2 Thm Oregon SloWunon. Sal CI fflnv Prr sSAar V " ear A Lafayette. i4&$f r. kin or Mr. sne mrs. . i -,V. ..! V - krwt i k -it sm hu-)v r"- IC C T...-L It - JC'I Fafally Injures CAerry WorAer ' i Ar. .. . . i. ., .1 - !' rj, that w serf ..v,f. bp uf''y' Horses in Road I ii a IiHjrd half d, H...WT . Pr.-- ftPN. vA - ! Cause Injuries rFami Accidem. KLAMATH FALLS Jun. ' ''V " Jake Hicll Toll v.i - . ,r,t,ol o - , A 'r' i' '3 SAN "IANCISCO. July 4 r , . Mayo clinic dwlori told tha Treak Accident Talal ' Amariean Madioal aMoctabon to TI1 LSrMjPO. Or. Jurw 1 - ra . 0. r ' ona-lourth of ail pr- v- :.lf l5-. of Emll J Lu-v . f 0, ! kona kiltad Mi US. ocruOklionaL f. - ... ii a r-wk on hi prop V." .. -:.., A v-arrhirg Mrtv ,ai V , ... C ,. r.-r:l i:ped -S-le ti x ,.A . !.rit lircd caufM hi font I V' " T" '..r-0 irv" f '.3 OREGON STATE COLLEGE Though Oregon Is believed to have s belter record for farm safety than the national average, farm accidents exact a steady toll from both children and adults in this stale, as these sample headlines taken from Oregon papers this summer reveal. The Oregon committee to promote the observance of the 1946 National Farm Safety rector William A. Schoenfeld. is hazardous occupation and Is urging all members of farm families to be "alert today and alive tomorrow." New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. July 24 --Today's closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye 192 Gen. Foods American Can . B4 Gen Motors Am Ptvi & Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda AU-hison Bendix A via Beth Boeing Air . Cartdin Pat Calif Pack Case J ! Chrsler . Com v 1th Sou Coris KiJivoi) Qon V'ultee Cont I r. Crcvwn Zel ... Curtis Wr. ... 16 Goodyear Ti . 1 Gt North pfd 45 Int Harvest . Ill lint Paper 45H'J. Manville 104 'a .Kennecott . 41 'Long Bell A 26S Maytag . 17 n Miami Copper 45 'i Mont Ward ... 116 Nash Kelvin . 4H'Nat Dairy 32l4'NY Central ... 23 H North Am Co 521! Northern Pac 32,2'Pa Acm Fish 7s Pac Gas Elec 83 P. T. & T. ... Douglas Air Dupotit De Ne 204 Pan American M 1 7 i Wool worth Gen Electric .... 454 Penny J C 49.4! Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore. July J4 (API Butterfat i tentative first quality maximum of of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 7S-Sc lb: pre mium quality. '-Soc lb: second qual ity 1 ,-7&c. valtey routes and country peinta 2c less than first or 7',-77c. Oieeae Selling price to Portland te laiiers: Oregon single 45-47c per Ib ; Oregon loaf 45t-47r Ib : ttiplets 44 -46c. Bullet 'fob bulk pound cubes) AA (lade SJ imif 72 crnlk a pound. A (rade V7 KWr i ' jf lb: B grade. . M Moir. jC Jb . I' grade. 0V kcuie Star Ib f-Ko To rrtaileik AA giade. targe. H A Utf 4-5). n.edium. 47-4oc. airkU ipuiirli. 42c r.cas ur i-iiae from farmers' cur rent r-ctl(t 44-45c bier pay 5-10c Oo7 t'rluw r-eiitne price on others. Pouitrt Live c hwketis-No 1 broil ers. l'j-2 lb . 4)Oc. frrrs. 2-3'j lbs. 40c luanter over 4 lbs 40c: col ored ii-ni: all Meivtits 30c; Leghorn hen all weights. 2c lb: roosteis and ta le-lac up. No 2 rrade spring, lie under No 1. fowl. 10c under No. 1 IUitii! Avnc to retailers 44 sor id . live pint to producers, color ed freit ?4- lb . white fiers 27c Ib truon Wa(i dry. No 1. 1 25-1 33 M-ib i.rk t'alifomia veliow. large. Common ifrade tl 35-1 50. Or.. on Oregon gieen. No. 1. 60 7Sc d. iz bunche Potatoes Oregon lor.g white. No. 1. S235-2 50 t-t . 50 pounds No 2. 70 fctic Wa.h lonie whites. No 1. 2 55 2joci No 1 cumiiiercial. S2 M: Wah .narton Red Garnet. $3 rvit: No. 2. 85 Mac a So-pound sack; m id-t 'olumbla. 20-pound fiats No 1 S2 25-2 35. Free water and Ualla Walla. No. 1. $3-3 25; Calif lufk S3-3 25. VV!-AA. 2-30c: A. 2o-2c; B. 24c; C. 22-Zac- cull. 18-20c Hori-Tancv block. 28-30c lb Mutton-Fancv A. 14c: M. 12c: S. S-lOc i EWf -AA 33 34c A 2S-32: B JSc; C. 25c Carsner and cutter. 22c. can cer and cutter bulls. 2U-24c. Wool Vailev. couie and medium grades. 45: lb Cacara Dark Green S-S'aC lb.; dry Sue Mohair 40c Ib. on 12 month growth. Hav Wholesale shipments: Alfalfa, No 2 or better. $31-32 50: oats and vetch mixed hav. valley growers' asking- price $16-22: clover hay. uncerti fied S1S-22 baled on farm. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore . Julv 24 ( AP) i US Da i Salable cattle 100. total 123: carves salable and total 25: market aiiarhtly more active, mostly steady; common - medium steers 13.00-15.50; medium - good 740-800 lb. stockers 14 0G-1S00: cutter to medium light rteers and heifers 11 00-1400: common-medium heifers 12 00-15 50: can ner and cutter cows 1.50-9.50; shells down to 1 00 and below; fat dairy type cows 1100: common - medium beef cows 10.5O-12.5O: stock cows 10 0O-5C: sausage bulls to 13 50: good cbxuce veaiers steady at 17 00-18 00; common grade 12 00-16 00. Salable hogs 2U. total 800: market ios. about steady: good-choice 180 770 lbs 2SO0: few 145-155 lb. 19 00: food around 450 Ib. sows 17.00; lighter weuchtr quotable to 17 SO; good 1U-1Z5 lb feeder pigs 20 00 Salable and total sheep 500: market active, strong: ewes laigely 50 cents higher tor two days: good-choice lamb 15 75 to mostly 18 00; few select iota 14.5o . common - medium grades DRS. CHAN Dr.T.TXaa D LjVM Dr O Cbis.N D Cin.VESE HERBALISTS 241 North Liberty Cc stairs Portland Ceneral Klectrtc Co Office opeo Saturday only 19 am. ta 1 p m.: 6 to 7 o m. Con ultatkcm.' Blood pressure and urine tests are free of charge. Practiced once 1917 a in. Ore).. Thurmday. July 25. 