f That Qryog itatetmqn, Sqttim. Ot To dor- New York Stock Quotations N tW YORK. July 1 -yV Today's closing quotations: Al Cnem A Dye 198 Gen Food 54 Radio Corp 14"4 American Can Grn Motors .... 84;Rayonier 27 Aan Pew A .t 174 GxiyeT Ti MVRayonier PFD 37 Am Tel A Tel 188Gt North pfd .. : 59 Va ; Reynolds Met 33 Aotrundii 48 Int Harvest 45 Safeway 301 Atchison U6i lnt Paper pfd 120 Sears Roeb 421 Bendix Am . 46' J. Manville 140 Sinclair Oil - 184 Beth Steel 107 Kennecott . 57'g So. Pacific 634 Boeing Air P Long Bell A 29 Stan Brands,. 4Ts Canadian Pac 182 Maytag 15'i SUn Oil Cal 544 Caiif Pack . 43 Miami Copper . 13s Stew - Warner 22V fate J 1 49 Mont Ward 83 Studebaker 334 Cfcrvtier 118,Nah Kelvin 21 Sun. Mininf 18g Com;th S4u 4z Nat Dairy . 41 Union Oil 27 Cons Edi.Ji 32 NY Central 24 Un. Pacific 150t Corj Vultee 23J North Am Co 32. Un. Airline 35 Cont Irs 54' Northern Pac 28j Un. Aircraft - 29 Cror. 7.I . 33'2 Pi Am Fih . 16 U. S. Steel 88ss Vurt.M Wr ;i Pw Gas F.lec 43 'i Warner bro 45 Vi, rkjU, Air 84 P T AT. 158", West El rf 324 IXipor.t De Sf ' 211 Pan American . 17 ; Woolworth 544 Gen Eiectnc 46S Penny J C 52 ' 1'ortUnc Livestock PORTLAN D Ore. Julv IS 1AP1 I'lDAl - Satiable cattle 3300 total .701. caivet salable TV. total 775 341 atlte held omt market opnrd fairly rtive and mawtly steady un better ..reoe beef ciip wim steers much . 33 cer.la rogher improved quality .imidrrrd i.sr itlai cattle meet 4 :!h resistance. man dairv type . osta new SO cents lower, aoriie bids . ii rr.ed un. eer off more teveral da good g-ade teers 17 85-100 a at moet.y choice 1037 lb fed lor tana steer 21 OU record high, com-non-rr.edium steers 13 00-17 50 few lorfcers 18 no- So mfdium-food heif--a 15 50-'.8 0' commons down to 12 no uoC beef cdwi 14 30-13 Oil few 15 50 anrver and cullers t 1 1 00 thells owr. V 7 54) good beef bulls largely 1 fe 15;S sauae bull 12 00 :W ves.e' uttk to 1 0U lnr good , r.o.ce siartea notl 19 0l one lot :5f end few head 20 00 Sa.atlr hoe 4uO total 2SO0 market -vve ad h h is her than Thursday, op SO cents tbor Friday extreme .a minxi -rh..t 1SO-270 lb 20 50. suh1 17 50-1SIS ta 14 0O-17 0, od . r.o.ce leedi aK moallv 20 00 !U.atle firry, 2JtH) total 5VMI niar ri -tle 'ad good -choice apr m .ji.m 1 Vi ti', n iU.r 17 0O. commiin ediurn STartffj 12 0O-i5 SO few f eed -. a 12 St gw lin 13 50-75 one .t !I0 Cirt,ifit3oria down to nt. g'od ea : 50 cu.t down to 3 00 I'ortlanii I'roduce FORTI-AND Ore July IJ - lAPi HuT.r-t: -terflativai firat quality "lamrr an. uS S of 1 per cent acidity. ei:ered In Portland. 7i-7c lb. pr niurr dua!:, maximum of 35 of 1 ;r cert ac.ditv:. 79-BOc lb. aecond qual tj 7T t-7ac vaiiev routea and country poirta 2c ru t.lan firat or 78', -77c Chert -SeiVir price to Portland I e tauer Oiriur. nr.fle 4J-44C lb. loaf. 44-45 lb Trp.: 42', -43' , cent Butler AA grade prints i93 scorel. 75-73", rajtoca 73c'. A grade printa SI arrr Tl ,t carloni 73 l-4c. no quota ;n on B grade print Lsf-To rriailert AA grade targe. 4ac A 4c. medium. 43c. an, all pu.i: I. 3 c T-tF- F"ui cfiatee from farmers: Cur rrr.x receipts 4J-4.V-. bu)era pay 5-10c tx-u below r.l:ir.s price on others. Puu tri - Live chickens-No 1 broil ers 1 -2 !( Mic freri 2-31, lbs. ar rtiatr oer 3', lbs, 4- Col ored fr. i .; weights JOc. Leghorn urif a . wetarrl 25c Ih roosteis and 'tag I4-1k- kip No. 2 grade spring. IV under Sc. j fiwl rOc under No 1 SLabt it Average to retailer 44- Vc it i've &tr to pruduceis color Tiir. RADIO KSLM (1JM kt) KOIN r: he) a aa t l a ta 8 44 Newt News M-t Tsrrekpr Western Stars NW F Tm N Koin Klock .Vew s i N s Rase ai Shine 1 is 7 24 7 S O MacLeod . It Ciarred Voice of Hope Nelson Prtngla Ridin Aange I Bugler X t as t it t M t as Maven tit Rest Kiaven of Reel ,r.i Ami lira trir,ca i nsiim News Fred Waring Aui.t Jenny Rorrante Ore Cmraran Cal Sunday iXenny Baker aa t it t M t 4t V H L.i.d:f.r Hig Sister M I-wjiey Ha Perkins P'u.i all r Malonei M.'erpaHevCfTe toad of Life ta aa is it a ta it st Niew Kin Sins Ujrn Today (t rr estra Kate Smith errv Mason 4ng Along "ens a, Tim it ee ii it ii ta II 4t 7 Manners Surprise Party Be Beautiful IHaukhage :nanaht.e. 'Ma Perkins I Ethel. Albert Da Dteart i Wheeler I Young Family Listening . tarn Childr'n Hsppiness I Melody Co - II H mm News Hillbilly 9 h rock Motor News Uet It Eve Winters Rosemary it It it ta 12 44 i as i it I M 1 St News House Party Lum Si Ab ier Tops Today Com Band Meet Missus taw t it I M I 4t Once Over 1 J Anthony &rvnp Cuide Valiant I-ady Light World New s paper I l-aa I it I M 1 44 Confessions Art Kirkham I This Woman's 'Brld. Groom 2d Mrs. Burton News I New Melody Hour IHackst Wife 'Al Pearco 3ca Hound IKaltenborn IA1 Pesrce 4 aa 4 IS 4 JO 4 tl A Warner Rex M.ller E Johnson flit Frolics Rhythms State Traffic H Flannery B Garred t as t it t ta 1 41 News .Adventure I IPlrgtea Superman Talent Scout News , ITenn. Jed Cspt Midn.ght Encore Theatre With Judy IDick Tracy Tom Mix - I I Serenade 8 aa 8 IS 8 ta 41 G Heater lllnriM Nllht Life Am forum Open Hearing With Romberg ITed Ma lone , t ee 1 it I M 141 News IjMirnct Theatre I t'pton Close Bv Morne Rv Morse t as t it t ta 8 4t hardening Big Town .iow Mopprn faton Iswrence I) vincan s ea it 1 ta t 4S News 2 s (i ow ley O T t " "Seerin" C.rt That 'Ted Steele ia aa it it a e 18 4t A V a r ne r 5 Star Final Mews ITir v II II 'Songs Carle Orch Food for All Texas Rangers Band Wagon Orcr' estra 11 aa 11 it 11 ta II 41 II tt it ee Stewarts Oich Orchestra Oi 1 i nii a f t rt tra Venton Otch. I Air t lo Vrrivjfl News News " in Off Hilerit fcOAC Tl lllltt IM Kc 10 00 Ne 10 : Fit women. II 00 ( on ert Ha:: 12 Ul News. II 15 Tarm Hour I Kid em Cowtwiv. I 15 Vf!v T.r e 1 45 A ( arrer Calls: ? a r-e..e Bos 3 "0 News; 3 15 Mu Matet 4 OO Oregon Re- DRS. CHAN . . . LAM tr y T l-M as D D-t O Cbaa.N O. Cin.NENE HERBALISTS 241 North Liberty t'tsta'rs Portland General Klectrtc Co Office open Saturday only la a m to r-; p m . 