Tho OREGON STATESMAN. Sadm. Oraon. Friday Morning. August 2. 1941 PACE iliTLLTf For Sale llrl Estate 1 Fop Sala Real EiUf CRABENHORST SPECIALS For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Farm For Sale Farms For Sale Usegj Cars For Ssle-Usd Carmf HONtrS FOR SALE $ rmi nice let. esceltei.t for rerrvod.llng rn.a 1m ir" drlm Near Richmond School. 9 txltms. I h4K-k to Highland School. cherry trees, a tMiims large lot. iri Highland Disti let North. Shrub flout r Iaig. . 1 Ixirm. unfui. attic, oil clrc goes. Salem H 11. School. , n.,W nti H North Pacific Highway 1 barm, bungalow. Appro. I arir of land yi M . , i M neat. I iimiii completely furnished, lata-built. 9 l.i,r la ii1ut heat, nice condition. All . .ttiir a-l.m. n-w 4 btlrm. henin Immedtat possession, BI rdiat pnayiewaion t-i.v rm. bungalow, auto-oil heat, recreation t4m ;ri uaaeit - N: 5 ii MMt r.nglevtood Dutttct Owntr leaving city. M St t tiwa jli runipua i rn Auto-beat, beautiful ground. Uratur heal. 1 rm. taulilul homes. Eliglewood District. N i aritoi St ! b-i.eiiient. fireplace ,, beautiful fiuundi, S Ige. rm.. furnished, automatic heat. grabenhokst BROS., realtors 114 S I Ihertv Kt ( i .a $ I5 f W $ , - .a. H 444ft I : s.-a $ $ .a .- .' 't !VJ ts . ptM,n 4131 Phone rv'M mi 2-24 - 1-S3-T - M1 - Fo pi.m'pt rnorteoti wrvlcf LI VI VIMII I'ROPIHTY WITH US $5250 2 Bedroom 'li stt tl4-M liMl.l f Mifir$ i hm. i Aitr all t t f i i r to- f4 t.0 fivV.O 2 Bedroom , ..i II. I I'll ge f r h t rm .r f ri hit' t.-ti t . ,i .l- l I ll I i $fH50 2 Bedroom i rtt in i! n rm kitchen, baaement. g, ... i..i'. lot Cast Rutr't f 7(KM 2 Bedroom Ill If Iv.lnniaiu tl" I" not a' wi u ciiiU'ii-' $7.")K) 2 B-4lroim . l ii id nf- luiin" hdwid $IHM) .1 Beilrooni ul litl .in t all Jofin i $8-150 2 Beilniom I ..iMmI r .ma cri l il. alec h-4 ! elii-rlor. Iiv ii-i auM. iih i'la ( all J.rtiii.nn JHT50 3 BtMlroom ! v rm l,lfhi virll li imly 1 y . ..mi iMwrnoiit a io aw- J lariiM t rl tric hul a'K rwrat- . aivm r' f aratte. r to acnool. b ! t,i.. r4i handle Call $tt50 3 Bedroom I brat m i..n. etaa t artfwnU a bM. U tilii n hSr4l Bam, sawduat h-l 'all J iTina $9850 New '.,mi a a i npiad. bedrnoiiia. -i imi for t aiat. hdwd Uoora. wil ii.aljr "i. f ft' lw ' i.Kr- ( all lalmiaw $)50 3 BeJriMms s., fn i.t ' raai. riralace . hdd r - h.nnt anpad furi-e. a mm acaianC la u K . r tiH'iKi r Cart! a fg $ 1 4.500 3 Bedroom : aiiw li. i t m artUt c.v ceiling, d .tt. h.Kfen aaa. gaahb- pdumbing. B:.t-l injru. baai airtil auto fur r r ! rla ta ar !. (or at b RfiM rrd C all Rwlorig Exrlusivr r . .mm af ilka tiaraat home in ft. '.. itr 4 badr a . rnuar roam, a .... f .'t natae Ma. imI a i. . ....i.i.t faraailaira. Iwvaly view .'H T N CaM Wiabai-g Hrimann Real Estate 1,-i.r.,. lkiliSaU4y ktandUd ' t. s. H a rm '" 7IU El l teoRTtf TME UOHtY ' tnmm- M rm b i w Elreplar r ir u.i (..tajrl UralkNI N (all H M.,l H' rrVI.Al ESTATE f REALTORS 1717 Ontrr St. f S IM E S-MVI l'4a ; r .j m-ii.. Iwi Mrwim houa m I i m . i ,. I t ! t.' I . K. r - Mr j I rwatr I 7 , i. rniooe Tl 4 - ' 'J 'WI LU'.all Pri.a. SfJ' 4b . , ' E S 4 ir. . rtf (nSE1 ir of mt ( I SwCaasV t ' Ia4 . M. U. Humjilirry St (Zo. - l..und He fhone 77 17 awgii'iund Rd lbyne I-dMaS tkrurbn 14 MslU City Mm .dam roed Call C raig Hurt Pirlia. Realtom r f ,N H.i-i st. DAI t AS H A Rfif A tfT m i .. ihi tttvd t f urn allied ' fi ( ad. fuimture. bneluding r. f i. r r. ajaa ran. aut gaa at a i.a a ' . liwinal w amang room f . ' . I Lr. ( ( r It a. li u t t sell. g43a. I A Irr-d Uvmlwrk, Real Ea- t HOMES I i. ai . 1 tar-d rm home I ir rn t. iMiroi. I bik to hut M . i nt -mm r tilh S wm J tfti in. plaalerrd Ix.inr N'a ,r irpairinat but la in th tl - pi iv l-n Jirabtatary . fruit, ga li,. M. to bua Walking disiaru-e t. .j,ii.r trnl.1 gSM 2 4M1 rm home, well run a' fa r lK-atHai Garage, ilirub t. . i i. a to In i skibmi -: I d mm Home 4 yr old N v r i i r atcd le hv rm and d " in- ii n b . kilcririi. and dinette. I I !' . 4-r WW htr. U itatace la - n M ii.i l .il Bua to door au- b lrS 'V.' J h! rm iihuihm Sllllivail RealtV ("O. h. r 4 . ,. .f e.c-vl gidn J3ft, rtK-4.n(1 Rd py, 3355 Ives 1I4IS I a I., t.;.s Auto ...I heat Ise WKf . ,MPfloVp:D rARM goME I STOCK AND HOME EURNISHEO Vliram and Mln Inc acre earm. well located lirIIII ami r'lil .. '.. ' ON PAVED ROAD, au acre in culti 4:: M)iw.. Bidg Ph S1S5 i vt,n ha apring and good stream. Itwoianc - Martaage Un 1 A vry ,,. 7 roorn honi and, futr- M'.DrhN J BED ROOM Ct.OSE T6 niahed Conalderable fruit and ber HUiH W H(K)I 1 rifi. 1 rows. 1 calves and chickens. T in n home baa t led roomi I Thar fine farm la located an paved f -. - i'h llv rm . din rm, hiirh. . hwy IS FENC ED and la a proMlaral . iti" ii. a and vtwlian blind f-'e- investment Pnaaeaalon In JO day a c. HW f i.rt. electi ic cooking and PRICE EOR AU, IS SI) SOO and goad . ieater plastered aula rul heat- terma can be arranged. r taiaye Wonderful bu I II II I a' !