PAGE TWO Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Thundery Mcnlg. August 1. 194$ Slate Board Votes $65,750 To Aid Budgets 4 fit or v slam nn HC 11 TW 1te Mnr''r lard. at ar tU-Uv iTMMrtMi hete WHn m nrl sVfH'ieiu v appio ,lini UKKf m4tmi tiS 730 Re ') "!VTry M ri.cu4in rrilt l i r the $'' i.u(hl (M th national - - Ur, h pra(tiTi The txiaid a in vr 110 W Iw cai i jr the pro k -r uni.I the fnt lecilatie .-wane. The Ummwl jr of Ore- TrM uli h.ii"tal $25 Oofl -.iirkt a rrnwt .t t37.IK0 to ( f rwi fiM tte inf iMjt inn ti 'i tr.r 1947 legwUture cunvrn Armlt.r p(r ii ili n of $13 -j fKI apptrvi fi the state ! rdt'aMi department! t rover fart of the est of the -trtf,t n-the-.b dinning pio t -m The v-a4i'il department U iwi.tH $V).0OO )- I. Paul s'. itiiK liif if lrM t!e uiri- 1 -l a i tnwfil. ui 1 B.I 19 -et-, i. i rdy ha. I tk.-n ad an t f fr.e pr.r-m and that ap- ( ;u 'iiv.t- y 45 nH . f i tot and j . jrrv im r WMkl ! twjijii ffl at a ai4ry f $SO ovmth each. Tfce rrrrei bMr 1 urged PW to fi( staiarint of the su jTvi.rii and nfdiii(iti at not t -. r A arar1 t 1m lawlwd ' .er ;efcie(-y appr pi iations a: i-M-vrd r-kl-d $I2V) for the C ritWrr.' Farm Mom at Cor- aUm $WO0 fr Ove atate board of ttth 2i00 far printing the final rpl of The la-U tax study rom m Mrti $40a fur the auditing di . of the secret ry of state's now! THCY LOVI TO IOVII HOW YOUU LOVE IT! HUN"-- CO-HIT HhrLark fl4aa- Bet te Kill' L ceo Wfi 1 Siorls Sunday - Aug. 4lh txi fTomr opCou Pcaro OTTH TWOS! Sf NSAnoNS PPL fE(l$ lil anf IIIiyMllllfllJSIIEIffil c-hfiYllJlllTiP13 DOKAlDWOODSs Hint I lllfllll l UgKyARTT quickies "May I torrm Um saevte 7e get with Waal Ad George jt fell la Um weUr office, and f2000 aa the atate'a contribution for district attorney! under the state retirement law, Two requests by the state board of higher education, one involv ing $38,570 for the Doembecher hospital and the other $10,050 for the hottpital's out-patient clinic, were disallowed with the idea that they would receive relief when the legislature meets. Other requests disallowed in eluded $1800 for the Oregon His toriral Soviet y and $5000 for the military order of the Purple Heart. The former appropriation waa re quested by L. Pollard, who aald the money wa necessary to com plete civilian defense files. Thomas A. Sweeney, Portland, who presented the request for the military order of the Purple Heart said this money would help pay cnaU of its national convention In Portland. The emergency board said such an appropriation was not an emergency under Oregon laws. Member of the emergency board are state senators Dean Walker, Independence; Howard Bel ton. Canby, and Ernest rat land. Con dim. and representatives Henry Section. Klamath Falls; Eu gene Marsh, McMinnville; Stan hope Pier, Portland, and Burt Snyder, Lakeview. NO GAS TRICE KAISK SEEN SEATTLE. July 31-(-Th Washington Gasoline Dealers' as sociation said today it had re ceived no information relative to any gaaoltne price increase in the Pacific northwest. TODAY & FRIDAY 4 1 1- ALSO A Tkrill-A-MlaaU Adveatare -RKD EIVEK RENEGADES" With Sanaet Caraoa - Peggy Stewart COLE PORTE SOW Scout Leaders Plan Survey of Camp Pioneer Inspection and a general survey will be the business of the execu tive board of the Cascade council when they visit Camp Pioneer, Boy Scout camp, Saturday and Sunday. W. L. Phillips, Salem, is president of the board. A trip to Marion lake and a climb of Turpentine peak are scheduled for scouts at the camp this week. Scouts from GervaU, Silver ton, Eldridge. Salem, Mon mouth and Falls City are attend ing the next to last week of tamp izo strong. Leaders for this week are Clarence; Michael, Eldridge; Dave St. John. Gervais; Howard Higby, Rusty Romine and Les Morris, all of Salem. At the close of the camp on August 11, approximately 20 sen ior scouts will take a trip to Hunt's Cove and ML Jefferson and return to Breitenbush. From there they wijl return to Salem. Martin Mock ford, assistant scout executive, will lead the trip. Slaughterers9 Restriction Set Only those class 2 slaughterers who have licenses issued by the OPA may slaughter at this time for resale, H. P. Maddiaon. price specialist, emphasized Tuesday upon hearing reports that many butchers and cattle-buyers are slaughtering cattle, calves and hogs for resale without an OPA license number. He added that custom slaught erers may not slaughter for any one except: (a) a bona -fide farm er for his own consumption, (b) a bona-fide farmer for resale in an amount of not more than 3000 pounds total