PACE rOUHTEEN Thm OREGON STATESMAN. Sam. OrsHjon. Friday Morning. Auru 2. 1946 Help Wanted Situations Wanted For Salts Miscellaneous Wanted 'Miscellaneous For Rent For Sale Real Estate For Sale Real EsUIe I IJsra.rk tntl Poultry ItCnTmtD iormihbfl stallion, well br.hen $IM Hfi, 145 Stew-art. TIAM fr HO 1. weight . m mill trade fur Eorrtsoii tractor pay m.fferetue E M Kelley HI 4. Haas Usr ui noith of Swegle Mtuxil Of f ivrl road HlhrrOHD co l'l ralf O E riyder HI Bos 4? I " a-rrri tridge nr. Dallas hlhJ S HEAD of laii.b ftr le Claude Iiwtw AuriinU. Oregon GOOD Tf AM of wk ror- aV har- -.e jno N I atlroi. Monmouth Eve- r mg ri'Ll HI Ollliril Jeisev iom. gejitle, reav H ' H.. 78 I'ti S -1 111 10 .ADDLt litters I I" l r . k t ,f f -r 'fer rij-mes nuist sell Mai -He. I) D De p Mt 2 Bo 34 s,rr 3 ' N 3 n.i Hiook.s on r.fNTI bu' -pu ted sldle horse llt.rwF' sarlrli. arid hridle HI !. a XJt " i Sortn Swegle school N iRTIt ET l'H(K HHill.DINN ASM H IA 1 l )N I) Bred (.ill linn- S A I. K sc. F.IfO '.tl 'IS lioni blue ribrxm rl 'B - li'ii'.i. Oregon. Washing . -r mr (f I:1 Hi M1ATION DI'RCK -S Wt.l. 1 I Mretrhe! Heaverton. ftt ' f"r i alalia Mm at l ar at Ckf'HAV (iNM;ON f AIHOROCNDS Ai tii vr 3 WANTED All kinds of livestock Valiev Pacsine Co Pio-e M3a EOR 5 A I T Saddle horse melf broke price right sue right color. A Ixi Chesapeake Bav rtneer PUp. I nurmtr.s nd Price right See R A. 1 i ad Kiinp a While Store. Brooks. Ott Cl'sli-M dressing of rMcltnt. any number Prompt service Dressed poul try mttMleale our specialty Phone 1 tM lees Hatohery mASlED fat and earner coma lot meet Da r corns heifer bulla, veal T tl noes ki stags, boars Market nee f C McCandnsh. rt 1 bos 373 T S"T tn from ball para S 2th LIVESTOCK" Wanted rattle, all kinds, for Port land Market C tsiule. Turner. Ore EON -AI E Christie N II bah rt.irkf nrrv Wed- Bov tnrtona. J7ia ite i ft. one or Mir " ft A it rillCKS- meekly hatches new Men,prire other arletle. Ph. 3l t-ee s tlatt'tier v SA.STIO Beef and cannet cows njjis and t an Will call at farm K I Sr etren J JSO t-anca'ter Drive i il3a M'.-nt er avea HABBIT WAS TT D All sues 4 to in m h le 1'c lb r.loiel 14e lb. ive wen t ItahMt skins tiest prices. 'Aire i"ii lire and other supplies Ht tu m MH W' Honsert Write me ,m a ,p ftehb.t Meal Co Bll ht Ma ' k Cl'A'ljrN SfW- llai i pa ii uki Col ege n.fte iri1 No rearturs Phone tut j (irMni llatcr.erv Silverton Hegc.n Hop I'irkrr Wanted HOP PICKER, regiater now Mromn U.arxl Moo Willi 1 imies W of Sawm on Willamette Kiver Eailv and Ute hrp Voir rn groxnd" Cabins. anl lig'it and straw fur i shell Pus iff tiegins about August sf. Pt.or.e 2-3:07 or 7VI . f)P PIVK r A wANl"Et5 at 4 tun rult It late hops He aw i n i Irig ean ( lean. cl. shady an p grturd Nuierv fur children vU'ie A returaM on grounds Buses to Iiaile Mjt'm t.uti, Independence NEC. I TEH NOW Wnte or call C A Mr! At'GIt! IN HOP RANCH Nuuit N I Intlepentience. Ore T A Hell. Supt Ptione Independence Ore . I7-E-3 HOP PICKERS WANTED Eur nw id atxiut 4 mile s w of vaerr J.SO mo of houe river hot - am rmfa Pu king begins about tep latnlKi 1 f ine si ady tamp ground, raloi' Hlmri mixxt electric nuati ball." tables atiMils and .ttem foi hril fur niatied mitri ralilns lore tuiri.ei si. op and reataurant on rraMirxla Hu t r n ixir tat ion Please fite JOHN J MdHERT. A CO. -a-etri Oie(in slating r.u'ikber of adult caikers and enctoae tl for i eg it i atlon .rd use of rali n. much mill be refund td at rataae of season HOP PICKER WAN'TED Meat t rn.p of railv A late hops l ool r'ran l at rao.p giouiuia Cab i.a lift. a A vm1 furnished loie on yra.und Pu dr. ttua lo fialein. Ot e lit CI T t M MlVa WnU or c.ll W II -HAM r MOP E A R M WARD I l'M upt . t;i!RVAIS. ORE PHONE - AI FM 3-.l or 225 llOP P.ckrrs merited for the. Mis- on Bolt am Hop Co 12 miles -north rf eler: Pickir.g begins arxiut Aug a 27.147 or aim Oervaia. Ore -rrari rW. rK V. MOP PICKERS Erl August eart i an p l.fMta av imtmI. mater fur- lahed free Regttrr mom Mltoma Map yrn Intletiendence. Ore Kt I.. Ivus .0 HOP PICKING REGISTER NOW I AKrpMKlK MOP f A M M toesieii it. lies north of s,aiam on MrSer Road . . in esrlv and late hops - t .org araauri ar'd g'aiid picking Dailv bus tr aripir tat ui. from Salem Ample arrprig (atiiitir Call in person or rite LAKEBROOK HOP EARM 1 107 Far ii National Puna IU1g Ivaieeri. Oregon Help utr. MEAN PICK EKS 7 .ale! Hi i H.. I US J Saleni i I W laf Pen Annea WE ARE INTERESTED in some one '.. take orr ou' paint and metal ihi.p Will eitner rent it out. or go on per . er.lase bais. or a!aiv Jantes H Mad- if Cnmpsnv SHveiton ltd . Salem, ore Phaarar 1123 MSHWAMlfR NIGHT shift, iaa1, N Com 1 . C Mneaa? Tea Garden BOY GIRI-S-Over It Yrs to "set t tis Easy pleaaar.t soik Higher aases Stait Salurdav. regiater Eridav atWiMr HAH Duck Pin Alleys. ITS N Mig-i St WANTED BI.ACKftERRY pickets : Ht.r starts in 10 dais Going mages paW! I'arxi p.ikir.g lii Pearl Pu kens ard Keiti noa mt N of North llemell a. ruic.l W-)KKErprR . EXPERIENCE" IN utiiitt aniai.lmi desirable but not "sreaMM Peitranri.t Wiite quallfl i at Malta su I inn lourity Telephone Co I .eta(.r . lirriuii HARvrw hftip Check baaaajes H'jirinan Sambuck. Iwyermer Piiemen and Trusrk Help ers Mea a rmp long seaaon Tup mages ae tr Salem Bus daily WUIJAMS THACKER EOI.A MiP YARD SAt EM OH t" ASK POM t HMIS" PHONE tr 24-131 after PM I I MBER IMOS TO MEET OHTlANl). Auk 1 -(yil-Secr-:-ar I ie Pearson said tiirlay the AFL Orrgun state council of f iiritier n1 .w mill workrrs will TTert at Fall Aug. 10 to i cantmlcr wage bposta brrauw of imrraH cost of living; DBS. CHAN DM TLaa k D. . . LAM Dr O Ckaa-N D CHINESE HEEBAUST8 241 N4rth Ubertr 'fstasrs Portland General Elaartrtc o Off are avpea katurday only am to 1 pm: I la . Cos) uitatjoei. gi.aud area sasare and larttM eata are tree mi rtvarg Prsarttewd l nee ItlT It U LIMITED number men. woman or young men St girls to work on sta tionery nop picking machine and dry kiln Day work, moaUy Inalde. Top hourly pay. Inquire at Graham Hop ranch at S. Uimiun Bottom. 