'Tho OREGON STATESMAN, SaUm, Oregon lMday Morning. August Z. 1948 FACE THiurmi New York Stock Quotations MV YORK, Al 'br-m At Dye A rrr .inn I " r An V- w l.t A'ti T. ! A Tel Akx A? hn n I'.enrt x A' i IW'h Ml I r jf An C ( ! ' J I I J ler nl Ir, ps ri 7! t A ii -. I np i 1 I) Ne ( iu f.;e 1 1 ic An 1 i jv Today's closing 191 (;n Food &2" 10eV fien Motors 68 US (Wwwtyear Ti . .. 65V4 1174 (.1 N.Mth pfd .... S6s! 47V"t Harvest . M 112 If tt Paper pfd .119 47 U Manville . 13 I II2 Krnne.ott 57V ?HS Iong Bell A .. 2", 174 MayUg ... 14V! Miami Copper .. 46 Mmit Ward ... 76 t2IVNah Kelvin 21 H' 4 Nat Dairy .. 3D 34 NY Central 23 24 ! North Am Co . 3.1S I Northern Pac . 27 I 34S Pa. Am Ft.h . .. 154 7V4 Par C.a K.lec 44 V RS P T A T .1554! 216 Pan American .. 1R4 46V Pnmft J C 51! quotations: Radio Corp 14 Rayonier 261 Hayonier PFD 35 Reynolds Met iiVt Safeway . H 294 Sears Roeb . 43Ta Sinclair Oil 184 So Pacific 614 Stan Brand 454 Stan Oil Cal 364 Stew-Warner .... 224 Studebaker 334 Sun Mining 20 Union Oil ... 27 Un Pacific ,148 Un Airlinea ...... 41V, Un Aircraft 291a U.S. Steel .;. 904 Warner Broa ...... 47 West Fl mfg ... 334 Wool worth 54 QUICHES Portland Produce P H PI AND Ort . K I - APt - ". lenlie iub)n l to im- r 1 ta i hnt i fttal auali'v masl- n i" f f 1 per cent eolditv de li e.ei in Pn-ilan. TI-Mc In pie-p-i . ei.t tit It-rar lt. ee-'' qual ! ; 'w. a ev rwilf and nnintry p it' 'f an flrat or 74', 71c ( eeae - Celling r1r In Portland -laiie (Hfi n amgle 4 4T. per lb: t - al i A- rn uwli 44-4r H ii A A J arwre. SU 7T',i! lh A 03 KOr. ',-', lb; B M score. 67 M',c, C 3 care. 67c Eggs Purthmi from farmer: cur rent receipt. 44-4V-. buyers 4-lOc dos bkjw ceiling price on others Eggs To wholesalert. 1 grade. Urge et'i-Sue. madium, 47(-4c: mll fpulletl M',-lwC. B gtada large. 4J', 4S,e Live chicken No. t quality broilers: pontuSa U-Sac. fryers 1-3 potvMls ii-nt over 4 pounds S7-Sc: roMlers 4 pvtinda and over Jl-Mc: colored hens, all weight -. leghorn hens all weights II -IV- ped pound, re tens and Fri. RADIO KSLM (1394) km) KOIN (979 kc) KGW (629 k) KEX (11H k) S News N-s Oo West IS VMS Tint Jltsrs J Dt West Sa N W rsim Koni Kloca (News. Kneaaa- News ' 'Old Songs I Bugler j as ss i ' 7 ti Hi and Shin Head News 3 M INews IM (iaired 1 S 'tirtm I farm Tims Roundup Boys Agronsy Sam Hayes I James Abb Nlnn Prlngle i Roundup Stock Market IM l)r talhot it'orr News (Tred Waring IB'fast Club g la rr Tslttot I Aunt Jnny I a M r ..:'( ! 'Hrien Trent (Or. Caravaaj I t V I indlaiii Sunday 'Kenny Baker I ') t ! t M t t I Glamour Maaor t-vrtltnt Mtftntfv Mil lister Uames Abb M U(f ,Ml Perkfna I News. Kneaaa I ' Pastor's fall I)t Mslone Mm Journey Break faat Keepsake Time H ad nf Ufa IG rWtctter I ; is a is is M la 4 News Ming Stngs gi,rn Tttr IKS' Smith ll'rtry Mui Sic! Along Trni rd Tim (Guiding I.tght IMome Ed Today's ClUd. ITed Melon In Whit kTru atory ' Masquerade I it aa 1 1 II M !W.nnr All l ife Hesatlful I Hsukhsa Ma Prrktns I Ethel gt Alnvrt U DiraiM iHutiitt Wlieeler Young ramlly ll.istenlng Post r rieaUa Hm ti i hilrtren Happiness "fiuur W H Time 7ir