H OREGON STATESMAN, SaUm. Orgoa Thursday Morning August 8, 1948 PACE! K7TZ DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Femlruns ft Fish V RatNt fur 10 Ghastly 12 Birds, as (ljs 13 Grcwinf in pairs Metal To fl" Exclama tion Type mrtwrt Inflated apeech i slang) Elongated flah An official copy ot s fforument Cod of war (Rom ) 23. Wrltlrf ISuld 24. Fuel 23 Material used In burlap T Unajwumlnf 30, Undivided 31 Cavity 32 Mcth Rum tan weight 15 Girl s nam 26 f-erve S Inrtt S Largo flah net 4V0 Mountains I Rum 41 To diMVow 42 Heap 14 15 18 18 19 to. 22 DOWN 1. Corse 2. Not cloned 5 Little girl 4 Indefinite article 6 Smart (dial 6 Large piece Irotloq ) 7 Constella tion 8 Quivering 9 Tardier 11. Distributes, as cards 13 Tie IS. To lie hidden. as In ambush 18. Hard place of skeleton 19. Comfort; 21. Quote 22. Manufac tured , 24 Precious metal 23 Biblical character 26. Combined 27. Disposition 28 Unmarried 39 Modifies, as color 31. Term of endearment 34. Koundeeof Pennsyt. . vanla 1AST3' .MlAII lc IwIm4ii'i Aaawse 33. Salt inland aes Asis) 37. Cravat 38. Canton of Switzerland 40. Aloft S3 84 VZV 1 S 1 77? f I IT II fTO 2a QU - 1 " a n WW rs ir p ir" -pr Tl - wWm - "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier I sp this get-sp will require change la my deeorsna! BEGINNING NET WEEK Three New Daily Comics DICK TRACY GASOLINE ALLEY BUZ SAWYER Willi 0 II llll! 1 fill11 "" BLOND IE - ' -: " ' fgy I -TtGeR" IN. POPS ??AVOU.HNOW IfAEOWSlT'S me-) GO 'WAV I SCOOP - SHAKE OVR f RIGHT, gLTel NT.PTO JLfL -V ffilS J TOIHC CCLCBniTV CLUB i CHIEF LOSlN TeV! PVO? iT 7 CRUSHE0 cct 'ticca ttvs- y hoot in wsoaCRc01 s " I X tonrnrv'rit HR BARNEY GOOCLE M -r ' wary yif ili 0 Micxrr mouse :t.:.rJr"- .,. n tTyT 1 lMAHff ITS tWtU. FUL4 LMCE A I I AWOy, WIMPY. yA ZaZT V "TO K4VE A CSOOP SH.P f JW CAST OftP ' r J St0 'C CTMCiTS ATE Ai.i -vAT ( UNOCK VER. FEET SOClP AM SOON --z r S - j a5 TH2M3LE THEATRE ar "C ' s saV. I . . - I I M 1 ill-. - ' I i x I I III huobyup AM'UT SUCH Of VttiTCS FCOH ThC 5PC1MG AW MY STARS. MUir I TELL VOU DOMT Mooav- I CAMT ABIDE TWF wood Moaar RCMEMBCQ. CMlLDl SPEEO AHOCOHrtMT- HftMT ARE ENEMtffS- SPEEO IS THE CUQSE OP HUMAN ITY- A PARCEL OF BUBBLE BRAInEO FOOLS WASTING TMElfl SILLY LIVES TO KEEP AHEAD OP J THEIR WEIGH BOOS THE SUN NEVER COMES UP LIKE A JUMPING-JACK IM THE MORN IN6 AND IT OOESNT .GO OOWN WITH A CRASH LIKE HUMPTY- DUMPTY FALLING OFF A I uvea I I II V I f 'V J a If -v ' '1 UTTLE ANNIE flOONET V Mrrrrril -7 4 ' .l lM rf- j IaAMWBLE.AT PINE CREEK ... I THE LAST QPERATOfV f I CANT SnA.JJH' JfWXP OH Twr: - ' rr we had were odn'T blame swer at pine! trying 'TOCAiLPYfMEUNEiSKT m STEVE OONCAN XoF COWL uXjTlT. i- HIM.FROM CREEK --A , t iETME 06AO. 6tT ARMV &GNAI CORPS J IM DOC -WWt IE SEEN PirA 9tS Lt. IM