PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN.! Salem. Oregon. Friday Morning, August 2, 1948 Miss Ethel Lawless To Wed Ar.VHjnrfirioil U Iwing made of " r rriKfmrnt and forthcom ing rr... mage of Mim KtbH Ijw daughter of Mr and Mr. James U !es. to Howard El swd. of Mr. and Mr. Fill t yjtM.3 The wrUinf will take l e on rriday, August 20, at the Firt Presbyterian church at S fit k. rWh Ms I jwlr and her Juirt are graduates of Salem -hi'i criotl. She ha benti attend In ",-Ot eg on College of Education at Vlrimouth and will complete Iwr a oik next winlrr Mr L2d arrived in the t.'f two wrtk ago from the t. . , r. theatre of ef ation fie has t-en in tiermany for the M.r i.r an1 a half and in the aimy ,er t'o year The uuple Vv.; ine tn Monrtvauth. Shower Honor Mrs. Wade S V R!i.h Wade was the honor jpi- at a ht..wT Thuraday night i Mim Jean Rowland enter -ta.i -5 in Iff garden of her home mi ..rtn IVth tUert. It- iiye uii in play during the . ,r.g ith a tale supper fol lo .ng H if-r j-f Mr Wade were Mr. 1. ' Stafer. Mr Rohert Mall An di ,i) .f l orvalh. Mr Jimn T Mr Fred S Anunen. jr , Mr. H W. Stacey. Mm Olene W -rilrw ff . Miaa Evelyn Johnson, JM.. Mary Ann WitUjff. Mim Ir ri -- Muidork. Miaa TheJma W il -rw Miu Dnna Shafer and the tin' rM Totlav'ii Pattern that's what thii brau-te-i ,r tt-r.-.ecer is! Put tern 4536' k. fiirti.t.cas wijr with a perky f". i .m. Jr Mlw, you t an a- ' "n til oy y jrMf P ii: :n 43fl cmvi in Jr Mis Si' - 1.. :Z. 15 and IT Si.e 13 U--t-L3 jsrc:s 39-inch fabric. SJ TUtMT-rtVB cents tn rotn ' MMrrn ta Tt Ucroo Slt- n A.ijiva Adjfti. I fif t mt . Va n F :.M ft if Prml pUlrtlv NAME, AliUIIM, IOM, SIZE AND T1 LE i xtr A - KOt-'NCING the Ami Atil new fur SUMMER 1 Your for t -.-n Crt9 r.r ("k! rr. art, j-- a --. srytaa fr tt wrote fa rKa.E patter arvl direction. t" Cowni prinUJ right la t.- t4)a U 4636 SIZES Ami Wr Wrl ome All of Our Old and New Customers With a rompletr Display of Fetlrral Government Inajhrcted Meats, Both I rmli anl Smokeil. We Guarantee Every Gut of Meat to Be the Be. We Have AUo Addetl a Locker Cutting Service. If You Want a AeX and Professional Job Done on Your Locker Meat, See Society Music .... MAXINE BUKEN Womtn'i Editor Fly North to Wedding Mr, aod Mr. Conrad P. Paul ton and her son. Tommy, and Robert Steeve aro leaving; by plane Saturday for Seattle to at tend the wedding of Miss Aileen Hutchinson and La ban Richard Sleeve on Saturday night at the Pilgrim Congregational church. The bride-elect is the daughter of the Kev. and Mrs. Robert Hutch inson. formerly of Salem, and Rev. Hutchinson will perform his d a u g h t e r's marriage. Robert Steeve will be an usher at his brother's wedding. On Sunday members of Mrs. : Paulaon's family are planning a i gathering at the home of her aunt on Lake Washington. The four will return to Salem by plana lata ' Sunday. Hostesses Fete Miss Olson Mm Inabelle Creech and Miaa Jean llain entertained Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Phil R.benadorf on South Cottage street at a shower for Miss Marie Olson, who will be married on , August 11 to Gerald DeSart of Silverton. A kitchen shower honored! the bride-to-be and late refreshments were served following an inform ! al evening. The table was cen- tered with an arrangement of pas tel summer flowers and candles. Honoring Miaa Olson were Miss Nelda Dollner. Mlsa Loretta Mc Namee, Mia Marilyn Nelson, Miss Heta Susbauer, Mrs. Charles Moody. Mr. Jerry Stone. . Mrs. Kdward Hanson, Mrs. Harvey HolzKamp, Mrs. - George Meier, Mrs Dale Lively, Mrs. William Rebenedorf, Mr. Alma .Olson, Mrs. Orvllle Winn of Independ ence, Mr. Mildred Henderson, Mrs John Hain and the hostesses. Mrs. Char lea Rate I Iff, Mrs. I. F. Carleton and Mr. George Dur ham left Thursday for Camp Adam. Moialla, to attend the an nual retreat ol the Oregon Tel lowship of Congregational Wom en, representing the First- Con giegationat church of Salem.: Mr. sad Mrs. Kabert H. I limit - ton and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hunter of Dal la were among thoae in Portland Thursday night to attend ''Oklahoma" at the audi torium. I The Mlaaea Msrjorie and De- lores Donaldson and Miss Sigrid : Heinonen