194S Fmm T ran mm -mm www yi3 I Falling Limb Takes' I I M Sk ' s. ue oi rid r vara neu cW P. Ncu. 42. -of Waller-. fatally injured Tuesday I 7j. ,,,, b held BiK'll Mar- V.-xl K.I nioriow rridenta in 1(44 -Vera faraners. They said death and injury in agriculture ia as-pallutg, yet little being done about It. The reakonsr the tractor is more deadly than the automobile and farm machinery is anore danger wm than itduklfial machinery. week, headed by Dean and D pointing out that farming Is i ... . 52 'a ! Radio Corp ... 13 4 ... 26 ... 37 65ss;Rayonier 'Rayonier PFD . 554 Reynolds Met . 93 Safeway 32 29 Va 42 VA 17 58 i 45 53H 20 30 4 18 '.4 25 147 38,4 27 87 42 Va 3 Pi 54 pfd ...115 Sear Roeb .135 ISinclair Oil . 52s So. Pacific .... . 27 !Stan Brands .. . 14 '4; Stan Oil Cal . 1414!Stew-Warner 72a Studebuker .. . 20, 'Sun. Mining . 37 4 Union Oil .. 22 .... 32 ... 28 15S ... 42 Vs ...157 Un. Pacific Un. Airlines Un. Aircraft U. S. Steel Warner bros ... West El mfg .. Oats Prices Move Upward CHICAGO. July 24 -iffy- Oats prices moved upward in the final minutes of trading today to score gains extending to nearly a cent. Short-covering touched off by news of export sales to Finland cauM-d the late spurt. Corn nearly erased all early losses. Prices in the spot cash market were steady with No.- 2 yellow corn going at $2.08 against $2.05 Lyrsterday. However, processing intert-Ms were bidding $1.40 for 1946 corn grading No. 2 yellow for shipment by Dec. 15. This was under the former OPA ceil ing. Corn futures finished un changed to Va lower, January $1.45 1 I4. oats were high- er. August 714. and barley was offered 5 cents lower, November $1.304. Weather again was clear over most of the corn belt and there Lwus increasing duscussion of the need for good rains. mostly 1200-1550: few feeders 12.00- 13 00; good-choice yearlings 13.50-14.00 good ewes largely 7.00: sorted carload late Tuesday 7.25; common grades down to 4.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore. July 24 (AP) No bidding on Portland grain ex change today. Today s car receipts:. Wheat 45. bar ley 1. flour 4, corn 3. oats 1, hay J, millfeed 9. Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 BUTTER PRINTS Wholesale, pound Retail, quarter pounds Half pound Pound , ,, EGGS .79 .78 .73 .73 .21 .42 .79 .44 .42 3 5 J8 Extra large Mediums and standards POULTRY No. 1. hens No. 3, hens . LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Beef steers IS to Beef cows 10 to Dairy Cows .08 to .17 .13 .10 lis 09 to .14 14 50 .: 4J0 Lambs, top .. Ewes Yearling lambs .. Hogs. top. 1 80-270 lbs. . Over 270 10.00 19.30 18.50 Sows , .18.50 Top veal 13.00 to 17.00 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press July 24 STOCK AVERAGES 3f Wednesday 99.7 IS 44.7 44.3 47.1 48.4 41.3 1$ 51.6 31.7 52.9 53.1 46.3 84 74 5 74.4 77 J 78.0 84.9 Previous dsy ... 99.7 Week ago . 103 2 Month ago 103.7 Year ago 84.7 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Rail Indus Util Fom Wednesday .. Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago 1944 high 101.6 103 9 107.6 78.3 101.7 103 9 107.6 78.3 102.1 103.7 107.7 77.3 102.4 103.9 107.8 77.7 100.2- 103.7 107- 73.0 106.9 105.2 I09.S 79.0 194 low 101.6 103.6 107.1 75.7 New 1946 low. Jrk In tr V1 by ib wl.ile t Xn the! '' u-1 i on x A Statesman Classified Ailvertlslnc Classified Ads Call 9101 Per line 10 Three insertions per line 25c Six Insertions per line ....40c One month per line $1.50 Minimum ehrre 25e; S U. min. 40c; U. min. 50e. No refunds. Count- 5 words to line. Legal Notice NOTICE or ALLEY VACATION NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, by resolution duly and regu larly adopted and filed on the 15th day of July. 1V46. has declared its in tention to- vacate. . and has initiated vacation proceedings, 4o vacate the fol lowing described property, to-wit : That certain alley running through the middle of Block 25, Fair mount Addition to the City of Salem. Mar ion County. Oregon, in a Northerly and Southerly direction from Lincoln street to Washington Street. The 19th day of August. 194. at the nour ui a ,w uuwr P..'". in v i m cuumvii said City of Salem. Oregon have been hearing of any objections or remon- trances thereto. Objections, if any. to such vacation, must be filed in wrltinc with the undersigned prior to the time herein fixed for the hearing of the same. ALFRED MUNDT City Recorder. Salem. Oregon. fly. 18-25-A. 1-8-15 Livestock anil Poultry FOR SALE: 4 good cows. One. 6 gal. a day. just fresh, with bull calf J, F Koentg. 1110 S. 2nd St. FOR SALE: 1 strawberry roan sad dle mare, also saddle, bridle and mar ling ale. Inq . 805 spruce . FOR SALE: Pretty all black thorough bred 7 year old mare, bred to Laurence M- Gov., thorourh bred stallion. Easy to mount. S165.00. Also brown thorough bred yearling bone colt. Gen tle to catch and lead.: Smart and ready to train. $100.00. N. Wood. 6 miles north of Albany to Millcrsburg cor- ner. 4 miles west. miles north. f FOR SALE: Five year old grade Jer sey cow and heifer calf. S140. Fresh ened July 15. J. F. Bishop. 280 Vista ave. Phone 5361. : FOR SALE: Two fresh Guernsey heifers. Kt. 7. Box 303 it mile east of Lytles trorner on WE. worth. f 3 YR. Old Shetland pony. Gentle for Wren. Emery Alderman. Rt. 3. Box 5;V."" ' " - f ' ' 1 1 i "' 1 ? ariiuiiu nui genua oay rioing snare. 