thm OREGON STATESMAN, SaUm. Oregon. Saturday Morning. August 3. 1946 PAGE DGHT QUICHES i. j J i -II m iDrint thi Statesman Hint Ad. I called the wrom nomber h did iou imwtr the phone"" Additional Clarified 1 Ad on Page 7 Help V Hilled Male Top "alar A Bonn f t . - ,r f ..! & fender & v .-..a'.r rtpfe.r jobs 1 ,.- -, r- o -r p ALmj want Experienced Mechanic Ft: (rn. i -jji u c: k on a'.l make of Gwr--rJ iar A. toi.js ta - A r. r Vr. , TfAUVl MOTOR CO iti s : Ph 7uc l H'V6rR rjar.'dler "wanted See Al Tr.rr e" 301, W;;c Rd . Wt VRVI NT ER S W ANT EI) :f RJU'SH PAINTERS, ore spray Bat.r'.eT war. ted ' once, r.ot less than STti exc Ft 4:i3 F O Repine Co . Par-.-ird Rd WANTED EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic CM THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCT MUST BE FAMILIAR W JTH AT. TO VATIC TRANSMISSIONS U . L. ANDERSON. INC DeSOTO PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703. 360 Marion St. Vrt-CHAIt" for leading Auto and Truck era rr M-' be A-l IMl tm .' Oi .' p'fducts See Mr. C. ,:t ae-lr rjr.ifff Stan Baker asWo-t DuCi-P:"roLlh distributor t Pi-.or.e 4119 .OBS FOR VETERANS Tirl Uhot Serv.ce Office J7t'a -- St Pn. lit J Help Wanted Female Women Experienced In Store Work Mill certainlv he interest ed in t lie kind of portion offer. If ou are such A oiuan. and are experi enced in selling merchan dise. oull find it well worth while to come to see ii" ! J. C. PENNEY CO. alr-m. Oregon BF ' 'TV Ope: a 'or n earn SOU to ssac a r-r I. Beauty Salon. 115 S 3 c . t . a Orr Pti IS GIM :rt.-e-ted i- learning medical lats.-a ' Atpi Hrr.drie Lah- o-a'-c t .6 r .: t Na'. ! Bank Bldg HICH CiieX'Jl. or preferably Junior r-. .a: c:c-o i.r in mi-e hon.e SUv ajS r.-d ard pa . References est- a- ir widl ! he girl fcy Sept in : tt rk TV Tr.e GlVl- 'u- .e- Crpartri.rr.t. Mut hait j tf c' rrfrrence Per-rrre-: pt,-.: :r. Vi ler'f Dept Store VEAT WRAPPER Girl oer It. Ap-p-j Si ,.-. Or.-cr Portlar.d Rd ClKl OF. WOMAN Jo r.elp ith light fcc i -K No ar.:r.. ' mi N of Sa e -.jr por.e 2-3415 WANTED U-rsei:e Apply in per aor E. rui-r Treat: e CK:EE OPERATOR for L;nn Coun ty Tr.'.tr Co Lebanon. Oregon 'W ANTED YOUNG lad." Madsen t lc. '. Team S-o- - W ArTT! ES Trr r.ot.n day tanqutt (,- I Mar -err, Hr ! SILK F . . r tptrirncr necea-aa-- a r.or Peacock C'leartrra. i e- let WAITRESS Parted Hours I to 4 30 p r Sa" a''.c-i".x.n Sunda and holi dai iifi Ad(i:i to Mr? Frank Krau-fr- S---.e Office Bld . 12th Court. VOl"VG lad th m.e bookkeepinjt anc up u i f rood appearance and wt, e;.o rreel.rj the public Excel. r;r 4vi ' r k Jj4 tirre and '2 to- t,ert. n'f Statesman Box 754 t;ar f-- appc- ntn.ert W ANTFD Exper u nced aitre CWk-C tj- S.naas of Pades Coffee .f :r4: st GTP.I t iu-k ir. ice cream depart ment a -.c fr;Ker store Savir.jc Cen-te- Por-iiand Rod FTXP WAITRESS night shift The P . WOVEN SEEDED at Salem Laun dry ;o 2t3 S H.fJ. Situation Wanted MAN t r.e rreat in Salem or cce .- W.'i'e 1015 Si.ady Lane Ave Sa- FATBLD t: -c'k it 7or hir Ht-.or. 1-r: JtL " Vk A VTFIi : i.ider lady houM-oik P-Jer elderly prrum aVrx "(' S-.aU-s-.a- PAINTER ANT) DECORATOR Icte- cr or Eferaor Bruih or Stray DICK OREY PTjone CS4 11 4 Fir St E Dr. oairrting Ph 750 J VETS .th 1-ton truik. stake bed. or r reP'oj-e 5J6T EUGf r.d upr.olter cleaned and rev : -a. et3 :-. your home No crub bir.g no a -.'k.r.f r,o mildew or dry ro-. frc-r ioa.r( R F Nohlgren. fr.fir.y 1 -: (.' after 6 p rr VETEP.AN ar.t rprav painting, ar .rt arv place 171 N 13tn St jrJOUEE" heavy trucking, trees No lob to big - No )ob tc ar-a.1 D and D heavy trucking as r- .ce R r 3 Box 5o. Salem cr prone I-X"S2 Ak for Dick Spray Painting Houe ra-r-. roofs or hat have t- P" ore 1 -1 VENETIAN ELINDS laundered, re pa.-r-S. retaped 41-hr serv Ph 244!8 SPRAY pa r.trrg our paint or our pr :. :f rrriv it Gottener- (r'.ii piaScriil 13fl Mat aVtea i t Part at aU Oai. Pli (430. For Sale Miiwcllaneont CEMENT NOW AVAILABLE BY SACK OR CARLOAD CORVALLIS Sand and Gravel Co. PHONE 771 Situations Wanted ARE You going to paint? Tor a flnt da. )oh imidc or outside call 2-5405. M pi icn arc reasonable. PAPER HANGING" Phone 4400. ALL WORK guaranteed Window. alls woodwork cleaned. Floor wax id Insured workmen. Professional (.Waning Service Phone 4457 Salt -Miscellaneous or PIANO tr tnch Ph. 6370. STURDY J pc, ranch style living room et. Ph 7412. ELECTRIC ROOM heaters. fan. tram and reflector types. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty WE buy and sell turniiure. loola. ttuves. dishes, motors, radio. Electric appliances, household goods KLIG MAN'S 2A5 N Commercial Ph W5 River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX and rru. DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. ph -i - -aioo j W'AY and intercomm. telephone YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty "FOR your kitchen cabinet units ee Beavercrart Co . 575 N. Lancaster Drive " UPSTAIRS AntloLueShop.43Court WALL TYPE can openers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty "PIANO Benches Tallman's 35 Sl2th I niIGHtCRAWRr93JrtaUSt ! SINGLE AND two burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. I 255 N. Liberty ! "COAT BanCeRS." steel or wood Kligman s. 285 N CommercUl l DAVENPORT " tt Chair. 121 Klng- wmx1 Ave Apt 3 Phone 3Zi4. ALUMINUM SAUCE pans, well and tree platters, frying pans, cookie sheets YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 NLlberty SHlN'CLES from Rosenberg mill at Tillamook. 