The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 02, 1946, Page 7, Image 7

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    The) OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, ftidaj Morning. August 2. 1948
Nips Ready for
Says Bishop
NEW YORK. Aug 1 A)-Th '
rrrdim(t bishop of thr Protestant j
Krjisrf iil church, who spent 25 ,
year as a missionary to Japan, j
teliefs that missionaries who Ro
there in the future mny have a
better ha nee to win the people
to Christianity than did those of
hip da j
"I think the church Kan a tig
rpnfttuniy. n Japan now prob-t
ablv icreater than ever before," ;
aid Bi.hop Henry St. George :
Tucker, in an interview.
$ "The war hs smashed the tra- I
ditiociaJ beliefs of the country," '
he explained. "All the things In
which the people had put their
trust have been pretty well dis
credited by the results of the war.
The bishop mid he has decided
that the atomic bombing of Hiro
shima and Nagasaki was justified
because, by helping to end the
war, it "probably saved more Jives
than it destroyed." But "I don't
think after seeing what the atomic
bomb does we would ever be. jus
tified in using It again."
legion Fetes Beaver
Hoy State Delegates
PORTI.AND. Aug. 1-ofVSix-teen-year-old
Ja k Gunn, Eugene,
and Jim Dunn, 17, Corvallis, were
fetel at lunch today by the Amer
ican Iegion.
The pair wasi en route to Wash
ington. D. C. to represent Ore
gon at a boys' forum on national
Veterans to Get Opportunity
To Homestead Irrigated Land
WASHINGTON. Auf. l.-iJF)-A homesteading program for veter
ans got underway today.
The first phase Is the opening for homestead in g of 7.527 acres of
public land on the Tule Lake division of the Klamath irrigation pro
ject in California.
World war II veterans will be given preference in homesteading
the 88 farm units Secretary of the i
Fishermen Vie
tarda? Oaly 11:M A.M. S:3 f.M.
Hrinjr or L ,,u"
Mail ThiM Ad OO V Federal
With Only Tax
These simulated Zircon rings represent the
utmost skill of modern science. Thousands
of these rings have been sold throughout
the country, many to prominent people
who wear them for most occasions. Sub
ject them to most any kind of test You
will be amazed. Guarantee covers tarnish
of mountings and loss of stone. These are
seen on display in smart shop windows
on Fifth Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard
at much higher prices. Limit you may
buy one to four rings.
Better AsaerUnent af Geld Over
Sterling, and Mo I Id Alerting. 811- QQ
ver Rings and Birthatones at 3C
Men'a Rings are S1.49 up
Please Add Federal and State Tax
Mention Slse or Enclose String
Extra Added Special!
Vet's Discharge Emblem
Rings in Solid Sterling Sil
ver or Gold C)er rfi
Perry's Bexall
Drug Store
129 8. Commerical
Salem. Oregon
Saturday Only : A.M. 5:3d P.M
interior Krug said in announcing
the start of the program.
Honorably discharged veterans
with at least 90 days' service may
file applications up to 2 p.m.. Pa
cific standard time. September IS.
Forms are available at recla
mation bureau offices here. Klam-i
ath Falls. Ore., and Sacramento.;
Calif. After an examining board
has eliminated those who fail to
qualify for such reasons as lack
of experience or capital, the re
maining names will be placed in
a drawing.
Only the. Beginning
Co mm Is ioner Michael W.
Straus of the reclamation bureau
told reporters this is only the be
ginning of the bureaus settlement
program aimed at opening one
third of million acres of public
land to veterans by 1951.
Before the end of this year, it
is planned to offer 13,092 acres
divided into 158 farm units on
projects In Washington. Wyoming
and Idaho. The projects and the
tentative schedule for opening to
Roza division, Yakima project.
Yakima, Wash.. 1722 acres, 28
farm units, Nov. 1.
S3 Farm Units Oct. IS
Heart Mountain division, Sho
shone project, Powell, Wyo., 7720
acres, 83 farm units, Oct. 15.
Gooding division, Minidoka
project, Burley, Idaho. 3500 acres,
44 farm units, Dec. 1.
Owyhee project, Boise. Idaho,
150 acres, three farm units, Nov.
The reclamation bureau plans to
open approximately 63,000 more
acres of public lands to home-
steading in 1947, in Arizona, Ne
vada. Idaho, Oregon, Washington
and Wyoming.
ASTORIA. Ore.. Aug. !-")-Faced
by fishermen who wanted
to catch salmon and tourists anx
ious to catch the ferry, the state
game commission today tenta
tively agreed to eliminate the last
two evening ferry trips between
Aug. 4-26.