1100 lbs. Saddle and bridle In cluded. Joan Lake. Rt. . Box. 223 B. I miles east of Pratum on Meyers rd. i WANTED: All kinds of livestock Vallev Packing Co Phone 593 "TOR SALE: SadduTKorse. well broke. Right price, right Size, right color. Also Chesapeake Bay retriever pups. months old. Price - right. See R. A. White at Ramp A White Store. Brooks. ore. ; CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number prompt service uresaeo poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone I-2S81 Lee's Hatchery ! WANTEDi Fat and canner cows lot beet Dairy eows. heifers, bulls, veal Fst hogs, sows ats, boars Market price s v sftcwanoiisn, r a, mi sis Ph 8147 across from ball park. S ith LIVESTOCK. Wanted: Cattle, all kinds, for Port- land Market. C. White. Turner. Ore STALLION SERVICE i Naps Flash. Registered American Saddlebred Stallion. Fee $23 or ISO for registered mares at time of service with return privileges witnin tne year i Nidi riamh ta ana of lha better bred atallions an tha mast - there ta na sub- I stitute for food breeding Owners; Mr I ana nrt soy n. oram., n" . I box Tin. Bsiem. ore rnone siw or i 2-1143. I pj daoi (hiijv.!: weekly naicrves new rlamptntre otner varieties, pn. 32801 Lee's Hatchery. WANTEDi Beef and. canner cows bulls and veals, will call at farm e i snetnen. isao Lancaner Drive I Ph 31345 Morns or fves roR sale: Christie n.h. oaoy chicks every Wed. Boy in tons. 1710 State Kt Phone MM or Ssr4. I RABBITS WANTED; AU alzes 4 to I 8 lbs. White 27c lb., colored 24c lb- I live weight. Rabbit skins, best prices. wire stretcher ana otner supplies. Rt. 4 Box 66B. William BosaerL Write, we ick up. Rabbit Meat Co. 8S17 SE Stark ox. QfjTfClTY "NEW Hamo chicks. Col- lege tube tested. No reactors. Phone Black 199 uenmy Hatchery. suvnon, Oregon. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP PICKERS WANTED Heavy crop of early ac late hops. Cool clesn shadv camn crounds. Cab ins. lighU 8c wood furnished. Store on (round. Pickers' bus to Salem. Ore. REGISTER NOW. Write or call W1L-HART HOP FARM WARD LUNDY. Supt.i GERVALS. ORE. PHONE SALEM 2-2881 or 9223 " HOP Pickers wanted ' for the Mis- Slon Bottom Hop Co. 12 miles north p.m. Sat. afternoon. Sundays and holl of Salem. Picking begins about Aug. days off. Apply to Mrs. Frank Krau- im. rnone 44f or write oervais. ore- I gon.Box 83. .300 HOP PICKERS: Early August, Clean camp, lights, wood, water tur- nished free. Register now. Mitoroa Hop Farm, Independence. Ore. RL 1, Box 260. "HOP ICTviNGrTSfillgTER-NlSW" LAivEBnUOK nur fa KM I Located 9 miles north of Salem on I River fioad. 350 acres early and late hops. Long season and good picking. Daily bus transportation from .Salem. Ample camping uciuues. au in person or I write. LAKEBROOK HOP FARM 1107 First National Bank Bldg. Salem, Oregon Help Wanted run nina: i ' ion rial nea rnict. trJ?'rb1Pr ??. iMmiuiAiti,i: aoh ooaieo young . m m it mt mii , . . . . . i man to assist federal timber cruiser. Vi--P.r JTfn;h p,1 '"fn? r i,. " - i NIGHT Waitress or counter man. senator Food Shop BATTERY seoarator manufacturing plant now accepting aDDlicationi for I ?PK1f"Crd P-ators block mark- erg, block off bearers, slicer feeders. :"..lopf:,r 'niJLlV.,..r equalizer feeders and set up. groover teeners, groover otfbearers. separator graaers. packers ana : truckers. Mod ern plant with ideal: working condi tions. Call or write to C. W. Fox. Cas cades Plywood Corporation. 1008 Pub lic Service Building. : Portland, or to prrice at eoanon. ore. WANTED 3000 HOP PICKERS Harvest starts the later Dart joi Aue. ust. 537 acres of high trellis hops. cool, snaay camps with, lights, wood. I shower baths and day - nursery for cnimrrn lumuneo rrcw 10 p lexers, i -Tscerjr store, meat mairxet ana rest aurant on grounds. Register In person at ranch office or write us for full particulars. E. CLEMENT HORST CO, INDEPENDENCE. ORE. Help Wanted Male TWO mill men $ experienced edger Call 340 N. Church between 6:30 A 7:30 p.m. Apt. 6 FATQHS-And-Cckrs in the vein" Ity of Silver Creek Falls. Ph. 34075. rUMBTS"trin Good lob for right man. Ph. $223. De cater a Maers. mechanic needed for general repair work. Best of waxes and con ditions. Marion Motors, Nash Sales a Service. 540 Chemeketa. " am 9Zif iWi a..uii I In ice cream.' to operate freezers. fuU time, yesr around. References. Write Box 760 SUtesman. Help Wauled Male United lAirjfinea Announ ces Openings for Station Agents Applicants must be single and 21 to 30 yrs.. high school graduates, neat in appearance and have ability to meet the public. Duties Include clerical work, radio communications, ticket sales, fueling, loading and unloading of planes. Benefits include chance for advancement, vacation with pay, per iodical wage Increases. retirement plan and half fare travel privileges. Apply U A L, McNary Field. 9 a m. to 4 p.m. WANTED " EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS. MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. L. ANDERSON, INC. n-cm-n Distributor PLYMOUTH I'll. 703, 360 MariOIl it. I i I Intiii rsiri Man IIIMirdllt.C ifiail EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR VETKHAN WITH SOME INSURANCE EXPERIENCE TO BECOME ASSO CIATKD WITH OUR OFF ICE AND EVENTUALLY WORK UP TO DE- ri"'?. "1? ? ACWtPAIPiTEU IN SALEM A1MU VI CINITY. WE WRITE EVERY FORM OF INSURANCE. RICHARD G. SEV- ERIN AGENCY - 212 N. HIGH ST, SENATOR HOTEL BUILDING Top Salary and Bonus for a combination body and fender and painter who can estimate repair Jons Salerrvs most modern shop. Ask for Van. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 355 H. Liberty , Phone 7001 JOBS rORAnETERANS Yanut Legion Service Office. 370', State St. Ph. 5581 WANTED: Shop man. Apply in per son. Western Auto Supply. MECHANIC for leading Auto and Truck dealer. Must be A-l and famil iar with Chrysler products. See Mr. Elliott, service manager Stan. Baker Motors. Dodge-Plymouth distributor. 