SENT HERE TO MASON CSSOFThE PLACE I J"- V GON6 ZASTrZ -7 siATO I UNOER-J KNOW tXt I 7 irTTV) I wii!)if Salem Market Quotations BUTTER-AT Premium No. 1 No. 2 . BL'TTUR PRINTS Wholnal', pound Retail, quarlrr pound Halt pound Pound r.t.u Rxtra lars . Medium tandard , PUDLTRV No. I. hens No 2, hens Fry en .77 .7 .73 .71 .It M 78 4S Additional Society I.IVKSTOCK (By Valley Pars) Beef steers J5 to Bwf cows . .10 to Dairy cow 00 to Bull ., 08 to lunbj top r Kwe , Yesrltntf lambs H(i. top. 180-270 lbs. . Ovr 270 Sows . Top vesl 14 00 to 2 27 .38 .17 .13 .10 1.1'i IS 00 . 4 50 10 50 2.1 50 22 SO 20 .) 18 00 t'ortland Produce PORTXAND. Ore. Auf. T.-(AP)-Butterfst ( tentative; sublert to Im mediate change) first quality maxi mum of .4 of 1 per eent acidity, de livered In Portland. 77-78c In. pre mium quality, maximum of .35 of 1 per rent acidity, 78-7Bc lb; second qual ity 75-7Sc; valley routes' and country aolnts 2c less than first or 78'j-77c Cheece Oregon loaf, 48' ,147c B: triplets. 45-47c B Butter AA S3 score. 70-71C lb; A 92 score. 88', -70c lb. Ess Purchasers from farmers: Current receipts. 43-47c; buyers pay 3-3' c dos below wholesale quota tion: on (rsded basis for bett henery ess. Eccs To wholesalers; A r a d e. large 49'i-Mc: medium. 47'a-48,r: small (pullet) 40li-41lJ. B grade larse. 43,.-45.c. Live chickens No. 1 quality broilers. M,-3 lbs. 28-30c: fryers 2-3 lbs 3S-37c; 3-4 lbs. 2-38c: rooster 4 lb, and over 37 -38c; colored hen, all wrlRht 24-27c lb . tshorn hen, all weishts 20-33C lb; roosters and t 13-I7c up. No. 3 grade spring 10-lic under No. 1; fowl 10c under No. 1. Rabbits Average to retailer. 4S-VV lb. dreaaed price to produrrn. 40-45c; fryers, live fryers, white. 24-27c; col ored 21-2c; bucks and does IS lbs. up). 15c Unions Wash . dry. No 1. 1-1 35 SO lb aarki; t'alif. yellow, lai ge. common grade 1. 38-1 SO. Potatnea Oreitun long white. No 1. tl 25-2 40 per cwt. SO lb No. 2 73-B5c: Vashington long white No. 1 82 83 $273. Veal AA 28-28c; A 24-2c; B 22-24c; C JO-Mc; cull l8-20r. Hogs Fancy block 30-32c. Lmbs AA 28', c. A 28-2Sc; B 24-24: C 30c. Mutton 10-1 4c, according to qual ity and weight. Beef AA 28 30c; A M-2Bc: B 23 25c; C 2 1 -22c; canner and cutter 2S 28c: canner and cutter bulla 24-23c. Wool Valley, coarsa and medium grades. 45c lb. Hay Wholesale shipment: Alfalfa. No. 2 or better. $30-831. $ tons: oats and vetch, mixed hay. valley growers' ask prW. e1-S34: clover hav. uncerti fied. $21 -$23 50 baled on farm No I nmoUiv. Kastern Ore eon or Wash ington, $30 SO -32 00 Portland Grain Cash wheat (bid): soft white ill: Soft white feveliutine r-1 1 a I ft. - "western red ISIS- Hard red wtnler : ordinary I sos: IS Mr c i I 17 11 BMT t I ti ti per cent 1SS. Hard white Baart: IS per cent I S3; 11 Pr cent I.S7; 12. per eent IN Today's car receipt wheat 28. bar ley 2; flour i. mil Heed 4. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 7 - (API USD A i r'-tn aii it - 400; calves salable and total 25; mar ket active, generally ateady; medium 700-1008 lb steers 14 00; common klnda 12 00-14 OA" ew lisif... It aa - - . e ( www. V W medium 1 4 SO-1 S 00 . mnmnn down to boooj cows isao-itso; medium "-- cutlers to common S OO- The South Salem Homin'i Christian Temperance Unibn will meet Friday afternoon at 2 b"clotk at the home of Mrs. Klsiei Trick. 1277 South Commercial si. Mrs. II. E. Melchert is sssistini host ess. Mrs. G. V.. Ross will give the highlights of a recent t r i $j to the central states. Annual ie)fl ts will be given and officers for tie new year elected. j Mrs. Ien Lisle will save a her guests her Min-in-Mw and daughter, Mr. and Mr j H. D Dillman of Trnnant, Calif. The Dillman.t are making Salem the termiiui" of ;in extenled I rip through the IFnited States. IJsle has had her three gi'atnUons. Howard. Kverett and Pickett, as her guests while their ! pat ents were away. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Edwards will leave August 17 for a two weeks vacation in California. They will sttend the 20-30 na tional convention at Sacramento and then visit relatives in L Angeles. Six year old Neil I-ancefleld was honored with a birthday par ty by his mother, Mrs. Stuart Ltncefie!d Tuesday. Those attend ing were Joan Griffith, Barbara Keudell, Garry Macargar, Jimmy King. Michael Smith, Gens Wil liamson and Margaret Lsncefield. 10 75; canners down to TOO: good beef bulls 14 00-15 00: good sausage bulls 12 80-13 50. good-choir vealer 18 50-1$ 00; common-medium 13.0O 14 OO. Hogs Salable 100. total 200: market active: barrows and -gilts steady to 10 lower; sow fully steady : feed' nie stronc. too 220-lb barrows bul 23 85: nractlcal top good-choice h rows and silt 23 73: bulk ows If 00 20 00; light kinds up to 31 00; good choice feeder pigs quotable 31 0O-22 50 Hheep-Kalable and total SOO; lamba active. 23-50 htahet; ewes slow. 50 lower. little demand: bulk gnod-cholre spring lambs 17 uo-50: medium 14 00 13.75. few good-choice clipped lambs. 80 lbs 13 50: small lot good-choice shorn yearling 14 50; good-choice ewes 4 5Q-3 00: rommond down to 3 00 Stocks and Bonds Complied by The Associated Pre August 1 STOCK AVFRAt.KS 38 1$ 1$ 44 Wednesday 103 4 48 2 53 9 77 1; Previous day ... 