will motor to Portland ! on Saturday to attend "Okla ' hom" i; Mr. mm Mrs. Habert Kailly and daughter. Kathleen and Jane, of Pasadena, Texas, are spending a few days in the capi tal visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. Charles L-ayport. The Retlly. who have been vacation ing on Puget Sound, are en route south to their home. They for merly made their borne here and j he was with the Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. Visiters la the raplUl Wednes day were Mr. and Mrs. George Beechler who were guests of his mother, Mi. D. X. Beechler, who has ju: returned from a visit in San Francisco with her daughter and family. The Beech ler have been at Taft visiting with her parents. Mr. sjmI Mrs. Edwla Ci CroM and sons. Curtis and Stewart, left Thursday for their home in Chi- rago following a several weeks i stay here with his mother, Mrs. Curtis B. Cross. 1 Ejo)a Clubs The Home JERYME ENGLISH Society Editor ClUB CALENDAR mtDAT Engl. wood Wewaa Hub, ptrnle 1 p m. with Mrs. W. C Crews, Ml North IStii st. MONDAY Marlon auxiliary VTW Ml, S pjn at hall for election. Jmmon Io. Wwlryia Ssrvlas Guild no-hmt picnic. Olinger Park, .9 p m THURSDAY So)ourners luncheon, saack bar aad bridge, Salem Woman1 club, 1 pm. A Garden Picnic The gardens at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer if. Smith on North Summer street will be the setting for a large picnic dinner pn Sunday afternoon. The Smiths give the affair an nually for out-of-town Insurance special agent and over 60 are ex pected to attend. Co-hosts with the Smiths will be their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Homer T. Smith. Guests have been Invited to come at 3 o'clock and dinner will be served at large picnic tables In the garden at 3 o'clock. Dur ing the early everting Jack Hayea will show movies. Shower Given Tuesday Night Mrs. W. A. Barkus was hostess Tuesday , night in her country home at a shower for Mrs. Charles R. Moule, who recently returned to Salem from Antioch, Calif. The evening was spent in formally. A blue and pink color scheme was used. Greeting guests at the door was Mrs. Harry Gillette. Assisting about the rooms were Mr. Hayes Beall and Mrs. Ralph Murphy. Mrs. S. Raynor Smith, r., and Mrs. Scott Wheatly poured. Mrs. Lee Haskins cut the cake and Mrs. Thomas FitzJohn was in charge of the guest book. Others honoring Mrs. Moule were Mesdames Herbert Kemper. Jack Kinney, Charles Roberts, Etric Stinnett, Herman Rehfuss, Chester Lausner, William McKin ny, S. Raynor Smith, Jr., Leo Reed, Wlllard Gillette, Lowell Jones. Archie Gardner and Joe Brook. Richard Bell. J. F. Bil leter, Vivian Garber, Averill Reaney, George Nopp, Anna Mor gan, Don Darby, Carl Butte and Irene Johnston, the Misses Blanche Baumgartner; Maxine Clark, Vada Hill. Gertrude Rob erts. Lucille Satter. Donna Wen gen roth, Velora Williams, Mar garet Pepper, Aan Raffael and Laurel Stohl. AMITY Sunday. Jaly 21. at 2 pjn. Mia Alma June Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eman uel Miller of Amity, and James Melvin Larraw of Blaine were married at the Mennonite church in Sheridan. G. D. Shenk offi ciated. A reception was held at the Miller home following the ceremony, after which the young couple left by motor for a trip to California. They will live at Blaine. Ualch Oar Ilorih Window For New Fall Merchandise Smarl Shop 111 Nerth Liberty Home From Motor Trip Mr. and Mrs. Henry V, Comp. ton, their son .Stuart, and his fian cee. Miss Mary Kathryn Finney of Hood River, have returned from a three weeks motor trip. The Compton went south to Reno and Las Vegas, Nev, and then over to Bryce and SJion na tional parks. Salt Lake City, into Wyoming to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons national parks. At the Latter park they had a house on the Lake for several days. En route home they stopped in Boise for a short visit. Supper Party For Miss Patterson Miss Janice Patterson, August bride -elect of William Cat, was honored at a buffet supper party Thursday night when Mtss Mar garet Ilughlett entertained in the garden of her home on North ICth street. Following the dinner hour bridge was in play and a bridal shower honored