MkmhI M I-' IS i: I J 4 Hvmiu N Newv Knrasa IJ H Kenaedy in.ws K " Get It Stella Dallas Stars Today ;riniaiJr ir.rln Winters I of rno Jones 'Seated LadtS v , ar Motor I Koii.ary Wldder Brown! I S) I IS I M i as r w IITiixe I'aity Oirl Marrle I um Abner iT'p Today 1 Portia Ii vision IMaiy 'Ml tue Missus Plain Bill U)vtiMsi IHy I IFroit Page Berrh Mnd Me Mus Memories Church Hymns T a T It I m i es J M A wlhn r . W IM W iValisnt lo Road ( LI" II itit of World David Harum ! Air Newavaper Aunt Mary 'Or Pul I arrvst's Doing Kay West 1 aa i i a i ea Red t rwae r Maw New va Mo d Ait Kirkham Wsnsn'i Secret Bride. Grown iJ4 Mrs Burtn News of World' iTiade Backstas Wife Al Paarc iftct t inder KaMentoorn I 4 4 It a a Mar Hwe -'Rhvth.ns D Anderson Res Mlnwr rdllrs Hour 'Alrlan TrU ' i.lmwwi H Planner y tars of Today 1 Msnaaj R Carted :3 Matin. footlights Northwest Mr Motorist Hop Harrtgait t aa tsi lUnouiws Pays S li Tuper I S W apt tatadolglkt King Orrh. Tom Mis I i Pirates News (Tenn. Jed. Sing. America I Dick Tracy I Elmer Peleraon' Serened a as a is a as s r. Healtre (Ma-.ita Mystery I Music MrivUM I.Htrsag Seems ( ltlil Mnds We.t Dian.a Sporta IThe Sheriff rmeturM Rsa !' Drarna 'Relaa fthythim I - t aa 7 it 7 M as a is a a a a t it M t t News News i ar Rag Kd U a lode Twur rwwiitii' I i rrveati a IHararh. Newt Supper Club) V . i At Atom yleet 1 wtam Ri. B. Ion foreign aerrki Sl. PI Ion lAldnchea !Nlhl PVtMor I . King's Man Kwwnrr. Mrrh Mauc theater Orrli (Snort i Loaf. Utn I Range Riders Sam Sped Your FBI I- iNews Res MaMae ' iKts M J Tayor Welts Tim Working West It i ool rrcn ; kkirvnv Ennis Anthony Orch I Break Bank ICheery Song I News Drama IS a Rev Nnl iPiv Star final News IS is News K'eterans Sports 14 ja) News ti flirn toy Orcheatra 14 4J u. jI-jsSii ITesaa Ranger lkpabr iMrC'all News IRhythm I Concert Hour I. I a I i is n at I I as it a l? e law see a fS cSi !eierd slk'a ISsoti lAir-flo OrrHeaUs i i i.e. li a. Sna Organ Ne. CM ISMlerit -igw i frcestra CHS incites tr a . I News Sign Off I Concert K'larrniont Orch I News IC'tuo Orch. l"X"tra Hour kuU a rtg st a be AM er.) 4 It Organ Encores: 4:34 Strictly 1 Ne Is 1 Eapectally far Women Jagr On Upbeat: S 4S prt; 0 at i ,,rii Hair Ilea Nri IJ IS Ny.. S IS American Pageant; : N .,n Ium Ifrur 1 sw Ride "Em "v- Mieic of C'rechosloeakta : 1S Evening b 1 H Verity Twe I it Voire Ar- fsir. Hear, 00 Uft Up Thv Voles; aa, i ....... swa a im Nr ' a Jm nuiw i nai uu urn. ju news a-vening aseaiiaiions; i :vm sign J aa Treasure SM. .-r. J a) 7.....,' SVa. I New. 3 IJ 41 M el Matis 4S) (N-est-m Repi.t- 1 f "Gaaaa what I fum in Uklay't 8Utesmn Want Ads little CS4l(tt m sUb Jn from stspr- uif.- stags l7e up: No. t grade springs 10-Uc under No. 1; fowls 14 cent under No. I. Rabbits Aversgs to retailers, 46 SOc lb: llva price to producers, col ored fryers. 1 4c lb; white fryers. 17c lb; old bucks and does (g lb up). 17c. Onions Wash. dry. No. 1. 