8 to 7 o m Con ultati.'fi H.ockI oresaure and urin J tastts are tree of charge Practiced since 117 ed frvers Jic lb.: white fryers 27e fb Onions Oregon fieen. No. 1, 40-75C dor. bunches. Onions Waah. dry. No. 1. II 25-1 SO SO-lb aack: California, yellow. Urge. tl 25 Potatoea IK-al Burbank. $3 00-3 75 cwt ; ldalwi. 3 3 twl; Deschutes. 100a. No 1 14 00 4 29: SSs, f I OS; 15s. gOC. Klamath Falls. No 1. 93 75. Potatoes Cauiornia Long Whit. t3 75 hundredweight. No I commer cial 2 V0 Wash. Red Garnet 3. cwt. Veal Prices not stable. AA. 30 cents:" A. 2 rents: B. 2 cents, C. 22-24 cents; cull, lt-20 cents H i Fancv block SOc lb Lambs AA 2',e; A 25,c: B 22' ,c: C. c Mutton Fancy A. 13 I -4c. M. L2c. S grade. S-lOc. Beef AA. 30 -33c A. 20 -32c: B. 2c. C. I5c. canner and cutter, 22c; ranner and cutter bulls. 20-24C. Wool Valley, course and medium frsde. 45c lb. ceiling (government don rolled) Cascara bark Green t-i'ic lb : dry 20c. Mohair 40c lb. on 12 month growth. Portland Grain BSBBBBBWISBBaaiaBBBBBaBBBSaSSBBwaaaSBaBBBBBaBasB PORT1.AND. Ore. July ll.-(AP)-Wheat No futures quoted. Cash wheat (bid I: Soft white 1 S3',; oft white (excluding Rex I 1 f3',; white club 1 U': western red 1 B3't. Hard red winter: Ordinary 183'; 10 per cent 1 s9'a; 11 per cent I.t7(; 12 per cent I 8S.. Hard white baart- Ordinary 183'.: 10 per cent 1 S5'; 11 per cent 1 87',: 12 per cent 1 9', Today s car receipts: Wheat It: bar ley 5. flour 2: corn 3; oats 2. hay 2 millfeed 5. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press July IS 24) It It M Indus Ralls UUI Stks 102 4 47 0 13 S 78 1 . 104 3 4t S3 2 71 2 109S 48 5 US 70 108 7 tl 2 t4t 817 . 88 0 42 44 8 84 2 AGO j 20 10 10 10 Rail Indus Utll For 102 2 103 102 1 74 102 6 103 108 0 77 3 .102 7 103 K7 7I 103 2 103 tt 107 t 77 t . 101 0 104 1 107 7 73 3 Monday i Previous day i Week aeo . Month ago Year ago BOND AVER Monday Previous day Week ago Month ago Year ago KCW ( kc) KEX (UM kc) I Dave JWest iKnesss. News .Old ftrihgs I Bugler X Farm Time I Roundup Boys I I Agronsfc y ism Hsyes IJames Abba ifa1 Oub 'James Abbe News. Kneass 'lne Journey Fletcher I Clamour I Breakfast sOuldlng Light Heme Edition iTndav's Child :0 Drske I In White I True Story l Masquerade Kneass. News (Kennedy StelU Dallas Stars Today I .or en Jones Ladles Wldder Brown I ClYl Marries Fsces Life Plain Bill Berctn Find Ma iMus Memories 'Hymns Front Page I Road of Life 'David Harum I Aunt Mary I Dir. Paul What's Doing Kay West ID. Anderson lAlrlane Trio I Stars Today K2Q Matinee Footlights Northwest Hey Motorist I Hop. Harrlgan Man. I Negro Muses I- i it. tsaira Supper Club Orch F. La w ton Frolics I From There I From There It .oaf Listen I Range Riders News Orch F faring Sing 'Lum n Abner IBrown Dots I Dark Ventura Stor tllwd Muale Retribution 1 - Mlwd Theatre 'News Dance Parade I I Music at 10 I Rhythm JConcert Hour t News I Orchestrs j Orchestra News ligti Off '1 -; i News Club Orch. X"tra Hour porter. 4 It Music Matinee: 4 45 Un der Capitol Dome; t 00 On Upbeat: 5 55 Spotting Sports: 00 News; 0:13 American Psgeant; S.30 Behind the News: 8 43 Round the Campflre: 7:15 ; Eve Farm Hour; I 00 Band Concert; t It All Veterans; t 30 Music That j Endures. I 10 News; t 45 Eve. Medlta- I Hons. 10 tW Sign Off. )exc 1 I For BETTER HEALTH Correct 4 HEMORRHOIDS Files I tlNTt 1.4 a MMI Rr: PROLANS and other Rectal conditions. Mo bos pitailaation. Free de scriptive booklet. Dr. K. Reynolds Clinic N4TIRO - PROCTOLOGIST lit . Liberty at. Saless. Ore. Pnone Otaa i fr- 1 1 Corn, Oats in Weak Selling CHICAGO, July 13 -fV Pro nounced weakness developed in oats today and prices dropped aa much as 3Vs cents in a mar ket where the trend waa down ward throughout the entire ses sion. Corn .weakened toward the close after establishing a new high of $1.73 in the early trading. Selling of oats wag based pri marily upon easiness in the cash market, where prices were down as much as 5 cents a bushel at the close. Movement of oats in creased sharply, primary markets getting 1,510,000 I bushels against 537,000 a week ago and 362,000 a year ago. Favorable reports were received on European crops with Broom hall, British grain authority, sta tin, "two of the largest Importers during the past 12 months, Fran ce and Italy, are harvesting much larger wheat crops than last Tear." Salem Market Quotations UTTKKFAT Premium , .7 7S .73 .73 21 .42 .7 I No. 1 No. t BUTTER PRINTS , Wholesale, pound Retail, quarter pounds Half pound . Pound EGGS Extra larger Mediums and standards -POULTRY No. 1. hens No. 2. hens Fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Beef steers r ' Beef cows , Dairy cows . Bulls t Lambs, top . Yearling lambs . . Ewes - i Hogs, top. 180-300 lbs. . Over 300 . Sows .. . ... .. .43 .41 29 23 3S Pack) .IS to Jt JO to .13 08 to .11 14 30 1330 10 30 OS 10 SO It OO 17.00 Legal Notice Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned by an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mar lon County, duly made and entered on the 20th day of June. 1940. was ap pointed administratrix of the Estate of Fred A. Minzenmier. deceased. Marian County No. 12371. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby noUfled to present the same, duly verified aa required by law. to him at 410 First National Ban It Bldg. In the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the office of Otto K. Psulus. attor ney for estate, within six months of the date of this notice. June 23. 1944. Sarah E. Minzenmier Administratrix of the Estate of Fred A. Minzenmier Otto K. Psulus 410 First National Bank Building, Salem. Oregon : J. 23 Jly. 2-S-1S-23 NOTICE Notice hereby ia given that Dorothy Weiss, Administratrix of the estate of Ruby C. Mead, deceased, has filed her Final Account In said estate In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marlon County; and that said Court has by Order thereof designs ted 10 00 A M. on July 31. It-sS. and the Court Room of said Court an the County Court House at Salem, Oregon, as the time and the place for hearing of objections, to said Final Account and the settlement of said estate.- at which said tune and place all persona so objecting are hereby required to appear and show cause, if any exists, why said Account should not be al lowed and approved In whole and said estate settled and closed, and the Ad ministratrix discharged. Dorothy Weiss Admin, of Estate of Ruby C. Mead, deceased. Dated and first publistsed July 2. 144 Jly 2 --18-23-30 CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of School District No. 34, Marlon County, Oregon.' up to t:00 o'clock. P.M. on Tuesday. July 23. 1044), for furnishing 2000 bar rels of fuel oil. Specifications and bid blanks may be obtained front and bids shall be filed with the District Clerk at his office at 400 North High Street. Salem. Oregon. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this third day of July. I044. C. C. .-WARD. Clerk. School District No. 24. j Jly 0. 10. 1040 ATXTdRBIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of School District No. 24, Marion County, Oregon, up to 3:00 o'clock P.M. on Tuesday. July 23. 1B44. for furnishing and installing acoustical material on the celling of the cafeteria and stairways In the Sen ior High School Building-. Specification blanks and bid forms may be obtained from and bids shall be filed with the District Clerk at 400 North High Street. Salem, Oregon. Doted this fifth day of July, 140. at Salem, Oregon. C. C. WARD, District Clerk. Slaletman Classified Advertising Classified Ad Call 9101 Fer line. 10 Z5 Three Insertions per line Six Insertions, per line 40c One month per line. ...$ 1.50 Minimum charge t5c: S tL mln. 4t; f tL mid. 50c No refunds. Count words to tine. Copy for this page accepted un til I 30 the evening before publica tion for classification Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading '"Too Lata to Classify." . The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertisements pub lished In its columns and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject quesUonable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification A ""Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an address is for the protection ol the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The States man is not at liberty to divulge Information as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry SADDLE HORSE. Ideally gentle for children, also do light cultivating Reasonsble. W. KloU. RL 0. Box 3M. Silverton Hlway, - SADDLE HORSeT fine Palamino gelding, well broke. ', thoroughbred. 720 Hollywood Ave. FOR SALE: "l'fine Guernsey heifer fresh in April. Young ducks and geese. For Trade: 1031 Che v. coupe for Che v. or Model A coach or sedan or large seven passenger car. Home even ings after a and Sat. afternoons, all day Sunday. , ml. N. WL of Prtngle school. JamesL. Fenley. Rt. 4. Bx. 331. fOnTSALE: Saddle horse, well broke. Right price, right aize. right color. Also Chesapeake Bay retriever puns. 2 months old. Price right. See R. A White at Ramp White Store. Brooks. Ore. CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 2-iML Lea's Hatchery. Livestock and Poultry YOUNG FRYER DUCKS for tale. 3410 Sunny-view. Phone 3-1200. WHnTZD:' Fat and cantver cows for beet Dairy cows, neters. bulla, veal Fat bogs, sows, stags, boors Market price E C McCandlish. rt S, bos 373 Ph OUT across from bsll park. 8 t5th LIVTSt'BCK" Wanted: Cattle, all kinds, for Port land Market. C. White. Turner, Ore. StALUON "SERVICE Napa Flash. Registered American Saddlebred Stallion Fee 123 or 160 for registered mares at time of service with retura privileges within the year Napa Flask is one of the better bred stallions on the coast there la no sub stitute for Stood breeding. Owners: Mr and Mrs noy H. Simmons. Rout 4. Box 270. Sslem. Or Phone 01 or 2-1143. BABV CHICKS: weekly hatchet new Hampshire other varieties. PR. 22881 Lee's Hatchery. WANTED: AS kinds X livestock. Valley Pat-fclns Co Phone W3S WANTED: Boaf and canner cows, bulls and , veals. Will call at farm g L Snsthen. 1S50 Lancaster Drive Ph 21343 Moms or eves nrORT .Lt : fThTTatie fOT FSSy chicks every Wed. Boytngtonav. 3710 State St. Phone 4809 or SST4. RXBTSfrBVArTlQD: AU sixes 4 to C lbs. Whate 27c lb colored 24c lb, live weigrst. Rabbit skins, beat prices. Wire stretcher and other supplies. RL 4. Box SCR, William Boaaert. write, we Iukk t' Rbb,t Mcat Co- M1T c VAtl'P NEW-Hamps chicks. Col lege tube tested. No reactors. Phono Black 183 iCehrny Hatchery. Sllvarton. Oregon. Auctions FOR ; SALE AT AUCTION WID', JULY 17th. 10 AM. Bed. mavt tresses, springs. 3 pc. din ing room set. push button cabinet radio, dishes, cooking utensils, floor lamps, vacuum sweeper. 