- I and luni.n at-li.M.. vtii'i- I tlOllVWOOtl i". J M14 h Th lalareallyahiglirlasal . ." ":::L"' pL,r" h" t-T" diurd t.. I7 IM' mi a ltd rmmlial poaaes- ai. ri Hollywood M. Killop Real Entate Agpricy f J . ' tr ami f-jhdav 4JA3 J4MJ eMl -t340 A fSTOTir Tarrti Fiveim home.' -varr Iw. g houaee. r.."d c .rvS P i pirf to hoiia. 7H A under pi w. a buy giafimi w Fiti a StrauaUugh a ,,, . , J. I. I Inch (. Bdg Ph ,47, flU AND SPAN . Jf IW rn h-auw Jiving t.-,m kiTi.ti m n garage attactied Only a i 'ran . . and look Ilk. new On I rm quirk a!. 1'iue .'vn K N Viaorrwee wi'h v -! -a W ! lnCm 44 Siaie t Ph t?l Ai fIS in highway. JO in ru' - .r. r 1 r h.r A paalur.. 4 tin ha.. , h. 2 3 welU. laarn with II , i a. 2 irge rtiK-k hwi dble g. . f.r.cad A cruM fenced, bua' a. ' IIMMirni RED RM HSE Well j b. 1 i.'il 1 f A nm 111 a., rite ... .a , ... -Oani t Int.. p- m Ev.mng, 2 -1 4TS North Hih . fH Kr..r dial 4 ft R hon e ' Ii . !,.i 1 r, rou.rru.ut Vrul.l. f r.- 1 I' . vtitert f .r ranc 4c n.rt vta'tr 1 I . 1 . 1 (,a-k. Ill snn ( all (.ai.1- Hurt l'i ha. Realtor-) 3.17 N II ,!i St m i- . A. 4. a. at. a imj . ENC.I.EWOOII DISTRKT" Special Strictly modem 9 rm. run alow nt y ! houtr lid. floor iiuoufhiiut Very nic bulll In kitch- ii vi till roinri link Brinrnl and furnace N yard and shrubs. Ptlcs 1 1 1 VK1 Call ti II Grctwnnoril. Jr with CralMuhorst Bros. REALTORS 1.14 S Liberty SI Ph 4131 Eves 2-2948 ITS READYi move rk;ht in $5250 3 rown hou A bath. S years old. faraft, floor on 910 acre. Hurry I Hur- y i IT'S READY MOVE IN NOW $8250 BRAND NEW 3-rnom ahakt hotiae. hardwood floors, electric heat, cloae to achool. ceinewt baaement. etectric hot water htr. Tttta la a good one IT'S READY MOVE IN IMMED. tXfMW'l room, partly furntahed. en paved aareet. near bua line. Meed elec- CHAS' IUIDKINS & SON 7 Stat StrwH ; Phorva -4lt $4500 4 rm bee witfv mmk floora. rawed at Shayde. gardee. apot In. Double gar . anility rm. UOUO down. Term. II. I. Grant, Realtor J7 Curt St , , rht744jlN idaVxj--1 bard '"room houa wKh un- ftnaarteal attic. eennt found! in. I pUM Itea Laatervd. wired for rang and water w years old. bed ruem houa an North Winter S4. Etevtrl cooilrvaTNfd water heatang. carpet Ml floor. Nat yard. Ken Doerfler, Salesman Ed Byrkit, Realtor WJ North Hash St. Ffc. IM1 Fr Sale - Farms FARM SPECIALS $24,000. 14g acre atock and grajn ranch, ail under nmaiuri amnr ana wtutmt' i eile aatl arodiMwd a good crao srr uoia and eeicti this year. $ small be mas, tanfmtrhod. electricity, S well. 4uslM astrst with 11 etarichtuna. alio. paajltrr tin' and nurtiir atied. ui mm ,Uk raajt b u located awved fass. mil la od actMint. bus te Kiarh aaeot. A good ranch for lrm. $25,000. tS aere, well located adlacent t rllr llmita ec Uella. awd bed raa.n horn. ataThta, eir Water. 29M aara. poultry laaaaa and nuM-Hln ahed. la A. imfer rwMlaalion. 4 A. at and vetch. M A. sarunes. kotvj boysen berries. M A In paetur and aaR ttrnber. I ta Creek thru property, good gravel read m tw side, straw included In Brltf. Poa. days. A good buy. Tractor and farm rulp ment far aale and available t antra chaaar. $45,000. la aarr atavrk ranch. 13d acre un- der cultivation, balance In timber. tooaaraDhv ad land la hilly, family orchard, west line borders Luekymut river, water rights permit filed, anm low land along ri Ivor. Cream and milk route at door Eair houa. !4xM barn awd granary 13.aa down. R. v. sharer LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. Ft. RM or 4009 130 ACRE STOCK RANCH lie acres fenced with sheep tight woven wir fence. Two good springa. la over mo.aa aw timber. 30 acres Kood bottom aall In cultivation, no buildings 8300. Good terms. MoKillop leal rotate I Apencv irrrs Fairground Rd ' Ph S-S3S4 Eva and Sundays 43A.1-744U aUl-l.M0 llSefMWId miles northeast. S4 acres. Small I bad room house, greenhouse, barn and machln shed 14 acre in Ar.h4rH S afro In harrlai lg larae wtlnul Ueea. a acres of oeaveraam. ... . UlllVail RealtV L.O. yjj por,nd Rd Ph J2ii, EvS. 74171 ... - . -- A ,'"?tl ' rm. home MosUv bottom land On paved hwy. Ideal place to rata peppajimint. Prlc tZ3.- 5 W. G. KRUEGER REAI TOR , N om,,, Phoo 471 . . . . ".s T Kami lliiVart 1 ,,.'r,s Before you decide on a farm get a cupy of our August farm special list. NEIJSON & NELSON REALTORS Rm JOO-I Masonic Hldg . 