2x4a. ship lap. flooring other items Lumber kiln dried or rrten on HH priorities Ted Muller Tiucks Ph Salem 2119 I - COILED TRASH burners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant P 1357 " STOVE repairing At parts Woodry I Mkt . 1605 N SumrnerSt FOR SALE: Floor sander. 283 N. Commercial Phone 3869 GUARANTEED FOREVER flash lights requiring no batteries, two and three cell flashlights, railroad type lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Sleeping Bags Am, surplus down filled Arctic dbl. bag On ale now at t25. Mail orders accepted Foster Cycle x Sporting Giod Bo64 S. E Foster St . Port. Ph. Sunwl 78 DECORATIVE "AND lighted" house number YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty Canning Salmon and Tuna KINDRED'S SEA FOODS Route 3. Box 25 Astoria. Oregon Orders now being taken and filled when fish cornein. Shipped COD COAL OR briquet circulator. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 15 N Liberty "ELECTRIC WATER heaters, gas wa ter heater, all aires. Immediate de li. ry Ralph Johnson Appliances. Valley Motor Bldg LIMITFD quantity S tube electric table mHlel radios with wooden case. YEATEH APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty FOR SALE: Very "reasonable. Stove u liable for restaurant or lurpber camp. M) John J. Roberts & Co. Phone 8623. TWO LAWN MOWERS, one with rub ber tires, ball bearing with carrier, both like new. wicker baby buggy, highboy, radio, all good cond . Large trunk. Swede bucksaw, boxes for corn and broccoli 164 N. Liberty AUTOMATIC. ELECTRIC sidearm water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty USED blonde daveno. 1374 N. ComT APPLES: Gravensteins & Transpar ent Joe Didrich. Rt. 2. Box 148. 1 mile west of Keizer corner. PLASTIC CLOTHES line, ironing boa id pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty GLADIOLAS : PembertohTs. 1980 S. 12th IMPROVED Crawford peaches now readv at Jess Mathls orchard St Fruit Stand. t'i mi N. on 99E highway. Phone 2-2498 Rt. 2, Box 338. DRESS UP your awnings and out door furniture with SETFAST canvas paint YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Libert y COMPLETE "kitchens molded from our kitchen cabinet units. Beavercraft Oo 575 N Lancaster Drive. " 14 SCHULf trailes, house 27" tan dem, electric brakes, asarculating heat er Inquire 555 N. Yiter. Sundbery Ajits Apt. 101. FRESH apple Juice made daily. Pur itan Cider works. West Salem. COMMERCIAlJTXECTRIC. automa tic four burner range. Ideal for res taurant club or farm use. YEATER- APPLIANCE CO. 255 NLlbertjr River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 ALL METAL Fishing tackle boxes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Wood circulatingeatr$3dPh. 8901 " BALED Ryegrass straw. Carl Booth. Rt 2 .Box BO. Turner. Oregon. ONE-HALF K. lady's diamond ring 1200 Ph 2-1298. KITCHEN AND Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ""WELL BUILT TRAILER with ' de tachable side boards, ball hitch. 885; water Jacket stove, hot water heater, damper 1. pipes. $10.00; 30 gal. water tank $3.00; auto trumpet horns $3 00; golf clubs bag $7 00 Call at 2U60 N. 18th St or Phone 7381. "12" "SKILL JAWTgoodhape. Ph8678 POULTRY Feed. About 23O0 lbs. mixed wheat A oats $3.00 per hundred. 65 1 Thompson or Ph. 21960. LAW"N AND garden tools. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty BARGAIN at $100. 5 hutches and 40 iabbit. Ill Ronniont. iftx IS TARP Heavy weight. $25.00. lrXW N. 4th t, evenings. For Sale Miscellaneous CORVALLIS, ORE. For Sale Miscellaneous STRAW, you rake. Ph. 24278. GOOD PRE-WAR "FURNITURE AT OP A PRICES Extra fine quality Davenport and Chair. Fluorescent, indirect floor lamp: 4-pc. maple bedroom suite complete with spring and mattress. Set of bunk beds complete with springs and mat tress: 5-pc. dinette set. Walnut fin ished knee-hole desk. Beautiful wal nut coffee table. Invalid's wheelchair. Coiled steel drum, heats lots of water. Electric walnut record player. Table model radio. Bright Furniture Co. 453 Court Ph., 7511 Salem, Ore. SMALL size Montague cook stove li some wood: 2 burner kerosene stove. 1845 Davidson. ELECTRIC lawn mower. almost new. 50' of cord Phone .21329. TRICYCLE for sale or trade for smaller one. Ph 7841. NEW blue mohair davenport. 1305 S. 12tlv Ph. 55. COLLAPSIBLE leatherette baby buggy; bassinette size crib and mat tress. $1000 each. 2090 N. 18th St. or Ph. 7381. KITCHEN AND bathroom light fix tures. . YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty. WALNUT bed, vanity and bench, coil springs, mattress like ' new. 910 Howard St.Ph36M. , BOY'S small ateel tricycle. See at 545 Marion. GIRL'S Jr. size A boy's full size bicycle. W'm. G. Brown, 3855 Mahrt Ave. Penn 4 Corners. Call after S in evenings. COOKSTOVES. gas heaters. $ pc. breakfast set. fruit cupboards, sew ing mach.. 50 lb. ice box. roll away bed li mattress. Ige. kitchen sink with back, children's table chairs. Mac's. 145 S. Church. COMBINATION radio72enith7beau tiful cabinet, like new. 1590 J4;Cptiol. LARGE Section of shefving. indi vidual magazine racks. Must sell at once. 1897 Center. FOR-SALE: New apartment size gas range. Call 20988. -ALWAYl a big stocaC5 Woodrtr's Funnlturj Mkt h110 HARVESf Sacks for sale. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. 