1 miles north of Salem, or call 1-113 WANTKD tono, HOP PICKERS Harvest sta'rtg' the Later part of Aug ust SJ7 acre of high trellis hope, eool. shady camp with lights, wood, shower bathe and day nursery for children furnished free to pickers. Grocery store meat market and rest aurant on gruunda. Register In person at ranch offjre or writs us for full particulars E Ct.rMENT HORST TO, INDEPENDENCE. ORE ftECISTER NOW at the Capital Hop Tarm V Kerr Hop Yards Over 3 wks. gjod picking Cabin, mood, water, hunks and elec. furnished. Nice shady raniDarourids: also store St restaurant. I Picking will start about Aug. II. Write I If I. DeArrnond. Salem Rt. 3. or ph. Salem 2-XivJ or formerly on as the A M. Jet man Hop Yard. ml N of !lem. . . BATTERY " separator rrianu?acturlng plant now accepting applications for experienced saw operator, block mark ers, block off bearers, slicer feeders, ilurr optra tort, shim pickers, shim traders, lift jack operators, stackers. , equalizer feeders and set up. groover I feeders, groover offbearers. separator grader, packers and truckers. Mod ern plant with Ideal working condi tions Call orwnte to C W. fox. Cas cades Plvmood Corporation. 1008 Pub lic Service Hj tiding. Portland, or to office at Lebanon, Ore. Help W anted Male OPERATING and credit mr. for local Home A Auto Supply Store Acct. fir credit rip helpful Good starting salary V npp to advance In line With mllllngnesa to work and aggressiveness. Appy in person only. Mr. Kingan. Fire stone Store. 399 N. Liberty. Morning only AMBlTlOCS young man wanted Cood salary, commission At car al lows nee CaH33 Eerry at 11 00 LL'MBERhandfers wantedSe Al Thrasher at 3U0 Wallace Rd . West Salem. EXPERlfNrtfl-edgeriiian and also other mill help Phone 2-l3lt WANTED" Young" to woi'k in store through bean aeason. Darley's Plantation. W. Stayton. DRAETSMAN High scnoordrahfiii training sufficient Some experience In mapping desirable Steady employ ment Call room 13141 N. Liberty Street I 341 to S 30. Portland General ElectrlrCo Top Salary & Ho nun Edr a combination body at fender it Rainier who ran estimate repair Jobs, alem's most modern shop. Alao want Kxperienred Mechanic Eor general repair work on all makes of cars Guaranteed salary St bonus plan Ask for "Van " TEAGUE MOTOR CO 3Si N Lltierty Ph 7001 WANTED MANftoflan and 'gar den mork afternoon. Ph 2 139 PART TIME door " man." Apply ""in person Grand ThealerJ PvMNTKRS WANTED" 10 BRUSH PAINTERS, on spray painter wanted at once : not less than 1 yrs esp Pt) .4713. E. O. Repine Co . 2SW Portland Rd KtTOIKN Janitor, ateady position, good wages Marlon Hotel. WANTED" EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOW CHRYSLER PRODUCT! MUST RE EA MILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. L. ANDEKSON. INC. DoSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703, 360 Marion St. MECHANIC for leading Auto and Truck dealer Must be A-l and famil iar with Chrysler products. See Mr. Elliott, service manager Stan. Baker Motors. Dodge-Ptyniouth distributor. 125 Chemekela Phone 41 1 JOBS FOR VETERANS. - Yank Legion Service Office. 370' i State St Ph. SMI . Help Wanted Female GIRL Interested In learning medical laboratory work. Apply Hendrte Lab oratories. ! first Natl Hank Bldjr HIGH SCHOOI. "or" Vreferabfy lunlor high school girl to live In nice horns. Room and board and pay. References earhanged. Would like girl by Sept. 1st Write Box 7V4, JThe Statesman. GIRL for hosiery department. Must have best of charaeter references Per manent position Miller's Dept. Store. MEAT WRAPPER Girl over tl. Ap i ply Saving Center. Portland Rd. I GIRL OR WOMAN to help with light hae work. No washing. 7 ml. N. of Salem Gud wages Phone 3-3413 WANTED Usherettes'. Apply in per -i sain Elainore Theatre CHIEF OPERATOR" for Linn Coun ty Telephone Co I-ebanon Oregon WANTED. YOUNG lady. MadsaiTs Ice Cream Store WAITRESS for noon day Banquet work Marlon Hotel EXPERIENCED waitress wanteti" Comet Cafe, 12th and Leslie. SILK Elniaher "experienc neces sary " Hoc per hour. Peacock Cleaner. 4!i Center. " WArrREKS waniedTlIours tTaTlTifi p m. Sat. afternoon. Sundays and holi days off. Apply to Mrs. Frank Krau er. Stats Office Bldg . 12th Court. YOUNG lady, with soma bookkeeping and typing tip . good appearance, and who tnjnvi meeting the public. Excel, hour. 40 hr. wk. 134. time and Vs for overtime. Writs Statesman Box 739 todav for appointment. "WANTED Experienced waTtresi". Good hours. Sunday off. Pade Coffee Shop. 1241 StatsSt CIRL to" workinic)creain depart ment and grormry store. Saving Cen ter, Portland Road. EXP WAITRESS, night shift" trie Spa WOMEN ' NEEDED at "Salem Laun dry Co 23 S High. Salesmen Wanted ELAT BED truck St driver for hire Phone I-2SMI WANTED by" older lady:" house work few hrs day. Prefer elderly person.. Box 7W) Statesman SALES POslTlON for man or wom an. Door to door or telephone. In Sa lem for local firm. Average earnings 3 to 3 per hour. See Mr. Cox. Sen ator Hotel between 4V 13 a.m. Fri day or Saturday RTALE.t ATE Salesmen wanked' by established firm, excellent opportun ity for right parties. Box TM XXTERIENTETJ- SaTesmaln. Verged Insulating Co. Ph. 73411. Situations Wanel PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush or Spray. DICK OREY Phoras 24444 114g Flr Bt. LAVDSCAPLnC. gardening "pruning, hauling, fertihrlng lawfig and gavrdena, Geo Earts. 