445 State St. Ptl 44 It or 4422. eves 1-U47 f TOO) EL' LI. PRICE 4 acraa of good bottom aott. rm mod. houae Good 10 atanchlon cow barn, machine shed . chicken houa. livestock and equipment may b bought separately. M. O. Humphrey & Co. Realtor j,,,, Pnrtand tlomd: Phone 70 72lia Fairground Road Phone J-4iiW i QUO -3B acres all In cultivation. Verv gond g rootn houw Barn. dbl. (araK. I acrea of ot go with place ( nk n.r says will run SS buahets 4 rowv team of good lioraes. new Surge milker All implement Sullivan Realty Co. 33aS Portland Rd. H. J2U. Eves. 144J8 . LEE OHMART & 4000. Her la a room horn with V acra of land.' bus at th door, Iiv spring In back yard, only 1 4 mil from school, located about 3 miles from town on mam paved road. Immediata posses sion. A 3 BEDROOM HOME $SM A good room home, reconditioned Inside and out, new elec. water heat er, wired for range, good oil clrc. with outdoor ' drums included, 3 blocks to grade school, bus at door. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 17430 A well built 4 bedroom home, has living-room, dining-room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen . and bath down. 3 bedrooms up. Includes good oil healer. Extra deep lot, 50 ISO. well located on S Commercial St. bu at door. This Is a good family home. NEW SUBURBAN HOME Just aff th Sllvarton Hlway. a 3 bedroom- home, living-room, dinette. 1 bedrooirl. kitchen and hath down, t bedrooms up. hardwood floor, ga rage, l-ot I, Wi110 3 larg fir and oak tree -18700 HOUSE AT AUMSVILLE. ORE -t3D50 Comfortable 9 room home with an unfinished aeal.d u pot air, wired for range, guto. water heater, complete ly repainted inside and out. About 1 acre of land. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS 477 COURT ST. PHONE aflaO OR 40.79 Eve A Sun Ph 3-3131 or 3903 L4SI YOUR PROPERTY WITH US SELLING KC4.L aCSTATE IS OUR BUSINESS For Sale - Farms FILBERT ORCHARD 13 A - of filbert Crop goes. Has small house Furniture can be bought. Inc. elec range. Price 1 10. 000. A GOOD FARM EAST tlO.SOOr-3 1-4 A. Willamette soil. Haa orchard, nuts, berries. Horse, cow. chicken, tools and crop go. rm. houae Bamt . furnace, fireplace. Dble. plumbing. Dble gar a are -KnZEA DISTRICT eaAOOlo A. of Willamette silt. 3 A. timber, orchard. f ft. wall. 3 bed rm. horn, plastered, elec. light. Call Jess Thompson HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone 1-1340 Eve. 3-3301 . FARM BARGAIN Special Appro 9'a ac. located on Lancaster drtv 8. of Penn 4 cor ners. 33 acre under cult- 3a A In paatur bordering Mill Creek with lake In pastur. ', acre young and boynbrrt. soma family fruit. l-e. barn and rhlcben houa. Can be Irri gated Lot m show you this place- -you will Ilk It. A REAL BUY. Call C H. Crabenhorst. Jr.. with Grahenhort Bros. REALTORS 114 I llxrty St Fw 4U1 tvo t-l40 DANDY FARM M A. Good for dairy or truck gar dening. 4s mile from food town. rm. house Bam 30x40 ft. 3 atanch lon. Poultry haw and other build ing 30 A. In truck garden. Bal. In pasture. Constat of Beaver Dam aod Black soil. Springs and stream thru' place Grade Sch. nar (arm and teas la High Sch. Terms. FOR SAIJE ll(s A; S on Intersection of new hwy. aC and Paved road. 1 A. In pain. Ready for harvest. Hal. In Oak Grove. 1 rm houae. Elec. Water. Imm. Posa. Good Black soil. Hie for Camp Ground ait or gardea. Prte 4oO. Se M. D. Loooey with) ' WILLIAM E. MOSES REALTORS Ml'i SUt tH. Ph 401 STOCK OR TURKEY RANCH 900 Acre. 144 acra In cultivation 1 13 acre mt mnod timber, t mile aouth. A ral buy at $13.73. Sullivan Realty Co. tla Portland Rd. Ih. 9dt Eva. 24470 00's ACRES HK5HLY IMPROVED NORTH Good room plaatered houa wMh csampurfa bath. 44s 72 bam with 10 at! atarafhiona. Good family orchard. P acra. boysenberrias. fancad and era fenced All rultivsWd 10 heifer and machinery ran be laousrht In addi tion. Price tfojIOO. See A. E. DAN IEL4VON with Led N. Qiilds, Inc. REALTORS mi - . , , , . r ni CLOSE In 1 acraa. With nod 4 B R. laom Full tie anient, dbi. garaa. barn and chicken houae. Lota of fruit, berries and nut. Jersey cow, hart. 130 laving R. I. hen aavd quip aU go f 10.5OO. Thai won't last. Se K today. Sullivan Realty Co. nggi Portland Rd Ph. KM. Evas. 24470 "$l5.0Of 10 acres, miles north. I acre In titornlesa blackbarrlaa, 1 acre , thorn lea loganberries, a acraa siraw kwrrtea. 7'a acre wheat Good modern a . an.... A It nlaarlayraat. Barn. chicken house, brood loua. Owner will also sell all impiemenui. Sullivan Realty Co. 33S9 Portland Rd Ph. 333. Eve. 24474 verypr6fitabij: dairt ranch IH acre, 33 acra in cultivation. 70 acre In pasture and 00 acre In tim ber (Alder and Fir), Improved with 1 houses, rone houa with living room, dining room, kitchen, bath, basement and 4 bed rooms i . Other house has two bed room and bath, also living room, dining room, kitchen. Large barn 40xTl ft. with ran-to IOkOO feet. Has 40 stanchions. Hay mow holds about 00 tons of hay. 33 acre has gravity Irrigation 3 rivers run through tills place rtfLLV EQUIP PED AND STOCKED. 