103 7 45 4 $2 $ 74 5 j Week ago 102 7 45 3 53 0 78 3: Month ago 108 0 48 4 53 8 79 2 1 Year mma 84 4 4fl 2 43 3 84 0, bond Avrit ;: 20 14 14 14 Rail Indus IMll' Forn Wednesday .101 4 103 8 107 4 78 3 Previous day 101 S 103 9 107 J 78 2 Week aeo .101 7 1034 107 3 74 4 Month aco 102 9 104 0 107 9 78 4 Year ii 94 8 103$ 107 2 72 8 Mrs. Sydney K renter has had as a guest this week her sister. Miss (Catherine O'Reilly of Port land. Mrs. Kromer and her daughter Sidney will attend a matinee performance of '"Okla homa" Salutday. leaving- Friday by car for Ne- ; vada, Giand Canyon .mil Sail Lake City aie Mr. nd Mrs. Fraftk j Krnet and Mr. and Mis. Ioti- j aid Armpriest. I Mrs. VVIIllsss AautreWs Le- hart and daughters. :'Lrtda and Anne, from Bimarck, JN D, have arrived in Salem to rhakf an ex tended .visit with her I parents. Mr. and Mrs. George ELI ILanson, 1940 Center streeL itr. Lenhart will visit a sister. Mis Gladys Hanson in San Francisco, re turning to Salem. j Misa Josephine Baainartater Is visiting her aunt. Mr3 IL If, Staplelon in Roseburgj tAi week. Th urn. RADIO KSLJM (1394 he) KOIN (74 he) KCW 2 ke) lfEX oiM ksi 8 a 4:1$ 4.34 4 4$ News Miiie ini News News INr I Dave West ;Wetrrn Stars t ' iKoin Klock ; News. KneSftS ' lOld Songs l;84) News I Farm Tim I Rounflup Boya. f:IS Rle and Shin Headline News M1 A from a. T 1:38 New M (iarred Sam Hayes (JsmeS Abo 1:43 Faim. Home i N I'ringl iRidtn' Rang IStocej Market , 8:44 Haven of Rest User News 4:1$ Haven of Rest 'Aunt Jenny $:34 King Awav Helen Trent 8:4$ V II. I.lndtahr Gal Sunday Fred Waring (B'faif Out Caravan I . -i lOre I Kenny Baker 9:44 Singing Strings Btg Sister 9U3 M Downey Ma Perkins 9:38 Pastor's Call Dr. Malone 9:43 Keepsake Time! Road of Lif I James Abb i iGlamPatr lNe. Kneaaa j I Lone Journey I Breakfast IC. Fletcher i I 14:88 News (Kate Smith Culdmg Light j Hon ft Edtttoai 18:1$ Blng Sings Perry Mason (Children i ;BIU Lang 10:34 Queen Today I King Atnng ln Whit : True Story 18:43 Utleen Today tTena and Tim I Masquerade I 4 II :a 11:1$ 11:38 11:48 Organalitlea iiurptl Parly F.eke Manners I Day Dreams R Wheeler Orchestra Uach Children I. if neautlful tBaukfag Ma Perkins I Flnel and Allhert Pepper Young I I. fattening Post Happiness : I Melody Noon 12:13 12:34 12:43 Hymns News Serenade Shrock's iD Macleod iGet It IF Winters tRosemary I News. K nests IStella Dallas flrenio Jones I Ladle !Wldder Brown I .it IJ Bi Keemedy I StarsiTodar , 1:88 News Illouse Party JGIrl Marries! IBerrhl 1:13 t un. n Abner iToos Todsy IPottla i )Fln4M I :J V Navy Bans Meet th Missus Plain Hill ; I Mo: 1:49 US Navy Hand I Front Pas S IHyntSs IM t:IS 1:38 One Over I Valiant l.adv 'Road of Uft 1 J Anthony ,j Light of World 'David 1 1 arum -i. lAir Newsoaper Aunt Mary Bill Owlnn I iDr. Paul WlMt Doing Kay; West What's Doln I Ait Kirkham , Woman's Secret BrUlei 3:13 Vacation '2d Mr. Burton New i ! . . 