUFF RF AL 8ATATE CO , OflO Ptrlg. REALTORS 1717 Outer Sri PhfHi J-1540 3 B R Hh Ilv tr . stn rm. kitchen rxk. utility R , hsCrt a 1 ri.ent. fiuita. npl tree Nf Bi caias. j.ssasrtapieavs) . $J 1.600 9 l oom houa In A eac. for ! 9 down hi 1 t. CVe rental A i'i ! r. . 7 I EST A TEH O nl heat Call Dale riiprw: Eve tlfNIBAL HEAL F R T A T E! C O d aV B4l f Ilelshlp Pliore 7710 Ladd Kinpv d I Hill Just off Kingwond Or . 1IS4'4 lot Fac view 91150. Call Otm It. iijai I s.ea Mm l figNSHai ktrar rtntf Irn ' phon 111 j lad A I Urn j rmwu l..i.. ai ., Lidg. r ir ty. , , . I k.. t i Sxi 1 . ! la'g , ur nisid usw. ol snj sew I,. I IS Il i .lairs (hate tni school . I . mu price j a ! ... , si full prit Sullivan Realtv Co. 425 S 17th StJPh 4.1VJEel J-J TJ FOR SALE by r I S" 4 ni ern 9 room hduae, la' ft aV pt4'ee, 9 hedrixirn. kitchen, dining toofn i,v ir g loom. bath, utility larg gars e- men! drive a nealk Csi AipsSeO fenc ( all after 8PM C.U Eag) At. 2 blKk north) I block eaat l .stor t 4 larxaeter Irl I immidiate po;ritoi" Englewtara-I Diatrk t 'Hftly f ndersj 9 tin honi in , ler I crxf) tw ts, HdwO fl4is IrtriMMit. ..-, w r I tr. 0 auto t i heat. Re e- e; jed tss. A borrv frlc IV I tail G. II. Cabn!.oit. Sr. U-'h (srahen)iorst IJro REALTORS I 134 S Llleily Rt ph 41)1 Eve J O48) I M HOME, "in We' ti .(a be bvthl for ryet y raliiabu I'm, llilt't by and guv urn a da I tf r'.r eeted, Do not lether lanadca. if : I .m Otieet. j Sullivan Realty Co 429 S 12th St Ph 4r Feea I 1 1 79 WALT AND Fvn.YN f." MUfClAVal IRCALTORS ffltlTII Al.t.M-.4000 Modern 9-Hedroo-- Itjine, 91500 IMIwN I RR flastered horr, aeile Ti Tea. old. walking distance In schnote. It mt neileS and bus fin. Fa!!! price 0i s-OUTII irA I f M fn.liu Iai Misisn t me storv bu"g. 8 lesrO) old. 3 Murks to b..s Oc.tOOl J b kgv 98250 I 1 H R home. Sth St , West 0 Nic honi with j' act of fin gaydsl .ad tl mak. sun. ! (10 0110 Fscvllent sub-Oiviaiuii 4 R R nicely der'otsted d Oil fjrnac. jftre ins, 4 Site urtT4 place, large rooi into , arte mis with l'iM sa!riys. lem aireatiy in 1 Salem Realtv C 1233 91X3 EW A 1 ES) ST. Phoiir r10V MOt)l NN 9 rri" liouU 1inNw Tiade for ru in Salem, t taet 07 T ssy-s. g aval 11 J t Otegon PJ O B HOME for t families 4 Mis F W Jn 723 H i ftt . ;i 1104 LUm k L'wsi hii.u.ei tl I Maa Sullivan Realtv Ci. 42J S, l?lh M J-h 4SM, Fves t: Iniuiediaje P44ein'oiS Well )i4sted f roAin Sena gaiden. Owner going east. Full a I I .-Hl J C. E. Covifle R eal Et4te Turner. Ore I Piot near rAn.ou&ifooi, I71NO 3 Hed rn. H-tr,ent I automatic water Water Nice la. landxaned Call HJeaa Tlitnniai .93) pa HUFF REAL l-STAl I CO . H CALTC RS 1717 Center St. Ph -. l"v.,fh ilyit Veteran$ Iter Is a new I bedr-rt. hse. 4 Ha. concrete foundation, p.a.'ered ll. utility room and garage. Wired ford', rang aV ho4 wa r heeWrl Im. . Total uric t-fm. j Only fMrO down Harold mm f a ' " . W. 1 leers ReatEstatH ' 3059 Per Hand Rdj Pinna 1 1974 4 RfORM HOME5"li hedrtlmO down, liv dining rns. fcitrl efl bad fthl. Klumbrng. full bam't, sad J furraevt, patalra ran b easily ceiertd nta spl Private entrance fsiC'ly f ,, C an l had for 8500. CaJ Rerg'.atd. Hurt Piclis. Realtors! 2541 Portland Rdj. Eh. 04J re. fM ADVEJlTTSrjfQ ! Weotrrn (Adrcrtlilnf rirpresentotivfS Wsrd-Orlffltrt Ceerpeny, bV, 9s Ersnetee I CsBtem AdrertJifnf nrpresentsUvr Ward-Griffith roeripanr, fir. CMcsjfo. New Verb, Dsjitrwr. tMmuwt, Atlanta) aasOssBBBBSsas Mornbor rdn Coost DlrtofcMi Hurrou of AdvorUatnoj Fnf gngrl pf fha ,Psefofflto ! a in'twm ' Oreensi g Feeowd Cuts Marie Ffcaa llsfied eveew moeSWw ercerd MeaatA ftusincas lc 11$ Oetttt Cemtwerr. airees. SUDSCIIIPTIOIT RATES I 1 Man Suhecrrptlnei Rata 1st! Advance! Within Oregon. Ul1y and OVuevisy. afs, 00 cents: 0 snosv 03 00; I roar. nor Elsewhere 00 eera, ' per sru ee 11 Ml for I yawr 1st ssdvaposx Per copy 9 oav Ry City Cmrrr. T9 eewts a mentli. 99o0 a year tn edvanc I Msrvw syvs) adjacent coon as -smei I M, N-trJk Patre. bl to tut. N High St