27 FINE JER SEY COWS NOW MILKLNG. MORE YOUNGER STOCK COMING ON. AL TOGETHER ABOUT 50 HEAD GUERN SEY AND JERSEYS. ALL HIGH GRADE EVERYTHING NEEDED FOR WELL EQUIPPED DAIRY. RETURNS RUN ABOUT tlOOO 04 per month School bus by door. THE PRUT. OF THIS ENTIRE RANCH AND EQUIP MENT IS 123.000 00 and terms can be arranged. Hollywood McKiHop Real Estate Agency 2073 Fairground Rd Ph 1-3324 Eve and Sundays 43O3-14203-OM1-034O iTOLK RANCH 000 acres located 14 ml. out on main Pac. htahwav. Appro. 7$ acres under cult Bal. logged on pasture una Good soli, yr round water. A BAR GAIN AT $0 $oo Call G. H Orabenhorst. Jr. with Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Ph 4131 Eve 1-2048 154', FEET On WE north? $ and 33-100 acre. Good modern house 3 bed rooms, living room, dining room, large kitchen, full basement, oil fur nace. One mil north of underpass. Se today., Sullivan Realtv Co. 3363 Portland Rd Ph 12S$. Eves 24470 a" fine Orchard" 22 acres. New berg soli, 7 acres of lovely peaches. 1$ acres pears, really a nice plec of land. Priced right at $1$.0U0. SALEM -REALTY CO. REALTORS 140 N High St. Phone 7440 GOOD FAR MSTOCKED AND EQUIPPED 00 Acra farm located northeast. Has 3 bed room home, electric water ays lam. Barn with 10 stanchion. 35 acres In cultivation, and In crop. Family fruit, spring and running slrram Fenced and cross fenced. Some stock and lots of equipment tnclodlng a good John Pears tractor, together with every tool needed on such a farm. PRICE IS $10,000.00 and term can be arranged for part of payment and poM-sion Immediately. JUST MOVE In and begin. Hollywood MrKijlop Real Estate Agency 07S Fairgrounds Rd Ph 2-3224 Eve. and SuiaOays 4JU ZteU-ebbi-aUaO CO., REALTORS INCOME PROPERTY Her 1 a chance to have comfor table living -quarters plus 3 apartment rentals, located very clos In. Own er's quarters has living-room, dining room. 1 bedroom, kitchen and baui. upstairs apt. has 3 rooms and private bath and entrance. Also very modern apartment over garage, both good rental, this la a good investment for IO.OOO Includes gaa range In upatalts apt., also stova and rfr. In apt. Over garag ROSEDALE ADDITION A modern S room home, nice back yard, completely fenced, trees and shrubs. This home has livingrroom with fireplace, dining-room, I bed rooms, kitchen and bath, hardwood floor throughout. V. blinds, wired for range, elec. water heater. A nice mod ern home In a fin location - 31 1 JW0. FINE SUBURBAN HOME Modern 3 bedroom home with rtiiu hle plumbing, full basement, auto oil furnace, rlec. water healer, -large double Karaite, hardwood floor, flir place. completely Insulated 7', acres of land, very good barn with cement floor. 3 stanchion, poultry houtr. Lo cated only about 1 mile from city limit, lot of large fir trees, good building site 314.BOO. For Sale Farms BY OWNER 7 A. 3 rm hse . elec water pump, dhl. garage, barn. 1 A. of strawberries, family orchard. 4 cows, tractor A hay. B'a mi. E. ml. E. Of Fruitland sch. Harold . Baker. kU- 0. Box 20. Salem. ; 1 36 Acres 100 acres In cultivation. Good mod ern home, family orchard. Stream on Dlace This la a sood eeneral farm. No red roil. Owner ia retiring. Easy terms. Price 110.000.00. Morris Realty Co. ISO N. Commercial St. Phone 4217 40 ACRK Varm. This farm is no! over priced. 7 room older type house In good condition, modern. Large milk houae. til and concrete, largo chick en house, machine shed, large barn with 24 steel stanchions, concrete floor. On paved road close to grade achool. 1 mile from city limits. $21 .000. I, cash, balance at 9. 10 acres south 4 miles Bast of choco late loam aoll in prune and walnuts. No buildings. $31 SO. $110 down, bal nr at. Ed Lukinbeal, Salesman Ed Byrkit, Realtor SOS North High St. Ph. $001 Exeluuixe Head Estate EXCHANGE: $ rm modern houa. sawdust heat for au but ban. Box 7tl Sta teaman. WANTED to trad good4bditoM home A farm or small acreage, must be close to Salem St achool. Prion 303. $03 N. Commercial. Acreage Peach Crop of 0 acre goes with that ptac If In lime Also fruit stand to aall from Living qrtrs. Clos In. $11,004 Sam terai Hurry and start making mon ey . Call Chrtsumevn. Ito eintann Real Entate' 101 So High. Ph rm to 7030 cvxrvr east T T plus . A. WeU drained. Will. soil. Near Swcgl. No bldga. Some filberts aV cherrie. Only 34000. Call Daks Ellp- po. pn T770; eves Jxr7. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Rm. 10. Ladd A Buah Bldf . I ACRE TBJACT for sol by owner. Near lunaytd achool, cornarr prop erty Is on Pacific Highway. StaT on county rd. Wonderful garden and build ing site. Fullprlc$47i Call S-IKjO. " 4'MILr-JlauT an paved rd: ai acres fir, alder A maple timber. Springs and small creek. Nice horn site. Price $3200. Alfred Dumnark. Real Fatal. Raom 3, Ladd A Bush Bank Bldg l 4ACTIMK7E "God "io"llillln cultivation. Could b aubdlvkied $7M. Irrigation system. New modern houa. H. W. floor, wired for range. Only 3 miles from town. Mr. Jacobean R. E. Meredith, Realtor; I70S Com'l Ph. $041 " 1 ACRE' lnKttrr distTicC Immed iate possession. Living room, kltctaen. 