pace s)xtixn Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orogon, Friday Morning. August Z. 1948 1 Mid-Wil lam e tie Va 1 1 ey Ne w . From Th Xtmtnmmm'a iUtmmumity Cmrrtnpmndtnt VVS Vacationing Mcdford Family Visit witli Larsons at Amity AMITY - Mr R L Laron and daughter Kliabeth and Olivia of Medford hae Oeen house guests of Mr Ohe Larson and the G. W Irsuni wi-st of town They left Tuesday morning and will . t a few days v. ith frit-rids at WaldtM.rt en route home. Gene and Kdith Morgan of Van couver. Wh . ere in Amity Sunday a dinner guests at the Je McKee farm Mr iir:d Mr Jfe Stullenberger and Mr. Roe Wood have re turned from ("rater lake. Cat Famil Here Si.r.iUv dinner gue1 at the O I" lurnt home were Mr arid Mrs S S Jer.ken and children of Cutler City. Mki Kay llogan of Seattle Mr Anna Sparks and daughter Betty of South Dakota, and Mi Mhiuch Ilalckom of Ami ty Mis llogrtii i a iolli (t- lass irvate f Mn Jensen Mr and Mr t K. Duiant and oa Junior made a trip to Drain recently and iited the A. N. Arnold family w hoe eldest ton, Richard, had sutained an Injury U hi head and broken arm In an accident A Mter of Mr IKirant, Mr Anna Spark, and daughter Belt accompanied them to Cot tage CiiiAr Mi Spark I a nur employed at the II rend rick clinic in M Minnv ille. Ma t wests Mr Mildred Anderson and ion Allen are hou.e guest of Mr. and Mr Basil McNeeley. Their broth er Robert Wirwr, Just out of the service, accompanied them to Van couver. Wash, recently where they isited the Francis Warners, and a trip to Seaside. Mr Louise Barmore and son Bobby are house guests of her mother. Mr. Charles H. Law. They all spent the day Monday at NeUcott where Dr. Law w as Uking after property Interests and enjoyed a game of golf. Bean Pickers Are Active AMITY T. bu loads of tri lukti leave each morning fi i tr.v Airier niiri faim and one for th StepJ.eiTs field near Hom rll Hoy..! i'ochian furnishes tiraripi tutin with hi school bo. Alorrn.jin'k furrnh one and T l Kicr.W-r transports pickers : to Stephens. Mr Mary Smtlter 1 platoon j leader for tht Amity gioop at Allerman .. Irene Tovey. age 15,' pj etl jfj pourul trie second nay out She and her brother Paul here for the season with Valley Briefs IAI are their grandmother, Tcv ey Mrs Nette Soldier to otit Of St ire Soon MUM AM A -- Woid has been reieived from Mr Roy How ard in Pao Robles. Calif, that her hubnd i to receive his dis charge from the army some time iiu -November They will then re Utffi to Mehiima to live (hoet at the home of Eluabeth Hughe over the weekend were Mr and Mr. Max Frame of As toria Other guet on Sunday were Mr and Mr William Mul key arid daughter of Corvallis and Mr ami Mr l-awieme Mulkey rf Mr Jol.n Iatnkfoid of San TB-iiai dino. Calif w wa an ov er mgfrit guet at the home of her nephew . Mr atid Mr Vic Thom- ( ANAIHAN TKir TOLD M FH AM A Mr and Mrs Har ry Monroe and two mall daugh ter recently returned after a va cation trip to Canada where they visited Victoria. Nanaimo and Vancouver, B C. They report they had to obtain ration stamps for such things as butter, meats and sugar, the sugar stamps not only fr sugar, but for sugar, Jam., Jel fies, and marmalade. IvIiTARLAKII STORE AMITY A branch of the Arm strong Furniture and Hardware firm of New berg is now estab lished in the I(H)F building, for mer location of the F. L. Strout store Marvin Armstrong Is the manager .. T . . " . Mehama Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfkiel are building an addi tion to their home. Four Comers Mr. and Mrs. Ron Chrisman, Rom, Jr., 'Ruth and Jeannie attended the Chris man clan annual picnic at the Stay ton park Sunday. Gate Charles Champ son of Riley is one of the crew making j tts at Bikini Island. j Mehama Mr. and Mrs. Or Mile Herrold and daughter of Sa ! lem have moved into the Roy rhilippi house formerly occupied by the Roy