1 1.23-1 35 So-lb sack; California, yellow, large, common grad 11.13-1. SO, Onions Oregon green. No, 1. S0 TSc doa bunches Potatoe OraKon long white. NO. 1. ti li-l 4(1. per cwt. SO lb No. S 7-SOc; Washington long whit No. 1 $3 -3 SO Veal AA. S-Oc: A. M-ZSc; B, 14c: C. 13-13c: cull. It-Jftc. Hogs Fancy block. S-30c lb. Mutton Fancy A. 14c: M. 13c: S. 6-IOc. Beef A A. 33 -34c: A. 3S-33: B, 21c; C. 16c. Canner and cutter, lie: can ner and cutter bulla. 30-34C. Wool Valley, cours and medium grades. 46c lb. ' Cascar. bark Grstt -a lb.; dry 10c. aaohais. 40o lb. pa II month growth. Hay Wholesale shipments: Alfalfa. No. 1 or better. 630.631; oaU and vetch, mixed hay. valley growers' ask ing price. $31-634: clover hay, uncerti fied. 11-634 baled on farm. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 1 I AP) ( USDA I Salable and total cattle 113: calves 173: steers scarce, bulk salable supplies shee stock which moved on steady basis: odd head medium steers 14 SO; medium heifers 14 00-. JO. com mon kinds 11 00-13 50; good cows 13.A0 14 33; medium kinds li 00-13 00; culter to common 600-10 73: connera down to 7 00 and below on estretnely shelly kind; on outstanding weighty beef bull reached It SO; bulk good beef bulls I4 0O-U00; good sausage bulls 130 13 73: medium kinds 11.23-13 13: cutter to common 6 30-1100: bulk good choic vealen IS 30- It 00; common -medium 12 00-14 23. Salable hogs 330 total 400; barrows and gilts 23 cents higher: sows 3d cents higher: top and bulk butcher hogs 23 73; few 14S-IM lbs. 21 .00-SO; bulk light sows II 30-20 00 weightier kinds 16 30-10 23; feeder pigs acarce, quot able le ao-31 34. Salable sheep too total 2 J00; general ly ateady with Wednesday's advance: one outstanding lot choice 111 lb. wool lambs reached 17 30. bulk good-choice freringe 14 30-17 00: bulk good-choice offerings 1434-17 00: medium - food mostly 14 00-14 00; few medium-good shorn yearlings 13 00-14 got medium- Eood slaughter ewes 3 00-6 00; common Ind 4go- M; culls down to 166; few mall lot 43-74 lbs. wool feeder lambs 13 30-12 00 ConnfesionerY Conrl (Continued from Pi?e 10) filed; pip line permit. Willamette Valley Water Co.; OAP release. James D. Rogers. June 17. ad justment on taxes. School dist. No. 24; permit to haul logs. Richard Felix. June 18. permit; to move building. C. F. Duncan; permit to move combine. B. Homer Davis: permit to haul logs. Chat. Follon; indemnity claim of Thomas L. Webb. June 19. pole line permit Portland Gen. Elec. Coj June 20, quit claim deed, Archie) O. Mat toon et ux; permit to move com bine. Glenn Yergen. June 21. per mit to move combine and baler. Clarence Page. June 22, beer li cense, Lin wood Hill. June 24. or der vacating Portland Truck Gar dens; permit to move building. Mary McGrew; permit; to haul logs. LeRov Gardner; cancellation of taxes. June 25. permit to haul logs. Chat. DeGulre: beer license for Avis Hoffman taken under ad visement. June 26, petition to va cate Fenalon ave.. and order set ting time for hearing; pipe line permit. Portland. Gas & Coke Co.; OAP release, Albert B. Chapman; dance hall license. Silverton Hills Community club. June 27., Indem nity claim of Theodore D. Kleen; permits to move combines, Frank Wood. Merle F. Mntthe. A. L. Page; pole line permits "(2)." Port land General Electric Co.; trans fer order. June 28. quit claim deed, D. B. Hill et ux; Indemnity claim of Skiller Bros: permit to hatsl logs. Harry R. Clason; pipe line permit, I. L Smith; cancel lation of taxes. June 29. order on 7 year warrants; permit to move combine, James E. Frazjer; order RE: Assessment in Woodbum Hubbard drainage dist; order RE: Apportionment of rpad tax levy. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Assoc I a tad Press August 1 6TOCK AVERAGES St II Thursday 103 3 43 7 Previous day .. 102 7 43 3 Week ago 100 3 44 Month ago 103 S 4t S Year ago . 44 1 44 7 16 S3 I S3 6 SI 7 33 7 4St BOND AVERAGES Thursday Previous day Week ago . . Month ago .. Year ago 20 16 10 Ball Indus tJlll 103 1 107 3 103 g 1036 1031 1016 101 7 . 101 g 102 g 1006 1036 107 3 107 6 107 S 107 3 Portland Grain POrm.AND. Ore, Aug. 1 AP) Wheat futures not quoted Cash wheat (bid) soft white 164: soft white (excluding Real 166; white club 1.63; western red I S3 Hard red winter: Ordinary t S3; I per cent ISO; 11 per cent ISO; 13 per cent 1 SO. Today'e cor receipts: Wheat IS: bar ley 3. flour 1; oats 1; hay 4; mi II feed 10. flax 1. 4 Visit Salem's New Modern Garage wmm mmm e. HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE GOOD USED CARS A SPECIALTY Shrodx's Automotive City Two corner Qui r oh and Chemeketa Street- LiMten to the Shrock Variety Show KSLM 12:45 to 1 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Garage phones 8502 and 5985. Car sales yard phone 7822 "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier ' waf DAILY CROSS . . . It's the ogre-ele atory I loot any Sunday paper route, atsd when the money a topped coming In. love flew out the window!" Exclusive in The Oregon Statesman It Sw6ms to M Paul Mallon A-P. Sunday Comics SportBlighmr Tido) TabU Tru4 Enough Animal Crackers Grin and Boar It Annio) Roony Th Lonst Ranger BlondU Barny Google Mickey Mousve Popeye Th Young Idea ACROSS I. Crown 4. DonKey 7. Concluding passage (mus 8- Father 10. Greet 11. Mottled, as horse 12. Slope 13. A kind of hawk 15. Ahead 16. Any split puis 17. Attempt 18. Keep 21. Liberate 22. Highest card 23. Narrow In let (geol ) 24. Monetary unit (Siam) 28. A aprite 29. Cuckoo 30. Slice 81. Negative reply 32. A fruit 34. Actuality 36. Kingdom. Asia 37. Forbidden by tradition 38. Comfort 39. Measure (Heb 40. A meahed fabric 41. Encountered DOWN 1. Fuel 2. Mine entrance 3. Chum 4. Dismay 5. To set forth on a voyage . Ghostly 7. The hark bone . Worship 12 High. -r-Eg.y nill 13. Winnow 14. Brood of pheaaants 16. IVriah IB. Native of Tahiti 20. Di vision of a play WORD 21 White ta 23 Decay 1 24 Ferry-boat (var r 23 Herb of the carrot family 26 Firearm 27 Bring upon oneself 28 Adverbial particle 30 Luminous heavenly body S3 Level to the ground I var i 1 ? is - Tlilniif Ibioip i i 34. Renowit 35. Incite 37 Mai I cat ; I 1 ' WW Bl'I'ffl ii Tk r t t 13 Ip-TT- iilllf3l . 22 ! $ mdr I Wr I B To Kep YHtr Kidneyw FtinrtionitiK I'rrCeclly THY HCIf AKFKII'S Kidney PilLi, 50c Vau dnn't have to "put t4Mr heat feot ftarward if yotj Seta tier's Ccrn Dcatdy, 25c No rehVt. wtm pay uavf ncpspas 6U6f aci ftAarui Ae4B QTHtl I sBtOB sKMWNTATIOMS VMOM Vit MAoaOt, A OOeWBMO laSaCMCATfD OSMtMCNT. 