1 aaad room, garage, oil circulator and range goes. Price $4.100 00 and terms can be arranged. P. H. Bell, Realtor PHIL BELL H. A. LAMMERS $10 Guardtan Bldg. Ph. 4a4 NICE Clean I B R. home and 1-3 acre land Kelxer dial. Some fruit, nuta and berries A good buy at 8OS00.00. Call Harold McMlilin with State Finance Co.. Realtors 153 S. High Ph. 4111 Eve. 4IF2I $7900. a Acre Close In North with clean late buill 2 BR home Hardwood floora. Garage, wired for range. Elec. water heater. Fruit treea. On bus line. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 133 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves: 1-5541 THREE A"CR ES "boy seiiber r les. gsr den soil. Besutlful I or kt ion close In. 4 rm he. 1110 Alder Av. . Salem. All Crops Go with this place if bought thl. week 1 acre grain, 2. acre peaches, rest In melon and garden. 1 bedroom, new house, partly furnished, also trac tor A other equipment. 1 miles out. river bottom soil. $S3O0. Term. Reimann Real Estate -Listing SkllUuUy Handled" 101 So. Hlgh Ph. 1721 Of 713 20 A. TIMBER land good creek sev eral springs on pavement 7 ml. from Salem good soli bargain at $3200. M. D Stegner. 1$8TN. Cottage.. " fo" ACRES7 musl sell on account ot owner's poor health. Old bldgs. Prlc $2000. V. II. Weir, Realtor 1247 S. Com". Phone 041 1 " LOT On North 3th sC LoU of trees" Prlc $700. W G. KRUEGER REALTOR I47 N. Commercial Phone 4720 3 BEDRM. home Visla"" Ave . hwd. firs., fireplace. Venetian blinds. acre, nice yard and flowers. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4100 After 4T7I3 - - haVFsVTLL dist. " 33 Acres, good berry soil, some fruit, well constructed dwelling 4c out build ings, deep well A water system, farm equipment including Case tractoi. all crops. $11,000 will handle. LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE LOANS A INS. Phone 750 Evenings $004 320 North High St Suburban $3050 FULL PRICE l's acres, all in culti. Well built 2 rm house. mile North of Salem an good road. No. 354. M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors 3033 Portland Road. Ptton 7820 228 Fairgrounds Koad Phone 2-45WI 2 BDRM unfinished garate hac. 53 A. f;ardcn In A well done $2500. term, located on Wallace rd. Ph. 2-4410 or lota- 453 J a tier sua. To Buy or Sell See Charlen Del f el OREGON CITY FILBERTS 28', acres, t a cult . filbert. 1', a Id limber. Family orchard, berries, yr found creek. rm. ranch hue. good fund . bain chicken he . 3 cuwa. 173 l-hlckena. 310.0011. No. IM ON 09 NR. SALEM 103 a , 90 cult . 33 oaU and vetch: 25 clover, all yr creek. 3 room home. 33x60 barn, cow and equip. $14.0)10. No. 231. 0 MILES W. McMINNVILLE 133 acre. 133 cult.: 7 room home. 2 barns, etc Make a fine dairy or mall atock ranch 310.000. No. H I NEWRERG DANDY 13' , acre. 10 cultivated, lot of fruit, herrle. fine aoll. 0 rm liom-. an.all tiarn. rhl'ken houae. milk houae and hi oiler house. 3 mile NrwhciK $4750 Nu 2.V3 EXCEPTIONAL SMALL FARM 10 a . 14 cultivated level at te. 4 acre woods, wonderful aoll: $430 mo. In come from retail dairy: 13 cows. 2 ilieifers. 3 calve. 00 chicken. Nice 9 i in and bath home: aome furniture t.ood harri. milk. 3 mile aouth of Newbeig $I$.0OU. Aak for Nu. 2fl2. Charles Delfrl Co. 212 DAVIS HI IK! PORTLAND 900 WASHINGTON ST VANCOUVER 2213 S. 12th ST. SALEM Phone Salem .5923 Suburban $16.800 SUBURBAN 3 B R. home on acre Thl l a lovely home with dbl. garage, full basement, with an exceptionally nice recreation room fin ished in knotty pine. WeU landscaped with large covered patio. Sullivan Realty Co. 3303 Portland Rd. Ph. 3233. eve 2-1411 HA7.EVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT $4500 4 rm house. $ yrs old Wired for range I1, A. of good soli. Call Oner Huff. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS 1717 Center St. Phone $-1549 Eve 1-9001 Now Vacant PRE-WAR BUILT. MODERN $ rm hse Elec water heater Wired for rg. Hdw. fir. Tree. Approx. ' A. North. Close In. V Willamette Real Estate JJI S Liberty Phone 7111 fdft SALE Tw acre. roorrThouee. furnished. good condition, electric Itghta. electric water system, garage: sub-irrigated lot of flowers and shade trees. Ideal place for couple to retli . lots of work close. Located 10 miles S.E. Salem. Three blocks to store and railroad station Pi vent owner over $ years. Write Mrs. Addie Caspell. Wast Stayton. Oregon. WELL LOCATED" SUBURBAN "HofciE On paved road near school. Five room house with plumbing Garag and woodshed. Drove well with elec tric water system. 