1210 Aider. Salem. " WANTED. WelT driving if a can bat driven wtU drive It for S4S. Writs P.O. Bog SIS or PH. S3. Turner. Oregon. Deen Grim 4V Chester Stewart. ; DEFXrrtVl"cnlldl Ya7eworin your hoerwe by trained and experienced teaarha-r and graduate medaral tech noiosry Fortrvsr head of children's tn f irmar . Bosj 73 Statesman. ' Do penlir. Ph. E7M. S VETS with J-ton truck, stake bad. for h ire. Phone 5J67. RUC 5 and u pholstery cleaned and" revitalized In your boms. No scrub bing, no shrinking, no mildew or dry rot from soaking. R. F. Nohlgren. Phone 2-1 OM, HfOR HIRE: One 4 yd. flump truck and driver. Ph. BWI1. V T L HAH want spray ' painting;, anything, any place. 171 N. 13th St. ARE You going to paint rFor a first class )ob tnsids or outside call 3-540A. My prices are reasonable. " HOUSE Moving, " heavy trucking, trees pulled. No Job to big. No lob to small. D and D heavy trucking service. Rta. 3, Box vaO. Salami or phone S-3SJS. Ask for Dick, PAPER HAJfGINC:""hon400. INTERIOR decorating or outside painting. 17 N. 13th SL GENERAL Cement contracting. Stan ley Fsgf Phone 2304S. " TREE $P R AYl5i f3. Best ' work." Ph. 2-W32. WILL CAHE for children. Ph7 -1803. Spi rav Paintinc Houses, barns, roofs or what have you. Phone 3-1524. VENETIAN BLINDSTaUfidered. re palred. retaped.4-hru aery. Ph. 3-4418 SPRAY painting your jiaint or ours Phone 424 E yerly St Gpttenberg Preschool Play School. l3al Stats Ares 2-4 Part or all day Ph S430 ALL WCftK guaranteedTWIndows. walls, woodwork cleaned. Floors wax ed. Insured- workmen. Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457. For Sale -Miscellaneous WE buy and sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radio. Electric appliances, household goods. KLIO MAN S 243 N Commercial Ph sS River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PHl-lBM S-3108 f WXV and iniercomm. telephone seta Y EATER APPI.IANCE CO. 153 N. Liberty ' t T&R your altchen cabinet units see Beavercraft Co.. 7SN Lancaater Drive UPAlR-AnUque ShopAjJourt WALL' TYPE can'opener. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty ' "PlliNO" Benches Taliman's STsTTJlh "'rJTt5'Htn CRALERST 34 MaTSt "PIANOANDBENCH." Pl. "45370. SINGLFTaND two burner hotplates. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty -CO"ATWAKCERS7 steeror , wood". Kllgman's. 2S5 N. Commercial. 4-HURNER gas range." Rt. 7. Box 3T-J, PLAYER PIANO, bench At rolls, esc. tone. 15 24) I-nslng ave. Ph. 3-313S OAS RANGE, nearly new."43aj4llljt. "Davenport "a." chair.iii KiVi- wood Ave. Apt. 3. Phons 3274. ALUMINUSt SAUCE'pana. wefl and tree i plattefs. frying pans, cookie sheets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N. Liberty WET-irBUn-T" Trailer." IdofT Nrcot- Uge. Phone 1-534. SET OF DISKS loTMf-k wheels. Phons 3-40e1 "NEARtY NE"W baby buggy ilvTftft E Stats. Pro 4 Corners, El-ECTRIcrR"00 fvVaieTsTIan. steam and reflector types YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 33 N. Liberty Reversible berry disc: also 3 bottom disc plow. 3 miles west of Salem on Dallas highway. Box 40. 300 AMP. i4NCOLNfndusriai weltH er. Heavy duty, sxcel. cond. phons 2-4S12 2133 Chemeketa. SIIINCLEJI" from ' Roaenberg rnill'at Tlllamooit. 3x4s. ahiplap, flooring 4V other Itema ' Lumbar kiln dried or frsen on HR priorities Tad Mullcr rucks. Ph. Safcrn S119. COiLEbTlfASirbirrner. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. 1I berty FULLER Brushes I74pfanl P 3357 STOVE repairing St parts Woodry's Mkt, 1605 N Rummer 81 "FOR RALE! Floor " sander, 33 H. Commercial Phone 3ftM. "GUARANTEED ' FORtVjrllaaK- HjlghU requiring no batteries, two and three cell flashlight, railroad type lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 259 N. "Liberty Sleeping Bags Army surplus down filled Arctic dbl. bags. On ssls now at 323. Mall orders accepted. Foster Cycle St Sporting Goods. MMMJ S. E. Easter St.. Port. Ph. SunMHt 72irml " DECORATIVE " AND TlghledTiouae numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO. i 245 N. Liberty Canning Salmon and Tuna KINDRED'S SEA FOODS Routs 3. Box 35 Astoria. Oregon Orders now being taken and filled when fish come In. Shipped CO D. COAT. OR Briquet clrrulalor YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N Liberty "ET-EcTrTC "WATER heaters, gas wa ter heaters, all sixes. Immediate de livery. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Valley Motor Bldg. LIMITED" quantity S ' tube ""electric table model radios with wooden caas, YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty FOR SALE: Vsfy reasonable! Stove suitable for restaurant br lumber camp. $50. John J. Roberts 4V Co. Phone 923. "TWOTAWN MOWERS, one with" rub ber tires, ball bearing with carrier, both like new. wicker baby? buggy, highboy, radio, all good cond . Large trunk, Swede bucksaw, boxes for corn and broccoli. 1664 N. Liberty. AUTOMATIC, tLCtrtklC idearm water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty USID b.ondevVhol3l Coml. APPLES' "Grsvenstelns cW "Trans par ent. Jos Dldrsrh. Rt. 3. Box 14s. 1 mils west of Kelxer corner. " PLASTIC CLOTHES line, ' ironing board pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty "CLUBIOXA re"mbrtofITnMdS: 1.3th. - ;. IMPROVED1 Crawford peaches now ready at Jess Mathls orchard St Fruit Stand, S'i nil. N. on WE highway. Phons 3-349S.( Rt. 3. Box 33, bRESSVPyour swninga and out door furniture with SETFAST canvas paint YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N, Liberty C0MjLrra"kitchn "ffoin our kitchen cabinet units. Beavercraft Co , 575 N. Iincastsr Drive. 1M SCIICLT TrallsTTSiss: J7 Un dem, electric brakes, circulating heat er. Inquire 353 N. Winter. Sundbery Apt. Apt. 101. FftCsA apple Juice made daily. Pu r -Itan Cider works, West Salem. CCaTV. laiCUL'aTlXli!. automa tic four burner range. Ideal for res taurant club or farm use. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT RUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAND & GRAVEL CO. Phons S-I74S AlXTiWririnsri inf taril boxss. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 351 N. Liberty j Steel aiid Aluminum BUILDINGS US. surplus. 30xM ft., bargalal prices. Writs Box 734 Statesman. "ALWAYS a big si ocx -Woodry's Fumtturs Mkt Ph 11 10 HARVEST Sacks for sale. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. 1509 N. Front, Sa lem. Phone 7007. FLUORESCENT KITCHEN fixtures and single tubs brackets for use near your mirror YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty LUMBER. in. tongue and gruvs siding. Call personally after i p.m. 350 Belmont. . CTJCUMBERS JSOXTTvf; Sth: Phone as Frank Hello. y. convenient, clean. aconomlcaL Sea us for free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 353 N Liberty WILL BTJY for cash. ell or trade, guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers. Don Madison, 590 No. Hlgtv DAlRY"Men we have coconut meal again. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. Ph. 7007. 1505 N. Front. FIGURINES "AND smairglft Items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty G if. 5? C ALIO NTloiBt. 503 Center St. EXPERT "washing inachins service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Stors. 315 NJLIhertv 18x1s TARP. Heavy weight. $23 00 1609 N. 4th st. evenings. "FARMERS ATTENTION Electric St battcrv fence controller. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Libert w "mAHOCANY BUFFET Phone 7833". TRAILER HOTJSEf"l942 MAINLTNER. SLEEPS 4. JUST NORTH OF FRIEND LY FARM. FARMERS AfTrf?TiON Westing- housc automatic dec. milk cooler, ca pacity 60 gal. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty SWEET CORN "Jacob Weigum. Route 2. Box 141. mile west of Keizer school. 16-FT. TRAILER "USE., furn . air brakes, sleeps 4. new tires, aluminum. 31230. Harry Snyder, Darley's Camp. W. Stay ton. Ore. . ELECTRIC" CHIMES. long and short tubes, mechanical chimes. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty ""FTTRAILER "HSE.. furn.. aTr brake, aleepa 4. good tires. fl750 Harold Jones. Darley Camp. W. Stay ton. Ore. 7", DOZ. FRUIT JARS, also bed and spring. WW Union. SMOOTHIES FOR perfect ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty TABLE MODEL t tube radios." $51 50. Ralph Johnson Appliances. Valley Mot-, or Bldg. " BRAND NEW "Motorola car radio. phone 5M. ""FARM ERS ATTENTION-" Pot table electric milking machine. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N . Liberty REVTTrTB mattresse. baby buggy, bassinette, small cribs, goose feathers for pillows. STATE STREET FURNITURE I 00 state Phone 7596 GAS WATER"llELATr5irid"ainc" A about 60 ft. of pip 4k fittings- 110 Chemeketa. ELECTRIC " PANTS pressors and curling irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. Liberty TRUMPET." Martin' Handcraft, silver, with case, excel, cond. 30.Ph.3105. COMPLETE LIBRARY, late edition physical education, health and athletic books. 541 East Maln,Monmouth. DESK.' TABLE and ptn-if-u'p "lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Libert y SUIT. Hart-Schaffr-Marx. size 34-5. dark, like new. $20. Ph. 5103. HOSP. BED St mattress, uaed 3 mo. $70. Zenith ear phone, like new. $30 1830 N. 3jlh. ;u WOOD FCRNCtrniS-rTsie&raska Ave. Phons 3760 after 3 30 p m. K1TCHEN"AND bathroom light fix tures. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 . NJberty 3 C"OV6'ST"good grain sacks 10c aacfi. fryers. Nick Holoboff. Rt. 3. Box 240. 7mllesnorth on Newberg; highway. BED SPRING St mattress in good condition. $15. 1360 N. Liberty. ELECTRIC 'DESK, mantel and wall clocks YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N Liberty li-TON-BALED clover hay. fli per ton In 3-ton hits or nunc Ph 3-3's5 " Manning bowman" eiectf ic" iron. old type, good condition. t-KK) Royal standard typewriter, old and a little noisy but does good work. $17 50. Phone 7943. INDIRECT FLOOR"lamp St torc icrs. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty 1 NEW H P. motor. Thfl B-line motor. Shipped by mistake. 1725 Revo. W. M. Richard. 448 Hood. Ph! 2-1943 $50 MAN'S STEER HORN balloon tired bicycle, new brake, pedals, chain. bearings, tires. Extra tires, pedals, chain, pump, wrenches, lock. All $30 spot rash. Apt. 301, Monterey. 643 Ferry St. KITCHEN AND Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 355 N. Lilkrrty VACATING T "ERYTrtrN3 " GOES Pert drop II. sew mach St alt. Dress ers, chests, end tables, brk sets, wall mirrors, card tble. stands, gas pit, heating stoves. 8x10 rug. bed. New dishes, set of 6. New rellotex. New sash. 34x24. St frame. 3 extra window. Stroller St mlc13443 Lee. 13 TON "RYE and vetch !ay in the windrow. Make me an offer. Ph. 5335. BRUNSWICKelec. sewing"" midline, cabinet model with attachment. $85. Two 4',x6'a ruga. $13. Phone 385$. "prewar Davenport." food cond 1095 N. 15th st. " V A R IETY of fuTtljyeT PhF2?2?. "BEAtrnrTTtRa"pphiFe: placed In platinum, surrounded with eighteen diamonds for $1500. Box 783 eo States man. BOYSENBERRIES 10c, vou pick. Bring containers. Alvtn J. Van Cleve. Rt. 7. Box 35L Van Cleve Road In Hazelgreen. Outdoor portable lights for your yard or driveway. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 258 N. Liberty DENP6RTSidnto $97 RANGES $15 to $83 State Street Furniture 1900 State St. Phone 7396 1 OP-LB. ued ice box. Phons 5550 . "LAWN AND garden tools. YEATEK APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty CUCUMBERS for pickling ready now. Peaches, spear melons, tomatoes, etc.. ready soon. Morrison's Fruit Stand., 2930N. Front .Phons 4423, ' FOR'that remodeling Job aee Beaver craft Co. for your kitchen cabinet unit. 573 N. Lancaster Drive. PLASTY KOTE the durable paint with the cellophane like finish. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni ture large assortment or mads to or der. Picket ta Eumltura. 