3', horse Johnson outboard motor, tools and many useful articles. . Feeder Sc wesner pigs, milk cows, heifers, beef stock. Veal and day old calves, horses. USE "YOUR COMMUNITY AUCTION TO BUY OR SELL Lane. Sudtell Community Auction ! ml. East of State Fairground on Silverton Rd.. Salem, Ore. Hop Pickers Wanted HOP Pickers wanted for the Mis sion Bottom Hop Co. 12 miles north of Salem. Picking begins about Aug. IS. Phone 22347 or write Gervaia. Ore Jon. Box S3 300 iHOP PITKERS: Early August. Clean Vamp, lights, wood, water fur nished free. Register now. Mitoma Hop Farm. Independence, Ore. Rt. 1. Box 260. Help Wanted WANTED: Good finishing carpen ter, long Job. C. E. Lee. cor. Market and Pa r k . WANTED"! Experienced Try cook". Comet Cafe, 1204 Leslie St. WA"$TED: Reliable cook to take chaige daytime shift, co Box 744. Statesman. EXPERTeS CTtf Help: Silk finisher SOc per hr. Wool presser SI. 10 per hr. Peacock Cleaners. 4XS CenterSt REGISTER Now" for bean picking. Early beans, less foliage, good yard. Start picking about July 21st. Bus serv ice every hour. Phone 2210S. E. A. Kurtz. WAN, TED 2000 HOP PICKERS Harvest starts the later part of Aug ust. 337 acres of high trellis hops, cool, shady camps with lights, wood, shower baths and day nursery for children furniahed free to pickers. Grocery store, meat market and rest aurant on grounds. Register In person at ranch office or write us for full particular E. Cl.EtvIF.NT HORST CO, INDEPENDENCE. ORE. BOOKKEEPER "Arid office manager Dallas Machine and Locomotive Works, phone ISO Dallas, Oregon. Help Wanted Female WOMEN! Wanted Applications FOR EXPERIENCED READY - TO -WEAR WOMEN. GOOD SALARY. IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS. IN VJUIRE PERSONNEL OFFICE. J. C. PENNY CO. Salem, Ore. wWTlDETprf1cI.7l Zosel Co . Chemeketa a High St. LADY To take care of 3 yr. old flrl In my home days. Sun. off. 1 180 hipping St. ' W ANTED : "Housekeeper. New homcT private room and bath. Bendix. S100 per month. Ph. 0423. "WANTED: An exp. tplst for a good ?sy ing permanent job. Good chance or advancement. Call S273 during working hours. A LADY To do housework and care for 9 children for 2 mo. while mother isin hospital. Box 740. Statesman. STENOGRAPHER. Ins. exp" pre ferred. Glesy a Greer, 334 Ferry. Ph. 57 SO. WAITRESS At Victory Cafe. 100 S. Liberty. WANTED: Woman for cooking and housework. Ph J749S. ' TO A. WOMAN WHO WANTS A GOOD JOB NEAR HOME You. can do cashier and curtomer service work at a SAFEWAY store. SAFEWAY will train you for thy pleasant, well-paid Job. Vacations with pay, group Insurance, sick benefits. See T. M. MED FORD Safeway Stores. Incorporated 200 McGilchrlst Bldg. Phone 5011 GEfeERAL Office girl wanted. Ex perience not necessary but preferred. Wages 030 weekly. Write care of Ore gon Statesman. Box 740. CTRL to work in ice cream depart ment and grocery store. Saving Cen ter. Portland Road. WANTED: Finisher foTltnlngs In fur coats. Experienced seamstress can be trained. Lachelle s Furs. 1340 Ferry St. Ph. 6814 GIRL Or "woman general housework Stay nights. 613 N. Liberty. "WANTED" Experienced waitress. Rood hours. Sundays off. Padcs Coffee Shopl24l State St. - WAITRESS For' banquet work. Mar lon Hotel. ALTERATION LadT. CltyCleaning Work, J243 State St. EXP. WAITRESSr night shift. The Spa. WOMEN NEEDED-at" Salem"" Laun dry Co. 363 S High. Help Wanted Male WANTED EXPERIENCED Auto Mechanic ONE THAT KNOWS CHRYSLER PRODUCTS. MUST BE FAMILIAR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS W. L. ANDERSON, INC. DeSOTO Distributor PLYMOUTH Ph. 7703, 360 Marion St. WANT TO BE A . t w . . -H? SAFEWAY will place you In a mod. ern retail store as an apprentice meat cutter, and will train you to qualify for viell-pay mg Journeyman and Head Meat, Cutters positions. If you jfre jf returned veteran you can earrJUrney man wages while in tfainiiafT -.!e T M. MEDFORD Safeway Stores, Incorporsted 2U6 MrGllchrlit Bldg. Phone 3ill KITCHEfTJaiSitor. good wages, steady employment. Marion 'Hotel. Help Wanted Male BRAKE Mechanic, must.be familiar with . all types passenger car brakes, also light truck. Good earnings- Good opportunity foe advancement; Apply Mr, Klngan. 3U9 N. Liberty. Men Wanted! WE ARE TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR YOUNG MEN WHO ARE IN TERESTED IN RETAIL SELLING. EXPEREINCE PREFERRED BUT NOT NECESSARY. ASK TO SEE PER SONNEL DIRECTOR. J. C. PENNY CO. Salem, Ore. WANTED": Mid3le aged man for permanent work. Doing yard work around home and part time store work. This at a good Job and will develop into an interesting proposi tion for right man. Inquire Hogg Bros.. 200 State St. MECHANIC for leading Auto and Truck dealer. Must be A-l and famil iar with Chrysler products. See Mr. Elliott, service manager Stan. Baker Motors. Dodge-Plymouth distributor. 523 Chemeketa. Phone 4110. JOBS FOR ' VETERANS Yank Legion Service Office. 370'h State St. Ph. 3301. V6UNC5i4AN. high school graduate, to work In furniture store. Ambitious with desire to learn. Good opportunity for advancement. Hogg Bros.. 200 State St ; ARE YOU LOOKING for an auto mechanic lubrication body and metal work Job 3 -day work week substantial extra earnings compe tent supervision ideal shop as work ing conditions other advantages Loder Bros, Oldmobile dealers, have opening for experienced, conscientious workmen interested in further devel opment and Irr.provemenL Apply in person Ifqualificd. 