FACE TintET iTi-fTin fT S'fu'rbilni ltfriit- WrTr4'"f4 '' Aiw3.WWrrfiiirirtte -1 "Z3 . Hi OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Orocjcm. rriday Momlnc. Augnurt X. 1948 WARNtlR BROS. The rasr in an in- fk. formal poe on the ! ' Don Juan set. Xmfl John Barrymore, srarof the first War- t ner Bros sound pro duction may be seen in the center ith legs crossed I r 1 VTVJ-" 2 A'i '", For a fine custom tailored suit or overcoat, ladies' or men's, and fine fur remodeling, try Bernard tj tailor furrier. The largest stock of woolens in the state. 19 DISCOUNT TO EX-SERVICEMEN BERNAKDTY. TAILOR-FURRIER FIRST NATIONAL. BANK BLDG. VJABNER DROS J. V Tense and dramatic moment from Wai ner Bros. "Disraelip with. George Arltss portraying the great prime minister. 1 LADD & IJUSII - - SALEM BRANCH UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND SALEM, OREGON Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WARNER BROS. .if ! J? . Through the ValJey r of Death rode the - ' 600. Errol Flynn in i Warner Bros, pic l ture, "Charge of the r - 7-.' i Liht Brigade." (id) YOUR FRIENDLY ! ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTER WyisWWCCnnf SALEM, i '-LAv- litilU OREGON! 1 :V7 V i, I ..1.1, . jai. 1 - f f T U III . 3 !ATG?V rongUifuaioH . . . VJARFJER DROS. vr J Conrad Nagel land Dolores Costello in one of the early Warner Bros, pic rules. Tenderloin." Our technicolored par traits have had the same progres sive development as talking pictures in the last 20 ears. BISHOP IIODEBHE STUDIOS j 12 Stale fUreet ... J "V V From a bumble beginning more than two directors, producers and writers, Warner its newest and most ambitious effort, "Nigt decades ago, there has emerged Warner Bros. Studio with a VaJtncss that is breath- and Day." Warner Bros, have endeared Bros, magnificent studios in Burbank. CaL less, takes its place at the top of the list of themselves in the hearts of the American With mechanical equipment second to none all famous producing companies. And from people, and the world too. for combining with an enviable roster of Kara, players, its first sound production, "Don Juan" to good citizenship with good picture making. WT w w saw v WARNER BROS. Starts SUNDAY Aucj. 4th 'if1- 1 ',D, ri ... a nrM. : i 1 ptearo. v im1! r Come In after the show for the best In popcorn, con fections and candy. Karaelkorn Sksp High St. Hi I I I J I f fs. I If rAN 17 I :7iW v v t i:W"n;s..- AtXYJ OONT r ANIGHT AND DAY YOU'RE THE TOP IN THE STILL OF 7 THE NIGHT THE BEGUINE FENCE ME IN GET A KICK f7 OUT OF YOU V-I VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN YOU DO Jj SOMETHING TO ME Y HEART BELONGS 4 mUfpf- LETS DO IT fyv II n mr . . i iiiiv iiiiii l,aJII IJAIIIIII mnnm DOS. Lio JBPmuc' STEVENS For Jewelry SSt C"ort Street MICHAEL CURTIZarthur schwartz WARNER BROS. James Ogney and Jean Harlow in; a scene from Warner Bros. "Public En emy" , r FOR THE TOIS IN SERVICE CHASTEEN Union Service Station Daytime A theatre parking. Na parking eharge If ear la aervle4. cnglafuaftoiit . . . VSARUER DROSe . . 04 Paul Muni as Louis Pasteur In Warner Bros, ssonr of "Louis . v? Pasteur. 4- falesn'a Ilea4au?tra far 1CA Decordi T.ik mi IIEIDEn'S in temtSii&i nil ,'fTi lur'Sl "rmn am