4, acre beat of dark productive soil. 3 acre rkaar. balance brush and paatura. A real buy for $9O0 Be 1.4-0 N. Child", Inc. REALTORS 344 Stat SI Ph Wanted Real Estate Attention Owners Owing lo our strategic locsrtlon on hldhway tWK we are getting a many itut of town and out of state buyers thai we are Just about to run out of Lasnytning to sen. ii you nav a cny fT. suburban property, good farm. or any kind of a buainaas you want to sell, please give we a try. Our sales fere is 100 World War S veterans. ; Sullivan Realty Co. MOT Portland Rd Ph S2S9. eves 1-1413 WANT'tWTlNCS - If you want to sell your horn or (arm. we offer you the servtc you have a right to aspect from a well es tablished Real Eat at Broker. Mr. Need ham. 141 Slat St Room 4 " WANTED irrch land "or buy rtumpair. good 2nd growth timber. 4-a. .awi 4. ! WANT TO BUY 2 OR 3 BEDRM. HOUSE Reasonable prlc and location. Would take one partly finished. ' Large lot preferred. Please glv all Information In first lecter s to equip ment, furnishings, age of houae. also of tot. location, price, possession and prion number. Write Box 787 Statesman USTTNCS; Listings; LVstlng rWalitcd OLAP THONSTAD. Real Ealale 41 N. Capitol St. . Ph. 3220 ' WE Axe urgently m need of Hating on city hosnaa If your house hi for sal call us. Prompt, courteous rv-K- "Four salesmen to serve you SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14$ N High, St Phone 7000 NOTICE. It yvut property Is rot iim rent or exchange, list It with us W hava all kinds cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 193 S High St . CASIl For mod " 1 bed rm. home Price must be tight. Bx. 735. car of Statesman. Business Opportunities COMBINATION Drug, fountain, Jewelry, confection ery, radios. kodsks. news agency, sundries; excellent volume. Pi ice $40,000. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14$ N High St. Phon J660 ' A GOOD Profitable restaurant. I jiige seating capacity. Fin nw equip. Good location, bee PERCY UI.I.M AN Oregon Bldg Distributor Wanted For Oregon National manufacturer has opening for neat appearing young man to call on th automotive trade. Very essen tial and timely product. Opportunity lo own your own business. Can earn $1000 00 per month. Exclusive contract given. Must have car $1300 00 invest ment required lor merchandise. No selling experience neceary. a we give you field training at factory ex pense. Get set for reconversion. Write Box 784 Oregon Statesman, giving age. experience and telephone number. Sandwich Shop Full Price $650 This price includes equipment and slock. Rent $44 per month, groa ap proximately $2O0 per month. Call or ae? Bill Sloan with M. O. Humphreys & Co. 224 Fairgrounds Rd. "phone 2-4594 .7035 Portland Hd Prxme 73 TAVERN New. S0T. fronl. ft. deep 10 booths. 8x0 walk -in cooler and warehouse. A very good buy. $11,000. Call Gardner. Burt Picha Realtors Ph XI in 337 N. High St RESTAl.'RANT Includes bld . 3 booths. 13 stool-, fully equipped IKiinij . good Ihiiuic Iiiiiii. Pus. $MnMK Call ! cat incr Burt Picha, Realtors I'll. 3210 337 N. HiKli St ROOMY HOUSE LARGE FARM 142 win. I TO cult K? s oat and vetrh. 3 a. wheat. 4 a. tub. rlover. 0 a. alfalfa, to a. timber. 8 arte prune. J 12 rm mod faun hae , 4 hdrma Italli. I new milk houae. two lar. reservoir- lively view Nr Airuly $24.3O0 No. 320 NEWMERt; SUBURBAN 9 lota: 2AO front x 2tMI deep Family , orchard. Attrac tive 9 rm. cottage. 2 trdrm Barn, garage, etc. Near m-IiooIs I Star Rd lltll St M2M No 3JO , 10 ACHE MONMOUTH FARM 20 A oat and rtch. 10 A. pasture. All fenced. 4 rm Itpuse In good condl ! tion. Household fuiiruture included. $7, 1 SOO. No HI At RES NFtAR YAMHILL 55 cultivaled 20 a anil vetch. Year 'round lire! n i Igatcd 4 room home 40HI1 h.u n sMIMSt No 7H2. GENTLEMAN'S FARM ! 33 acre 31 cull. 17 A lilherl A walnuts. 1$ A Alf.ilfa. 17 A uik like trees. 2 A. lawn at shrub Lot fiuit A terrie Water i iglit lioni ilvfr 1 a r s. fully mod. ft i in Mantel Home 3 rm mtKl. tenant hou. Ci jil. A Itain Garatfiv 4 car A tliow plate Nr. iC'ailmn. S omi No. JI I Buiues Opporluviities MODERN AUTO COURT. FURNISHED 8 rental unit, plui collate for own er. Trailer court A model n ser. ata tlon included $48,500 Some trim. AUTO COURT FURNISHED 13 lentals, 2 hoiioe. Set vice station. Wide Iiv.). frontage. $23.1100 '., cash will handle. Willamette Real Estate 172 S Liberty Phone 7113 HOME A INCOME Modern 4 rm. bungalow, newly dec orated, elec ranare fiieplace. corner lot Also 3 ini bunaialow rented at $40 per mo. Price $12,400. EXCELLENT VALUE Call C L. Grabenhorst with Crahenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St I'll 4131; eve 7771 AN OLD Established service station and equipment located In one of the beat Inlei aaH't lona In oi atound Salem. DoJng large volume of huaines acra of ground 2 bed room furnished houae and out build Hit; V K'xrd gar den, cow. heifer and chicken all goes for $O0. Contact Hill Eatep with R. E. Meredith, Realtor 170 8 Com' I I'h 8441 CHICKEN DINNER SPECIAL Booth, counter and dining loom. All good equip. Newly lefln Intel lot . Fixtures, bldg wilh living quaiteis on $0x230 lot $12.01X1 All the hualiiea you can handle. Call taig for ap pointment Burt Picha, Realtors Ph 3210 337 N High St APT. House. 