403 Center St WANTfi): Experienced truck driver and yard man for local retail lumber yard. Write Box 747 Statesman. JOURNEYMAN-MEAT CUTTERS WANTED Pleasant working conditions. Rea sonable hours, salary and Bonus. See T M. MEDFORD Safeway Stores. Incorporsted 200 McGilchrlst Bldg. Phone 3611 Salesmen Wanted WEST Coast company needs two salesmen. Call OQSS tor appointment. " WANTED: Reliable specialty "sales man for new line of product Guar antee and commission. J'h. SoOO. Situations Wanted PAINTING. Sprav or brush. Free estimates 171 N. 13 th. WILL Take care of children by hour or day 100 Union. Rear apartment. CHILDREN Cared for in "my" home days or evenings. Ph. 21302. ELVRUN and Cox general contrac tors Open for contracts, csll 330 Bel mont personally after 3 p m. eve. " WILL Care for children nights, your home or m inc. Ph. 838 1 . Brush Painting, no delay. Free matePh. 24588. AREVou going to paint? For a first class job inside or outside call 2-3400. M v prices are reasonable & E.N ERA L Cement contracting. Stari- leyFarg; Phone 23043 PAPER HANGING":" Phone 4400. TrEE Spraying. Best work7Ph. 2-2022. BABY SITTER. Any night after 0 Ph. 7190 WTLT eATtEfor childrenJPh. i-l05 SPRAYING trees, fields, lawns equipped for any Job. Ph. 2-2303 PAINTER AND DECORATOR Interior or Exterior. Brush, or Spray. DICK OREY Phone 23444 ir I14SFtr " trVTLL" PLOW" A rover crop disc w crawler tractor, f none z-zizv. VENETIAN BLINDS" Uundered7-re- paired, retaped, 40-hr. serv. Ph. 2-4411 SPRAY painUng your paint or ours Phone 424SEerly g, Gottcnhcrg ""preschool Playschool. 13S1 Slate Ages 2-0 Part or all day Ph 0430 ALL W'ORK-guaranteed Windows, waits, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed: Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service. Phono 4437. For Sale Miscellaneous 4 BURNER Auto, gas range. Ph 2; 1778 TTVO" Prof esakmeOennfa racket, one casting reel. Zeiss Super Ikonta B Camei a, complete with case filters and bantum size adapter. Please csll 2437S s Wood ranges fit 30 to SSS 00. Book cases 34 SO to S12 85. 0x12 rugs $4 30 to 122 50. Pictures 45c to tit SO. STATE STREET FURNITURE 100 Stajle St Ph. 73QQ 15 FT. oC solid oak and natural color office counter in sections with built in drawers compartments and money drawers in good cond Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.,3U Maaonic Bldg i WHEEL Trailer, detachable rack. 4tlres. 2 new. 303 00. 2442 Lee. WOOD Range and large "circulator heater, almost new. 533 La r sen ave. ALMOST New apt. size A. B. elec tric range $90. A. W. Sahll. Rt. 3. Box 272A. Salem at Macleay. BED. 2 springs. 0 leather seat din. chairs and buffet. 343 S. Winter ACEYTLENE. welding and"" burning outfit. 14 tips, extension, gauges, hose, torches, goggles, flux, hardwood rase and tank cart, all for Sao. SS Center. LAWN" and GARDEN TOOLS YEATER APPLIANCE CO 2S3 N. LIBERTY Two-Way Talkie and intercommun ication telephone sets. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N. LIBERTY Myrtle Wood I have several 1000 ft of this very precious wood. Located S miles west of Cheshire. Oregon, on 36 Florence RoacTD. E. Terpin. CASH"PAlD for oldi bioken dis carded jewelry, gold or gold-plated 2301 State KITCHEN and bathroom fixtures YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. LIBERTY "SETFAST ranvaa paint will dresa up your awnlnes and outdoor furniture YEATER APPLIANCE CO ?N LIBERTY NJGHT CRAWLERS. 24S3SjalsSt. FARMERS Attention: Electric and battery fence controllers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N LIBERTY ELECTRIC desk snd mantle cloths YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N 1 IHKHTY PIANO Hem-lies Tallman s 33 S llth ' SINGLE and two-burner ho plates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. LIBERTY liEAT your home electrically It's convenient, clean, economical See us for free estimates YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N Liberty ' FIGURINES and small gift items. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY INDIRECT florTamps and torchiers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233N. LIBERTY POWERFUL IMube Tropic "Mattel table model clec. radio built for over seas service, ideal for outdoors or cosstsl localities. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 NLiberty COMMERCIAL; electric "auto.iu.4ic four burner ranges. Ideal for restaur ant club or farm use YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253, N. LIBERTY 2!W" ft", of 1x6 No. E rustic, new lumber. $97.30. just w hat 1 paid. Pa cific Highway and Oak Hill Ave. Joe F. 1 -a rwn OH TKADE Console type radio and phonograph: Philco car radio: Wom an's bicycle: HiKh Standard 22 shot t ; Rem Auto 12 w ith Poly -Ch. ike. May lag "uanhrr: Model B Fold, new ex tension zk foot ladder: 3U gal insu lated water tank. S30 N. Winter. Dioiic 0583, For Sale Miscellaneous USED Davenport chair, wood range with coils, reasonable 190 Vista Ave;J nextto Highway 9vE South. COIL Springs and mattress, good cond. tconom y jars. Hot water tank. Ph. 3921 J660 Center. KITCHEN Range with Detroit oil burner and fan. coil and fuel supply drum. IS gsl. pressure tank, hp centrifugal deep well pump. John A French, Rt. 8. Box 192 A Ph 27 F3 QUART and pint fruit Jars, will fell cheap to get rid off. Small library table Kitchen table. ISO N . 23rd. J HARVEST SACKS for ssle. North west Poultry and Dairy. 1SOS N. Front Salem. Phone 7007 COAT HANGERS, steel or wood. Kilt-man's. 283 N. Com'l. ALUMINUM sauce pant, well and tree platters, frying pans, rookie sheets YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N. LIBERTY WOOD CIRCULATING stove, lisle new. Also baby buggy473 S. 25th. ELECTRIC "water heater: walnut bed room set. 4 piece: oak dining rm. set. buffet .round table and 0 chairs; davenport and chair: misr furniture. 319 W. Lincoln or . phone S4ut. GOOD enamel Eureka wood range with copper colls, in good condition. Thear deluxe baby carnage. 