1505 N. Front. Sa lem Phone 7007. TlXf6RES"CENT KITCHEN fixtures and single tube brackets for use near your mirror V EATER APPLIANCE CO. : 255 N. Liberty LUMBER, e-in. tongue and gruve siding. Call personally After 9 p.m. 350 Belmont. . CUCUMBERS; 2560 N. 5th. Phone 8566. Frank Bello. ; HEAT your home electrically. ITs convenient, clean, economicaL See us for free estimates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. Liberty WELL BUY for cash, sell or trade, guns. pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison, 590 No. High DAIRY Men we have Coconut meal again. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. Ph 7607. 1505 N. Fjont, FIGURINES AND srnalT glTTlUnis. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 ,N. Liberty G H. 51 CALlON Hoist. 505 Centers! EXPERT washing "macruiia sirvtc snd wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros rurnitura S'ors 315 N Liberty . TORTthat rernodeling jobsee Bea-er-craft Co. for your kitchen cabinet units. 575 N;Lancaster Drive. FARMERS ATTENTION Electric St battery fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SWEET CORN": Jacob Welgum. Route 2. Box 141. mile west of Keizer school. FARMERS ATTENTKSN Westing house automatic elec. milk cooler, ca pacity 80 gal YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 16-FT. TRAILER HSE.. furn.. brakes, sleeps 4. new tires, aluminum. $1250. Warry Snyder. Darley s Camp.. W. Stayton. Ore. ELECTRIC CHIMES, long and short tubes, mechanical chimes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 255 N. Liberty 18-FTTTRAILER HSE.. furn.. aTr brakes, sleeps 4. good tires. $1750. Harold Jones, Parley's Camp. W. Stay ton. Ore. 7'2 DOZ". FRUIT JARS, also bed and sjprings.960 Union. SMOOTHIES FOR perfect Ice cream. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. . 255 N. Liberty BRAND NEW Motorola car radio. Phone 9536. FARMERS ! ATTENTION Portable electric milking machines. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty NEW CRIB mattresses, baby buggy, bassinette, small cribs, goose feathers for pillows. STATE STREET FURNITURE I?00 State Phone 7598 ELECTRIC ' PANTS" prcssers and curling irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty TRUMPET. Martin Handcraft, silver, with case, excel, cond. $60. Ph. 5105. COMPLETE LIBRARY, late edition physical education, health and athletic books. 541 East Main.Monmouth. DESK. TABLE and pm-Tt-upTamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SUIT. Hart-Schaff -Marx, size 34-5. dark, like new. $20. Ph. 5105. HOSP. BED 8c mattress, used 3 mo. $70. Zenith ear phone, like new, $30. 1830 N. 5th. ' ' WOOD FURNACE. 1840 Nebraska Ave. Phone 3760 after8:30 p.ra. ELECTRICT DESK, mantel and waU clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 15-TON BALED clover hay. $18 per ton in 2-ton lota or more. Ph. 2-2785. MANNING BOWMAN electric iron, old type, good condition, $3.00. Royal standard typewriter, old and a little noisy but does good work. $17.50. Phone 7943. IN DIRECT FLO5R lamps aV torch lers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty V AC AT EN' CJ EVE R YT H IK d GCutS Perf drop H. sew mach tt att. Dress ers, chests, end tables, brk sets, wall mirrors, card tble. stands, gas plte. heating stoves. 8x18 rug. bed. New dishes, set of 6. New cello tex. New sash. 24x24. tt frame. 2 extra windows. Stroller tt misc. 2442 Lee. 15 TON RYE and vetch hay in the windrow. Make me an offer. Ph. 5355. BRUNSWICK elec. sewing machine, cabinet model with attachments. $89. Two 4jx8"8 rugs. $15. Phone 3858. "VARIETY of furniture. Ph. 2-2727. OUTDOOR PORTABLE lights ""for your yard or driveway. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Libert :v CUCUMBERS for pickling ready now. Peaches, spear melons, tomatoes, etc.. ready soon. Morrison's Fruit Stand. 2930 N. Front. Phone 4423. Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or made to or der Picketts Furniture. 13th and State "PlSTl-OTlItfielurable paffil with the rellophane like finioh. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. , 255 N. Liberty For Sale Miscellaneous TRAILER House 18 8". Shult metal body, double floor, heavy duty tires 4 electric refrigerator. Flamo gaz. Richfield Station. 2110 State St. Wanted Miscellaneous VET., wife & baby need washing machine desperately. Call 4484 after 4 p.m. "WANTED: Babybath. Ph. 7445. WANTED: Woman house to house canvasser. Nothing to sell or deliver. Must have car.Anver PO. Box 321. WANTED TO BUY": Used Vaugn or other type small caterpillar tractor and tools. Phone 2-4310 evenings. ELECTRIC RANGE St refrigerator. Good condition. Phone 3557. WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Russ Bright. Ph. 7511. WANTED TO BUY: Larg trunk suitable for shipping. Phone 24322. USED FURNITURE. Phone 5110 THREE 1 or li ton flatbed trucks with drivers to haul hops on vines to stationary picking machine. No hand ling of hops by driver. Short haul, good pay. Inquire Graham Hop Ranch at S. Mission Bottom. 7 miles north of Salem, or ph. 2-2763 CONCRETE BIRD BATH. Phone 7780. ELECTRIC stove & refrigerator ur gently needed by v t. Ph. 6869 after 5 WANTED: PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store 432 State St IRISHES over 25 yrs. old Upstairs Antique Shop 439 Court Ph 2-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras St nses McEwan Poto Shop 433 State CASH for your used furnltuie. Ph 7598 Stale St Furniture. 