4 apt, furniaiied large lot. good buy. $12,400. Half down Sullivan Realty Co. 423 S 12th St Ph 4$5.," Eves 21171 APT SPECIAL 1 unit apt plus owner flat cated near State bldg. Sandu.t heat Immediate piaealon giKrd liinime. For further infiMmsllon aee Richard E. (irslieniuii at with Crahenhorxt Bros. REALTORS 134 S liberty SI Pti 41)1 10 Unit Apt. Redecorated. Each unit completely mod. Clos In. This Is a good buy at $3400 M. O. Humphreys t Co. TOM Portland Hd ' Phone 7820 2200 Fairground Rd It. on. 2-404 NEW Restaurant and new house. Well located for a good liiiainess. Equipment mostly new liatttO Sullivan Realty Co. 3304 Portland Hd Ph 3253 Eve 21413 New Motel g rm living quarter, most beautiful In town. 7 rental unit with tile baths. Everything completely Iriaula'ed. A real Call Hei gland. Burt Picha, Realtors 2343 Portland Kd Phone 6472 HIGHWAY Fnsfilage north on tWK. acre very rloae in with nice late built $ room rsidence If tu are Interested in It itch way frontage. it wilt be worth your lime to see this one. $13,500. Sullivan Realty Co. 3343 Portland Rd Ph 32.15 Ever. 21413 $1000 per Mouth Net on fountain cafe 25. stool. 7 booths, fully equipped foi rrtlaui ant. fountain A beer service Rent tun 00 per month, good leave option for re newal. Living quarter in good val ley town. Call RubeiK. General Store With living quarter, good business corner. $HOti0 for stock A flxtuie or $14000 Including building. Call Ru berg. Carajre In' city limit on SHE. living quar ters, all equipment Call itubcig. 10 Unit Residential Court, close In. furnish ed, good income. Call Johnson. Ap lartment Houses I to 0 unit, furnished A unfurnish ed. I iiiiii In or call Johnson. Reimann Real Estate "Listings Skillfully Handled" 201 S High Phone 3722 or 7834 AUTO COURT Clot in Noith on WE II rentals and three nice. I red room residence. Alao 12 trailer connections. Till place r in good condition and should pay out iln four years. Full price $12,500. Sullivan Realty Co. 3343 Portland Rd Ph 3253 Eve 21413 COTTAGE COURTAT NEsTTOWiN. Ore. 0 Furnished Cottage 4 caie- taker's apt. Now grossing ap. $450 mo. with small ex $13,000 Ph. 7770 GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO Rm. 10. ladd a Bush Bank Bldg "INVESTMENT "as active or silent fiartner In going buiine In Salem. Mease state in answer the amount you could Invest and If interested In being active or silent partner. I'lc.ite give reference. Anwei held confidential. Write Box 784 Statesman CAFE ON 9E N This b) a real money maker Own er says It nets alxuit HW IMI pet month Ha long leate on building and living quarter at a vei v reason able figure. $UOO. Sullivan Realty Co. 3343 Portland Rd Ph 3253 Eve 21413 Grocery Store With living quarter and new 3 rm hse. on back of lot Thi buie. well located Bldgs. slock and flxtuirs all for $14 5O0. Call BerglaiMl Burt Picha, Realtors Ph 0472 2543 Portland Rd. 4 UNIT Apartment house in excel lent local ion near state building and univeisilv 3 apartment furnlntied. Futl basernenl with furnace. Electric and ga cooking Excellent Incoine. Price 4I0.500. Rostein & Atlolph. Inc. 110', N t otivl St Phone 3H30 4 RUKKS Fiom huin- dii. 2 apt, or a large liouac. 41 Sullivan Realty Co. I 423 S. 12th SI. I'll. 4H-j. Eves. 7829 HEY - WE HAVE l 191.1 FORI) V-8 V, Tires Perfect Condition. ; 1 1935 CHEV. 2 Ton 1 lat-Bed Truck. Gtlxl '1'ires - Good Condition. I-'" 1 Walker 10 Ton Roller Floor Jack. New Condition. ; Try Our Rejlair Shop for EXPERT repairs j Inclqd- in;: Bodv & Fender, Motor Repairs & Tunetip and COMPLETE Brake Service. We ran give vour ye- ipiirementH IMMEDIATE Kingwood Automotive Service MOO MIHI WEST SALEM. OREGON PHONE 2f4 DURAND MOTORS! Chevrolet 1 xt Ton with 1910 cutom built welded. Presteel Pautd Bdy. 4 drs. on left side, 2 inrear 2 on riht side and one ramp, fitted with continuous -hinges and Hansen locks. Dual wheels. Equipped with six 100' r, 700x20. 10 ply tires. This Tnickjis ;, etpial to new condition thru out. Only 27,000 mile. " Suitable for auto parts house use. etc. t USED CARS PURCHASED 4 SOLD I I' 510 Union Phone 2-1602 j ' For GOOD All MAKES SEE Capital Motor Sales 5100 PORTLAND RD. Wantetl Vnnl Or USED CARS No we ilon't have any used ears, though if yfu have one t sell for CASH we would appreciate a chance to give you a fair offer on it. Note: Over 25 years of Fair Dealing in Salem. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. INC. NORTH COMMERCIAL AT CENTER " STREET PHON ax . HOME or CHRYSLER -SERVICE.