529 Chemeketa. Phone 4119. ART 6J COOKlNGr"for an auto l mechanic lubrication body and I metal work Job S-cuty work week S? uton '.'rSorTa.'wrT ..Til. T log conditions - other advantages Loder Bros, Old mobile dealers, have I opening for experienced, conscientious i workmen interested In rurther devel- opmtnt and improvement. Apply in person if qualified. 465 Center St JOURNEYMAN MEAT CUTTERS WANTED Pleasant working conditions. Rea sonable hours, salary and Bonus. See T. M. MEDFORD Safeway Stores. Incorporated 208 MrGilchriat Bldg. Phone Mil Help Wanted Female PART or full time atenoeraoher O. W. Emmons. 1780 Court. Phone 849 STENOGRAPHER for real estate a Insurance office. Experience helpful i w v . ppij Adolph. Inc.. llOix N. Commercial WAITRESS. Victory Cafe. 166 S. Lib WANTED: Young girl er young wo- I ntan to go to beach with young couple for mentn of Aug. to help care for enikj ana light housework, oood wages t-errnaneni work on return u aeaireo I WANTED! Woman for eookina and housework . Ph. 749. ASSISTA4TccovnUnL Fb7to4V FgJUENCXD Alteration woman wanted. Good salary and steady em nlnvment Clei-nanttv ThU Strt Katt Bank. . WAT r: Woman for very light house k. Partial car of 1 rouni- sters 1 and 7. Days only. Sunday off. seo a month, call after 7 p m. los n. ran WANTED: Housekeeper companion ror eioeriy woman in modern beacn horn uriver preferred. Good wage. Ph 7140 GIRL For general office and counter work, permanent witn advancement S day week. 100 8. Corn t Portland um ana coxe to. TELEPI?dN'ir Switch board operator Steady postition. Good wages. Marion Hotel HOUSE Mother, registered nurse, one couple! woman to supervise laundry ana man for maintainence work). Ph. 23022. "HOUSE Keeper in country home. I adults, no hesvy work. 3 ml. west Salem. Dallas highway. Box 469. WANTED: Stenographer for state work. Apply corporation dept . 818 state offfc bldg. SILK Finisher experience neces sary." 80c per hour. Peacock Cleaners 485 Center. GIRL Or woman for housework and assist invalid. Box 763. Statesman GIRL Or woman as companion to lady at beach. Ph. $882. WArTRXSS wanted: Hours $ to 4 30 ger. state Office Bldg.. 12th a Court YOUNGIady with some bookkeeping and typing exp, good appearance, and who enjoys meeting the public Excel. hours. 40 nr. wk. $34. time and U for overtime. Write Statesman Box 759 today for appointment. WANTED:-House keeper 'no washing plain cooking permanent work aao. Room it board. Mrs. E. L. Gates. Rt. 1 Jefferson WILL GIVE women good home, room mna board to stay with elderly lady nights. Can work elsewhere during the day. Ph. 3694. 1625 S. 12th "WANTED: Uaherettes. Apply in per- son. Grand Theatre. ALTEBATION Lady. City Cleaning Work, 1245 State Stj WANTED Experienced waitress. Good hours, Sundays off. Fades Coffee Shop. 1241 State St. "Thirr -Tcfrrn-e t I i x . s..m poaitlons in good depart men ta in local deoartment store Write box 754. co statesman. -. YOUNG LADIES. 11 or over needed to teach dancing. No exp. nec Prefer girls witn z yrs. or. college or equiva Arthur Murray Dance Studio, 133 s. Liberty. GIRL to work in ice cream depart- tor PortianH RnH jp WAITRjESS, night shift The SDa WOKEN Utttitn at Salem La dry Co. 363 S. High. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN Exclusive territory, liberal eoen in le sion. Smith Sales Co.. 971 Edge water. west aiem WANTED Real estate salesman Good opportunity for the right party. See Bill Sloan with M. O. Humphreys t - o . bs rsirgrounas na. Ph. S45S. EXPERIENCED Safeernarl Verget's insulating CO. Pit. 7591 Situations Wanted FIRST class carpenter work, plain or finished. Ph. 8281. WE Do oaintinc. Ph. 6750. PRACTICAL Nurse for private home or hospital. Ph. 33566 HOUSE Moving, heavy trucking. tr" P"11!. No Job to big. No Job to small. D and D heavy trucking f', a,r SrtJ!:?: c.AAw!-'P-l?k- Box soo. Baiem or PAPlAhGIJ(0XPhoM ARC Vou going to paint? For' a first class Job Inside or outside call 2-3406. My prices are reasonable. GENERAL Cement contracting. Stan- lev rage. Phone 23045. P RA CT 1CAL" hf ursinT In your home. Inez M. Titus. Rt. 7. Box 228J. RpRAYINC. Best work. Ph WILL CARE for ciUldren. Ph. $-1903. Situations) Wnntetl PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush or Spray. DICK OREY Phone 25444 1-148 Fir St. Spray Painting Houses, barns, roofs or what have you.JPhone 2-1324. SPRAYING trees, fields, lawns equipped for any Job. Ph.l-2303. VENETIAN- BLINDS" laundered, re paired, retaped. 48-hr serv. Ph. 2-4418 SPRAY painting your paint or ours Phone 4244) Eyerly At Got ten berg ' PieSchool Pla'ySchool. I3SI tateT Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph S43C AfX- WORK" guaranteed WTndows. walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Phon 4437. For Sale? Miscellaneous PUMP: Deep well, electric centri fugal. hp motor. Float valve a pressure tank. Priced light. Ph 27-F-3 or Rt. S. Box 12A. GAS" Plate, f itt ines.-ladders, counter. dry fireplace wood. kitchen table. chest of drawers, rocker, garden tools, wood saw. axes, single beds, coil spring and mattress, etc. 324 N. Capitol PAIR man's new cords never worn. size 30-3I. $5 00. Ph. 7039 before 6PM DRESSED Pork. or whole. Elton Watts. Rt. 2. Silverton. 1 mi. S. of Central Howell School. USED quart pint Mimxi A Kerr iars M. J. Renne, 3790 Sunnyvlew. h 34310. WOOD cook stove, wood circulator, round oak table, card table, break fast set. Jules Taylor. Rt. 2. Box 258. Fir Grove Ranch. BERGER furnace, pipes and regis ters. $70 Dinette, library table $23. 