1900 State CASH for used olano & other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqulth Music Co . 191 S High AUTO oainting. lust a shade better, by Ray ETTER CaU Shrock Motor CO 8502 USED FURNITURE Ph 9185. Wanted Furniture USED Furniture wanted. Mason Turn. Co. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd. Miscellaneous J4ames.jCapJtalJrCo.J4069. Tree Surgery Trimming, topping, removals. Ph. . CONTRACT hauling local St long distance. R. L. Phillips. Rt, 3. Box 588K. Salem. Phone 2-3172. SEPTIC TANKS St cess-pools clean ed. Commercial or residential. No job too large or smalL West Salem Sanitary Service Ed Gardner - Phone 2-195S 1005 8th St.. West Salem. Ore. LOCAL transfer, hauling and piano moving. Ph. 22812. C. L. Newton. DRAWING house plans. Phone 9621. Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE tN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Idolph Bldg State It Com Ph 9211 Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Hamal. 1143 8th. West Salem Phone 7404 NTEiRT5R decorating and paper hang in f done. Phone 3731, BEKINS Nationwide mov serv 7773 MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked Tie Ug SPRINGER 464 Court St AL"S CLEARING AND GRADING PHON E 8305. SPRAY PAINTIuVG. houses, barns. roofs or what have you. Ph. 3-4248 ""SEPTIC TANK Service. 1067 Elm St, Salem. Ore. Jack Boening. IVEATH ER strips Pullman. Ph. 5965 C"H A R IS FOUNfJAtTO-I . nylon brassieres 8c girdles tt elastic control Also Masomte frocks. Ph. 9493. Mrs rrank L Turner. 2605 N. 4th. 'W'H Y Not sole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 day service. Short Jobs while you wait. All kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipson's. 329 N Com'l. st. Phone 3908. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work. Ditching. Basement Excavation, Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1403 N Front St Salem. Oregon Phone 9409 or 21924 Money to Loan Extra Cash For Vacation Expenses For Home Buying Costs For any worthwhile purpose where "Cash" is needed and convenient pay ments desired. LOANS $25 TO $300 for home or business Furniture. Salary, or Business Equip ment, on auto 9500. to men or women, married or single and you may have 18 months to repay. Phone first for fast service. We like to say "Yes" to loan requests. Personal Finance Co. Salem. 518 State St.. Rm. 123 Phone 3191 Lie. S-122. M-165 $ $ MONEY $ $ .We make all types of personal loans including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. For quick ana effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 S High. Salem Lie 8 118-M X I Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M1M FARM and CITY LOANS " 4',, and 9 Your own terms of repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 107 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone T18J PRCT7RTVAT LOAN SERVICE 'Personal' makes loans of $10 to $300 to men and women on signature, fur niture or autos $500. Co-signers seldom required. $30 for 2 weeks cost only 42c. Personal Finance Co.. Salem. SIS State St.. Rm. 125 Phono 9191. Lie S-122. M-165. General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trailer houses, livestock, farm marchinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced. No Co-signers. General Finance is locally owned and officered; was organized In 1927 and therefor knows and can help throughout th repaying of a loan. Ap plications for loans mad by phone. 13 South Commercial Sta Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-138 It M-339 Financial YOUR Surplus money will earn you 5 per cent interest. Buy real estate mortgage, examine th security your self. Mortgages available in amounts of $500 to $7,500. We collect all interest- and payments for th Investors, no extra charge. State Finance Co., Realtors 153 8. High St. For Rent Rooms YOUNG business men, no drinking. 875 Court St. V . SLEEPING room. Phone 9446. ROOM for rent7245 Division. ROOM in modern home. Veterans only. $4.50 week. 192Q Laurel Ave. WELL FURN. RM. for man 8c wife or man. 152 N. 13th. Phone 4741. Room and Board BOARD. ROOM, care of elderly lady or bed patient In my horn. Ph. 9713. For Rent Apartments MODERN apartment in Portland in exchange for rent of apartment in Salem. Box 795 Statesman. ' For Rent Houses SMALL 1 bedroom house. 2285 Brtyman. For Rent HOWSERS RENT A TOOL 1132 EDGEWATER DIAL 3646 SAVE TIME & MONEY PAINT SPRAYER 16 00 day. (With 3 gal. paint pot tt 100 ft. hose $8 00 day) 6" Skilaw 3 50 dav. 7'2" Skilsaw 4.00 day. Cuts 2" at 450. 7" dire sander & polisher. 2 50 day. Latest type floor edger. 2.50 day. Electric hedge shears. 2.00 day. Weed burner generates 2000' T. (A sure weed killer) 1.50 day. Lawn mowers. 10c hr. Pipe Threaders, up to 1". pipe cut ters, vises, fire pots, many others. JACK SCREWS and house moving equipment for Vent. 2470 Walker St . Salem. FURNISHED Office space, also mail and telephone service. 175 S. High. FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward f KAlLtHS tor rent Mar per hr Woodrv's Mkt 1603 N Summer "TRUCKS for rent You driv Mc Cune St Lovell Phone 9600 U-5rTVE TRijCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn 197 S. Liberty. PI. 9062 FLOOR Sander: for rent SlaTs-iali-Wells Store Phone 6877 GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff SAVE $50 BY RENTING MY PORTABLE PAINT SPRAYER. IDEAL FOR IN SIDE WORK or AUTOMOBILES. A CHILD CAN OPERATE. REASON ABLE. F. D. PALMER. 