1137 N. Com'l. t IRRIGATION system with pump, motor and 2200 ft. of pipe. 2310 Oierry Ave GENERAL Elec apt. size range S90. P, ml S. PTlngleschoo box 28-A PLAY Giound equipment, swings, slides, trapeze, feelers, sand boxes, lawn furniture and prefabricated play ground fence 2u23 Market Ph. 7138 DAIRY Men we have coconut meal again. Northwest Poultry and Dairy. Ph. 7007. 1303 N Front. PLAT.-kOTE.the paint with the cellophane-like finish YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY PLASflC CLOTHES LINE. Ironing board pads and rovers. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. LIBERTY COiLED TRAsil BURNERS. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N LIBERTY "C'M. iTjfiALlON" Hoist. 5p3"Ten Fer Sf 6AL" or" BRIQUET CIRCULATOR YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 NLIBERTY SMOOTllIES for perfect home made ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N LIBERTY "ELECTRICAL CHIMES, long and Short tube, mechanical chimes YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N L I B E R T Y DEKTtable and pln-lt-up lamps YEA1ER APPLIANCE CO 253 N LIBERTY YOUNG Berries, bovsen berries now ready. Frlgaards Fruit Stand moved to new location. Rt. 2. Box 30. Ph 24-82 FLUORESCENT kitchen fixtures snd single tube brackets for use near your mirror. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N LIBERTY FaRMTERS Attention:" WesVinghouae automatic, electric milk cooler, capacity sixty gallons YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 3S N. LIBERTY UPSTAIRlTAn tiquaSiop43SCort "ALWAYS a big stn. -Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph SI 10 RESTAURANT Stools, cook" gloves, twin size metal beds and springs. Dav enports and chairs, electric toasters Mason's Furniture. 2446 Fairgrounds rd. GOOD Cabinet Grand piano. Ph. 0677 S027 for information. 3 BURNER Standard electric range $75 00 240' So. Commercial. MA Ford truck S350 00 Elec. water pump t73 OO Good family cow 1 1 25 Oil East Onter St . and Sth house on right, east of Krueger's mkt EXTRA Good car trailer $60 00. 10O5 N Cottage ft or Ph 2334 WE Have received a shipment of Paoco outside house and Interior paints Howser s Rent A Tool Ph 3646 ONE Holland furnace, electric" fan Very good condition, reasonable Two garage doors, good condition, reason able. Phone Ml Angel. Oregon. Main 07. res Main It Frank A Neisius.. 10 TON Clover. $20 "a ton fn the field. Jack DeVaney. Jefferson ave "2 IRON Bedsteads, breakfast set and 4 odd chairs, high chair. Meet baby bed. Firestone washing mch. 990 Gar net. Call before Opm NEW"iig saw 13" swing. Ph. IllOJ 4O0O EarJ ave . $30 2 USED Tires 550x17 Ph 3439 FERTEX" Panels, shingles" and S" stdlnr Rt 7. box 434M. McCain ave . off Silverton Rd WILL BUY for cash, sell or trade guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers Don Msdlson. 390No High GUARANTEED FOREVER flashlights requiring no batteries, two and three cell fliahtighta. railroad tvpe lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE CO 233 N. LIBERTY SUMMIT Berry Farm. Monmonth. Ore.. now harvesting raspberries About July Sth Bo vseri berries at their peak. We have efficient refrigeration Call any time. We assure you quality and flavor good as ever. Bring your 12 hallock jjat, FARMERS Attention: Portable, elec tric milkangs machines YEATER APPLIANCE CO - C5S N LIBERTY TYPATUNES. music while you learn to type. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. LIBERTY WE buy and sell lurniture, tools stoves, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods KLIG MAN'S 283 H CommercUl Ph 0SS3 WAHL TVPE CAN OPENERS YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N. LIBERTY , DECORATIVE "and lighted house numbers YEATER APPLIANCE CO 253 N LIBERTY AO. METAL TOOL CHESTS, i EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N LIBERTY FARMERS Attention: Adjustable, electric butter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N. LIBERTY EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rails, all makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store 313 N Llbertv LIGHT UP your yard or driveway with an outdoor, portable light YEATEH APPLIANCE CO 253 N UBEHTY SPERTI and Sun Kraft sun lamps with timers, also heal lamps YEATEH APPLIANCE CO 233 N LIBERTY AUTOMATIC, electric sldrarm heaters YEATEH APPLIANCE CO 233 N LIBERTY "ELECTRIC pants ptessers and curl ing irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO 255 N LIBERTY SHINGLES from Rosenbeig mill at Tillamook. 2x4. shiplap flooring A ottier items Lumber kiln dried or gren on IIH priorities Ted Muller Tt ticks Ph Salem 21116 KITCHEN and bathroom .lighting fix tules YEATER APPLIANCE CO 2SS N LIBERTY Ft H.I .CH Brushes 1143 Grant P S.16"i ELECTRIC - ROOM HEATERS - fan steam and reflector tvfx-s YFATF.H APPLIANCE CO. 2i3 N LIBERTY STOVE repairing A parts Woodry Mkl . ISOS N Summer SI KITCHEN snd Industrial eshauM fans YEATER APPLIAN'f E CO 235 N LIBERTY WOOD LATHE, new. 700 llot LARGE marhle slab for candy mak ing 2210 S. Com'l J. C Jones BALED FESCUE and clover grass $20 per ton. Ph. 2-2720. Hi 2. Salem, liox 253. C A IVtcr LARGE PltllO iadlo. fueplace cur tain, dour chime. scie-ri dMir. 2 cak threshold. Enc clopcdia Hrltatinica 1505 N 21st St PHONOGRAPH, good cond Call 4H43 RIVER fILT Fill dirt, mason sand and gravel Phone 2-1749 FLORENCE "Oil stove 1005 Sh ipping CANNING APRICOTS Our Tilton trre-rle canning apri cot front The Dalles will be line about 'July -2nd I'lucr your order now. No obligation Puritan Cider Wks. West Salcnv i'h. 34.6. For Sale Miscellaneous River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MIX. AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-160 - 2-3100 Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive unfinished furni turelarge assortment or made to or der. Picket Furniture. 