- PLYMOUTH WE PA,Y TOPS! Get every dim your car Is worth Cash on the BarrehHead; "C" SHROCK ! SALEM'S oldest Independent used ci oeaier N E Corner Church A Chm Ph 1t2J ; For Sale Wood a srr srrnND erowth fir wood $11 BONE DRY A gr-n mm wood, green 10" slab for furnace. Capital Lumber A Fuel Co. Ph. 7721 A 0O24 14" MILL WOOD and screened saw dust. Hazel Green Lumber Co. Ph 1-IJIf . , . West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN RED FIR SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST ohd at nrt ivrnirs SPECIAL PRICE QUANTITY LOADS Phone : saiem a-suji; v'.'sasi Elmer Boje WOOD it Mill KlA4-ai ant naavf alab wood Can be burned now. No sawdust, dlrl - Mi.!... nrww wood Phone 0453 2U2 South 12th Kt . Salem Ore -- . ... - Tl , 4 - 4ft BARGAIN. I wo rora laaai ai smau im- .Uh a rraali aawdiat 2 unit $4 Oregon Ftiel Co. Ph, 5433 SUMMER Special. A large amion load green edging $10 Stngta loads $3 60. Oregon Fuel Co Ph 5533 i PUT Away your winters wood now and don't b sorry next winter. Im mediate delivery on finest dry 14", also sieen 4' and 14". Oiegon Fuel Co. Ph 5333 PREStO-LOGS manufactured and aold by Capital Lumber Co , North Cherry Ave Superior fuel for furnac circulator, range and fireplace Phone $842 Immediate delivery DRY Slabanjrd glngs. Ph 443 INCH Old ernwlh fir. Arnold Phillips. Box 21. Turner, Or. "LARGE Block ano alab. Fre of dlrl and rawdusl Ph. 4843 "CHOICE mill wood. 1 unit load $13 00 Ph 4444 Hiehwav Fuel CLEAN "SAWDUST. I units. $7 50 a i... u.inti .laK and millwood. 2-lintf load $13 Walter Fern. rt. 1. Dallas Phona 204-R collect. Wootl Savyi- WOOD Sawing wanted. SOS S 18th Transportation COUPLE or one peraon want ride to Cleveland. Ohio Help di ive. hare ex pense Write 315 S loth lxst and Found 1.0ST: Tan coin purse, contsming Harvel wrlal atch A money. Reward. Ml France Phillips. 0O3 Bth St . Dal- j las. Oregon IST: 1000 20 Gtaodyear tire between J Portland A Salern. Reward. Call Selem- i Portland Motor Freight. Hi Center , St Salem. . j IJST: Reward 450x14 4-ply tire, j tube A wheel Jame II Modern Co ! 2053 Silverton Rd I.OST IjiIv'i walch In Montgomery Ward A Staisa-Glrrod Perrquay. Re ward. Ruth Helling. 1340 S I2tli Personal MME. CAMILLE. gift fiom Gk1 since ! age II Advice, help dail. IZ33 S W j Alder. Portland 7. Oregon. LOOK FOR SALE Ton Pickun. Extra ATTENTION. i AUK STItrET Used Cars i and MODELS US PHONE 397f For Salt- (Jsetl Cars We BUY and SELL Quality! j ' USED CARS 11 Cadillac te''! 10 Nash 'oOO" i; ilr. H 40 Chevrolet Chevrolet 2 dr. 1111 PicklJp Model "A n 'I ! 1 A a -m avA A (;(K)D CLEAN CARS WANTED TO BUY Mac & limS USED CAR LipT Outer & Churrli Phone ai24 HERE We Buy all Makes and Models Eisner Motors 331N. HIGH SALEM Phone TOO jj 1034 PLYMOUTH 4 -door Drtu-ss) -dan. Recentlv overhauled. New brake.' Ph 0757, apt. lf after: 0 pjn; FACTORY bulll house traiVer, T$ ru. dolly hrskes. sleeps 4. Go out Center St. lo Norman AvurnlftllJc:, ,t 1033 GRAHAM coupe, good lire a fair cond. $273. 1044 Ilasel jAv. Ofter 1040 FORD lrtckupjNewtls4llir cury motor. 300 Peril vj- - CHEVROLET Suburban Sedan Whictt haa tre.ii uaed as school bus. I Sealed bids lo be received by afhaol hoard of dutrtet No 41 Union 3IUt on or before Aug. 12. 104. at o'clock;-, p m. i r; " Board reserve I ho right to rfctec any or all blda. Mrs Pearl E. Healer f (clerk I. RED bos; 13t. Sublimity. Or. l934LYMOUTlT"cupe. new ntoiot. or will trad for sedan. Rt. 2. Bo 100. Aak for Thralt." j e j I0 3rASS. Packard coupe jwiOi ' overdrive Radio, lieater. good tireswV Plione 1WC0 between g and 4: or 387 J. (tiiira-h .wnlmi I ; MODEL A or g"ooiusd"Tcar 703 Statesman. CATERPIlXLAlt ' Uactair. sceC SELL cond 871 Wallace Rd..WcstSaiem;. I0 ALf.IS Chambers tractor jwitft -II Buck-eye cable operated doter A drmm.. -87 Wallace Rd.. Wes Salens. j 130 DE SOTO "4 dri aedani mecnan- ically okav. had Interior. $450. Alao 1 overhauled Plymouth i motor, fit "30 . Dodge-Ply mouth; tw '41 yr. rodl j . '39 DeSoto motor oerhauld The S motor are guaranteed 100 .. Oiarfe- Shop. Rt 7. Bos 404, 1 nu4 E. Fair- ;J ground Phone 4373 j ' : I FOR SALE, or take model A m -als a I9.14 ford 4 -door, radio A heater. f good) tires, good paint, sound conditio. $34 . Jefferson St ! . I ;. 1930 CHEV. Maat cwpe. good con dition Pn 2-2313 I - FOR SALE : 1034 CWv. coupei A-t.' shape. Will sell or trad fr 4mSooc- a sedan Mut be clean, i Phs71to443. 1034 ' DODCEflat bed trwk G.s-t 4 shape Good lire. Just overhaul 73 1 ftoltei ta in, Stem,OYePhart4r3-l Jlt.-jj TO 'CHEV. iwtr aetn Mactrr delu 4 bod V in excellent condition. Ph. 411. FOR . SALE: 1041 -Trot wood ' factory built house trailer. Good prewsr ttires, i elarctric brakes. Complete! vj furrttsned including two stoves and! We j bo. Slrrrn tour, fteaaonable. Ht; 4.1 B A Macleay rdh ' i I . 1 ISI.1 DODGE coupe" iW-Ktar lan St. 1 See between 4 p m.A 7 p tn t J 38 CADILLAC 4 dr), touring iftO, radio A heater, excel motor: A Soody. : 5 ! tire, low celling, no tral r. ; quired. 54 Union. Ph. JI0O3. 'I