100 HANSEN AVS. Wanted to Rent MOD. BEACH HSE. at Neskowin or vicinity. Aug. 15-29. Must have 4 dbl. beds. No drinkers. Ph. 4880 between V30 8c 7:30 p.m. H6USE for 4 adults by Sept. 15. Best of references Ph. 2-4878 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. ; WANTED TO RENT: Farm with building, share crop. Ph. 3629. or 263 N. Commercial. . PERMANENTLY employed couple need furnished apartment. Quiet, rell able. Phone 8488. VETERAN and wife want furnished apartment both steadily employed no petsno children. Phone 3-4708. SMALL FURN. hse. or apt. near grade school. Rm, 131. Hotel Salem. VETERAN needs smairfurnUhed apt. or house. Working couple. Permanent. No children. No pets. Ph. 3848. United Air Lines. I TRADE rental in house In Portland for one vicinity Salem. R. W. Serven. 1532 N.E. 73rd ave., Portland 16, Ore. YOUNG VET and wife, both born Ac raised in Salem urgently need furnish ed apartment or small house. No chil dren. Both permanently employed. Please ph . 2-4398 evenings . WANTED 2 or 3 bed rm. house. 2 adults. Will pay a year's rent in ad vance. Ph. 86S8 VET. 8c WIFE desperately need house. Ph. Adam Deibert at 24326 or 9749. 2 OR 3 ROOM"apt. for army man it wife Room 211 P.O. Building. Phone 7879 Sgt. Paul , E. Laden. FURNISHED r unfurnished house or apartment. Phone 6547. Very Desperately Needed By Veteran with wife and Small child, furnished house or apartment. Permanent posi tion in Salem. Phone 4667 or 2-2494. SMALL Furnished apartment or house br Sept. 1st. Phone United Air Lines. 3848. For Sale Real Estate $5600 GOOD 3 B R. plastered home with sleeping porch. $3100 cash. bal. $35.00 month at. 5",. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255 Ever. 21413 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, wired for range, electric water tank, fireplace. Venetian blinds. Clean inside 8c out. with fruits 8c nets. 1240 S. 13th. ROSED ALE DIST. $92506 vears old. Excellent condi tion. Large lot, 2 B. R . liv. rm.. kitch en, bath, full basement, furnace, ga rage, nice garden. Svllivari Realtv Co. 423 S.12thSt. ; Ph. 4855 Eves 21173 " 96950. Cleainate built 3 BR home close in North. Auto water heater. Wired for ranee. Larg Garage. Im mediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co.-Realtors 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves: 25561 J BED Rooms. West Salem. Liv. rm.. fireplace, din. rm, kitchen, bath. full basement, furnace, paved street. city water, icwage. $6500. Sullivan Realty Co. 423 S. 12th St. Ph. 4855. Eves. 21173 $57502 bed rm. home 4 yrs. old. Hwd. firs. On bus line. Located south on 99 Just out of city. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COM'L. Ph. 3793 Ph. 9441 eves. WILL-SELL my equity of $1200 in 3-room house near Salem. See Mrs. Hunter at 25 Ratcliff Dr. "TERY-Nice fpur bedroom home with full basement. Sprinkler' system in lawn. 99950. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd Ph. 3255 Eves,. 21413 BY OWNER New 2 bdrra home, ndwd floors, ven. blinds, cove ceilings, fireplace, elec. hot water heater, attached garage, auto, oil heatw Trays, fruit room, on bus line. Near all schools. Priced for Imm. sale. 93500 will handle. See at 743 N. 20th. ? BUSINESS CORNER North. 75x65. t2200Walter Socolofsky. Ph. 8835. ... $11,000 New mod. ranch type 2 bedrm. view home with full basement, on 10 A . all in young orchard. 404. M. O. Humphreys & Co. 3035 Portland Rd. Phone 7820 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 2-4396 INDEPENDENCE BARGAIN I acre and good 6 room house. Paint ed and in goad condition. Small barn Nice shade trees. Located one mile from town can highway. Price only $4250. Alfred Dumbeck. Room 3. Ladd 8c BuhBldg. 93500 A 2 bedroom home on fi acre of ground near Aumsville. Imme diate possession. Barn, chicken house, well, electric pump. Fruit. 94300 Unfinished 2 bedrooms. 't acre of ground, nice location North, immediate possession. Garage. $7900 Attractive 3 room home East of Salem. Oak and fir floors, lot 65x121. Garage. Immediate pos session. $7950 Good 3 bedroom horn only 3 years old; Nice location off the Sirverton Highway. Bus line arid school. Garage. Nice lawn and shrubs. $9000 Acre of ground North, living room, 4 dining room. 3 bedrooms, bath, excellent garden, city water. Garage. Electric heat. Venetian blinds. $9850 New S room home on Fisher Road. Lot 68x145. Electric heat. Immediate possession. hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, close to bus line. Garage. P. H. Bell, Realtor PHIL BELL H. A. LAMMERS 310 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4896 $2100 LOCATED on South edge of City on Pacific Hwy. Lot 70x137 wiith garage and some lumber. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 For ale Real Estate VIEW HOME WITH PICTURE WINDOW FIVE lovely rooms. Living room 14x 22 with fireplace. Party room 14x22 with fireplace. Automatic oil furnace. Lovely built-lns. This new house ha newly planted yard. Price $15,350. Call Joe Hutchison with Leo N. Childs, Inc. RITALTOR 344 Stale St. Ph. 9261; Eve, ph. 2-4789 $5250. Clean 3 BR Home cloe in North. Close to school A Bus. I-ots of Fruit trees. Immediate' possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves: 2-5561 310 OF AN ACRE. 1 blk from En- flewood Sen I 9 blocks from Sr. Ill bdrms & den. Dble plumbing, air conditioned. Philippine mahogany trim in liv. rm St din rm. English stucco. Sell outright or list with live agent. $14,500. See owner, 1250 N. 21st GOOD 3 bedroom home, fireplace, basement, auto, nawdust heat, elec water heater, close to schools tt bus 930 Madison st. $6650 VERY Nice 2 bed rm. home. Liv. rm., kitchen, balh. utility rm . unfin. attic, elec. water heater Close to bus. school and aloie. Call Ray D" Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. , 3793 1)70 S COM L. Ph M41 eves I FOKCEIi TO cLl, This 3 bdrm. modern home, nearly new home. Owner very ill and must change climate at once Price $6730 with some terms See Vick Bros, or F. G Delano. 290 N. Church St. Phone 5710. ATTRACTIVE BUYS tN REASONABLY PRICED HOMES (1) THREE bedroom home. On paved road south city limits. Price $4000. (2) ONE bedroom home. plastered Two beautiful lots. On paved street. Price S3 800 (3) TWO bedroom home with bath at Aumsville. One acre ground. Price $3800. See Leo N. Chi Ids, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 BY OWNER: 3 bedrm house, good location. 2029 S. Church. PRICE CUT From $11,500 to $10,500. for this brand new 3 bdrm. strictly modern home In Keizer district on half acre splendid soil. Let us show you this. Owner can show you where this property cost within $25 of the price asked See Vlck Bros, or T. G. Delano. 290 N. Church. Phone 5710. CARLHAVEN LOTS $450 to $550 New Carlhavrn subdi vision. 4 blks. S. E. of Kcier corner. Excellent garden soil, community wat er system, can be bought on easy terms. Ahrams and Ellis. Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg Ph 6155 Insurance - Mortgage Loans NEW Two nice. 2 bed im homes with liv rm.. dm. rm, bath, utility rm. These are well constructed homes and well worth the money. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COML Ph.3793 Ph. 9441 em. FOR SALE: 5-room home, now va cant. acre, on bus line. Some fruit, city conveniences. See owner. 497 South 18th. FURNISHED HOME Very attractive, modern three bed room home. Excellent location, only $4200. C. E. Coville - Real Estate Turner. Ore. Phone22 "BY OWNER: Lovely 2 bdrm mod. home built 1940. Recently redec . part hdw. f is . ven. blind, utility, wired for range. Dutch kitchen, oil clrc . elec. hot water, oversize gar., garden, flowers, ideal for children, one blk. to transportation. some furniture available including 1942 L and H elec range and new wash, nit h of5 Earl Ave . one blk N. of Junction of Cen ter St. and Turner Rd. BY OWNER : 6 im. hae Living rm . dinette, X bed room down and 2 up stairs. Hardwood floors upstairs and down. Fireplace, full cement basement. Nice back yard and Ige. front yard. House has Just been newly painted. 2274 Trade st. Phone 2-4927 " ACRE. 100' frontage on Pringle Rd. near 99E. owned bv a carpenter who will give the purchaser the fol lowing deal: Build a 2 B. R. home 24 x30' with attached garage 12 x2u'. competing the outside including painting. Installing sink and laundry trays. furniii water for $1 00 per month. Buyer moves in and com pletes from there Total price ftr land, labor and material $3750 mi. y OLAF THONSTAD REAL ESTATE 941 N. Capitol St. Ph 7903 LOVELY 4 Bed room" house. So. close In. gas furnace, double plumbing, fireplc. music room. $14 000. LUSE REALTY. Oregon Bldg . 7952 FURNISHED" Home, large 'creek lot. immediate possession. Phone 2 1 222 "BY OWNER: "4 mis. "semi-mod. 2 rms. unfinin. Corner lot 73x133. 7 fruit trees. 3 firs. Price $3500 565 Hickory St MODERN HOME $15,00020 acres of Will, silt soil. room home, electric water system. Close in. 9 acres planted to berries this spring. Sell all for $15,000 or 7 acres of berries for $7000. C. B. Johnson, Salesman Ed Bvrkit. Realtor 208 North High Street Phone 5981 FAIRMOUNT HlOTTlOME LARGE LIVING ROOM with fire place, 2 bedrooms, dining room. Kitch in. plenty built-in. Bath on 1st floor. Extra finished attic room. Full cement basement. Furnace. Garage. On bus line, price only $9000. Call K. N. Voor hees with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 HOMES $4000 New 2 bed rm. home. Lge. lot. elec. wtr. system. 1 blk. to bus. Suburban, north. $3800 2 bed rm. plastered ' home. Needs fome repairing but is .worth the price. Un, shrubbery, fruit, ga rage. 2 blks. to bus. Walking distance to shopping center. $5Soti 2 bed rm. home, well con structed, fsir location. Garage, shrub bery. 1 bik. to bus. S6950 3 bed rm. home 4 yrs. old Newly redecorated Lge. liv. rm. and! din. rm. comb., kitchen, and dinette .J Ldry. trays, elec wtr. htr . Ige. garage I lawn, shrubbery. Bus to door. Su burban, north. $10,500 New 3 bed rm. suburban home. 1-4 acre of excel, grdn. soil. 1 blk. to bus. Auto, oil heat. Ige. garag Ahrams and j Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg Ph. 6158 Insurance - Mortgage Loans MODERN J BED ROOM CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL This modern home1 has 2 bed rooms, fireplace, bath. liv. riti . din. rm.. kitch en, built ins and Venetian blind. Pe can 11W floors, electric cooking and water heater, plastered, auto, oil iieat mr fir WnnHerfiil artriibberv bus at' door, high and junior schools w ith-j in 2 blocks. This Is really a high class modern home. Price-has been reduced to $12,150.00 and immediate posses sion. Hollywood McKillop Real Estate Agency 2075 Fairgrounds Rd. " Ph. 2-5224 Eye jndSundays3M-24263J1868I:9340 319 A. STOCK Farm. Five rm. home, 2 barns, hog house, year around creek, spring piped to house. 