13th and Stat Wanted Furniture WANTED: Used furn Mason t Furni ture. 3446 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 2-439S Wanted Miscellaneous I BUY Guns thai are arasnnably priced. Clock Doctor, JS0S.J4th. f HAVE Some antique clocksT" Plesse call for them right away if you don't want them sold. Doc The Clock Doctor. 190 S 14lh. WANTED; PIANOS Will pay caan Wills Mutlc Store 432 State it 13 YEAR old boy wants home on farm for summer Call R. Ciaven. Statesman. Ph. 9I0L WILL Pay cash for good used wash ing machine. 194 1-wis WANTED Burlap or cotton bags Any kind, quantity or condition. Very small lots not wanted Give good di rection tq your place and number of bags you have. Schue poach Bros . P O. Box 301. Beaver ton. Ore. UED FURNITURE. Phone tl 10. DlHR over" 23 yra. old. Cpstairs Antique Shop 430 Court Ph 2-1443 WANT TO Buy. Used cameras" A lenses McEwan Photo Shop 433 Stale CASH for your used furnltuie. Ph 7396 State St Furniture. 1900 State CASH for used otano A other ntu leal instruments Call 4641 days or 9337 evenings or send description to Isquith Music Co, 191 S Blgh AITTO painting, just a shade belter ay Ray ETTER Call Shrocb Motor Co 8502 USED ""FURNITURE" Ph 0185 IE YOU neve furniture to sell see Rusa Bright Ph. 7311 453 Court Money lo loan MONEY TO LOAN WANTfcD. REAL ESTATE hioitsage loans, city or farm properties; loans made a small at $300 See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans ',' Leo N. Chiltls, Int. 344 State St. Ph. 9261 $$ MONEY $ $ We make aO types of personal loans Including furniture note and car loans, for any worth while cause We slso make real estste loans and buy real estate contracts For quick ana effl clent service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 133 S High. Sslem : Lie S 210-M 222 Auto . Loans Willamette Cretlit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING MCENSE N M JS FARM and CITY LOANS 4'. and t- Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts snd Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg P twine 7162 PROMPT. PRIVATE LOAN SERVICE 'Personal' makes loans of $10 to tJ"0 lo men and women on signature, fur niture or auto $500 Co-signers seldom required. $30 for 2 weeks cost onlv 42c Personal Finance Co.. Salem, $18 State St . Rm, 123. Phone 3191 Lie. S-122. M-IS5. t ; General Finance Corp. offers money ar once on cars, trucks furniture. trailer houses. livestock farm marchinery; contracts refinanced and additional money advanced: No co-signers. General Finance Is locally owned, and officered: was nrganlrrd in 1927 and therefore knows and ran: help throughout the repaying of a loan: Ap plies lion for loans made by phone 130 South Commercial St.. Salem Phone: 9160 Licenses S-130 as M-33S For Rent LAWN Mowers, electric hedge trim mers and weed burners 'ph. 3646 SKlL Saws, floor edgers. pipe tools, disc polisher and Sander, electric drills. Howser's Rent A Tool Jhone 3646 FLOOR SANDER for rent " Mont gomery Ward TRAILERS lor rent toe " per nr Woodrv's Mkt. lOOS N Summer TRUCKS for rent' You drive Me. Cutis St lvell Phone 06O0 "U-DRIVE" TRUCKS "F6RRCNT BlankeU furn 197 S. Liberty. PI. 9062 FLOOR" and"eT"7orrenr "MarthalF Wells Store Phone 677 GOOD "TTied" Piano H L. 8Uf7 For RentRooms SLEEPING Rooms for rent. Call eve nings 1505 Broadway. LONELY Sleeping room for gentle man or employed couple. Ph. 7064 NICELY Furnlrhed sleeping room. Employed couple only Ph 8360. SLEEPING IIikhii. cook trig privilege Also I room In html. Gentleman pie ferred 575 N. 2fth SLEEPING" rooms "for working girls Inquire) Saturday Sunday or any evening. 1773 Fir St. Ph. 2-1713. For Rent Apartments SMALL Apt. for rent Plv 2-4846 FOR RENT: 2 Bed" Rm" pt ." furnish ed. No children. 897 S. 14th. Miscellaneous Tree Surjiery Trlmtninv, topping. tymoval. I'll 2-4263 INSTRUCTION. Male Gorxl pay Jobs offered If allied auto ImhIv - fender man in dailv want ad " Put In a f w lifiur Meekly teaming weldins pn'rit Ing. metal work, etc Chance for hitrh waee or your own tum.- Write fur free Information Auto-Crafts Traliitng. Box MS, Sttt-Mun. SEPTIC TAN'k ServiceT 106? Flm St . Salem, J)re Jack Itoenlag Septic Tanks Cleaned K F llamel 1143 Sth Weal Salem Phone 7404 ALS CLEARING AND GRADING PHONE 630S Tree Surgery Trimming, topping. iriuuitli I'l 2-47S-1 DRAWING house planii Phone 921 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERV1CI IN MOS1 CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Recall DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Hldg State Cm Ph lll 13 COOLER INSIDE. " That's your home this summer If you install West wood, Supreme Insulation now. For free estimate call Western Auto Supply CoPh. 7177 "MEN'S If ATS gleaned" and blocked T3c LES SPRINGER 464 Court St HEKINS" Nationwide rnov 'serv 77T3 CONTRACT HAULING. l-ocal or long distance. R L Phillips. Kt 3. Box 3S8K. SPRAyPAINTLVG. ' houses. " ha, n roofs or what have'you Ph. 2-4248 Lawn Mowers Sharpenetl Scoltie Smith Fixlt Shop. Oxyacsrt ylene and electric welding Tricycle and Kiddie Cars repaired Pick tip and deliver Rt 7. Box 379 llave.ville dit Kelman's Gardens Plume 32H.1 PAINTING inlde and out. Cliff K ing Phone 3o70 WEATHER strips. Pullman. Ph. $965 Miscellaneous CHAR IS FOUNDATIONS. nlon brassieres A girdles 4a elastie contraL Also MasoniU frocks ph. 9499. .Mrs. Frank L Turner. 