1675 Market St. WHITE Enamel circulating trash burner, good condition. Ph. 6923. TEAM wagon, harnees. plow Good heavy work team. Rt. I. Box 54. Jef ferson. 10 aouUi on 9V. 1 GMC. PlaUorin Truck, l'w Ton. Circulating heater. Enameled kitchen range. Batterv radio. O. W. Emmons. Admr.. 1780 Court. Phone BW4 GAS Stove. 4 burner a oven. Utenco mangle. Jennie C. Emmons, 1780 Court. Phone 8949. TWO 50 gal. drums and oil pump. Z235 Chemeketa. pn. 6o7. BOY'S Bicycle. 437S. Liberty. NIGHT-CRAWLERS. 2493 State St USED Meat block, coffee urn. french fry cutter. Gas burner. The Spa. NEW 9x12 Wilton rug and pad. $80 Davenport. S20; dressing table S3: iron bed. springs and mattress $15: dining table. S5: buffet S3: wood-coal circu la tor ' $18: 8x9 linoleum S3: electric heater. S3: kerosene heater $2. evenings S3 Lansing ave. ENAMEL Wood and coal range like new 43. Call 390 W. Miller St. or Ph 438 4 TRAIIJCR Houses. good"cnd 1 1 ton 16 ft. Vkrking. 34 ft. Mobilhome. Rich field Station. 2118 State St MODEL if Winchester 13 gauge shot gun. like new 841 00. Prewar DWM iuger. caliber 7 83 mm. excellent shape 100 rds e ammo.. $30 80. Single action Colt 48 Frontiers model, good blue. 7 in. barrel. 34 rds. of ammo.. StS SO Will trade model "B" 38 long rifle Hi Standard in. barrel for HI Stan dard or Colt Woodsman 33 long rifle with 4's In. barrel. Phone 8377 or call at 3180 N. 4lh st . Salem SAWDUST Water heater complete with tank with fiber glass cover and pipes S4Z9 rt . Cburcn TWIN Beds and vanity set. Good as new at 158 Girth St., West Salem call after s cm 3tKAtlJ& House. 20m7'7Furnlshed, bunt ins, cheap, rrs xvergTeen BLEACHED Oak extenaioci dining room table and 8 upholstered chairs Used I months. Ph. 4037. 3035 McCoy TlAftVtsT lacks for sale. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. 1308 N. Front. Sa lem. Phone 7007. 4BUTtNFR Gas stove with broiler in oven. 8139. 183 N. Winter M"ANSii iewePsfulova wrwt watch. Pod. con. see 00. write box 784 States man. MONT AO Wood circulator heater. like new. 3944) Center rt. Second -house west of Shell station at Mitchells Cor ner. LUVtStft 4 in. tongue and gruve siding, call personally arter 8 p m ne. Ci 380 Belmont. nt. ATL1 roster bed. twin site. ptT $341 CHIHUAHUA Pupp registered 7 ha. S40 Show stock Also 44 CMince 9 mo. female puppy. See 84 Lansing jvt $alem, Ore evenings VICTORY Bicycle and extra tire $13. Ph. 4631. FRYERS. 3rd house south of Labiah Center school. Mrs. Vern Wilson. Rt 7. Box 308. 1 PR. New Carl Zime feather weight binoculars and case $135. Ph 29557 1893 Madison. River Silt MASON SAND. CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 3-1986 3-31100 nroi your kitchen cabinet units Beavercrsft Co.. $73 N. Lancaster Drive . 4d7roT?STed7,hayrPl. 1-3783. -ALWAYS a big stoca--Woodrv's rurniture Mkt Ph $116 TjpITAfRS AnUoue ShoovlJk Court HOUSEFUL of new furniture. CaQ 3-1367 or 840 Plymouth Dr. ANT TO rliTYeaT oliTack fe male Cocker. $Z5 Spruce. "fd SaLI: tleeTfTig: Restaurant size Phone 3178 Wl BUY for cash, aeff "or trade. guns, pistols, ammunrtlon. boats or trailers. Don Madison, $90 No. High "DAVtPOTand cha7r lflrTlng wood Ave Apt. 3. Phone 3274. DA7JtY Men we have coconut meal again. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. Ph. 7007. 1309 N. Front, 6 H. $rOAOOinrolstBO$ Center SL COMPLETE kitchens molded from our kitchen cabinet units. Beavercraft CO , $73 N. Lancaster Drive. ITiTETj quantity ttubo elecGIe table model radios with wooden ease. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 358 N. Liberty FOB that remodeling job see 'Beaver craft Co. for your kitchen cabinet units.: $7$ N. Lancaster Drive. HHA7T4"W5sbicycle, kneeactlon and gear shift. 3093 Haxel ave. Eves. NEW Electric auto. 30 gal. hot water heater. White. Hubert Evans. Inq. Nelson store at Sweglc. ?LADS. Pembertons,.198y32YnT" REWar chromium dinette set. 6 chairs. 1703 p. Cotlage St; SMAL-7 8' rowboat suitable for" luck hunting or boys pleasure crsft. Ph. 3483. DINING Room table and chairs. $50. Phone 31316. 870 N Winter MOTOR Scooter. Agood one. New Urea, motor and good brakes. 60 miles to gaL of gas. 33mph. $130. Call at 1011 N. Commercial. LIABYS BTCYCUt ' COdD"CDNDT- TION. PHOJVEeaT; OOLTjEN "Cocker pups. 9Q0Monroe ""6ARDENTfactor. mile north an 'fc mile west Ketter school. Boies. CtNJt Cow, t wo electric brooders. J's miles South from Texaco box station. Home eve., after 6 p.m. James L. Fen ley. Rt 4, Box 331. LARGTtWardfibe trunk. Good d it ion. 330 ti. 18th. Ph. $-143$. EXPERT washing machine service end wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelaoa Bros. Furniture Store. 313 N Liberty SHIACLXS from Rosenberg mm at TilUmook. 2x4a, shiplap. ttoortng 4 other Items Lumber kiln dried or green on HH priorities. Ted Muller Trucks. Ph. Salem 31196. rUlXERB7uar.es . 17 Grant P 8jj7 STfitft repairing gt porta WoodJfekJ-Ji6MrSur TtfAt your home electrically. IVs convenient, clean, economical See us for free estimates. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 358 H. Liberty COAT MA N'G ERS. steel or wood. Kligman's. 383 N. Com't WE buy and aeU lurmture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods. KXIO MAN'S, 23 N. Cornmerciai. Fb. 9883. Fr Sale Miwrllanroim DAVENPORT' to recover 910 to $18 Iron bed, kpiing and mtfrea 6IO Gas and wimkI combination range $33 19110 Stale St Ph 75! STATE STRFFT rt'RNm'RF PlANO. FUher upiighl. excellent fond Mans F.I u bicycle. 