70 A. under plow. A real buy $12,000. See Frank Strausbaugh. J. F. Ulrich Co. 202 Pearce Bldg Ph 8672 3 BED Rm. home" best location south. Close to school. 980U0. 4 bed rm. home east. Corner lot. paved streets, good repair. A buy $8000. Sec Frank Strausbaugh. J. F. Ulrich Co. 202 Pearce Uldg. Ph. S672 For Sale Real Etate FOR SALE: 3 RR. Mod home, elm in on Maikrt St. 51x150 lot full basement, fireplace, hardwood floor You will like this place and the price is $U.5oo. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S Com I NT Ph H.unt K r 74411 $1,500 Beautiful new 3 txirm home on 'j acre north. Good aotl. oil fur nace, deep well elec pump. A leal buy. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Ehtate Co. REALTORS 970 S COM L. Ph 37W3 I'h lSMo Evr $6950' V FRY NEAT 3 BR home lo cated in W. Saieni. 2 lota with aevrial nice fruit tier. Very nice garden. This home is extra clean Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 S 1000 Full Price New 4 rm. house. Cement founda tion Good location inside ntv limit M O HUMPHREYS 4 CO. REALTORS ;i33 Portland Kd I'h 78ii 2286 Fairground Rd I'h 245K6 Just Reduced Nice 4 B R home N Bsnit Oil iie furnace. Hwd His. firil N u e shrubs, newlv decorated lible car This home ha everything liul a barrairi at only flQ.ouo Call Otnei Huff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO . REALTORS 1717 Center St. Ph 21549 Eve 2SHI $9,000 New home in new district Northeat Living rm . kitchen din ette. 2 bdrm., bath, unfinished up stairs, hdwd floors, oil furnace, at tached garage. Lot tWixISO Call MV Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COM L Ph. 3793 Ph 25280 Eve CLOSE IN BUS. PROPERTY 8 rm. house, double garage lot 92 5x165. St. A alley paved $15 000. Walter Soeolofskv Real Estate Ph. 8835 $7900-CLtAN 3 BR riori i Erigle wood Dlst. Close to schools A bus Fireplace, auto water heating, wired for range Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. -Realtors 153 S. High Phone 4121 Eves J-5561 $ 3.800 "LOCATED SOUTH-".-bedroom home, cement foundation, oil. circulator, electric cooking, ga rage, new elect i r water heater, nice large lot $ 6.900 Immediate Possession 2 bed room downstair and unfinish ed up-tairs, cement foundation, oil circulator goes with place electric cooking, garage $ 8.250 Brand New home well located south with ii bedroom, hard wood floor, electric heat, base ment, very 1 nicely arranged house. Possession at once $ 8.750 Very nice and clean well built home with 3 bedroom. full basement, located south, hard wood floors, fireplace, faiaie. very nice yard and shrubs Im mediate posse ion . $13,500 I-ocated on Creek, lovely home only S years old. has hardwood floors, fireplace. 2 bedroo'i. living room, dining room, kitch en. Venetian blind, lot of built-in, automatic gas fur nace. yard is fenced and ha outside fireplace on creek. Very lovely furniture goes with sale of house at above price. McKillop Real Estate Agenev 169 South High St Ph. . S-1 -3-1 I'll. Eves 6MI1 -7163-4937 $8,000 6 ifn. suburban home on . acre. Hdwd floors, oil heat, double gaiage. chicken house 8 chu kens. Near bus. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 976 ft COM L Ph 37S3 I'h 252MI E Home bargains $375 New 2 BR home blk out side city limits. 1mm. Poo. $6!0-Nic Bungalow. Br. Ir Dr Kit Garage. North 969UO-- 2 BR. unfin attic Balh LR. DR. Garage. Call 'Elmer" Amundson Burt Pit ha. Realtors Ph. 32I0 337 N. High Sf y.'FW"HOME 7 rms . elec hot heater Nice loca tion Electric heat Price taafMI Tun a Call C. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with CralH'nhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty. SI Iti 4131 Eves 3 21H a ACM tt 3 rill pre-cut house com piete with wiring, plumbing. I.ut no paint. Rt. T. Box 434 M. McCain Ae, off Silver ton Rd IDEAL HOMES " $10,500 New rambling type. inn Burnt, oil heat Hwd. floors 812.0004 bed rm English type Stucco, fireplace, oil heat (all (Imrr Huff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO REALTORS 1717 Center Street Phone 2-1549 Eve 2-5091 NEW 2 bed "Voom house Keizer district. 1-4 acre lot. fruit tree, her -lies. Priced to sell. $63u. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S Com'l. Ph 8841 $475 Lot 60x90 North on Highway Ave See Mrs. Patier. Burt Picha. Realtors Ph. 6472 2543 Portland Rd. .Res. Ph. 34504 " NORTH -Krim dal 4 It R home Hwd. floors throughout. Dwtirtte fire place, wired for range, elec hot Water Large lot. Garag. Ill.tasi.. Call Gard ner. Burt Picha, Realtors Ph. 3210 337 N. Hjfh St $12.373 00 Y-bedroom modern home well located on North 2th l-ot 63x150 ft. HW floors throughout Fireplace. Has lint basement with fine play room A MOST BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED BACK YARD Khrurm and fiie place. a grand place for picnic or pArtie. Double garage Elec tric cooking and water heater Automatic gas furnace, 'g bloc k to bus. Terms can te ai r anged and possession In 30 day. There are very few hooves in Sa-iem as nice as this one. It w ill he a pleasure to show this Hollywood McKillop Real Estate Agency 2075 Fairground Road Ph 2-A224 Evenings 2-4265 4383 -bS -V:i4o l BEDROOM HOME, ckase to school, large lot nice lawn A srtrub. com pletely furnished. 