13th and Stats Wanted Miscellaneous MODEL A International tractor or similar make St model. Rt. 1. Box 165. Brooks. Ore. Lyle Klampe. " WANTED "TO BUY : UsedTVaugn or other type small caterpillar tractor and tools. Phons 2-4310 evening. ELECTRIC RANGE cV" refrigerator. Good condition. Phone 3557. WHY TAKE less for your furniture? See Rusa Bright. Ph. 7511 WANTED TO BUY"- Lari trunk suitable for shipping. Phone 24322. . USEDnru7iNlTURE.Phone 5fl0 WANTED: Baby bassinette7 Ph. 7445. "THREE 1 or l' ton flatbed trucks with drivers to haul hops on vine to stationary picking machine. No hand ling of nop by driver. Short haul, good pay. inquire Graham Hop Ranch at S. Mission Bottom. 7 miles north of Salem, or ph. 2-273. CONCRETE BIRD BATM. phone 7780 "ELECTRIC stove 4V refrigerator ur gently needed by vL Ph. take after . WANTED: PIANOS. WIU pay cash. WUIs Mulc Store 433 tats St DISHES over 23 yrs. old. 'Upstairs Antique Shop 4.T9 Court Ph 2-1443. WANf TO Buy. Used cameras at lenses McEwan Photo Shop 405 State CASH for your used furnltuie. Ph. J596 State St Furniture. 1900 Stat CASH for used olano St other mu sical ins tru menu Call 4641 days or $537 evenings or send description to Jaquith Music Co 1 S High AUTO painting. Just a shad better, by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 8502 USED ru"RNlTDRtPhl$5. Wanted Furniture USED Furniture wanted Mason Furn. Co. 2446 Fairgrounds Rd. Miscellaneous Tree Surgery Trimming, topping, removal. Ph 240--J. CONTRACT hauling local At long distance. R. L. Phillips. Rt. 3. Box 588K. Salem. Phone 2-3172. LOOK Painters: Am selling my entire spray painting equipment at a give away price. Paint enoukh. on hand to pay out. A real buy. "5 Roberts Ave., Sa lem. Ore.Phone2-1524. SEPTIC TANKS St cess-pools clean ed. Commercial or residential. No lob too large or small. West Salem Sanitary Service Ed Gardner - Phone 3-1953 1005 81 rt St.. West Salem. Ore. I.OCAL transfer, hauling and piano moving Ph.328J3C. J Newton. DRAWING house plans. Phone" 862T7" Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plats for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Aj Com Ph 3311 Septic Tanks Cleaned K F Hamel. 1143 BtH. West Salem Phone 7404 "INTERIOR decorating and paper- hangtng done. Phone 3731. BKRlNS Nationwio-e mov serv 7773" M EN'S-HATS clesnsd and blocked TJo LES SPRINGER 464 Court St ""XL'S CLEARING ANDCRADLN3 PHONE 6303. "SPRAY PAlNTlNGr" house, barns, roofs or what have you. Ph. 3-4248. SlOTtCAKJServ.crIC7 Elm 'SC. Salem. Ore Jack Boeninf. " Wf-ATH ER" strips PlrnanFh 9o3" ""CHARIS FOUNDATIONS, nylon brassieres St girdles Aj elastic control Also Masonite frrxks. Ph. 9495. Mrs Frank L Turner .0 JN 4t h WHY Nfot sole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 day service Short )bs mhile you wait. AH kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sal at Gipson s. 328 N Coml. St. Phone 39u. " HEAVY Hauling. excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Doxer Work. Ditching. Basement Excavation. Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1403 N Front St. ' Salem. Oregon Phone 9408 or 31934 Money to Ioan Extra Cash For Vacation Expenses For Home Buying Costs For any worthwhile purpose where "Cash" is needed and convenient pay ments desired. LOANS $35 TO $300 1 for home or business Furniture. Salary, ur. Huainess Equip ment, on auto $MM. to men or women, manied or single and you may have 18 months to repay. Phons first for fast srtilrr Ws Ilk to say "Yes" to loan requests. Persorral Finance Co. Salem. $18 Stat St . Rm 123 Phone 3i" MJ3 $ $ MONEY $ $ W make all types nf personal loans Including furniture, nol and car loans, for any worth whtlo cause We also make real estat loans and buy real stat contracts. For quick and effi cient service see or phono STATE FINANCE CO. Prion 4131. ' 153 S. High, Salem be S 216-M 222 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 3TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 139 FARM and CITY LOANS 4 and 3; Tour own terms or repayment with to reason. Cash for Real Estat Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldr Phone 71C3 PROMPT,-PRIVATE tOAN .SERVlCT 'Personal makes loans of $10 to $300 to men and women on signature, fur niture or autoa $5oo. Co-stgners seldom required. $30 for 3 weeks coat only 43e. Personal Flnanc Co, Salem, 11$ State St., Rm. 133 Phons 3191. Lie S-132. M.-183 . . . General Finance Corp. offers monev at once on cars, trucks, furniture, trailer house. livestock, farm marchtnsry; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co-slgiters General f inance Is locally owned and officered: was organized In i$27 and therefore knows and can help -oughout the repaying of a loan. Ap catlons for loans mad by phone. LIS South Commercial Sts.. Salem Phone: $168 License S-138 St M-338 Financial YOUR Surplus money will earn you 8 per cent Interest. Buy a real estate mortgage, examine the security your self. Mortgages available in amounts of $500 to $7,500. We collect all in terest and payments for the Investors, no : extra charge. State Finance Co ...Realtors 153 S. High St. For Rent Rooms WELL FURN. RM. for man St wife or man. 132 N. 13th. Phone 4741. Room and Hoard BOARD. ROOM, care of elderly ladv or bed patient In my home. Ph. 8713. For Rent i HOWSERS RENT A TOOL 11.12 F.DGEWATER DIAL 3646 SAVE TIME St MONEY PAINT SPRAYER -86 oo day. (With 3 gal. paint pot St 100 ft. hoee $1 00 day I 6" Skilsaw 3 50 dr 71." Skilsaw 400 day. . .ts 3" at 450 7" disc Sander At polisher. 2 50 day. Latest type floor edger. 2 SO day. Electric hedge shear. 2.00 day. Weed burner generates 2000' F. (A sure weed killer 1.150 day. . Lawn mowers. 