Fishermen had pleaded for eli
mination of the last three runs
each evening between Aug;. 1-28
ana sepu iu-i, wnen iney ex
pect salmon runs which they say
are best netted on the ferry's
route across the Columbia's
The final ferry crossing, ex
cept on Saturday nights, when
there is no fishing, will be at 8:30
Astronomers estimate that the
earth, if seen from the moon,
would appear about 80 times as
luminous as the moon appears
when it is seen from the earth.
Regional Office
For Department
Under Discussion
PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug 1.-(P-Possible
establishment of a north
west regional office of the depart
ment of the interior was discussed
here today by heads of eight
northwest interior agencies.
Dr. Paul J. Raver, Bonneville
power administrator, was elected
permanent chairman of the group,
which will meet here Aug. 20 to
draft recommendations to the sec
retary of the interior.
Representatives of Bonneville,
Oregon and California land ad
ministration, bureau of reclama
tion, bureau of mines, geological
survey, park service, grazing serv
ice, and fish and wild life service
attended. 1
costte less
Ie3 PGG oircOsf
This electrically heated fur
nace in the newly built plant
of Foler Mfg. Company
fue porcelain to steel by
nrmg atrr Unkt and flatware
at a temperature of 1500
I ahrrnhert. The smooth, un
broken ponehning seals the
nvial permanently from water
and rut.
tf ..f
Where Elates are Lowest of the
"Big 4" Coast Business Centers
Not only manufacturers of electric water heaters, but also numer
ous other industries in the PGE area enjoy a distinct advantage
through low-cost power. Lower rates offered business and industry
are reflected in better products at lower costs . . . more business
throughout the area . .-. more money in circulation for citizens
of the area.
PGE supplies an abundance of power at generally lower cost
than is available in any of the other "Big Four" Pacific Coast
business centers. Tt is an important advantage to the business of
today' to find an operating cost that has not skyrocketed, but
instead is loner than ever. Check the table below for a comparison
of costs in typical demand and consumption brackets.
riof aWvko fa
Dmmn,KW 2 S 10 25 50 100
. Enmrgy m. KVJT$ 200 500 1500 5000 10,000 20,000
iMiMHBiwMoaawwMOMMMosSB mmmmmm SBBBasBssssosBBB sbssbsbmbbvssJB oaaassBBBSBBBsssosw
rortUnd (Scbed.33).. 16.03 $12.65 $23.63 $70.03 $140.05 1269.05
Seattle... 5.76 14.40 35.55 92.53 185.06 317.25
Sao Francisco 6.05 13.55 37.05 106.05 134.60 294.50
LoeAafclea 6.22 13.72 362 98.72 168,72 278.72
lPir(?D(airDdl eniieifcsiD EDeGOirnc (SiniiiipcaDiiv
LARGEST BonnsvUI Powtr Distributor
Flooring, Heat
Equipment to
Rate Subsidy
Kovernment launched a new
subsidy price increase plan today
to try to speed up production of
critically short hardwood flooring
and heating equipment for the
veterans emergency housing pro
gram. The national housing agency led
off with two premium plans. One
covers the southern and northern
hardwood flooring industry, in
cluding both lumber suppliers and
flooring manufacturers. The oth
er covers manufacturers of con
vector radiators used for residen
tial heating.
OPA followed this with price
Increases for certain types of
hardwood lumber and hardwood
flooring. A ten per cent increase
over March, 1942 prices on con
vector radiators was granted by
OPA last week.
Previous Premiums
Four premiums plans previmily
have been started by Nil A to bols
ter housing construction. Thee
plans cover softwood plywood,
gypsum paper liner, structural
clay products and production of
timber on government owned
Under the first flooring subsidy
plan, participating manufacturers
are authorized to pay government
financed bonuses to their sup
pliers for certain grades and spec
ies of hardwood lumber.
Premium Specified
The bonuses under this plan:
for southern flooring lumber $8.50
per 1000 board feet for seasoned
lumber and $8 per 1000 feet for
green lumber; for northern floor
ing lumber, $3.50 for seasoned and
$1 for green.
Manufacturers would be reim
bursed by the government for
what they pay suppliers in bonus
es if manufacturers' quarterly
production is 10 per cent or more
above their quotas. Quotas are
based on actual production during
the first quarter of 1948, or pro
ductive capacity of all hardwood
flooring machines in place on
March 31.