87875 IXVE,Y BUILDING SITE 5 acre plus nice, spring, trees and shrubs ideal for business mans country home, close in $1600 HOME tt CONFECTIONARY mal! store, living quarter all modern acre, grow income 93000 monthly Full price $4500. $IUO0 down will handle Lawrence Real Estate. Loans & Insurance ' Phone 7508 Evening Mo4 320 North Hirh "HOME IN COUNTRY BEDROOM 13x17. Living room 16x24 with fireplace. Lovely kitchen win bar. Nice bath. Price include wall to wall carpet, drapes. Venetian hi nrti and fireplace set. Almost thiee aire of land with lark Filbert, walnut and apples. Only It w miles out Pile 98500. Purchaser may buy new elec tric range, refrigerator and oil citcu later Call Joe Hutchison with Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St JKJrZSI; Ee h 2-47MI EXClilXENf view "lot. Iwo building xites. King wood Tertaces. By owner 5697 . For Sale Real Eatnte NELSON NEWS t FiDRM. 4(0 N Middle -d Ikhi wit-i, LR. DM. Kit. 2 iKlims. aV bath, itic ludea ur elc kiln htr. gaiage. on paed at at sioewaia MAR II St llOOl, Al'TM HFAT A giMxi .uhslanlial Lome i'i I. R , DR. KM balh, 2 lie IhIi m . I small, fplace. writ lot larige full auUn. ol air 1 oMdilioiung furnai e. SI ,mm. COUNTRY FSTAIF WITH INfOMB 3 ai land, trinfxl wlih natlv timlier, 1 ar flitters, hum el. fruits, flarior view of Valie. modern I "dr m home with l.d lir. eutm. oil furnace, elc water htr. fplace, dbl, garage, $12.5410. GOOD SMALL FARM 20 sr. all in uitnai.un, fair 9 rm. modern home litu; hatrt 10 ii irkiew battel le i IMw hit k r.i.i hi i. killing rm. with elc pick.! a, w.itei .nop At wood Hied, all cioo. A all hoi. ... I.J lurnisriings included at piite of tCMiCJ. ) 00 AC ON SANTIAM I New 9 rm house nr MiixJJ bain. 9$ ac in cullnalli.ii ha. timtter lb pas. lure. 2 large ix.ulii , nuvi. fenced 4k roes fenced, on si ifaied id. llllga- tion possible. $1 2.'tfi If these do n.l .i eel y iur lecjuires. merits it II us yo.j want W pi ol ably ha e It , NELSON & NKIaSO.N ! 'CHET I NELSON - TIIFO O NELSON ! KF.AL1 OHt Rm .Hi0-2 Masonic Hsdg W9 Slate St. Phone 4419 or 42Z. Eves. I-iiS Farm 2-';47 FNGI EWOOD DISTRICT Special Sum I modern $ rm. bungalow alle house. hwd. f loots Ihrouatiout Very n ce built in k.u en with corner au.k riaemenl aod furnace Nice yard and shrubs. Pist 9II54N' Call G H Grabenhorst, Jr. w Hit : (ralenhorst Bro. RI!AITOR 134 8 l.ltrty St Pn 4111 Eve -2f4f IT'S READY MOVE RICHT IN $r,2ro S room houae tt bath. 9 Mart eld. garage, floor on If) acre Ifuriy I Hwr t IT'S READY MOV E IN NOW $2r() BRAND N 0 f 3-rnrmi hake house, har4w txirt flooi I eUctric heat, rluse to ai-hssol ' basement, electric r.ct water ir. That is a good one. IT'S READY MOVE IN IMMI S2MK)- 3 room . part.f furn had. taS paed tlt. h sr but line N etsds ekse trie uti.p CIIAS. HUDKINS J SON 27J State Jfjlreet Pti $4500 4 rm hse with oak floor k Paved t Fhade garden apot in I I).ut I gar .. utility rm. IJ0O0 down) ltritav H. P. (irant. Realtor 457 t ourt M rn "44 t9JI Open IIoiie Sunilav I SI I (H 4. 99' 11 I CM) p III . C" I let air furn 2 lediiii hMre. cor U.t, 911leioO. ClioM-e lot . nice shade trees. il heat, $2 IT.--Partly Built! a a. ity water, fir grova. I sr4. . 1-Bedrm. IIoue. Furn, $.",27.", I W'et Fatem on 2 1 '. shad Ireos. Call F I. fVlmrri l GFNFRAI. REAL f 1TATI COj No 10 I Add Bust Hank H Wig Pliorv 771U, Fve or lundal m $ I IiFD RM liotii. N mil im ci. 2 bed inn down, one up liv rm, dirt rn kitilien, e ec neat, garag), A very good buy at ) Call fcerg la ml , ; Burt Picha, Realtors! 2543 Portland Rt Ph, ffTJ NUT MODFRN HOUl.'iijtaintllt Vl test. Venetian bllrij. f repiare, li . niei.t excellent loai'i fit (Kit Two hoies on or e lot, North, four room house on ba k a-i,t a new W.V .ern. 2 tieriroom Iter in froett. hoed mihI fi.a.r. flrepla'-e. elertrie heat, near St Vincent de Paul $10,300 3 bediewwn house har wood floors, autvei.atir sawdust f'unare f irei lace, basen.ent Not far out. Mouth, ss'tt). Ike Bacon. Salesman! Ed Bvrkit. Realtor 208 North High Sfteet Phr.e f $2000 Down $40 pei n.o Tuesdar Is he lat Nice i ledrrn hocre 93750 Sullivan Realty Co. 7i 17th ft- nt' eve, I pay. $9100 t l.e!rrn 1 ory hum with hairrt. w om! Iimkv firepface, otaa'ered walig and fwll rsaam't , close to act and fni in r.e of alem's beat diatricts. 7 eirrtie. Harold W.IIeers Mite Portland Rd Ph'me fllr74 97SM. hNANI) K rUTl hoi in " h.s completed wilhln 30 rtav IIJd liters, wiled for range, elec wster t.eoter. See Mrs fairer. j Burt Picha. Realtors PI .one M72 t'i 4.1 Port l ansj Rd. lies ph 1-4.J4M A p V ERTy? FN a I Western Advertising Representative Ward-Crtffith Curnpmnf, San Franriac Eastern Advertising; 1 Represen U ti ve Ward -rtrtff ith Comuonr. In. Chsrwg New York fUrt. Alia ota Member Part fir Cisast Division Hueau of Ad vertUlnC Fnfered mt . Psfftce at galena, OrtQfrn as geeond C.'a Ma'fee pBw lnherf eiserw tnoesilsia erernt Monday I Rroisiess ofsr 919 SjuIH Commercial, SUUSCRIPTION RATES Ma II fsuhcscrSr-tloo Rata to Advaneof Wiihln Oregon. Daily and ceunday Mk tt cents 6 ma 93 00. I tt. M Elsewhere SO reK per ana) or 979 for 1 year kn advance. Fer eopy rent. Ry Cttf Carrier. t9 cents a mootav, 99 oo a year In advanc Ma Martosi aai asllasanl ewtMiliem.