10c hr. Pip Threaders, up to 1". pip cut tersi. vises, fire pots, many others. "JACK SCREWS and house moving equipment for rent. S470 Walker St.. Salem. "FtJRtflSHED Office' space, also mail and telephone service. 173 S. High. FLOOR SANDtA for rent. Mont gomery Ward " TRALCEJCS tor rent Mm per hr Woodrv Mkt. 1605 N Summer ""TRUCKS for rent. ' You drive. Uc Curve r Lovell Phons SfiM ij-drive trucks for sent Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Pt. 9062 FLOOR Sander lor rent Marshall Wells Store Phone 877 oTJsr"sr SAVE $50 BY RENTING MY PORTABLE PAINT SPRAYER. IDEAL FOR IN SIDE WORK or AUTOMOBILES A CHILD CAN OPERATE REASON ABLE. F. D. PALMER. 100 HANSEN AVE. Wanted to Rent MODi BEACH USE at Nekowin or Vicinity. Aug 13-29. Must have 4 dbl. beds. No drinkers. Ph. 4MKI between 5 341 A, 7 30 p.m. HOUSE for 4 adult by Sept. IS. Best of references Ph. 2-4878 before 6 a.m. or after 6 p.m. WANTED TO RENT: Farm with building, share crop. Ph. '3629. or 263 N. Commercial. PERMANENTLY employed couple need furnished apartment. (Julrt, reli able Phone 8488 VETERAN and wife want furnished apartment both rtradilv employed no pets, no children. Phone 2-4708 SMALL FURN. hse or apt near grade school. Rm. 131. Hotel Salem. VETERAN needs small furnished apt. or house. Working couple. Permanent. No children. No pets. Ph. 3848, Cnited A ir Llnev 4 OR 3 RM.-TiOCSE within 4 or 5 miles of Salem I'utn. or unfurn. Middle aged couple. No children. Phone 6026 7 a m. to 3 p m "TRADE" rental "fn house" in KiTtland for one vicinity Salem. R. W. Serven, 1532 N E. 73rd ave Portland 16 Ore. EX-SERVICE Man. family, one child, wants furnished or unfurnished apt. or house, IMione 3883. WANTED: 2 rm. apt. for one per son. Ph 2-1864 "YOUNG 'VET and wife, both' )in & raised in Salem urgently need furnish ed apartment or small house. No chil dren. Both permanently employed. Please ph. 2-4.1V8evenlng; WANTED'S or 3 "bed rm. house. 2 adult. Will pay a year's rent In ad vance Ph. JB696 VET. 8c WIFE desperately need house. Ph. Adam Deibert at 24526 or 9749 J Oft SFrooM apt ." "for arinv man it wife. Room 211 HO Building. Phone 7679 Set Paul E I-adrrv I.OCAL business man needs J cir 3 bedroom furn. or unfurn house Will lease and pay year rent in advance. Best of references. Ph. 3012. FURNISHED or unfurnished house or apartment Phone 6547 COUPLE wislies unf apt Ph 5222 Very Desperately Neetletl Rv Veteran with wife and small child, furnished house or apartment Permanent pnal tion In Salem. Phone 467 or 2-2494. SMALL Furnished apartment or house bv Sept. 1st. Phons United Ait Lines. 3848. For Sale Real Etate NEW HOME Ready to CM-cupv. elec. heat, elect water heater, drilled well, elect water j system. Iliis House is insulated. .a rage. paved rd. 4-10 of an acre. Lo cated eart Pi ice S75o COUNTRY HOME Wonderful view. 10 acres, $ aciea bearing filbeits. lake and picnic grounds. 3 rm. home, automatic heat Full ha-einent. TAKE TIME TO SEE THIS HOME See D. J. Dawson with Cral.enliorht Hro. REALTORS 134 S Llbertv St Ph 4131 $!9XI GOOD 2 B R plastered home with sleeping porch. $3luO caali, bal. $30 00 month at 5'.. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3363 Portland Rd Ph 3255 Ever 21413 LOTS 30x123 rt. City water and sewer. Price I -XXI. cash mill handle. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 14N Hlj$ri St . Plione 7660 (jreek Property Beautiful cteek lot near center of town Only $27541. Call Dale Fllppo. Ph. T770 GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO Rm. lO I -add A Hush Hldg VERY Nice four Iredrooiti home with full basement. Sprinkler system In lwn. $WHI. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255 Eve 21413 arjrain Furnished 3 bed room home. Hard wood floors, at the edge of the city. On A of good larui. good icaiaare. one of the cutest house you ever seen Iswn and shiubs Priced to sell at $72.VIOtl. He sine and sea this. Im mediate possession Morrin Realtv Co. Room 14 180 N. Com I SI Phone 1217 unfinished Home Iocatrd In E.nglrwuod dirt net Full basement. 4 bed rms . nice location Ideal home for someone to take and finish as desired Pi Ire $8MM). HOME A INCOME Close In location. 6 rm. owner's flat, rosy apt., bringing $SO per mo Auto heat. Located in No. 3 business lone Call Richard E. Grabenhoist mlth Gralieiiliorht Bros. REALTORS 134 S. Libert) St Ph 4131 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, mired for range, electric water tank, fireplace. Venetian blind Clean Inside At out. with fruit St nuts 1240 S 15th " ROSED ALE DIST. $9250 6 years old. Excellent condi tion. Large lot, 2 B. R . liv. rm . kitch en, bath, full basement, furnace, ga rage, nice garden. Syllivan Realty Co. 42 S 12th St. Ph 48A5." Eves 21173 FOR TRADE! Nice 3 bedroom home, basement St farage. large lot. to trade for home St acres a far nut a 10 miles. OLAF TIIONSTAD. REAL ESTATE 941 N Capitol St Phone 3220 NORTH 2IST WITH "LOVELY TREES 3 bed rooms and den. Hardwood floors, double plumbing, automatic heat. Large lot. This is a home for 314.500 SEE JOE HUTCHISON with Ieo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Ph 9561 Eve Ph 24789 3 BED Rooms. West Salem. Liv. rm . fireplace, din. rm.. kitchen, bath, full basement, furnace, paved atieet. City water, sewage $6SOM. Sullivan Realty Co. I?5. S. 12th St. I4aaEveJJ 173 $5800. Lovely-little home afor couple In Englewood Dit. Liv. rm, din. rm . kit., bdrm-sbath. fireplace. Attached garage, nice lawn k shrubs, paved st. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COMX. Ph. 3793 Ph. 23260 eves. $5O00 Older" type house on fine lot south. $3950Good home In Independence, furnished $7875 'j acre with 3 bed room home Oil circulator, wired for range. Worth the money. 47 Hon- 5 room house, hardwood floor plastered, circ heat, wired for range. $8750 Best house for the money. Hardwood floor, fireplace. 