Miss Patterson. Covers were Disced for tHo oriae - to - be, her mother, Mrs. Frank Patterson, Miss Jean Pat terson, Miss Ruth Tiughlett, Miss Virginia Case. Miss Mary Nims, Miaa Donna Upjohn. Miaa Patricia Sears, Miss Barbara Belt. MisS Vicky Jones, Miss Ruth Farmer, Miss Leona Tingelstad. Mrs. Ar thur Wilson, Mrs. Robert Albert, Mrs. George Luthey of Portland, Mrs. Bessie Horner, Mrs, H. W, Hughlett and the hostess. Mr. mm Mr. Key H. Mills were in Portland Thursday night to attend "Oklahoma." They are leaving today for a week's iti along the Oregon coast Mr. aad Mrs. Kenaeth WsJkev of Santa Monica, Calif, who are visiting at the George Putnam nome, spent Wednesday at Tim berline lodee. Mr. Walkev ha come north for a several weeks visit with his family. Mr. mmd Mrs. Bert Brew mt Wauneta. Neb., are visitors at tha A. L. Mason home. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Mason are sisters. Good Eating Fruits of Late Summer Provide Ideas For Variety of Cobblers, Puddings By Maxine Buren Fruit desserts are timely and there's possibility for plenty of variety in the meal's ending these summertime days. Tart red berries, green apples, peaches, apricots and plums, all make family delights. The only problem is sugarl Having supply of biscuit mix ready and waiting for the milk to be added, speeds up summertime cobblers and dumplings. You can eitner Duy tn mix ready- prepared or double or triple your own biscuit recipe, omit the liquid and put It away in a carton to keep until ready to use. Adding salt to fruit brings out the sweetness and makes it pos sible to cut down on the sugar. Leftover Jellies or Jams, especial ly those which may have crystal Lzed, can be added to the fruit for additional sweetness and often interesting flavor. Fresh peaches sliced and flavor ed slightly with cinnamon make a good cobbler when slightly thickened with cornstarch and cooked in a casserole topped with biscuit dough. Here's an applesauce pudding that might be the answer to to day's dessert problem. YOU DOII'T HAVE TO LOOK FAB? . . . for those superior BUHDEI2S nAIlDWAIIE Hens yea need! Just come into Keith Brown's today and look over our fine assortment of top-quality Builder Hardware supplies! . . . We know we have just what you're looking for! KEDTIH1 ; t Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard A. Olson (Ruth VoqO whos marricKjo took place July 28 at the First Evangelical church. The bride Is the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. William Vogt and her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. WiHard A. Olson, sr. (Bishop-Modern studio). A Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Lloyd Sanders will pre side at luncheon this afternoon at her Fawk street home for members of her club. Contract bridge will be in play during the afternoon. Mrs. Lewis Clark and Mrs. Harold O. Schneider will be addi tional guests. Club members are Mrs. Forrest E. Simmons, Mrs. Virgil Sexton, Mrs. Glenn Pax son, Mrs. BJarne Ericksen, Mrs. Charles Feike and Mrs. Sanders. NO TONSILS AMITY Tommy Stocker was a tonsilectomy patient at the Dr. Law hospital Thursday. He la a grandson of Mrs. Law. APPLESAUCE PUDDINO 2 cups fresh made applesauce 4 tablespoons butter or substi tute Vi cups graham cracker crumbs 3 eggs 4 teaspoon salt V cup sugar V cup chopped nuts Melt fat and mix with X cups of the crumbs combine with sauce. Beat egg yolks with 2 tablespoons sugar and add to applesauce mix ture. Beat salted whites and add remaining sugar, fold in nuts. Sprinkle remaining crumbs on a greased 9 inch cake pan. Pour ap ple mixture on top, add meringue and bake at 130 for 45 minutes. Serve with a sauce made of cream whipped, sweetened, and flavored with nutmeg. gC3WKI Surprise Vinit At North Dallas NORTH DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rempel were surprised Friday when their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Rempel of Reedley, Calif., came for a ten-day visit here and in Marion county. On Sunday they had a family reunion and dinner at the John H. Neufeld home at Crowley Sta tion. Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rempel, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Rempel and family, Smithield; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toevs and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rempel and family, all of Salem; the honor guests and the hosts. MINISTERS TO SWEDEN WASHINGTON. July 3I-P-The senate confirmed the ap pointment of Louis G. Drvrfnu jr., of California, a minister to' .weoen. He has been serving as minister to Iceland. 000 -AT Fur Coats at Record Lowsl Yes ... In spite of furs bein? higher now than last season, Schlesinqer & Co. are selllnj their fine furs at LESS than last year. Why? Because many months ago, ' anticipating a rise that has since materialized, we bought heavily for this event. ACTUALLY THE IDENTICAL SKINS, WHEN WE MAKE REPLACEMENTS. WILL COST TWENTY TO THIRTY PER CENT MORE. Our August Fur Event is a golden opportunity for you to own a luxurious fur coat at area! savings that may never be duplicated. " Church Rites Read Sunday WOODBURN The Church of Jesus Christ of ItterI)ay Saints was the scene of the marriage of Miss Arlene Smolnisky and Max E. Oman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Omans. Sunday afternoon. July 14, at 4 o'clock. The Rev. J. L. Verhei of Portland read the double-ring ceremony. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smolnuky of Wood burn, given in marriage by her father, wore a grey dressmaker suit with black and white acces sories. She ranted a white Bible with an orchid and rosebud. Mis Hazel Smolnisky. sister of the bride, was maid of hottor. She wore a beige uit and tarried pink sweetpeas and a gardenia. Mr. Omans was attended by Richard Moon. Usher were Don ald Marshall and Walter Ilaglien. Kenneth Thompson sang and Miss Donna Dean was acrompa nist and played the wedding marches. The bride's mother wore a black drr-i with pink and black acces sories and a corsage of pink rose bud. The groom's mother was at tired in a dress of gray with gray and black accessories and a cor sage of pink roebud, A reception wa given at Lu theran hall niter the service. Mrs. Dean Omans of Salem, sister-in-law of the groom, cut- the wed ding cake assisted by Mrs. Gor don Luffman of W,dburn. his aunt. Mrs. William Smolnisky of Portland, aunt of the bride, poured and Mins Donna I)ean was at the punch bowl. At the gift table were Mr. E. II. Clayberger and Mis Eileen Hagenauer. and carrying the guest book was Miss Hazel Mason. As sisting Mrs. George Crimps at the reception were Mrs. H. K. Sar gent. Mrs. Hael Rue. Mis Jac queline Rue and Miss Dorothy Albertson. Mrs. Omans Is a graduate of Wood burn high school and was a cadet nurse. Mr. Omans attended high school at Shenandoah. Iowa, and here. He was discharged from the navy June 10 after 14 months service. The young couple took a wed ding trip to Santiam Lodge near Sisters and are now at home at 73 N. Second st, VISITORS AT CHANDLERS SUNN YSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hey of Poikville. Mo.. . . Persian Toombs . . Silver Foxes . . Russian Ponies . . American Broadtails . . Genuine Kid Skins . . Stenciled Lapins And Many Otheig . nuts! uohbu SAL No V Todav'i; Needlccnift 1 VL..i664l These peacocks can foftn beau tiful parade all; about your home. Their plumage is gay; their take-to-liuens manner is wonderful. Embroider these gay peacocks with flowers in color contrast. Pat tern 84 has transfer of 14 motifs lVix4 and Hxll inches. Send TWCNTvl CENTS-Hi- ests v Ihis pattm to The Org4w Stas man. Laura Whealer. rtrsti a4 S(r enson Sts.. San rrincue; : S. CaliC. Print plainly PATTSEN i NIMBUS, your NAME ang ADOKCSS. Fifteen cents mora tonne you ear newest NlWCTart Ca talent u tfm l4S ediUon IIS Uluctrauens ot W in for crochet, knitting, ouilta. em broidery, toy, handicraft i.' a troe pattern for cuddla toy prtate4 right in Uka cstskniua. r are staying at the homefof Grace and Al Chandler while they visit relatives. Sunday they took a trip along the Oregon beaches. Hey ta a cousin of Grace and Al Chand ler and Mrs.; George Heykart. I R 9. n li ':'!.: r t' ! Cost Last Year: 295.00 1 1 Present "Value: 395.00 i 4 I ONLY Western's Efefeft Schlesinger & Co. 1 1 ISO N. Com! SL .-.. Court and Front Sts. Phone 91 S3 40941Siirlw