Warm Spell HaMeiifl
Grain, Fruit Kipeiiing
PORTLAND, Aug. l-(1VRipen-ing
of grains and maturing of
apricots and cane fruits were
hastened by the recent warm
spell, the weather bureau's week
ly crop and wejither report said
Fruit and nut crops were dam
aged by sun and some insuffi
ciently shaded range poultry died.
Although ranges remain dry, suf
ficient feed is available.
Bowdeii Held
To Grand Jury
PORTLAND. Ore. Aug -Fl-James
D. Howden. 47. was held
to the grand jury on a charge
of murdering his estranged wife
after waiving preliminary exam
ination today In municipal court.
Ilowden's wife was blown to
bits Saturday when Hyn.imile In
a foot locker exploded in the base
ment of her hime.
Detectives Myron Warren and
Bard Purcell said they were told
today by George Frank llocken
yos that 45 minutes before the
blast Mrs. Dowden told him over
the telephone she was going to
open the footlocker to find out
what was inside.
EUGF.NE. Aug 1 -(-Seventy-four
er rent of the record at
tendance at the lat half of sum
mer school at the University f
Oregon are veterans. Assistant
Registrar C. L Constance said
today in setting the total at 1010.
live tomorrow, the Portland arm
air base will be underf the cc-ro
mand t I t. Col. Justin C. Gur.
nion. He succeeds Lt. !Col. R F.
LShafer, assigned to g Hamilton
Field, Calif.
PORTLAND, Aug. l-01-)-Effec-
The only way astronomer have
of knowing what any oft the heav
enly bodies are made vt i fcy
studying the light that tpmct from
them, i i 1
Catches Thief
In Under wear
LA GRANDE. Aug. l-;P)-John
Burlee marched through the
streets of La Grande without
waiting for his clothes when he
caught a thief making off with
his truck.
Awakening early In the morn
ing and hearing his truck engine
running, he jumped out of bed,
Crabbed a shotgun and halted the
would-be thief. Then, clad only
in shorts, he marched him to the
police station.
Gookston Rites
Set Saturday
WOODBURN. Aug. 1 Funeral
services for James F. Cookston.
83. of Portland, who died Tues
day at Ihe home of his dtiughter.
Mrs. Charles Yuianek. here, will
be conducted at 2 p m. Saturday
in the Ringo chuprl. Interment at
Belle Passi cemetery will follow.
Surviving are his widow, Es1
ther, Is Angeles; two sons, Ern
est Cookston of San Francisco
and Harry Cookston of Los An
geles; eight daughters. Mrs. Yura
nek of Woodburn, Mrs. Mildred
Rice in Nebraska, and Mis. Mary
William, Mrs. Madge Dole. Mrs.
Phyllis Saunders, Mrs. Maxine
Reisbeig, Mrs. Helen Raduntz and
Edra Cookston, all of Los Ange
les; 19 grandchildren; a sister.
Mr. Linnie Love, in Missouri,
and a 'brother, John Cookston, in
Balloon Burnls
Cause Injuries
PORTLAND. Aug. l-(P-Four
persons weie burned, two of them
seriously, when a prankster toss
ed a lighted cigaiet and exploded
three gas-filled toy balloons at
an amusement paik lat night.
Victims of the Hash flame were
Joseph M McBurney, 22, and
Ruth Bcrr. 35, both in the Van
port hospital, and Maylelle An
gel line Nelson. 35. and Wilfred
Leroy Nelson. 37. all of Gaston.
.Ai PJevj Slhipmnieiniti 5
" 28
21 -ft.
10.00 " 21 00 -MGS
Heavy Only
14 ft.
4M State St.
Only $ 1 2 a onth for This (itchGn!
I v 5 U '
Cuttom Mad
'i ! v ' " i ;-
i , 1 -.
You can tav yourself
manW steps by ir stalling
thls'f'Homart- ill t r a
modern kitchen! Cabi
neti land ttorageV' space
where you wank them
mean a lot these days!
Cabinets art made of
well-seasoned and knot
free Western lumber . .
all ready to be painted.
I stained or waxed to har
"f -'' -I
f.:-v - ess : 1
r .
HI I t I .- l
Homart Automatic
Gas Water Heater
Economical to Use
Havs hot water when you
want It with this "Homart"
flas water heater! A largs 30-
V-,f flallen sis with an Insulated
lino-clad tank . . . baKd-on
white enameled ateel euttr
ft !f
fcill Ht.lli, . . lillllllllllll
484 Siale Si.
I)etiirned to dispose of
vour trash and Rive you
hot water at the name
" " ".it
Corner Shelves
Sparklinir la jehelves
to brlRhten a dark cor
ner! Hardware included.
I i