3 bed rms . full basement, automatic sawdust fur nace. $10.500 Two houses on on lot. Small 4 room house in rear. Fin new home with electric heat, hardwood floors, fireplace. Hollywood. Ike Bacon, Salesman Ed Byrkit, Realtor 30$ North High St. Ph. 5981 Immediate possession $37303 B. R . bath. liv. rm . kitchen, nook, utility porch, fruit room, wired for range, dble. garage, garden plot, m ell landscaped. Sullivan Realty Co. 429 S. I2U St, Ph. 4859. Eves. SI 173 4 BLOCKS From business dtst. 3 apta. or a large home. $8 w0, Sullivan Realty Co. 429 S,J 2th i St . Ph . 4855, - E -es . 2 1 1 73 $5250, Clean 3 BK Home close in North. Close to school A Bus. Ints of Fruit trees. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves 2-5561 NEAT THREE ROOM COTTAGE NORTH 3 fine lots with several varieties of fruit and nuts. Front Mi ft. on a paved street P ice only $3MM). See A. E DAN1ELSON with Leo N. Cliilds, Inc. REALTORS 344 State SI Ph 310 OF AN ACRE. I blk fiotn En- S la-wood Scri I 9 blocks from Sr. Hi bdrni St den. Dble plumbing, air conditional I'hllippine mahogany trim In liv. i m At din rm. Knglish stucco Sell outright or list w itli live agent 14.50O See owner, 12iO N 21st 3 BED RM. home. Nortn on acie. ! 2 bed rms. down, one up. liv rm.. i din tm . kitchen, elec heat, garare j A very good buy at $8 Km. Call Hcrg- ' land Burt Piclia, Realtors 2543 Portland Rd Ph 6472 GOOD" 3 " bed room home, fireplace. basement, auto, sawdust lieat. elec. water heater, close to rchools At bus. 930Madjson st. $6654) " VERY' Nice 2 bed" rm. home. Liv. rm , kitchen, bath, utility rm . i unfin. attic, elec. water heatrr. Close; to , bus. school and store. Call Ray "Tluff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 R I COM L. I Ph. 37S3 Iti. M41 eves j $650. Clean 'late built 3 ' BR home I close In Noi Hi Auto water heater. Wired for range. Large Garage. Im mediate possession. Call Stanley Blown with State Finance Co.-Realton 153 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves; 2351 MOVE '1N NOW Newlv dec-orated 5 tooni and bath East fiont Part liardmood floors "! to bus Pi ice SaiN-J. See JOE HUTCIII- SON with Leo N. Cliiltl, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St J-h 926I Eve Ph 24789! NEW 2 B R HOUSEf Soutn Salem. garage, wired for elec. lange. street in ! $4250. Harder Real Etate t 965 Edgematrr. W. Salem. IMioivr 9.iilO , GOOD 2 B R house, hdw floW. pla- tered. West Salem. 7ono J Harder Real Estate 965 Edgewater. W. Salem PI wine 9. $1260 - I acie Just outslile city Sub divided into 3 lots on paved load with, city water. Call Oaig Burt Pit ha. Realtor Ph. 32I0 337 N High St ' Fofis To r i . . i Tills 3 bdrm. modern horns, neailv ' new home. Owner very III and must j change climate at once. Price $al7VT ; w ith some terms See Vlck Bros, or j F. G. Delano. 290 N. Church St. Phone 5710 - ! BY OWNER: 3 hedrm" house, good j location 2029 S. Church I PRICE CUT " " t From $11,500 to $10.5oo. for this brand . new 3 bdrm. strictly modem home in Krirr district on half Sere Splendid ' soil lrt us show you thm. Owner can J show you whrie this property cost within $25 of the price asked. See Vlck Bros, or F. G. Delano, 290 N. Chuich. Plume 5710 NICE 'Building lot on Columbia Street. $1UU0U0. See MR GX)DWN with II-lwlslflH X IiIlrrtH. IllC. REALTORS J Phone 4108 After 8 -8713 4 B R home south Liv rm , din. rm , kitchen Full bsrnt . wlied for range, fireplace, large lot. Ill.Stx). Call Gardner. Burt Piclia. Realtors Ph. 3210 337 N High St WEST SALEM "Little Giant of Inrtusllj" SI2."(). Imm poss New. 2 PR house Com p r rour. cnc. Jloor. thower. wired lor range. South. $5300. Cute Bung Newlv redecorated In side Si nut Full basement At furnace Imm. Possession. cnnenlent term. $6200. South Salem, t HK Comb DH ... kitch en. I.R . Ldi) Iran Only 5 J is. old $500. Prlngle Rd. 't""Acre. Modern 2 HR home onlv 3 Yrs old 1 ftlk : to bus Chickens St chicken house go with 1 deal. 1 $i.9.r0. Hollywood home 2 Hit Fireplace, Hdw. floors Full basement with auto matic furnace. i Wot Salem Realtv Co. 1233 EDGEWATER STREET Phone ! 109 CARI.IIAVENl.OTS " $450 to $.VMi New C'arlhaven subdi vision. 4 blk S. E of Keuer coiner. Excellent gaden soil, cmnniunitv wat er system, can be bought on easy terms. Ahranis and Ellis, Inc. 411 Masonic: Bldg. Ph. 6153 : Insurance - Mortgage I-oaris ; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION i ' acre New 2 B, R home north, j Elasr. hot water, elec. heat. Garage. ! $5500. Call ffardner. Burt Picha, Realtor Ph. 3210 j 337 N High St "NEW Two nice. 2 bed rm homes with liv rm . din. rnl. bath.- utlllly rm. These are well constructed homes and well worth the nioney. Call Ray Itarvis. Huff Real Etate Co. REALTORS 970 S COM1. Ph. 3793 I I'll 944 eves. , FOR SAT.: 5-roani liorlie. ikiw va cant. j aciat. on bus line. Some fruit, cltv cotiVeiiletices. See owner. 497 South 18th ! Imuietliate Possession $ rms. Hdw. fir., ftrepl . base . fur nace. Fasti fcnl. trfes. north $7873. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 "FINISHED HOME ' Very attractive modern thre bed room home. Excellent location, onlv $4200 C. E. Coville - Real Estate Turnrr, Ore Phone 22 NEW HOME 7 rms. elec hot heater, Nic loca tion Electric heat I'r ice $Alt5o Jet ins Call G. II. Grabenhorst. Jr . with Grahenhorst Bros. REALTORS i sa m v ii. . . a-, lit. att a s. J1 r. airr 11 ji. rit. noi t. vr, j tj ACRE St 3 rm pre-cut house com plete with wiring, plumbing, but no paint Rt. 7. Box 434 M. McCain Ave . off Silverton Rd. " IDEA CTtOM " " $10.500 New rambling type. $ rm Bsrnt.. oil heaL Hmd. floors $12 0004 bed rms English j type Stucco, fireplace, oil heat. Call Omer Huff HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS ' 1717 Center Street Phone 3-1549 Eve, 2-309I NEW 2 bed room house Cnar district.' 