dressed weight of all species in any six consecutive months; and (c) a registered class 2 slaughterer whose license and quota base is specifically assigned by the OPA to that custom slaughterer. Group to Talk Of Auditorium Representatives of more than 30 Salem civic organizations have been called to a meeting in Salem Chamber of Commerce rooms to night to discuss feasibility of con struction of an all-purpose civic auditorium in Salem as a manor la I to the dead of two world war. Douglas McKay is scheduled to be keynote speaker at the meet ing, called and presided over by R. a. (Spec) Keene as representa tive of a committee of citizens, veterans and non-veterans, inter ested in the project.' Although Bushs pasture has been talked as site for such a building, no definite location Is to be recommended at tonight's meeting, it is understood. IIOCS NET RECORD PRICE PORTLAND, Ore. July 31-(Pr- The highest price since July, 1919 was paid on the North Portland livestock market yesterday for one lot of choice 230 pound butcher hogs: $22.00 a hundredweight. MAT. DAILY FROM 1 P.M. NOWI THEY'RE AT IT AGAIN1 CO-FEATURE! wo w OPENS rjoL NOW! LsMdlla Ball Geerge Marphy -A GIRL. A GUT. AND A GOB Jaae Car laea -DELINQUENT DAUGHTERS OPENS 1:41 rjkL New! TbrUfa! Fred MaeMarray Pat MarrlsM Elbert Dekker -HANGERS OF FOBTUNE" Allan Lan TOPEXA TERROR" BOWERY V t ;! . ; I sa if A. I President Recalls Palestine Envoys WASHINGTON. July 31-(-President Truman today sum moned American experts on Pal estine to return home from Lon don and there were reports he was dissatisfied with a British-approved plan to divide Palestine into four federal provinces. The president directed the American cabinet meeting in London to re turn for review of the whole Pal estine problem in detail. Knife Found in Heirens Case S CHICAGO. July 31 -JPy-Investigators studied a possible new clue today in the kidnap-killtng of Suzanne Degnan as the state announced it was going ahead with plans to try William Heirens for that and the "lipstick slaying of Frances Brown. Experts Ih the police crime de tection laboratory examined a stained hunting knife found in the Degnan neighborhood a day or two after the six-year-old girl was killed and dismembered Jan. 7. The knife was found on the ele vated railroad tracks by an in spector, who turned it over to in vestigators last night. Pen to Erect New Laundry Construction of a new $10,000 laundry at the state prison has been approved by the civilian production administration and building will get under way as soon as possible. Deputy Warden E. C. lialley said last nighL The new plant will be built inside the prison enclosure near the east wall where the old pump house stood, Halley said. It will replace the old laundry building which has already been cleared out, he stated. Halley said building would be gin as soon as materials were available. George White Pleads Guilty SAN DIEGO, Calif., July 31-P) George White, girl show "scan dals" producer of Hollywood and New York, pleaded guilty here to day to felonious failure to stop and give aid to a couple be struck and killed with a borrowed auto mobile on their wedding day. Two manslaughter charges were dropped on motion of District At torney Thomas Whelan. Bail was continued at $2000 pending his appearance, at a date to be set, in superior court for sentence. Foreign Money Orders Allowed The Salem postoffice is now authorized to accept applications for money orders drawn on Fin land, Hungary or France, Acting Postmaster Albert C. Gragg an nounced Wednesday. Gift parcels also may now be sent into Hun gary under certain restrictions. Gragg said. All such parcels must be plainly marked as gifts, and must con tain only articles intended for the personal use of the addressees. They must not contain narcotics or poison or drugs containing a large percentage of ether. Paper Men Slate Meet for Salem A safety conference for the Pa cific coast pulp and paper inaus try will be held in Salem on Aug ust 16 and 17, it was reported last night by Associated Press. A similar conference opened Wednesday in Olympia. Wash., with 70 delegates present. The third coast conference of that na ture is scheduled for Los Angeles later In the month. ! Truman Signs Bill Unlocking Silver WASHINGTON, July 31-ifV The bars on a treasury hoard of 123.000.00d ounces of salable sil ver were unlocked tonight for industries desperately in need of it. President Truman signed a bill, parsed only after a long wrangle between the senate and house, authorizing the treasury