50 c WHY D0UT YOU USE Your pharmacist is a highly skilled and professional nan, college trained and registered - by - law. Ieam to know your pharmacist better; he is your physician's right-hand man. The pharmacist is at your service, 365 days a year, rosspe rating with physicians to safeguard health. Many life-ctaviitg drugs now used are the direct discoveries of pharmacists working tirelessly and unselfishly in the interest of mankind. Prescriptions filled at our store are accurately dispen sed tend moderately priced. We offer you a service supported by a Century of Progress in Pharmacy. St LAtWl-GEUC L fWTaaBBBaw- S rVf -9s- 18f 6H n tioKa im i cam a w caa 50 c cc::TiFJi7m TTsaa la lite official Feaialar Ketnesly Store fee Marion Casaty. Tett wttt flaal Utese preperatleBs ef kigbest eaality tusd gmarae eseal le be exactly fee what they are seltt sad re presee ted e las. II ! SUPPER IN A LETS CAT J A(iA,NrST VOU V THEY S. - i I f ARESTAUPANTH AT HOME ! -r-v . ) ( GAMGEO ) - ATHOMgK I ! J I I TONIKSHT . J ff Von . ?S I 1 " ev I VJHAT S SO 7 TH' CHIEF SAV I X MriS r!J- P.iScc 1 IMPOSSIBLE? GOTTA fvVOVi WY JRt s TH' PHOTO FINISH . fUJJR SH,GF -' J , 1 X DARKROOM iOOWN OP TH BUG PACE. OGRAOV J..S1J" UH" SIR? r- ? V-crv IN rUCpVQ THOUSANDS Of PEOPLE (Wh i IMPOSClCLC. CHIEF !! J i f, I TWn -61 L Lt -" ajaaaaawasssaa fT. t r-- a,.,. u. ZiTmm i :! " MICKY MOUSE . J 1 , JJ5 sz&igy fev (c4i $&) B I IF II J f . ! I I lll'l , n If ' S. I IP i - f N III . ... et..e-. . . . v x .r II I I I I 1 1 Iff I til; J DQAT THE RAIN? - ) , ( SOME OP THERE'S NOT A STICK li i THE STICKS OP D0Y WOOD LEFT Jl, AINT IN THE CTXWTfty-Jn , A VtTRY R iaaii i. i .nr itsT l finii lis Til Exlra Work Bollier Yon? Try Schaefer's Nerve and Boae Linincal 50c and $1 Avoid Summer Discomfort with Schaefer's Dedal Oinlnenl 50c Seeaaty ksgtm wita ye. Has jswila. riipli I aagfct aaHSejaseaasa; wkn Pwata. SeUasaVby "mm Si TK 4WgievaJ MuWMooia Tooth Paot4 Mag IsoTaotk 75 c "ssssssssaBSSsaaassBB 4B4a 135 ti. Commercial St. AgcsiU fee rtuaslsr Reavetfles fee Msrieo Ceaaty Prescriptioni Filled 1899-1916 Phone 5197-9723 MV RHEUMATISM IS I ,' KILLING ME-OAMP l .'l I, WEATHER GIVES M S' 1 , A COLO-A COLO GIVES til, MP A WFAOsVrj-Irr AH'- I'M , - . JT1 iii r . ' vr.. 1 .1 I . I UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY rVrarf a; .. n was I Si V. iivi l trajBo i -11 v .1 j. i 1 ' : i . . ...v 1 EE-Be sy urc- Lr5TEf.!XAU RJGHIOO -arr-trV i . rTArmr "1 NOI LET ME HAVE THE W000 1U STAfiT THE FlCE ANO HAVE A HOT MEAL RtTAOV In A JIFFY- Y00 VE SICK ANO TlOEO ANO NEED PEST. HON SENSE A FEW QAifcl DROPS OONT WOiTQY MEH r ALWAYS SAY MOODY f SHOES ART BETTER THIN" T7 AN EMPTY STOMACH - j ' a .i i ' . - i i i ' i . . 4.1 1 X"- J hi- WHO IS M OONT KNOv. A MASKED iT, lURA? MAN WHO CLAIMS MKmt ARE R1U1N& 1V4r3 WAf i r I'M telung the truth, and P0RSDUR OWN AS ViB-L A& THE LIFE OF EVERf SETTLERJ FROM HERE TO THE BORDER, NOU'U BcTTtR TtARN THE FORT! THE LONE RANGES i i f