1-4 acre ht. fruit trees, ber ries. Priced to sell. $63uu. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Com L Ph. 841 NELSON NEWS 4 BDRMS . $3530 ! ! I Good for lafgs famiiv, LB. 'Dft, Kit., nook. 1 bdrm, batn. utility rnv. 1st fir . 3 bdrm. up, dbl. garage, large kit. ICOxlOO. ckise to scnool, b. groat, stores, on paves St.- ; I - GOOD I $ RMS S. Ej ' I I. R . comb Hit. St DR. 3 ibedrmsi bath, fruit rmi hdw. fir. - trav4 autrn. gas fir. farnace. eic. water beat er. garage, on Kl jtt. lot. 1 blxi to bus. $7300. i - 1 f J I SUBURBAN HOME FIR SITTING I Well proportioned,' ac. EJ snoderti 5. rm. home Kith i unfintsned aruc' fplace. full bsml. with air conditioner sawdust heatini plant. t:le-d 4V st ucro constructMin. iood faT.ily orchards $12,0. . 1 . j.; 1 msotv- CHICKEN RANCH I 20 ac all in Cultivation. S!,:ac. eata At veta-h. 6 ac. prunes. 4O0 cSul-flow-f er plants, 2 tort potatoes, fair 8 rm.s mociern old eoie. 4Ox80 bam with SX stan . 10 chicken batteries tIJOO cnicki cap i. killing ran. m,th elc. picker Sxi water, shop V wood sned. all crops Js all household f Urni-i.i.-g i included. h . 10 AC. MODERN HOME. N. I 3 rm. home. barn, brooder hou.l chicken house. 3 ac. oats. 3: ac. ry giass. family orchard; garden, bn hwy,I close to school. $850$. j I " - ' i ;:!. If these do not meet your JrT-iire- ment. tell us what ou want: WS probably have It. j j - , NELSON & NELSON I CHET I NELSON - THEO G NCLSOM S REALTOR : I Rm 3UO-3 Masonic Bldg 4Sr3 State St.! Phone 4419 or 412. EitM-Xs-l-SO V Farms 2-5547 8oOO. l-srge liv. rm . din. tm.. kit . j 2 bdrm . Hath St utility. 1st! fjoer, 2 j bdrms.. 2nd floor.- fireplace. Largs k-t. : On N. 23rd. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Etate Co. REALTORS Cfl si fOMX. Ph 3793 Ph 242 eves, SMAU, Attractive hon e siiboi Ura northeast I-lv. tmj mith fireplacv. kitchen, dinette and I bed rbom. AU lached garage. laundry travs. i Include ras isngr Small lot With exre p!icnl lawn and shrubbery.: Pi .ce $.Wa. Home with Income, 9 rooms on first floor for owner: 3 room apart -mt with outside entrance aecmsd ' fuoer. Double pluniblng. New gas range and) water heater included Price : $a5aas. Tftnia. ! room Louse with full bae -.ert. automatic oil furnace Exc !lent loca tion on Marlon street near grads) sa-h ol. Price $9nn0. ! j , RoMein & AtlolphJ Inc. IIP1 a N. CV.mT St. ; Phone m $7509 ; J 2 bedroom lumme oi bus lir.e. Ncrfk. inside city limits, large double let. 13 fill-. Ms. plenty of faulty tult ar4 lien ie No 369 i r M O HUMPHREYS 4V CO, REALTOR-. :w.5 Portland Road, i P. inn 2211 FatrgraMands Road Phone 2-45s . $7900 3 bdrm. suburban h-me on 1 A. East Deep well. Elec. pump. Paved St. Call Mr. Walters ,1 Huff ReaL Estate 'Co. REALTORS j 9T SifOVL. Ill 379.1 ' PM Z12nt) e-s. leiect. range wired, unfin a' tic. $-. Very nice 2 bdrm. HW f'rs, finep a. wired for range, elec. mater tr. e'ee. heat Insulated and weather stii;pel. 9 filbeit trees J660 i I-aire remodeled. 9 bdrm horr e. rear State bid jr and schools. refrushed ib side and out. furnace heat, ! tot 1 4f enough tor . 3 cottases. Pi ice $13.5oa. SALEM REALTY ICO. REALTORS I 149 N High Rt PT-bns ?ss) $575ti--S bed rrrv home 4 yr. . a. i llwd flis On bus line lncatid aouMS j on 9 Just out of cltv. Call Ray tlavs. Huff Real Estate Co. KFAI.TORS Ph 37S3 PM 9441 eves. WILLSFLL mv eouit. of i2vO us .-roam house near Salem. Sar Ml. Hunter at 25 Ratrliff Df " BY OwKf.R ! New 2 bdrm home, hdwd flosyrs, vest, blinds, rove ceilings. Lrrplade. etec. hot water heater, at'actied i tarar. auto oil heat Trays, fruit rM n. as bus line. Near all school. Priced for irnm. sale. $3500 will handle.. See at 745 S JWh. ! BUSINESS CORNER North; '.SxO. $2200 Walter Socolof?ky Pi .8A.3 A EAST.ciose in M.stl r.T berts and some prune New ; mod. 3 bedrm. approximately $;gn0 crap goes with This is high r'as piopeijy. A baigaln at 110.000 Call i Harojd iV. Heer XiSi PortUna( Rd. Ph.rrte 3-1 F4 $i 1,000 r i New mod ranch type 2 bedrm. View home with full basement, on ID A., all in young nrrhard. 404 M. O. Hiimplirev 4 Co. M'13 I'm Hand Rd. Phn 7830) 218 Fairgrounds Rd Phoie2-ii6i MODERN Harm onN JiKsj street, 1-arge lot. 1 bed room d rt 4 up. Uoiible plumbing. Vene:iai blinds. ul furnace tl3.50Oi(l j Valuable property on P'srtlahd readU kixiao. 4 bed looms doub'e plumb. ng. basement, furnace. For the future roy this for III iMKIOti i - A really good comfo' ta -i? home. S heel loom, den in the luwmerit, f run. hou.e and laundry room. Close ia. $84X 00. i P. H. Bell. Realtor PHIL BELL H. A. LAMVIFRS 310 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 3 BFD Rm. home, bnt locatsoas south. Clcase to school . si ' 4 bed rm hoaiv east Corner paved streets, good repair. A buy. eftlMlO. See Frank Strausbaugh. " J. F. Ulrich Co. . 202 Pearce Bldg - Ph. $!TS IN DFi"ENDfrKei:BA St-TAIS 1 acre and good room ft arise. Part ed and In goasd condition. Small barn. Nice shade trees. Located one imia from town on highway Pr Ice only S4250 Alfred Dumbeck. Room 3. Laad At Hush Bldg. ADVERTISING j Western Advertlsinj; Repres4nta lives j Ward-Grtffrth Company. . San Fra nctsco i : 1 Eastern Advertising Representatives t Ward -Griffith Corny n v. tnaz. Chicago New York. Detroit. Boston. A Can la 1 Member Pacific Coast Division ! ' Bureau of AdverU4j Enfered mt thm Post o'.tr art JiTe a, Orepon as ffecsyswl Class Mart re. Pub lished era -y swoemtm ce p agomrtny. B last si ess oftcs 113 Smtuft Com w smaiT Street. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Man Subscript hryn Rate tit Advjvrt Within CaranTon : Daily and ttundsy. Mas. 80 cents: san 4UO0-. 1 yswr. -. Elaswrssrs 8) cams per mo. or $7 JS for 1 year ta dvatse. Per copy $ csrouv. By City Carrier. T3 cents ! moath, M 00 a year fen ad vane ia Marto. ajsd adjacent oni-illa.