2605 jN 4th. I r, i nui soie rour iinott wiui! pre war leather. I to 3 day service. Short jobs while you wait. A kinds of good rebuilt shoes for sale 1st Clpson 3tS N Com'l st. Phone StrOf j NEAv-. Hauling. ' EscavaUon J and Road Building. I -and (Clearing. Doaer Work Ditching. Basentent Excavation, Sand. Gravel, Crushed I Rock. Mason Sand Concrete Mis. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1400 N Front St. Salem. Oreaea Phone S400 or 3124 For Rent -Houses! CABIN Vacancy 3 miles west of lem on Dallas highway., Box -49, Wanted to Rent VETERAN, Wife and 'child want 1 or 3 bed im house or fiirn. apt Good 'Terences tt c Hickman. 3023 S. Cottage. Pb 2SOM. ! i SMALL Furn-hedT apartment or , house by Sept. 1st. Phone United Al Lines. 3848. ; COfPLE "Caihes- place where can seep cow and chickens. Ph. SI2j L'NFVRNtSHED Apai Unent or am sriu Apaitment or rmanently employed hous permanently em lady. Csll 76i from t to 6 week days Wanted! Wanted! Wanted! A furnished house or apartment foe a permanently employed veteran and expectant wife. Beet of care guaran tee- Please neip us rind a home. Ph. 2-2926. Howard Harvey. . , HOUSFTCEEPING Room or small apt. by quiet middle aged lady. Write Boa 741, Statesman. ; j t' X 2 BED Rm. furn. hse No child r sit or pels Will pay up to $130 per ntionth. Wtite Box 742, Statesman j WOULD Like to Vent" either upstairs. baement or ground floor room I large enough for gymnasium- 12S0 Center St Sam Iunran Wry Desperately Needed By Veteran with wife and small child, furnished house or apartment. Permanent posi tion In Salem. Phoie47or2-344. MARRIED "couple need "apt. in or before Sept 1st. Will rent Immediately or when available Husband la veteran and student at Willamette. wif em ployed, no children or pets. References. Call 2-3227. I PROrrSSiO"NAlTMan an, w.fe'-ant well furnished ' apartrpent. No chil dren. Box 734, Statesman HOUSE "OR apartment furmahwd or unfurnished. Young married couple. " Phone 8553. J . For Sale Real Estate NELSON NEWS GOOD PLASTERED NO . $5000 1 I.lv. rm . kitchen. 2 s bed rms. and bath, large utility rm; with concrete fir . elec water heater, wired for range, attached garage. ! Completely furnished including eiee range, refrig . overstuffed furniture, bed rm. suite, etc. $6000 furnished. -J , ENGLEWOOD DIST. ON MARKET tWnpact home. liv. rm . dinette, kit., 2 bed rrris . hath on 1st' fir . hwdL firs, , Hi, place . plastered throughout; full t bsrrtt. with bed rm and utility jfactli : tie, autrri. fume neutraiiser gas fur- nur. elec water heater, furnishings ' avail. Irifd pom. possible, . j 2', ACRES SUBURBAN Ei I.iv im . din. rm , kitchen. I bed rms . bath on 1st fir . maple firs j fire place, unfinished attic, burnt. wrUt i furnace, dble. gaiage. targe Variety fruits and nuts. sutm. wster system. large garage For sa.e with urthafvest- rd riops $l0.3f. NEW HOME 23 AC. NO. All in cultivation. 1 a filberts. ' i mc berries, bal hay and pasture. Willm. and Amity soil, eutm. J eiee. I waler.system. new modern S rm. home, ) full bsmt . barn, marhane shad, brnodef I lioue. thM ken rwfu pump house, gaiage. Price of $11,000 includes: cro ' at time of sale. j EXTRA GOOD COUNTRY HOME ! 10 ar . gcHKl plastered cottage: ex i cellent view 2 ac. strawberries. 3 ae. corn. 3 ac Sudan glass i ' ac bysen. logan, red iapterr lea, gooseberries and currants, 12 fllb trees, some i cher ries and apples, On bus iclowe to scliooL $7330 Livestock, equipment and houee- hold furniture avail. If there do not meet your rxi Ira nian Is tell us what: you want. . probably have It. f , - NEI50N & NEI-S0N tTIET I. NELSON - THEO O. NIX-45FI ! HEALTOR4 I Rm. 300-3 Masonic Bldg. s State ft Ph 4419 or 4622 Evea 2-1350 Of tf 9 $421-2 "BED RI:jlsC.tthfetat Sarage, located north, tied rm. hse, nice location, isnge tt. heater Included J $4000 4', acres nice orchard, f-herta. cherries ' Si prunes, just off Sit -verton Rd. : I $7900 -Just reduced from $4450 n lea 3 bed rm. hse. (near grade A Jr. H S i ' I -r $85004 bed rm. home, concrete fnd4 (ood roof, elec water heater, jooo rash, balance on terms. -$55002 bed rm. he.( 1 acre plus drilled well, eiee. water tys. hse.' completely furnished lnJludirg washing machine, refrlgierator. liv St din. int. seta, bed rn suites, floor coverings. coffee tables, floor larr.pa. St piano. Lawrence Real Estate, Loans & In. Phone 7SOS 8904 Evenings sail worth .High $6500 3 rrxim house with utility wired for electric range and room, watei heater Oil heat. No basement. Cory ner lot 50x125 ft Extfs nice lawn and garden By owner. 1397 S. 13th' St. FINE IX1T SO'xItT in Enxlcwood Dit 2 blks from school. WtU sell or tiade for trailer hse. Rt. 7, Box SO, Portland Rd , :i J A HOME Wlh 3 'rentalsTM-ae of fer IJ70- Chemeketa BY OWNER ' 8 rmi modern hae. doyi ble plun.blng. on Portland Rd. Ph. S3 IT. ADVERT1SINO ' " - i.. I Western Advertising Representatives Ward-CrltfHh Company. Ine. San Francisco j Eastern Advertising Representatives i Ward-Griff ith Company. Ine. ! Chicago New York. Detroft, i tsoaton. Atlanta j Member j Pad fir Coast Division Bureau of Advertlsinf Enfered at Ike Portofftce a! !. Orrgnn as Secowd ; Ctcss Mo tee p lished eiery ssorwlsjp ercep Mosuieu. ! Rutisru office 21 South Com mercwii. Mrr(. , : ' :: SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Mall Subecrtptton Rates In Advance! 1 Within Oregon Dolly and Sunday. Mo. 80 cents 6 rnoa $400: I rear. MOO; Elsewhere 00 cen. per mo ar $7 JO ' for 1 year In avarM.e. Per copy $ cents, ! Bv City Carrier. 73 cents a month. tt ou a year In advance la Star too and 1 adjacent count lea. . i i