3:38 New. Mt.ost Persons IRacktage Wife Al Pear Tabic of Coastal Tide Times computed for Tart, Ore., by th U S. Coast and Geodetic Survey for th Oregon Statesman. August High I-ow Tim Water Tim Water 4 14 41 am. 4 3 4S0 am. 4 2 S 20 pm. 4 1 3 IS p m. 2 9 9 11:22 a.m. 4 4 4:42 a.m. -4 2 19 04" p m. 4 3 4 47 p.m. 3 9 IS 11:34 am. 4 4 9 19 a.m. -0 10:44 pm. 4$ 4 49 p m. 14 II 12:34 pm. 49 $35 am. - 7 11.24 pm. T 41 $27 p m. 11 11 1 03 pm. $4 8 2 am. -8 8 4 3 p m. 3 $ 3:43 Sea Hound ! K'loutler Crch. !A1 Pestrc 48 rulton lew ii Rhythm IThls I F M tFoot.tghts 4:15 Res Miller i Clare Hays ! Air lane TtM iNortrfwes 4:38 Jolinson IH. Flannery Star of Today Mr. t Motortst 4:43 Fht Frolics H Carted !820 Mat me ; !Hop; lUmS 8:80 New I Mix Stierlock '820 Matin j 'Pirates) 8:15 Superman ' . Mki Sherlock ' Nws ! Tene - Jed 8:38 Capt. Midnight T B A 1lng. America IDtcsi Trcy 3:43 Torn Mix I IF Petersn i ISerensMt 4:44 G. Header IThaf I.il Monro Oreh. !Res! tory 4:1$ Plav Haet.all t ItoleiTJi 4:34 Popular Dem'd Finnegan !5ti Horseman I Deter t CoOeet 4:43 ' t ' pf 14 News I New Supper Club Band jjTraeet 1:13 News lYou & Atom IF Lawton I 1 1 :38 Red Ryder (Tucker Orrh. 'Concert B-afi Listen 1:43 -Red Ryder ' I 'Rangei Rider 4-8 Will's Music Hr Crime Ptioto Wilson Orctv il-jml lit Aboer I It Crime Photo ! Farl :&1i 4 34 Vie Sad (Couldn't Happn N Webster i I Tow Meeting 8:48 IGluwt Walk I I i 1. 9:88 9:1$ 9:34 9:4$ News J Crowley Snort "Severin" iDw-k Haynes j Music Hall ispeaktng Music Cugat Orrh.. 1 I You St Polio '.Tow 34eet I Cheer J Song. !Aut ftacea 18:0 18:13 18:3 14:4$ Fulton 1 -e w i New New State Safety IS Star Final ' News Milton Charles S I About Town ITesat Rangers i Band Wagon IMrcai News Sport . I Rhytnso Fov Orchestra ' Cowoeet 1144 11:13 11.34 11:43 1 1 : 12 44 Sign Off Welk'a Oirh Kenton' Otch Welks Orch. New 1 Skinny Ennls News ; !Corce)t lAUr-tlo t Bilt more Orch. ! Conceit Orchestra 1st FrancU Orch Brans fMue Clrgan I ; Brun rM (News I New ( t Brun t ast ISilent ISign Off if-X- Hfur KOAC T-orsday 34 ke. 1.M.: 10 00 News 1013 For Women: 11 Conceit Hall; 12 00 Noon News. 12 13 Farm Hour; 100 Ride 'Fin Cowboy; 1:13 Variety Time; 2 On Tieature Bo. 3 30 Memory Music; 3 00 Newt: 3 13 Music of the Maslers. 4 00 Che He- porter; 4 IS Music Matinee: J OO On Upbeat; 13$ SporU: S4Si?4ws; 4:1S My Country Sings; 4s fRund the) Campfire: 1 1$ Fvaoing taifm Hosjr: 8 0 Songs to Remetnber; 4 13 Beysetd Vlctoty; 4 34 Music That Fndure. 4 3t llnlted Pre News. S 43 Eeeawg t llatlon. 14 SS Sign j Off 1 uin it m Uf J0 ri. 14x18'' Mpoh rTm Pte'fU W(r, lm Many i . 69 - 7.1.7 7.6H - -79 M.J7 r He I2r I2 1 3c til 17. te 19, ON URCHAIE$ TOTALLING flOi OR MORE .... Craflsman Garden Hose S-50-fC. tnzih (fiiarantee-l Donlap Iluliiple Sprinkler 20-ft. H Sars Time-Tented Car den Host with three built-in brass sprinklers. A real all-purpone sprinkler Craflsman Ilodel Ilalier's Ilelal Laihe J in. Swinjr; lS-ln. bd i f3.00 down 404 Slafs Si. Salen THE LONE RANGES SB