170 Abrams Ave NEW Oreo carpel, new Inner spring mattress and box springs new wood and metal ledr. new table lamps, new and ureal occasional chairs, uwrd davenport- and chlr. used 7 pc and 8 pc dining room suites, used $ pc. dinette. ued oil range, uwd console radio. Wondry Auction and rurniture Market. 1803 N. Summer. No parking problem. CAST IRON wood circulating heat er $43 00. 1910 South Cotnmeioal PIANO Benches Tallman's 3M tt litr. HAftVm SACKS lor sale North west Poultry and Dairy. I503 N Front ttalcm Phone 7IXJ7 ELECTRIC " water healer, walnut bed room set. 4 piece; oak dining im set. buffet .round table and 6 chairs: davenport and chair i mar furniture. 219 W. I Jrtcolw or onone S4UA River Silt MASON SAND FILL DIRT PIT HUN GRAVEL KEIZER SAM) & CRAVEL CO. Phone 2-1749 Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furnl lure large vrtmnl or made to or der. PkckelU Furniture. 13th and Bute Wanted Miscellsneous A CARPENTER, 368 N. Liberty. CARE For children in my home days. 1311 N. Capitol. CLOTHES Hangers, wire or wooden", top price paid 362 N. t'om'l WANTED. PIANOS Will pa cash Wills Music Store 433 Mete St USED rt'RNrTURE Phone $110 " DISHES over 75 yrs old Upstairs Antique Shop 439 Court Ph 3-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used centres A lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 State CASH for your used turnltuie. Ph 7596 State St Furniture 1900 State CASH for used olano A other mu sirs! instruments Call 4641 dsvs of 9537 evenings or send description to Jaouith Music Co . 191 S High AUTO'oainttng ust a tnadt better by Ray ETTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 8503 USED fURNTTURt Pti $18 IF YOU "nsve furniture to sell see Russ Bright Ph. 7311 43 Court Miscellaneous LOCAL transfer, hauling and piano moving Ph 22812 C. L. Newton. DRAWING house plana Phone tji " !$ COOLER INSIDE That's your home thw summer If you Install West wood Supreme Insulation now. For free estimate cell Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177 Tree Surgery Trimming, topping. removala. Ph 3-43-3. . Dental Plate Repair TWO EOUR SERVICS IN MOST CASES Brine or Mall Your Plates tor Repair OR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State S Com Ph SSI I Septic Tanks Cleaned K, F Hamel. 1143 8th. West 8s lem Phone 7404 "TNTERIOTfl decorating and paper hanging done. Phone 3731. BEKINS Nationwide mov serif 7T71 "IgENt HArSclesned and blocked f$c LES SPRINGER 44 Court St ALs-cT.tARlNG AK0CftADlKfl PHONE 8803 ""CONTRACT HAULING. Local er long distance R L Phillips. Rt a. Boa "iPfEST PAINTING, bouses, barrui. roofs or whst hsve you. Ph. 2-434 Salem, Ore. Jack Boenlng. Lawn Mowers Sharpened Scottie Smith Plait Shop Ovyacset y lene and electric welding Tricycles and Kiddie ( srs reosned Pick up snd deliver. Rl , 7. Bos 37 Haevllle diat Relman's Gardens Phone 3283. 'Painting inside snd out. cwt KWf Pius 3070 " WEATHFR atripa'PuUman Ph 86$ C H A R IS" FOUNDATIONS. nlo,i brassieres A girdles A elastic control Also Masonile frocks Ph. 9498. Mrs rrsnk L Turner. 2605 N 4th WHY Not aole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to J dav service. Short Jobs while you wait. Alt kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipaon s. 328 N Com'l. ft. Phone 390. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. I -and Clearing. Dosei Work. Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel, Crushed Rock, Mason Sand, Concrete Mix. Cement. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1488 H. Front St. Salem, Oregon Phone 940 or 2184 Money to Loan General Finance Corp. offers money st once on csrs. trucks. farm marchinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced Ne co-alerters. General Finance is locslly owned and officered: was orgsnlred In 1927 ana therefore snows ana can ncip throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone. 1JS South commercial 111, a a tern Phone: 9168 Licenses S-13S A M-338 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or fsrm propertied loans made as amall as $3O0. See us sbout refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans 4s Leo N. Child, Inc. 344 Sta te gt "rifi $ $ MONEY $ $ We make aB types of personal loans Including furniture, note snd csr loans, for any worth while cause We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. For quick and effi cient aei vtea see or phooe STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 133 S. Rtrh, Salem UC S 118-M 3-3 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. rrn floor guardian BUtLDneo LICENSE N M 188 TAJTand Cmf LOAN! 4lfc and 9 Tour ewa terms of repayment with in reason : Caah for Real Estate Can traeta and Sscoad Mortgages. CAPITOL SsXTJfUTlES CO 907 Piorieer Trust Bldg Phone T163 prOmTT. pRTVATX TCOAltt SltVICl: Personal' makes loans of $1 to 8-OS to men and women On signature, rur niture or autoa 8oo. Co-algners seldom required. $30 for 3 weeks cost only 4c. Personal Finance Co, Salem. 118 State St.. Km. 1. Fbo-V S19L Lie, S-U3. M-1M. For Rent Rooms VACANCY. Lady only. 784. Room and Board BOARD Rosen, care of elderly lady or bod patient. Ph. 7I3. For Rent Apartments I RM. Fum It. hekp. spt. 1 et 7Ut St. W. Salem. For Rent House CABIN vacancy 3 mi. West on Dal las Hiwsy. Box 48. For nrnl SKII. Rasi,, floor edsers. pie tools, dwe polistier and lanilrr eietlikr dulls. Hawser s Rent A Tl Phone 3 4 SAVE $50 BY RFNTINO MV PORT A Ml T. PAINT SI'H A VI.H II1KAI. HM IN Milt WOHK or At' KIMOMILFH A CHILD CAN OPEHATF rtFASON AHI.E F. D PALM IK. IU0 IIANM.N AVE (OMPl.rTR' Paint kniavittk mulfit Howaers-Henl-A-lfiol I'll JM4 rtJRNISIirr) Office pace. also mail and telephone ei vice 1(4 S High LAWN Mowers, electric hedye turn mers and we4d hurneis Ph A Floor s an D er ' toi tetit Mm" aromerv Ward fHAlLEMS tut lent Saw pet ftx Wnrnlnii Mkt laof H s-umnvee TRl'CKn for rent V.hi drive Me Cune A l.ovell Phnne SSXS) "O-hRlVF. twikk FOR Sf NT Blanket furn 197 ) Liberty PI. 9n 'FLOOR Saltier fur rent Mars .all Wells Mtoee Phone 6877 GOOD Used PlaaUi H L " Stiff ' " Wanted to Rent REGISTERED NURSE A small son lely need small fur nt tied apartment or mnall tioue so h will be able to wo'k Boa 7SS Sldmuaii COt' IH .g Iiwiking " peimsnrnl lesl dence In Salrrn desiie to rent rlean apt or hourr in of near Salem No children or pet Vi i Me ' Hot 787 Statesman. 