Pate family who now reside in Mill City. Asnlty Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Todd of Rickreall, July 26. a son, Marvin Leslie, Jr., weight 9 pounds 2 ounces, at the Dr. Law maternity hospital. Hwtgle Carers were received this week by friends of Mrs. Emma Gene Miller from Carls bad cavern. New Mexico. Mrs. Miller has been teaching- in the Vanport city schools since they were started and ta taking her first summer vacation trip In sev eral years. She wilt go as far south as Mexico City. Maameath The Salem mount ed posse was host Sunday to the mounted posses of Oswego : and MrMinnville at a barbecue din ner. The affair was held on Cu pid's knoll, a historic landmark overlooking Monmouth, on the J. B. V. Butler estate. A trail ride wound through the Camp Adair cantonment and 45 membirs par ticipated. More than 100 guests were at the barbecue dinner for which George Arbuckle of Salem was charge d'affaire. Macteay Planned for to night's grange meeting is a pro gram of skits, tableaux and music. ftunsjyslde A special meet ing was called for Tuesday .with the school district voting $30 more taxes Into the budget to ward high school transportation for the coming year. Amity Plans for the visit of the mobile X-ray unit to Amity August 9, 9 a m. to 5 p.m. inclu sive, are nearing completion. The unit will be at Dr. Law's garage, West Nursery street. Mehama A special school meeting for the Mehama school district was held Monday night, July 29, at which time Mrs. Gene Cook was elected clerk. VISITS DAUGHTER MEHAMA Mrs. Jennie Moe, who has been employed at the Gates side camp near Moialla, spent several days at her home here lat week before leaving Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Henry Kornmann of Vancouver. STAY AT HOME MEHAMA Geney Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cook, and Billy Berry, young son of Mr, and Mrs. Bill Berry, have been con fined to their homes the past week with the measles. t On All IlalteT) HEIOEE'S AH fVark GsuuMtcexl 42S Caart St. Call 73 22 ode Metier DENOrJSTBATIDII SATURDAY AFTERIIOOII AUGUST 3rd, 2 p. IxK-ation - - Singer Tree Howe Garden - - A miles out Wallace Koad. See the new Kototiller in action; scientific power til Use machine. See how Uh rapidly revolving steel lines churn and hhrrd the soil to a depth of nine in ches! Prepare a perfect seed bed in one operation! One machine doe the work of plow, disc and harrow combined! Sat ex time! Save work! Increawen your profitw! VariouM attachment available will multiply its many vise. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY TEAGUE IIOTOB CO. Returns from Idaho Trip MEHAMA Alan Pooler re turned Tuesday night from a trip to BoJae, Idaho, and Joseph where he visited relatives and took In the Indian celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfkiel had as their house guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas of Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bilyeu have purchased some property from Amos Hiatt and plan to build a new home soon. Mrs. Harriett Nauman has gone to Portland where she will rpend several days with friends. Arthur Frost of Glendale, Ore.. was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chris ten-sen. I larvrttting Is Well Under Way SMIT1IFIELD The farmers are busy with the grain harvest here. Lloyd Stouffer has been as sisting Ike Reimer of Polk Station with combining. Alfred Rupp c ut his Sudan hay on Tuesday. John "P. Fries en has combined E. Erickson's grain last week and is doing his own this week. Ernest Ediger and Erickson are helping. Billy Wiens of Minneapolis, Minn., is assisting H. W. and J. E. Wall with their grain harvest. New Building Being Erected AMITY The L. M. Chriten sens spent several days at Yachats last week. He haa properly inter ests there and is taking 6000 feet of lumber this Thursday for the erection of an office building there. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Smith are having ground broken for a new residence in the north of town. TEACHER IS GUEST MEHAMA Mrs. Lillian Poy ner, former resident and teacher of Mehama, has been visiting for several days at the Ray Branch 1 home. VISITS AMITY AMITY C. E Briedwell of Ta rnmi, Wash., was greeting old friends here recently. He was en route to Nekowin. Edwards Visitor At Sunnyside SUNNYSIDE--W. D. Edward son, H. F. Edwards of Salem, and a granddaughter, Mrs. Charles L. Taylor of Sunnynide. Edwards, who is 88 years old, recently re of Camas, Wash . is visiting his turned from trip to Kentucky to visit two" brothers, both over HO years old, and their families. He also visited a daughter, Mrs. George Hamrick of Columbus, Ohio, and was accompanied on the trip by a ilautihtcr, Mrs. Walter McDonald of Camas He owned and operated the first store and Kervice station at Sunhyside. ATTEND Fl'NERAL FOUR CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pfennig and Mis S. II. Cable went to lntland Mon day to attend the double funentl of Ernest Wiight and his daugh ter Sandra who writ killed in an automobile accident a' wt-ek ag The Wrights were former resi dents of Klma avenue, moving to Cannon Beach in May. Mrs. Wright and Frnn-es are staying with Mrs. Wright's brother-in-law In Portland while receiving treatment for injuries receiving in the same accident. Valts Family Ifai Active Summer i i BRUSH COLLEGE 4- Mr. anf Mi. O J. Watt i ah-df family ct this community have! returned from a trip of Veveral Uays spent along the Oregon co454 Their Oeorge Watts underwent a majoc operation at Salem General hc pital on Wednesdayj ; j: ; 4 Ruth Watts,! one daughter, re turned home Saturday ifter a fc-u week stay at j the YWCA Junius' camp at Silver Crel( ( Recreation area. Barbara; another daughter is at Nelscctt this Week with lh Farmer Union Junior. IGeorge at tended the 411 session it CorvalL in June. j . j jj . MTTyIHI AMP READY IF I k Yys 1 C & I f - ' ! il i Exlra Heasnre ol Proledion! AIHIY CLOTH SHD1TS OVERALLS Heavy-duty Sanforizedt denim bib overalls. Strongly constructed with bartacking at points of strain, double stitching throughout. Comfortable, adjustable shoulder straps. Real pro tection on dirtiest jobs! Creen army twill work shirts com bine good looks with working com fort! Sanforized, with QQ two pockets. a-aaaWO IIATCHIIIG FAIITS Make a neat set with army cloth shirts. Cut on Penney graduated pat terns for right fit all O QQ over! atCsiJO WORK CAPS Durable, white caps with hard isor keep hair free of grease and grime! WOBK GLOVES POPLIN JACKETS Water repellant, vat dyed cotton pop lin cosKack Jackets. Two slash pock taupe color won't fl fl show dirt. 4 COVERT CLOTH SHIRTS Dark oxford grey work shirts, super Hig Mac quality. Sanforized for last ing fit. Two-pocket front, all well aewn. Sizes 14' 2 to 17. HOME SHIBTS For hot-weather jobs: tough Oxhide blue chambray shirts! With double stitched seams, non-rip sleeve fac- ings. They're Sanforizedt. j J WORK PANTS 1.37 Medium weight gray covert pants are bartacked at points train. Sanforized for lasting good fit!; In graduated sizes work of 240 Canvas work gloves with snug-fitting knit wrists to keep them from slip ping off while you're working. WORK SOCKS Absorbent mock-twist and solid color fart wool socks. Iteinforced. in 15 nch lengths. 0 2.19 With Lois of Extras! WORK SHOES 1 i 1 All you want in a sturdy, lighter weight work shoe. and then Hrown retan leather uppers moisture and barnyard acids rubber heel. Top grade oil treated outsole. Riveted steel shank Jfor greater arch support. A value-packed work shoe built for l "SsOl some! relist Ifalf performance! I 1 Fabric shrinkage will not exceed Keg. U. 8. Pat Off. 355 N. Liberty St. Phone 7001