to sell its unpledged silver at 90.9 cents an ounce, and to buy new ly-mined silver at the same price. day. 1 Queen Candidates Ball III. Angel ilndif orinm Music By The Top Hollers Admission $1.00 Tax Included lmrs FCC Told of Planned Radio, Movie Building The federal communications commission today was nearing the end of its hearings to determine whether a Salem or an Oregon City applicant should be iisued a radio station license on 1490 kilo cycles. Heard Wednesday at the state house was the petition of B- Lor ing Schmidt, former theatre op- erect a building in Salem to house both a radio station and theatre. Scheduled to be heard! today was Temple V. FJmsen who seeks a license for a station at Oregon City. Only one of the applications will be granted, and Vernon L. Wilkerson, a&tistant FCC general counsel in charge of the broadcast division, said a decision should be ready within two months. Also acting as examiner here is Les ter W. SpUlane. assistant FCC general counsel in charge of spe cial and safety service. Both are from Washington, D.C. The new station either in Sa lem or Oregon .City is to have 250 watts powers. Five Johnsons On Fire Force Civil service acceptance of Ger ald Waldo Johnson and Jack Douglas Johnson, both of 532 Statesman sL, for the Salem fire department increases the number of Johnsons on the force to five. Dooley Johnson, father of the two firefighters whose appoint ment was announced Wednesday, has seen about 25 years service with the city fire department A third son, Robert, also is On the force. Emmert Johnson, 454 N. Church st., brother of Dooley, has; been a member of the department for approximately 20 years. He is now on duty at the East Salem sta tion. Officers Tell Of Detention: BERLIN. July 31 -(JP)- Two U. S, army officers just released by the Russians said today they had been held for 27 days white the Soviets questioned them asj sus pected spies and refused to notify American authorities of their de tention. They said they were held j most of the time at soviet headquarters in Potsdam during a time when the Russians officially told the U. S. command that they did not know where the pair was. The officers. Capt. Harold Co bin. 53. of New York, and Lt. George Wyatt, 23, of Oklahoma City, were turned back to the American command early i this morning. j SHIP SUNK BY COLLISION NEW YORK, Aug l-(Thurs-day)-(V Air-sea rescue facilities of the coast guard said today the merchant ship American Farmer was sunk last night in a collision with the William J. Riddle j an other American vessel. All j per sons aboard were rescued. SMfftWIN-Wjl tfAMS PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL Interior and exterior loon gee extra louga protect ioa with this! fresh iookidg enamel. One easily-applied coat of this lustrous aaish resists the bearings of weather aad uaaej covers solidly aad restores good looks.. S ; I I r7E SELL MIRACLE WALL FINISH 340 Court St. Dr. Lassers Tells Of Speech School Explaining the school which the state is conducting in Salem this summer for correction of speech faults, such as stammering. Dr. Leon Lassers of the state depart ment of education addressed the j Hollywood Uons club at iU lun j cheon meeting Wednesday. I Dr. Lassers, who specialized in I speech correction both with the department of education and on the -staff of the University of Oregon medical school, explains that children with speech de ficiency are often most Intelligent and that their contributions to society may be .indered by speech troubles. Salem Bjiilding Boom Exceeds Previous Peak The $2,477,883 issued in build ing permits during the first six months of 1946 already marks a record year in the city building inspector's office. Runner up is 1936 with a total of $1,893,244 is sued in permits, according to a survey of Salem building permits being conducted by J. H. Davis, city engineer and building in spector. In response to federal requests for a compilation of building per mits the building inspector's of fice is making a graph showing the trend of Salem building since the office opening in 1929. A total of $16,419,551 ha been issued in permits by the office in the 17-year-period, the figures show. In the first year of the de partment the state office building permit totaled $500,000 and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company building permit came to $133,000. A banner year came in 1936 when permits were issued to the high school building for $575,818. Montgomery Ward building for $115,438 and Bush and Leslie