2 BFDKOOM h-e". unfuin W. mi I.I like to have tnltileae ! butlris M R Sliltfi I'll tAestem Auto. 7117 or I -eiMMi 37F33 HAVE You a small fuin. Iiome fix rent? Please call 7173 EMP. Gill desires sleeping un. Ph 24106. SINGLE' Business gill, working fur an established firm wishes fuinohed apt. immediately. Can fumlrh relet -ences. Call 7114 8 to days. WANTEO To lease' Prrullry place'. 300 capacity within 11 miles of Salem Or sniall acreage rloee in. lSJlJ N Front Ph. S5JI DF.SprRATn.Ynee;ted hy Aug II or before. sn.aM fuimslied Itouwr oi apt. Man, Wife and 4 Small bok Call Joe Waldner. Cabin 3. 3130 Portland Rd Ph 9197. HOUSE or fuin aii t'lt or 4ib urban For e. rrvM-e ir.ari and wife Needed at once Call 44C7 FUR.M Or unfuin house or apt Phone 6547 MGR of local R of local firm wants 3 or 3 xmi house in or near Kaletn Aak gr at saaj between i ind bed room for M RETIRED naval officer and wife middle aged, deaue tent place to live Prefer n are spailment Take an). thing Phsne 7)30 Verv Defperatelv Needed ' !ijy eieran with wife: and small child, furnished house or apaitnient Permanent post lion trt Salem Phone 4S67 or 3 34S4 ILOCAl.f buslinesa mari and familv. permanent, desires two or three bed room horde, ptefeiably furnished. b Sept 1st Best refeierw.es Phone 6IS0 i M A VL Unf urniahed apartmeni. young married couple, no children or bad hab'W 1984 SUte W. A. Olson SMALl.j Fwrmahed apartment ar house bv Sept. let. Phone United Air Lines 384S PROFrSAION'AL Man and wife want well furaiahed apartment. No chil dren. Bog 734. Slates ten. t or ale Real l-tale $-300 FOR THIS 3 BR home with large lot. .North near Keiser. Hurt Pichat Realtors Ph 3216 f.N. High St 98750- Large ' i "bedroom plastered house with rental apt. upstairs. Ga rage, laiae lot, Call Stanley Brawn with State Finance Oi.-Reallom 183 S. Hsjh St. Ph. 4111 Eves 25MI ' HOMES FOR SS One nest to rily limits with acres of dsrk, productive soil. Iuge old six-room house with plumbing Anotner t"''""' Two bedrooms and bath. SFC Ieo N. ('hiltln. Inc. REALTORS W MM sriB-ssv :w wmw u tssii ' wen f - p 344 Slatc SI phone 921 Sale ur Trade 7 Rota, I -are I R. DR. and kit 4 Btrin. be aeittent, swd torn , fur place, lelge coiner lot shrutts. fiuit. outside fireplace, double sal age, rloe u school, store, rhuirh. bus st dooi. good location $13 ntw 7 i arte for small er house Ph. 6T73 anytime J H Johnson, Oregon Real Estate Es change $5000 fiitt THIS older tjlpe' house on 12th St rut -off l-t 27xn ft Fireplace, wired for range, some fruit. Chickens pnd rabblnts go with place. Hurt Piclia Realtors Ph 3216 ( 137 N High SI Home Income Coe lis 2 furnished 3 tm apis A one un -furnished 4 tm apt North between Liberty A Com. New ele-rt. water rsrater. SS&O0 Art Madten 133 SUte St t Ph. leSti Owner Leavinp State 3 bedroom older type house, 's arte view lot on Pacific highway at c" limits, completely furnished includ ing elec stove, ef riser ator. washers, garage, good lawn, eutaide fireplace, fruit trees, with listttediale posses sion, all for SStWW 00. Terms, 3 1 acre sl f'enn Ideal for sub division, priced for quMk Sale. Call for Mr. Mason with R. K. .Meredith. Realtor Ph 8841 I7B S Commettlal FOfc"iAti:'aT"owNta 3 bedroom house, stiied for range electric wwter tsnk, fireplace. Vene tian blind. Clean hrie-de i out, with fruit A nuts Phone 3238 3 BR" HOMt southeast. t.R. DM Comb Kit. wired for lange or gss Elec. hot ; wster. Gat age IMHjo Call Gardner. Rurt Picha. Realtors Ph SI 337 N High St ROSEDAl.E SPECIAL Here is s lovely 8 HH home In very good loca tion. I rg MR ADR fully ratprted Mahoganyi wood work. hdwd. floors, fireplace, open stairway. Elec. heat, elec. cook A) water heat New Paint Fully Insula tjed At weather stripped, full basemen. lovely back yard with lawn furniture. Terms $13,300. Larsen Home Ixan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Servlre 184 S. ComljH Ph. 8389 - Eve 744 il 1 JkOO Molern rlean til. hon.e Englewood gliat. House 4 yds. eld Hardwood floors. Fireplace, basemen I . furnace. Venetian blinds Auto water heater. Wired for range. Garage Beautiful grounds A shrubs. Imsiied lafce poassssien. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co.-Realtors 13 S. High $t Fh. 4111 Eves 2861 IlI.McJ-4W;m haene ' Baei." Va firs, flrssurw. V. blirMls. oil beat Imm. Pass, This price aneludea esti a Olson l Reeve, Realtors 4 8 Com'l St. Ph $11 , Attention BY OWNER : For particular people - lass built bdrm boene. A-l rood . axep. beaut, yd, $. Inq. 138 Nor FarniaKed ar wiTTura- eaod eacnor Vet. ras-rteted aistriet near Salem. Can be See Sunday at !SUX -JfT Jci4, sfslt-.-..- IV Owner, art .a. I I bad rooas tueua e with all gas appliances ta trade fat large 3 bed rrn nauee Pti .1.-6407 Atni Monirt Also 2 houses, one a 3 bed m. home. the other has 4 ima . bath, very good St. Imp In paid Price 87888 C M. SANDERS. 