schools for $305,621. MILITARIST BOY SCOUT FRANKFURT,? jjGermany. July 31 J"-Tha U. "S, military . gov ernment announced ij hadT sus pended the Heidelberg Bo Scouts organization after its leader was found wearing an unauthorized uniform and giving "militaristic titles" to its 200 members. Too Late to CLaaaify FOR SALE: floor under. MS ti. Commercial. Phooe SSSS WANTED TO RENT: farm with build ins. share crap. Ph. MaS. or 13 N Commercial. WANTED to purchaae land or bur tumpeae. rood Znd frowtlt llmoer M3 N. Coml. Phone 34. OPENS 6:43 P. M. ACTION CO-FEATURE ROD CAM EICON "Renegades of the Rio Grande" $3)98 aUI OAL v. , -- TtcmncotD JUI Salem Meeting Of Alcoholics Anonymous Set The Salem group identified with Alcoholics Anonymous an nounces that it will have an open meeting at the chamber of com merce at 8 p.m. Friday when rep resentatives of the Portland AA group will explain tlte purposes of the organization. Thoxe inter ested in the program of the body are invited to attend. T . Alcoholics Anonymous is a nation-wide organization romposed of thoe who have reformed by stopping the drinking habit and are eager to assist others with a similar desire. Its membership and work are kept strictly pri vate, and that is where the word "anonymous" comes into the ti tle. The record it has made in saving for sober citizenship those who have become victims of the drinking habit has brought the group into some prominence as an organization, but not as individuals. Trial Dates Set in Cases Justice of the Peace Joseph B. Felton Wednesday set trial and preliminary examination dates for three cases which have been pending in the Salem justice court docket. Al Bennett and Alice Hunter Loveless, who already have been bound over to the grand jury on assault charges growing out of an alleged brawl in which John W. Unruh, 2833 Center St., was bad ly begten. will face disorderly conduct charges in the justice court at 9:30 am. TuesdayThe latter charge was made by Athe district attorney, growing outof circumstances of their arrest ty the Marion county sheriffs office. John Schn eider, who was charged July 13 with assault with intent to rape, will appear for preliminary examination before Judge Felton at 1:30 p m. today. Scott James Bremmer. 2400 State st.. will be tried at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday on charges of driving while intoxicated. BASEBALL, TOIJIGHT 8:15 P. i. Waters Held Salen Senalors vs. Wenalchee seats mm safe Every gaaae Eesinta seats SasMlay Pa. 447 A NEW TYPE OF ("So double the life of j'So oasy to o$o .!. J iii AUSTI2Q FllllSa THAT ELinUMTES ccasuTrnAii:: Here' the new luper-pJastic finish for linoleum! Just brush fhi dear-at-waier liquid over your precious linoleum aadj " I you have a shining finish that preserves and beautifies. If liminatei tedious waxing. And it'i waterproof and non- -1 slid. It's easy to apply, and dries, quiclly. Lasts op to A months and won't darken linoleum. Try this new linoleum finish now in your home, store, office! Gallon we.t.$a.75 ! METRO POLOTM; 136 N. Commercial Salem, Oregon 'PaulBunyan? Visits Rotary Paul Runvan reri-cherkrri shirt, broad-brimmed j hat. beard and all strode into the mirror room of Hotel Marion where local Rotarians were lunching yesterday noon. j t Closer scrutiny; and his visitor's introduction, however, j proved the "legendary figure" to be Dave Units, former Salem resident and now production! manager of a Klamath Falls radio station. Beard and - costume, be ex plained, go with! his role as Paul Bunyan in the If o r t h c o m i a g Klamath Falls centennial celebra tion to commemorate opening of the "Southern Route," otherwise known as the Abplegate TraiL I i v ' Planes to Bel Shown at Fair I ! Manager Le) SpiUbart an nounced Wednesday that : plans had been completed for the first commercial airplane exhibit in the 8S-year history of the Oregon State fair. t I i Roy Burnett Motors. Portland, have contracted exhibit space for demonstrating the light plane Cessna. Craig Povey, sales mana ger, will land the plane on the infield of the fair race track sev eral days prior to the! fair open ing. i t tfar aeaX SHAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED ! j Bnouins OPTICAL SERVICE I Sine 1926 I i ! Liberty and Court SLT U NO LEU r.T FINISH oasy to o$o housov6 ' i your linoleum with - i - NON-SKIDI DRIES QUICKLY ! u QUART Size Gallon tarn . . .45,75 Uaieae y ' aad yeaar eyes Is to seaaa ta far m. rfiart nB aey yea jjiiiim aavP deads ta eood looks mm weU a cone vaSeav ! . - -'! ) ! ! I al