331 N. High - MM For Safe Real Fstatei .UX k K(MM IIOMF N F lias' well and eler water sykletci l.leC. sir hester. gaiar, !-( k !.'). j $XI New 2 HM home t api V.la Di.t, Has drilled well and elec. wsieri tvi. lem. tiige U-t Ready to Sunt a inl. t all O. V. Hume Hl' j' State Finance ('.Iral(ors I4J High ( J phi.ne' 4:j FN(if4rwrM)li I I NFW AMI hit Ai M'Hit NM HOVtF p i e. n m n wr a KtHA lAIO.r, Ms M tlslt flivi KITf iikS, .PK K HKII NiMlMI (IX Ik TO I IVINfJ nlMlM NOOM UH FA HI Kl BATH. VtHYl MOTJMY IJ I.Nti ROOM IN HIRUS.FYE WAPfJC fl II. HASFMENT. S.UTO I GAS I f AT, lANI.I UiT IF YOU WANT A SMI, HOME I MATS DIFFEKFNT. THIS IS IT $ llam 1 II kfiifsinAN I NOSTIIfAUT, 7! sis T X)J KtW 3 HID RflOM VIRVlwriL fill T IIOMF LAHr.l' I IVING S'K)U Ll NETTF KIT "HEN. BATH An UIILITV RO.M oh, rt PNACE. $axk IsliWN V II I. HANDLE. I , A-C i J Pl.l'S UMAIL I HM) ROOM HOME MM'AIFD at'HUHRAN S' 7 II EAST. I HI K tMOM Bt' ,$. FII BrMT fR HAfO I j 16 ACRES I II.Hf JKTS YCAgf OI D 1 AC OPI N I'LOW I4.NO It ON. IlFrOI'l. VIFtr HI DtJ SITE. LO- lAirnrAST uni.vvhw, . 1 SI VI MIN REAL. Y CO I 212 N Hiriii I PHONE wr EVrS piONEj 7s7f ; i $V-k0 VFRY lit AT k'trsttlv .r taedi(Min honie North. Use ai' iwaief Ireater. oil rite slats H)e4 lr tar.e Attaeriei garage uiik unuk ! SS aSaS". Set reefef ! k-ra I fruit ar4 nut trees ' Nwv garden C M ka house. Mhj j , Realtors t all O V. Hun Slate I'inanre('t) 133 If Hifh .CS4r'r'-iin Price- rs.j eldj close $1750 Full 4 rin house about 3 in north on one acre. M. (). IIuniihrris . Co, Realtor .Tens Poll land Rd I Phi 7? 23M Vaiiiounds Rd I . PfM"." 3 BID Nhs, all f.istj I L I'tlce 7Vl I ' j 1 bed rrn rrxad home sjlaster bed 1st, up I stellent liiaklwfl, ll WI I 3 Bed im, atilrtlv .'-! burne 4 trs old Fsrellent ! attn 8 I X" C H SAN DIRS. Ill Ni HH Uu 3 bdrm Imtne Fast 4f town pi mo fr a outtk sale. See ha'pn Meddy. ... e Ik 1 f 1, tlUon a Iteeve. Iealors 943 S. Com I St Ph. 4Mx) Evej IKoe IOM horns bMsted! Eart 3 nriKi with appios. 4 lots Pated ir . gardes I I !.!; . . near bus line. Good , fk'tJeS some fruit and berries IPrkre 14 1 Aiwlhrr I tiedroom Nm WiVi full tnent located SMt ( lane! I'tilile room, gas water beater. lTmed ia to p. kesaki-ei Price $" j I 3 tiedraexn hcT.e Inct'ed Fast J Jet off State SI lt aosiiM Wnort r range, electric water i heeler, j Pr ire Com for table s4irin he1e lo cated 4 lUnks from ft'a'e buht.r.se. Full baaenrn. automatic ol fis"ae, wired for isnge. '( plumbing j Ft ee 9WSBJ i I New 3 bedroom pla.Sied houe la rated on etMMtt O ete-uiptd sere; Eass. Wired for issre. electr wser heat er, perl hsiflSHul flawss Ycmj 4am tk lite first to live mi that a u active r.-ci.e. 2VuO will handle Rostein A (Iohili. Inc. US', N o-tnerrlal t Phone NEW- t BR he-te Jr.rllt. ,ri.0 nors. wired foe range) garage.J if .wa puasesatrm. 87M t all Oarr.i Hurt Picha, Realtors Ph III 27 f H.gh'Stisat $r.r(K) Full! Price New 3 bedrnt Kerne, attractive rMe plan, attarrtod garae with .utility room I scaled Nertn on large M. (). Iluniplirrw V s k . ! ! U' Co. Iteaiiors -I'Ak S. 1 Pn. ta 228 fairgrourwts Rd" pw4 i we It 150-1 Br.DRhl flOWK. l4 sltape. sl Keir dial t let. t'il77 sragd j with e.l.a bedroom. Call Mrs, tsee. Kurt rirlia, lieallort S543 Portland Suf I Phte 6eTS Res Ph. $-fV4 j leeuo Attractive Isto b-n'l I 14- MMim hortte With unfmfte4 jupets.re. Auto water healer Wire-t for large. fierage sttarhea imniejisur Sinn. I i ( f all Stanley Brown with State Finanre Co.Kcaltora 113 I. High St I Pi- lf es . IJJf( Ocean IaLr Tract 8 A f ir -et cnaet bull! land With txj feet froniaae a ei eae.i ! I ihoif Asm adaptable for l-ualne-s dvelpti4nl aa4 suto romts $ee larsen i'ii ' HAWKINS $ kohfSTt INr $14n - 4 RM FLAsTrnTO BoVJS! north Near Ketaer Di4 4 tpM. aid bath, Itear M Ixm.I and ehurch. A f"S4 buy (all 1 ! Hurt Picha, Realtors Ph 3218 337 N ftlrh St, " BY OWN Fa'." S llrm Vtudei a ' ow-e, bargain for caah Ph 7114 or 4447 Ultra Modern1! $ Igc room home, gowhle purnbire, hardwood floors thratig'Mit Automat ic oil beat, fpeplace, fyll baaeirwlit, eta. Phone 34J4 flays ' ' ' ' iY OWNTH --- i MODERN l-ATE-HI ll.T HOME a 2 .tat Stale St 2 aSedraarns. Ire I re Ing Room , liming raom. K''i A Hsth: Hsi ri wnjod Flwf. Fii4tare rietlrk- Walee Heater. A j-t.etMi Stawdikkt txirrarr biped to sl !. I Altai bed gel are. fenced-in bal vardi J lrvaly Svttede Tree 1, waWiui I cherry, a tVuwice Tree, a 4 greiM viriaa. I I'oaaesston within 3 wee Pf j"AJ, IMMEDIATE POS4ttSl0h' $4 9f4) I in. heme llte l. fWra, Newly detorated Call timer I Huff HUFF RI AL ESTATE CO. f gAt-TOR- 1717 Center St. Phone 3-IS4 Fve Ph ? pt $3730 I hthnOOU HOME, il jilt, old on large Int. 1 I 4330-New ,1 bedroom hss ks SxHilh Salem l 86U6 8 bediaam bau-s. 6 years Oag on 'k sere Mstttes.4 fl.tofs, roeiclele. ly miMlein S75-New S bed r eon house on A acre Flee trie heat, insulated, sj-4 weaUier stripped. See Ken Doer far with I.. t ' . Etl Ryrkit. Realtor 9ft North High Street Phono !, OnjaonCDOlattsaaa AD VaTJlTls hjq Western Advertlilng Risnts tires Ward-GrlrfrOi Company. Isms. ; Saasi rrotkCk Eastern Advrt!afn2 Represent tivrs Wsrd-Grtrtrtll Camus rv, frws. Now Tort. Detrar. AUante. "3 Umber I '! . ' ISeifk Coast D(vf-iot . fluressti of Advertisixiat Faiered ad ff-s Peetefrice e' gUfe-t-Oeaeew as geeawd Class Marsee p . Bahed ra s-aewewe erre4 MeaAw efhee 21 SeotH Cesxmerr-U. gtreet. i iUBicwrnon Sua t-beerlgrftas) BUtae bt ASs ASeaneel With-si Orasjsm Daily and gaaciay, Ma es eaasa; 6-e t 84 8S. 1 yaaf. 9 alssa-ksrs 84) aaa v ae swa ae ar t y sa Foe By City Carrier. TS eeota a avenOi 88 s s see-- be edvaatre in MarUsi aas adjacesrt giaallse.